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This study identified the influences of neonatal and maternal factors on premature birth and low birth weight in New South Wales, Australia. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to explore the association of selected neonatal and maternal characteristics with premature birth and low birth weight. The findings of this study showed that premature birth and low birth weight rate significantly varied by infant sex, maternal age, marital status, Aboriginality, parity, maternal smoking behaviour during pregnancy and maternal hypertension. First-born infants, and infants born to mothers aged less than 20 years, or who were single, separated/divorced, Aboriginal or who smoked during the pregnancy, were at increased risk of being premature or of low birth weight. This study also found that risk factors for premature births and low birth weight were similar in both singleton and multiple births. Gestational age was confirmed to be the single most important risk factor for low birth weight. The findings of this study suggest that in order to reduce the incidence of low birth weight and premature births, health improvement strategies should focus on anti-smoking campaigns during pregnancy and other healthcare programmes targeted at the socially disadvantaged populations identified in the study.  相似文献   

In order to examine birth weight characteristics of twins delivered to nulliparous mothers in relation to maternal age, we used a population-based cohort of Israeli twins delivered between 1993-98 to select all 4793 (37.6%) nulliparas who delivered twins. Maternal age was subdivided as less than 20 years, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, and 40 years or more. We counted the frequencies of each total twin birth weight (twin A + twin B) in each of three categories (less than 3000, 3000-4999, and more than 5000 g) and the frequency of very low birth weight (VLBW, less than 1500 g) neonates in each of the six maternal age categories. There were significantly more nulliparas in the twin population at age groups less 30 years and significantly less at ages 30 years or more. We found a highly significant inverse correlation between the proportion of nulliparas and maternal age group, decreasing from 71.8% at less than 20 years to 18.6% at age 35-39 years (% nulliparas = 85 - 13.7 x age group, Pearson R2 = 0.98). However, this trend changed abruptly to the observed figure of 25.9% nulliparas aged 40 years or more instead of the expected 2.8%. We failed to reveal any significant difference in birth weight characteristics between the maternal age groups (all p > 0.05, all confidence intervals included 1.0). The more than tenfold deviation of the observed from the predicted frequency of nulliparas aged 40 years or more suggests that a different relationship between parity and age occurs at this age group. Maternal age of nulliparas is not associated with different birth weight characteristics of their twins.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of maternal age at first birth on low birth weight, preterm birth and low Apgar scores at one minute and at five minutes among live births delivered to primiparous Brazilian women in the city of S?o Paulo. Analyses were based on 73,820 birth records from the 1998 birth cohort. Logistic regression was used to assess the association between maternal age and each outcome variable, controlling for the following risk factors: delivery mode, plurality, sex, maternal education, number of prior losses, prenatal care, race, parity and community development. Maternal ages below 20 and above 30 years were significantly associated with the risks of low birth weight and preterm birth, but no association was found between maternal ages and Apgar score, with the exception that ages 15-19 reduced the odds of a low one-minute score. Even though this result seems to be inconsistent, low birth weight, preterm birth and low Apgar scores measure different dimensions of newborn well-being, and the association of each measure with maternal age is expected to diverge.  相似文献   

Birthweight, birth order, and parental age were abstracted from 1,515,443 New York State birth certificates to study the association between the birth of an infant weighing less than 2501 g and parental age. The percentage of premature infants was greatest for birth order 1 and 6+ and showed a minimum at birth order 3. When maternal age and birth order were analyzed jointly, a strong interaction was found. Young mothers showed a tendency to have an increasing proportion of low birthweight infants with increasing birth order, whereas, the exact opposite was true for mothers older than 45. The intermediate maternal age categories reflected this change from an association of increasing proportion of low birthweight infants with increasing birth order to a pattern of decreasing proportion of premature imfants with increasing birth order. In data stratified to eliminate the influence of maternal age and to some extent birth order, paternal age was shown to affect the percentage of infants weighing less than 2501 g. This association was described by a flat n-shaped curve that was significantly different from a horizontal line (P.01) in 6 of 7 maternal age categories.  相似文献   

The data on twin births from four different places in Northwest India were analyzed to study epidemiological characteristics of twinning. Gujjars manifested the highest incidence of twinning (30.2 per 1000 births). The twinning rate at Amritsar for the year 1987 was 19.20. At Bathinda and Jammu, the average twinning rate over the period 1984–93 were 10.70 and 11.40 respectively. Stillbirth rate among twins was much higher in Gujjars as compared to other three samples. Regional trends of twinning rate showed the highest incidence in the state of Uttar Pradesh, while the lowest in Tamilnadu. There were no significant differences between states for MZ twinning rate, while differences in the DZ twinning rate were significant in some instances. Maternal age and parity specific twinning rate showed the highest incidence at parity 4 and in the maternal age group 30–34 years. There was evidence of both seasonality and secular trends in twin births. The highest incidence of twin births over the period 1984–93 was noted in the summer season followed by rainy season, while the lowest in autumn. The average incidence of twinning in the Jammu region decreased from 13.76 during the years 1984–89 to 9.07 during the year 1990–93.  相似文献   

The present study characterizes the relations among maternal condition, litter size, birth condition, and growth in body weight for a population of common marmosets. The subjects of the study were marmosets born into a single colony between 1994 and 2001. Three sets of analyses were conducted to answer the following questions: 1) Is there a relationship between litter size, maternal condition, and birth condition? In the study population, maternal body weight, maternal age, litter size, and birth condition were related in a complex fashion. Birth weight and prenatal long‐bone growth, as reflected in knee–heel length, were both related to maternal age, with older mothers supporting higher prenatal growth. Age and maternal condition appeared to interact as determinants of long‐bone growth, as the combination of older and larger mothers resulted in significantly longer knee–heel lengths in their offspring. 2) Is there a relationship between birth condition or maternal condition and subsequent growth or final adult size? The early growth rate in this population was similar to early growth rates reported for three different marmoset colonies, suggesting that early growth may be relatively inflexible in this species. However, within this population, the variation that did occur in early growth rate was related to birth weight and maternal weight. Later growth and adult weight were related to birth weight and litter size: small twin infants displayed slower later growth rates and were smaller as adults than twins that began life at a higher birth weight, while the birth weight of triplets was not related to adult size. In these marmosets, small infants that were the result of increased litter size differed from small infants whose small birth size resulted from other factors. This reinforces the proposal that the causes of low birth weight will be relevant to the development of the marmoset as a model of prenatal environmental effects. Am. J. Primatol. 62:83–94, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study identified the influences of maternal socio-demographic and antenatal factors on stillbirths and neonatal deaths in New South Wales, Australia. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to explore the association of selected antenatal and maternal characteristics with stillbirths and neonatal deaths. The findings of this study showed that stillbirths and neonatal deaths significantly varied by infant sex, maternal age, Aboriginality, maternal country of birth, socioeconomic status, parity, maternal smoking behaviour during pregnancy, maternal diabetes mellitus, maternal hypertension, antenatal care, plurality of birth, low birth weight, place of birth, delivery type, maternal deaths and small gestational age. First-born infants, twins and infants born to teenage mothers, Aboriginal mothers, those who smoked during the pregnancy and those of lower socioeconomic status were at increased risk of stillbirths and neonatal deaths. The most common causes of stillbirths were conditions originating in the perinatal period: intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia. Congenital malformations, including deformities and chromosomal abnormalities, and disorders related to slow fetal growth, short gestation and low birth weight were the most common causes of neonatal deaths. The findings indicate that very low birth weight (less than 2,000 g) contributed 75.6% of the population-attributable risks to stillbirths and 59.4% to neonatal deaths. Low gestational age (less than 32 weeks) accounted for 77.7% of stillbirths and 87.9% of neonatal deaths. The findings of this study suggest that in order to reduce stillbirths and neonatal deaths, it is essential to include strategies to predict and prevent prematurity and low birth weight, and that there is a need to focus on anti-smoking campaigns during pregnancy, optimizing antenatal care and other healthcare programmes targeted at the socially disadvantaged populations identified in this study.  相似文献   

Data are presented from the South Wales Congenital Malformation Survey (92,982 births 1964-6 inclusive) showing that within areas in South Wales there exists an inverse relation between previous spontaneous abortion rate and the prevalence at birth of neural tube defect (anencephaly or spina bifida cystica or both). This relation is independent of social class, parity, and maternal age, and is not likely to be explained by area differences in accuracy of reporting previous spontaneous abortions.On the basis of these findings a hypothesis is advanced which proposes that the incidence of neural tube defects is uniform throughout South Wales and that the present substantial and relatively stable differences in area prevalence are controlled by small area differences in mortality of malformed embryos. This would seem to suggest that factors initiating the malformation are genetic and that any related environmental factors exert their effect on already abnormal fetuses by influencing, in one way or another, their capacity to survive.  相似文献   

A F Naylor 《Social biology》1974,21(2):195-204
At least 3 hypotheses predict that spontaneous abortion risk differs during reporductive history: genuine maternal age effects change individual risks; genuine birth order effects change individual risks; and variant individual risks, which are really independent of both age and parity, produce an artifactual association of risk with age in populations of women. The availability of large numbers of reproductive histories recorded on magnetic tape by the Collaborative Study on Cerebral Palsy provides an opportunity to weigh these hypotheses. Information was gathered between mid-1959 and mid-1966 by 13 hospitals, mostly east of the Mississippi. Random samples of essentially all women registering in the obstetric clinics of the collaborating institutions entered the study. Generally, these women came from poorer urban areas. Data are taken from the interviews at 1st registrations only. At this time, women had prior reproductive histories of varying lengths. The data are analyzed to yield broad comparative evaluations of the maternal age, parity, and artifact hypotheses. When the logit transforms of abortion risks were regressed on maternal age, the linear component was positive and significant at the 1% level in every ethnic group. In all categories except blacks, the fit to such a simple model was quite adequate. Fit in the case of the blacks was disturbed by the high rate among 13-year olds and the low rate among 37-year olds. The 37-year old black sample was the only one to depart markedly from the trend of increased risk at high age. Primary analysis of birth order defects used Slater's (1962) rank order statistic on a group of histories. In every ethnic category the observed mean value of Slater's statistic exceeds its expected value of 0.5; every standardized deviation has a negligibly small probability when tested against the normal distribution. The conclusin is that spontaneous abortions tend to come late in a reproductive history. The white data showed a definite trend contrary to expectation under the pregnancy compensation hypothesis. Although not significant in the "o" (liveborn) versus "x" (abortion) contrast, the lowering trent in maternal age with prior abortion experience was signifixant for the longer histories. Equally surprising was the apparent positive finding in the black data. In sum, the data clearly showed that among women with histories mixing spontaneous abortions and live births, risk of abortion was greater at higher parity. Although the women sampled tended to be young, and increase of risk with age was demonstrated in the white sample. These effects were not because of sample biases. Black age effects were possibly confounded with pregnancy compensation artifact which can mimic aging influence in unselected samples.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨高龄孕妇分娩新生儿出生体重及出院转归的影响因素。方法:选择2021年01月到2022年01月与我院就诊的198例产妇作为研究对象,根据孕妇分娩时的年龄分为观察组和对照组,分娩时年龄满35周岁为高龄产妇组(98例),分娩时年龄为20~34周岁为适龄组(100例)。比较适龄孕妇和高龄孕妇新生儿出生体重情况和新生儿住院时间,对高龄孕妇新生儿体重和新生儿出院转归影响因素进行Logistic单因素分析和多因素分析。结果:与适龄孕妇相比,高龄孕妇新生儿低出生体重儿、巨大儿发生率更高(P<0.05),新生儿住院时间明显更长(P<0.05)。对高龄孕妇新生儿体重进行单因素分析结果显示,妊娠糖尿病、产检检查、分娩方式、是否使用催产素、分娩时麻醉方式和脐带情况与高龄孕妇新生儿体重无关(P>0.05),孕妇年龄、孕前BMI、孕期体重增加情况、妊娠高血压、合并其他疾病状况、孕次、产次、羊水情况与高龄孕妇新生儿体重相关(P<0.05)。进行Logistic多因素回归分析结果显示,孕妇年龄、孕前BMI、孕期体重增加情况、孕次、产次、羊水情况是影响高龄孕妇新生儿出生体重的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。对新生儿出院转归情况进行单因素分析结果显示,胎次、开奶时间、喂养方式和有无接受治疗与新生儿出院转归无相关性(P>0.05),胎龄、出生体重、Apgar评分、出生窒息史、有无伴发疾病与新生儿转归相关(P<0.05)。进行Logistic多因素分析结果显示,胎龄、出生体重、Apgar评分、出生窒息史、有无伴发病是影响新生儿出院转归的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:孕妇年龄、孕前BMI、孕期体重增加情况、孕次、产次、羊水情况是影响高龄孕妇新生儿出生体重的独立危险因素。新生儿出院转归受到胎龄、出生体重、Apgar评分、出生窒息史、有无伴发病影响。  相似文献   



Maternal smoking during pregnancy has been consistently related to low birthweight. However, older mothers, who are already at risk of giving birth to low birthweight infants, might be even more susceptible to the effects of maternal smoking. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the modified association between maternal smoking and low birthweight by maternal age.


Data were obtained from a questionnaire survey of all mothers of children born between 2004 and 2010 in Okinawa, Japan who underwent medical check-ups at age 3 months. Variables assessed were maternal smoking during pregnancy, maternal age, gestational age, parity, birth year, and complications during pregnancy. Stratified analyses were performed using a logistic regression model.


In total, 92641 participants provided complete information on all variables. Over the 7 years studied, the proportion of mothers smoking during pregnancy decreased from 10.6% to 5.0%, while the prevalence of low birthweight did not change remarkably (around 10%). Maternal smoking was significantly associated with low birthweight in all age groups. The strength of the association increased with maternal age, both in crude and adjusted models.


Consistent with previous studies conducted in Western countries, this study demonstrates that maternal age has a modifying effect on the association between maternal smoking and birthweight. This finding suggests that specific education and health care programs for older smoking mothers are important to improve their foetal growth.  相似文献   

Demographic data of ferrets from a commercial breeding colony were analyzed for the effects of maternal age, parity and strain on reproductive performance and the frequency of gross congenital abnormalities observed at parturition. Litter size (mean +/- SEM) was found to be greatest for young, primiparous females (10.3 +/- 0.2) and decreased with advancing maternal age and parity to a cohort mean of 8.1 +/- 0.1 for third parity females 16 months of age. Age, parity or strain had no effect on 24-hour neonatal mortality (7%) or mortality from birth to weaning (20%) and an examination of the causes for death suggested that these rates can be reduced. The malformation rate from two cohorts of females whelping at different times of the year was low (less than 1.0%) and not significantly different. A higher frequency of malformed offspring was detected in females of low previous parity (0-2) than in those with three or more. Based on data obtained in this survey, the ferret would seem a valuable alternative, nonrodent species for teratologic investigations using currently recommended protocols.  相似文献   

The overall proportion of low birth weight infants is found to be relatively higher in the Indian population. Data collected from two hospitals in Calcutta, India indicate that although the proportion of infants weighing less than 2,001 g is approximately 10%, the dependence of this proportion on maternal age and parity is similar to the studies conducted elsewhere, suggesting a definite biological significance of the phenomenon. The proportion of low birth weight infants is found to be the greatest for the first and late pregnancies, the minimum being at the third birth rank. Young mothers showed a tendency to have an increasing proportion of low birth weight infants with increasing birth order; whereas for older mothers a general U-shaped dependence of the proportion on parity is suggest from the analysis.  相似文献   

目的:调查早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)的发生情况并分析其高危因素。方法:选取2017年6月至2018年6月在我院进行眼底检查的301例早产儿,依据《早产儿治疗用氧和视网膜病变防治指南》和《中国早产儿视网膜病变筛查指南》对早产儿进行筛查和随诊,同时收集早产儿及其母亲的相应病历信息,采用多因素Logistic回归分析分析ROP的高危因素。结果:301例早产儿中,共检出ROP患儿43例,其中须接受治疗的患儿13例,所有患儿经过2-6个月的治疗和随诊后均好转。围产因素中,胎龄小、出生体重低、吸氧、输血、有急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的早产儿ROP检出率更高(均P0.05);母体因素中,多胎分娩的早产儿ROP检出率高于单胎分娩的早产儿(P0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,胎龄小、出生体重低、吸氧、输血和有ARDS为早产儿ROP的高危因素(P0.05)。结论:早产儿ROP发病率较高,胎龄小、出生体重低、吸氧、输血和有ARDS是其高危因素,在临床实践中应给予重视,及早发现ROP并规范治疗,以降低早产儿ROP的发病率。  相似文献   

中国城乡异性双生子出生率比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干建平 《遗传》2002,24(2):137-139
选用中国1989年全年出生的双生子出生记录,分析城乡差异对中国不同生育年龄妇女生产异性双生子的影响。结果表明,中国城乡异性双生子出生率与母亲生育年龄变化模式相似,城乡差异对异性双生子出生率有明显的影响。虽然市镇异性双生子出生率普遍高于乡村,但是影响的程度与母亲生育年龄有关。 Abstract:The birth records of twins in 1989 in China were used to analyze the effects of difference between urban and rural areas on the birth rate of opposite-sex twin (OSTBR) at different maternal childbearing age.The results show that the urban and rural populations have the similar changing model of OSTBR with maternal childbearing age,the difference between urban and rural areas has an apparent influence on the OSTBR.The OSTBR in urban areas is commonly higher than that in rural areas,but the degree of the influence is related with maternal childbearing age.  相似文献   

As early as the 1970s, it was suggested that nonhuman primates may serve as models of human reproductive senescence. In the present study, the reproductive outcomes of 1,255 pregnancies in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were examined in relation to parity and its covariate, maternal age. The results show that the percentage of positive pregnancy outcomes was negatively correlated with increasing parity. In addition, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and caesarian sections (C-sections) were positively correlated with increasing parity. Maternal age, rather than parity, was found to be the most important predictor of negative birth outcome. This study supports research demonstrating reproductive decline and termination in nonhuman primates, and is the first to quantitatively account for this phenomenon in captive female chimpanzees.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether prenatal growth affects the risk of development of childhood onset insulin dependent (type I) diabetes mellitus. DESIGN: Population based case-control study. SETTING: Data from a nationwide childhood diabetes case register were linked with data from the nationwide Swedish Medical Birth Registry. SUBJECTS: Data from a total of 4584 diabetic children born after 1973 and diagnosed with diabetes from 1978 to 1992 were studied. For each child with insulin dependent diabetes three control children were randomly selected from among all infants born in the same year and at the same hospital as the proband. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Birth weight, gestation, maternal age and parity, number of previous spontaneous abortions, and sex specific birth weight by gestational week expressed as multiples of the standard deviation (SD). RESULTS: There was a clear trend in the odds ratio for childhood onset diabetes according to SD of birth weight. The odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for small for gestational age after stratification for maternal age, parity, smoking habits, and maternal diabetes was 0.81 (0.65 to 0.99) and for large for gestational age after similar stratification was 1.20 (1.02 to 1.42). CONCLUSIONS: Intrauterine conditions that affect prenatal growth seem also to affect the risk of development of childhood diabetes in the way previously described for postnatal growth: a poor growth decreases and an excess growth increases the risk. The mechanism for this association is unclear.  相似文献   

Human mothers an efficient screening system to eliminate genetically abnormal embryos. However, the incidence of certain birth defects - most notably Down's syndrome - rises with maternal age. Conventional eplanations have focused on a rising production of defective zygotes; in contrast, an evolutionary approach suggest a relaxed maternal screen. Relaxed screening potentially explains the rising incidenee of chromosomal abnormalities in live-births, the incidence of normal embryos in spontaneous abortions, and the incidence of spontaneous abortions with maternal age. If true, then restoration of the screen may be possible, reducing the incidence of birth defects.  相似文献   

Studies in singletons have found an association between birthweight and Type 2 diabetes in adult life. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this association could also be seen in twins. 59 monozygotic (MZ) and 69 dizygotic (DZ) same-sex twin pairs aged 19-50 years and 89 singleton controls matched for age, gestational age, gender, maternal age and parity were recruited from a local obstetric database. Associations between adult glucose, HbA(1)C and insulin levels and insulin resistance and birthweight were assessed by linear regression with adjustment for confounding variables. Twins were significantly lighter at birth than singleton controls, but there were no significant differences in adult weight, glucose, HbA(1)C and insulin levels or insulin resistance between twins and controls. The relationship between birthweight and fasting glucose and insulin levels, and insulin resistance was not significantly different from zero in either twins or controls, but birthweight was significantly negatively associated with HbA(1)C only in controls. There was no evidence of a difference between MZ and DZ twins in unpaired or within-pair analysis. These results provide little evidence that low birthweight in twins increases the risk of impaired glucose-insulin metabolism in young adults or that genetic factors can account for the association observed in singletons.  相似文献   

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