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Novel G protein alpha subunits were purified from rat brain by an affinity matrix containing immobilized beta gamma subunits (Pang, I.-H., and Sternweis, P. C. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 86, 7814-7818). They were unique based on the following criteria. These alpha subunits migrated differently through polyacrylamide gels with an apparent molecular mass of 42 kDa. They did not behave similarly to the other brain G proteins by conventional chromatographic techniques. Antisera raised against a common region of known alpha subunits failed to recognize these 42-kDa polypeptides. Finally, primary sequences of tryptic fragments of these proteins contain regions homologous to, yet unique from, the other alpha subunits. Sequences are identical with one or more members of a new family of alpha subunits recently identified by molecular genetic techniques (Strathmann, M., Wilke, T. M., and Simon, M. I. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 86, 7407-7409); most of the primary sequence identifies an alpha subunit labeled alpha q. These polypeptides were not substrates for ADP-ribosylation catalyzed by pertussis toxin. They bound GTP gamma S only with slow rates and low stoichiometry. Antisera to peptides based on primary sequence were specific for the new alpha subunits and indicate that they are widely distributed at low levels in different tissues but more concentrated in brain and lung. This procedure provides a means of preparing native G proteins that have a potential role as modulators of pertussis toxin-insensitive regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

The products of glnL and glnG are bifunctional regulatory proteins   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Summary The role of the two glnA linked genes, glnL and glnG, in regulation of glnA expression and nitrogen metabolism in Escherichia coli has been studied by analysis of 131 glnL and 164 glnG genetically characterized mutations. A comparison of phenotypes with genetic position was performed for all mutations in glnL and glnG. We determined the ability of mutants to derepress GS, to grow on a variety of nitrogen sources in the absence of glutamine, and to suppress the glutamine requirement caused by a glnF mutation. The results indicate that both glnL and glnG products mediate negative regulation of glnA. The glnG product, but not that of glnL, is required for derepression of glnA. Both glnL and glnG products are required for positive regulation of gene products involved in the utilization of poor nitrogen sources. In each gene, point mutations were found which confer a phenotype dramatically different than that caused by insertion mutations. These point mutations fall into several frequently occurring classes. The phenotypes of these classes suggests that each gene product has bifunctional regulatory properties. Further, each class tends to be located in only a portion of a gene suggesting that the region encoding each function is genetically distinct.The role of glutamine synthetase in the regulation of glnA expression was investigated using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on extracts of 38 GlnA- mutants. Results of this analysis argue that glutamine synthetase is not structurally involved in the regulation of glnA expression.  相似文献   

We have characterized a second cDNA sequence, pGTH2, for the human liver glutathione S-transferases Ha subunits. It is 95% homologous base-for-base to the Ha subunit 1 cDNA, pGTH1, except for its longer 3' noncoding sequences. Our results indicate that the multiple basic human liver glutathione S-transferases are products of separate genes. The proposal [Kamisaka, K., Habig, W. H., Ketley, J. N., Arias, I. M., and Jakoby, W. B. (1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 60, 153-161] that deamidation may be a physiologically important process for generating glutathione S-transferases isozyme multiplicity can be all but ruled out.  相似文献   

The interaction of several preparations of purified beta gamma dimers with two types of guanosine-nucleotide-binding-regulatory-(G)-protein alpha subunits, a recombinant bv alpha i3, made in Sf9 Spodoptera frugiperda cells by the baculovirus (bv) expression system, and alpha s, either purified from human erythrocyte Gs-type GTP-binding protein, and activated by NaF/AlCl3, or unpurified as found in a natural membrane, were studied. The beta gamma dimers used were from bovine rod outer segments (ROS), bovine brain, human erythrocytes (hRBC) and human placenta and contained distinct ratios of beta subunits that, upon electrophoresis, migrated as two bands with approximate M(r) of 35,000 and 36,000, as well as distinct complements of at least two gamma subunits each. When tested for their ability to recombine at submaximal concentrations with bv alpha i3, ROS, brain, hRBC and placental beta gamma dimers exhibited apparent affinities that were the same within a factor of two. When bovine brain, placental and ROS beta gamma dimers were tested for their ability to promote deactivation of Gs, brain and placental beta gamma dimers were equipotent and at least 10-fold more potent than that of ROS beta gamma dimers; likewise, brain beta gamma and placental dimers were equipotent in inhibiting GTP-activated and GTP-plus-isoproterenol-activated adenylyl cyclase, while ROS beta gamma dimers were less potent when assayed at the same concentration. The possibility that different alpha subunits may distinguish subsets of beta gamma dimers from a single cell was investigated by analyzing the beta gamma composition of three G proteins, Gs, Gi2 and Gi3, purified to near homogeneity from a single cell type, the human erythrocyte. No evidence for an alpha-subunit-specific difference in beta gamma composition was found. These findings suggests that, in most cells, alpha subunits interact indistinctly with a common pool of beta gamma dimers. However, since at least one beta gamma preparation (ROS) showed unique behavior, it is clear that there may be mechanisms by which some combinations of beta gamma dimers may exhibit selectivity for the alpha subunits they interact with.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised in rabbits against the beta gamma subunits of bovine brain GTP-binding proteins, and were purified with a beta gamma-coupled Sepharose column. Purified antibodies reacted strongly with 36,000-dalton beta subunit and slightly with 35,000-dalton beta and gamma subunits, but not with other proteins in an immunoblot assay. Using these purified antibodies, a sensitive enzyme immunoassay method for the quantification of brain beta gamma was developed. The assay system consisted of polystyrene balls with immobilized antibody F(ab')2 fragments and the same antibody Fab' fragments labeled with beta-D-galactosidase from Escherichia coli. The minimum detection limit of the assay was 3 fmol, or 130 pg. Samples from various regions of bovine brain were solubilized with 2% sodium cholate and 1 M NaCl, and the concentrations of beta gamma were determined. The beta gamma were detected in all the regions, and the highest concentrations were observed in the cerebral cortex and nucleus caudatus. The concentrations of beta gamma were higher than those of alpha subunit of GTP-binding protein, Go, in all the regions.  相似文献   

GTP-binding regulatory proteins (G-proteins) were identified in chemosensory membranes from the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. The common G-protein beta-subunit was identified by immunoblotting in both isolated olfactory cilia and purified taste plasma membranes. A cholera toxin substrate (Mr 45,000), corresponding to the G-protein that stimulates adenylate cyclase, was identified in both membranes. Both membranes also contained a single pertussis toxin substrate. In taste membranes, this component co-migrated with the alpha-subunit of the G-protein that inhibits adenylate cyclase. In olfactory cilia, the Mr 40,000 pertussis toxin substrate cross-reacted with antiserum to the common amino acid sequence of G-protein alpha-subunits, but did not cross-react with antiserum to the alpha-subunit of the G-protein from brain of unknown function. The interaction of G-proteins with chemosensory receptors was determined by monitoring receptor binding affinity in the presence of exogenous guanine nucleotides. L-Alanine and L-arginine bind with similar affinity to separate receptors in both olfactory and gustatory membranes from the catfish. GTP and a nonhydrolyzable analogue decreased the affinity of olfactory L-alanine and L-arginine receptors by about 1 order of magnitude. In contrast, the binding affinities of the corresponding taste receptors were unaffected. These results suggest that olfactory receptors are functionally coupled to G-proteins in a manner similar to some hormone and neurotransmitter receptors.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins transduce signals from cell surface receptors to intracellular effectors. The alpha subunit is believed to confer receptor and effector specificity on the G protein. This role is reflected in the diversity of genes that encode these subunits. The beta and gamma subunits are thought to have a more passive role in G protein function; biochemical data suggests that beta-gamma dimers are shared among the alpha subunits. However, there is growing evidence for active participation of beta-gamma dimers in some G protein mediated signaling systems. To further investigate this role, we examined the diversity of the beta subunit family in mouse. Using the polymerase chain reaction, we uncovered a new member of this family, G beta 4, which is expressed at widely varying levels in a variety of tissues. The predicted amino acid sequence of G beta 4 is 79% to 89% identical to the three previously known beta subunits. The diversity of beta gene products may be an important corollary to the functional diversity of G proteins.  相似文献   

RGK proteins are small Ras-related GTP-binding proteins that function as potent inhibitors of voltage-dependent calcium channels, and two members of the family, Gem and Rad, modulate Rho-dependent remodeling of the cytoskeleton. Within the Ras superfamily, RGK proteins have distinct structural and regulatory characteristics. It is an open question as to whether RGK proteins catalyze GTP hydrolysis in vivo. Binding of calmodulin and the 14-3-3 protein to RGK proteins controls downstream pathways. Here, we discuss the structural and functional properties of RGK proteins and highlight recent work by Beguin and colleagues addressing the mechanism of Gem regulation by calmodulin and 14-3-3.  相似文献   

The structures of the 2.3- and 2.0-kilobase Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) mRNAs, partially encoded within the EcoRI J fragment DNA of the viral genome, were determined by analysis of their cDNAs. Both mRNAs are transcribed across the fused terminal repeats of the EBV episome and consist of nine exons. The mRNAs are transcribed from different promoters and have a unique 5' exon from the U5 region of the genome but eight common exons from the U1 region. One principal open reading frame is present in each mRNA and is predicted to encode 54,000- and 40,000-dalton integral membrane proteins. This result was confirmed by in vitro translation of RNAs in the presence of canine pancreatic microsomes. The 2.3-kilobase mRNA is not expressed in Raji cells, owing to the deletion of the 5' regulatory and coding region of this gene, whereas neither mRNA is expressed in Namalwa cells, owing to inactivation as a result of integration of the EBV genome via the terminal repeats. Since these mRNAs are readily detected in largely latently infected cells and do not increase in abundance with EBV replication, these putative latent-infection membrane proteins are tentatively designated LMP-2A and LMP-2B, respectively.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum D (strain South Africa) produces ADP-ribosyltransferase which modifies eukaryotic 24-26-kDa proteins. ADP-ribosyltransferase activity was associated with a neurotoxin of 150 kDa (Dsa toxin) as confirmed by the elution profile of Dsa toxin from high performance anion-exchange column. The 24-kDa substrate of Dsa toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation was detected in several tissues examined including rat brain, heart, and liver; bovine adrenal medulla; sea urchin eggs; electric organs of electric fish; and cell lines of neural (N18, N1E115, NS20Y, NG108, PC12, and C6) and non-neural (3T3) origins, suggesting its ubiquitous localization in eukaryotic cells. On the other hand, the 26-kDa substrate was detected only in membrane fractions of neural tissues and neuronal cells, suggesting its specific localization in membrane of nerve terminals. ADP-ribosylation of both the 24-kDa substrate in PC12 membrane and the 24-26-kDa substrates in rat brain membrane was potentiated by either divalent cations or guanine nucleotides, whereas adenine nucleotides did not affect the ADP-ribosylation reaction. Trypsin digestion of the 24-kDa substrate in PC12 membrane and the 24-26-kDa substrates in rat brain membrane extract produced different tryptic fragments indicative of the structural difference between the 24- and 26-kDa substrates. Both the 24- and 26-kDa substrates were less sensitive to trypsin digestion before being ADP-ribosylated by Dsa toxin than after, suggesting the conformational alterations of the 24-26-kDa proteins induced by ADP-ribosylation. These results suggest that Dsa toxin modifies two distinct low molecular mass GTP-binding proteins by ADP-ribosylation to alter their putative function(s).  相似文献   

The genes encoding the regulatory subunits RI beta (locus PRKAR1B) and RII beta (locus PRKAR2B) of human cAMP-dependent protein kinase have been mapped in the basic CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) family panel of 40 families to chromosome 7p and 7q, respectively, using the enzymes HindIII and BanII recognizing the corresponding restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Previous data from the CEPH database and our present RFLP data were used to construct a six-point local framework map including PRKAR1B and a seven-point framework map including PRKAR2B. The analysis placed PRKAR1B as the most distal of the hitherto mapped 7p marker loci and resulted in an unequivocal order of pter-PRKAR1B-D7S21-D7S108-D7S17-D7S149- D7S62-cen, with a significantly higher rate of male than female recombination between PRKAR1B and D7S21. The 7q regulatory gene locus, PRKAR2B, could also be placed in an unambigous order with regard to the existing CEPH database 7q marker loci, the resulting order being cen-D7S371-(COL1A2,D7S79)-PRKAR2B-MET-D7S87++ +-TCRB-qter. Furthermore, in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes physically mapped PRKAR2B to band q22 on chromosome 7.  相似文献   

The beta-subunit of G-proteins occurs in two forms (beta 1 and beta 2), which differ in their primary structure as derived from cDNA clones and in their mobilities on SDS gels (36 and 35 kDa, respectively). To assess the tissue distribution of the two forms of beta-subunits, we synthesized peptides corresponding to defined regions of beta 1- and beta 2-subunits and injected them into rabbits; the antisera obtained reacted either with both beta-subunits or specifically with the beta 1- or the beta 2-subunit. They were used to identify the two beta-subunits in membranes prepared from various rat tissues and from human placenta. The concentration of total beta-subunits was high in rat brain and lung, human placenta, rat kidney, liver and spleen; it was much lower in rat erythrocytes, cardiac and skeletal muscle. In all tissues studied, both beta 1- and beta 2-subunits were detectable. In most tested tissues, the two forms were about equally distributed, whereas in the placenta, the beta 2-subunit was found to occur in approx. 2-fold excess over the beta 1-subunit. Our results demonstrate that both beta-subunits are widely distributed. In the majority of tissues, levels of beta 2-subunits are very similar to those of beta 1-subunits. Thus, the abundance of beta 2-subunits as compared to that of the beta 1-subunit is considerably higher than was previously estimated by measuring the respective mRNA levels.  相似文献   

Antisera were raised against the retinal guanine-nucleotide-binding protein (N-protein), transducin, purified from bovine rod outer segments. Sera obtained after repeated injections of antigen recognized all transducin subunits (alpha, beta and gamma). One antiserum, tested for cross-reactivity with non-retinal N-proteins, was found to cross-react with the beta subunits of the ubiquitously occurring N-proteins, Ns and Ni, but not with their respective alpha and gamma subunits. The antiserum also cross-reacted with the beta subunit of the recently identified N-protein, No, which has been found in high abundance in the central nervous system. These data support the similarity of the beta subunits of the N-proteins identified so far. Purification of N-proteins from porcine cerebral cortex without the use of activating ligands yielded fractions containing the isolated alpha subunit of No, free beta gamma complex, Ni, No and fractions containing both N-proteins in various proportions. The purity of the preparations was at least 80% as judged by Coomassie-blue-stained SDS gels. No pure Ns was obtained. Use of the transducin antibody during the course of the purification revealed that the beta subunits coeluted from a gel filtration column largely with the alpha subunits of Ni and No but were hardly detectable in fractions that were able to reconstitute Ns activity into membranes of an Ns-deficient cell line (S49 cyc- lymphoma cells). This indicates that in the central nervous system the concentrations of Ni and No are of magnitudes higher than that of Ns. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of N-proteins, purified from porcine cerebral cortex, resulted in the resolution of two major peptides in the 35-kDa region, which differed in their pI values and were identified as beta subunits by the use of the antiserum. Identical results were achieved using crude cholate extracts from membranes of the same tissue instead of purified proteins. The occurrence of different beta subunits may be explained by posttranslational N-protein modification.  相似文献   

Pig gastric mucus was tested for its autodegradative proteolytic degradation at pH 7.0, in the presence or absence of proteinase inhibitors and SDS. Samples of crude mucus were incubated at room temperature for 48 and 96 h in sodium azide stabilized buffer, pH 7. 0, and urea-extracted mucin was purified. Electrophoretically homogenic mucin preparation was reduced and alkylated with iodo[(14)C]acetamide, and analyzed for labeled products. On 7.5% SDS/PAGE protein bands at 80 and 120 kDa were noted, but radioactivity was incorporated into 100- and 140-kDa bands, with increasing intensity from T(0) to T(96), and into high molecular mass mucin subunits. The results confirmed the autodegradative properties of gastric mucin and demonstrated that the 100- and 140-kDa fragments are the main proteolytical products of pig gastric mucin and are disulfide bound with the rest of the molecule.  相似文献   

The allosteric enzyme ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) catalyzes the synthesis of ADP-Glc, a rate-limiting step in starch synthesis. Plant AGPases are heterotetramers, most of which are activated by 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA) and inhibited by phosphate. The objectives of these studies were to test a hypothesis concerning the relative roles of the two subunits and to identify regions in the subunits important in allosteric regulation. We exploited an Escherichia coli expression system and mosaic AGPases composed of potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber and maize (Zea mays) endosperm subunit fragments to pursue this objective. Whereas potato and maize subunits have long been separated by speciation and evolution, they are sufficiently similar to form active mosaic enzymes. Potato tuber and maize endosperm AGPases exhibit radically different allosteric properties. Hence, comparing the kinetic properties of the mosaics to those of the maize endosperm and potato tuber AGPases has enabled us to identify regions important in regulation. The data herein conclusively show that both subunits are involved in the allosteric regulation of AGPase. Alterations in the small subunit condition drastically different allosteric properties. In addition, extent of 3-PGA activation and extent of 3-PGA affinity were found to be separate entities, mapping to different regions in both subunits.  相似文献   

Hanlon MR  Wallace BA 《Biochemistry》2002,41(9):2886-2894
Voltage-dependent K(+), Ca(2+), and Na(+) channels play vital roles in basic physiological processes, including management of the action potential, signal transduction, and secretion. They share the common function of passively transporting ions across cell membranes; thus, it would not be surprising if they should exhibit similarities of both structure and mechanism. Indeed, the principal pore-forming (alpha) subunits of each show either exact or approximate 4-fold symmetry and share a similar transmembrane topology, and all are gated by changes in membrane potential. Furthermore, these channels all possess an auxiliary polypeptide, designated the beta subunit, which plays an important role in their regulation. Despite considerable functional semblences and abilities to interact with structurally similar alpha subunits, however, there is considerable structural diversity among the beta subunits. In this review, we discuss the similarities and differences in the structures and functions of the beta subunits of the voltage-dependent K(+), Ca(2+), and Na(+) channels.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SRIF) induces its biological effects by interacting with membrane-bound receptors that are linked to cellular effector systems via G proteins. We have studied SRIF receptor-G protein associations by solubilizing the SRIF receptor from rat brain and AtT-20 cells and immunoprecipitating the receptor-G protein complex with peptide-directed antisera against the different subunits of the G protein heterotrimer. Antiserum 8730, which selectively interacts with all Gi alpha subtypes, maximally and specifically immunoprecipitated SRIF receptor-Gi alpha complexes. To identify the subtypes of Gi alpha that are coupled to SRIF receptors, the subtype-selective antisera 3646, 1521, and 1518, which specifically interact with Gi alpha 1, Gi alpha 2, and Gi alpha 3, respectively, were used to immunoprecipitate SRIF receptor-Gi alpha complexes. Antiserum 3646 immunoprecipitated SRIF receptor-Gi alpha 1 complexes from both brain and AtT-20 cells. Antiserum 1521 immunoprecipitated Gi alpha 2 from both brain and AtT-20 cells but did not immunoprecipitate SRIF receptors from these tissues. Antiserum 1518 immunoprecipitated AtT-20 cell SRIF receptors but uncoupled brain SRIF receptor-G protein complexes. This result was confirmed with another peptide-selective antiserum, SQ, directed against Gi alpha 3. The findings from these studies indicate that Gi alpha 1 and Gi alpha 3 are coupled to SRIF receptors, whereas Gi alpha 2 is not. Even though brain and AtT-20 cell SRIF receptors were both coupled to Gi alpha, the receptors from these tissues differed in their coupling to Go alpha. Antiserum 2353, which is directed against Go alpha, immunoprecipitated SRIF receptors from AtT-20 cells, but did not immunoprecipitate or uncouple SRIF receptor-G protein complexes from rat brain. To determine the beta subunits associated with the SRIF receptor, antisera directed against G beta 36 and G beta 35 were used to immunoprecipitate SRIF receptor-G protein complexes from brain. Peptide-directed antiserum against G beta 36 selectively immunoprecipitated solubilized brain SRIF receptors. However, antiserum directed against the G beta 35 subunit did not immunoprecipitate brain SRIF receptors, suggesting that brain SRIF receptors may preferentially associate with G beta 36. In addition to coimmunoprecipitating with Gi alpha and G beta, brain SRIF receptors coimmunoprecipitated the G protein gamma subunits, G gamma 2 and G gamma 3. These results provide the first evidence that SRIF receptors are coupled to different subunits of G proteins and suggest that selectivity exists in the association of different G protein subunits with the SRIF receptor.  相似文献   

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