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Xenopus laevis melanophores stably expressing 7-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors were established and evaluated, either as a primary screening utility for antagonists of the human calcium receptor, or as a screen to assign function to binding inhibitors of human cannabinoid receptors. Stably or transiently expressing melanophores responded selectively to respective effectors of the human calcium, cannabinoid, and neurokinin-1 receptors. Several selective cannabinoid receptor-binding inhibitors of known potency were characterized as agonists or antagonists of the human peripheral cannabinoid (CB(2)) receptor. The results were consistent with changes in cAMP content of hCB(2)-transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells challenged with the same CB(2)-binding antagonists. A stable melanophore cell line expressing the human calcium receptor was used to screen a compound collection directly for functional antagonists, several of which were confirmed as antagonists in secondary screens by stimulating parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion from bovine parathyroid cells. The percentage of hits in this cell-based screen was reasonably low (1.2%), indicating minimal interference due to toxic effects and validating melanophores as a primary screening modality. Also described is the development of a novel procedure for cryopreservation and reconstitution of cells retaining functional human receptors. ()  相似文献   

The animal-vegetal organization of the amphibian egg may originatefrom the axis of organelles and cytoskeletal elements establishedin the oocyte as it divides from the oogonium. Along this axis,cytoplasmic materials are localized during oogenesis: yolk platelets,for example, are translocated toward the vegetal pole, increasingtheir amount and size in that region. In the first cell cycleafter fertilization, the egg cortex rotates 30° relativeto the cytoplasmic core, modifying animal-vegetal organization.The direction of this rotation, biased by the point of spermentry, defines the site of development of anatomical structuresof the dorsal midline of the embryo. As its immediate effect,rotation activates the cytoplasm of a subregion of the vegetalhemisphere, causing cells cleaved from this subregion to bemore effective than other vegetal parts in inducing marginalzone cells to initiate gastrulation movements. The most stronglyinduced part of the marginal zone begins gastrulation first(the dorsal lip of the blastopore) and proceeds through a seriesof cell interactions leading to its determination as the anteriordorsal mesoderm of the embryo. If these cell movements are inhibitedin the gastrula stage, or if vegetal induction is inhibitedin the blastula stage, or if cortical rotation is inhibitedin the first cell cycle after fertilization, the embryo alwaysfails to develop dorsal structures of the anterior end of itsbody axis; the more inhibition, the more posterior is the levelof truncation, until a radial ventralized embryo develops, derivedfrom the animal-vegetal organization of the oocyte.  相似文献   

In melanosomes of Pachymedusa (Agalychnis) dacnicolor and other leaf frogs, the pteridine dimer, pterorhodin, is found in fibers concentric to a kernel of eumelanin. The kernel is a remnant mature larval melanosome that is renovated at metamorphic climax and on which pterorhodin is deposited at the completion of metamorphosis. When pterorhodin is initially detected by chemical means in the skin of stage 25 individuals, flocculations of fibers are first seen in melanosomes. At stage 25+ a more intense chemical demonstration is accompanied by larger flocculations. These larval melanosomes are smaller than those of other vertebrates, but are formed from classical premelanosomes. At metamorphosis, the melanosome's limiting membrane is elevated from the surface of the eumelanin, and small spheroids are seen in the space and on the pigment surface. The Golgi complex is extremely active, numerous small vesicles are seen in the cytoplasm, and blebbing of the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope occurs. At stage 25 small thick-walled vesicles appear in the cytoplasm in contact with or within the melanosome; they may represent the transport of pterorhodin or elements necessary for its formation.  相似文献   

The involvement of steroid-cell surface interactions, in the induction of oocyte maturation, was investigated. A simple in vitro method was developed for the application of steroids or other substances to isolated portions of the surface of individual amphibian ovarian follicles or oocytes. The technique involved placing follicles in conical tubes between two reservoirs containing culture media. With the use of dye or radioactive tracer studies, the extent of exchange between reservoirs could be monitored and the proportion of the surface treated could be calculated.
Follicular oocytes remained viable and underwent nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation while maintained in conical tubes after a short exposure to progesterone over their total surface. Restriction of the percentage of the oocyte surface exposed to progesterone markedly reduced the incidence of meiotic maturation. Reduced responsiveness to locally applied progesterone occurred even in the presence of elevated steroid concentrations. The results suggest that the amount of follicle surface exposed to steroid is an important determinant in initiation of nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions associated with the meiotic maturation process. The procedures and results described should provide a new approach to investigating regional differences in oocyte and follicle surfaces and to studying their differentiation.  相似文献   

In zebrafish, apart from mononuclear melanophores, bi‐ and trinuclear melanophores are frequently observed; however, the manner in which multinucleation of these cells occurs during fish development remains unknown. Here, we analyzed the processes underlying multinucleation of zebrafish melanophores. Transgenic zebrafish in which melanophore nuclei were labeled with a histone H2B‐red fluorescent reporter protein were used to evaluate the distribution of mono‐, bi‐, and trinuclear melanophores in both the trunk and fin. Half of the melanophores examined were binuclear and approximately 1% were trinuclear. We compared cell size, cell motility, and survival rate between mono‐ and binuclear melanophores grown in a culture dish, and we found that cell size and survival rate were significantly larger in binuclear melanophores. We then analyzed the behavior of melanoblasts and melanophores from transgenic zebrafish using in vivo and in vitro live‐cell imaging. We detected division and differentiation of melanoblasts, as well as melanoblast nuclear division without subsequent cellular division. In addition, we observed cellular and nuclear division in melanophores, although these events were very infrequent in vitro. On the basis of our findings, we present a scheme for melanophore multinucleation in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Mesodermal differentiation of dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) before and after invagination was analyzed by a series of combination experiments with different kinds of ectoderm.
Lower DMZ of early gastrula didn't show any axial-mesoderm (notochord and somitic mesoderm) but lateral mesoderm (mesenchyme, mesothelium, or blood cells) in combinant with non-competent ventral ectoderm, while combinant with competent ectoderm was found to have well-differentiated axial-mesoderm with deutero-spinocaudal neurals. The axial-mesoderms have origin in the ectoderm. Uninvaginated DMZ of middle gastrula also showed difference in mesodermal differentiation between competent and non-competent ectoderms; axial-mesoderm differentiation was much better in competent than in non-competent. The axial-mesoderm originated from the uninvaginated DMZ. Archenteron roof of late gastrula showed regional difference in mesodermal differentiation in both combinants with competent and non-competent. The present study further demonstrated that there was regionality in promoting effect of induced neurectoderm on axial-mesoderm differentiation of invaginated archenteron roof.
The present experiments suggest that the cranio-caudal and dorso-ventral axis formations of amphibian mesoderm are finally determined by sequential and reciprocal interactions between the mesodermal anlage and the overlying ectoderm. It should be also shown that lower DMZ acts to trigger a series of the sequential interactions during primary embryonic induction.  相似文献   

THE amino-acid tryptophan can be metabolized along two different pathways (Fig. 1), each of which is characteristic for a particular type of tissue. As the substrate of L-tryptophan oxygenase, it is a source of pyridine nucleotide. This metabolic pathway occurs only in the liver1. Alternatively, tryptophan can be hydroxylated in the 5-position and further metabolized to yield serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is synthesized mainly by cells derived from the embryonic neuroectoderm2; melatonin production, which in mammals is restricted to the pineal gland, also occurs in the eye and brain of amphibia3,4.  相似文献   

Contradicting results can be found in the literature on effects from magnetic exposure to pigment cells. We have studied the influence of strong, static, homogenous magnetic fields of 8 and 14 T on melanophore aggregation during exposure to the field. Melanophores, black pigment cells, in fish are large flat cells having intracellular black pigment granules. Due to large size, high optical contrast, and quick response to drugs, melanophores are attractive as biosensors as well as for model studies of intracellular processes. This is especially true for modeling nerve cells, since melanophores share stem cells with axons. Twenty experiments on black tetra fish fins were carried out in the two magnetic flux densities. The same number of control experiments were carried out in the magnet with the magnetic field turned off. Several factors, such as the degree of maximal aggregation, speed of aggregation, and irregularity of the speed, were examined. The statistical analysis showed no significant field effects on the aggregation, with one exception: the irregularity in aggregation speed in the 8 T field, compared to control. The believed reorientation of the cytoskeleton (microtubules) in the field or the induced Lorentz force on moving pigment granules, did not affect the aggregation.  相似文献   

Red tilapia has aroused interest in many countries for its commercial potential. This tilapia strain combines a desirable coloration and appearance with other advantageous farming characteristics. To study the early appearance of melanophore pigmentation in tilapia, a red tilapia strain originating from Thailand and a wild type coloration of Oreochromis niloticus were used as broodstock to produce artificially wild x wild and red x red progenies. The larvae were assessed periodically up to the first feeding and were recorded. Wild type fish showed a regular appearance of stellate melanophores. In the red strain, the pattern of chromatophores varies from total absence of black spotting to different degrees of macromelanophore distribution. Comparison between red and wild types showed that these two tilapia can be easily scored at day 7. Further, we present indications that the pigmentation over the body develops independently of the initial degree of pigmentation.  相似文献   

The effects of the microtubular poisons colchicine, vinblastine and nocodazole, on cleavage furrow formation and induction of furrow-like dents in eggs of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster , were examined.
Solutions of the poisons were injected beneath the cortex around the small initial furrow, or around the advancing tip of the furrow of eggs during the first cleavage. This resulted in prompt block of the progress of the furrow at the injection site, and subsequent total regression of the furrow or incomplete cleavage.
The ability of the cortex of a cleavage-arrested blastomere to form a furrow-like dent was tested by inhibiting furrow formation of one blastomere of two-cell embryos by injection of the microtubular poisons, and then transplantation of the blastomere under the cortex of the animal half with furrow-inducing cytoplasm (FIC) taken from normally cleaving eggs. No dent was formed. Moreover, FIC from eggs treated with a poison had no ability to induce a dent on the surface of normally cleaving eggs.
These results show that microtubule structures are directly involved in formation of a cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

This paper examines the thymic dependence of alloimmunity inamphibians. In Xenopus, the presence of a thymus during thefirst 2 weeks of life is essential for the development of normalfirst-set skin allograft immunity. Thymectomy during this earlyperiod always impairs the alloimmune response of young adulttoads. However, most of these thymectomized animals are ableto completely destroy skin allografts, albeit with prolongedrejection times. Chronic graft rejection, rather than tolerance,still occurs following thymectomy as early as 5 days, when thethymus contains no small lymphocytes. In contrast to the considerabledifferences in first-set allograft survival times in controland early-thymectomized Xenopus, second-set grafts, appliedsubsequent to first-set destruction, are rejected in acute fashion(<3 weeks) in both groups. That the defect in first-set alloimmunityis specifically related to absence of thymus has been confirmedby implanting allogeneic thymus 2 weeks post-thymectomy. Thedonor thymus remains healthy and restores the allograft responseto normal. In contrast, allogeneic spleen does not reconstituteand itself often undergoes destruction. Preliminary autoradiographicexperiments on lymphoid tissue involvement in first-set allograftrejection are also described.  相似文献   

That embryonic ventral truck tissue might play a role in expression of the periodic albino mutant phenotype (ap/ap) in Xenopus laevis was suggested from the experiments of MacMillan (1980). In contrast, the present experiments, involving the culture of isolated regions of Xenopus embryos, have demonstrated that both mutant and wild-type melanoblasts differentiate independently of a ventral trunk factor. A similar conclusion, that mutant melanoblasts differentiate independently of a ventral trunk factor, is derived from observations on neural crest cultures, wherein melanization of neural crest cells in both wild-type and mutant cultures occurred in a manner consistent with their genotype.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) was injected intramuscularly into three species of frogs to examine the number of isoforms in the induced metallothionein (MT). The induced MT was shown to consist of a single isoform in the three species of frogs Rana japonica, R. nigromaculata and Rhacophorus schlegelii. Native MT in the livers of R. japonica and R. nigromaculata was copper (Cu)-MT and the induced MT in the three species was Cd, Cu-MT, the Cd/Cu ratio in the induced MT being different from species to species. The effect of Cd injections on the concentrations of 10 elements in the livers and kidneys of the Rana species was not significant except for Cu.  相似文献   

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