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An organism's fitness is critically reliant on its immune system to provide protection against parasites and pathogens. The structure of even simple immune systems is surprisingly complex and clearly will have been moulded by the organism's ecology. The aim of this review and the theme issue is to examine the role of different ecological factors on the evolution of immunity. Here, we will provide a general framework of the field by contextualizing the main ecological factors, including interactions with parasites, other types of biotic as well as abiotic interactions, intraspecific selective constraints (life-history trade-offs, sexual selection) and population genetic processes. We then elaborate the resulting immunological consequences such as the diversity of defence mechanisms (e.g. avoidance behaviour, resistance, tolerance), redundancy and protection against immunopathology, life-history integration of the immune response and shared immunity within a community (e.g. social immunity and microbiota-mediated protection). Our review summarizes the concepts of current importance and directs the reader to promising future research avenues that will deepen our understanding of the defence against parasites and pathogens.  相似文献   

More than a century after the discovery of the complex life cycle of its causative agent, malaria remains a major health problem. Understanding mosquito-malaria interactions could lead to breakthroughs in malaria control. Novel strategies, such as the design of transgenic mosquitoes refractory to Plasmodium, or design of human vaccines emulating mosquito resistance to the parasite, require extensive knowledge of processes involved in immune responses and of microevolutionary mechanisms that create and maintain variation in immune responses in wild vector populations. The recent realization of how intimately and specifically mosquitoes and Plasmodium co-evolve in Nature is driving vector molecular biologists and evolutionary ecologists to move closer to the natural setting under the common umbrella of 'Ecological immunology'.  相似文献   

Ecological and evolutionary principles in immunology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wodarz D 《Ecology letters》2006,9(6):694-705
Experimental immunology has given rise to detailed insights into how immune cells react to infectious agents and fight pathogens. At the same time, however, the interplay between infectious agents and immune responses can be viewed as an ecological system in vivo . This is characterized by complex interactions between species of immune cells and populations of pathogens. This review discusses how an understanding of the immune system can be aided by the application of ecological and evolutionary principles: competition, predation, and the evolution of viruses in vivo . These concepts can shed light onto important immunological concepts such as the correlates of efficient virus control, immunodominance, the relationship between viral evolution and the development of pathology, as well as the ability of the immune system to control immunosuppressive infections.  相似文献   

A major challenge in integrative biology is understanding the mechanisms by which organisms regulate trade-offs among various functions competing for limiting resources. Key among these competing processes is the maintenance of health and the production of offspring. Optimizing both, given limited resources, can prove challenging. The physiological and behavioral changes that occur during reproduction have been shown to greatly influence an organism's immune system, which can have consequences for susceptibility to disease. Likewise, investing in costly immunological defenses can impair reproductive function. However, the precise nature of these physiological and behavioral interactions appears to be greatly dependent upon the environmental context in which they occur. Here we take a comparative look at interactions between the reproductive and immune systems, including current immunological approaches, and discuss how similar studies can reveal vastly disparate results. Specifically, we highlight results from the ornate tree lizard (Urosuarus ornatus) and the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) model systems, which provide an example of current research in the field. Collectively, these results emphasize the importance of resource availability and an individual's energy stores for the existence of life-history trade-offs and the efficiency of physiological processes in general. Akin to Dobzhansky's famous line, like other aspects of biology, nothing in ecoimmunology seems to make sense except in the context of an organism's environment.  相似文献   

We recently implemented improvements to the representation of immunology content of the biological process branch of the Gene Ontology (GO). The aims of the revision were to provide a comprehensive representation of immunological processes and to improve the organization of immunology related terms in the GO to match current concepts in the field of immunology. With these improvements, the GO will better reflect current understanding in the field of immunology and thus prove to be a more valuable resource for knowledge representation in gene annotation and analysis in the areas of immunology related to genomics and bioinformatics. AVAILABILITY: http://www.geneontology.org.  相似文献   

In the face of continuous threats from parasites, hosts have evolved an elaborate series of preventative and controlling measures - the immune system - in order to reduce the fitness costs of parasitism. However, these measures do have associated costs. Viewing an individual's immune response to parasites as being subject to optimization in the face of other demands offers potential insights into mechanisms of life history trade-offs, sexual selection, parasite-mediated selection and population dynamics. We discuss some recent results that have been obtained by practitioners of this approach in natural and semi-natural populations, and suggest some ways in which this field may progress in the near future.  相似文献   

Ecological immunology: life history trade-offs and immune defense in birds   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
There has been considerable recent interest in the effects oflife-history decisions on immunocompetence in birds. If immunocompetenceis limited by available resources, then trade-offs between investmentin life-history components and investment in immunocompetencecould be important in determining optimal life-history traits.For this to be true: (1) immunocompetence must be limited byresources, (2) investment in life-history components must benegatively correlated with immunocompetence, and (3) immunocompetencemust be positively correlated with fitness. To gather such empiricaldata, ecologists need to be able to measure immunocompetence.We review techniques used to measure immunocompetence and howthey are applied by ecologists. We also consider the componentsof the immune system that constitute immunocompetence and evaluatethe possible consequences of measuring immunocompetence in differentways. We then review the empirical evidence for life-historytrade-offs involving immune defense. We conclude that thereis some evidence suggesting that immunocompetence is limitedby resources and that investment in certain life-history componentsreduces immunocompetence. However, the evidence that immunocompetenceis related to fitness is circumstantial at present, althoughconsistent with the hypothesis that immunocompetence and fitnessare positively correlated. We argue that future work needs toexamine the fitness effects of variation in immunocompetenceand suggest that artificial selection experiments offer a potentiallyimportant tool for addressing this issue.  相似文献   

A report on the seventh annual ‘International Conference on Systems Biology of Human Disease’ held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 17–19 June, 2014.  相似文献   

Innate immunity and nutrient metabolism are complex biological systems that must work in concert to sustain and preserve life. The effector cells of the innate immune system rely on essential nutrients to generate energy, produce metabolic precursors for macromolecule biosynthesis and tune their responses to infectious agents. Thus disruptions to nutritional status have a substantial impact on immune competence and can result in increased susceptibility to infection in the case of nutrient deficiency, or chronic inflammation in the case of over-nutrition. The traditional, reductionist methods used in the study of nutritional immunology are incapable of exploring the extremely complex interactions between nutrient metabolism and innate immunity. Here, we review a relatively new analytical approach, systems biology, and highlight how it can be applied to nutritional immunology to provide a comprehensive view of the mechanisms behind nutritional regulation of the innate immune system.  相似文献   

Evolutionary ecologists have long been interested by the link between different immune defenses and fitness. Given the importance of a proper immune defense for survival, it is important to understand how its numerous components are affected by environmental heterogeneity. Previous studies targeting this question have rarely considered more than two immune markers. In this study, we measured seven immune markers (response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), hemolysis capacity, hemagglutination capacity, plasma bactericidal capacity, percentage of lymphocytes, percentage of heterophils, and percentage of eosinophils) in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings raised in two types of agro‐ecosystems of contrasted quality and over 2 years. First, we assessed the effect of environmental heterogeneity (spatial and temporal) on the strength and direction of correlations between immune measures. Second, we investigated the effect of an immune score integrating information from several immune markers on individual performance (including growth, mass at fledging and parasite burden). Both a multivariate and a pair‐wise approach showed variation in relationships between immune measures across years and habitats. We also found a weak association between the integrated score of nestling immune function and individual performance, but only under certain environmental conditions. We conclude that the ecological context can strongly affect the interpretation of immune defenses in the wild. Given that spatiotemporal variations are likely to affect individual immune defenses, great caution should be used when generalizing conclusions to other study systems.  相似文献   

Allen RL 《Genome biology》2001,2(2):reports400-4
A report on the British Society for Immunology Annual Congress, Harrogate, UK, 5-8 December 2000.  相似文献   

Judah A. Denburg 《CMAJ》1984,130(12):1636

Wild immunology     
In wild populations, individuals are regularly exposed to a wide range of pathogens. In this context, organisms must elicit and regulate effective immune responses to protect their health while avoiding immunopathology. However, most of our knowledge about the function and dynamics of immune responses comes from laboratory studies performed on inbred mice in highly controlled environments with limited exposure to infection. Natural populations, on the other hand, exhibit wide genetic and environmental diversity. We argue that now is the time for immunology to be taken into the wild. The goal of 'wild immunology' is to link immune phenotype with host fitness in natural environments. To achieve this requires relevant measures of immune responsiveness that are both applicable to the host-parasite interaction under study and robustly associated with measures of host and parasite fitness. Bringing immunology to nonmodel organisms and linking that knowledge host fitness, and ultimately population dynamics, will face difficult challenges, both technical (lack of reagents and annotated genomes) and statistical (variation among individuals and populations). However, the affordability of new genomic technologies will help immunologists, ecologists and evolutionary biologists work together to translate and test our current knowledge of immune mechanisms in natural systems. From this approach, ecologists will gain new insight into mechanisms relevant to host health and fitness, while immunologists will be given a measure of the real-world health impacts of the immune factors they study. Thus, wild immunology can be the missing link between laboratory-based immunology and human, wildlife and domesticated animal health.  相似文献   

Fehervari ZT 《Genome biology》2001,2(10):reports4024.1-reports40244
A report on the 11th International Congress of Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden, 22-27 July 2001.  相似文献   

Comparative immunology, derived from zoology and immunology,examines immune systems during evolution. We now know that invertebrateshave molecules that share homology with some of those in vertebrates.Acquired immunity first appeared in the vertebrates, but beforethen innate immune systems had been successfully defending invertebratesand plants against microbial infections for hundreds of millionsof years. The germline-encoded receptors of innate systems arerelatively limited in diversity and unable to make fine distinctionsbetween closely related structures. Nevertheless, they can recognizecertain chemical features shared by groups of microorganisms(e.g., pattern recognition receptors) but not by the host, suchas lipopolysaccharide of Gram-negative bacterial cell walls.This capability enables innate immunity to detect the presenceof an infection, if not the precise cause—it is thus abiological rather than a structural distinction. Because ofits evolutionary success, innate immunity is no longer consideredprimarily a stopgap measure, a temporary expedient for hostdefense. It no longer seems to matter that there is an absenceof genetic-recombination mechanisms to generate neither specificitynor ‘memory’, because first and second exposuresto a microbial substance elicit similar responses. Comparativeimmunology has enriched the parent field of immunology.  相似文献   

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