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Repeated tactile stimulation of the siphon in Aplysia normally results in habituation of the gill withdrawal reflex and a concomitant decrease in the amplitude of the excitatory synaptic input to gill motor neurons in the abdominal ganglion. It was found, however, that induced low-level tonic activity in motor neuron L9, which does not itself elicit a gill withdrawal movement, prevented habituation of the reflex from occurring. Further, in preparations already habituated, this tonic low-level activity brought about a reversal of habituation. Although tonic L9 activity prevented the occurrence of habituation or brought about its reversal, it did not interfere with the synaptic decremental process which normally accompanies gill reflex habituation. Motor neurons L7 and LDG1 were found not to possess this ability of L9 to modulate gill reflex habituation. Evidence suggests that L9's modulatory effect is mediated in the periphery, in the gill and not centrally in the abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

Repeated tactile stimulation of the siphon in Aphysia normally results in habituation of the gill withdrawal reflex and a concomitant decrease in the amplitude of the excitatory synaptic input ot gill motor neurons in the abdominal ganglion. It was found, however, that induced low-level tonic activity in motor neuron L9, which does not itself elicit a gill withdrawal movement, prevented habituation of the reflex from occurring. Further, in preparations already habituated, this tonic low-level activity brought about a reversal of habituation. Although tonic L9 activity prevented the occurrence of habituation or brought about its reversal, it did not interfere with the synaptic decremental process which normally accompanies gill reflex habituation. Motor neurons L7 and LDG1 were found not to possess this ability of L9 to modulate gill reflex habituation. Evidence suggests that L9's modulatory effect is mediated in the periphery, in the gill and not centrally in the abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

In older Aplysia, the central nervous system (CNS) (abdominal ganglion) exerts suppressive and facilitatory control over the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which initially mediates the gill withdrawal reflex and its subsequent habituation evoked by tactile stimulation of the siphon. In young animals, both the suppressive and facilitatory CNS control were found to be absent. In older animals, removal of branchial nerve (Br) input to the gill resulted in a significantly reduced reflex latency and, with ctenidial (Ct) and siphon (Sn) nerves intact, a significantly increased reflex amplitude and an inability of the reflex to habituate with repeated siphon stimulation. In young animals, removal of Br had no effect on reflex latency and with Ct and Sn intact, the reflex amplitude latency was not increased and the reflex habituated. Older animals can easily discriminate between different intensity stimuli applied to the siphon as evidenced by differences in reflex amplitude, rates of habituation, and evoked neural activity. On the other hand, young animals cannot discriminate well between different stimulus intensities. The lack of CNS control in young animals was found to be due to incompletely developed neural processes within the abdominal ganglion and not the PNS. The lack of CNS control in young Aplysia results in gill reflex behaviours being less adaptive in light of changing stimulus conditions, but may be of positive survival value in that the young will not habituate as easily. The fact that CNS control is present in older animals strengthens the idea that in any analysis of the underlying neural mechanisms of habituation the entire integrated CNS-PNS must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Habituation of the Aplysia gill-withdrawal reflex (and siphon-withdrawal reflex) has been attributed to low-frequency homosynaptic depression at central sensory-motor synapses. The recent demonstration that transfer of habituation between stimulation sites occurs in this model system has prompted the hypothesis that heterosynaptic inhibitory pathways also play a role in the mediation of habituation behavior. To test this hypothesis, the sites and mechanisms of neural plasticity which underlie transfer of habituation in Aplysia were examined. Transfer of habituation is a reduction in the reflex evoked at one stimulation site (siphon) due to repeated presentation of a stimulus to a second site (gill). Centrally mediated transfer of habituation, measured in a preparation lacking the siphon-gill peripheral nervous system (PNS), was associated with a reduced excitatory response in central motor neurons. Repeated tactile stimulation of the gill did not attenuate the gill response evoked by electrical stimulation of the branchial nerve nor the mechanoreceptor response recorded in LE sensory neurons. In contrast, repeated stimulation of siphon or gill at a site which was "off" the sensory field of a specific mechanoreceptor led to a diminution in synaptic transmission between that sensory neuron and its followers (motor neurons and inter-neurons). These data demonstrate that centrally mediated transfer of habituation results from heterosynaptic modulation of synaptic transmission at the sensory-motor (and sensory-interneuron) synapses. Therefore, habituation behavior in Aplysia is mediated through the conjoint action of homosynaptic and heterosynaptic inhibitory processes.  相似文献   

Perfusion of the endogenous neuropeptide, FMRFamide, through the isolated gill of Aplysia facilitated the amplitude of the gill withdrawal reflex (GWR) evoked by tactile stimulation of the gill. The GWR was facilitated in a dose-dependent manner. The facilitation of the GWR produced by FMRFamide perfusion was reversible. In addition to facilitating GWR amplitude, FMRFamide perfusion could also prevent habituation of the reflex. It is hypothesized that FMRFamide may play a role in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in the gill in the mediation of behavioral state and modulation of adaptive gill behaviors.  相似文献   

Modulation of the Aplysia gill withdrawal reflex by dopamine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability of dopamine to modulate gill contractions was tested in Aplysia. When dopamine was perfused through the gill vasculature, gill contractions caused by siphon stimulation (gill withdrawal reflex) and by depolarization of the gill motor neuron L7 were increased in amplitude, as compared with those evoked during seawater perfusion. Habituation of gill movements, brought about by repetitive stimulation of the siphon or of L7, was prevented by dopamine. Despite the absence of reflex habituation, the number of action potentials in central gill motor neurons, evoked by siphon stimulation, showed normal decrement. Dopamine's effects were blocked when the ctenidial nerve was cut or when L7 hyperpolarized. These data suggest that dopamine acts peripherally to increase the efficacy of L7's synaptic transmission onto gill muscle or elements of the gill neural plexus.  相似文献   

The gill withdrawal reflex is suppressed in sexually active Aplysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Aplysia, the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system interact and form an integrated system that mediates adaptive gill withdrawal reflex behaviours evoked by tactile stimulation of the siphon. The central nervous system (CNS) exerts suppressive and facilitatory control over the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in the mediation of these behaviours. We found that the CNS's suppressive control over the PNS was increased significantly in animals engaged in sexual activity as either a male or female. In control animals, the evoked gill withdrawal reflex met a minimal response amplitude criterion, while in sexually active animals the reflex did not meet this criterion. At the neuronal level, the increased CNS suppressive control was manifested as a decrease in excitatory input to the central gill motor neurons.  相似文献   

Mucosal membranes of foregut epithelia of Aplysia californica contain a sodium/phosphate symporter. Triiodothyronine stimulated the absorptive activity of the sodium/phosphate symporter, whereas reverse triiodothyronine had no effect on the sodium/phosphate symporter. It appears that thyroid hormone or its molluscan equivalent plays a role in the overall regulation of phosphate homeostasis by the Aplysia californica gut.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) dissolved in seawater and perfused through the isolated gill of the Aplysia californica produced suppression of the gill withdrawal reflex (GWR) evoked by tactile stimulation of the gill. This suppression was reversible upon washout and was blocked by co-perfusion of curare and alpha-bungarotoxin. Co-perfusion of atropine did not block the suppression of the GWR produced by ACh. We concluded that the suppressive effects produced by perfusion of ACh through the gill occur as a result of the action of ACh at the nicotinic-like receptors. The role of ACh suppression in the mediation of gill reflex behaviours is discussed.  相似文献   

These studies show that cutaneous stimulation that evoked body wall contraction elicited a concurrent disruption of cardiovascular function. A pinch or test shock to the tail caused a 10- to 30-s increase in diastolic pressure and variability in pulse pressure. Sensitizing cutaneous stimulation which produced enhancement of the tail withdrawal reflex caused no enhancement of the evoked cardiovascular responses. At 20 min post-sensitization training a gradual increase in heart rate was observed and at 60 min post-sensitization training, heart rate was 111 ± 4.3% presensitization values. These long-term changes in cardiovascular function appear to be mediated by the central nervous system. Chemical blockade of conduction at P9 or the pleural-abdominal connectives prevented the sensitization-induced increase in heart rate. Accepted: 21 May 1999  相似文献   

Glutamate or a glutamate-related substance is the neurotransmitter used at the majority of the excitatory junctions of the neuronal network mediating the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. In this report, we have studied some receptor properties of the major postsynaptic elements of the network, the motor neurons. We have examined the effect of a compound interfering with glutamate receptor, concanavalin A (con A). We found that con A treatment transforms the mainly hyperpolarizing responses to L-glutamate in motor neurons to prolonged depolarizing ones; these latter responses are sensitive to CNQX. We have also examined whether con A could enhance the CNQX sensitive excitatory postsynaptic potentials in these motor neurons. We found, by contrast, that con A did not alter the synaptic responses. The possible implications of the differential effect of con A on the glutamate responses and the synaptic responses are discussed.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made in unraveling the organization of the circadian system of Aplysia californica. There are at least three circadian pacemakers in Aplysia. One has been localized in each eye and a third lies outside the eyes. Removal of the eyes disrupts the free-running locomotor activity rhythm; however, an extraocular oscillator can mediate a free-running rhythm in some eyeless animals. Although photoreceptors sufficient for entrainment of the ocular oscillator have been localized in the retina, photoreceptors outside the eyes are capable of "driving" a diurnal rhythm of locomotor activity and may also influence entrainment of ocular pacemakers. Finally, attention has been focused on the optic nerve as a coupling pathway between various parts of the system. The evidence suggests that information transmitted in the optic nerves is involved in entrainment of the ocular pacemaker by light, and in ocular control of the locomotor activity rhythm.  相似文献   

Stages in the post-hatching development of Aplysia californica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the development of the nervous system of the marine mollusc, Aplysia californica, it is necessary objectively to assess the maturity of individual specimens. This can be done by defining stages in the life cycle. The post-hatching development can be divided into four phases: planktonic, metamorphic, juvenile, and adult. These phases can be further subdivided into 13 stages on the basis of behavioral and morphological characteristics visible in living specimens: Stage 1, newly hatched; Stage 2, eyes develop; Stage 3, the larval heart beats; Stage 4, maximum shell size is reached; Stage 5, the propodium develops; Stage 6, red spots appear; Stage 7, the velum is shed; Stage 8, eyebrows appear; Stage 9, pink color develops; Stage 10, white spots appear; Stage 11, rhinophores grow; Stage 12, the genital groove forms; Stage 13, egg laying begins. Reconstructions from serial sections taken from specimens fixed at each of these stages reveal the sequence of formation of the major organ systems. The nervous system develops gradually. The cerebral and pedal ganglia are present at Stage 1, the optic ganglia develop at Stage 2, the abdominal, pleural, and osphradial ganglia at Stage 3, the buccal ganglia at Stage 5, and the genital ganglion at Stage 13. Because Aplysia develops gradually, it is possible to analyze the contribution which gastropod torsion makes to the different phases of the life cycle. The Aplysia embryo undergoes 120 degrees torsion prior to Stage 1. The major visceral organs, the digestive system, heart, gill, and visceral nervous system, develop sybsequently in their post-torsional positions. After metamorphosis, there is a partial de-torsion which involves only the digestive system. Torsion of the digestive system may therefore be beneficial only to the pre-metamorphic larva, and not to the postmetamorphic juvenile.  相似文献   

Summary The osphradium of Aplysia californica, a sensory organ, is a small yellow-brown epithelial patch located in the mantle cavity immediately anterior to the rostral attachment of the gill. Scanning electron microscopy reveals a round ellipsoid structure of 0.6–1 mm in diameter with a central, occasionally folded, sensory epithelium. The central area is covered with microvilli and surrounded by a densely ciliated epithelium. Transmission electron micrographs show that the columnar supporting cells in the sensory epithelium contain an abundance of apical pigment granules and microvilli. Between the epithelial-supporting cells, the putative sensory elements consist of thin neurites (0.4–1.5 m in diameter) that reach the sea-water side of the osphradium. The neurites contain many neurotubules, mitochondria, vesicles and cilia in their apices. The nerve endings originate from cell bodies up to 40 m below the epithelium or in the osphradial ganglion itself, as revealed by electron microscopy and retrograde labeling with Lucifer yellow. There appear to be two populations of putative sensory cells, a large population of heavily stained cell bodies 4–10 m in diameter and a few scattered cells of large diameter (25–60 m). Following lanthanum impregnation, septate junctions can be seen between all types of cells in the epithelium, 3–5 m below the sea-water surface. This study provides new information for further investigation of osmo- and mechanosensation in Aplysia californica.  相似文献   

Central pattern generator (CPG) circuits control cyclic motor output underlying rhythmic behaviors. Although there have been extensive behavioral and cellular studies of food-induced feeding arousal as well as satiation in Aplysia, very little is known about the neuronal circuits controlling rhythmic consummatory feeding behavior. However, recent studies have identified premotor neurons that initiate and maintain buccal motor programs underlying ingestion and egestion in Aplysia. Other newly identified neurons receive synaptic input from feeding CPGs and in turn synapse with and control the output of buccal motor neurons. Some of these neurons and their effects within the buccal system are modulated by endogenous neuropeptides. With this information we can begin to understand how neuronal networks control buccal motor output and how their activity is modulated to produce flexibility in observed feeding behavior.  相似文献   

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