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The formation of oestrone sulphate has been examined in MCF-7 (oestrogen receptor positive, ER+) and MDA-MB-231 (ER negative, ER-) breast cancer cells. Using intact cell monolayers and a physiological substrate concentration, progesterone (1 microM) and dexamethasone (1 microM) both increased oestrone sulphate formation in MCF-7 cells. In MDA-MB-231 cells, dexamethasone, but not progesterone, increased conjugate formation. A number of growth factors, cytokines and human serum albumin (HSA), which have previously been found to regulate oestrogen synthesis, were also examined for their ability to regulate oestrone sulphate formation. In MCF-7 cells epidermal growth factor, acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors, insulin-like growth factor-type I and insulin all stimulated oestrone sulphate formation. The cytokines, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) and interleukin-1beta also increased conjugate formation in the ER+ cells, as did HSA. In contrast, in MDA-MB-231 cells TNFalpha was without effect and HSA inhibited oestrone sulphate formation. The ability to modulate oestrone sulphate formation in ER+ cells may be an important mechanism to limit the availability of oestrogen to interact with the ER.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [4-(14)C]oestrone and of [6,7-(3)H(2)]oestrone sulphate was studied during cyclic perfusion and once-through perfusion of the isolated rat liver. The following results were obtained. 1. As shown by once-through perfusion, the two steroids are metabolized differently during the first passage through the organ. [4-(14)C]Oestrone was taken up by the liver and partly delivered as oestradiol-17beta and oestriol into the medium. After uptake of [6,7-(3)H(2)]oestrone sulphate, only oestrone, liberated by hydrolysis, was delivered into the medium; no oestradiol-17beta or oestriol could be detected in the medium after one passage through the organ. This indicates that intracellular oestrone, which was taken up as such, and oestrone, which derived from intracellular hydrolysis, may be metabolized in different compartments of the liver cell. 2. The results of the cyclic perfusion showed that intracellular oestrone is preferentially conjugated with glucuronic acid, and subsequently excreted into the bile. Intracellular oestrone sulphate is preferably reduced to oestradiol sulphate, thus indicating that oestrone sulphate is a better substrate for the 17beta-hydroxy steroid oxidoreductase than is oestrone. 3. Albumin-bound oestrone sulphate acts as a large reservoir, and in contrast with free oestrone is protected from enzyme attack by its strong binding to albumin. 4. Oestrone sulphate is partly converted into the hormonally active oestrone by liver tissue. This suggests that liver not only inactivates oestrogens, but also provides the organism with oestrone, which is subsequently readily taken up by other organs.  相似文献   

The absorption of oestrone (E1), oestrone glucuronide (E1G) and oestrone sulphate (E1S) from the small intestine of anaesthetized rats has been evaluated using the Doluisio in situ technique. Luminal disappearance of E1 was biphasic, which is consistent with a 3-compartment model; t1/2 alpha (first phase) was less than 5 min and t1/2 beta (second phase) approx 27 min for each concentration of steroid studied (trace identical to 10 nM, 1 microM and 10 microM). In contrast, luminal disappearance of E1G and E1S was monoexponential; t1/2 for E1G was 159, 229 and 299 min (trace identical to 200 nM, 10 microM and 100 microM respectively) and for E1S, 215, 174 and 192 min (trace identical to 10 nM, 10 microM and 100 microM respectively). There was a good correlation between the luminal disappearance data and recovery of steroid in bile. Adsorption of E1S was estimated from the initial rapid fall in luminal content within the first 5 min after drug administration. The study provides further evidence that E1S can be absorbed intact. Since saccharolactone only caused a reduction in E1G absorption of 32% we also conclude that part of the administered E1G was absorbed intact.  相似文献   

Conversion of oestrone sulphate to oestrone has been suggested to make a major contribution to the level of oestrone found in breast tissues. In order to examine the ability of breast tissues to take up oestrone sulphate (E1S), 3H E1S or E1-35S was infused into postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. For 3 subjects infusion of 3H E1S was repeated after treatment with Danazol, a potential inhibitor of oestrone sulphatase activity. After infusion of 3H E1S significant levels of 3H E1S were detected in normal and malignant breast tissues (tissue: plasma ratios 0.14 +/- 0.13 and 0.24 +/- 0.12 respectively, mean +/- S.D., n = 5). Similar 3H E1S tissue: plasma ratios were detected after infusions of 3H E1 indicating that the 3H E1S detected in breast tissues after infusion of 3H E1S may have originated from the hydrolysis of 3H E1S in tissues other than the breast, with subsequent uptake and sulphation in breast tissues. After infusion of E1-35S no significant levels of radioactivity were detectable in normal or malignant breast tissues. Treatment with Danazol had no significant effect on tissue levels of 3H E1S or on the CRE1S E1 or MCR-E1S. It is concluded that oestrone sulphate, as such, is not taken up by breast tissues and that any contribution that oestrone sulphate makes to the oestrogen content of breast tissues will depend upon prior hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A direct radioimmunoassay for measuring plasma levels of oestrone sulphate has been developed using 8-anilino-2-naphthalene sulphonic acid to displace oestrone sulphate from plasma binding proteins. Oestrone sulphate was assayed by using an antiserum raised against glucuronide which cross-reacted 100% with oestrone sulphate. The direct assay gave a good analytical recovery of oestrone sulphate and there was a good correlation (r = 0.82, P less than 0.001) for plasma levels of oestrone sulphate measured by the direct assay and a method involving steroid conjugate extraction and enzyme hydrolysis. The mean (+/- S.D.) plasma level of oestrone sulphate in men was 1100 +/- 280 pg/ml. The effect of taking the antibiotic, Ampicillin, on plasma levels of oestrone sulphate was investigated in four men. Plasma levels of oestrone sulphate were significantly reduced after taking Ampicillin for 5 days. Ampicillin may act to lower plasma levels of oestrone sulphate by reducing the growth of bacteria in the gut or by inhibiting oestrogen sulphotransferase activity.  相似文献   

The biliary excretion of steroid after administration of [3H]oestrone ([3H]E1), [3H]oestrone glucuronide ([3H]E1G) and [3H]oestrone sulphate ([3H]E1S) into the hepatic portal vein of anaesthetized rats was very rapid with more than 70% of E1S and greater than 80% of E1 and E1G excreted in the first 30 min. There was a lag period in the biliary excretion of E1S, this was less apparent with E1 and absent with E1G. Biliary excretion accurately reflects the amount of steroid in the portal circulation and was therefore used as an assessment of absorption from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Absorption (as judged by excretion in bile) was least after administration of each steroid into the stomach. The extent of absorption correlated well with the lipophilicity of the steroids as shown by their relative partition coefficients between n-octanol and pH 6.5 phosphate-buffered saline (E1 greater than or equal to E1S greater than or equal to E1G). There was no significant difference in excretion profile when the steroids were given into the caecum (at 5 h, E1, 46.3 +/- 9.1%; E1G, 42.2 +/- 14.5%; E1S, 39.9 +/- 7.1%). The similarity, despite marked differences in physicochemical properties, suggested conjugate hydrolysis to the parent steroid. In contrast, after administration into the small intestine, excretion of E1 was very rapid and was maximal at 1 h (72.5 +/- 8.0%); E1G showed a near-linear excretion rate (1 h, 14.4 +/- 3.0%; 5 h, 80.0 +/- 11.7%), whereas in comparison E1S excretion was low (1 h, 12.1 +/- 2.4%; 5 h, 36.9 +/- 2.7%). The involvement of hydrolytic enzymes in conjugate absorption was assessed. Ampicillin pretreatment (200 mg/kg/day for 2 days) reduced the absorption of E1G from both the proximal and distal small intestine (by approximately 50%) but had no effect on the absorption of E1S. There was, therefore, evidence that quantitative absorption of E1G requires prior hydrolysis (by mammalian and/or microbial enzymes) but intact absorption of E1S from this region of the tract was implicated. Ampicillin pretreatment reduced the absorption of both conjugates (greater with E1S) from the caecum; hydrolysis clearly precedes absorption from the caecum. The above findings were supported by an in vitro study which showed that ampicillin pretreatment abolished the hydrolysis of E1S by caecal contents but only partially reduced the hydrolysis of E1G. The presence of mammalian glucuronidase enzyme may account for this difference.  相似文献   

Spontaneous canine mammary inflammatory carcinoma (IMC) shares epidemiologic, histopathologic and clinical characteristics with the inflammatory breast carcinoma (IBC) disease in humans. We have analysed the steroids levels in serum and in tissue homogenates of IMC, the expression of two of their receptors (androgen and β-estrogen) and of three enzymes included in the steroidogenesis pathway (aromatase (CYP19A1), steroid sulphatase (STS) and estrogen sulfotransferase (EST)) trying to explain the specific accumulation of steroids in IMC tissues generating deposits in the form of lipid droplets whose presence can be attributed to steroids secreted by IMC cells. According to our working hypothesis, oestrone sulphate would be the main component of these lipid droplets. The presence of these steroid deposits would contribute to the intense proliferation and invasive behaviour of IMC and IBC, although their involvement in angiogenesis is yet to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The action of oestrone sulphate on luteal function was tested in cyclic beef heifers. Once daily injection of 28 or 56 mg oestrone sulphate in corn oil beginning on Day 10 of the cycle had a significant luteolytic effect as compared to corn oil-treated controls.  相似文献   

Metabolism of sodium oestrone [35S]sulphate in the rat   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Intraperitoneal, intravenous or oral administration of sodium oestrone [(35)S]-sulphate to male and female Medical Research Council hooded rats is followed by the rapid excretion of the bulk of the radioactivity in urine in the form of inorganic [(35)S]sulphate. Pre-treatment of rats with an antibiotic regimen does not affect the results except in the case of oral administration, when relatively large amounts of the dose are recovered as ester [(35)S]sulphate in faeces. Intravenous administration of the labelled ester to male and female rats with cannulae in bile duct and ureter gave results similar to those obtained with free-range animals. Only small amounts of radioactivity appeared in bile and this was mainly in the form of ester sulphate, including both oestrone [(35)S]sulphate and oestradiol-17beta 3[(35)S]-sulphate. Whole-body radioautography pinpointed the liver as the probable site of the desulphation of the sulphate ester and this was confirmed by liver and kidney perfusion experiments and by studies with rats in which kidney function had been eliminated by ligation of the renal pedicles.  相似文献   

Mean serum concentrations of oestradiol-17beta, oestrone, and oestrone sulphate in postmenopausal women were the same when measured up to six hours after treatment with either piperazine oestrone sulphate 1.5 mg or oestradiol valerate 2 mg. Maximum concentrations of oestradiol were less than those of oestrone, but oestrone sulphate reached concentrations about 30 times higher than those of oestrone. The rapid conversion of oestradiol valerate to oestrone and oestrone sulphate does not support the suggestion that in menopausal women oestradiol is less likely to be associated with a risk of endometrial carcinoma than oestrone sulphate, since the two preparations appear to become identical after ingestion.  相似文献   

Metabolism of sodium oestrone [35S]sulphate in the guinea pig   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Intraperitoneal administration of sodium oestrone [(35)S]sulphate to male and female free-ranging guinea pigs is followed by excretion of most of the radioactivity mainly as inorganic [(35)S]sulphate in the urine within 72h. The remainder of the radioactivity in the urine was found in oestrone [(35)S]sulphate, two unidentified metabolites (A and B) and traces of oestradiol-17beta 3-[(35)S]sulphate. When injected intraperitoneally into animals with bile-duct and bladder cannulae, most of the dose was excreted in the bile. Unchanged oestrone [(35)S]sulphate was the main biliary component excreted in males and females, but the latter also excreted appreciable amounts of oestradiol-17beta 3-[(35)S]sulphate and metabolites A and B. The urine from these animals also contained these metabolites, inorganic [(35)S]sulphate and also oestrone [(35)S]sulphate, but in small amounts. Metabolite A was present only in samples from males. Whole body radioautography pinpointed the liver and kidney as the possible sites of metabolism of the ester. The ester underwent little desulphation in the isolated perfused female guinea-pig liver and in animals in which kidney function had been eliminated, and was excreted unchanged in the bile. These results and the observed low oestrogen sulphatase and arylsulphatase C activities found in guinea-pig liver and kidney support the view that the two enzymes are identical.  相似文献   

Detectable concentrations of oestrone sulphate were present in 50% of the plasma samples collected from pregnant animals by Day 17. No oestrone sulphate was detected in plasma from cyclic nonpregnant pigs.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid (less than 2 h) immunoassay method has been developed based upon a novel separation technique called LIDIA (Ligand Differentiation Immunoassay), enabling direct estimation of the concentration of oestrone sulphate in ethanolic extracts of blood plasma. An antiserum raised against oestrone-3-glucuronyl-BSA was used which showed a higher cross-reaction with the sulphate than the glucuronide metabolite. The assay had a sensitivity of 5.2 pg/tube and acceptable inter-(less than 18%) and intra-(less than 8.5%) assay precision. Analysis of samples of peripheral venous plasma obtained daily from Pony mares showed that the mean concentration of oestrone sulphate started to rise from a baseline value (less than 300 pg/ml) at 6 days and reached a peak (greater than 850 pg/ml) at 2 days before follicular rupture as determined by rectal palpation. Progesterone concentrations only started to rise above baseline (less than 0.5 ng/ml) on the day of ovulation and reached a peak 8 days later. Analysis of samples obtained during the first 30 days of pregnancy showed that there was no increase in oestrone sulphate at the time oestrus would have been expected had the mares not conceived.  相似文献   

Oestrone conjugate and LH/CG were measured in the urine of 4 Goeldi's monkeys during 6 pregnancies. The gestational length was a mean of 148.8 days from the post-partum LH/CG peak to parturition. CG was first detected a mean of 18.8 days after the LH/CG peak and values remained elevated for a mean of 44.8 days. Three different gonadotrophin assays were used to detect LH/CG: the mouse in-vitro interstitial cell bioassay, a mixed heterologous LH RIA, and a monkey CG RIA. The mouse in-vitro interstitial cell bioassay was useful for measuring both the LH peak which occurred post partum and the CG concentrations during pregnancy. However, both immunoassays were inconsistent in measuring LH due to poor cross-reactivity or lack of specificity; CG concentrations were measurable. Oestrone conjugates became elevated at the time of the LH/CG peak and concentrations continued to increase throughout pregnancy, reaching peak levels before parturition. The postpartum interval, pregnancy and parturition can therefore be monitored in the Goeldi's monkey by the use of urinary assays: those for bioactive LH and immunoreactive oestrone conjugates to determine the post-partum LH peak and those for immunoreactive LH/CG and immunoreactive oestrone conjugates to follow pregnancy and parturition.  相似文献   

Infusion of nonradiolabelled dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHA-S) has been used to investigate the possible formation of oestrone sulphate via a sulphated conjugate of androstenedione. The metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of DHA-S also was measured and the mean value (25 1/24h) was similar to values reported using isotopic techniques. Although conversion of DHA-S to 5-androstenediol, a steroid with oestrogenic properties, was detected during infusion of DHA-S, there were no significant increases in plasma levels of conjugated androstenedione or oestrone sulphate. The MCR's oestrone sulphate measured using infusion of nonradiolabelled steroid in two menopausal women were 99 1/24h and 121 1/24h. For one woman, the production rate of oestrone sulphate, calculated from the conversion of oestrone and oestradiol to oestrone sulphate (151 nmol/day) was similar to the measured production rate of oestrone sulphate (144 nmol/day). It is concluded that in menopausal women, oestrone sulphate is derived from conversion of oestrone and oestradiol with no formation occurring via conjugated androstenedione.  相似文献   

Uptake and local formation of oestrone (E1) were studied in vivo by a double isotopic technique in normal and malignant breast tissues from 24 postmenopausal women with breast cancer. Active uptake of radio-labelled E1 beyond plasma was found both in normal and malignant tissue, the effect being significantly greater in non-malignant compared with cancer tissue. The presence of local E1 formation was also demonstrated in most samples. Both uptake and synthesis positively correlated with total amount of radioactive E1 found in the tissues. Uptake appeared to make a greater contribution to E1 levels within the breast than in situ synthesis, although there were marked variations between specimens from different patients and the relative proportion of synthesis to uptake was higher in tumour compared with non-malignant tissue. These results demonstrate quantitative differences in the different compartments by which postmenopausal breasts obtain oestrogen and highlight variations between individual breasts. This may be important in optimising oestrogen deprivation therapy for postmenopausal patients with hormone-dependent cancers.  相似文献   

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