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Cole JL  Garsky VM 《Biochemistry》2001,40(19):5633-5641
The gp41 subunit of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein mediates fusion of the cellular and viral membranes. The gp41 ectodomain is a trimer of alpha-helical hairpins, where N-terminal helices form a parallel three-stranded coiled-coil core and C-terminal helices pack around the core. A deep hydrophobic pocket on the N-terminal core represents an attractive target for antiviral therapeutics. We have employed a soluble derivative of the gp41 core ectodomain and small cyclic disulfide D-peptide inhibitors to define the stoichiometry, affinity, and thermodynamics of ligand binding to this pocket using isothermal titration calorimetry. These inhibitors bind with micromolar affinity to the pocket with the expected stoichiometry of three peptides per gp41 core trimer. There are no cooperative interactions among the three binding sites. Linear eight- or nine-residue D-peptides derived from the pocket-binding domain of the cyclic molecules also bind specifically. A negative heat capacity change is observed and is consistent with burial of hydrophobic surface upon binding. Contrary to expectations for a reaction dominated by the classical hydrophobic effect, peptide binding is enthalpically driven and is opposed by an unfavorable negative entropy change. The calorimetry data support models whereby dominant negative inhibitors bind to a transiently exposed surface on the prefusion intermediate state of gp41 and disrupt subsequent resolution to the fusion-active six-stranded hairpin conformation.  相似文献   


The icosahedral Polio virus capsid consists of 60 copies of each of the coat proteins VP1, VP2, VP3 and myristolyated VP4 (myrVP4). Catalyzed by the host cell receptor the Polio virus enters the host cell via externalization of myrVP4 and the N terminal part of VP1. There are several assumptions about the individual role of both of the proteins in the mechanism of membrane attachment and genome injection. We use the first 32 N terminal amino acids of VP1 and applied molecular dynamics simulations to assess its mechanism of function when attached and inserted into hydrated lipid membranes (POPC). Helical models are placed in various positions in regard to the lipid membrane to start with. As a comparison, the first 33 amino acids of the fusion peptide of gp41 of HIV-1 are simulated under identical conditions. Computational data support the idea that VP1 is not penetrating into the membrane to form a pore; it rather lays on the membrane surface and only perturbs the membrane. Furthermore, this idea is strengthened by channel recordings of both peptides showing irregular openings.  相似文献   

The icosahedral Polio virus capsid consists of 60 copies of each of the coat proteins VP1, VP2, VP3 and myristolyated VP4 (myrVP4). Catalyzed by the host cell receptor the Polio virus enters the host cell via externalization of myrVP4 and the N terminal part of VP1. There are several assumptions about the individual role of both of the proteins in the mechanism of membrane attachment and genome injection. We use the first 32 N terminal amino acids of VP1 and applied molecular dynamics simulations to assess its mechanism of function when attached and inserted into hydrated lipid membranes (POPC). Helical models are placed in various positions in regard to the lipid membrane to start with. As a comparison, the first 33 amino acids of the fusion peptide of gp41 of HIV-1 are simulated under identical conditions. Computational data support the idea that VP1 is not penetrating into the membrane to form a pore; it rather lays on the membrane surface and only perturbs the membrane. Furthermore, this idea is strengthened by channel recordings of both peptides showing irregular openings.  相似文献   

Fusion of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with target cells is mediated by the gp41 subunit of the envelope protein. Mutation and deletion studies within the transmembrane domain (TMD) of intact gp41 influenced its fusion activity. In addition, current models suggest that the TMD is in proximity with the fusion peptide (FP) at the late fusion stages, but there are no direct experimental data to support this hypothesis. Here, we investigated the TMD focusing on two regions: the N-terminal containing the GxxxG motif and the C-terminal containing the GLRI motif, which is conserved among the TMDs of HIV and the T-cell receptor. Studies utilizing the ToxR expression system combined with synthetic peptides and their fluorescent analogues derived from TMD revealed that the GxxxG motif is important for TMD self-association, whereas the C-terminal region is for its heteroassociation with FP. Functionally, all three TMD peptides induced lipid mixing that was enhanced significantly upon mixing with FP. Furthermore, the TMD peptides inhibited virus-cell fusion apparently through their interaction with their endogenous counterparts. Notably, the R2E mutant (in the GLRI) was significantly less potent than the two others. Overall, our findings provide experimental evidence that HIV-1 TMD contributes to membrane assembly and function of the HIV-1 envelope. Owing to similarities between functional domains within viruses, these findings suggest that the TMDs and FPs may contribute similarly in other viruses as well.  相似文献   

We have studied the interactions with neutral phospholipid bilayers of FPI, the 23-residue fusogenic N-terminal peptide of the HIV-1LAI transmembrane glycoprotein gp41, by CD, EPR, NMR, and solid state NMR (SSNMR) with the objective of understanding how it lyses and fuses cells. Using small unilamellar vesicles made from egg yolk phoshatidylcholine which were not fused or permeabilised by the peptide we obtained results suggesting that it was capable of inserting as an α-helix into neutral phospholipid bilayers but was only completely monomeric at peptide/lipid (P/L) ratios of 1/2000 or lower. Above this value, mixed populations of monomeric and multimeric forms were found with the proportion of multimer increasing proportionally to P/L, as calculated from studies on the interaction between the peptide and spin-labelled phospholipid. The CD data indicated that, at P/L between 1/200 and 1/100, approximately 68% of the peptide appeared to be in α-helical form. When P/L=1/25 the α-helical content had decreased to 41%. Measurement at a P/L of 1/100 of the spin lattice relaxation effect on the 13C nuclei of the phospholipid acyl chains of an N-terminal spin label attached to the peptide showed that most of the peptide N-termini were located in the interior hydrocarbon region of the membrane. SSNMR on multilayers of ditetradecylphosphatidyl choline at P/Ls of 1/10, 1/20 and 1/30 showed that the peptide formed multimers that affected the motion of the lipid chains and disrupted the lipid alignment. We suggest that these aggregates may be relevant to the membrane-fusing and lytic activities of FPI and that they are worthy of further study. Received: 8 June 1998 / Revised version: 18 November 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Structural and functional studies assessed the membrane actions of the N terminus of HIV-1 glycoprotein 41000 (gp41). Earlier site-directed mutagenesis has shown that key amino acid changes in this gp41 domain inhibit viral infection and syncytia formation. Here, a synthetic peptide corresponding to the N terminus of gp41 (FP; 23 residues, 519-541), and also FP analogs (FP520V/E with Val-->Glu at residue 520; FP527L/R with Leu-->Arg at 527; FP529F/Y with Phe-->Tyr at 529; and FPCLP1 with FP truncated at 525) incorporating these modifications were prepared. When added to human erythrocytes at physiologic pH, the lytic and aggregating activities of the FP analogs were much reduced over those with the wild-type FP. With resealed human erythrocyte ghosts, the lipid-mixing activities of the FP analogs were also substantially depressed over that with the wild-type FP. Combined with results from earlier studies, theoretical calculations using hydrophobic moment plot analysis and physical experiments using circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicate that the diminished lysis and fusion noted for FP analogs may be due to altered peptide-membrane lipid interactions. These data confirm that the N-terminal gp41 domain plays critical roles in the cytolysis and fusion underlying HIV-cell infection.  相似文献   

Huang JH  Liu ZQ  Liu S  Jiang S  Chen YH 《FEBS letters》2006,580(20):4807-4814
The HIV-1 gp41 core, a six-helix bundle formed between the N- and C-terminal heptad repeats, plays a critical role in fusion between the viral and target cell membranes. Using N36(L8)C34 as a model of the gp41 core to screen phage display peptide libraries, we identified a common motif, HXXNPF (X is any of the 20 natural amino acid residues). A selected positive phage clone L7.8 specifically bound to N36(L8)C34 and this binding could be blocked by a gp41 core-specific monoclonal antibody (NC-1). JCH-4, a peptide containing HXXNPF motif, effectively inhibited HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated syncytium-formation. The epitope of JCH-4 was proven to be linear and might locate in the NHR regions of the gp41 core. These data suggest that HXXNPF motif may be a gp41 core-binding sequence and HXXNPF motif-containing molecules can be used as probes for studying the role of the HIV-1 gp41 core in membrane fusion process.  相似文献   

A variety of molecules in human blood have been implicated in the inhibition of HIV-1. However, it remained elusive which circulating natural compounds are most effective in controlling viral replication in vivo. To identify natural HIV-1 inhibitors we screened a comprehensive peptide library generated from human hemofiltrate. The most potent fraction contained a 20-residue peptide, designated VIRUS-INHIBITORY PEPTIDE (VIRIP), corresponding to the C-proximal region of alpha1-antitrypsin, the most abundant circulating serine protease inhibitor. We found that VIRIP inhibits a wide variety of HIV-1 strains including those resistant to current antiretroviral drugs. Further analysis demonstrated that VIRIP blocks HIV-1 entry by interacting with the gp41 fusion peptide and showed that a few amino acid changes increase its antiretroviral potency by two orders of magnitude. Thus, as a highly specific natural inhibitor of the HIV-1 gp41 fusion peptide, VIRIP may lead to the development of another class of antiretroviral drugs.  相似文献   

Epand RF  Sayer BG  Epand RM 《Biochemistry》2005,44(14):5525-5531
The peptide N-acetyl-KWASLWNWFNITNWLWYIK-amide has a sequence that corresponds to the juxtamembrane region of the HIV-1 gp41 fusion protein. We have studied how cholesterol modulates the interaction of this peptide with membranes containing cholesterol using differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance. We find that this peptide is less able to sequester cholesterol into domains than is N-acetyl-LWYIK-amide. On the other hand, the peptide N-acetyl-LASWIK-amide, which corresponds to a segment of HIV-2 and SIV gp41 fusion proteins, has intermediate potency between N-acetyl-KWASLWNWFNITNWLWYIK-amide and N-acetyl-LWYIK-amide in forming areas enriched in cholesterol, even though it does not have a cholesterol recognition/interaction amino acid consensus sequence (CRAC). We suggest that the difference between HIV-1 and HIV-2 in their requirements for glycosphingolipids in determining their tropism is related to their difference in partitioning to cholesterol-rich domains in biological membranes.  相似文献   

Helix-helix interactions in the putative three-helix bundle formation of the gp41 transmembrane (TM) domain may contribute to the process of virus-cell membrane fusion in HIV-1 infection. In this study, molecular dynamics is used to analyze and compare the conformations of monomeric and trimeric forms of the TM domain in various solvent systems over the course of 4 to 23-ns simulations. The trimeric bundles of the TM domain were stable as helices and remained associated in a hydrated POPE lipid bilayer for the duration of the 23-ns simulation. Several stable inter-chain hydrogen bonds, mostly among the three deprotonated arginine residues located at the center of each of the three TM domains, formed in a right-handed bundle embedded in the lipid bilayer. No such bonds were observed when the bundle was left-handed or when the central arginine residue in each of the three TM helices was replaced with isoleucine (R_I mutant), suggesting that the central arginine residues may play an essential role in maintaining the integrity of the three-helix bundle. These observations suggest that formation of the three-helix bundle of the TM domain may play a role in the trimerization of gp41, thought to occur during the virus-cell membrane fusion process.  相似文献   

This study uses low-angle (LAXS) and wide-angle (WAXS) X-ray synchrotron scattering, volume measurements and thin layer chromatography to determine the structure and interactions of SOPC, SOPC/cholesterol mixtures, SOPC/peptide and SOPC/cholesterol/peptide mixtures. N-acetyl-LWYIK-amide (LWYIK) represents the naturally-occurring CRAC motif segment in the pretransmembrane region of the gp41 protein of HIV-1, and N-acetyl-IWYIK-amide (IWYIK), an unnatural isomer, is used as a control. Both peptides thin the SOPC bilayer by ∼ 3 Å, and cause the area/unit cell (peptide + SOPC) to increase by ∼ 9 Å2 from the area/lipid of SOPC at 30 °C (67.0 ± 0.9 Å2). Model fitting suggests that LWYIK's average position is slightly closer to the bilayer center than IWYIK's, and both peptides are just inside of the phosphate headgroup. Both peptides increase the wide-angle spacing d of SOPC without cholesterol, whereas with 50% cholesterol LWYIK increases d but IWYIK decreases d. TLC shows that LWYIK is more hydrophobic than IWYIK; this difference persists in peptide/SOPC 1:9 mole ratio mixtures. Both peptides counteract the chain ordering effect of cholesterol to roughly the same degree, and both decrease KC, the bending modulus, thus increasing the SOPC membrane fluidity. Both peptides nucleate crystals of cholesterol, but the LWYIK-induced crystals are weaker and dissolve more easily.  相似文献   

The 27-residue membrane-spanning domain (MSD) of the HIV-1 glycoprotein gp41 bears conserved sequence elements crucial to the biological function of the virus, in particular a conserved GXXXG motif and a midspan arginine. However, structure-based explanations for the roles of these and other MSD features remain unclear. Using molecular dynamics and metadynamics calculations of an all-atom, explicit solvent, and membrane-anchored model, we study the conformational variability of the HIV-1 gp41 MSD. We find that the MSD peptide assumes a stable tilted α-helical conformation in the membrane. However, when the side chain of the midspan Arg 694 “snorkels” to the outer leaflet of the viral membrane, the MSD assumes a metastable conformation where the highly-conserved N-terminal core (between Lys681 and Arg694 and containing the GXXXG motif) unfolds. In contrast, when the Arg694 side chain snorkels to the inner leaflet, the MSD peptide assumes a metastable conformation consistent with experimental observations where the peptide kinks at Phe697 to facilitate Arg694 snorkeling. Both of these models suggest specific ways that gp41 may destabilize viral membrane, priming the virus for fusion with a target cell.  相似文献   

This study uses low-angle (LAXS) and wide-angle (WAXS) X-ray synchrotron scattering, volume measurements and thin layer chromatography to determine the structure and interactions of SOPC, SOPC/cholesterol mixtures, SOPC/peptide and SOPC/cholesterol/peptide mixtures. N-acetyl-LWYIK-amide (LWYIK) represents the naturally-occurring CRAC motif segment in the pretransmembrane region of the gp41 protein of HIV-1, and N-acetyl-IWYIK-amide (IWYIK), an unnatural isomer, is used as a control. Both peptides thin the SOPC bilayer by approximately 3 A, and cause the area/unit cell (peptide+SOPC) to increase by approximately 9 A2 from the area/lipid of SOPC at 30 degrees C (67.0+/-0.9 A2). Model fitting suggests that LWYIK's average position is slightly closer to the bilayer center than IWYIK's, and both peptides are just inside of the phosphate headgroup. Both peptides increase the wide-angle spacing d of SOPC without cholesterol, whereas with 50% cholesterol LWYIK increases d but IWYIK decreases d. TLC shows that LWYIK is more hydrophobic than IWYIK; this difference persists in peptide/SOPC 1:9 mole ratio mixtures. Both peptides counteract the chain ordering effect of cholesterol to roughly the same degree, and both decrease KC, the bending modulus, thus increasing the SOPC membrane fluidity. Both peptides nucleate crystals of cholesterol, but the LWYIK-induced crystals are weaker and dissolve more easily.  相似文献   

During human immunodeficiency virus entry, gp41 undergoes a series of conformational changes that induce membrane fusion. Immediately prior to fusion, gp41 exists in a prehairpin intermediate in which the N- and C-peptide regions of gp41 are exposed. Rearrangement of this intermediate into a six-helix bundle composed of a trimeric coiled coil from the N-peptide region (N-trimer) surrounded by three peptides from the C-peptide region provides the driving force for membrane fusion, whereas prevention of six-helix bundle formation inhibits viral entry. Because of its central role in mediating viral entry, the N-trimer region of gp41 is a key vaccine target. Extensive efforts to discover potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies (Abs) against the N-trimer region have, thus far, been unsuccessful. In this study, we attached a potent C-peptide inhibitor that binds to the N-trimer region to cargo proteins of various sizes to examine the steric accessibility of the N-trimer during fusion. These inhibitors show a progressive loss of potency with increasing cargo size. Extension of the cargo/C-peptide linker partially restores inhibitory potency. These results demonstrate that the human immunodeficiency virus defends its critical hairpin-forming machinery by steric exclusion of large proteins and may explain the current dearth of neutralizing Abs against the N-trimer. In contrast, previous results suggest the C-peptide region is freely accessible during fusion, demonstrating that the N- and C-peptide regions are in structurally distinct environments. Based on these results, we also propose new strategies for the generation of neutralizing Abs that overcome this steric block.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the pathogen of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), causes about 2 million people to death every year. Fusion inhibitors targeted the envelope protein (gp41) represent a novel and alternative approach for anti-AIDS therapy, which terminates the HIV-1 life cycle at an early stage. Using CP621-652 as a template, a series of peptides were designed, synthesized and evaluated in vitro assays. An interesting phenomenon was found that the substitution of hydrophobic residues at solvent accessible sites could increase the anti-HIV activity when the C-terminal sequence was extended with an enough numbers of amino acids. After the active peptides was synthesized and evaluated, peptide 8 showed the best anti-HIV-1 IIIB whole cell activity (MAGI IC50 = 53.02 nM). Further study indicated that peptide 8 bound with the gp41 NHR helix, and then blocked the conformation of 6-helix, thus inhibited virus–cell membrane fusion. The results would be helpful for the design of peptide fusion inhibitors against HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1跨膜蛋白gp41的截短及表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将HIV-1跨膜蛋白gp41进行截短,在大肠杆菌中进行表达并纯化。PCR扩增gp41的部分编码基因,回收的PCR产物纯化后克隆到连接载体pGEM-T上,然后用EcoRI和Sal I切下目的基因,并构建到表达载体pGEX-4T3上,导入宿主细胞BL21(DE3),用IPTG诱导表达,表达产物用亲和层析进行纯化并作相应鉴定。截短的HIV-1跨膜蛋白gp41能直接在大肠杆菌内进行表达,利用亲和层析能方便地将目的蛋白进行纯化,为跨膜蛋白的进一步应用打下基础。  相似文献   

The N-terminal domain of HIV-1 glycoprotein 41,000 (gp41) participates in viral fusion processes. Here, we use physical and computational methodologies to examine the secondary structure of a peptide based on the N terminus (FP; residues 1-23) in aqueous and detergent environments. (12)C-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated greater alpha-helix for FP in lipid-detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and aqueous phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) than in only PBS. (12)C-FTIR spectra also showed disordered FP conformations in these two environments, along with substantial beta-structure for FP alone in PBS. In experiments that map conformations to specific residues, isotope-enhanced FTIR spectroscopy was performed using FP peptides labeled with (13)C-carbonyl. (13)C-FTIR results on FP in SDS at low peptide loading indicated alpha-helix (residues 5 to 16) and disordered conformations (residues 1-4). Because earlier (13)C-FTIR analysis of FP in lipid bilayers demonstrated alpha-helix for residues 1-16 at low peptide loading, the FP structure in SDS micelles only approximates that found for FP with membranes. Molecular dynamics simulations of FP in an explicit SDS micelle indicate that the fraying of the first three to four residues may be due to the FP helix moving to one end of the micelle. In PBS alone, however, electron microscopy of FP showed large fibrils, while (13)C-FTIR spectra demonstrated antiparallel beta-sheet for FP (residues 1-12), analogous to that reported for amyloid peptides. Because FP and amyloid peptides each exhibit plaque formation, alpha-helix to beta-sheet interconversion, and membrane fusion activity, amyloid and N-terminal gp41 peptides may belong to the same superfamily of proteins.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the complex between an HIV-1 cell-entry inhibitor selected from screening a combinatorial library of non-natural building blocks and the central, trimeric, coiled-coil core of HIV-1 gp41 has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The biased combinatorial library was designed to identify ligands binding in nonpolar pockets on the surface of the coiled-coil core of gp41. The crystal structure shows that the non-peptide moiety of the inhibitor binds to the targeted cavity in two different binding modes. This result suggests a strategy for increasing inhibitor potency by use of a second-generation combinatorial library designed to give simultaneous occupancy of both binding sites.  相似文献   

Yu X  Lu L  Cai L  Tong P  Tan S  Zou P  Meng F  Chen YH  Jiang S 《Journal of virology》2012,86(1):589-593
To prove that the peptidic HIV-1 fusion inhibitors containing the pocket-binding domain (PBD) mainly target the hydrophobic pocket in the gp41 N-terminal heptad repeat (NHR), we constructed pseudoviruses by replacement of Q64 in the gp41 pocket region with Ala (Q64A) or Leu (Q64L). These viruses were highly resistant to C34 and CP32M containing the PBD, while they were susceptible to T20 (enfuvirtide) lacking the PBD but containing the GIV-motif-binding domain (GBD) and lipid-binding domain (LBD). They were also sensitive to C52L, which contains the PBD, GBD, and LBD. Those mutations may disrupt the hydrophilic interaction between Q64 in the NHR and N113 in the peptides containing the PBD. This report provides insights into the mechanisms of drug resistance, with implications for the design of novel HIV fusion and entry inhibitors.  相似文献   

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