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K. S. Unni  S. Pawar 《Hydrobiologia》2000,430(1-3):87-96
Phytoplankton of the River Seonath, a major tributary of Mahanadi river system, was studied for 15 months together with physical–chemical variables in relation to a pollution gradient. Multivariate analysis and ordination by Principal Components Analysis of the physical–chemical variables and phytoplankton density indicated a community replacement along a pollution gradient. The dominant benthic diatom community, mainly comprising Achnanthes trigibba and A. affinis of the upstream was replaced by Chlorophycea at the middle stretch and Cyanophycea at the downstream sites. Chlorella, Scenedesmus and Coelastrum dominated among Chlorophyceae in the middle stretch in the highly polluted sites, followed by the Cyanophycean assemblage of Microcystis and Merismopedia.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are known to produce a huge variety of secondary metabolites. Many of these metabolites are toxic to zooplankton, fish, birds and mammals. Therefore, the toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms is strongly dependent on the cyanobacterial strain composition. These strains produce distinct bouquets of secondary metabolites, and thus constitute different chemotypes. Some of the cyanobacterial metabolites are potent inhibitors of gut proteases of the filter-feeder Daphnia. Here, we investigate the seasonal dynamics of secondary metabolites in a phytoplankton community from a hypertrophic pond, making use of a new metabolomic approach. Using liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (LCMS), we obtained mass spectra of phytoplankton samples taken on different dates throughout the summer season. By applying multivariate statistics, we combined these data with the protease inhibition capacity of the same samples. This led to the identification of metabolites with cyanobacterial origin and as well of distinct cyanobacterial chemotypes being dominant on different dates. The protease inhibition capacity varied strongly with season, and only one out of 73 known cyanobacterial protease inhibitors could be confirmed in the natural samples. Instead, several so far unknown, putative protease inhibitors were detected. In conclusion, the creation of time series of mass spectral data of a natural phytoplankton community proved to be useful for elucidating seasonal chemotype succession in a cyanobacterial community. Additionally, correlating mass spectral data with a biological assay provides a promising tool for facilitating the search for new harmful metabolites prior to structure elucidation.  相似文献   

Köhler  Jan  Nixdorf  Brigitte 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):187-195
The influences of imports of nutrients and planktonic algae from the River Spree on the dynamics of phytoplankton were examined in the shallow, eutrophic Müggelsee, which has a retention time of only 42 days. Phytoplankton biomass and nutrient concentrations were measured in both the lake and its inflow from 1980–1990. On a long-term average, mean biomass as well as vitality of most dominant phytoplankton populations in the lake were not significantly different from those in the river. Nevertheless, during distinct periods the external rates of biomass change of single lake populations (due to dilution or enrichment) were as high as the lake internal ones. The import of inocula populations from the river probably induced the formation of the typical community structure in the lake. Growth and decay of phytoplankton populations in the river strongly influenced the load of dissolved nutrients and thus indirectly the dynamics of planktonic algae in the downstream lake. For example, intensive assimilation of phosphorus by riverine algae in spring intensified the P-shortage and supported possible P-limitation of algal growth in the lake at that time. In years with high vernal biomass of centric diatoms in the river, and thus diminished import of dissolved silicon, the growth of diatoms was suppressed and that of cyanobacteria was favoured in the lake during summer.  相似文献   

To determine longitudinal changes in phytoplankton composition and biomass in the Warnow River (Germany), single water parcels were followed during their downstream transport in August and October 1996 and April 1997. In summer, the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by centric diatom and cyanobacteria species. Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Pseudanabaena limnetica, Planktothrix agardhii and Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima were the most frequent species. In autumn, small centric diatoms dominated the whole river course. Irrespective of the season, in the fluvial lakes of the upper river, a substantial increase of phytoplankton biomass was observed. Shallow upstream river stretches were associated with large biomass losses. In the deep, slow flowing lower regions, total biomass remained constant. Longitudinal changes in biomass reflected downstream variations in flow velocity and river morphology. Cyanobacteria, cryptophytes and diatom species were subjected to large biomass losses along fast flowing, shallow river sections, whereas chlorophytes were favoured. Diatoms and cryptophytes benefited from low flow velocity and increased water depth in the downstream river. Changes in water depth and flow velocity have been found as key factors that cause the longitudinal differences in phytoplankton composition and biomass in small rivers.  相似文献   

Large lowland rivers with sufficient hydrological storage capacity are capable of supporting primary production, but the dynamics of the advecting phytoplankton is poorly understood. Our study aimed at exploring how longitudinal versus lateral connectivity, flow dynamics versus resource availability and continuous versus discontinuous environmental gradients shaped the species composition of phytoplankton. Samples were taken from February to October 2000 along the Hungarian Tisza River (HTR) and in its main tributaries. Longitudinal and seasonal patterns were related to resources (light and nutrients) availability and flow dynamics derived from a 1D hydrodynamic model. The HTR was autotrophic during the study period, but tributary input considerably exceeded net autochtonous production. The Szamos River was the major source of both phytoplankton and nutrients in the HTR. Chryso- and euglenophytes were flushed into the main river from floodplain oxbows during high discharge. Imported algae experienced discontinuity in environmental gradients when entering the main river. The merged impact areas of two dams (IAD) that separate the two large meandering patches of the HTR disrupted the longitudinal profiles of both physico-chemical variables and attributes of algal assemblages (biomass, species composition, richness, similarity between adjacent sampling sites). Hydraulic storage along the IAD selectively favoured the recruitment of cryptophytes that, however, could not compensate for the enhanced sedimentation of diatoms in terms of biomass. Although the meandering patches presented several small-scale differences in major environmental gradients, both patches supported the growth of planktonic diatoms. Changes in algal biomass were decoupled from nutrient availability. We conclude that various measures must be applied in various lowland rivers within the same catchment to control their trophic status as a component of the ‘good ecological status’ defined in the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

青藏高原草地群落组成和结构的海拔梯度格局 青藏高原高寒草地是维持区域生态安全的天然屏障,也在一定程度上造就了该区域较高的生物多样性。然而,我们对青藏高原高寒草地植物群落组成和结构的海拔分布格局及其自身维持机制仍知之甚少。本研究在青藏高原东北部沿公路形成的海拔梯度设置了39个实验样地(海拔跨度为2800–5100m),每个样地设5个调查样方进行群落调查,包括物种组成、高度、盖度,评估青藏高原高寒草地植物群落的α和β多样性的海拔梯度格局及其影响因素。研究结果发现草地群落高度随着海拔的增加而显著降低,而群落盖度变化却不显著。随着海拔的增加,植物物种丰富度(α多样性)显著增加,而群落变异性(β多样性)显著降低。约束聚类分析表明,随海拔增加草地群落结构逐渐发生变化,基于此,在这种变化过程中,我们监测到3个渐变的海拔间断点,分别在海拔3640、4252和4333 m处。结构方程模型(SEM)表明,降水增加和温度降低对α多样性有显著的正向作用,但植物群落α多样性的变化显著改变群落变异性。以上结果表明,青藏高原的群落组成和结构沿海拔梯度发生了从量变到质变的过程。  相似文献   

The response of natural phytoplankton communities, originating from oligohaline brackish water systems, to salinity changes (3–12 PSU) has been studied in small-scale mesocosms. Simultaneously, their reaction on iron manipulations was tested. The experiments, each lasting 7 days, were repeated three times at different dates. Treatments were evaluated with respect to biomass development (Chl a concentration), photosynthesis behaviour, and rough taxonomic composition. The investigated phytoplankton communities were dominated by cyanobacteria. Salt addition was not effective for overall phytoplankton biomass development. Filamentous cyanobacteria, however, were promoted by NaCl enrichments. Dark yield and non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence (NPQ) analyses revealed differences for treatments in dependence on iron supplements. Iron partially seemed to dampen the effects of salt shocks, and iron addition reduced both, capacity and irradiance dependency of NPQ, irrespective of the NaCl treatment.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the main spatiotemporal trends in plant invasions of habitats is essential for a better understanding of the process of these invasions. The aim of this study was to determine the level of plant invasion, represented by relative richness and total cover of archaeophytes and neophytes, in 45 EUNIS habitat types along with spatiotemporal changes in invasion level with increasing altitude and time in Slovakia. In general, the most invaded habitats are those which are highly influenced by human activities. Generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models were used to assess the associations between habitat-specific invasion level, altitude and time, respectively. There is a general decrease in the relative richness and total cover of archaeophytes and neophytes with increasing altitude in the invaded habitats. There is also an observable temporal trend in archaeophytes shifting from anthropogenic towards more natural habitats. Importantly, the relative neophyte richness has recently been increasing, predominantly in semi-natural and natural habitats, which brings about major concerns for nature conservation. This may be the manifestation of a lag phase in the dispersal of neophytes. However, accompanied with a significant increase in the relative richness of archaeophytes in some natural habitats, it may indicate more complex changes in the invaded habitats and be an early warning sign for ecological degradation of these habitats.  相似文献   

We conducted a comprehensive census of the vascular epiphytes in a lowland forest in Panama by means of a canopy crane. In 0.4 ha of ca. 40-m tall forest, 103 species of vascular epiphytes with 13,099 individuals were found. The orchids were the most important family both in species and individual numbers, accounting alone for >40% of all species and >50% of all individuals. There was a clear vertical segregation of species with a concentration at intermediate heights: more than 50% of all individuals were found between 15 m and 25 m above ground. Tree species identity, tree size and the position of a tree in the forest (“space”) all influenced species composition. However, none of the two environmental variables nor space alone explained more than 10% of the total variation in epiphyte assemblages in several canonical correspondence analyses. By far the largest proportion of the observed variation remained unexplained and is arguably due to mere chance. In the future, our results will be used as a baseline data-set for the direct observation of the long-term dynamics in a diverse epiphyte community.  相似文献   

We studied ground-dwelling spiders along a rural?Csuburban?Curban forest gradient representing increasing human disturbance using pitfall traps. We tested four known and two novel hypotheses: (1) increasing disturbance hypothesis (species richness is decreasing by disturbance); (2) matrix species hypothesis (the richness of open-habitat species is increasing by disturbance); (3) opportunistic species hypothesis (the richness of generalist species is increasing by disturbance); and (4) habitat specialist hypothesis (the number of the forest specialist species is decreasing by disturbance). As a consequence of urbanization, urban forests become drier and more open; thus, according to the new hypotheses, the number of (5) xerophilous species and (6) light-preferring species are increasing in the urban area. Our result did not support the increasing disturbance hypothesis, as the overall species richness increased from the rural sites to the urban ones. As predicted, the number of both the open-habitat and the generalist species increased towards the urban sites. The number of forest specialist species was higher in the suburban area than in the rural and urban area. Both xerophilous and light-preferring species were the most numerous in the urban area, supporting the xerophilous species and the light-preferring species hypotheses. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the forest specialist species associated with the rural sites with higher amounts of decaying woods and more herbs or with the suburban sites with higher cover of leaf litter and higher relative humidity. Two generalist species and one open-habitat species were characteristic of urban sites with higher ground surface and air temperature.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass, morphological and taxonomic composition, species diversity and productivity were analyzed in a shallow lake of the Middle Paraná River floodplain (El Tigre, 31 ° 41 S and 60° 42 W), between November 1986 and July 1988. Lake inundation (filling and through-flow phases) constituted an intense long-term perturbation in the physical and chemical environment. As the lake filled with river water, K-selected species (netplanktonic filamentous bluegreens, > 37 µm, with low surface area/volume (SA/V) ratios) that had existed prior to filling (late spring 1986) were replaced in summer-fall by r-selected species (nannoplanktonic chlorophytes and cryptophytes, < 37 µm, mainly stout forms with high SA/V ratios). During the through-flow phase, lentic phytoplankton was replaced by lotic flagellate populations due to the direct flushing by river water. During the period of falling water (drainage and isolation phases), nanoplanktonic algae with similar characteristics to those of the filling phase dominated in late winter-spring. Later in the isolation phase, these were succeeded by K-selected species (netplanktonic algae, mainly motile spherical dinoflagellates and filamentous bluegreens with low SA/V ratios). Simultaneously, primary production per unit biomass decreased and total biomass and specific diversity increased. Seasonal changes of phytoplankton in floodplain lakes can be interpreted as the interaction between true successional development (as observed in the drainage and isolation phases) and intermediate disturbance. Using Reynolds' terminology, short-term disturbance (slight inflow of nutrient-rich river water) caused reversion to an earlier stage in the former succession, and long-term disturbance (lake inundation) truncated the successional progression and a new (or shifted) succession was initiated.  相似文献   

Ecological models have often been used in order to answer questions that are in the limelight of recent researches such as the possible effects of climate change. The methodology of tactical models is a very useful tool comparison to those complex models requiring relatively large set of input parameters. In this study, a theoretical strategic model (TEGM) was adapted to the field data on the basis of a 24-year long monitoring database of phytoplankton in the Danube River at the station of Göd, Hungary (at 1669 river kilometer - hereafter referred to as “rkm”). The Danubian Phytoplankton Growth Model (DPGM) is able to describe the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass (mg L?1) based on daily temperature, but takes the availability of light into consideration as well. In order to improve fitting, the 24-year long database was split in two parts in accordance with environmental sustainability. The period of 1979–1990 has a higher level of nutrient excess compared with that of the 1991–2002. The authors assume that, in the above-mentioned periods, phytoplankton responded to temperature in two different ways, thus two submodels were developed, DPGM-sA and DPGM-sB. Observed and simulated data correlated quite well. Findings suggest that linear temperature rise brings drastic change to phytoplankton only in case of high nutrient load and it is mostly realized through the increase of yearly total biomass.  相似文献   

In the Warnow River and its tributaries in North Germany, measurements were made to characterise the longitudinal patterns of nutrients in the riverbed and lake sediments. The sediment composition was analysed based on dry weight, organic matter, mean grain size and concentration of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, aluminium and sulfur. Sediment phosphate was investigated in more detail by means of a sequential chemical extration. The phosphate was differently bound to the sediment particles in the upstream region than in the impounded section of the Warnow River and ist tributaries. Accumulation of fine sediment with high P-concentrations was recorded in the lake sediments and in the impounded section of the river. These impounded sections were the most important P-pool in the whole catchment area and played an important role in P-retention in the river system. Organic matter concentration, P-accumulation and P-binding in the sediment of the impounded section is corresponding with those of lake sediments. During the summer, anoxic P-release from the sediment in the impounded section was measured and calculated. The reductant-soluble fraction of the P-fractionation underestimated the release under anoxic condition. Adsorbed phosphorus and organic phosphate play an important role in P-release in the impounded part of the river.  相似文献   

Successional studies in tropical forests have generally emphasized the tree component, ignoring the community dynamics of non-tree life-forms, and so there is a limited understanding of how the plant community as a whole is changing during succession within forests. Thus, this study examined the changes in climber community composition and structure in a regenerating secondary lowland rain forest at Ile-Ife that was ravaged by a ground fire 31 years ago using six sample plots. All individual climbers in each sample plot were identified, enumerated and their girths at breast height were measured. The girths were measured at 1.3 m height or just before the point of branching. Our data were compared with those of previous studies in the forest to determine the changes in floristics and structure of climber community over the years using Sorenson’s similarity index. The mortality and recruitment rates in the forest during the course of succession were determined. Climber species increased from 49 (2005) to 61 (2014). Climber density increased astronomically from 448–1152 ha?1 (2005) to 1712–4492 ha?1 but basal area only increased slightly from 0.37–1.10 m2 ha?1 (2005) to 0.40–1.14 m2 ha?1. The recruitment rate (8%) was higher than the mortality rate (5.8%). The similarity of the climber species composition calculated using the Sorenson similarity index showed that the similarity between the two periods of study was 0.53 (53%). This study concluded that during the study period, the climber community changed, and climber species abundance and structure increased.  相似文献   

Two laboratory-scale systems were set up (i) composting (without earthworms) and (ii) vermicomposting (with earthworms) and were monitored for 60 days after pre-composting. The physico-chemical parameters (pH, C/N, organic matter, NH(4)(+)-N and ash content) showed similar evolution in both systems except a higher NH(4)(+)-N in the initial vermicomposts. However, principle component analysis (PCA) of enzymatic activities and community level physiological profiles revealed differences in the functional response of microbial communities in compost and vermicompost during maturation. Dehydrogenase activity and bacterial counts indicated a steady decrease in biological activity and population during composting, whereas vermicomposting exhibited higher activity on day 30 and a reduction in bacterial counts on day 10. PCA of denatured gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles showed divergent dynamics of bacterial communities in two processes. These results indicated differences in the functional response and genetic structure of microbial community in composts and vermicomposts despite similar changes in their physico-chemical parameters.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria dominance is often associated with economic, ecological and health problems. The potential production of toxic compounds calls for frequent monitoring of cyanobacteria and their toxin production in many aquatic systems. Methods to simplify this process and facilitate management responses to sudden environmental changes are needed to improve the capability of risk-assessment. We tested the effectiveness of two different functional approaches (Functional Groups – FG, Reynolds et al., 2002; and Morphology-Based Functional Groups – MBFG, Kruk et al., 2010) as well as single species and taxonomic classifications as the best proxy of spatio-temporal phytoplankton dynamics and dominance of toxic algae in an impacted transitional river–reservoir system in the tropics. The Paraíba do Sul River and Funil Reservoir are located in one of the most heavily impacted regions of Brazil, and the latter system has a history of intense, long-lasting toxic cyanobacteria blooms. Sampling was conducted over the two climatological periods of the region: warm-rainy (October/2011 and January/2012) and cold-dry (July/2011 and May/2012), with stations in the following areas: tributary, reservoir and river (downstream from the dam). Our results showed that the MBFG classification was the most effective approach, i.e., best explained the response of the phytoplankton community to environmental variations. Environmental factors including light, nutrients, water temperature and hydrology increased the occurrence of different MBFGs on both spatial and temporal scales. The lotic areas showed a more diverse composition of MBFGs, including species with high to moderate tolerance to light limitation and flushing conditions (MBFGs I, III, IV, V and VI). In Funil Reservoir, phytoplankton biovolume was dominated by bloom-forming cyanobacteria (MBFGs III and VII) and remained high throughout the study. This dominance was related to the overall eutrophic conditions, low light availability and increased water-column stability of the reservoir. The seasonal dynamics in the reservoir was mainly related to changes in temperature and hydrology. Our results show for the first time that morphology captures efficiently eco-strategies of bloom-forming cyanobacteria and the MBFG approach can be used to predict and monitor the development of cyanobacteria HABs in temporal and spatial scales.  相似文献   

Can a community of small-bodied grazers control phytoplankton in rivers?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Phytoplankton, zooplankton and grazing were monitored throughout the growing season for three years (1994–96) in the Belgian section of the River Meuse.
2. A size structure analysis of the algal community shows that there was a summer shift toward larger algal units, following a decline in phytoplankton biomass. These changes occurred after an increase in zooplankton biomass and diversity.
3. Daily filtration rates of grazers ranged from 1 to 113% day–1 and maxima were observed during the summer period. Higher rates tended to correspond with peaks of rotifer biomass. A decline in total phytoplankton biomass within two weeks followed the increase in zooplankton biomass and filtration rate. A rapid biomass recovery was then observed, along with a shift of the algal community toward larger units. When grazing activity was not sustained, due to zooplankton fluctuations, the change in phytoplankton size structure was less marked.
4. We suggest that the composition of the phytoplankton community of large rivers may at times be controlled by grazers. However, such biotic interactions can take place only when physical constraints are reduced, i.e. when discharge is low, and when increased transfer time, high temperature and availability of grazeable algae allow high zooplankton biomass.  相似文献   

The forests in the Spa?va Basin are a complex of lowland forests in the region of Slavonia (eastern Croatia). The present state of the forests is strongly influenced by intensive exploitation and hydro-ameliorative activities carried out in the past. The aim of this study was to consider the extent of changes in species composition, and the extent of environmental changes in forest communities of the Spa?va Basin in relation to research conducted between 1969 and 1971. The species composition of four communities (Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris, Genisto elatae-Quercetum roboris aceretosum tatarici, and caricetosum remotae, and Leucojo-Fraxinetum angustifoliae) is studied by comparing 41 old and 57 new relevés. Changes were estimated using ordinations (RDA, CCA, DCA) and changes in species frequency and cover. A general trend of moisture reduction was noticeable among all communities. All vegetation types are becoming floristically more similar. An increase in frequency and cover of flood intolerant woody species (such as Carpinus betulus, Cornus sanguinea, Tilia tomentosa, and Acer tataricum) as well as a decrease of vernal species related to wet habitats are particularly evident. The succession of all studied communities is resulting in loss of the mosaic community pattern characteristic of lowland alluvial forests.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities were investigated along a gradient of heavy industrial and municipal pollution in the highland Bílina River (Czech Republic). Physico-chemical determinants and ions were monitored and community analysis performed focusing on taxonomic composition, ecological functioning (feeder and dweller guilds) and water quality metrics, including saprobity index, BMWP and diversity. Impacted sites differed significantly from reference and from recovered stretches. Chemical data revealed two main pollution factors, (1) a “salinity determinant”, described best by conductivity and SO42−, and (2) an “organic pollution determinant”, represented best by O2 concentrations and NO2, all varying locally and temporally. Some metrics and taxa showed significant correlations to abiotic parameters. Functional communities showed a stronger relationship to the “organic pollution determinant”, suggesting that elevated organic pollution had a dominating influence on functional community metrics; though other variables may also have an influence in this multistress environment. On the other hand, there were indications that the taxonomic community was more influenced by ion concentrations (“salinity determinant”). The gradient from reference sites to polluted sites was weaker in the final sampling campaign. The results presented here can be used as a reference for assessing future changes in environmental impact from pollution, being finer and more detailed than assessment according to the EU’s WFD.  相似文献   

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