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2017年8~9月,重庆市文化遗产研究院同俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院考古学与民族学研究所组成联合考古队,对西伯利亚两处旧石器时代遗址进行考古调查与试掘。通过调查与试掘,在叶尼塞河支流—阿巴坎河流域确认了一处旧石器时代晚期遗址—马特盖奇克遗址,该遗址石制品主要包括石核、石片和石器,原料主要是火山岩、燧石和石英岩。通过阶地比对,初步认为该遗址时代为旧石器时代晚期。另外,对库尔塔克卡缅内洛卡遗址的再次发掘出土了44件石制品,包含石核、石片和石器,原料主要是燧石、石英岩和火山岩。此次发掘进一步充实了该遗址的考古材料,也有利于进一步完善该遗址的考古年代学序列。  相似文献   

The results of anthropoecological investigations in Central Asia are described. From 1976 to 1991 about 6,000 individuals of both sexes were examined. 2,500 of them were children from 7 to 17 years. The program included the study of body build, metabolic rates, genetic markers and demographic structures. Different groups of Tuvins, Khakass, Mountain and Abakan Shortsys, Altai-kijis, Telengits, Teleuts, Kazakhs, and several groups of Mongols and Khotons were studied. It was shown that some patterns of body build and physiological traits of native populations of Central Asia partly reflect the influence of the geographical environment. The differences observed between various populations of the region may be explained by ecological reasons and not only by ethnic differentiation.  相似文献   

调查了我国24个民族、74个群体的免疫球蛋白同种异型Gm、Km分布。测定了9560例个体的Gm(1,2,3,5,21)因子和9611例个体的Km(1)因子。根据Gm单体型频率计算了遗传距离并绘制了系统树。结果支持作者早前提出的有关中华民族起源于古代两个不同群体的假说。这两个群体大致以北纬30度为界,分别居栖在黄河和长江流域。本文数据和其他主要人种的Gm分布资料相比较,作者认为在人类进化中,尼格鲁人种首先和高加索-蒙古人种分离;然后高加索人种和蒙古人种分离。不同人种间的差异,大于同一人种内不同群体间的差异。蒙古人种明显地被分为南、北两大类型,分别以具有高频率的Gm~(1;21)和Gm~(1,3;5)单体型作为种族的标记。与高加索人种关联的Gm~(3;5)单体型存在于中国西北地区的少数民族中,提示混有高加索人种血缘。很可能来源于中亚地区的高加索人,通过“丝绸之路”进入中国。Km因子在所调查的74个群体中呈随机分布。  相似文献   

Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden & Cambage is a forest tree of interest for conservation and plantation forestry. It is vulnerable to extinction, occurring on the alluvial floodplains of the Nepean River and its tributaries, south-west of Sydney, Australia. These floodplains were largely cleared of native vegetation for agriculture by the mid-1800s. Flooding of the Cox Valley for Sydneys water supply further decreased the species distribution. The species is now confined to one population of approximately 6500 trees in the Kedumba valley and three remnant populations on the Nepean River at Bents Basin (about 300 trees), Wallacia (nine trees) and Camden (about 30 trees). Genetic analysis of the four populations using microsatellite markers revealed significant divergence among all populations, despite the Bents Basin, Wallacia and Camden remnants being separated by distances of only a few kilometres. Trees in these populations have been estimated to range from 35 to 200 years old, suggesting genetic divergence among populations occurred prior to land clearing. To investigate the impact of fragmentation on the next generation, outcrossing rates were estimated from 41 families. While no direct relationship was found between population size and outcrossing rates, fragmentation and the isolation of trees appears to have resulted in higher levels of selfing and biparental inbreeding in seed collected from the Camden and Wallacia remnants. There was also evidence from seedling morphology that inter-species gene flow increased with fragmentation since 20% of the progeny from Camden and 30% of the progeny from Wallacia were hybrids. Seed viability and germination rates were significantly lower in the remnant populations, reducing their value as seed sources for regeneration and plantation forestry. To maintain the genetic integrity of the remnant populations, germplasm should be sourced from the local area. Outcrossed, non-hybrid seed could be produced by controlled pollination in ex-situ conservation stands or by using seedling morphology and microsatellites to screen seedlings from the remnant populations.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the distribution of immunoglobulin Gm and Km allotypes in 74 Chinese geographical populations. These populations are derived from 24 nationalities comprising 96.6% of the total population of China. A total of 9,560 individuals were phenotyped for Gm(1,2,3,5,21) factors, and 9,611 were phenotyped for Km(1). Phylogenetic trees were constructed on the basis of Gm haplotype frequencies and genetic distances. The results of cluster analysis show the heterogeneity of the Chinese nation, and confirm the hypothesis that the modern Chinese nation originated from two distinct populations, one population originating in the Yellow River valley and the other originating in the Yangtze River valley during early neolithic times (3,000–7,000 years ago). Frequencies of the Gm haplotype of 74 Chinese populations were compared with those of 33 populations from major racial groups. The results suggest that during human evolution, the Negroid group and Caucasoid-Mongoloid group diverged first, followed by a divergence between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid. Interrace divergence is high in comparison with intrarace divergence. There appear to be two distinct subgroups of Mongoloid, northern and southern Mongoloid. The northern and southern Mongoloid have Gm1;21 and Gm1,3;5 haplotypes as race-associate markers, respectively. Furthermore, the Caucasian-associated haplotype Gm3;5 was found in several of the minorities living in the northwest part of China. The presence of the Gm3;5 haplotype is attributed to the Caucasians living in Central Asia throughout the Silk Road. The amount of Caucasian admixture has been estimated. In contrast to the Gm haplotype distribution, Km1 gene frequencies showed a random distribution in the populations studied.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of plants is constrained by demographic and ecogeographic factors that determine the range and abundance of the species. Wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) is distributed from Switzerland in the north to Israel in the south. However, little is known about the ecogeographic constraints of this species and its genetic and phenotypic characteristics, especially at the southern edge of its distribution range in the Levant region. In this study, we explore the population structure of southern Levantine wild grapevines and the correlation between demographic and ecogeographic characteristics. Based on our genetic analysis, the wild grapevine populations in this region can be divided into two major subgroups in accordance with a multivariate spatial and ecogeographical clustering model. The identified subpopulations also differ in morphological traits, mainly leaf hairiness which may imply adaptation to environmental stress. The findings suggest that the Upper Jordan River population was spread to the Sea of Galilee area and that a third smaller subpopulation at the south of the Golan Heights may represent a distinguished gene pool or a recent establishment of a new population. A spatial distribution model indicated that distance to water sources, Normalized difference vegetation index, and precipitation are the main environmental factors constraining V. vsylvestris distribution at its southern distribution range. These factors in addition to limited gene flow between populations prevent further spread of wild grapevines southwards to semi‐arid regions.  相似文献   

Eighty-six females and 79 males from the Basque valley of Deba were analyzed with respect to their digital patterns using correspondence analysis. We found that there was a significant sexual difference for only one type of pattern, tented arch. Also, this population was compared with other Basque valley populations and with other Spanish populations. We found great variability among Basque subpopulations, despite their supposed common origin. Dermatoglyphic distances for some traits can be interpreted as genetic distances because there is high heritability of these traits. The results of the comparison between the Deba valley population and other Spanish populations showed that the Deba population is markedly distant from the other populations.  相似文献   

Previous allozymic studies have revealed that Korean wild populations of Oryzias latipes have differentiated regionally, and are composed of two distinct groups, the East Korean Population and the China-West Korean Population. Recently, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses have confirmed these two groups, and shown that the distribution ranges of the two groups overlap in western Korea. In order to describe the detailed distributions of the two groups and the gene flow between them, genotypes of 13 allozymic loci were determined in 444 specimens from 96 localities in Korea. The two major groups were supported by remarkable allele frequency differences at six diagnostic loci: ACP*, AMY*, CK-A*, LDH-A*, PGM* and TF*. Individuals with the typical "eastern" genotype were mainly distributed in eastern and southern areas. In contrast, fish with the "western" genotype were predominant in the western area, and were further divided into two subgroups (the Han River and Geum River Subpopulations) by unique alleles at the ADH* locus. In the western coast, two distinct (eastern and western) genotypes were distributed in a mosaic fashion. This distribution pattern was identical to those from mtDNA analyses. Although the distribution patterns of the alleles at three loci (GPI-A*, LDH-C* and SOD*) showed introgressive conditions between the two groups, each population was nearly fixed as either the eastern or western genotype at all six diagnostic loci despite the proximity among samples. Therefore, it is suggested that some reproductive isolation mechanisms exist between the two groups in natural habitats.  相似文献   

The Ruddy-breasted Crake (Porzana fusca) is an extremely poorly known species. Although it is not listed as globally endangered, in recent years, with the interference of climate change and human activities, its habitat is rapidly disappearing and its populations have been shrinking. There are two different life history traits for Ruddy-breasted Crake in China, i.e., non-migratory population in the south and migratory population in the north of China. In this study, mitochondrial control sequences and microsatellite datasets of 88 individuals sampled from 8 sites were applied to analyze their genetic diversity, genetic differentiation, and genetic structure. Our results indicated that low genetic diversity and genetic differentiation exit in most populations. The neutrality test suggested significantly negative Fu’s Fs value, which, in combination with detection of the mismatch distribution, indicated that population expansion occurred in the interglacier approximately 98,000 years ago, and the time of the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) was estimated to about 202,705 years ago. Gene flow analysis implied that the gene flow was low, but gene exchange was frequent among adjacent populations. Both phylogenetic and STRUCTURE analyses implied weak genetic structure. In general, the genetic diversity, gene flow, and genetic structure of Ruddy-breasted Crake were low.  相似文献   

Contamination, by pollen, from neighbouring accessions is a risk during Vicia faba seed stock multiplication. In insect‐pollinated plants, floral traits are expected to play an important role determining pollen‐mediated gene flow variation. The aim of this study was to identify floral traits associated with interplot gene flow that could be used as effective predictors of gene flow potential to improve between‐plot isolation strategies in the field for seed multiplication. The isolation strategies tested were a barren zone, two trap crops, a faba bean male sterile variety and a tetraploid genotype and a non‐pollinated crop, a Vicia narbonensis population. Four genotypes, fixed for alternative isozyme alleles allowed identification of between‐plot hybrids through progeny testing. G‐test was used to analyse the independence of isolation zone and genotype. Principal component analysis was used to obtain information on the usefulness of faba bean traps as barriers to prevent interplot gene flow. Paternity analysis in conjunction with multiple regression allowed the determination of floral traits that accounted for the largest proportion of variation in pollen‐mediated gene flow across each of the four isolation strategies. The floral traits studied were grouped into functional categories and were used as independent variables with gene flow as the dependent variable in a forward stepwise multiple regression procedure. There were large variations in gene flow level and patterns among the genotypes. It was shown that gene flow was isolation zone and genotype dependent. Multivariate regression models showed that differences in floral traits accounted for more than 70% of the variation in interplot gene flow. The relative importance of various floral traits depends on the isolation zone. Flower advertisement appeared important in predicting gene flow in plots surrounded by a barren zone. With regard to plots surrounded by a V. narbonensis population, the role of a reward trait, pollen production, was established. In contrast, in plots surrounded by faba bean trap crops, ovary length played the most important and consistent role in accounting for variation in gene flow. Our results show that interplot gene flow is largely dependent on floral traits, and thus confirm the utility of floral traits for generating hypotheses about cultivar outcrossing or inbreeding behaviour. Thus, it could help to devise more efficient procedures for seed multiplication.  相似文献   

The existing biocultural links are analyzed among ancient inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys (Bolivia) from the Formative and Tiwanaku periods, coastal and inland Azapa region (Chile) from the Late Archaic to the Late periods, and the Atacama Desert oases (Chile) from the Formative period to the time of European contact. Craniometric information obtained from a sample of 565 individuals from different sites of the studied regions was evaluated using methods derived from quantitative genetics and multivariate statistical analysis techniques. It is shown that during the Formative and Tiwanaku periods inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys maintained contact with the population of northern Chile. This contact was more fluid with the people from the interior valley of Azapa than it was with the settlers of San Pedro Atacama (SPA). An important biological affinity in the Late Period between the inhabitants of the Azapa valley and the late SPA groups is also examined. The Late‐Inca Catarpe SPA sample shows a broad genetic variability shared with the majority of the groups studied. The results reaffirm the differences between the coastal and interior Azapa valley groups and strengthen the hypothesis of two pathways to populating the south central Andean area. The divergence observed among subpopulations can be explained by the spatiotemporal dispersion between them, genetic drift dispersion compensated by the action of gene flow, and cultural norms that regulate within group mating. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:591–599, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

J Milici?  M Vidovic 《HOMO》2005,56(2):161-172
The historical records of Selska Valley reveal that the eastern part of this area was first settled by Slovene agrarian colonists, the western part by German colonists and the central part by Friulians. These were later followed by Slovene and Slovenized settlers, who penetrated the valley from north to south. Because of its reproductive isolation, the population of Selska Valley is highly suitable for the study of population structures. The quantitative traits of the digital and palmar dermatoglyphs are polygenetically determined characteristics, which, due to their selective inertness to changes, may provide an insight into microevolutionary processes. The purpose of our study was to identify the possible differences between the populations of villages in the valley and the mountain villages attributable to various migration flows through history. Altogether 340 finger and palm prints of 163 males and 177 females were collected in two groups of villages: (1) the lowland villages (Praprotno, Bukovica, Sevlje, Dolenja vas, Selca, Zelezniki and Zali log), and (2) the mountain villages (Podlonk, Prtovc, Spodnje Danje, Zgornja Sorica and Spodnja Sorica). The 18 dermatoglyphic variables were analyzed. A statistical analysis using standard methods was performed and the latent structure evaluated using factor analysis. The discriminant analysis and latent structure of the quantitative properties of dermatoglyphs suggest the presence of certain differences in gene pools of two studied populations (the group of villages in the valley and the group of mountain villages). It is highly probable that these differences can be attributed to low migration in the Selska Valley and to the 'selective inertness' of quantitative dermatoglyphic traits. In a previous study, no significant biological differences between the studied populations were found in qualitative dermatoglyphic traits. This indicates that Selska Valley and its village populations represent a specific isolate, and therefore expanded studies of this type could significantly contribute to a better understanding of the population concerned and isolates in general.  相似文献   

对我国西南特有的菊科单种属植物栌菊木10个居群、149个个体、11个酶系统及16个酶位点的水平淀粉凝胶电泳分析表明,栌菊木的遗传多样性水平在特有种中较高,在居群水平上,平均每个位点的等位基因数A=1.1—1.4,多态位点百分数P=6.3%—43.8%,实际杂合度Ho=0.063~0.250,期望杂合度He=0.043~0.194;物种水平上A=1.6,P=37.5%,Ho=0.143,He=0.141。居群间遗传一致度I=0.902—1.000,杂合性基因多样度比率FST为0.2395。栌菊木居群间分化程度较大,云南南盘江流域碧云寺居群遗传多样性较低,明显低于金沙江流域的居群。栌菊木可能是来自冈瓦纳古陆祖先的后裔,可能是古地中海退却以后在金沙江干热河谷分化出来的特有属,并且可能由于湿度等生态因子的限制,其分布区未能进一步扩大,仅在南盘江流域形成零散分布。等位酶分析结果还表明栌菊木遗传多样性总体水平较高,建议对遗传多样性较高的金沙江流域的居群加以保护。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The gene flow through pollen or seeds governs the extent of spatial genetic structure in plant populations. Another factor that can contribute to this pattern is clonal growth. The perennial species Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea (Brassicaceae) is a self-incompatible, clonal species found in disjunctive populations in central and northern Europe.


Fourteen microsatellite markers were employed to study the level of kinship and clonality in a high-altitude mountain valley at Spiterstulen, Norway. The population has a continuous distribution along the banks of the River Visa for about 1·5 km. A total of 17 (10 m × 10 m) squares were laid out in a north–south transect following the river on both sides.

Key Results

It is shown that clonal growth is far more common than previously shown in this species, although the overall size of the genets is small (mean diameter = 6·4 cm). Across the whole population there is no indication of isolation by distance, and spatial genetic structure is only visible on fine spatial scales. In addition, no effect of the river on the spatial distribution of genotypes was found.


Unexpectedly, the data show that populations of small perennials like A. lyrata can behave like panmictic units across relatively large areas at local sites, as opposed to earlier findings in central Europe.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the evolutionary process operating on prehistoric groups from the Azapa valley and coast (northern Chile). The sample consists of 237 crania from the Archaic Late, Early Intermediate, Middle, Late Intermediate, and Late periods. Six metric variables were used, which were transformed to eliminate the special environmental component and to increase the proportion of genetic variance. Population structure was assessed using a method based on quantitative genetic theory, which predicts a lineal relationship between average within-group phenotypic variance and group distance to the population centroid. Results indicate that 17.5% of the total variance accounts for special environmental variance. An excess in extraregional genetic flow is observed in the population corresponding to the Early Intermediate period in the valley. A reduced differentiation is observed between Archaic and Early Intermediate coastal groups, as well as between the latter and the inhabitants of the valley in the same period. Genetic differences between both areas increased substantially since the Middle period. Evidence indicates that long-range gene flow was lower on the coast than in the valley, the lowest estimated Fst being 0.0199 for the total population (coast and valley), 0.0111 for the coastal population, and 0.0057 for the valley. Results are discussed in terms of regional archeological and ethnohistorical evidence, and a microevolutionary model is presented to account for the biological history of the population.  相似文献   

The degree to which conspecific populations are interconnected via ongoing gene flow remains an important focus of evolutionary biology. One major difficulty in distinguishing ongoing gene flow from historical subdivision is that either process can generate similar estimates of apparent gene flow. Thus, gene flow estimates themselves are insufficient to distinguish between these alternatives. However, genetic data coupled with additional information about demography and distribution do allow a distinction to be made. Here we address the specific question, does gene flow link populations of Aquilegia? In a survey of a 525 B.P. chloroplast DNA fragment sampled from 251 individual plants from 18 populations of three taxa, five haplotypes were identified. No significant relationship between geographic distance and apparent gene flow between population pairs existed. Further, the estimated level of gene flow was entirely compatible with a historical subdivision of Aquilegia populations during the late Pleistocene or early Holocene. Therefore, these patterns of variation are due not to ongoing gene flow, but rather to historical association among populations. Thus Aquilegia populations may be considered as distinct evolutionary entities with regard to seed-mediated processes. As a result, comparative analysis of ecological traits undergoing potentially rapid evolution (e.g., life histories, mating systems, inbreeding depression) should be possible in these taxa.  相似文献   

Haemaphysalis silacea Robinson is known to be established only in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, in localized areas of Fish River Bush in the river valleys and in the coastal bush complex. In the Kowie River valley, it was shown that the distribution of larvae is limited by microclimatic conditions. The humid leaf litter zone in the dense vegetation on the river banks and along minor tributaries is the focus of the larval population. Nymphs are most numerous in drier microhabitats on the wooded, river floodplain. Larvae are active during the humid conditions of autumn and early winter, nymphs during late winter and spring, and adults during the hot, dry summer months. The main hosts of H. silacea are artiodactyls, which are numerous in the dense Fish River Bush. The host/tick interaction occurs as a result of the daily movements and feeding habits of the hosts.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic population structure and species status of a relatively sedentary bird that is a permanent resident of western North American forests, the blue grouse (Dendragapus obscurus). Phylogenetic analysis of complete mitochondrial control region DNA sequences resulted in the identification of three basal clades of haplotypes that were largely congruent with well-known biogeographical regions. These clades corresponded to the parapatric sooty (D. o. fuliginosus) and dusky (D. o. obscurus) subspecies groups of blue grouse plus a previously unrecognized division between northern and southern dusky grouse populations; the latter does not correspond closely to any currently recognized subspecies boundary. Approximately 66% of the total genetic variation was distributed among these three regions. Maximum likelihood estimates of gene flow between the regions were low or asymmetric; gene flow has been insufficient to prevent genetic divergence between dusky and sooty grouse. Estimates of gene flow among populations within sooty grouse were large except across the Columbia River valley. Among populations of dusky grouse, estimates of gene flow were heterogeneous and asymmetrical, reflecting large-scale fragmentation of the distribution due to landscape features and associated vegetation. Genetic, morphological and behavioural evidence suggest that sooty and dusky grouse are species-level taxa; the specific status of a third clade remains ambiguous.  相似文献   

Female preference for local cultural traits has been proposed as a barrier to breeding among animal populations. As such, several studies have found correlations between male bird song dialects and population genetics over relatively large distances. To investigate whether female choice for local dialects could act as a barrier to breeding between nearby and contiguous populations, we tested whether variation in male song dialects explains genetic structure among eight populations of rufous‐collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in Ecuador. Our study sites lay along a transect, and adjacent study sites were separated by approximately 25 km, an order of magnitude less than previously examined for this and most other species. This transect crossed an Andean ridge and through the Quijos River Valley, both of which may be barriers to gene flow. Using a variance partitioning approach, we show that song dialect is important in explaining population genetics, independent of the geographic variables: distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that song acts as a barrier to breeding among populations in close proximity. In addition, songs of contiguous populations differed by the same degree or more than between two populations previously shown to exhibit female preference for local dialect, suggesting that birds from these populations would also breed preferentially with locals. As expected, all geographic variables (distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge) also predicted population genetic structure. Our results have important implications for the understanding whether, and at what spatial scale, culture can affect population divergence.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(6):1107-1116
为了解中国宽额鳢的遗传背景以更好地保护和开发利用资源,测定了云南澜沧江和海南岛南渡江、万泉河与昌化江等4个水系9个群体74尾宽额鳢线粒体控制区411 bp序列,发现52个变异位点和20个单倍型;在系统树上可分为云南、海南毛阳群体和海南其他群体等3个分支。谱系间Fst为0.786-0.672(P0.01),基因流Nm为0.153-0.244; 74.352%的变异来自谱系间,谱系间分化时间为2.070-0.350 Ma。推测海南与云南宽额鳢分化可能受云贵高原隆起和海南岛与陆地分离等地质事件影响;海南2个谱系的形成则可能是受到了五指山山脉隆起的影响。云南组群与海南组群间Fst为0.765(P0.01),基因流Nm为0.149, 70.360%的变异来自不同地理组群间,表明云南组群和海南组群间高度分化。相比同区域分布的鱼类,宽额鳢总体的单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性均较高(Hd=0.9030.016, =0.0360.003),其中海南琼中和石壁群体的核苷酸多样性()最高均为0.008;云南勐腊群体最低为0.000;但各个地理群体均比总体的遗传多样性低,可能是后者由多个谱系叠加所致。在简约性网络图中单倍型呈非典型星状分布,中性检验为非显著负值和核苷酸不配对分析呈现多峰分布,表明宽额鳢群体历史上较为稳定,没有出现显著种群扩张。    相似文献   

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