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Free flow electrophoresis measurements have been used to determine the surface charge density of normal rat kidney (NRK) cells and a clone of NRK, designated as 6m2, that exhibit a transformed phenotype at 33 degrees C and a non-transformed phenotype at 39 degrees C. A clone of 6m2, designated 54-5A4, which is transformed at both 33 degrees C and 39 degrees C was also studied. A surface charge density of -1.42 microC/cm2 was obtained for the NRK and non-transformed 6m2 cells at 39 degrees C, whereas at 33 degrees C values of -1.85 and -1.78 microC/cm2 were determined for the transformed 6m2 and 54-5A4 cells, respectively. It was found that 72% of the increased charge that appeared on the transformed 6m2 cells compared with the non-transformed 6m2 cells was RNAase sensitive. The time-dependent decrease in surface charge that accompanied the shift of the 6m2 cells from their transformed to non-transformed state was found to mirror the increase in transmembrane potential previously reported using a fluorescent dye technique, and was also comparable to the reported temporal changes in their morphology and virally-coded protein content.  相似文献   

The process of palate shelf elevation has been analyzed by light microscopy in mouse embryos cultured in vitro. The observations presented correlate changes in cell shape and orientation in the palate with the morphogenetic movement of the shelf. These studies suggest that in addition to any physical-chemical force elevating the shelf an active contraction of specific palate cells could also aid the process. Contribution to elevation could be derived from masses of contracting cells from the previously described non-muscle contractile systems in posterior (region 2) and mid-anterior (region 3) palate as well as other peripheral mesenchymal cells. Finally, elongation and contraction of the tongue side epithelial cells may also play a role in palate elevation.  相似文献   

Early research on the cell cycle revealed correlations between protein accumulation and cell proliferation. In this review, I describe the data showing that abnormality of cell growth and tumor development are dependent upon oncogene-induced increases in the levels and activity of factors that determine the rate of protein synthesis. It is proposed that the establishment of a vicious circle, namely oncoproteins → increase in translation → oncoproteins, is a major biological mechanism that fuels neoplastic growth. The constitutively high rates of protein synthesis and accumulation of proteins, including those necessary for DNA replication and mitosis, would drive cells to excessive proliferation.  相似文献   

The influence of nucleus shape and orientation on the elastic modulus of epithelial cells was investigated with atomic force microscopy. The shape and orientation were controlled by presenting the epithelial cells with anisotropic parallel ridges and grooves of varying pitch at the cell substratum. As the cells oriented to the underlying topography, the volume of the nucleus increased as the pitch of the topography increased from 400 nm to 2000 nm. The increase in nucleus volume was reflected by an increase in the measured elastic modulus of the topographically aligned cells. Significant alterations in the shape of the nucleus, by intimate contact with the topographic ridge and grooves of the underlying cell, were also observed via confocal microscopy, indicating that the nucleus may also act as a direct mechanosensor of substratum topography.  相似文献   

The induction of malignant transformation was examined in a standard promotion protocol in which BALB/3T3 cells were incubated continuously with tritiated water (3HOH) following acute treatment with various doses of either X-rays or benzo(a)pyrene (BP). In no case was there any evidence that protracted exposure to ionizing radiation from 3HOH enhanced the yield of transformants induced by the primary carcinogen over that predicted if the effects of the two agents were additive.  相似文献   

Proteins solubilized from the chemically transformed, highly tumorigenic Syrian hamster cell line, BP6T, and the untransformed parental embryo cells, have been analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Differences in seven major polypeptides have been identified in cytoplasmic and nuclear cell fractions from these two related cell types. The tumorigenic cells have lost the ability to synthesize detectable amounts of five major polypeptides which are found in untransformed cells; in addition, the tumorigenic cells synthesize two new major polypeptide species not found in the untransformed cells. Butyric acid, an agent which suppresses in vitro cellular properties frequently associated with neoplasia, induces in a reversible fashion synthesis of two of these missing polypeptide species in the tumorigenic cells. The results indicate that a change in the synthesis of less than 1% of the major polypeptide species is associated with a chemical mediated induction of the high tumorigenic state of Syrian hamster cells.  相似文献   

By means of histological and histochemical methods slices of biopsies of the canine musculus latissimus dorsi have been investigated after electroneurostimulation for three months through the thoracodorsal nerve in situ and after cutting its initial part. Frequency of contractions increases gradually from 30 up to 80 per 1 min every 2 weeks. The preparations are stained with hematoxylin--eosin. Histochemical reactions for adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) (incubational medium pH 4.3 and 10.3) and for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) are performed. The muscle, stimulated in situ, preserves its normal structure. Transformation of muscle contractions from fast to slow, as well as increasing AChE activity in myoneural synapses are revealed. The muscle, stimulated after its cutting at its beginning, is subjected to adipose dystrophy. Activity of ATPase and AChE do not differ from that in the control.  相似文献   

Effects of the triazine herbicides simazine and terbutryn on total biovolume and community structure of haptobenthic periphytic algal communities within in situ marsh enclosures are described. Levels of biovolume inhibition in excess of 98% relative to an untreated control were observed at all levels of terbutryn tested (0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 mg l–1). No reduction in total biovolume was observed at 0.1 mg l–1 simazine, with increasing inhibition (to 98%) at 1.0 and 5.0 mg l–1. Following incidental enclosure flooding and removal of herbicide, increases in biovolume were observed in all but the highest treatment levels, with rates of colonization similar to that of the control.Pre-flood community structure of periphyton in simazine-treated enclosures was qualitatively similar to that of the control, while a small blue-green alga was abundant only in terbutryn-treated enclosures. After flooding, substratum colonization in most experimental enclosures was dominated by the diatom Cocconeis placentula, while this taxon accounted for about 25% of total biovolume on substrata from the control and 0.1 mg l–1 simazine enclosures. It is concluded that periphyton successional processes, which normally lead to the development of a complex 3-dimensional mat, may be averted by short herbicide exposures.  相似文献   

A dose-response curve for gamma-radiation-induced neoplastic transformation of HeLa x skin fibroblast human hybrid cells over the dose range 0.1 cGy to 1 Gy is presented. In the experimental protocol used, the spontaneous (background) frequency of neoplastic transformation of sham-irradiated cultures was compared to that of cultures which had been irradiated with (137)Cs gamma radiation and either plated immediately or held for 24 h at 37 degrees C prior to plating, for assay for neoplastic transformation. The pooled data from a minimum of three repeat large-scale experiments at each dose demonstrated a reduced transformation frequency for the irradiated compared to the sham-irradiated cells for doses of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 cGy for the delayed-plating arm. The probability of this happening by chance is given by 1/2(n), where n is the number of observations (5); i.e., 1/32 congruent with 0.031. This is indicative of an adaptive response against spontaneous neoplastic transformation at least up to a dose of 10 cGy of gamma radiation. The high-dose data obtained at 30 and 50 cGy and 1 Gy showed a good fit to a linear extrapolation through the sham-irradiated, zero-dose control. The delayed-plating data at 10 cGy and below showed a statistically significant divergence from this linear extrapolation.  相似文献   

In animal cells, positioning of the mitotic spindle is crucial for defining the plane of cytokinesis and the size ratio of daughter cells. We have characterized this phenomenon in a rat epithelial cell line using microscopy, micromanipulation, and microinjection. Unmanipulated cells position the mitotic spindle near their geometric center, with the spindle axis lying roughly parallel to the long axis of the cell. Spindles that were initially misoriented underwent directed rotation and caused a delay in anaphase onset. To gain further insight into this process, we gently deformed cells with a blunted glass needle to change the spatial relationship between the cortex and spindle. This manipulation induced spindle movement or rotation in metaphase and/or anaphase, until the spindle reached a proper position relative to the deformed shape. Spindle positioning was inhibited by either treatment with low doses of nocodazole or microinjection of antibodies against dynein, apparently due to the disruption of the organization of dynein and/or astral microtubules. Our results suggest that mitotic cells continuously monitor and maintain the position of the spindle relative to the cortex. This process is likely driven by interactions among astral microtubules, the motor protein dynein, and the cell cortex and may constitute part of a mitotic checkpoint mechanism.  相似文献   

The orientation of cell divisions determines the shape of Drosophila organs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Organ shape depends on the coordination between cell proliferation and the spatial arrangement of cells during development. Much is known about the mechanisms that regulate cell proliferation, but the processes by which the cells are orderly distributed remain unknown. This can be accomplished either by random division of cells that later migrate locally to new positions (cell allocation) or through polarized cell division (oriented cell division; OCD). Recent data suggest that the OCD is involved in some morphogenetic processes such as vertebrate gastrulation, neural tube closure, and growth of shoot apex in plants; however, little is known about the contribution of OCD during organogenesis. We have analyzed the orientation patterns of cell division throughout the development of wild-type and mutant imaginal discs of Drosophila. Our results show a causal relationship between the orientation of cell divisions in the imaginal disc and the adult morphology of the corresponding organs, indicating a key role of OCD in organ-shape definition. In addition, we find that a subset of planar cell polarity genes is required for the proper orientation of cell division during organ development.  相似文献   

The MSC16 cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) mutant with lower activity of mitochondrial Complex I was used to study the influence of mitochondrial metabolism on whole cell energy and redox state. Mutant plants had lower content of adenylates and NADP(H) whereas the NAD(H) pool was similar as in wild type. Subcellular compartmentation of adenylates and pyridine nucleotides were studied using the method of rapid fractionation of protoplasts. The data obtained demonstrate that dysfunction of mitochondrial respiratory chain decreased the chloroplastic ATP pool. No differences in NAD(H) pools in subcellular fractions of mutated plants were observed; however, the cytosolic fraction was highly reduced whereas the mitochondrial fraction was more oxidized in MSC16, as compared to WTc. The NADP(H) pool in MSC16 protoplasts was greatly decreased and the chloroplastic NADP(H) pool was more reduced, whereas the extrachloroplastic pool was much more oxidized, than in WTc protoplast. Changes in nucleotides distribution in cucumber MSC16 mutant were compared to changes found in tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris) CMS II mitochondrial mutant. In contrast to MSC16 cucumber, the content of adenylates in tobacco mutant was much higher than in tobacco wild type. The differences were more pronounced in leaf tissue collected after darkness than in the middle of the photoperiod. Results obtained after tobacco protoplast fractionating showed that the increase in CMS II adenylate content was mainly due to a higher level in extrachloroplast fraction. Both mutations have a negative effect on plant growth through perturbation of chloroplast/mitochondrial interactions.  相似文献   

Since radiation fields of space contain many-fold more protons than high atomic number, high energy (HZE) particles, cells in astronaut crews will experience on average several proton hits before an HZE hit. Thus radiation regimes of proton exposure before HZE particle exposure simulate space radiation exposure, and measurement of the frequency of neoplastic transformation of human primary cells to anchorage-independent growth simulates an initial step in cancer induction. Although previous investigations indicated a synergistic increase in transformation yields in the cells exposed to protons followed by HZE particles, these experiments did not differentiate between the effect of splitting of the dose into two fractions and that of changing the ion beams. To test this, we irradiated cells with split doses of either protons or HZE particles, then measured clonogenic survival and neoplastic transformation, as measured by colony formation in semi-solid soft agar medium. The data show that the split dose of 20 cGy plus 20 cGy of either H or HZE ions gave about the same effect as the 40 cGy uninterrupted dose, quite different from the effect of the mixed ion beam H + HZE irradiation. We also asked if lower proton doses than 20 cGy followed 15 min later by 20 cGy of HZE ions gave greater than additive transformation frequencies. Substantial increases in transformation levels were observed for all proton doses tested, including 1 cGy. These results point to the signal importance of protons in affecting the effect of space radiation on human cells.  相似文献   

Maternal cell contamination in amniotic fluid samples is easily detected by in situ hybridization if the karyotype of the fetus differs from the karyotype of the mother. One out of two amniotic fluid samples appears to contain more than 20% maternal cells. Bloody samples often contain even more than 50% maternal cells. Maternal cells can also be identified on the basis of their nuclear morphology. Maternal cell contamination is regularly observed in pregnancies with an anterior placenta, whereas it is rare in posterior placenta pregnancies. The maternal cells are therefore thought to be artificially introduced into the amniotic fluid sample, as a result of placental bleeding during amniocentesis. The implications of maternal cell contamination for prenatal diagnosis using uncultured amniotic fluid samples are discussed.  相似文献   

Upon activation neutrophils release reactive oxygen intermediates such as superoxide anion (O2-) which are potent mediators of inflammation. Various agents elicit different responses; N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMLP) (0.1 microM) provokes brisk generation of superoxide anion; leukotriene B4 (LTB4, 0.1 microM) is a poor stimulus. In contrast, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA, 1.6 microM) acting directly via protein kinase C is a potent stimulus for O2-. We compared the kinetics of appearance of various "second messengers" with the capacity of these ligands to elicit O2- generation. Kinetic analysis showed a two-phase response to membrane ligands; both an "early" (less than or equal to 15 s) and a "late" (greater than 15 s) increase in [3H]- and [14C]diacylglycerol (DG) was noted in response to fMLP. In contrast, LTB4 elicited only a rapid early increase in DG. The rise in DG evoked by PMA was late. Cytochalasin B increased the late phase of DG labeling elicited by all agonists. Moreover, comparison of increases in [3H]DG versus those of [14C]DG at early and late time points suggested that DG was not formed exclusively from the hydrolysis of polyphosphoinositides. Early increments of DG were also accompanied by addition of plasma membrane (ultrastructural morphometry); the ratio of surface perimeter to area increased rapidly (10 s) and persisted (60 s) in response to fMLP. Increments were more gradual in response to PMA. Kinetic analysis of protein phosphorylation was compared to the early and late increments of DG labeling. A 47,000 Mr protein was phosphorylated with kinetics consistent with the production of O2- and DG in response to fMLP (early and late) and PMA (late). In contrast, LTB4 provoked only early phosphorylation of this protein. The temporal pattern of the formation of diacylglycerol and the phosphorylation of proteins describe a dual signal. The data suggest that neutrophils require not only "triggering" (the rapid generation of a signal) but also "activation" (the maintenance of a signal) to sustain responses.  相似文献   

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