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Résumé En l'absence d'hormone cérébrale, les ovocytes de N. pelagica subissent un accroissement rapide de taille. Ils présentent dans les grandes lignes une évolution cytologique parallèle à celle de l'ovogenèse naturelle. Ces ovocytes acquièrent en particulier des mucopolysaccharides acides qui se répartissent en fin d'évolution en une gangue corticale. Ce matériel toutefois est moins abondant que dans le cas de l'ovogenèse naturelle.A l'échelle de la microscopie électronique, diverses particularités caractérisent les ovocytes ayant évolué en condition anhormonale. Elles sont d'autant plus notables que le diamètre initial des ovocytes en expérimentation est plus faible. On note en particulier un accroissement des formations de reticulum et une augmentation considérable du nombre et de l'importance des lamelles annelées cytoplasmiques et intra-nucléaires. Enfin, la structure des lobules vitellins se caractérise par la présence de formations vésiculaires et lamellaires. La signification de ces modifications ultrastructurales est discutée.
Cytochemical and ultrastructural study of oocyte development in Nereis pelagica L.II. Development in the absence of brain hormone
Summary In the absence of brain hormone, the oocytes of N. pelagica undergo a fast growth. They show a cytologic development parallel to that of natural oogenesis. In particular, these oocytes acquire acid mucopolysaccharides which finally form a cortical layer. However, this material is less abundant than in natural oogenesis.Electron microscopic investigation reveals some pecularities in oocytes growing under these abnormal conditions. The smaller the initial diameter of the oocytes, the more pronounced are these special traits. Most evident is an increase of the endoplasmic reticulum and a large augmentation in the number of cytoplasmic and intranuclear annulate lamellae. Moreover, the structure of the yolk bodies shows characteristic vesicular and membranous formations.The significance of these ultrastructural modifications is discussed.

Summary In each ganglion of the nerve chain of Eisenia foetida there are several types of neurosecretory cells. They are constant in number and strictly localized. A. Toward the front of the ganglion, the array includes (a) a pair of small cells in the anterior region, and (b) a pair of voluminous elements close to the origin of nerve 2 of the ganglion. These two types of cells are characterized by the presence of secretory granules in the perikaryon and in the axon. B. Between the origins of nerves 2 and 3 of the ganglion, there are (c) a pair of cells possessing a large apical vacuole filled with a secretory material, and (d) a dozen cells distinguished by a dense, highly chromophilic cytoplasm. Only the cells of group (b) are present when the worm emerges from the cocoon. The cells of group (a) appear in the young worm. The cells of types (c) and (d) are only active in worms on their way to sexual maturity. The term neurosecretory elements, as applied to these different cell types is discussed.

Dédié au Professeur W. Bargmann À l'occasion de son 60e anniversaire.  相似文献   

Résumé Chez N. diversicolor, les ovocytes proches de la maturitée sexuelle ou ayant évolués en l'absence d'hormone cérébrale renferment dans leur nucléoplasme des vésicules localisées à proximité de l'enveloppe nucléaire. Ces vésicules contiennent un nombre variable de granules denses élaborés par un processus d'invagination de la paroi vésiculaire.Ces inclusions intra-nucléaires semblent résulter de l'évolution de petites vésicules applaties, accolées à la membrane nucléaire interne. Dans le cas de l'ovogenèse expérimentale, ces petites vésicules peuvent s'associer pour former des lamelles annelées intra-nucléaires. Ces dernières sont fréquemment en relation avec les vésicules à grains denses et semblent jouer un rôle dans leur élaboration.L'action de la pepsine sur des ultra-coupes d'ovocytes inclus au GMA entraîne une forte diminution de la densité du contenu des granules intra-vésiculaires qui apparaissent constitués essentiellement de protéines.
Ultrastructural and cytochemical study of the formation of intranuclear inclusions in the oocytes of the annelid Nereis diversicolor O. F. Müller
Summary In Nereis diversicolor, oocytes close to or having reached maturity in the absence of brain hormone, contain in their nucleoplasm vesicles that are located in close proximity to the nuclear envelope. These vesicles contain a variable quantity of dense granules which are derived from the vesicular wall by a process of invagination.The intranuclear inclusions seem to be derived from small flattened vesicles located close to the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope. In the case of experimentally induced oogenesis these small vesicles may join to form intranuclear annulate lamellae. The latter are frequently affiliated with the vesicles containing dense granules and seem to play a role in their formation.The effect of pepsin, applied to ultrathin sections of oocytes embedded in glycol-methacrylate, is a pronounced reduction in the density of the contents of the intravesicular granules which, therefore, appear to consist essentially of protein.

Remerciements. Je remercie le Service de Microscopie Electronique de l'Institut Pasteur de Lille (Directeur: Prof. Vivier) pour l'aide apportée à la réalisation des inclusions de GMA, et M. Himpens, dessinateur du Laboratoire de Biologie Animale de la Faculté des Sciences, pour le tracé de la Fig. 12.  相似文献   

Conclusion La présence d'un phénomène dégénératif dans les couches profondes de la cortico-surrénale de 12 animaux normaux donne à penser qu'il existe dans cette glande un mécanisme physiologique de fonte holocrine. Cette idée est appuyée sur des images de passage de débris cellulaires dans la lumière des vaisseaux. L'influence qui détermine de telles modifications des cellules glandulaires reste à préciser. Ce sera l'objet d'une étude expérimentale en cours d'exécution.  相似文献   

Summary A histological, histochemical and ultrastrucutral study of the pars intercerebralis (PI) has been made in Locusta migratoria. The acellular neural lamella is made up of an elastic tissue and collagen fibrils. The cells of the perilemma contain numerous lysosome structures and lipid granules.Three different types of neurosecretory cells (NSC A, B and C) have been distinguished in the PI associated with giant neurons.The cells termed A and B seem not to have an activity cycle during the two last larval instars. At the moment of sexual maturity the NSC A show an important accumulation of neurosecretory material and their number increases at the expense of the NSC B. The NSC A, which are characterized by a highly developped endoplasmic reticulum, contain numerous secretory granules which appear to be individualized in the Golgi complex in three different ways. The NSC B, with a reduced endoplasmic reticulum and an almost quiescent Golgi complex, contain abundant lysosome structures and more seldom some neurosecretory granules. In fact, the study of the fine structure shows different intermediate types, linking in a continuous way typical A cells and typical B cells. NSC A and NSC B might correspond to two opposed stages of secretory activity of one single cell type: the A cell representing the activity stage and the B cell the quiescent stage.NSC C show an accumulation of their neurosecretory products in relation to metamorphosis and sexual maturity. Ultrastructural evidence confirms their neurosecretory activity.A mode of regulating neurosecretion in NSC A and B by internal catabolism of the secretion and formation of lysosome like structures is discussed in the present paper.The giant neurons, which are surrounded by a glial envelope (trophospongium), contain several dense granules originated from Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude ultrastructurale des spermatogonies et des spermatocytes a été envisagée chez Lithobius forficatus L. (Myriapode Chilopode). Les spermatogonies présentent un noyau à chromatine dispersée dont le nucléole est condensé. Leur cytoplasme renferme des ribosomes, libres ou associés en polysomes; les mitochondries et les dictyosomes sont peu abondants.Au cours de la croissance spermatocytaire, le noyau et le cytoplasme augmentent considérablement de volume. La dispersion de la chromatine est plus importante et le nucléole présente de nombreuses figures de bourgeonnement. Les ribosomes, les mitochondries, les dictyosomes et le reticulum endoplasmique sont très abondants. De nouvelles formations sont observables: 1) des amas de saccules réticulaires concentriques, délimitant une zone cytoplasmique; 2) des empilements lamellaires ayant leur origine soit dans le reticulum banal, soit dans les amas concentriques.L'activité synthétique se manifeste lors de la croissance spermatocytaire par: 1) d'abondants échanges nucléo-cytoplasmiques; 2) une augmentation du nombre de mitochondries et des ribosomes; 3) une intense activité golgienne. Elle est vraisemblablement en rapport avec le gigantisme spermatocytaire observé chez les Myriapodes Chilopodes.
Ultrastructural study of spermatogonia and spermatocyte growth of Lithobius forficatus L. (Myriapoda, Chilopoda)
Summary The ultrastructure of spermatogonia and spermatocytes of Lithobius was studied. The spermatogonia show a nucleus with dispersed chromatin and a compact nucleolus. Their cytoplasm contains free ribosomes and polysomes; mitochondria and dictyosomes are not abundant.During spermatocyte growth, nucleus and cytoplasm increase markedly in volume. The dispersion of the chromatin is more pronounced; the nucleolus shows frequent budding. Ribosomes, mitochondria, dictyosomes and endoplasmic reticulum are very numerous. New structures are (1) accumulations of concentric reticular saccules with a cytoplasmic center, (2) piles of narrow cisternae originating from the regular endoplasmic reticulum or from concentric saccules.The synthetic activity during spermatocyte growth manifests itself by (1) numerous signs of nucleo-cytoplasmic exchanges, (2) an increase in the number of mitochondria and ribosomes, (3) a high activity of the Golgi apparatus. This is probably related to the gigantism of spermatocytes in Chilopoda.

Résumé Les corpora cardiaca de l'adulte de Locusta migratoria sont formés de deux régions bien individualisées ce qui nous a permis de reconnaître la sécrétion propre des différents types de neurosécrétion. Dans la région nerveuse, nous distinguons par la taille des grains trois types de neurosécrétion dense classique et un quatrième type d'aspect clair. Dans la région »propre« non nerveuse, les cellules ont des caractères nettement endocriniens et sont mélangées à un seul type d'axones neurosécréteurs.
Ultrastructural study of the corpora cardiaca and affiliated structures in Locusta migratoria L.
Summary The corpora cardiaca of adult Locusta migratoria consist of two well separated areas, a fact which permits the differentiation between intrinsic and extrinsic neurosecretory material. In the neural area three types of electron dense classical neurosecretory granules, and a fourth more lucent type can be distinguished according to size. In the non-neural glandular area typical endocrine cells mingle with only one type of neurosecretory axons.

Résumé Après une injection unique d'antigène à des souris C 57 B1, la poussée plasmocytaire dans la médullaire ganglionnaire se développe parallèlement à la montée du taux des anticorps circulants du sérum. Ces plasmocytes semblent provenir principalement de la transformation de grandes cellules pyroninophiles. Celles-ci, présentes préalablement dans le cortex, pourraient provenir de la dislocation précoce des centres germinatifs. Elles ne peuvent se transformer en plasmocytes que dans la médullaire. Ces modifications ne pourraient se faire que lorsque la cellule pyroninophile est intégrée au sein d'un ilôt plasmocytaire, c'est-à-dire d'un ilôt dans lequel cette cellule pyroninophile entre étroitement en contact avec un macrophage. A côté de cette origine principale, des plasmocytes peuvent provenir directement de la transformation du lymphoblaste. Enfin, nous avons observé que certaines cellules réticulées se modifient après l'injection de l'antigène. Ces transformations aboutissent à la formation de cellules ayant plusieurs caractères du plasmocyte, sans cependant les présenter tous, d'oú le qualificatif de plasmocytoïde que nous leur avons donné.
Summary After a single injection of sheep erythrocytes to C 57 Bl mice, the increase in the number of plasma cells in the medullary cords of lymph nodes parallels the humoral antibody titers.The appearance of these plasma cells has been followed ultrastructurally. Most of them arise by modification of the large pyroninophilic cells. These appear at first in the cortex, and could be formed by an early dislocation of the germinal centers. However, the transformation into plasma cells finds place only in the medulla. These changes seem to occur only when pyroninophilic cells are included in a rosette (ilôt plasmocytaire), where they surround a macrophage and develop close connections with it.Other plasma cells may originate directly from lymphoblasts.After the injection of the antigen, some reticular cells are modified into plasmacytoid cells sharing some, but not all, of the morphological characteristics of plasma cells.

Résumé Le canal salivaire contient dans sa paroi deux types de nerfs, moteurs et sécréteurs. Le diamètre des fibres nerveuses est en moyenne plus faible dans les nerfs moteurs, où il diminue encore en direction des glandes, tandis qu'au contraire celui des fibres sécrétrices augmente, accentuant ainsi les différences morphologiques entre les deux ners. Ces différences de calibre entre les fibres sont en rapport avec le nombre plus ou moins élevé des neurites qu'elles comportent, et dont les mésaxones ont des formes variées. Les caractères cytologiques des cellules satellites et des axones des deux types de nerfs sont comparables. Les axones contiennent des vésicules de types morphologiques très divers dont la signification est discutée.
Ultrastructural study of the innervation of the posterior salivary glands in Octopus vulgaris I. The nervous trunks of the salivary duct
Summary Two types of nerves, motor and secretory, are found in the wall of the salivary duct. The average diameter of the motor fibers is smaller and decreases still more towards the glands, while on the contrary it increases for the secretory fibers. The disparity of diameter between the two types of fibers is due to the different number of neurites they contain, embedded in satellite cells with mesaxons of various forms. Axons and satellite cells have similar cytological features in the two types of nerves. Vesicles of several morphological types occur in the axons; their significance is discussed.

Distribution of frequencies alleles of polymorphous loci of peroxidase (Pox), leucineaminopeptidase (Lap), phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) and octanoldehydrogenase (Odh) were studied by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel in 22 local samples of Esenia foetida in Russia (European part), Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kirghizia. The samples form two spatial groups--"northern" and "southern", distinguished by set of alleles in every studied locus. The "northern" groups is formed by local populations of European Russia from Murmansk region on the north to Smolensk region on the south, and also by cultivated population of selection line "red California hybrid". The "southern" group is formed by local populations on the territory of Russia from middle Volga to the North Caucasus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, cultivated populations from Kirghizia and Portugal. High degree of genetic difference between samples and independence of alleles frequencies distribution from geographical location and habitat allows to consider almost all studied groups as separate populations. Statistical processing of Nei genetic distances (Nei, 1972) revealed reliable differences between averages of within- and intergroup distances. Besides, discrete differences between intervals of significance of genetic distances were revealed. The results indicate that on the studied territory E. foetida has hierarchical two level structure. The first level is formed by local populations differed by frequency of the same alleles. The second level is formed by local populations, united into spatial groups, that are qualitatively distinguished by the set of alleles in the same loci.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The electron-microscope study of syzygy in Gregarina polymorpha , shows that this coupling, a prelude to cyst formation and to sexual phenomena, must not be considered as a simple pairing of individuals, but is rather the response of a gamont to a stimulus coming from another individual of a different sex. This response, in the species studied, can be recognized from the modifications that will appear progressively at the contact surfaces of the two gregarines. They affect only the protomerite apex of the posterior individual. There occur: rapid growth of the protomeritic epicyte; separation of this epicyte from the fibrillar zone underneath; formation of a protomeritic cup containing various inclusions; the disappearance of cuticular digitations and the formation of invaginations which become deeper and deeper.
All these modifications occur as soon as syzygy starts. They seem to indicate a reaction of the satellite epicyte to a possible stimulus coming from the anterior female gamont. This epicyte could play a different part from the initial one.
In the case of association between a primite and several satellites, the posterior gamonts react in a comparable manner but not together.  相似文献   

Résumé Les corps ultimobranchiaux du poulet sont constitués de cordons glandulaires composés de cellules principales sécrétrices et de cellules bordantes. D'après le diamètre des grains de sécrétion, on peut distinguer au moins deux types de cellules principales, les cellules à petits grains (autour de 200 m) et les cellules à gros grains (250–300 m). Cette variation morphologique n'implique pas obligatoirement des sécrétions hormonales différentes. Les grains de sécrétion ne sont pas conservés par la fixation osmiée simple; ils se comportent sur ce point comme ceux des cellules parafolliculaires thyroïdiennes du mammifère dont les corps ultimobranchiaux représentent probablement les homologues fonctionnels.Les corps ultimobranchiaux du poulet restent actifs durant toute la vie de l'animal. L'apparition constante de formations folliculaires et kystiques, qui augmentent avec l'âge, ne traduit pas une involution globale de la glande.L'étude du développement embryonnaire permet d'expliquer certaines particularités morphologiques des corps ultimobranchiaux. Les premiers signes d'activité sécrétoires sont décelables à 11 jours d'incubation. La glande paraît très active vers la fin de la vie embryonnaire; un stockage important de matériel sécrétoire s'observe immédiatement après l'éclosion.
Ultrastructure of the ultimobranchial body of the chickI. Normal aspect and development
Summary The ultimobranchial body of the chick consists of glandular cords made up of main secretory cells and supporting cells. According to the diameter of the secretory granules at least two main cell types can be distinguished: cells with small granules (200 m) and cells with large granules (250–300 m). This morphological difference does not necessarily implicate different hormonal secretions. The secretory granules are not preserved by simple osmium fixation; in as much as this point is concerned they behave like the granules of the parafollicular thyroid cells of mammals with which the ultimobranchial bodies are probably homologous.The ultimobranchial body of the chick remains active during the whole life of the animal. The constant appearance of follicular and cystic structure, which increase with aging, does not demonstrate an overall involution of the gland.The study of the embryonic development explains different morphological pecularities of the ultimobranchial body. The first indications of secretory activity are seen eleven days after incubation. The gland appears to be highly active towards the end of the embryonic life. An important accumulation of secretory material is observed immediately after hatching.

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