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Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isolated cytoplasmic and chloroplast ribosomal ribonucleic acid species during the synchronous vegetative cell cycle of the eukaryote Chlamydomonas reinhardtii suggests that a separate control of cytoplasmic and chloroplast rRNA might exist. It was found that the amount of cytoplasmic rRNA linearly increased during the entire G1 phase of the cell cycle, whereas chloroplast rRNA accumulated only through 70% of the G1 period. The amount of cytoplasmic rRNA per mother cell remained constant during nuclear DNA synthesis but a gradual loss of chloroplast rRNA was noted at this time. A significant decline in all four rRNA species occurred at the time of cell division.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the major chloroplast membrane polypeptides has been studied during synchronous growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Under these conditions, chlorophyll is synthesized during the latter part of the light period and cell division takes place during the dark period. The profile of the chloroplast membrane polypeptides of C. reinhardtii has been well characterized and shown to contain two major classes by size (Hoober, J. 1970. J. Biol. Chem. 245:4327). Polypeptides of group I have a mol wt range of 50,000–55,000 daltons. The second region consists of at least three polypeptide groups, IIa, IIb, and IIc, having mol wt of 40,000, 31,000, and 27,000 daltons, respectively. The synthesis of these polypeptides has been measured using a double-labeling technique and a computer-aided statistical analysis. The rate of labeling of group I polypeptides is highest during the early light period and decreases after 6 h of growth. Group IIa is labeled from the beginning of the light period, but little synthesis of IIb occurs before 3 h, and significant amounts of label are not found in IIc before 5 h of growth. After approximately 8 h of light, groups IIb and IIc are synthesized at rates significantly greater than those of the other membrane polypeptides. The synthesis of the major polypeptide groups ceases in the dark. We conclude that the biosynthesis of the chloroplast membranes is a sequential or stepwise process.  相似文献   

Synthesis of ppGpp and chloroplast ribosomal RNA in Chlamydomonas reinhardi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A material identified as guanosine 5',3'-bis-diphosphate (ppGpp) has been detected in extracts of Chlamydomonas reinhardi ac-20 cells grown under mixotrophic conditions or in arg-2 cells deprived of arginine. The material was acid and base labile, susceptible to alkaline phosphatase, resistant to periodate oxidation, had spectral characteristics of a guanine derivative and comigrated on chromatograms with ppGpp from Escherichia coli. In ac-20 ppGpp may be involved in the control of chloroplast ribosomal RNA synthesis. When ac-20 cells were shifted from mixotrophic to autotrophic conditions, the 32Pi labeling of ppGpp, relative to that of GTP, was reduced, while the specific labeling of chloroplast ribosomal RNA was enhanced. Addition of low concentrations of cycloheximide had somewhat similar effects.  相似文献   

P H Boer  M W Gray 《Cell》1988,55(3):399-411

Summary In synchronized cultures of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was found to selectively mutate replicating forms of nuclear DNA. This conclusion was based on the 15- to 30-fold increase in the recovery of MNNG induced Mendelian streptomycin resistant mutants (sr-1) which was correlated with mutagenesis during the period of nuclear DNA replication. No concomitant increase in the recovery of non-Mendelian streptomycin resistant mutants (sr-2) occurred during this same period.Mutagenesis at the time of chloroplast DNA replication, however, resulted in a 1.5- to 1.6-fold increase in the recovery of both sr-1 and sr-2 induced mutants.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells under stress repress translation and localize these messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to cytoplasmic RNA granules. We show that specific stress stimuli induce the assembly of RNA granules in an organelle with bacterial ancestry, the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. These chloroplast stress granules (cpSGs) form during oxidative stress and disassemble during recovery from stress. Like mammalian stress granules, cpSGs contain poly(A)-binding protein and the small, but not the large, ribosomal subunit. In addition, mRNAs are in continuous flux between polysomes and cpSGs during stress. Localization of cpSGs within the pyrenoid reveals that this chloroplast compartment functions in this stress response. The large subunit of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase also assembles into cpSGs and is known to bind mRNAs during oxidative stress, raising the possibility that it plays a role in cpSG assembly. This discovery within such an organelle suggests that mRNA localization to granules during stress is a more general phenomenon than currently realized.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies were elicited against seven of the 33 different proteins of the large subunit of the chloroplast ribosome from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Three of these proteins are synthesized in the chloroplast and four are made in the cytoplasm and imported. In western blots, six of the seven antisera are monospecific for their respective large subunit ribosomal proteins, and none of these antisera cross-reacted with any chloroplast small subunit proteins from C. reinhardtii. Antisera to the three chloroplast-synthesized ribosomal proteins cross-reacted with specific Escherichia coli large subunit proteins of comparable charge and molecular weight. Only one of the four antisera to the chloroplast ribosomal proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm cross-reacted with an E. coli large subunit protein. None of the antisera cross-reacted with any E. coli small subunit proteins. On the assumption of a procaryotic, endosymbiotic origin for the chloroplast, those chloroplast ribosomal proteins still synthesized within the organelle appear to have retained more antigenic sites in common with E. coli ribosomal proteins than have those which are now the products of cytoplasmic protein synthesis. Antisera to this cytoplasmically synthesized group of chloroplast ribosomal proteins did not recognize any antigenic sites among C. reinhardtii cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins, suggesting that the genes for the cytoplasmically synthesized chloroplast ribosomal proteins either are not derived from the cytoplasmic ribosomal protein genes or have evolved to a point where no antigenic similarities remain.   相似文献   

By feeding radioisotopic precursors of RNA ([5-3H]uracil and[5-3H]uridine) to cells of Chlorella ellipsoidea at variousstages in the cell cycle effected by autotrophic synchronousculture, we examined synthetic rates of the chloroplast andthe cytoplasmic ribosomal ribonucleic acids (chl-rRNA and cyt-rRNA,respectively). The net incorporation of the precursors intochl-rRNA was higher than that into cyt-rRNA in the early stagesof the cell cycle, and vice versa in the late stages. The specificactivity of chl-rRNA was extremely high, and this phenomenonwas likely to be intrinsic to small cells at the start of thecell cycle under autotrophic conditions, namely, cell-cyclestagespecific. We conclude that algal cells grown autotrophicallysynthesize chl-rRNA at a distinctly higher rate than cyt-rRNAin the early stages of the cell cycle. (Received July 21, 1978; )  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA (ncDNA) synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was measured by both 32P[or-thophosphoric acid] (32P) and [14C]adenine incorporation and found to be highly synchronous. Ca. 85% of incorporation was confined to the first 6 h of the dark period of a synchronized regime consisting of an alternating light-dark period of 12 h each. In contrast, no such synchronous incorporation pattern was found for chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs in the same cell population. These two organellar DNAs also exhibited different 32P-incorporation patterns in the cell cycle. Considerable amounts of 32P were incorporated into cpDNA throughout the light-dark synchronous cycle under both mixo- and phototrophic growth conditions, although the second 6-h light period under phototrophy showed an increase not apparent under mixotrophy. This change in growth conditions did not affect 32P incorporation into mtDNA, which was found throughout the cell cycle, with a modest peak in the first 6-h of the dark period. The pattern of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA was also determined. Under synchronous phototrophic conditions, this pattern was quite different from that obtained with 32P. Most [3H]thymidine incorporation occurred during the light period of the synchronous cycle; this period had been shown previously by density transfer experiments to be the time of cpDNA duplication. Such preferential [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA in the light period was not observed under mixotrophic synchronous growth conditions; in these, [3H]thymidine incorporation was detected throughout the cell cycle. This lack of coincidence between the patterns of 32P- and of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA during the synchronous cell cycle indicates that in addition to replication, the considerably reiterated organelle-DNA molecules may also regularly undergo an extensive repair process during each cell cycle.  相似文献   

The ratio of free to thylakoid-bound chloroplast ribosomes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii undergoes periodic changes during the synchronous light-dark cycle. In the light, when there is an increase in the chlorophyll content and synthesis of thylakoid membrane proteins, about 20-30% of the chloroplast ribosomes are bound to the thylakoid membranes. On the other hand, only a few or no bound ribosomes are present in the dark when there is no increase in the chlorophyll content. The ribosome-membrane interaction depends not only on the developmental stage of the cell but also on light. Thus, bound ribosomes were converted to the free variety after cultures at 4 h in the light had been transferred to the dark for 10 min. Conversely, a larger number of chloroplast ribosomes became attached to the membranes after cultures at 4 h in the dark had been illuminated for 10 min. Under normal conditions, when there was slow cooling of the cultures during cell harvesting, chloroplast polysomal runoff occurred in vivo leading to low levels of thylakoid-bound ribosomes. This polysomal runoff could be arrested by either rapid cooling of the cells or the addition of chloramphenicol or erythromycin. Each of these treatments prevented polypeptide chain elongation on chloroplast ribosomes and thus allowed the polyosomes to remain bound to the thylakoids. Addition of lincomycin, an inhibitor of chain initiation on 70S ribosomes, inhibited the assembly of polysome-thylakoid membrane complex in the light. These results support a model in which initiation of mRNA translation begins in the chloroplast stroma, and the polysome subsequently becomes attached to the thylakoid membrane. Upon natural chain termination, the chloroplast ribosomes are released from the membrane into the stroma.  相似文献   

We have used two monoclonal antibodies to demonstrate the presence and localization of actin in interphase and mitotic vegetative cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Commercially available monoclonal antibodies raised against smooth muscle actin (Lessard: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 10:349-362, 1988; Lin: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78:2335-2339, 1981) identify Chlamydomonas actin as a approximately 43,000-M(r) protein by Western immunoblot procedures. In an earlier study, Detmers and coworkers (Cell Motil. 5:415-430, 1985) first identified Chlamydomonas actin using NBD-phallacidin and an antibody raised against Dictyostelium actin; they demonstrated that F-actin is localized in the fertilization tubule of mating gametes. Here, we show by immunofluorescence that vegetative Chlamydomonas cells have an array of actin that surrounds the nucleus in interphase cells and undergoes dramatic reorganization during mitosis and cytokinesis. This includes the following: reorganization of actin to the anterior of the cell during preprophase; the formation of a cruciate actin band in prophase; reorganization to a single anterior actin band in metaphase; rearrangement forming a focus of actin anterior to the metaphase plate; reextension of the actin band in anaphase; presence of actin in the forming cleavage furrow during telophase and cytokinesis; and finally reestablishment of the interphase actin array. The studies presented here do not allow us to discriminate between G and F-actin. None the less, our observations, demonstrating dynamic reorganization of actin during the cell cycle, suggest a role for actin that may include the movement of basal bodies toward the spindle poles in mitosis and the formation of the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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