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苏北海滨湿地互花米草种群繁殖方式   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
在江苏盐城新洋港滩涂由海向陆建立样地:光滩(Mudflat)、零星米草斑块(SAP)、稳定米草滩下边缘(SAFI)、2003年米草定居处(SAF03)、1989年米草定居处(SAF89)、碱蓬滩(SS)及禾草滩(Grass flat),在每个样地分别建立6个样方,构建原地栽培系统(长1 m×宽1 m×深0.7 m),其中3个用于无性繁殖体栽培,3个用于有性繁殖体栽培,对互花米草的种子萌发、无性分株及实生苗的定居、生长、繁殖进行了研究。结果表明:(1)受海浪物理冲刷、淹水胁迫、受潮浸频率及土壤水分的影响,实验系统各样地种子萌发率均较低,只有样地SAFI处互花米草种子萌发率为17.8%,显著高于其他样地(P0.01)。SAP、SAFI、SAF03、SAF89和Grass flat处实验最初栽培的互花米草无性分株植株存活率较高(大于60.0%)且样地间差异性不显著(P0.05);Mudflat处无性分株存活率极低(7.8±2.2)%,SS处无性分株全部死亡(0.0%)。无性分株和实生苗相比较,除Mudflat和SS样地二者存活率接近,其余样地的无性分株成活率均远高于有性分株。(2)互花米草无性分株在SAP、SAFI和SAF89样地中的株高、叶长、叶数、叶宽和叶厚均较高;实生苗在SAFI处长势较好,其他样地植株矮小、基径细或者死亡。无性分株生长指标显著高于实生苗。(3)各样地成功定居的无性分株均有结实植株,而实生苗只有Mudflat和SAFI处结实。样地Mudflat、SAP、SAFI、SAF03、SAF89和Grass flat无性分株分蘖数分别为21.7、23.0、25.5、6.8、9.0和4.1,实生苗的分蘖数除在Mudflat处达到14.0外,在其他样地均未分蘖。(4)各样地互花米草的无性分株单株生物量显著大于实生苗。两种繁殖方式地上生物量分配都呈现出向海陆两边递减的趋势,而地下生物量分配表现出相反的情况。综合对比各项指标,可以看出,在研究区内互花米草无性繁殖方式的定居成功率、生长、繁殖等指标均优于有性繁殖方式。研究区内互花米草种群的维持和扩张以无性繁殖方式为主。  相似文献   

由于过度收集和对原生境地的破坏,我国野生兜兰已濒临灭绝,对其进行迁地保护十分必要。通过对引种的13种40份野生兜兰资源进行迁地栽培,并观测兜兰种质在迁移地的各种生长性状指标等,本研究利用灰色关联分析方法评价13种兜兰的迁地适应性,分析影响其迁地保护的关键因素。结果表明:(1)带叶兜兰、同色兜兰、长瓣兜兰、文山兜兰适应性较强,与理想种的关联度均在0.8以上;巨瓣兜兰、白花兜兰、小叶兜兰、紫纹兜兰、紫毛兜兰、硬叶兜兰适应性一般,与理想种的关联度在0.7~0.8之间;麻栗坡兜兰、杏黄兜兰、红旗兜兰适应性较差,与理想种的关联度均在0.6以下;(2)不同兜兰种类、同一种类不同产地兜兰种质的迁地生长适应性不同,来源地和栽培温度可能是影响其迁地保护的关键因子。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物迁地保护策略中植物营养问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
营养缺乏、过量或不平衡都会直接导致植物生长繁殖障碍甚至死亡,通过改良土壤或补充矿质元素来解决这些问题是植物营养学研究的主要内容。这一学科的研究范围已经从传统人工生态系统发展到自然生态系统中。但总的来说,这一学科还没有真正渗透到珍稀濒危物种的迁地保护领域中来。中国各植物园目前正在开展大规模的珍稀濒危植物迁地保护工作,但人们都只重视了物种的引入,却忽视了它们在迁地保护过程中业已存在和可预见的生长繁殖障碍,对迁地保护植物的研究很少涉及其生长繁殖所需的营养条件。针对这一现状,本文提出了目前应开展的几项工作:(1)明确优先开展植物营养学研究的物种范围;(2)物种原产地土壤与植物化学元素背景值的分析;(3)迁地保护物种营养状况动态监测与营养诊断。该研究思路的提出,无论是从植物营养学与植物保育学的学科交叉角度,还是从珍稀濒危物种迁地保护保育策略的理论探索与解决实际问题的角度,都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

濒危药用植物八角莲生态生物学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过样地调查和相关资料分析,对八角莲(Dysosma versipellis)生态生物学特征的研究表明,八角莲生境群落是以热带和温带植物为主的常绿和落叶阔叶混交疏林灌丛和竹林,上层乔灌木植物多为当地优势种。适宜生长的基质土壤为黄棕壤,pH为5.40-6.59,有机质、有效N、P、K和全N、P、K养分含量高(分别为19.36%、840 mg kg-1、46 mg kg-1、310 mg kg-1和9 970 mg kg-1、1 217 mg kg-1、2 603 mg kg-1)。繁殖障碍、遗传结构不利等自身因素和人类过度采挖、生境破坏等是导致八角莲濒危的主要原因。因此,其保育策略应以迁地保育和就地保育相结合,以迁地保育为主。  相似文献   

通过对江西东乡含濒危植物普通野生稻(Oryzarufipogon)和长喙毛茛泽泻(Ranalismarostra-tum)的群落在余江县实施重建,研究并评价了迁地保护后的濒危植物种群动态。结果表明,普通野生稻种群呈迅速增长的趋势,分布面积迅速扩大,有性繁殖正常,实生苗补充在种群增长中起重要作用;无性繁殖旺盛,对新生境表现出良好的适应性。在两年实验研究期间,长喙毛茛泽泻种群数量和分布面积迅速扩大,在良好生境中通过有效扩散使种群占据塘底有利生境,并通过无性繁殖及短暂有性繁殖实现种群更新。两个濒危种迁地保护是成功的,杂草是阻碍两个濒危植物种群增长的主要原因,水位控制是实验塘生境管理的重要手段。  相似文献   

杏黄兜兰菌根研究与应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李明  张灼 《生物学杂志》2001,18(6):17-18
采用根组织切片法从杏黄兜兰根内分离到13株真菌,镰刀菌和组丝核菌为优势菌。将组丝核菌JF74、JF75、JF80制成菌剂,施入杏黄兜兰根部,对杏黄兜兰产生了一定的促进生长的效果。  相似文献   

以植株的生长状况、整株姿态、叶片观赏性、开花性、花形、花色和花朵观赏期为评价指标,利用灰色关联分析,对我国原产的27种兜兰属植物的观赏价值进行了综合评价并分析了它们在华南地区的应用前景。结果表明:多花长瓣型的飘带兜兰与理想种的关联度最高,达到0.7304,是最值得在华南地区栽培的兜兰种类,其次为白旗兜兰。而紫纹兜兰、汉氏兜兰;文山兜兰、格利兜兰、带叶兜兰、亨利兜兰、同色兜兰,它们的关联度系数超过0.6;紫毛兜兰、巨瓣兜兰、红旗兜兰、天伦兜兰、长瓣兜兰、根茎兜兰的关联度均超过0.5;也是值得推广兜兰种类;杏黄兜兰、硬叶兜兰、白花兜兰由于生长状况差、开花性差等原因与理想种的关联度分别只有0.1900、0.1921、0.2917,不适于华南地区栽培;其它9种兜兰的关联度虽然介于0.35~0.50之间,但其中有些种类如虎斑兜兰、麻栗坡兜兰、波瓣兜兰、德氏兜兰等由于具有独特的观赏价值和育种潜力,也是值得在华南地区栽培的兜兰种类。  相似文献   

国产兜兰属植物的引种和栽培   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
兜兰由于独特的花朵造型、绚丽的花朵色彩、持久的观赏花期而具有极高的观赏价值,是国际上栽培最广泛的兰花之一。由于生态环境的破坏以及人们对其过度地采挖,兜兰现已成为世界上最濒危的植物物种之一,许多种类已濒临灭绝,所有兜兰野生种均被列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录I而被禁止交易。进行兜兰的迁地保护是兜兰种质资源保护最有效的措施之一。作者于2003~2008年对原产于中国的兜兰属植物进行了系统的引种,已收集到了原产于中国的所有兜兰种类,并种植于中国科学院华南植物园具有加温和水帘降温设施的科研温室中,所有种类均已成活并开花,但不同种类的生长状态和开花率表现出较大的差异。对兜兰属植物的引种方法和栽培技术也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

兰科紫纹兜兰的保育生物学研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
深圳市梧桐山是濒危物种紫纹兜兰(Paphiopedilum purpuratum)仅存的几个自然分布地之一。自1998年10月1日至2002年2月28日,我们在梧桐山选取了9个调查点,对407个基株进行了观察,研究了该地的气候、植被、土壤和其他环境因素与紫纹兜兰之间的关系。观察结果表明,梧桐山地区的紫纹兜兰在次生阔叶林下生长良好;短刺刺腿食蚜蝇(Ischiodon scutellaris)为其有效传粉者;大多数开花的紫纹兜兰均能结果。我们认为,紫纹兜兰生存所面临的主要威胁应该是其生境亦即森林的破坏,而不是其自身存在的生物学缺陷。  相似文献   

内生真菌与两种兜兰共培养过程中的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由硬叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum micranthum)和杏黄兜兰(P.armeniacum)根中分别分离得到瘤菌根菌属(Epulorhiza)真菌PM 1和美孢胶膜菌(Tulasnella calospora)PA 1。在DE培养基上,PM 1分别与硬叶兜兰和杏黄兜兰共培养,两种兜兰接菌苗的生物量以及Ca、Mn元素含量比对照组显著增加,表明PM 1能促进两种兜兰生长;PA 1对两种兜兰生长的影响不显著,但从干物重增长的百分率来看,PA 1对杏黄兜兰有一定的促进作用。PM 1对硬叶兜兰的影响高于杏黄兜兰,PA 1对杏黄兜兰的影响高于硬叶兜兰,表明真菌对宿主植物生长的促进作用更强。PM 1和PA 1在Harvais培养基上与杏黄兜兰共培养,两种真菌均对杏黄兜兰幼苗产生不利影响。结果表明,不同培养基养分水平能显著影响内生真菌与杏黄兜兰的共生关系,营养相对贫瘠的DE培养基有利于两者共生,而营养丰富的Harvais培养基不利于共生。  相似文献   

Liu Z J  Liu K W  Chen L J  Lei S P  Li L Q  Shi X C  Huang L Q 《农业工程》2006,26(9):2791-2799
Paphiopedilum armeniacum is an endangered orchid species, endemic to China. During the period of April 2000 to October 2005, 66 observation sites were selected in Luoshapo of Nushan Mountains in Yunnan, China, to carry out the conservation ecological research on P. armeniacum. A total of 443 genets (1302 ramets in total) of P. armeniacum were sampled, their biological characteristics such as reproductive pattern, phenology, and life cycle were observed, and the ecological habits of the species such as the habitat and the structure of communities were studied. Experiments on ex-situ conservation were conducted, and the cloned ramets were replanted to their original habitat after ex-situ reproduction in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. The relationships between P. armeniacum and climate, vegetation, other environmental factors in the original habitat, and the biological characteristics of asexual offsprings of P. armeniacum, which were replanted to the original habitat after ex-situ cultivation and reproduction, were investigated. The studies show that P. armeniacum in Luoshapo grows very well in secondary shrub boskets or in tussocks on limestone hills. It has both sexual and asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction serves to complete the sexual reproduction and to extend the lifetime of genets, while it does not reduce sexual reproduction. There are two modes of asexual reproduction-by tillering or by producing rhizomes. The litter of shrub boskets or tussocks provides P. armeniacum with humus, and the rhizome reproduction of P. armeniacum is an adaptation to the litter-covered condition, i.e. to escape from the unfavorable environment. Blooming rate of ramets is 7.39% 1.02%, and fruit set rate from the blooming ramets is 32.23% 12.08%. P. armeniacum is able to invade the moderately destroyed forests and those in early restoring but is unable to grow in large dense forests. P. armeniacum also grows very well in artificial spare woods in Shenzhen and can reproduce many cloned ramets, which can normally bloom and yield fruits after being replanted to the original habitat. The results of this study show that P. armeniacum can be conserved by ex-situ conservation and by replanting the ex-situ reproduced ramets to original habitat. On the basis of the analysis of endangered mechanisms of P. armeniacum, it can be concluded that P. armeniacum has strong capability of both asexual and sexual reproductions, and an emergency mechanism consisted of massive production of rhizomes to cope with damage. Because highly effective pollinating insects that facilitate pollination in P. armeniacum are present in the habitat, flowering ramets produce fruits with large quantity of seeds, many of which in turn grow into new genets that can reproduce many cloned ramets. P. armeniacum makes very effective use of its environment and has distinct characteristics of enduring harsh environmental conditions; therefore, rather than its own inherent biological defects, the main threats facing this species are the destruction of its survival space and the wipe-out collecting of the plants as a result of trading. Based on the analysis mentioned above, certain appropriate strategies have been proposed for the conservation of P. armeniacum.  相似文献   

Clonality is a common phenomenon in plants, allowing genets to persist asexually for much longer periods of time than ramets. The relative frequency of sexual vs. asexual reproduction determines long‐term dominance and persistence of clonal plants at the landscape scale. One of the most familiar and valued clonal plants in North America is aspen (Populus tremuloides). Previous researchers have suggested that aspen in xeric landscapes of the intermountain west represent genets of great chronological age, maintained via clonal expansion in the near absence of sexual reproduction. We synthesized microsatellite data from 1371 ramets in two large sampling grids in Utah. We found a surprisingly large number of distinct genets, some covering large spatial areas, but most represented by only one to a few individual ramets at a sampling scale of 50 m. In general, multi‐ramet genets were spatially cohesive, although some genets appear to be fragmented remnants of much larger clones. We conclude that recent sexual reproduction in these landscapes is a stronger contributor to standing genetic variation at the population level than the accumulation of somatic mutations, and that even some of the spatially large clones may not be as ancient as previously supposed. Further, a striking majority of the largest genets in both study areas had three alleles at one or more loci, suggesting triploidy or aneuploidy. These genets tended to be spatially clustered but not closely related. Together, these findings substantially advance our understanding of clonal dynamics in western North American aspen, and set the stage for a broad range of future studies.  相似文献   

Quercus crispula var. horikawae, a stunted shrub oak, occurs on mountains with deep snow on the Sea of Japan side of Japan. This oak generates patches of multiple creeping stems. It is unclear whether these patches are the result of asexual or sexual reproduction, or both. We therefore aimed to describe the clonal structure and gene flow in Q . crispula var. horikawae on Mount Nasu in central Japan by using nuclear microsatellites. Genotypes of 331 stems with no distinct connection with roots and creeping stems above the ground were determined using nine loci in two study plots, and 64 acorns from three mother genets in a plot were determined using eight loci. The results of the clonal identification indicated that the patches consisted of 51 genets; at least 85% of the stems may have been derived from asexual reproduction through sprouting and layering. The prominence of asexual reproduction may be a result of adaptation to the snowy environment. In contrast, 15% of the ramets in the study plots probably originate via sexual reproduction by seedling regeneration. Analyses of the spatial genetic structure and paternity showed that limited ability of the pollen and seeds to disperse might result in the spatial aggregations of closely related offspring at a relatively short distance (<10 m), and inbreeding, a factor that might reduce sexual reproduction, was not observed. Thus, sexual reproduction could be reduced by ecological rather than genetic factors, namely the hindrance of seedling regeneration by the dense coverage of dwarf bamboo (Sasa) on the forest floor.  相似文献   

R M Binks  M A Millar  M Byrne 《Heredity》2015,115(3):235-242
For plants with mixed reproductive capabilities, asexual reproduction is more frequent in rare species and is considered a strategy for persistence when sexual recruitment is limited. We investigate whether asexual reproduction contributes to the persistence of two co-occurring, rare sedges that both experience irregular seed set and if their differing geographic distributions have a role in the relative contribution of clonality. Genotypic richness was high (R=0.889±0.02) across the clustered populations of Lepidosperma sp. Mt Caudan and, where detected, clonal patches were small, both in ramet numbers (⩽3 ramets/genet) and physical size (1.3±0.1 m). In contrast, genotypic richness was lower in the isolated L. sp. Parker Range populations, albeit more variable (R=0.437±0.13), with genets as large as 17 ramets and up to 5.8 m in size. Aggregated clonal growth generated significant fine-scale genetic structure in both species but to a greater spatial extent and with additional genet-level structure in L. sp. Parker Range that is likely due to restricted seed dispersal. Despite both species being rare, asexual reproduction clearly has a more important role in the persistence of L. sp. Parker Range than L. sp. Mt Caudan. This is consistent with our prediction that limitations to sexual reproduction, via geographic isolation to effective gene exchange, can lead to greater contributions of asexual reproduction. These results demonstrate the role of population isolation in affecting the balance of alternate reproductive modes and the contextual nature of asexual reproduction in rare species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Many plants reproduce both clonally and sexually, and the balance between the two modes of reproduction will vary among populations. Clonal reproduction was characterized in three populations of the wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana, to determine the extent that reproductive mode varied locally between sites. The study sites were fragmented woodlands in Cook County, Illinois, USA.


A total of 95 strawberry ramets were sampled from the three sites via transects. Ramets were mapped and genotyped at five variable microsatellite loci. The variability at these five loci was sufficient to assign plants to clones with high confidence, and the spatial pattern of genets was mapped at each site.

Key Results

A total of 27 distinct multilocus genotypes were identified. Of these, 18 genotypes were detected only once, with the remaining nine detected in multiple ramets. The largest clone was identified in 16 ramets. No genets were shared between sites, and each site exhibited markedly different clonal and sexual recruitment patterns, ranging from two non-overlapping and widespread genets to 19 distinct genets. Only one flowering genet was female; the remainder were hermaphrodites.


Local population history or fine-scale ecological differences can result in dramatically different reproductive patterns at small spatial scales. This finding may be fairly widespread among clonal plant species, and studies that aim to characterize reproductive modes in species capable of asexual reproduction need to evaluate reproductive modes in multiple populations and sites.Key words: Clonal structure, gynodioecy, Fragaria virginiana, microsatellites, population genetic structure  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of clonal reproduction and the diversity of clonal plants, it is necessary to clarify the characteristics of each clonal habit. There has been little research on whether bulbils alter spatial genetic structure (SGS) because of the lack of connection to maternal ramets. We used simple-sequence-repeat (SSR) markers to determine the fine-scale SGS of the dioecious plant Dioscorea japonica, which disperses both as bulbils and as seeds. We also evaluated the contributions of sexual and clonal reproduction and tested for spatial sex segregation (SSS). We discovered 111 genets from 394 ramets in a 2.8-ha plot. Genotypic richness (R = 0.28) and clonal diversity (Simpson’s D = 0.94, Fager’s E = 0.90) were high. We did not find SSS, suggesting that the population does not suffer from a shortage of mating pairs due to clonal reproduction. The Sp values revealed moderate SGS at the genet level (Sp = 0.013–0.014), and the genets intermingled at a local scale. Significant SGS at the ramet level showed that ramets within the same genet tended to aggregate. We also found a skewed clonal spatial distribution. The spatial extent of genets was positively correlated with the number of ramets within a genet. The contribution of bulbil production to the variance of parent–offspring gene dispersal was about one–fifth the contribution from sexual reproduction. These results suggest that the dispersal via bulbils affects the SGS in D. japonica, although its contribution to gene dispersal is small compared to the contribution of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Patterns of sexual reproduction and clonal growth were investigated in the understory palm Reinhardtia gracilis var. gracilior over a 3-yr period. R. gracilis is a very abundant clonal palm in the tropical rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. Because ramets form clumps, genets are easily identified in the field. Genets were monitored in a 0.5-ha area, and classified by size according to the number of ramets they possessed. In contrast to clonal growth, sexual reproduction was highly dependent on genet size. The probability of reproduction, the number of inflorescences, and the number of fruits produced were positively correlated with genet size. However, neither the probability of producing a ramet, nor the number of ramets produced per genet were correlated with genet size. Over the 3 yr of study, 55% of the genet population had at least one ramet with reproductive structures, while <1% (a single genet in one year) had six ramets with flowers. Thirty-two percent of the mature genets reproduced during each of three consecutive years. In contrast, 58% of the genets produced no new ramets during these 3 yr. No evidence was found of a trade-off between clonal growth and sexual reproduction. Ramet production increases genet size and this in turn increases genet reproductive performance. Clonal growth in this species may be viewed as a growth strategy that tends to maximize genet fitness.  相似文献   

首次报道了中国兰科新记录属三角兰属(Trias),并对该属及该属新种疣花三角兰(T.verrucosa Z.J.Liu,L.J.Chen et S.P.Lei)进行了描述与讨论。三角兰属含19种,分布于自印度的阿萨姆经缅甸向东南扩展至印度尼西亚与澳大利亚,向西南延伸至印度德干高原。它在云南西部的发现进一步表明了该地区与热带亚洲在植物地理学上的亲密关系。新种生于林下较阴蔽的石上,对其物候学与开花生物学特征的观察,发现该物种有大量世代重叠的克隆分株,未见结实的植株,克隆繁殖的发生与分株是否开花无关。花期自4月初至5月初,花在植株或花序上的开放毫无规律,而且单花的花期较短,仅有4~5d,未发现有结实的花。交配系统检测,人工自花传粉和异花传粉的花未见有结实。由于该植物的花期常处于雨季来临之前,此时干燥,风力大,低温和弱光的生态条件对于植物的开花、传粉、结实显然是不利的。缩短开花时间和不结实可避免植株的能量在不利环境的无效消耗,将有限的能量用于其较为有效的无性繁殖,增加了在不可预测环境中繁衍的机会,以保障繁殖的成功。它的P/O(花粉/胚珠)值为187.4±22.4,显然是与它的花粉粘合成坚硬块状可在传粉中的高效利用有关,表明该物种仍然保留有性繁殖的特性。该种植物所采取强化无性繁殖,弱化有性繁殖生殖策略是对该地区较为恶劣生态条件的适应,可能正是由于这个原因,疣花三角兰能够在远离其同属近亲的地方生存下来。  相似文献   

1 We used isozyme variation to examine the genet structure of Uvularia perfoliata patches in gap and closed canopy habitats in a temperate deciduous forest in Maryland, USA.
2 A large patch in a gap habitat was composed of a small number of widely spread genets with many ramets, and a large number of genets with more restricted distribution and few ramets. Genets with many ramets were patchily distributed at a metre scale. Analysis of genet structure on a scale of square centimetres, however, revealed that the genets were highly intermingled with no clear boundaries between them. The presence at both scales of sampling of many genets with unique multilocus genotypes indicated continuing genet recruitment within the population.
3 In the closed canopy habitat, the patches examined were each composed of a single unique multilocus genotype, suggesting that each had developed by asexual propagation following the establishment of a single genet.
4 The clonal structure of U. perfoliata patches in both gap and closed canopy habitats therefore appears to depend on recruitment patterns of genets. Populations in closed canopy habitats are characterized by a 'waiting' strategy, in which asexual ramet production maintains populations until genet recruitment by seed production can occur under the more optimal conditions associated with canopy gaps. Extended sampling suggests that the genetic diversity of U. perfoliata populations is primarily controlled by the disturbance regime of the forest canopy.  相似文献   


Key message

Clonal delineation at nuclear microsatellites and phenotypic traits showed high correspondence and revealed an important role of both sexual and clonal reproduction for stand genetic structure.


Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) grows throughout the northern and central portions of North America. Reproduction occurs both sexually via seeds and clonally from root suckers. Clonal delineation using morphological/phenological traits, and more recently, highly variable nuclear microsatellites have shown considerable variation in the size of clonal assemblies, and the relative importance of sexual versus clonal reproduction across the species range. In order to provide reliable estimates of genet size (N/G; ramets per sampled genet) and genotypic diversity (G/N; genets/ramets), and to compare genetic and phenotypic clone delineation, we characterized 181 sampled stems (ramets) at seven nuclear microsatellites, and morphological and phenological traits from six clones (genet size ≥11). Genotypic diversity was moderate (G/N = 0.18) and within the range reported in other studies across North America. Multivariate statistics revealed a high correspondence between genetic and phenotypic clone delineation, both with and without predefined genetic groups (94.2 %, 81.7 %). Moderate average genet size (5.6 ramets per genet) and the occurrence of genetically distinct single-ramet genets surrounded by larger genets suggested intermediate levels of sexual reproduction contributing to the genetic structure of this stand. Significant differences among genets were found for phenological and morphological traits such as bark thickness and leaf shape. However, most clones showed no significant differences in diameter growth which was likely caused by poor drainage in this high clay soil that inhibited the expression of genetic differences in growth.

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