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Entus R  Poling M  Herrmann KM 《Plant physiology》2002,129(4):1866-1871
The cDNA for 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase of Arabidopsis encodes a polypeptide with an amino-terminal signal sequence for plastid import. A cDNA fragment encoding the processed form of the enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli. The resulting protein was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzyme requires Mn(2+) and reduced thioredoxin (TRX) for activity. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) TRX f has an apparent dissociation constant for the enzyme of about 0.2 microM. The corresponding constant for TRX m is orders of magnitude higher. In the absence of TRX, dithiothreitol partially activates the enzyme. Upon alkylation of the enzyme with iodoacetamide, the dependence on a reducing agent is lost. These results indicate that the first enzyme in the shikimate pathway of Arabidopsis appears to be regulated by the ferredoxin/TRX redox control of the chloroplast.  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetic properties of purified tryptophan-sensitive 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from Neurospora crassa were examined. The results suggest that the enzyme obeys a Rapid-Equilibrium Ordered mechanism, in which phosphoenolpyruvate is the first substrate to bind and 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate is the second product to be released, rather than a Ping Pong mechanism as has been reported previously. The inhibition by tryptophan was found to be parabolic competitive with respect to D-erythrose 4-phosphate and parabolic non-competitive with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate. The enzyme was inactivated by EDTA, and could be protected against this inactivation by phosphoenolpyruvate or 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate but not by D-erythrose 4-phosphate, tryptophan or Pi. This suggests that the enzyme may be a metalloenzyme.  相似文献   

Racemic 2-deoxyerythrose 4-phosphate was synthesized and one enantiomer of this compound was found to be a substrate for Escherichia coli 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase, the first enzyme of the shikimate pathway. When the reaction was carried out in deuterium oxide, an enzyme-catalyzed regio- and stereoselective incorporation of deuterium into the product was observed.  相似文献   

E J Parker  E M Bulloch  G B Jameson  C Abell 《Biochemistry》2001,40(49):14821-14828
3-Deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (DAH7PS, EC catalyzes the condensation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) with erythrose 4-phosphate (E4P) to give DAH7P via an ordered sequential mechanism. In the absence of PEP (the first substrate to bind), E4P binds covalently to the phenylalanine-sensitive DAH7PS of Escherichia coli, DAH7PS(Phe), deactivating the enzyme. Activity is restored on addition of excess PEP but not if deactivation was carried out in the presence of sodium cyanoborohydride. Electrospray mass spectrometry indicates that a single E4P is bound to the protein. These data are consistent with a slow, reversible Schiff base reaction of the aldehydic functionality of E4P with a buried lysine. Molecular modeling indicates that Lys186, a residue at the base of the substrate-binding cavity involved in hydrogen bonding with PEP, is well placed to react with E4P forming an imine linkage that is substantially protected from solvent water.  相似文献   

Metal binding properties for a series of metal-substituted forms of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase, DAHPS(Tyr), have been followed by UV-vis and EPR spectroscopy. The results show that there are two metal species present at pH = 7.0 and these are coordinated in a distorted metal binding site with a mixed nitrogen and oxygen donor atom coordination set. There is no spectroscopic evidence for strong M-S interactions in this system at any pH. Metal saturation occurs at a substoichiometric ratio of 0.8-0.85 metal/monomer, and the binding trends mirror previously published enzyme activity profiles. There is a conformational change for CuDAHPS under basic conditions, and equivalent protein handling for apoDAHPS leads to apparent loss of metal binding ability. Addition of the substrate PEP does not alter the UV-vis spectra, but there are small changes in the EPR spectra of CuDAHPS(Tyr). Further addition of the substrate analogue A5P has no effect on either spectra. Taken together, these results serve to link previous studies on enzyme activity with the recently determined X-ray crystal structure for DAHPS(Phe) and represent the first detailed spectroscopic characterization of the metal binding properties of DAHPS(Tyr).  相似文献   

The first enzyme in the shikimic acid biosynthetic pathway, 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (DAH7PS), varies significantly in size and complexity in the bacteria and plants that express it. The DAH7PS from the archaebacterium Aeropyrum pernix (DAH7PS(Ap)) is among the smallest and least complex of the DAH7PS enzymes, leading to the hypothesis that DAH7PS(Ap) would not be subject to feedback regulation by shikimic acid pathway products. We overexpressed DAH7PS(Ap) in Escherichia coli, purified it, and characterized its enzymatic activity. We then solved its X-ray crystal structure with a divalent manganese ion and phosphoenolpyruvate bound (PDB ID: 1VS1). DAH7PS(Ap) is a homodimeric metalloenzyme in solution. Its enzymatic activity increases dramatically above 60 °C, with optimum activity at 95 °C. Its pH optimum at 60 °C is 5.7. DAH7PS(Ap) follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics at 60 °C, with a K(M) for erythrose 4-phosphate of 280 μM, a K(M) for phosphoenolpyruvate of 891 μM, and a k(cat) of 1.0 s(-1). None of the downstream products of the shikimate biosynthetic pathway we tested inhibited the activity of DAH7PS(Ap). The structure of DAH7PS(Ap) is similar to the structures of DAH7PS from Thermatoga maritima (PDB ID: 3PG8) and Pyrococcus furiosus (PDB ID: 1ZCO), and is consistent with its designation as an unregulated DAH7PS.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase, the first enzyme of the shikimate pathway, was cloned into phage lambda gt11. The clone represents the first cDNA for this enzyme from any eukaryotic source. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was determined, and its identity was confirmed through partial amino acid sequence analysis of the encoded enzyme. The cDNA contains a 1527-base pair open reading frame that encodes a polypeptide with a calculated molecular weight of 56,153. The amino terminus of the deduced polypeptide resembles a chloroplast transit sequence. Amino acid sequence identities between the mature potato enzyme and the homologous isoenzymes from Escherichia coli are only about 22%. The potato cDNA hybridized to various plant mRNAs that are all about 2 kilobases in size.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa contains three isoenzymes of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase, which are inhibited by tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine respectively, and it was estimated that the relative proportions of the total activity were 54%, 14% and 32% respectively. The tryptophan-sensitive isoenzyme was purified to homogeneity as judged by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. The tyrosine-sensitive and phenylalanine-sensitive isoenzymes were only partially purified. The three isoenzymes were completely separated from each other, however, and can be distinguished by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Ultrogel AcA-34 and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate indicated that the tryptophan-sensitive isoenzyme contained one type of subunit of molecular weight 52000. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was found to be 200000 by sedimentation-equilibrium centrifugation, indicating that the enzyme is a tetramer, and the results of cross-linking and gel-filtration studies were in agreement with this conclusion.  相似文献   

In Pseudomonas aeruginosa the initial enzyme of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase, has been known to be subject to feedback inhibition by a metabolite in each of the three major pathway branchlets. Thus, an apparent balanced multieffector control is mediated by L-tyrosine, by L-tryptophan, and phenylpyruvate. We have now resolved DAHP synthase into two distinctive regulatory isozymes, herein denoted DAHP synthase-tyr (Mr = 137,000) and DAHP synthase-trp (Mr = 175,000). DAHP synthase-tyr comprises greater than 90% of the total activity. L-Tyrosine was found to be a potent effector, inhibiting competitively with respect to both phosphoenolpyruvate (Ki = 23 microM) and erythrose 4-phosphate (Ki = 23 microM). Phenylpyruvate was a less effective competitive inhibitor: phosphoenolpyruvate (Ki = 2.55 mM) and erythrose 4-phosphate (Ki = 1.35 mM). DAHP synthase-trp was found to be inhibited noncompetitively by L-tryptophan with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate (Ki = 40 microM) and competitively with respect to erythrose 4-phosphate (Ki = 5 microM). Chorismate was a relatively weak competitive inhibitor: phosphoenolpyruvate (Ki = 1.35 mM) and erythrose 4-phosphate (Ki = 2.25 mM). Thus, each isozyme is strongly inhibited by an amino acid end product and weakly inhibited by an intermediary metabolite.  相似文献   

3-Deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAH7P) synthase catalyses the first step of the shikimate pathway for the biosynthesis of aromatic compounds. Enzymes of this pathway have been identified as potential targets for drug design. The reaction catalysed by DAH7P synthase is an aldol condensation between phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and d-erythrose 4-phosphate (E4P). In this study inhibitors of DAH7P synthase were prepared which were designed to fit into the binding sites of both PEP and E4P substrates simultaneously. Inhibitors, known to target the PEP binding site, were extended using a C4 linker to include an appropriately placed phosphate group in order to access the phosphate-binding site of E4P. A small increase in inhibition was observed with this modification, and the inhibition results have been rationalised by induced-fit docking.  相似文献   

Bacterial 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthases (DAHPSs) have been divided into either of two classes (Class I/Class II) or subfamilies (AroAI(alpha)/AroAI(beta)). Our investigation into the biochemical properties of the unique bifunctional DAHPS from Bacillus subtilis provides new insight into the evolutionary link among DAHPS subfamilies. In the present study, the DAHPS (aroA) and chorismate mutase (aroQ) activities of B. subtilis DAHPS are separated by domain truncation. Detailed enzymatic studies with the full-length wild-type protein and the truncated domains led to our hypothesis that the aroQ domain was fused to the N terminus of aroA in B. subtilis during evolution for the purpose of feedback regulation and not for the creation of a bona fide bifunctional enzyme. In addition, examination of aroA and aroQ fusion proteins from Porphyromonas gingivalis, in which the aroQ domain is fused to the C terminus of aroA, further supports the hypothesis. These results, along with sequence structure analysis of the DAHPS families suggest that "feedback regulation" may indeed be the evolutionary link between the two classes/subfamilies. It is likely that DAHPSs evolved from a primitive unregulated member of the AroAI(beta) subfamily. During evolution, some members of the AroAI(beta) subfamily remained unregulated, whereas other members acquired an extra domain for feedback regulation. The AroAI(alpha) subfamilies, however, evolved in a more complex manner to acquire insertions/extensions in the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel to function as regulatory elements.  相似文献   

Chorismate mutase (CM) and 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase (DS) are key regulatory enzymes in L-Phe and L-Tyr biosynthesis in Amycolatopsis methanolica. At least two CM proteins, CMIa and CMIb, are required for the single chorismate mutase activity in the wild type. Component CMIa (a homodimeric protein with 16-kDa subunits) was purified to homogeneity (2,717-fold) and kinetically characterized. The partially purified CMIb preparation obtained also contained the single DS (DSI) activity detectable in the wild type. The activities of CMIa and CMIb were inhibited by both L-Phe and L-Tyr. DSI activity was inhibited by L-Trp, L-Phe, and L-Tyr. A leaky L-Phe-requiring auxotroph, mutant strain GH141, grown under L-Phe limitation, possessed additional DS (DSII) and CM (CMII) activities. Synthesis of both CMII and DSII was repressed by L-Phe. An ortho-DL-fluorophenylalanine-resistant mutant of the wild type (strain oFPHE83) that had lost the sensitivity of DSII and CMII synthesis to L-Phe repression was isolated. DSII was partially purified (a 42-kDa protein); its activity was strongly inhibited by L-Tyr. CMII was purified to homogeneity (93.6 fold) and characterized as a homodimeric protein with 16-kDa subunits, completely insensitive to feedback inhibition by L-Phe and L-Tyr. The activity of CMII was activated by CMIb; the activity of CMII plus CMIb was again inhibited by L-Phe and L-Tyr. A tightly blocked L-Phe- plus L-Tyr-requiring derivative of mutant strain GH141, GH141-19, that had lost both CMIa and CMII activities was isolated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The qualitative pattern of control for 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthetase is a stable and strongly conserved trait of related bacteria and constitutes a reliable generic character. In Bacillus, the generic control pattern for DAHP synthetase is sequential feedback inhibition, a regulatory pattern in which branch-point metabolites are feedback inhibitors. Member species of this genus have DAHP synthetases which vary quantitatively in the effect of temperature upon the sensitivity of the enzyme to feedback inhibition by prephenate. The magnitude of this temperature effect has been expressed quantitatively as the allosteric temperature ratio. The species clusters definable by allosteric temperature ratios correlate exceedingly well with subgroups previously distinguished on the basis of sporangial structure. Hence, two independently derived arrangements of Bacillus subgroups, depending upon very different methodologies, matched for all but 3 of the 24 species considered. The taxonomic position of these subgroups of the genus Bacillus is discussed.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic properties of an allosteric transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Tyrosine feedback-inhibits the 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase isoenzyme AroF of Escherichia coli. Here we show that an Asn-8 to Lys-8 substitution in AroF leads to a tyrosine-insensitive DAHP synthase. This mutant enzyme exhibited similar activities (v=30-40 U mg(-1)) and substrate affinities (K(m)(erythrose-4-phosphate)=0.5 mM, positive cooperativity with respect to phospho(enol)pyruvate) as the wild-type AroF, but showed decreased thermostability. An engineered AroF enzyme lacking the seven N-terminal residues also was tyrosine-resistant. These results strongly suggest that the N-terminus of AroF is involved in the molecular interactions occurring in the feedback-inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, genes aroF+, aroG+, and aroH+ encode isoenzymes of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthases that are feedback inhibited by tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan, respectively. A single base pair change in aroF causes a Pro-148-to-Leu-148 substitution and results in a tyrosine-insensitive enzyme.  相似文献   

The enzyme 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (DAH7PS) catalyzes the condensation reaction between phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and erythrose 4-phosphate (E4P). DAH7PS from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus has been expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein was insoluble but was partially solubilized as a dimer by the inclusion of 200 mM KCl in the cell lysis buffer. An effective two step purification procedure has been developed. The first step resulted in a high degree of purification and involved lysis by sonication at approximately 40 degrees C followed by a heat treatment at 70 degrees C. A continuous assay measuring the loss of PEP at 232 nm at elevated temperatures was also developed. Temperature, pH, and divalent metal ions all had an effect on the extinction coefficient of PEP. Purified recombinant P. furiosus DAH7PS is a dimer with a subunit Mr of 29,226 (determined by ESMS), shows resistance to denaturation by SDS, has activity over a broad pH range, and has an activation energy of 88 kJmol-1. The kinetic parameters are Km (PEP) 120 microM, Km (E4P) 28 microM, and kcat 1.5s-1, at 60 degrees C and pH 6.8. DAH7PS is not inhibited by phenylalanine, tyrosine, or tryptophan. EDTA inactivates the enzyme and enzyme activity is restored by a wide range of divalent metal ions including (in order of decreasing effectiveness): Zn2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Hg2+, and Cu2+. This detailed characterization of the DAH7PS from P. furiosus raises the possibility that the subfamily Ibeta DAH7PS enzymes are metal ion dependent, contrary to previous predictions.  相似文献   

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