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We have previously shown that the earliest thymic progenitors retain the potential to generate T and NK cells and that they lose the bipotentiality to give rise to unipotent T and NK progenitors during the progression of intrathymic developmental stages. The present study examines the ability of these thymic progenitors for generation of dendritic cells (DC) with a new clonal assay that is capable of determining the developmental potential for DC in addition to T cells and NK cells. We found that the large majority of the T/NK bipotential progenitors in the earliest population of fetal thymus was able to generate DC. Although the DC potential is lost with the progression of the differentiation stage, some of the T/NK bipotential progenitors still retain their DC potential even at the CD44(+)CD25(+) stage.  相似文献   

The cell surface phenotype of pluripotent hemopoietic stem cells (CFU-S) and committed progenitors (CFU-C1, CFU-C2, BFU-E) of mouse bone marrow was analyzed with respect to their binding of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and two monoclonal antibodies, anti-GM-1.2 and anti-PGP-1. Stained cells were fractionated on the basis of differences in fluorescence and light scatter intensity using a light-activated cell sorter. The 6% of the cells that bound most WGA and that also had a relatively high forward light scatter (FLS) and low perpendicular light scatter (PLS) contained nearly all stem cells (CFU-S) and progenitors. Anti-GM-1.2 stained only mature myeloid cells, not CFU-S or the in vitro colony-forming cells. Anti-PGP-1 stained all bone marrow cells in varying intensities: lymphoid cells were dull, CFU-S were intermediate, CFU-C2 were brighter, and mature myeloid cells very bright. Enrichment of progenitor cells was performed by a two-step sorting procedure. First, the 6% most WGA-binding cells with high FLS and low PLS were sorted out. A 10-15-fold enrichment of progenitors and CFU-S was obtained. Next, these cells were restained with anti-GM-1.2 or anti-PGP-1 and again fractionated on the FACS. The GM-1.2-negative cells were then another four- to sevenfold more enriched for stem cells and progenitors. Of the cells in this fraction, 95% could be assigned to a colony-forming unit. With anti-PGP-1, CFU-C2 could be partly separated from more early cells such as CFU-S and BFU-E.  相似文献   

Sequential appearance of T cell subpopulations occurs in the thymocytes of irradiated C3H/He mice (H-2k, Mls-1b2a, Thy-1.2) after transplantation with bone marrow cells of AKR/J mice (H-2k, Mls-1a2b, Thy-1.1) (AKR----C3H chimeras). The donor-derived thymocytes of AKR----C3H chimeras on day 14 after bone marrow transplantation (BMT) contained a large number of blastlike CD4+CD8+ cells which represent relatively immature thymocytes, whereas those on day 21 after BMT consisted of small sized CD4+,CD8+ cells which represent a great part in normal thymocytes. To define the developmental stage at which clonal deletion of self-reactive T cells occurs in adult thymus, we followed the fate of V beta 6- or V beta 11-bearing T cells in the donor-derived thymocytes at the early stage of AKR----C3H chimeras. Mature thymocytes expressing high intensity of V beta 6 or V beta 11, which are involved in recognition of Mls-1a or MHC I-E gene products, respectively, were deleted from the donor-derived thymocytes on day 21. Immature thymocytes expressing low intensity of V beta 6 in CD3low thymocyte fraction decreased in proportion, whereas those expressing low intensity of V beta 11 rather increased in proportion in the donor-derived thymocytes of AKR----C3H chimeras from day 14 to day 21 after BMT. These results suggest that the clonal deletion of V beta 6-positive cells occurs just at the stage of immature CD3lowCD4+CD8+ cells, whereas the clonal deletion of V beta 11-positive cells may begin at the transitional stage from CD3lowCD4+CD8+ cells to CD3high single positive cells. Timing of negative selection of thymocytes may vary in distinct T cells capable of recognizing different self-Ag.  相似文献   

Mast cell-committed progenitors are detected in the unique microenvironment of the mesenteric lymph node (MLN) of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-infected mice but not in naive bone marrow. We have determined that MLN cells, after infection, produce high levels of IL-3, IL-4, and IgE, presumably in the form of immune complexes with antigens produced by the infecting helminth. After N. brasiliensis infection, peak production of these factors occurs several days before the peak appearance of mast cell-committed progenitors in the MLN. To determine if these factors play a role in mast cell commitment, we recreated these conditions, in vitro. Naive bone marrow cells were cultured with combinations of IL-3, IL-4, and IgE immune complexes, or on IgE-coated plates, and then assayed for acquisition of the ability to form mast cell colonies when supplemented with fibroblast-conditioned medium alone. IL-3 and IgE immune complexes, and, unexpectedly, IgE immune complexes alone were found to be capable of producing mast cell-committed progenitors, i.e., cells responsive to fibroblast-conditioned medium alone, from bone marrow, whereas IL-4 did not enhance production of mast cell-committed progenitors from bone marrow. Production of IFN-gamma peaked at the same time point as committed progenitor activity and may be responsible for down regulating the response.  相似文献   

NK1.1+ T cells in the mouse thymus and bone marrow were compared because some marrow NK1.1+ T cells have been reported to be extrathymically derived. Almost all NK1.1+ T cells in the thymus were depleted in the CD1-/-, beta2m-/-, and Jalpha281-/- mice as compared with wild-type mice. CD8+NK1.1+ T cells were not clearly detected, even in the wild-type mice. In bone marrow from the wild-type mice, CD8+NK1.1+ T cells were easily detected, about twice as numerous as CD4+NK1.1+ T cells, and were similar in number to CD4-CD8-NK1.1+ T cells. All three marrow NK1.1+ T cell subsets were reduced about 4-fold in CD1-/- mice. No reduction was observed in CD8+NK1.1+ T cells in the bone marrow of Jalpha281-/- mice, but marrow CD8+NK1.1+ T cells were markedly depleted in beta2m-/- mice. All NK1.1+ T cell subsets in the marrow of wild-type mice produced high levels of IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-10. Although the numbers of marrow CD4-CD8-NK1.1+ T cells in beta2m-/- and Jalpha281-/- mice were similar to those in wild-type mice, these cells had a Th1-like pattern (high IFN-gamma, and low IL-4 and IL-10). In conclusion, the large majority of NK1.1+ T cells in the bone marrow are CD1 dependent. Marrow NK1.1+ T cells include CD8+, Valpha14-Jalpha281-, and beta2m-independent subsets that are not clearly detected in the thymus.  相似文献   

The capability of the bone marrow (BM) to generate new B cells in aging was studied in vitro. BM cells from old (26 to 30 mo) or young (3 mo) BALB/c and (C3H/eB x C57BL/6)F1 mice were depleted of mature B cells and these surface Ig (sIg) BM cells were incubated in culture for 3 days. The frequency of newly generated B cells in these cultures was determined by assessing the frequency of slg+ cells and of B cells forming colonies in agar and by assaying the proliferative capacity of these newly generated B cells after stimulation by LPS. We found that BM cells from aged mice are significantly inferior to young ones in their capability to generate new B cells in culture. By mixing old and young slg- BM cells, we found that, in general, this reduction was not caused by a suppressive effect of T cells or of any other cells, but rather to lack of some sort of supportive cell or factor in the aged BM. In addition, we found that the frequency of cells expressing the B220 surface molecule, a B lineage-specific marker, is significantly reduced in aged BM. These results indicate that a quantitative decrease in B cell progenitors combined with changes in cell populations that are important in supporting B cell generation contribute to the age-related decrease in the capacity to generate B cells.  相似文献   

Age-related thymus involution results in decreased T-cell production, contributing to increased susceptibility to pathogens and reduced vaccine responsiveness. Elucidating mechanisms underlying thymus involution will inform strategies to restore thymopoiesis with age. The thymus is colonized by circulating bone marrow (BM)-derived thymus seeding progenitors (TSPs) that differentiate into early T-cell progenitors (ETPs). We find that ETP cellularity declines as early as 3 months (3MO) of age in mice. This initial ETP reduction could reflect changes in thymic stromal niches and/or pre-thymic progenitors. Using a multicongenic progenitor transfer approach, we demonstrate that the number of functional TSP/ETP niches does not diminish with age. Instead, the number of pre-thymic lymphoid progenitors in the BM and blood is substantially reduced by 3MO, although their intrinsic ability to seed and differentiate in the thymus is maintained. Additionally, Notch signaling in BM lymphoid progenitors and in ETPs diminishes by 3MO, suggesting reduced niche quality in the BM and thymus contribute to the early decline in ETPs. Together, these findings indicate that diminished BM lymphopoiesis and thymic stromal support contribute to an initial reduction in ETPs in young adulthood, setting the stage for progressive age-associated thymus involution.  相似文献   

The role of the thymus in T cell commitment of hemopoietic precursor is yet controversial. We previously identified a major T cell progenitor activity in precursor cells isolated from bone marrow-derived spleen colonies. In this study, we characterize the properties of these pre-T cells. We demonstrate that they have unique phenotype and can be generated in a total absence of any thymic influence. Indeed, even when studied at the single-cell level, extrathymic T cell-committed precursors express T cell-specific genes. Moreover, these cells are not committed to a particular T cell differentiation pathway because they can generate both extrathymic CD8alphaalpha+ intraepithelial lymphocytes and thymus-derived conventional thymocytes. We also compared these pre-T cells with fully T cell-committed thymic progenitors. When tested in vitro or by direct intrathymic transfer, these cells have a low clonogenic activity. However, after i.v. transfer, thymus repopulation is efficient and these precursors generate very high numbers of peripheral T cells. These results suggest the existence of extra steps of pre-T cell maturation that improve thymus reconstitution capacity and that can be delivered even after full T cell commitment. Consequently, our studies identify a source of extrathymic progenitors that will be helpful in defining the role of the thymus in the earliest steps of T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Foxn1Delta is a hypomorphic allele of the nude gene that causes arrested thymic epithelial cell differentiation and abnormal thymic architecture lacking cortical and medullary domains. T cells develop in the Foxn1Delta/Delta adult thymus to the double- and single-positive stages, but in the apparent absence of double-negative 3 (DN3) cells; however, DN3 cells are present in the fetal thymus. To investigate the origin of this seemingly contradictory phenotype, we performed an analysis of fetal and adult DN cells in these mutants. Neither adult bone marrow-derived cells nor fetal liver cells from wild-type or Rag1-/- mice were able to differentiate to the DN2 or DN3 stage in the Foxn1Delta/Delta thymus. Our data suggest that thymopoiesis in the Foxn1Delta/Delta adult thymus proceeds from CD117- atypical progenitors, while CD117+ DN1a cells are absent or blocked in their ability to differentiate to the T lineage. Wild-type cells generated by this pathway in the postnatal thymus were exported to the periphery, demonstrating that these atypical cells contributed to the peripheral T cell pool. The Foxn1Delta/Delta adult (but not fetal) thymus also preferentially supports B cell development, specifically of the B-1 type, and this phenotype correlated with reduced Notch ligand expression in the adult stroma.  相似文献   

Understanding how aging impacts the function of memory CD4 T cells is critical for designing effective vaccines. Our studies show that immunological memory generated during youth functions well into old age, whereas that generated later in life functions poorly. This is the result of declines in the function of naive CD4 T cells from aged individuals and contributes to reduced efficacy of vaccines in the elderly. To begin to identify the cause of this defect, we examined the function of memory T cells generated from bone marrow precursor cells (BMPC) from young or aged mice in young hosts. In two different models, memory cells derived from young and aged BMPC exhibit good ex vivo and in vivo function. Importantly, memory CD4 T cells generated from aged BMPC exhibit potent cognate helper function for humoral responses, which are critical for effective immunization. These results indicate that there are no apparent age-related intrinsic defects in BMPC with regards to generation of functional memory T cells.  相似文献   

Fully functional memory CD8 T cells in the absence of CD4 T cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The role of CD4 T cells in providing help to CD8 T cells in primary and secondary responses to infection remains controversial. Using recombinant strains of virus and bacteria expressing the same Ag, we determined the requirement for CD4 T cells in endogenous CD8 T cell responses to infection with vesicular stomatitis virus and Listeria monocytogenes (LM). Depletion of CD4 T cells had no effect on the frequency of primary or secondary vesicular stomatitis virus-specific CD8 T cells in either lymphoid or nonlymphoid tissues. In contrast, the primary LM-specific CD8 T cell response was CD4 T cell dependent. Surprisingly, the LM-specific CD8 T cell recall response was also CD4 T cell dependent, which correlated with a requirement for CD40/CD40L interactions. However, concomitant inhibition of CD40L and CD4 T cell removal revealed that these pathways may be operating independently. Importantly, despite the absence of CD4 T cells during the recall response or throughout the entire response, CD8 memory T cells were functional effectors and proliferated equivalently to their "helped" counterparts. These data call into question the contention that CD4 T cells condition memory CD8 T cells during the primary response and indicate that the principal role of CD4 T cells in generating CD8 memory cells after infection is augmentation of proliferation or survival through costimulatory signals.  相似文献   

It is well known that somatostatin modulates thymic functions, such as binding to receptors. In order to elucidate the influence of somatostatin on the thymus architecture and the T cells maturation, young adult male rats were treated with somatostatin-28. The results showed that somatostatin-28 decreased thymus weight and cellularity, probably due to alterations in the thymic morphometric parameters. Our results also demonstrated that SRIH treatment reduces number of cells with undetectable alphabetaTCR and cells with low expression of alphabetaTCR, while the number of TCRalphabeta(hi) cells remains approximately the same as the values obtained from the control rats. Besides, in the least mature thymocytes (DNTCR TCRalphabeta(-)) and among the most mature the SPCD4 TCRalphabeta(hi) subset remained unaltered, while SPCD8 TCRalphabeta(hi) decreased. At last, it should be noted that SRIH treatment increases DN thymocytes subsets expressing TCRalphabeta(low/hi) (TCRalphabeta(+)). These results suggest that somatostatin-28 induces reshaping of T cells maturation and, at least partly, contributes to thymic weight loss, through the modulation of the complex neuroendocrine-immune network.  相似文献   

The mechanisms behind the increased incidence of marrow graft failure in recipients that receive allogeneic marrow depleted of T cells were studied. Recipient mice were lethally irradiated and challenged with bone marrow cells (BMC) from C.B-17 +/+ (+/+) donors. Radioisotope 125IUdR incorporation was assessed 5 to 7 days after transfer to determine the extent of engraftment. Some groups received BMC in which the T cells were removed by treatment with antibody and C. In addition, some groups received BMC from T cell-deficient C.B-17 scid/scid (SCID) mice to determine the postulated need for donor T cells in hematopoiesis and engraftment. In a model system that distinguishes between possible host NK cell and radioresistant T cell-mediated rejection of marrow allografts, it was determined that the absence of donor T cells in a marrow graft does not affect engraftment in syngeneic recipients. However, both host NK cell and radioresistant T cell rejection was markedly enhanced when SCID BMC or BMC from C.B-17 +/+ donors that had T cells removed by antibody and complement were infused into irradiated allogeneic recipients. Furthermore, the addition of alloreactive thymocytes as a source of T cells could abrogate this increased susceptibility of the BMC to host rejection mechanisms. As determined by histology and 59Fe uptake, the addition of thymocytes resulted in enhanced erythropoiesis. These results suggest that the increased incidence of marrow graft failure when BMC depleted of T cells are used is a result of active rejection by host effector cells and that the adverse effect of marrow T cell depletion can be reversed by the addition of thymocytes.  相似文献   

PTPN22 encodes a tyrosine phosphatase that inhibits Src-family kinases responsible for Ag receptor signaling in lymphocytes and is strongly linked with susceptibility to a number of autoimmune diseases. As strength of TCR signal is critical to the thymic selection of regulatory T cells (Tregs), we examined the effect of murine PTPN22 deficiency on Treg development and function. In the thymus, numbers of pre-Tregs and Tregs increased inversely with the level of PTPN22. This increase in Tregs persisted in the periphery and could play a key part in the reduced severity observed in the PTPN22-deficient mice of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. This could explain the lack of association of certain autoimmune conditions with PTPN22 risk alleles.  相似文献   

The beige/nude/xid/human (bnx/hu) model of human hematopoiesis provides a unique opportunity to study extrathymic human T lymphocyte development in an in vivo system. Purified human hematopoietic stem cells develop into mature T lymphocytes and immature progenitors in the bone marrow of athymic bnx mice. The human T cells are all TCR alpha beta(+) and display a restricted TCRV beta repertoire. In the current studies, we examined the effects of systemic human IL-7 (huIL-7) administration on the phenotype and the activation status of the bnx/hu T cells. In the majority of the mice that did not have huIL-7 administration, a higher frequency of human CD3(+)/CD8(+) than CD3(+)/CD4(+) T cells developed in the bone marrow. This phenomenon is also frequently observed in human bone marrow transplant recipients. Extremely low levels of IL-2 were expressed by human CD3(+) cells isolated from these mice, in response to PMA plus ionomycin and to CD3 and CD28 cross-linking. IL-4 was not expressed by cells exposed to either stimulus, demonstrating a profound inability of the bnx/hu T cells to produce this cytokine. Systemic production of huIL-7 from engineered stromal cells transplanted into the mice increased the human CD4 to CD8 ratios, and increased the ratio of memory to naive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. The human CD3(+) cells recovered from mice that had systemic huIL-7 and equivalent numbers of CD3(+)/CD4(+) and CD3(+)/CD8(+) cells in the marrow were still unable to produce IL-4 in response to any condition tested, but were capable of normal levels of IL-2 production following stimulation.  相似文献   

A small but definite proportion of T-lymphocyte-like cells have been reported in nu/nu (nude) mouse spleen despite the congenital absence of a thymus in these animals. We have determined the number and the characteristics of such cells using flow cytometry. The level of T-like cells increased with age. In 4-month-old nu/nu CBA spleen, 14% of all cells expressed some Thy 1 antigen. However, only 4% expressed mature T-cell levels, and only the 2% with the highest Thy 1 also showed a normal distribution of Ly 1 and Ly 2 antigens. These T-like cells were slightly larger than normal nondividing T lymphocytes. We have assessed the total functional capacity of T-like cells in nu/nu CBA spleen using a high-cloning-efficiency limit-dilution culture system. Almost all precursor cells capable of forming clones when stimulated with concanavalin A in the presence of irradiated spleen cells and growth factors, and almost all precursors of those clones that were cytolytic in a lectin-mediated tumor-cell-lysis assay, were within this 2% subpopulation of nu/nu spleen cells with mature T-cell markers. Increased levels of purified interleukin 2 failed to induce further precursor function, indicating that maturation of pre-T cells was not obtained. However the nu/nu spleen cells bearing mature T-cell markers displayed only 10-30% of the cloning efficiency of normal splenic T cells. The majority of nu/nu spleen T-like cells, even within this phenotypically "normal" subset, appeared to be nonfunctional. We conclude that the absence of a thymus leads to qualitative, as well as quantitative, deficiencies in the T-cell population, and various interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

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