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Bandeira  Salomão O. 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(2):133-141
Dynamic and structural aspects of Thalassodendron ciliatum were studied in the intertidal zones around Inhaca Island during the rainy seasons 1991 to 1993. Measurements comprised leaf growth rate, leaf detachment rate, biomass, above-ground to below-ground biomass ratios and total rhizome length. On average, three leaves were, at the same time, formed and detached from a shoot during 15 day periods and five leaves from a shoot during 30 day periods. Mean leaf growth rate varied from 101.2 to 159.5 mm, 313.2 to 366.9 mm and 540 to 583.0 mm for 15, 30 and 45 days of measurements respectively. Differences between locations (Banco Sidzanye, Barreira Vermelha and Portinho-EBM/BV) were not statistically significant for the 30 and the 45 day period, but significant for the 15-day period. The average leaf growth rate per day was between 14.1 to 18.3 mm day-1 shoot-1, and the average time for leaf turnover (6 to 9 leaves) on one shoot was four successive spring tides (around 45 days). The average above-ground to below-ground biomass ratio was 1: 1.5 (61% in below-ground biomass) and leaf biomass varied between 45.1 and 211.7 g DW m-2. Total rhizome length varied between 960.0 to 6641.6 cm m-2. A positive correlation was observed between this variable with rhizomes and roots and between rhizomes and roots.  相似文献   

Within a few years of field abandonment on the coastal dunes, a considerable number of species of trees and woody lianes of the climax evergreen forest enter the succession. At a relatively large-scale of analysis (a 100 m2 plot), there is no evidence of soil development during the early succession, with no accumulation of soil organic matter nor nutrients being detected. At this scale there is, therefore, little support for the facilitation model of succession. However, when smaller scales of analysis are employed (e.g. a plot equivalent to the canopy area of a sapling) a very different picture emerges; most recruitment of forest woody species occurs beneath saplings found in early succession. Nutrient concentrations were higher in soils under sapling canopies than in soils beyond sapling canopies. With increasing sapling size, an increasing number of seedlings of forest woody species were found and there is progressive soil amelioration. Thus, during the early succession, there is considerable small-scale patterning in soil development and recruitment. This pattern is largely established through bird dispersal, with the intensity of recruitment being dependent on the distance to seed sources.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports on vegetation development on permanent experimental plots during five years of succession. Nine (1 m2) plots were filled with three typical substrates from man-made habitats of urban and industrial areas in the region of Berlin. The three substrates (a commercial ‘topsoil’, a ruderal ‘landfill’ soil and a sandy soil), differ in organic matter and nutrient contents. Relevés of species composition and percent cover of each species present were made monthly during the growing season from the start of vegetation development. This paper describes the different successional pathways on topsoil and ruderal soil and the colonization process on sandy soil. On topsoil, ruderal annuals are dominant in the first year and are replaced by short-lived perennials from the second year. Those species were replaced by long-lived perennial herbs (Ballota nigra or Urtica dioica) from the third year of succession onwards. On the ruderal land-fill soil the early successional stages are less sharp and the perennial Solidago canadensis is able to dominate within one year after the succession was initiated. On sandy soil there is still an ongoing colonization process, where pioneer tree species like Betula pendula and Populus nigra play a main role. The importance of ‘initial floristic composition’, the role of substrate for community structure and the peculiarities of successional sequences on anthropogenic soils in the context of primary and secondary successions are discussed.  相似文献   

Inhaca Island (southern Mozambique) is located in a high-latitude setting along the seaward margins of the estuarine Maputo Bay and is subject to fluctuations in temperature and salinity, and high sedimentation and turbidity levels. Coral reefs are developed sporadically along the margins of intertidal channels, but framework development is severely restricted. Coral growth is bathymetrically limited (never exceeding 6-m depth), and framework accumulation is only present in the upper 1–2 m. Massive Porites sp. produce a basic reef structure, with other coral genera (mainly Acropora sp., Favia sp., Platygyra sp., Pocillopora sp., and Montipora sp.) colonizing available substrata. Sediment samples also indicate restricted carbonate sediment production, with siliciclastics (mainly quartz) a major sediment contributor (often >90%) and carbonate grain assemblages differing from those normally associated with lower-latitude reefs. Although corals, molluscs and coralline algae (including rhodoliths) represent dominant grain constituents, Halimeda is absent and there is a low diversity (four species identified) of benthic foraminifera (mainly Amphistegina sp.). Grain associations are therefore somewhat transitional in character, comprising elements of both tropical (chlorozoan) and temperate (foramol) grain assemblages. These patterns of reef and associated carbonate production emphasize the marginal character of these reef environments, which form one end member in a broad spectrum of marginal reef systems that are now being identified in a range of both high- and low-latitude settings.  相似文献   

This paper compares vegetation composition, light availability, carbon and nutrient pools and Ellenberg indicator values among four old-field successional permanent plots that have received an initial treatment (ploughing, herbicide or sterilisation) prior to being left undisturbed in 1969, a second set of six plots received additional treatments (continued ploughing or mulching until 1982). On all plots species rich pioneer forests developed. Vegetation still varies among plots with different initial treatments: Sterilised plots can be distinguished from the others by dominance of Betula pendula, ploughed plots by Fraxinus excelsior, whereas herbicide-treated plots are intermediate with proportions of both species. By affecting light availability at the ground, tree species in turn influences ground vegetation and soil properties. Light availability turned out to be the dominant factor determining the composition of the vegetation in old-field succession.  相似文献   

珠海淇澳岛次生植被特征及物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Abstract. Effects of grazing and environment on vegetation structure have been widely acknowledged, but few studies have related both factors. We made 57 floristic samples in a highly variable landscape of mountain grasslands in central Argentina; 26 sample were in fence‐lines with contrasting vegetation. For each sample, we recorded topographic and edaphic parameters, as well as grazing intensity indicators. Floristic gradients were analysed with DCA and relations with abiotic and grazing‐related variables were detected with DCCA. Floristic axis 1 was explained by edaphic parameters associated to topography, ranging from communities in well drained soils on upper topographic positions to hydromorphic vegetation in poorly drained soils on lower topographic positions. Species richness decreased as soil moisture increased. Floristic axis 2 was associated with present and long‐term grazing indicators, and reflected shifts in vegetation physiognomy and species evenness. Tall tussock grasslands, with low species evenness and evidences of low or null grazing intensity were located at one extreme. Tussocks were gradually replaced by short graminoids and forbs towards the centre of the gradient, as grazing increased, and evenness reached a maximum. In degraded sites with heavy long‐term grazing intensities, short perennial species were replaced by an annual species, and evenness decreased. The magnitude of changes in floristic composition produced by grazing decreased with increasing soil moisture, and vegetation‐environment relationships were stronger in moderate to highly grazed situations than in lightly or non grazed situations.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the recovery process of the subtropical forest on Okinawa Island, southern Japan, biomass accumulation and the successional trend of species diversity with time were investigated by comparing plots of old-growth and clear logged secondary forests. Self-thinning was an important factor in the development of young secondary forests, and the small variance in tree size within a stand was related to the stand not being fully stratified after clear-cutting. A large variance of size structure in old secondary and old-growth forests implies re-initiation of the understorey. Additionally, the trajectory of stand development indicated that the subtropical forest quickly recovered aboveground biomass, which reached its upper limit at about 50 years after disturbance. However, there was a large distinction in species diversity between the secondary forests and old-growth forests. The diversity of forest floor plants did not recover well after being clear-cut. This indicates that management of the subtropical forest should not only take timber-oriented tree species into account, but also the biodiversity in ground flora. The secondary forests were characterized by Castanopsis sieboldii and Schima wallichii, and the monopolization of C. sieboldii through secondary succession had a negative influence on species diversity. Distylium racemosum dominated at the late development stage and was considered a long-lived competing species that reduced the dominance of C. sieboldii and facilitated the co-occurrence of understorey species. Light-demanding pioneer tree species such as S. wallichii that regenerated after logging should be replaced by competitive effects of climax species, and thus relayed floristic change might increase species diversity along secondary succession.Nomenclature: Hatushima and Amano (1994).  相似文献   

This study describes differences in species richness, diversity and composition of Carabidae in gradients from recently abandoned, non-grazed fields over stages of overgrowth into forest on formerly agricultural land in a large, sandy outwash plain, south Sweden. Totally 80 pitfall traps, (4 succession stages, each represented by 4 sites; 5 traps per site) installed on 29 March 2006 were emptied continuously until 1 November. Succession stages were: 7–10 y old fallows after cereals with thin and low vegetation of small perennial and annual herbs (Ia), 7–10 y old fallows abandoned as lay with a rich plant cover of broad-leaved grasses and herbs (Ib), 20–25 y old fallows with a shrub layer of colonising pine and narrow-leaved grasses (II), and ca 80 y old pine stands planted on originally cultivated ground with a rich shrub layer but lacking herbaceous plants (III). A total of 14,068 individuals of 71 carabid species were captured. Species richness was highest in stage Ib, whereas Shannon species diversity was highest in Ia. Both species richness and diversity were lowest in III, sites II being intermediate. Total number of individuals captured site−1 was low in III, being highest in Ib. Mean body weight and total dry mass of species, however, increased with succession stage. Amara and Harpalus species were most common in Ia but important also in Ib, with large differences in species composition between the two stages. These genera were almost lacking in III, where Carabus spp. and Pterostichus niger dominated. The share of Calathus was highest in II, where C. fuscipes played a dominating role. P. versicolor dominated in Ib, whereas P. lepidus was quite common in all non-forest stages. Duration and intensity of capturing activity necessary to find most species of the sites are discussed. Many scarce or rare species in south Scandinavia were captured, mainly in Ib. Abandoned non-grazed fields are important hibernating and breeding refuges for many carabids. Using extensive and non-expensive management this ought to be considered as an additional alternative in environment conservation policy, which now usually recommends economically subsidised grazing on set-aside land.  相似文献   

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