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Sera of mice immunized with ribosomal fractions of Candida albicans showed the presence of anti-C. albicans antibodies, detected by the gel-immunodiffusion, agglutination and immune adherence tests.Candida infections are among the most prevalent opportunistic yeast infections, attacking debilitated individuals, and against which there is no effective prophylactic treatment currently available (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). In view of the succes reported in experimental immunizations with ribosomal fractions from various bacteria and some fungi, as summarized by Youmans and Tewari (7, 8), a similar approach for immunization in experimental candidiasis appears reasonable. The present work describes preliminary results on circulating antibodies elicited in the course of immunizations with ribosomal fractions of Candida albicans.Ribosomal preparations were obtained from mechanically disrupted cell-pellets of C. albicans by differential centrifugation and purification in a 15% sucrose and 5% ammonium sulfate solution (in sodium-magnesium-Tris buffer), using a modification of the procedure described by Rubin (6). Concentration of ribosomal-RNA was determined by the absorbance at 260 nm; ribosomal-protein concentration by the Lowry reaction; and purity of the ribosomal preparation checked by the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm to 280, and at 260 to 235 nm. Mice (ICR strain) were immunized with these ribosomal preparations in amounts of 50–100 g ribosomalprotein/mouse, by 2–3 subcutaneous inoculations with Frend's adjuvant, with a 10–21 day interval between the inoculations.This work constitutes part of Ruth Levy's research study towards the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

Candida albicans secretes both hydroxamate and phenolate-type siderophores when grown under iron-restricted conditions. The inhibition of candidal growth by iron limitation was reversed by the addition of supplemental hydroxamate on phenolate siderophores. Both siderophores produced equal stimulation of growth suggesting that C. albicans could utilize both siderophores with equal efficiency. Addition of heterologous siderophores from both bacteria and fungi also supported growth of the yeast in a deferrated medium. These results suggest that C. albicans has an iron-uptake mechanism which enables it to obtain iron by utilizing candidal and non-candidal siderophores.  相似文献   

Summary Using field-inversion gel electrophoresis we defined an electrophoretic karyotype for the yeast, Candida albicans. The karyotype is distinct from other species of Candida and is species specific. A total of five distinct chromosomal mobility groups were observed, at least four of which are composed of a minimum of two fragments each. From the apparent sizes of these fragments relative to the large chromosomes of the morphologically related yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, together with the known genome size of this organism, we conclude that the karyotype is the result of the migration of intact chromosomes.  相似文献   

An indirect immunofluorescence (IF) method using rabbit anti-Candida albicans was used to detect C. albicans in blood samples of 12 patients with systemic candidosis defined clinically, histologically and by blood cultures. Positive staining of C. albicans could be detected in all of the patients. The findings suggest that IF-method offers a more rapid method in the diagnosis of disseminated candidosis.  相似文献   

Caffeine at concentrations of 0.5 × 10–2 M or higher inhibited cell replication and induced gene segregations in Candida albicans cultured on defined complete medium. Both responses increased incrementally with increasing caffeine concentrations, and were more severe during incubation at 37 °C than 25 °C; at 37 °C, caffeine levels above 1.5 × 10–2 M caused cellular inactivation. Caffeine effects occurred only under conditions permitting cell growth, and their magnitudes were greater for unbudded than budding cells, were influenced by cellular genetic backgrounds, and were unaffected by the presence of adenine in the medium. Evaluations of segregations for recessive auxotrophic markers of a four member linkage group carried heterozygously in a cis arrangement in treated cells established that induced segregants arise through either reciprocal or nonreciprocal recombinations. The frequency distributions of classes of reciprocal and nonreciprocal recombinants for these markers conformed with those previously obtained following induction by ultraviolet radiation, indicating that the probabilities of recombinational events within the chromosomal regions defined by the markers are not biased by the differences in kinds of initial DNA lesions caused by the two recombinagens. A panel of four protoplast fusion hybrids considered deficient for DNA repair because of enhanced susceptibilities to UV induced cellular inactivation and mitotic recombination exhibited corresponding increased sensitivities to caffeine, signifying that DNA damage induced by caffeine is subject to repair. Caffeine did not affect behavior of a variant strain exhibiting high frequency phenotypic switching between minute smooth and large rough colonial forms, and no evidence for mutagenicity of the drug was obtained with systems for detection of forward or reverse mutations. The mechanism of caffeine's recombinagenicity, and the implications of that property for genetic studies of C. albicans are discussed.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley rats were inoculated intravenously (i.v.) withCandida albicans, and limb joints showing signs ofCandida-induced arthritis were subjected to radiographic and histologic examination. New bone formation and bone resorption were morbidly enhanced in bones sampled from the arthritic joints. Sparsely distributed needle-shaped calcified deposits began to be formed on bony surfaces in parallel with the onset of joint swelling. The calcified deposits gradually became denser and then covered the bony surfaces almost entirely, giving rise to an exostosis-like profile. In addition to the new bone formation, bone resorption was also observed in regions adjacent to the sites of new bone formation, and punched-out bone lesions were produced. Eventually, severe deformation of joint bones due to new bone formation and bone resorption was evident. Reflecting these unusual radiographic changes, abundant osteoblasts and osteoclasts were demonstrated histologically in the bones. On the basis of these results, possible mechanisms for the induction of arthritis byCandida infection are discussed.  相似文献   

Wong JH  Ng TB  Legowska A  Rolka K  Hui M  Cho CH 《Peptides》2011,32(10):1996-2002
Human cathelicidin LL37 and its fragments LL13–37 and LL17–32 exhibited similar potencies in inhibiting growth of the yeast Candida albicans. After treatment with 0.5 μM and 5 μM LL13–37, the hyphae changed from a uniformly thick to an increasingly slender appearance, with budding becoming less normal in appearance and cell death could be detected. Only the yeast form and no hyphal form could be observed following exposure to 50 μM LL13–37. LL13–37 at a concentration of 5 μM was able to permeabilize the membrane of yeast form as well as hyphal form of C. albicans since the nuclear stain SYTOX Green was localized in both forms. Mycelia treated with LL13–37 stained with SYTOX Green, but did not stain with MitoTracker deep red, indicating that the mitochondria were adversely affected by LL13–37. Bimane-labeled LL13–37 was able to enter some of the hyphae, but not all hyphae were affected, suggesting that LL37impaired membrane permeability characteristics in some of the hyphae. Reactive oxygen species was detectable in the yeast form of C. albicans cells after treatment with LL13–37 but not in the untreated cells. The results suggest that the increased membrane permeability caused by LL13–37 might not be the sole cause of cell death. It might lead to the uptake of the peptide, which might have some intracellular targets.  相似文献   

Cell associated collagenolytic activity of Candida albicans was quantified by measuring the degradation of synthetic peptide 2-furanacryloyl-Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala (FALGPA), which is a specific substrate for collagenase, by the freeze-thaw procedure method. This collagenolytic activity was enhanced by cells cultured in the presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in culture medium. However, this activity was inhibited in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA-2Na), but not by the serine proteinase inhibitor p-amidinophenyl methanesulfonyl fluoride (APMSF), nor the aspartyl proteinase inhibitor pepstatin A. These results suggested the presence of a metalloenzyme on pericellular C. albicans. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary A plasmid vector (denoted pRC2312) was constructed, which replicates autonomously in Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans. It contains LEU2, URA3 and an autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) from C. albicans for selection and replication in yeasts, and bla (ampicillin resistance) and ori for selection and replication in E. coli. S. cerevisiae AH22 (Leu) was transformed by pRC2312 to Leu at a frequency of 1.41 × 105 colonies per g DNA. Transformation of C. albicans SGY-243 (Ura-) to Ura+ with pRC2312 resulted in smaller transformant colonies at a frequency of 5.42 × 103 per g DNA where the plasmid replicated autonomously in transformed cells, and larger transformant colonies at a frequency of 32 per g DNA, in which plasmid integrated into the genome. Plasmid copy number in yeasts was determined by a DNA hybridization method and was estimated to be 15±3 per haploid genome in S. cerevisiae and 2–3 per genome in C. albicans replicative transformants. Multiple tandem integration occurred in integrative transformants and copy number of the integrated sequence was estimated to be 7–12 per diploid genome. The C. albicans ADE2 gene was ligated into plasmid pRC2312 and the construct transformed Ade strains of both C. albicans and S. cerevisiae to Ade+. The vector pRC2312 was also used to clone a fragment of C. albicans genomic DNA containing an aspartic proteinase gene. C. albicans transformants harboring this plasmid showed a two-fold increase in aspartic proteinase activity. However S. cerevisiae transformants showed no such increase in proteinase activity, suggesting the gene was not expressed in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Summary Growth ofCandida albicans strain B 311-10 was observed in a minimal synthetic biotin-free medium, using different glucose concentrations, during the first 30 hours of its development at 28 °C. The yeast's growth was observed spectrophotometrically at 675 nm reading its optical density every hour. The minimal medium of Shepherdet al. [12], with glucose (15 g/L) and biotin was modified: this vitamin was eliminated and the concentration of glucose was gradually lowered to 0.5 g/L. At 5 g/L of glucose and without biotin very good growth was obtained. Based on our results during the first 30 hours of growth, biotin has no influence on the yeast's growth. This medium would be useful for the study of the physiology ofC. albicans during the first period of its development.  相似文献   

A simple in vitro assay technique was used to determine the effect of post-filtration washing on the adherence ofC. albicans (NCPF 3736) to human buccal epithelial cells (BEC). Washing was carried out with a range of volumes of phosphate buffered saline (PBS), viz. 0, 5, 10 and 20 ml, at a standard flow rate. Both the number ofC. albicans adherent to BEC and the percentage of BEC with adherentC. albicans were significantly decreased (p<0.001 for each of these measures) after washing with 5 ml PBS. Further increases in the volume of PBS did not significantly decrease either measure of adherence. These data indicate that only a small volume of PBS, 5 ml, is required to achieve the removal of non-adherentC. albicans from the surface of BEC. The result of the adherence assay is not significantly affected by increasing the volume of PBS used. It is concluded that considerable savings in time may be made through using only a small (5 ml) volume of washing buffer at a standard flow rate.Abbreviations BEC buccal epithelial cells - PBS phosphate buffered saline - MEM Eagle's minimum essential medium - NCPF National collection of pathogenic fungi  相似文献   

Summary Liposomes expressing external antibody specific for Candida albicans and encapsulating amphotericin B were developed and characterized in this study. Antibody was first modified by the covalent attachment of palmitic acid residues. Liposomes were produced by reverse-phase evaporation and modified antibody was incorporated into these liposomes via the hydrophobic interaction between the palmitic acid and the phospholipids composing the liposomes. The liposomes were characterized as to the amount of amphotericin B by spectroscopy and for the presence of antibody by protein analysis and secondary immunolabeling by fluorescent and electron microscopic methods. Immunogold labeling showed that the antibody was being expressed externally on the liposomes in the electron microscopic studies and the specificity of these liposomes for C. albicans was observed by secondary immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

At 10–5 M, miconazole (MCZ) can exert a direct physicochemical cell-damaging lethal action against logarithmic phase yeasts of Candida albicans. The imidazole moiety of MCZ has a pKa 6.5. Thus, in media of pH >6.5 most drug molecules are nonprotonated (MCZ). Conversely, at pH < 6.5 the majority are protonated and carry a positive charge (MCZH+). Our earlier work suggesting that MCZ is required for direct lethal action was tested further. In support of such a requirement, we established a minimal lethal concentration of MCZ (i.e. 5×10–6 M) that was relatively independent of pH, MCZ concentration, and MCZMCZH+ ratio.  相似文献   

By incubating starved and unstarved yeast cells in synthetic media with a pH of 4.5 or 6.7 at 37°C the effect of a 3 hours' glucose starvation on germ-tube production byCandida albicans was evaluated. In addition the endocellular content of total carbohydrates, glycogen, trehalose and proteins after and before the starvation were dosed. The most interesting result was the overcoming of the pH-regulated dimorphism, thanks to the starvation treatment. Infact the starved cultures produced germtubes indifferently in neutral or acid media, whereas the filamentation of the unstarved cultures was more copious in pH 6.7 medium. The endocellular content of trehalose and protein was unchanged, whereas total carbohydrates and glycogen showed a shortage after the 3 hours' glucose starvation. The possible involvements of these metabolic changes in the regulation of dimorphic transition are discussed.  相似文献   

A new minimal synthetic medium, with low amount of glucose, without aminoacids, vitamins and neutral pH, which induces germ-tubes production in Candida albicans, is reported in this work. The results indicate a perfect agreement between the germ-tube test performed with the standard method in human or animal serum and this test performed in minimal synthetic medium. In this medium the germ-tube test for the presumptive identification of Candida albicans can be performed with the same formality, time and reproducibility as those in human or animal serum. This constitutes an interesting finding because it is easy to prepare, to store and is highly reproducible.  相似文献   

A new medium consisting of UHT milk, tween 80 and agar is described for the development of both germ tube and chlamydoconidia byCandida albicans. In total 172 isolates from clinical specimens, includingC. albicans (112),C. guilliermondii (4),C. krusei (3),C. parasilopsis (16).C. tropicalis (28),Torulopsis glabrata (6) andTrichosporon beigellii (3), were examined in this medium by using the standard method. A higher percentage (98.2%) of germ tube production byC. albicans was found in this medium than in undiluted serum (90.2%). In addition, onlyC. albicans was found to be able to produce a high percentage of chlamydoconidia (95.5%) after 48 hours' incubation. In comparison with the conventional medium, corn meal tween 80 agar (21.4%), this new medium gives a significantly higher percentage and abundance of chlamydoconidia production. Being simple, cheap and easy to prepare, the new milk medium is proposed as very practical in the clinical mycology laboratory.  相似文献   

The possible synergy between macrophages and fluconazole for antifungal activity against different isolates ofC. albicans was studied. The susceptibility ofC. albicans isolates to fluconazole (FCZ), when incubated in RPMI-1640 with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 10% fresh mouse serum (test medium, TM) was determined by using a quantative culture methodology. Multiplication of isolate Sh27 was strongly inhibited by FCZ, even at 1.0 µg/ml. However, FCZ even at 100 µg/ml was not fungicidal. Resident murine peritoneal macrophages (MP) incubated for 48 h in RPMI-1640+10% FBS (tissue culture medium, TCM), then challenged with Sh27 in TM for 24 h, were fungistatic (20±9%,n=4). Cultured macrophages synergized with FCZ (10 µg/ml) for fungicidal activity when co-cultured with Sh27 in TM for 24 h (46±8%) and for 48 h (74±5%),n=3. Macrophages and FCZ (10 µg/ml) could not synergize for significant killing of a less FCZ-sensitiveC. albicans isolate 94-164. Multiplication of a FCZ-resistant isolate (94–20) was not inhibited by FCZ at 10 µg/ml TM; however, macrophages and FCZ (10 µg/ml) could synergize for fungistatic (64%), but not fungicidal, activity.  相似文献   

Summary During aerobic replication, balanced heterokaryons (hets) of Candida albicans produced by fusing protoplasts of complementing auxotrophic strains characteristically segregate low frequencies of prototrophic monokaryons bearing hybrid nuclei formed either through karyogamy or unidirectional internuclear genetic transfers within het cells. Anaerobic growth causes exponential inactivation of hets and induces their production of hybrid monokaryons. Both responses are functions of heterokaryosis as such and not the genetic backgrounds of hets. Evidence is presented that (i) the nuclei of anaerobically generated hybrids arise through induction in hets of karyogamy not internuclear genetic transfers and that (ii) the events underlying that induction are different from those responsible for inactivation of the cells.  相似文献   

Candida albicans E-139 produced pure mycelial and yeast cultures in a low sulphate medium at different temperatures. The influence of the morphological phase, dose and viability of the fungi on the kinetic of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and anti-mycelial and anti-yeast antibodies have been studied in mice injected intraperitoneally. The mycelial form elicited higher DTH levels than the yeast phase. This effect seems to be related to its antigenic properties. The effect of dose on the immune response depends on the viability of the fungus. The mycelial cytoplasmic antigens were more effective than the yeast ones in detecting antibodies induced during the experiments, particularly during the later stages of the observation periods, suggesting that such antigens may be useful in the serodiagnosis of Candida infections.  相似文献   

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