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Microarray technology has become popular for gene expression profiling, and many analysis tools have been developed for data interpretation. Most of these tools require complete data, but measurement values are often missing A way to overcome the problem of incomplete data is to impute the missing data before analysis. Many imputation methods have been suggested, some na?ve and other more sophisticated taking into account correlation in data. However, these methods are binary in the sense that each spot is considered either missing or present. Hence, they are depending on a cutoff separating poor spots from good spots. We suggest a different approach in which a continuous spot quality weight is built into the imputation methods, allowing for smooth imputations of all spots to larger or lesser degree.  相似文献   

We have undertaken two-dimensional gel electrophoresis proteomic profiling on a series of cell lines with different recombinant antibody production rates. Due to the nature of gel-based experiments not all protein spots are detected across all samples in an experiment, and hence datasets are invariably incomplete. New approaches are therefore required for the analysis of such graduated datasets. We approached this problem in two ways. Firstly, we applied a missing value imputation technique to calculate missing data points. Secondly, we combined a singular value decomposition based hierarchical clustering with the expression variability test to identify protein spots whose expression correlates with increased antibody production. The results have shown that while imputation of missing data was a useful method to improve the statistical analysis of such data sets, this was of limited use in differentiating between the samples investigated, and highlighted a small number of candidate proteins for further investigation.  相似文献   

Cook RJ  Zeng L  Yi GY 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):820-828
In recent years there has been considerable research devoted to the development of methods for the analysis of incomplete data in longitudinal studies. Despite these advances, the methods used in practice have changed relatively little, particularly in the reporting of pharmaceutical trials. In this setting, perhaps the most widely adopted strategy for dealing with incomplete longitudinal data is imputation by the "last observation carried forward" (LOCF) approach, in which values for missing responses are imputed using observations from the most recently completed assessment. We examine the asymptotic and empirical bias, the empirical type I error rate, and the empirical coverage probability associated with estimators and tests of treatment effect based on the LOCF imputation strategy. We consider a setting involving longitudinal binary data with longitudinal analyses based on generalized estimating equations, and an analysis based simply on the response at the end of the scheduled follow-up. We find that for both of these approaches, imputation by LOCF can lead to substantial biases in estimators of treatment effects, the type I error rates of associated tests can be greatly inflated, and the coverage probability can be far from the nominal level. Alternative analyses based on all available data lead to estimators with comparatively small bias, and inverse probability weighted analyses yield consistent estimators subject to correct specification of the missing data process. We illustrate the differences between various methods of dealing with drop-outs using data from a study of smoking behavior.  相似文献   

In longitudinal randomised trials and observational studies within a medical context, a composite outcome—which is a function of several individual patient-specific outcomes—may be felt to best represent the outcome of interest. As in other contexts, missing data on patient outcome, due to patient drop-out or for other reasons, may pose a problem. Multiple imputation is a widely used method for handling missing data, but its use for composite outcomes has been seldom discussed. Whilst standard multiple imputation methodology can be used directly for the composite outcome, the distribution of a composite outcome may be of a complicated form and perhaps not amenable to statistical modelling. We compare direct multiple imputation of a composite outcome with separate imputation of the components of a composite outcome. We consider two imputation approaches. One approach involves modelling each component of a composite outcome using standard likelihood-based models. The other approach is to use linear increments methods. A linear increments approach can provide an appealing alternative as assumptions concerning both the missingness structure within the data and the imputation models are different from the standard likelihood-based approach. We compare both approaches using simulation studies and data from a randomised trial on early rheumatoid arthritis patients. Results suggest that both approaches are comparable and that for each, separate imputation offers some improvement on the direct imputation of a composite outcome.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis on tiling array data is extremely challenging due to the astronomically large number of sequence probes, high noise levels of individual probes and limited number of replicates in these data. To overcome these difficulties, we first developed statistical error estimation and weighted ANOVA modeling approaches to high-density tiling array data, especially the former based on an advanced error-pooling method to accurately obtain heterogeneous technical error of small-sample tiling array data. Based on these approaches, we analyzed the high-density tiling array data of the temporal replication patterns during cell-cycle S phase of synchronized HeLa cells on human chromosomes 21 and 22. We found many novel temporal replication patterns, identifying about 26% of over 1 million tiling array sequence probes with significant differential replication during the four 2-h time periods of S phase. Among these differentially replicated probes, 126941 sequence probes were matched to 417 known genes. The majority of these genes were found to be replicated within one or two consecutive time periods, while the others were replicated at two non-consecutive time periods. Also, coding regions found to be more differentially replicated in particular time periods than noncoding regions in the gene-poor chromosome 21 (25% differentially replicated among genic probes versus 18.6% among intergenic probes), while such a phenomenon was less prominent in gene-rich chromosome 22. A rigorous statistical testing for local proximity of differentially replicated genic and intergenic probes was performed to identify significant stretches of differentially replicated sequence regions. From this analysis, we found that adjacent genes were frequently replicated at different time periods, potentially implying the existence of quite dense replication origins. Evaluating the conditional probability significance of identified gene ontology terms on chromosomes 21 and 22, we detected some over-represented molecular functions and biological processes among these differentially replicated genes, such as the ones relevant to hydrolase, transferase and receptor-binding activities. Some of these results were confirmed showing >70% consistency with cDNA microarray data that were independently generated in parallel with the tiling arrays. Thus, our improved analysis approaches specifically designed for high-density tiling array data enabled us to reliably and sensitively identify many novel temporal replication patterns on human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation (MI) is increasingly popular for handling multivariate missing data. Two general approaches are available in standard computer packages: MI based on the posterior distribution of incomplete variables under a multivariate (joint) model, and fully conditional specification (FCS), which imputes missing values using univariate conditional distributions for each incomplete variable given all the others, cycling iteratively through the univariate imputation models. In the context of longitudinal or clustered data, it is not clear whether these approaches result in consistent estimates of regression coefficient and variance component parameters when the analysis model of interest is a linear mixed effects model (LMM) that includes both random intercepts and slopes with either covariates or both covariates and outcome contain missing information. In the current paper, we compared the performance of seven different MI methods for handling missing values in longitudinal and clustered data in the context of fitting LMMs with both random intercepts and slopes. We study the theoretical compatibility between specific imputation models fitted under each of these approaches and the LMM, and also conduct simulation studies in both the longitudinal and clustered data settings. Simulations were motivated by analyses of the association between body mass index (BMI) and quality of life (QoL) in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). Our findings showed that the relative performance of MI methods vary according to whether the incomplete covariate has fixed or random effects and whether there is missingnesss in the outcome variable. We showed that compatible imputation and analysis models resulted in consistent estimation of both regression parameters and variance components via simulation. We illustrate our findings with the analysis of LSAC data.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic organisms, DNA replication is initiated at a series of chromosomal locations called origins, where replication forks are assembled proceeding bidirectionally to replicate the genome. The distribution and firing rate of these origins, in conjunction with the velocity at which forks progress, dictate the program of the replication process. Previous attempts at modeling DNA replication in eukaryotes have focused on cases where the firing rate and the velocity of replication forks are homogeneous, or uniform, across the genome. However, it is now known that there are large variations in origin activity along the genome and variations in fork velocities can also take place. Here, we generalize previous approaches to modeling replication, to allow for arbitrary spatial variation of initiation rates and fork velocities. We derive rate equations for left- and right-moving forks and for replication probability over time that can be solved numerically to obtain the mean-field replication program. This method accurately reproduces the results of DNA replication simulation. We also successfully adapted our approach to the inverse problem of fitting measurements of DNA replication performed on single DNA molecules. Since such measurements are performed on specified portion of the genome, the examined DNA molecules may be replicated by forks that originate either within the studied molecule or outside of it. This problem was solved by using an effective flux of incoming replication forks at the model boundaries to represent the origin activity outside the studied region. Using this approach, we show that reliable inferences can be made about the replication of specific portions of the genome even if the amount of data that can be obtained from single-molecule experiments is generally limited.  相似文献   

Chen HY  Xie H  Qian Y 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):799-809
Multiple imputation is a practically useful approach to handling incompletely observed data in statistical analysis. Parameter estimation and inference based on imputed full data have been made easy by Rubin's rule for result combination. However, creating proper imputation that accommodates flexible models for statistical analysis in practice can be very challenging. We propose an imputation framework that uses conditional semiparametric odds ratio models to impute the missing values. The proposed imputation framework is more flexible and robust than the imputation approach based on the normal model. It is a compatible framework in comparison to the approach based on fully conditionally specified models. The proposed algorithms for multiple imputation through the Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling approach can be straightforwardly carried out. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed approach performs better than existing, commonly used imputation approaches. The proposed approach is applied to imputing missing values in bone fracture data.  相似文献   

A recurring methodological problem in the evaluation of the predictive validity of selection methods is that the values of the criterion variable are available for selected applicants only. This so-called range restriction problem causes biased population estimates. Correction methods for direct and indirect range restriction scenarios have widely studied for continuous criterion variables but not for dichotomous ones. The few existing approaches are inapplicable because they do not consider the unknown base rate of success. Hence, there is a lack of scientific research on suitable correction methods and the systematic analysis of their accuracies in the cases of a naturally or artificially dichotomous criterion. We aim to overcome this deficiency by viewing the range restriction problem as a missing data mechanism. We used multiple imputation by chained equations to generate complete criterion data before estimating the predictive validity and the base rate of success. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to investigate the accuracy of the proposed correction in dependence of selection ratio, predictive validity, and base rate of success in an experimental design. In addition, we compared our proposed missing data approach with Thorndike’s well-known correction formulas that have only been used in the case of continuous criterion variables so far. The results show that the missing data approach is more accurate in estimating the predictive validity than Thorndike’s correction formulas. The accuracy of our proposed correction increases as the selection ratio and the correlation between predictor and criterion increase. Furthermore, the missing data approach provides a valid estimate of the unknown base rate of success. On the basis of our findings, we argue for the use of multiple imputation by chained equations in the evaluation of the predictive validity of selection methods when the criterion is dichotomous.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Mass spectrometry (MS) data are often generated from various biological or chemical experiments and there may exist outlying observations, which are extreme due to technical reasons. The determination of outlying observations is important in the analysis of replicated MS data because elaborate pre-processing is essential for successful analysis with reliable results and manual outlier detection as one of pre-processing steps is time-consuming. The heterogeneity of variability and low replication are often obstacles to successful analysis, including outlier detection. Existing approaches, which assume constant variability, can generate many false positives (outliers) and/or false negatives non-outliers). Thus, a more powerful and accurate approach is needed to account for the heterogeneity of variability and low replication. FINDINGS: We proposed an outlier detection algorithm using projection and quantile regression in MS data from multiple experiments. The performance of the algorithm and program was demonstrated by using both simulated and real-life data. The projection approach with linear, nonlinear, or nonparametric quantile regression was appropriate in heterogeneous high-throughput data with low replication. CONCLUSION: Various quantile regression approaches combined with projection were proposed for detecting outliers. The choice among linear, nonlinear, and nonparametric regressions is dependent on the degree of heterogeneity of the data. The proposed approach was illustrated with MS data with two or more replicates.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation has become a widely accepted technique to deal with the problem of incomplete data. Typically, imputation of missing values and the statistical analysis are performed separately. Therefore, the imputation model has to be consistent with the analysis model. If the data are analyzed with a mixture model, the parameter estimates are usually obtained iteratively. Thus, if the data are missing not at random, parameter estimation and treatment of missingness should be combined. We solve both problems by simultaneously imputing values using the data augmentation method and estimating parameters using the EM algorithm. This iterative procedure ensures that the missing values are properly imputed given the current parameter estimates. Properties of the parameter estimates were investigated in a simulation study. The results are illustrated using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.  相似文献   

We develop a nonparametric imputation technique to test for the treatment effects in a nonparametric two-factor mixed model with incomplete data. Within each block, an arbitrary covariance structure of the repeated measurements is assumed without the explicit parametrization of the joint multivariate distribution. The number of repeated measurements is uniformly bounded whereas the number of blocks tends to infinity. The essential idea of the nonparametric imputation is to replace the unknown indicator functions of pairwise comparisons by the corresponding empirical distribution functions. The proposed nonparametric imputation method holds valid under the missing completely at random (MCAR) mechanism. We apply the nonparametric imputation on Brunner and Dette's method for the nonparametric two-factor mixed model and this extension results in a weighted partial rank transform statistic. Asymptotic relative efficiency of the nonparametric imputation method with the complete data versus the incomplete data is derived to quantify the efficiency loss due to the missing data. Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the validity and power of the proposed method in comparison with other existing methods. A migraine severity score data set is analyzed to demonstrate the application of the proposed method in the analysis of missing data.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Clustering technique is used to find groups of genes that show similar expression patterns under multiple experimental conditions. Nonetheless, the results obtained by cluster analysis are influenced by the existence of missing values that commonly arise in microarray experiments. Because a clustering method requires a complete data matrix as an input, previous studies have estimated the missing values using an imputation method in the preprocessing step of clustering. However, a common limitation of these conventional approaches is that once the estimates of missing values are fixed in the preprocessing step, they are not changed during subsequent processes of clustering; badly estimated missing values obtained in data preprocessing are likely to deteriorate the quality and reliability of clustering results. Thus, a new clustering method is required for improving missing values during iterative clustering process. RESULTS: We present a method for Clustering Incomplete data using Alternating Optimization (CIAO) in which a prior imputation method is not required. To reduce the influence of imputation in preprocessing, we take an alternative optimization approach to find better estimates during iterative clustering process. This method improves the estimates of missing values by exploiting the cluster information such as cluster centroids and all available non-missing values in each iteration. To test the performance of the CIAO, we applied the CIAO and conventional imputation-based clustering methods, e.g. k-means based on KNNimpute, for clustering two yeast incomplete data sets, and compared the clustering result of each method using the Saccharomyces Genome Database annotations. The clustering results of the CIAO method are more significantly relevant to the biological gene annotations than those of other methods, indicating its effectiveness and potential for clustering incomplete gene expression data. AVAILABILITY: The software was developed using Java language, and can be executed on the platforms that JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is running. It is available from the authors upon request.  相似文献   

Target identification by modification-free proteomic approaches can potentially reveal the pharmacological mechanism of small molecular compounds. By combining the recent solvent-induced protein precipitation (SIP) method with TMT-labeling quantitative proteomics, we propose solvent-induced proteome profiling (SIPP) approach to identify small molecule–protein interactions. The SIPP approach enables to depict denaturation curves of the target protein by varying concentrations of organic solvents to induce unfolding and precipitation of the cellular proteome. By using this approach, we have successfully identified the known targets of market drugs and natural products and extended the proteome information of SIP for target identification.  相似文献   

We focus on the problem of generalizing a causal effect estimated on a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to a target population described by a set of covariates from observational data. Available methods such as inverse propensity sampling weighting are not designed to handle missing values, which are however common in both data sources. In addition to coupling the assumptions for causal effect identifiability and for the missing values mechanism and to defining appropriate estimation strategies, one difficulty is to consider the specific structure of the data with two sources and treatment and outcome only available in the RCT. We propose three multiple imputation strategies to handle missing values when generalizing treatment effects, each handling the multisource structure of the problem differently (separate imputation, joint imputation with fixed effect, joint imputation ignoring source information). As an alternative to multiple imputation, we also propose a direct estimation approach that treats incomplete covariates as semidiscrete variables. The multiple imputation strategies and the latter alternative rely on different sets of assumptions concerning the impact of missing values on identifiability. We discuss these assumptions and assess the methods through an extensive simulation study. This work is motivated by the analysis of a large registry of over 20,000 major trauma patients and an RCT studying the effect of tranexamic acid administration on mortality in major trauma patients admitted to intensive care units. The analysis illustrates how the missing values handling can impact the conclusion about the effect generalized from the RCT to the target population.  相似文献   

High-throughput molecular analysis has become an integral part in organismal systems biology. In contrast, due to a missing systematic linkage of the data with functional and predictive theoretical models of the underlying metabolic network the understanding of the resulting complex data sets is lacking far behind. Here, we present a biomathematical method addressing this problem by using metabolomics data for the inverse calculation of a biochemical Jacobian matrix, thereby linking computer-based genome-scale metabolic reconstruction and in vivo metabolic dynamics. The incongruity of metabolome coverage by typical metabolite profiling approaches and genome-scale metabolic reconstruction was solved by the design of superpathways to define a metabolic interaction matrix. A differential biochemical Jacobian was calculated using an approach which links this metabolic interaction matrix and the covariance of metabolomics data satisfying a Lyapunov equation. The predictions of the differential Jacobian from real metabolomic data were found to be correct by testing the corresponding enzymatic activities. Moreover it is demonstrated that the predictions of the biochemical Jacobian matrix allow for the design of parameter optimization strategies for ODE-based kinetic models of the system. The presented concept combines dynamic modelling strategies with large-scale steady state profiling approaches without the explicit knowledge of individual kinetic parameters. In summary, the presented strategy allows for the identification of regulatory key processes in the biochemical network directly from metabolomics data and is a fundamental achievement for the functional interpretation of metabolomics data.  相似文献   

For confidentiality reasons, US federal death certificate data are incomplete with regards to the dates of birth and death for the decedents, making calculation of total lifetime of a decedent impossible and thus estimation of mortality incidence difficult. This paper proposes the use of natality data and an imputation‐based method to estimate age‐specific mortality incidence rates in the face of this missing information. By utilizing previously determined probabilities of birth, a birth date and death date are imputed for every decedent in the dataset. Thus, the birth cohort of each individual is imputed, and the total on‐study time can be calculated. This idea is implemented in two approaches for estimation of mortality incidence rates. The first is an extension of a person‐time approach, while the second is an extension of a life table approach. Monte Carlo simulations showed that both approaches perform well in comparison to the ideal complete data methods, but that the person‐time method is preferred. An application to Tay–Sachs disease is demonstrated. It is concluded that the imputation methods proposed provide valid estimates of the incidence of death from death certificate data without the need for additional assumptions under which usual mortality rates provide valid estimates.  相似文献   

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