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A survey of titres of diphtheria and tetanus antitoxins and of antibodies to polioviruses in the sera of 291 schoolchildren aged 15, 11, and 7 years showed that high immunisation rates can evoke protective concentrations of tetanus antitoxin in 98% of children and protective levels of the antibodies to diphtheria and all three types of poliomyelitis in 85% of children. Reinforcing immunisation at school entry appeared to be necessary to maintain adequate titres of diphtheria antitoxin in children up to 15 years of age, not essential to maintain adequate titres of tetanus antitoxin, and to have little effect on the titres of antibodies to poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

The use of the method of cluster selection in mass serological examination makes it possible to obtain statistically significant results with very low expenditures. The coincidence of the results on the number of seronegative children, obtained by the method of cluster selection, with the results of mass serological examination of all children aged 6-7 years in the district (children found to be seronegative to measles constituted 5.5% and 5.0% respectively) is indicative of the statistical significance of the method used in this investigation. The results obtained by the method of cluster selection indicate that the level of protection among the children of the district was high both with respect to measles (94.5 +/- 1.8%) and tetanus (96.5 +/- 1.7%); with respect to diphtheria, the immune stratum was found to be less (91.1 +/- 2.3%). These data may be helpful in working out scientifically substantiated administrative decisions contributing to an increase in the effectiveness of planned mass immunization.  相似文献   

The work was aimed at the comparative study of the intensity of immunity to diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis, depending on the number of injections of adsorbed diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccine and poliomyelitis vaccine, for the purpose of finding out the possibility of reducing the antigenic load given to children without diminishing the intensity of immunity. To determine the level of immunity to diphtheria and tetanus, 1900 children under school age were serologically studied by the micromethod in the passive hemagglutination test. The intensity of immunity to poliomyelitis virus was studied in 333 children by means of the neutralization test. The immunogenic properties of the diphtheria component of adsorbed DPT vaccine were found to be less pronounced than those of the tetanus component of the vaccine, which made it impossible to reduce the antigenic load by decreasing the number of vaccinations against diphtheria. The results of the study of postvaccinal immunity to poliomyelitis suggest that during the first and second year of life the course of vaccination against poliomyelitis may be reduced to 3 injections.  相似文献   

Before the introduction of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine a survey was carried out to measure antibody prevalence to the three viruses by age. A total of 8716 samples of serum collected by five public health laboratories in different parts of England during 1986-7 were tested. Despite the current measles vaccination programme 60% of children aged 1-2 years did not have measles antibody and over 80% did not have antibodies to mumps and rubella. In the 3-4 year age group 17% of the children were susceptible to measles, 55% to mumps, and 73% to rubella. The results suggest that vaccinating children early in the second year of life will be necessary to eliminate the three diseases. The survey provides baseline data for continuing surveillance of the immediate and long term effects of the new vaccination strategy.  相似文献   

Agnes Eagles O'Neil 《CMAJ》1971,105(8):819-825
Twenty per cent of the city''s population of 375,000 had had live measles vaccination as pre-school children in the preceding four years. Protection rates for killed-live vaccine schedule (Edmonston) and live vaccine only (Schwarz) were approximately 66%, not diminishing in four years; the rates for killed vaccine only (three doses) were similar for 18 months, diminishing later. As the numbers who have acquired immunity by contracting the disease fall by 10 percentage points, numbers immunized by live vaccines must rise by 15 percentage points to maintain an equivalent balance of immune and susceptible subjects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate factors associated with non-compliance with having second vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis in a treatment centre in Dhaka to determine which children were most at risk of not completing immunisation. DESIGN--Cohort study of infants given first dose of the vaccine and followed up six weeks later to ascertain compliance with having second dose. Factors associated with non-compliance were evaluated. SETTING--Dhaka treatment centre of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. SUBJECTS--136 unimmunised children aged 6 weeks to 23 months who lived within reach of the treatment centre. At time of the six week follow up 16 of the children could not be traced and seven had died. INTERVENTIONS--All children received their first dose of the vaccine. In each case health education workers had informed the mother about the value of immunisation, and she was given clear instructions to bring the child back after four weeks for the second dose. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Rate of non-compliance with advice to return child for second vaccination. RESULTS--46 of 113 children (41%) received the second dose of the vaccine. Factors most closely associated with mothers'' failure to comply with the second dose were lack of education and low income. Children whose mothers knew most about immunisation at first interview were more likely to have their second dose. CONCLUSIONS--Preventive health care services such as immunisation are appropriately offered in treatment centres, but compliance among children varies with socioeconomic status and mother''s education. Further research should be aimed at ways to make health education more effective among uneducated parents.  相似文献   

The results of testing the blood sera obtained from donors at a blood transfusion center in Moscow for the presence of antibodies to rubella, measles and herpes simplex viruses, carried out by means of the enzyme immunoassay with the use of the corresponding test systems, are presented. Antibodies to rubella, measles and herpes simplex viruses have been detected, respectively, in 81.5, 96.7 and 100% of blood sera. The proportion of sera with low, medium and high antibody titers has proved to be virtually the same with respect to antibodies to rubella and herpes simplex viruses, the sera with medium antibody titers constituting 59%. At the same time tests for measles antibodies have shown the prevalence of sera with low titers (49.2%) with the highest percentage of seronegative donors (18.5%, as compared with 3.3% in rubella and the absence of negative sera in herpes simplex).  相似文献   

In a series of 79 infants aged under 1 year with nephroblastoma diagnosed during 1969-75 all the patients underwent nephrectomy, 33 (42%) received a course of radiotherapy, and 49 (62%) received chemotherapy. The overall three-year survival rate for patients who survived at least one week after diagnosis was 65%. The corresponding rate for infants with stage I tumours was 76%. The survival rate in children with early-stage tumours was significantly higher in those who were treated by nephrectomy and chemotherapy alone compared with those who also received radiotherapy. In a large proportion of cases nephrectomy and chemotherapy together constituted sufficient treatment for the cure of infants with nephroblastoma, and in some instances nephrectomy alone proved adequate. There was no general tendency for children under 1 year old to be unable to withstand chemotherapy.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Eimerians from 27 gray squirrels Sciurus carolinensis sampled in Waterloo County were studied. Two double-walled species, E. ontarioensis n. sp. which was piriform (36.8 × 23.5) and E. confusa Joseph which was subspherical (35.7 × 28.4), were described and compared with similar species from the genus Sciurus. Eimeria sp., ellipsoidal (24.9 × 14.4), from Ontario gray squirrels resembled E. ascotensis and E. neosciuri and was a new eimerian record from Ontario. The zoogeographic significance of E. ontarioensis n. sp. and E. sp. in North American gray squirrels is discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight adults were studied an average of 14.5 years after the diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis had been made. The pattern of disease had been typical with respect to various categories, complications and course; HLA-B27 antigen was found at follow-up in 25% of those tested. Two thirds now had mild to moderate disease, good sexual adjustment and "normal" educational achievement, employment history and lifestyle. One third had severe disease, often with progressive disability; this did not prevent sexual activity but caused some limitations, and the need for sexual counseling is emphasized. Ongoing activity of the disease process rather than severity of disability seemed the chief factor preventing a normal lifestyle.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced cDNA clones encoding the human U1-70K snRNP protein, and have mapped this locus (U1AP1) to human chromosome 19. The gene produces two size classes of RNA, a major 1.7-kb RNA and a minor 3.9-kb RNA. The 1.7-kb species appears to be the functional mRNA; the role of the 3.9-kb RNA, which extends further in the 5' direction, is unclear. The actual size of the hU1-70K protein is probably 52 kd, rather than 70 kd. The protein contains three regions similar to known nucleic acid-binding proteins, and it binds RNA in an in vitro assay. Comparison of the cDNA sequences indicates that there are multiple subclasses of mRNA that arise by alternative pre-mRNA splicing of at least four alternative exon segments. This suggests that multiple forms of the hU1-70K protein may exist, possibly with different functions in vivo.  相似文献   

R W Mowry 《Stain technology》1978,53(3):141-154
Successful production of aldehyde fuchsin (AF) having the unique properties described by Gomori depends on each of many critical variables. AF made from basic fuchsins which contain mainly rosanilin (C.I. 42510) do not stain properly-fixed pancreatic B cells, pituitary basophils, or elastic fibers in unoxidized sections. AF made from basic fuchsins containing mainly pararosanilin (C.I. 42500) stains these entities strongly. Substances stained by AF without oxidation fall into two classes: 1) nonacidic peptides and proteins, most of which contain half-cystines, and 2) polyanions, particularly when sulfated. Group 2 substances stain rapidly, Group 1 substances stain slowly. Many modifications of aldehyde fuchsin have been described. Modified aldehyde fuchsins (MAFs) differ in the kind of aldehyde and in the amount of aldehyde and hydrochloric acid used in their formulation; they differ also in the temperature and duration of the ripening necessary before they can be used. If microsections are first oxidized by acid permanganate or other oxidant, MAF staining of pancreatic B cells, pituitary basophils and other substances containing cystines is speeded and intensified. Most modified methods prescribe oxidation, but the author's does not. The chemical basis, final result and potential side-reactions of oxidation methods (OXMAF) differ from those of direct methods (DIMAF) such as the author's. DIMAF staining is slower but inherently simpler and less destructive. The time required for optimal staining with DIMAF depends on the potency of the stain, which in turn depends on how the stain was made and its age. Detection of DIMAF--reactive peptides and proteins may be hampered by the strong staining of polyanions. This can be remedied if the polyanions are first stained with Alcian blue (AB) or other durable basic dye of contrasting color resistant to acid ethanol. Experiences with the AB-DIMAF staining of pancreatic B cells, pituitaries and elastic fibers in formalin-fixed human tissues are detailed. Proper control of the variables which affect MAF will insure useful and reliable results either directly or after oxidation. Authors and editors are urged to be more careful hereafter to distinguish the results of DIMAF from those of OXMAF methods. Published reports should always specify the parameters that affect the properties of MAF. In OXMAF methods the steps intervening between oxidation and staining should be spelled out. Such care should help dispel the confusion and uncertainty which cloud the use and reputation of aldehyde fuchsin at present. This unique dye deserves wider and wiser use.  相似文献   

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