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The equation of Vogel et al. (1982) is widely used in fertilization studies of free-spawning marine invertebrates to predict the percentage of viable eggs that will be fertilized at any specified levels of gamete concentration and contact time. Here, the random collision model that underlies the Vogel et al. equation is extended to distinguish between monospermic and polyspermic fertilization, and separate equations for the percentages of monospermic and polyspermic fertilization are obtained. These equations provide an explanation for empirical observations which have shown a decreased percentage of successful egg development at high sperm concentrations. Comparison is made with an earlier heuristic attempt (Styan, 1998) to predict the extent of polyspermic fertilization, and it is found that this earlier method can underestimate the percentage of polyspermic fertilization by up to 10 percent. Moreover, the approach used here retains the flexibility to model changes in sperm concentration due to dispersal mechanisms, and is able to model different mechanisms for the block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Johnson SL  Yund PO 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(15):3253-3262
For free-spawning marine invertebrates, fertilization processes control the genetic diversity of offspring. Each egg can potentially be fertilized by a sperm from a different male, and hence genetic diversity within a brood varies with levels of multiple paternity. Yet, few studies have characterized the frequency of multiple paternity in natural spawns. We analysed patterns of multiple paternity in two populations of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri using microsatellites. Because previous studies have shown that at moderate to high population densities, competition among male-phase B. schlosseri colonies results in the nearest male dominating the paternity of a brood, we specifically tested the effect of population density on patterns of paternity. Paternity was estimated using three multilocus indices: minimum number of fathers, counts of sperm haplotypes, and effective paternity (K(E)). Multiple paternity was evident in more than 92% of the broods analysed, but highly variable, with a few broods displaying unequal contributions of different males. We found no effect of population density on multiple paternity, suggesting that other factors may control paternity levels. Indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of broods are a possible explanation for the high level of multiple paternity in this species.  相似文献   

M Fingerman 《Life sciences》1974,14(6):1007-1018
The objective of this minireview is to summarize the recent advances made in the area of marine invertebrate endocrinology, with special emphasis on the literature published in 1972 and 1973. Most of the pertinent publications in these two years have dealt with crustaceans. Nevertheless, significant contributions have also been made with representatives of other groups of marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

A study of the presence of opioids in invertebrates was carried out on 11 species of marine organisms, ranging from sponges to tunicates. Delipidized acid-acetone extracts from whole organisms or dissected organs were assayed by receptor binding assays and radioimmuno assays. The extracts from all species tested were found to contain substances capable of competing in both assays with opioid peptides.  相似文献   

Speciation genes     
Until recently, the genes that cause reproductive isolation remained black boxes. Consequently, evolutionary biologists were unable to answer several questions about the identities and characteristics of "speciation genes". Over the past few years, however, evolutionary geneticists have finally succeeded in isolating several such genes, providing our first glimpse at factors that are thought to be representative of those underlying the origin of species. Evolutionary analysis of these genes suggests that speciation results from positive Darwinian selection within species. Molecular evolutionary study of the genes causing reproductive isolation may represent an important new phase in the study of speciation.  相似文献   


We describe the spawning behaviour and some aspects of spawning periodicity in a diverse group of marine invertebrates, principally echinoderms, but including sponges, anthozoans, molluscs, and polychaetes. Our observations were made both opportunistically and on a systematic basis between 1978 and 1992 on the central and northern Great Barrier Reef. Spawning was predictable in some of the species observed, for example Bohadschia argus, Euapta godeffroyi, and Stichopus variegatus (Holothuroidea), which exhibited regular lunar and diel periodicity. Others, such as Holothuria coluber, Actinopyga lecanora, and Bohadschia graffei (Holothuroidea), Acanthaster planei (Asteroidea), Hyotissa hyotis and Arca spp. (Bivalvia) exhibited no clear lunar or diel periodicity in spawning behaviour. Mass heterospecific spawnings which involved several species, often from different phyla, were commonly observed. The species participating were usually those with unpredictable spawning patterns and while the species involved were diverse there were also occasions when spawning involved species from the same genera. Fertilization rates were measured in situ for the predictable spawner Bohadschia argus and were found to vary between 0–96% depending on the circumstances of the spawnings. Fertilization rates for the unpredictable spawners showed similar variability; Holothuria coluber and Actinopyga lecanora ranged from 9–83%.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, any living or non-living surface is exposed to bacterial colonization. Many invertebrate species in temperate, tropical and Antarctic regions have demonstrated chemical defences against the formation of microbial films. In the present study, the antimicrobial activity of sub-Arctic invertebrates was investigated for the first time. Crude extracts of abundant invertebrates belonging to several taxonomic groups were tested for their inhibitory effects on the growth of five sympatric phylogenetically diverse bacterial strains. Six out of 18 (33%) crude extracts inhibited bacterial growth at natural extract concentrations. The crude extract of the sponge Haliclona viscosa inhibited growth of all five bacterial strains, suggesting the presence of metabolites with broad-spectrum activity. Three active compounds were isolated from H. viscosa having antibacterial properties similar to those of the crude extract. Our data indicate that antibacterial secondary metabolites are present in sub-Arctic marine invertebrates but are less abundant than in temperate, tropical or Antarctic species.  相似文献   



Analyses of speciation genes – genes that contribute to the cessation of gene flow between populations – can offer clues regarding the ecological settings, evolutionary forces and molecular mechanisms that drive the divergence of populations and species. This review discusses the identities and attributes of genes that contribute to reproductive isolation (RI) in plants, compares them with animal speciation genes and investigates what these genes can tell us about speciation.


Forty-one candidate speciation genes were identified in the plant literature. Of these, seven contributed to pre-pollination RI, one to post-pollination, prezygotic RI, eight to hybrid inviability, and 25 to hybrid sterility. Genes, gene families and genetic pathways that were frequently found to underlie the evolution of RI in different plant groups include the anthocyanin pathway and its regulators (pollinator isolation), S RNase-SI genes (unilateral incompatibility), disease resistance genes (hybrid necrosis), chimeric mitochondrial genes (cytoplasmic male sterility), and pentatricopeptide repeat family genes (cytoplasmic male sterility).


The most surprising conclusion from this review is that identities of genes underlying both prezygotic and postzygotic RI are often predictable in a broad sense from the phenotype of the reproductive barrier. Regulatory changes (both cis and trans) dominate the evolution of pre-pollination RI in plants, whereas a mix of regulatory mutations and changes in protein-coding genes underlie intrinsic postzygotic barriers. Also, loss-of-function mutations and copy number variation frequently contribute to RI. Although direct evidence of positive selection on speciation genes is surprisingly scarce in plants, analyses of gene family evolution, along with theoretical considerations, imply an important role for diversifying selection and genetic conflict in the evolution of RI. Unlike in animals, however, most candidate speciation genes in plants exhibit intraspecific polymorphism, consistent with an important role for stochastic forces and/or balancing selection in development of RI in plants.Key words: Speciation, reproductive isolation, mating system isolation, pollinator isolation, ecological isolation, unilateral incompatibility, hybrid necrosis, hybrid sterility, hybrid inviability, hybrid breakdown, cytoplasmic male sterility, restoration  相似文献   

The information on the carbohydrate specificity and molecular organization of some carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) of marine invertebrates is reported. Antiviral activity of some of the lectins against human immunodeficiency virus has been studied. Lectins of marine invertebrates are promising tools for studying natural glycoconjugates and cell effectors in vitro.  相似文献   

Marine invertebrates may be rapidly fixed for histological examination using microwave irradiation generated by household microwave ovens. Ten-second irradiation of whole intact clams gave tissue fixation equal or superior to standard procedures using formaldehyde solutions and eliminated the need for that hazardous chemical. We suggest that invertebrates can be fixed while relaxed in sea-water baths, without having to remove or open the shell, and that invertebrates in bottom sediment cores also may be fixed in situ without being disturbed.  相似文献   

The inhibitory analysis of the spontaneous ("ultraweak") and the luminole-induced chemiluminescence of marine Sycon sponges and Aiptasia actinias supports the idea that ultraweak photon emission of marine invertebrates is a consequence of Ca(2+)-dependent processes related to the interaction of reactive oxygen species with some endogenous fluorophore substrates.  相似文献   

Approximately 40 viruses are known from marine sponges; turbellarian and monogenetic flatworms; cephalopod, bivalve, and gastropod mollusks; nereid polychaetes; and isopod and decapod crustaceans. Most of the viruses can be tentatively assigned to the Herpesviridae, Baculoviridae, Iridoviridae, Adenoviridae, Papovaviridae, Reoviridae, Birnaviridae, Bunyaviridae, Rhabdoviridae, and Picornaviridae. Viruslike particles found in oysters might be representatives of the Togaviridae and Retroviridae. Enveloped single-stranded RNA viruses from crustaceans have developmental and morphological characteristics intermediate between families, and some show evidence of relationships to the Paramyxoviridae as well as the Bunyaviridae or Rhabdoviridae. Certain small viruses of shrimp cannot be assigned, even tentatively, to a particular family. Some viruses cause disease in wild and captive hosts, others are associated with disease states but may not be primary instigators, and many occur in apparently normal animals. The frequency of viral disease in natural populations of marine invertebrates is unknown. Several viruses that cause disease in captive animals, with or without experimental intervention, have also been found in diseased wild hosts, including herpeslike viruses of crabs and oysters, iridovirus of octopus, and reolike and bunyalike viruses of crabs. Iridolike viruses have been implicated in massive mortalities of cultured oysters. Baculoviruses, and IHHN virus, which is of uncertain affinities, cause economically damaging diseases in cultured penaeid shrimp. Double or multiple viral infection is common in crabs. For example, a reolike virus and associated rhabdolike virus act synergistically to cause paralytic and fatal disease inCallinectes sapidus. Information on host range, most susceptible stage, and viral latency is available only for viruses of shrimp. One baculovirus attacks five species of New World penaeid shrimp. IHHN virus infects three species ofPenaeus and causes catastrophic mortalities inP. stylirostris, but usually exhibits only inapparent infection inP. vannamei. Some shrimp viruses apparently are latent in larvae, causing disease only when shrimp have reached the postlarval or juvenile stages. Others are equally or more pathogenic in larvae. Studies of shrimp viruses and iridovirus-associated disease in cultured oysters point up the need for rapid and accurate diagnostic methods. Until appropriate cell cultures from marine invertebrates are devised, the viral identifications necessary for understanding of epizootiology, rapid containment of epizootics in cultured animals, and decisions regarding introductions of exotic species will be difficult or impossible.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-binding proteins of marine invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The information on the carbohydrate specificity and molecular organization of some carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) of marine invertebrates is reported. Antiviral activity of some of the lectins against human immunodeficiency virus has been studied. Lectins of marine invertebrates are promising tools for studying natural glycoconjugates and cell effectors in vitro.  相似文献   

Endemism in Hawaiian marine invertebrates is strikingly lower than that in Hawaiian terrestrial organisms. Although marine speciation has been widespread, there have been no major radiations or species swarms comparable with those commonly reported for terrestrial animals and plants; the marine fauna of the Hawaiian islands is differentiated from its Indo-west Pacific roots but has not diversified. The marked differences between marine and terrestrial endemism provide broad support for several models in which speciation depends on dispersal, colonization rate, or effective population size. Distinguishing among these models will require detailed information on the genetic structure and phylogenies of marine species both in the Hawaiian archipelago and throughout the Pacific.  相似文献   

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