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In many species, males can rapidly adjust their ejaculate performance in response to changing levels of sperm competition, an ability that is probably mediated by seminal fluid adaptive plasticity. In the black goby, Gobius niger, territorial males attach viscous ejaculate trails to the nest roof, from which sperm are slowly released into the water during the long-lasting spawning events. Sneaker males release their sperm in the vicinity of the nest, and territorial males try to keep them at a distance by patrolling their territory. We show here that territorial males'' ejaculate trails released a higher proportion of their sperm in the presence of a single sneaker, but this proportion decreased when there were three sneakers, an effect that is most likely mediated by a change in the seminal fluid composition. Field observations showed that when multiple sneaking attempts occurred, territorial males spent more time outside the nest, suggesting that ejaculation rate and territory defence are traded-off. Altogether, these results suggest that the adjustment of sperm release from the ejaculate may be strategic, guaranteeing a more continuous concentration of the territorial male''s sperm in the nest, although at a lower level, when he is engaged in prolonged territory defence outside the nest.  相似文献   

To test if an increased sperm competition risk affects malebehavior and mating decisions of both sexes, we performed twoexperiments using the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, a nest-buildingfish with exclusive paternal care. In our first experiment,a nest-holding male, with a confined female, was sequentiallyexposed to a vial with a sneaker male or an empty vial. Whilemale courtship, nest building, displacement fanning, and timeoutside the nest were unaffected, individual males showed ahigher mucus preparation effort inside the nest in the presenceof a sneaker male than when alone. We found such mucus to containsperm, thus clearly suggesting an importance in sperm competition.In our second experiment, a female was free to spawn with twodifferent males, one of which was exposed to a confined sneakermale. Male mating success was not affected by the presence ofa sneaker male. However, the volume of sand the male had puton his nest was positively associated with female spawning decision,while nest-opening width was not. In a partial correlation offive traits thought to attract females (nest-opening width,sand volume, male courtship display, displacement fanning, andmale size), males that fanned well were found to also buildlarge nests or display intensely, but not both. This indicatesthat rather than being jacks-of-all-trades, individual malesfocus on a subset of traits for attracting females.  相似文献   

Males of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus have spineson their intromittent organs that puncture the female reproductivetract during mating. Females kick their mates during copulation.If females are prevented from kicking the males, copulationslast longer and the injuries females sustain are more severe.We tested whether or not these injuries represent real fitnesscosts that can be mitigated by kicking and also what males gainby inflicting them. Our results show that females do indeedsuffer lowered lifetime fecundity if they are prevented fromkicking. However, we could find no evidence that males gainbenefits through harming their mates. It has been suggestedthat the way females respond to the harm may benefit the malecausing it. Injured females may be less willing to remate toavoid sustaining further injuries, or they may respond by increasingtheir rate of oviposition if they perceive the injuries as athreat to their survival. In our study, however, females thatwere prevented from kicking did not respond by delaying rematingor increasing their rate of oviposition. Furthermore, preventingfemales from kicking during their second copulation did notmake their second mates more successful in sperm competition.This suggests that the spines have evolved for other reasonsthan harming the females, such as serving as an anchor duringcopulation, and that the harm they cause is a side effect ofa male adaptation and is not itself adaptive for either sex.  相似文献   

In the frog Crinia georgiana, reproductive behavior comprisesa "guarding tactic," in which males defend spawn sites and attractfemales by calling, and a "sneak tactic," in which males joinspawning pairs. The aims of the present study were to (1) relateejaculate expenditure by "guarding" and "sneak" males to theirprobability of mating with other males present (sperm-competitionrisk), and (2) determine if males adjust their ejaculate expenditureaccording to the number of males involved in a spawning (sperm-competitionintensity). Theory predicts that because sneak males alwaysmate with other males present, they will experience a highersperm-competition risk and should release larger ejaculatesrelative to that of guarding males. However, as the proportionof sneaks in a population increases so does the risk of spermcompetition to guarders, so expenditure by each tactic shouldmove toward equality. Given that the incidence of sneak behavioris high in C. georgiana, guarders and sneaks were expected toexperience similar risks of sperm competition and show similarinvestment in spermatogenesis. Comparison of testes size andejaculate size showed no difference between tactics. Modelsof sperm-competition intensity predict that males should increasetheir ejaculate size when spawning in the presence of one othermale but decrease their ejaculate size when spawning in thepresence of multiple males. Here, males maintained a constantsperm number irrespective of whether a mating involved one,two, or three males. This result suggests that male C. georgianado not facultatively adjust ejaculate investment in responseto fluctuating intensities of sperm competition.  相似文献   

As populations decline to levels where reproduction among close genetic relatives becomes more probable, subsequent increases in homozygous recessive deleterious expression and/or loss of heterozygote advantage can lead to inbreeding depression. Here, we measure how inbreeding across replicate lines of the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum impacts on male reproductive fitness in the absence or presence of male–male competition. Effects on male evolution from mating pattern were removed by enforcing monogamous mating throughout. After inbreeding across eight generations, we found that male fertility in the absence of competition was unaffected. However, we found significant inbreeding depression of sperm competitiveness: non-inbred males won 57 per cent of fertilizations in competition, while inbred equivalents only sired 42 per cent. We also found that the P2 ‘offence’ role in sperm competition was significantly more depressed under inbreeding than sperm ‘defence’ (P1). Mating behaviour did not explain these differences, and there was no difference in the viability of offspring sired by inbred or non-inbred males. Sperm length variation was significantly greater in the ejaculates of inbred males. Our results show that male ability to achieve normal fertilization success was not depressed under strong inbreeding, but that inbreeding depression in these traits occurred when conditions of sperm competition were generated.  相似文献   

The morphology of the genital apparatus of two batrachoid species, Opsanus tau and Porichthys notatus , was studied. The anatomical organization of the female reproductive apparatus is similar in both species but differences are observed in the rhythm of gametogenesis with individual oocyte production asynchronous in O. tau and group synchronous in P. notatus. The male reproductive apparatus is similarly organized in the two species, with both showing enlongated testes with an efferent duct system, two main testicular ducts, a common sperm duct, and a pair of multi-channel accessory structures. The sperm transport system consisting of the efferent duct system, main testicular ducts, and sperm duct is more developed in P. notatus and only in this species does it secrete sialoglycoproteins. Male accessory organs also secrete sialoglycoprotein in both species, but they appear more developed in O. tau. Intraspecific variability in development of accessory structures and mucin secretion was also observed between the two male morphs of P. notatus. Type I males, which build nests and perform parental care to eggs and fry, have larger accessory organs and more abundant secretion than type II males, which adopt opportunistic spawning tactics. The possible role played by mucins as components of the seminal fluid, in both species, and their inter-and intraspecific variability are discussed in the light of the reproductive biology and the presence of alternative male mating tactics.  相似文献   

Mating tactics in external fertilizers when sperm is limited   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Among externally fertilizing animals in aquatic habitats, theproportion of a female's egg clutch that is successfully fertilizedoften falls below 100%. In many such species, particularly incoral reef fishes, males spawn daily at high frequencies, oftenwith little or no sperm competition. A major evolutionary problemfor such males is how best to allocate sperm over successivespawns. Females face the problem of ensuring complete fertilizationof their egg clutch. Here we model male and female mating tacticswhen daily sperm production is limited and with various assumptionsconcerning how differences in the number of sperm released duringa mating influence the number of eggs fertilized. The modelsreveal conditions under which males can maximize daily reproductivesuccess, either by releasing a fixed number of sperm duringall successive spawns or by matching sperm numbers to the clutchsize of their mates. These patterns of sperm allocation exertdifferent pressures on females, which may respond evolutionarilyby developing various mating tactics of their own.  相似文献   

The influence of male age on reproductive success after a singlemating has been explored widely; however, few studies have investigatedwhether quantitative or qualitative differences in male spermare responsible for the observed patterns. Moreover, the roleof male age on sperm competitive ability has been largely ignored.We examined the importance of male age on the probability andamount of sperm transferred during a single mating and exploredwhether sperm competitive ability varies with male age in thehide beetle Dermestes maculatus, a species where sperm viabilitydoes not vary with male age. We also investigated whether spermtransfer rates varied with female age. We found that the probabilityof sperm transfer and the amount of sperm transferred variedwith male, but not female, age. All males performed behaviorallysuccessful copulations, but intermediate-age and old males weremore likely to transfer sperm successfully and also transferreda greater quantity of sperm than young males. Old males wereless likely to transfer sperm than intermediate-age males, butif they did transfer sperm successfully, they transferred comparableamounts. Sperm competitive ability varied with male age andreflected the quantity of sperm transferred. On average, intermediate-agemales achieved greater fertilization success when competingagainst young or old males than when competing against otherintermediate-age males. Old males were poor competitors againstintermediate-age males, but they achieved significantly higherrates of fertilization when competing against young males. Ourfindings suggest that quantitative differences in the amountof sperm transferred determine male success in sperm competitionin the hide beetle.  相似文献   

Sneaking is common in nest-building fish with paternal care,but the role of nest-opening size in protecting against entryby sneaker males has never been tested before. Using the sandgoby (Pomatoschistus minutus), a fish with exclusive paternalcare, experimental manipulations of nest openings provided nosupport for the hypothesis that nest openings serve as physicalor visual defense or that sneaker males prefer to parasitizenests with wide openings. Female mating preference was alsonot influenced by nest-opening size. However, female courtshipbehavior and visibility were important cues for sneaker males.Most sneak entries occurred when the nest holder was occupiedwith courtship, chasing another sneaker male or nest building.In half the cases of observed sneak entry, the sneaker malefertilized eggs, also when sneaking only occurred before spawning.Sneak entry and its duration were good estimates of stolen paternity,but neither sneak entries nor degree of fertilizations werecorrelated with filial cannibalistic behavior. Testes size didnot explain parasitic spawning success in replicates with geneticallydetermined sneaking. However, all sneaker males without breedingcoloration had huge testes and small sperm duct glands, whereasnest-holding males had small testes and large sperm duct glands,and sneaker males with breeding coloration were intermediate.  相似文献   

Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka sperm maintained high fertility for 10 s after being exposed to water but fertility dropped sharply after that. Eggs also showed limited longevity after being immersed in water, with a large drop in fertility occurring after 20 s of exposure to water. The association between eggs and sperm occurs very rapidly. 80% fertilization success was achieved with 5 s of sperm-egg mixing and c. 25% was achieved with <0·5 s of sperm-egg mixing. Sperm from different male age classes differed little in motility and did not differ at all in their propensity to fertilize eggs. The results have important implications for mate choice and sperm competition.  相似文献   

Using the plainfin midshipman fish Porichthys notatus, a species with alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs), we investigated how sperm maturation shapes sperm competitive abilities. We compared sperm performance and morphology before and after final sperm maturation by sampling sperm from the testes and stripped ejaculates of guarders and sneakers. In accordance with sperm competition risk theory, ejaculates from sneaker males had three times as much sperm as ejaculates from guarder males and sneaker males produced faster swimming sperm than guarder males, but this was only the case after final sperm maturation had occurred. Additionally, fully mature sperm found in ejaculates had larger heads and midpieces than sperm found in the testes. These results emphasize the important role played by non-sperm components of an ejaculate in mediating sperm performance and potentially also morphology.  相似文献   

The phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis (PLFH) predicts thatmales with elaborated sexual ornaments signal their high fertilizingefficiency to females and that female preferences for ornamentedmales are driven by direct fecundity benefits. Although somestudies have demonstrated that attractive males produce moreor higher quality sperm, there is limited experimental evidencethat females derive fecundity benefits by mating with attractivemales. Some of the best indirect evidence for the PLFH comesfrom work on guppies (Poecilia reticulata), an internally fertilizingspecies of freshwater fish in which phenotypically attractivemales produce larger and relatively higher quality ejaculatesthan their less attractive counterparts. We used artificialinsemination to impregnate female guppies using known numbersof sperm from a range of males with different phenotypes andrelated female fecundity (brood success, time from inseminationto parturition, and brood size) to sperm numbers and male phenotype(body size and the relative area of color spots). We found noevidence that male phenotype or experimentally adjusted "ejaculate"size influenced any of our measures of female fecundity. Theseresults highlight the importance of experimentally investigatingpotential fecundity benefits associated with female mating preferencesbefore concluding that the maintenance of these preferencesis driven by the pursuit of such benefits.  相似文献   

Dawson's burrowing bees (Amegilla dawsoni) exhibit a conditional mating strategy with two alternative tactics. Large (major)males exclusively patrol emergence sites in search of about-to-emergefemales, whereas small (minor) males usually search the peripheryof emergence sites for females that escape patrollers. About80% of the male population are minors, despite the fact thatpatrolling emergence sites is apparently the more profitablemating tactic. We tested the hypothesis that minor males gainfitness by mating with nonvirgin females and engaging in spermcompetition with rival ejaculates. If the sperm competitionhypothesis applied, it would help explain why nesting femalesproduce so many minor sons. Contrary to this hypothesis, however,we found that minor males do not exhibit traits frequentlyassociated with sperm competition. Minor and major males didnot differ in testis mass after controlling for body size.Neither did they differ significantly in the duration or patternof copulation nor in the volume of ejaculate transferred. Inaddition, and also contrary to the sperm competition hypothesis,females apparently mated only once. Loss of female sexual receptivityoccurred quickly after the onset of copulation, and nestingfemales appeared completely unreceptive. Thus, all aspectsof the bee's mating system strongly indicate that sperm competitiondoes not occur in Dawson's burrowing bee, so that minors cannotcompensate even partially via sperm competition for their mating disadvantage with virgin females.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1490-1505
Sperm competition is a powerful postcopulatory selective force influencing male adaptations associated with increasing fertilization success, and it is usually related to the evolution of different strategies of ejaculate expenditure between individuals. Ejaculates may also be influenced by additional selective pressures associated with sperm competition, such as timing between insemination and fertilization, female reproductive tract morphology, and fertilization environment. Also, males that adopt alternative mating tactics may face distinct sperm competition pressures, which may lead to the evolution of intraspecific diversity in ejaculates. In loliginid squids, males with alternative reproductive tactics (sneakers and consorts) differ not only in mating behavior, but also transfer spermatophores into two distinct sites within the female. Here, we compared structure and functioning of spermatophores between sneakers and consorts in the squid Doryteuthis plei applying microscopy techniques and in vitro experiments. Sneakers and consorts exhibit differences in spermatophore structure that lead to distinct spermatophoric reactions and spermatangium morphologies. Moreover, in sneakers, sperm release lasts longer and their sperm show an aggregative behavior not detected in consorts. Slow sperm release may be a strategy to guarantee longer sperm provision, given the wide interval between sneaker mating and egg release. For consorts, in turn, intense and quick sperm discharge may be advantageous, as timing between mating and egg‐laying is relatively short. Within the complex squid mating system, factors such as (i) different fertilization sites and (ii) interval between mating and egg release may also influence sperm competition, and ultimately shape the evolution of divergent ejaculates between dimorphic males.  相似文献   

Males in many taxa exhibit behavioural plasticity in response to the perceived threat of sperm competition. Drosophila males prolong mating in response to the presence of competitor males before copulation. The benefits of this behaviour to males are evident in Drosophila melanogaster. However, the adaptive nature of the trait is challenged by the observation that it is present in four other Drosophila species, two of which are largely monandrous, raising the possibility that this plasticity is not evolutionarily labile. In the present study, behavioural plasticity and the mating system in Drosophila bifasciata Pominini (Diptera, Drosophilidae) are analyzed. By contrast to other Drosophila species, male D. bifasciata do not exhibit plasticity in copulation duration when competitor males are present before mating. Thus, plasticity in mating duration is not fixed in the genus Drosophila. The mating system of D. bifasciata is also examined. The species is polyandrous but, uncommonly for the genus Drosophila, males transfer a mating plug composed of sperm to females, which forms very shortly after copulation and fills the female uterus. The absence of plasticity observed in D. bifasciata may arise from the sperm plug.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory predicts that males should use cues indicating the risk and intensity of sperm competition to tailor their sperm investment accordingly. Rival males are an important source of social information regarding sperm competition risk. However, revealing such information may not be in the rival males' interest. Here, we use a theoretical approach based on informed and uninformed games to investigate when information transfer about sperm competition risk to competitors is beneficial for a male, and when it is not. The results show that signalling to potential future mates that a female has already mated is beneficial when the signalling male has a sperm competition disadvantage, whereas it is unfavourable when the signaller has an advantage. The reason for this counterintuitive result is that the rival males' optimal response is to reduce sperm investment when the signaller has a disadvantage and, conversely, to increase investment when the signaller has an advantage. Furthermore, we analysed scenarios where males use alternative reproductive tactics. In this situation, signalling the awareness of sperm competition risk rarely pays; instead, it is beneficial to maintain an information advantage. Thus, it may be beneficial for bourgeois males to accept cuckoldry instead of revealing their sperm competition awareness to reproductive parasites. These results provide new insight into the evolution of communication between rivals in the context of sperm competition.  相似文献   

The present study shows that small non‐territorial terminal‐phase males of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus are reproductively active and are comparable with initial‐phase males in behaviour, rates of participation during group‐spawning and success in streaking into pair spawning. Large territorial terminal‐phase males defend contiguous territories for several hours during the morning where they pair spawn with initial‐phase females.  相似文献   

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