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Glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSD-Ib) is caused by a deficiency in the glucose-6-phosphate transporter (G6PT). Sequence alignments identify a signature motif shared by G6PT and a family of transporters of phosphorylated metabolites. Two null signature motif mutations have been identified in the G6PT gene of GSD-Ib patients. In this study, we characterize the activity of seven additional mutants within the motif. Five mutants lack microsomal G6P uptake activity and one retains residual activity, suggesting that in G6PT the signature motif is a functional element required for microsomal glucose-6-phosphate transport.  相似文献   

Glycogen storage disease type 1b is caused by a deficiency in a glucose 6-phosphate transporter (G6PT) that translocates glucose 6-phosphate from the cytoplasm to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen where the active site of glucose 6-phosphatase is situated. Using amino- and carboxyl-terminal tagged G6PT, we demonstrate that proteolytic digestion of intact microsomes resulted in the cleavage of both tags, indicating that both termini of G6PT face the cytoplasm. This is consistent with ten and twelve transmembrane domain models for G6PT predicted by hydropathy analyses. A region of G6PT corresponding to amino acid residues 50-71, which constitute a transmembrane segment in the twelve-domain model, are situated in a 51-residue luminal loop in the ten-domain model. To determine which of these two models is correct, we generated two G6PT mutants, T53N and S55N, that created a potential Asn-linked glycosylation site at residues 53-55 (N53SS) or 55-57 (N55QS), respectively. N53SS or N55QS would be glycosylated only if it is situated in a luminal loop larger than 33 residues as predicted by the ten-domain model. Whereas wild-type G6PT is not a glycoprotein, both T53N and S55N mutants are glycosylated, strongly supporting the ten-helical model for G6PT.  相似文献   

A model for microsomal glucose 6-phosphatase (EC is presented. Glucose 6-phosphatase is postulated to be resultant of the coupling of two components of the microsomal membrane: 1) a glucose 6-phosphate - specific transport system which functions to shuttle the sugar phosphate from the cytoplasm to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum; and 2) a catalytic component, glucose-6-P phosphohydrolase, bound to the luminal surface of the membrane. A large body of existing data was shown to be consistent with this hypothesis. In particular, the model reconciles well-documented differences in the kinetic properties of the enzyme of untreated and modified microsomal preparations. Characteristic responses of the enzyme to changes in nutritional and hormonal states may be attributed to adaptations which alter the relative capacities of the transport and catalytic components.  相似文献   

The human erythrocyte glucose transporter is a fully integrated membrane glycoprotein having only one N-linked carbohydrate chain on the extracellular part of the molecule. Several authors have suggested the involvement of the carbohydrate moiety in glucose transport, but not definitive results have been published to date. Using transport glycoproteins reconstituted in proteoliposomes, kinetic studies of zero-trans influx were performed before and after N-glycanase treatment of the proteoliposomes: this enzymatic treatment results in a 50% decrease of the Vmax. The orientation of transport glycoproteins in the lipid bilayer of liposomes was investigated and it appears that about half of the reconstituted transporter molecules are oriented properly. Finally, it could be concluded that the release of the carbohydrate moiety from the transport glycoproteins leads to the loss of their transport activity.  相似文献   

Almqvist J  Huang Y  Hovmöller S  Wang DN 《Biochemistry》2004,43(29):9289-9297
Glycogen storage disease type Ib is caused by mutations in the glucose 6-phosphate transporter (G6PT) in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane in liver and kidney. Twenty-eight missense and two deletion mutations that cause the disease were previously shown to reduce or abolish the transporter's activity. However, the mechanisms by which these mutations impair transport remain unknown. On the basis of the recently determined crystal structure of its Escherichia coli homologue, the glycerol 3-phosphate transporter, we built a three-dimensional structural model of human G6PT by homology modeling. G6PT is proposed to consist of 12 transmembrane alpha-helices that are divided into N- and C-terminal domains, with the substrate-translocation pore located between the two domains and the substrate-binding site formed by R28 and K240 at the domain interface. The disease-causing mutations were found to occur at four types of positions: (I) in the substrate-translocation pore, (II) at the N-/C-terminal domain interface, (III) in the interior of the N- and C-terminal domains, and (IV) on the protein surface. Whereas class I mutations affect substrate binding directly, class II mutations, mostly involving changes in side chain size, charge, or both, hinder the conformational change required for substrate translocation. On the other hand, class III and class IV mutations, often introducing a charged residue into a helix bundle or at the protein-lipid interface, probably destabilize the protein. These results also suggest that G6PT operates by a similar antiport mechanism as its E. coli homologue, namely, the substrate binds at the N- and C-terminal domain interface and is then transported across the membrane via a rocker-switch type of movement of the two domains.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte aging is accompanied by an overall reduction in surface carbohydrate content. A decrease in sialic acid and an increase in D-galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine in the terminal position of the glycoprotein polysaccharide chains are also observed in aged erythrocytes. In the light of these and other observations, it is proposed that the newly exposed galactose/galactosamine residues in the desialylated glycoproteins may serve as recognition signals triggering the elimination of senescent erythrocytes from circulation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of activation of hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (EC in vitro by pentamidine has been investigated in both intact and fully disrupted microsomes. The major effect of pentamidine is a 4.7-fold reduction in the Km of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in intact diabetic rat liver microsomes. The site of action of pentamidine is T1 the hepatic microsomal glucose 6-phosphate transport protein. The activation of T1 by pentamidine may contribute to the disturbed blood glucose homeostasis seen in many patients after the administration of the drug pentamidine.  相似文献   

The structural requirements for oligomerization and the generation of a functional mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P) binding site of the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CD-MPR) were analyzed. Chemical cross-linking studies on affinity-purified CD-MPR and on solubilized membranes containing the receptor indicate that the CD-MPR exists as a homodimer. To determine whether dimer formation is necessary for the generation of a Man-6-P binding site, a cDNA coding for a truncated receptor consisting of only the signal sequence and the extracytoplasmic domain was constructed and expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The expressed protein was completely soluble, monomeric in structure, and capable of binding phosphomannosyl residues. Like the dimeric native receptor, the truncated receptor can release its ligand at low pH. Ligand blot analysis using bovine testes beta-galactosidase showed that the monomeric form of the CD-MPR from bovine liver and testes is capable of binding Man-6-P. These results indicate that the extracytoplasmic domain of the receptor contains all the information necessary for ligand binding as well as for acid-dependent ligand dissociation and that oligomerization is not required for the formation of a functional Man-6-P binding site. Several different mutant CD-MPRs were generated and expressed in X. laevis oocytes to determine what region of the receptor is involved in oligomerization. Chemical cross-linking analyses of these mutant proteins indicate that the transmembrane domain is important for establishing the quaternary structure of the CD-MPR.  相似文献   

The involvement of the carbohydrate moiety of the human erythrocyte glucose transporter in glucose transport activity was previously demonstrated (Feugeas et al. (1990) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1030, 60-64): N-glycanase treatment of the transport glycoprotein reconstituted in proteoliposomes resulted in a dramatic decrease of the Vmax. In this study, kinetic measurements of glucose equilibrium influx confirm our previous results. In order to investigate that a minimum glycosidic structure is required to maintain glucose transport activity, proteoliposomes were respectively treated with either sialidase, or sialidase and endo-beta-galactosidase, or a pool of exo-glycosidases which allows the release of all the sugar residues, except the proximal N-acetylglucosamine. Kinetic measurements of zero-trans influx made on sialidase- and (sialidase + endo-beta-galactosidase)-treated proteoliposomes did not reveal any significant changes in the glucose transport activity. On the contrary, treatment of the same proteoliposomes by a pool of exoglycosidases led to a complete abolition of activity, suggesting that a minimum glycosidic structure is required for glucose transport activity.  相似文献   

The mechanism of activation of hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (EC in vitro by pentamidine has been investigated in both intact and fully disrupted microsomes. The major effect of pentamidine is a 4.7-fold reduction in the Km of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in intact diabetic rat liver microsomes. The site of action of pentamidine is T1 the hepatic microsomal glucose 6-phosphate transport protein. The activation of T1 by pentamidine may contribute to the disturbed blood glucose homeostasis see in many patients after administration of the drug pentamidine.  相似文献   

Rapid kinetics of both glucose-6-P uptake and hydrolysis in fasted rat liver microsomes were investigated with a recently developed fast-sampling, rapid-filtration apparatus. Experiments were confronted with both the substrate transport and conformational models currently proposed for the glucose-6-phosphatase system. Accumulation in microsomes of 14C products from [U-14C]glucose-6-P followed biexponential kinetics. From the inside to outside product concentrations, it could be inferred that mostly glucose should accumulate inside the vesicles. While biexponential kinetics are compatible with the mathematical predictions of a simplified substrate transport model, the latter fails in explaining the "burst" in total glucose production over a similar time scale to that used for the uptake measurements. Since the initial rate of the burst phase in untreated microsomes exactly matched the steady-state rate of glucose production in detergent-treated vesicles, it can be definitely concluded that the substrate transport model does not describe adequately our results. While the conformational model accounts for both the burst of glucose production and the kinetics of glucose accumulation into the vesicles, it cannot explain the burst in 32Pi production from [32P]glucose-6-P measured under the same conditions. Since the amplitude of the observed bursts is not compatible with a presteady state in enzyme activity, we propose that a hysteretic transition best explains our results in both untreated and permeabilized microsomes, thus providing a new rationale to understand the molecular mechanism of the glucose-6-phosphatase system.  相似文献   

An oxidative metabolism of glucose 6-phosphate was studied in rat liver microsomal fraction. Although radioactive 14CO2 was formed from [1-14C]glucose 6-phosphate in the microsomal fraction (Hino, Y., and Minakami, S. (1982) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 92, 547-557), the formation was negligible when [2-14C]glucose 6-phosphate was used as a starting substrate. These results indicated an inability of the microsomal fraction to rearrange [2-14C]glucose 6-phosphate to form [1-14C] glucose 6-phosphate, and it was expected that a certain compound derived from glucose 6-phosphate accumulated as an end-product of the reaction. We, therefore, have tried to identify the product by high performance liquid chromatography, and found that ribose accumulated as the end-product. The formation of ribose was inhibited in the same manner as that of 14CO2 by antibodies against rat liver microsomal hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and the ratios of ribose to 14CO2 formed in the reaction were 0.5-0.8 on a molar basis. The finding of ribose formation further suggested the involvement of ribose phosphate isomerase and phosphatase activities in the reaction.  相似文献   

Human glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase contains about 18 sulfhydryl groups per active dimer (MW = 110,000, and it does not contain S–S bridges. Chloromercuribenzoate stoichinmetrically and reversibly inactivates the enzyme. Oxidation of the enzyme by hydrogen peroxide induces a reduction of enzyme activity, an alteration of the substrate specificity, and an increased anodal electrophoretic mobility. The oxidized enzyme can use 2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate, deamino NADP, and NAD far more effectively than the native enzyme. Oxidation of the enzyme by air at pH 8.0 does not induce a significant loss of enzyme activity or an alteration of the substrate specificity, although about 70% of the sulfhydryl groups of the enzyme are oxidized by the treatment.  相似文献   

The mechanism of glucose 6-phosphate transport by Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To evaluate anion exchange as the mechanistic basis of sugar phosphate transport, natural and artificial membranes were used in studies of glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) accumulation by the uhpT-encoded protein (UhpT) of Escherichia coli. Experiments with intact cells demonstrated that UhpT catalyzed the neutral exchange of internal and external Pi, and work with everted as well as right-side-out membrane vesicles showed further that UhpT mediated the heterologous exchange of Pi and Glc-6-P. When loaded with Pi, but not when loaded with morpholinopropanesulfonate (MOPS), everted vesicles took up Glc-6-P to levels 100-fold above medium concentration in a reaction unaffected by the ionophores valinomycin, valinomycin plus nigericin, and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. Similarly, right-side-out vesicles were capable of Glc-6-P transport, but only if a suitable internal countersubstrate was available. Thus, in MOPS-loaded vesicles, oxidative metabolism established a proton-motive force that supported proline or Pi accumulation, but transport of Glc-6-P was found only if vesicles could accumulate Pi during a preincubation. After reconstitution of UhpT into proteoliposomes it was possible to show as well that the level of accumulation of Glc-6-P (17 to 560 nmol/mg of protein) was related directly to the internal concentration of Pi. These results are most easily understood if the transport of glucose 6-phosphate in E. coli occurs by anion exchange rather than by nH+/anion support.  相似文献   

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