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A complex neuropsychological and electrophysiological analysis of the processing of visuospatial information was carried out in seven-to-eight-year-old mentally retarded children. A neuropsychological examination revealed the children with strong functional immaturity of left- and right-hemispheric structures. An analysis of the EEG parameters showed that specific features of intercentral integration during visuospatial performance in children with mental retardation depend on the type of hemispheric insufficiency. In right-hemispheric immaturity, ensembles of the regions of the left hemisphere become functionally significant, whereas in left-hemispheric immaturity, cortical areas, predominantly of the right hemisphere, become involved in interaction.  相似文献   

Coherence (COH) of rhythmic components of the EEG α rhythm at rest was analyzed to demonstrate that the maturation of deep regulatory systems (RSs) of the brain at different levels substantially affected the functional organization of the cerebral cortex and the time course of the formation of intercentral connections in young schoolchildren. The specific effect of fronto-thalamic regulatory system immaturity (FRSI) was a decrease in the α-rhythm COH predominantly in neighboring left-hemispheric derivations of foci in the anterior temporal area. A deficit of nonspecific activation had the strongest effect on the α-rhythm integration of right-hemispheric areas, although this effect was less distinct than that of FRSI and remained only as a tendency by the age of nine to ten years. Children with normal and functionally immature cerebral RSs differed from each other with respect to age-related changes in the corticocortical connections, especially in the left hemisphere. In the norm, intense growth of functional connections in the left hemisphere ceased in the period between seven to eight and nine to ten years of age; in contrast, children with RS immaturity exhibited a trend towards an increasingly greater amount of these connections in both hemispheres, which, apparently, corresponded to an earlier stage of ontogeny.  相似文献   

Sex differences in global-local hemispheric selective processing were examined by hierarchical letter presenting in conditions of their perception and comparison. Fifty-six right-handed males and 68 females (aged 17-22 years) participated in the experiment. During interference between global and local aspects of stimuli the mean reaction times for correct global responses was quicker than local responses, and the right hemisphere has been dominated during global selective processing independently from the sex. Sex differences in perception of visual hierarchical stimuli were more pronounced than in comparison condition: men prefer mostly the right-hemispheric global strategy of information processing, but women--the left-hemispheric local one. Dominance of global strategy in men and local strategy in women during visual hierarchical stimuli perception together with no sex differences in correct responses indicates possibility of similar results in cognitive activity by different ways.  相似文献   

Sex-related differences in global/local hemispheric selective processing were examined by hierarchically presented letters in conditions of their perception and comparison. Fifty-six right-handed men and 68 women (aged 17–22 years) participated in the experiment. During the interference between global and local aspects of stimuli, the mean reaction time for correct global responses was shorter than for local responses, and the right hemisphere dominated during global selective processing independently of sex. Sex-related differences in perception of visual hierarchical stimuli were more pronounced than during their comparison: men preferred the right-hemispheric global strategy of information processing, and women, the left-hemispheric local one. The dominance of the global strategy in men and local strategy in women during visual hierarchical stimuli perception, together with the absence of sex-related differences in correct responses indicates the possibility of obtaining the same efficiency of cognitive activity in different ways.  相似文献   

The parameters of saccades and presaccadic slow potentials were studied in seven right-handed male volunteers with a dominant right eye before and after exposure to 6-day dry immersion. Visual stimuli were presented using three light diodes, which were located in the center of the visual field (the central fixation stimulus) and 10° to the right and left of it (peripheral stimuli (PSs)). The subjects performed a test with simple saccades to a PS and a test with antisaccades to the point located symmetrically in the opposite visual field. The EEG (19 monopolar leads) and electrooculogram were recorded. To isolate slow potentials, backward EEG averaging was performed, with the moment of switching on the PS serving as a trigger for the averaging. It was found that the characteristics of saccadic eye movements did not substantially change after exposure to immersion. However, both tests revealed a change in topography and a decrease in the amplitude of presaccadic slow negative potentials (PSNPs) during immersion. Characteristically, the focus of presaccadic negativity shifted to the right hemisphere so that the PSNP amplitude sharply decreased in the left and increased in the right hemisphere. A significant decrease in the PSNP amplitude on day 6 of immersion was found in the midline and left-hemispheric frontal and parietal leads. It may be suggested that, because of support unloading and a decrease in proprioceptive input, exposure to microgravity causes a decrease in the activity of the left hemisphere and prefrontal and parietal cortices, initially involved in preparation and realization of motor responses. The activation of the right hemisphere could be of compensatory character.  相似文献   

The modern literature data were observed, which dedicated to the study of neurobiological mechanisms of depressive states of different origin. The results of the investigations of structurally functional features of depression in healthy volunteers in experiments and in patients with the neurological diseases were viewed. The data cited confirm the modern concepts of R. Davidson concerning to the role of brain functional asymmetry in depression: i.e., the associations between depression and a decrease of the functional activation of the left prefrontal lobe, and also the involving of amygdale in the processes of the forming of negative emotions and depression. The literature data observed and findings of our investigations allow us to conclude that depressive states are characterized not only by the decrease of the functional activity of the left hemisphere, especially, its prefrontal area, but also reciprocal increase of the physiological activity of the prefrontal area of the right hemisphere combined with right-hemispheric functional insufficiency, especially, of its posterior (parieto-temporal) areas.  相似文献   

Spectrum and coherent EEG analysis was performed in 86 pregnant women on the 35-36th week of gestation. It was shown that functional interhemispheric brain asymmetry is a sensitive index of normal and complicated gestation. It was found out that activation prevailing in the central and temporal brain areas contralateral to the side of placenta localization in the uterus was characteristic of the normal pregnancy. The development of gestation complications was accompanied by the inversion of interhemispheric asymmetry of EEG activation. It was suggested that correlative properties of bioelectric brain activity in women with normal gestation are an indicator of the left-hemispheric dominance of brain centers in the integration process.  相似文献   

EEG recordings of 4- to 12-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment, dysgraphia, dyslexia, and sensorimotor and motor alalia were examined. EEG structural analysis improved the understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms of these disorders. In most subjects, the left hemisphere was involved more than the right one. All groups were characterized by dysfunction or functional immaturity of the frontothalamic regulatory system or nonspecific activation deficiency. When dysfunction of brainstem regulatory structures was combined with impaired cortical rhythmogenesis, which reflects the functional immaturity of the cortex, this aggravated the defect and impeded corrective pedagogical measures.  相似文献   

To justify neurophysiological correlates of depressive disorders, the spetral parameters of EEG, peak latencies of the “late” components of auditory cognitive evoked potentials, and latencies of sensorimotor reactions in middle age and elderly patients (aged 53–72 years) during therapy of prolonged psychogenic depressive reaction (F43.21 according to ICD-10) have been studied. Initial depression severity was associated to the EEG signs of decreased functional state of the anterior areas of the left hemisphere and increased activation of the right hemisphere (especially, its temporal areas). Pronounced improvement of clinical state under the affect of psychopharmacotherapy was accompanied by acceleration of the sensorimotor reactions, a decrease in peak latencies of the “late” components (P2, N2, and P3) of auditory cognitive evoked potentials and associated with the EEG signs of improvement of functional state of the posterior areas of the brain, an enforcement of inhibitory processes in the right hemisphere (especially, in its frontal, central, and temporal areas) and more pronounced activation of frontal areas of the left hemisphere. The data are in good agreement with the concept on the systemic character of impairments of brain functioning in depression, as well as on the preferential role of the left hemisphere in control of positive emotions and the right one, of negative emotions.  相似文献   

Spectral characteristics of the EEG were analyzed in three types of psychogenic disorders: depressive states and hysterical and anxiety disorders. In all patients examined, the common feature was a predominant activation of the right hemisphere. In each type of psychogenic disorder, characteristic features, i.e., EEG correlates of functional changes in diencephalic and ventrobasal brain structures, were found.  相似文献   

Gender differences in changes of coherence values in the theta and alpha frequency bands during encoding of dichotically and monaurally presented verbal information were studied. Right-handed students (14 male and 14 female subjects) participated in experiments. The EEG was recorded from 16 electrodes placed at homologous sites of the left and the right hemispheres. In male subjects, numerous differences in coherence values between conditions of dichotical and monaural word presentation were found in the theta2- and alpha1-bands, in females, the differences were most pronounced in the theta1- and theta2-frequency bands. Numerous differences in coherence values differentiated between dichotic and left-sided monaural presentations in males and between dichotic and right-sided monaural presentations in females. As compared to dichotic presentation, in condition of the monaural presentation, higher coherence values were observed in men and lower in women. The features of gender differences in frequency-spatial patterns of changes in EEG coherence values under conditions of bilaterally and unilaterally directed attention in male and female groups may testify that female subjects predominantly use right-hemispheric processing strategy, whereas male subjects use, mainly, left-hemispheric strategy for selection and memorization of concrete nouns.  相似文献   

Dynamic clinical and EEG examinations (78 observations) were carried out in 17 patients suffering from severe craniocerebral injury during the course of their rehabilitation. Successful recovery of functions to the point of social and family readaptation was reached in 61% of patients (group I), and in 39% of patients the results were poor (group II). The complex of EEG coherence parameters (six rhythmic bands, mean coherence levels for 26 intrahemispheric and 8 interhemispheric derivation pairs, and the asymmetry coefficient of the EEG coherence) was analyzed in patients in comparison with normal values (20 right-handers). The rehabilitation was most efficient in cases when a certain dynamic sequence of patterns of interhemispheric relations of the EEG coherence was observed. First, a stable formation of right-hemispheric dominance was observed (most expressed in the centrofrontal areas in the range). This asymmetry pattern was phenomenologically associated with the recovery of the emotional sphere and positive dynamics in the motor and autonomic spheres. Later on, formation of the left-hemispheric dominance of the EEG coherence was observed (in the frontotemporal areas in the – ranges. This pattern was associated with complication of the cognitive functions. In the most severe forms of brain damage, the rehabilitation process was accompanied by changes in the interhemispheric EEG coherence with the elements of stealing from one of the hemispheres, which was correlated with clinical dynamics. Different types of the dynamics of reactive changes in the EEG coherence were revealed in patients of the two groups: successive formation of a generalized and then local modally specific reaction to afferent stimuli was observed in group I, while the generalized type of reactivity persisted in group II until the end of rehabilitation. It is suggested that the different sequence of formation of the interhemispheric EEG coherence reflects the involvement of different brain regulation systems in different orders into the integrative activity, i.e., some specific features of the rehabilitation process.  相似文献   

The neural correlates of developmental dyslexia have been investigated intensively over the last two decades and reliable evidence for a dysfunction of left-hemispheric reading systems in dyslexic readers has been found in functional neuroimaging studies. In addition, structural imaging studies using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) demonstrated grey matter reductions in dyslexics in several brain regions. To objectively assess the consistency of these findings, we performed activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis on nine published VBM studies reporting 62 foci of grey matter reduction in dyslexic readers. We found six significant clusters of convergence in bilateral temporo-parietal and left occipito-temporal cortical regions and in the cerebellum bilaterally. To identify possible overlaps between structural and functional deviations in dyslexic readers, we conducted additional ALE meta-analyses of imaging studies reporting functional underactivations (125 foci from 24 studies) or overactivations (95 foci from 11 studies ) in dyslexics. Subsequent conjunction analyses revealed overlaps between the results of the VBM meta-analysis and the meta-analysis of functional underactivations in the fusiform and supramarginal gyri of the left hemisphere. An overlap between VBM results and the meta-analysis of functional overactivations was found in the left cerebellum. The results of our study provide evidence for consistent grey matter variations bilaterally in the dyslexic brain and substantial overlap of these structural variations with functional abnormalities in left hemispheric regions.  相似文献   

Hemispheric asymmetry of a wide range of functions is a hallmark of the human brain. The visual system has traditionally been thought of as symmetrically distributed in the brain, but a growing body of evidence has challenged this view. Some highly specific visual tasks have been shown to depend on hemispheric specialization. However, the possible lateralization of cerebral responses to a simple checkerboard visual stimulation has not been a focus of previous studies. To investigate this, we performed two sessions of blood-oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 54 healthy subjects during stimulation with a black and white checkerboard visual stimulus. While carefully excluding possible non-physiological causes of left-to-right bias, we compared the activation of the left and the right cerebral hemispheres and related this to grey matter volume, handedness, age, gender, ocular dominance, interocular difference in visual acuity, as well as line-bisection performance. We found a general lateralization of cerebral activation towards the right hemisphere of early visual cortical areas and areas of higher-level visual processing, involved in visuospatial attention, especially in top-down (i.e., goal-oriented) attentional processing. This right hemisphere lateralization was partly, but not completely, explained by an increased grey matter volume in the right hemisphere of the early visual areas. Difference in activation of the superior parietal lobule was correlated with subject age, suggesting a shift towards the left hemisphere with increasing age. Our findings suggest a right-hemispheric dominance of these areas, which could lend support to the generally observed leftward visual attentional bias and to the left hemifield advantage for some visual perception tasks.  相似文献   

Traditional split-field studies and patient research indicate a privileged role for the right hemisphere in emotional processing [1-7], but there has been little direct fMRI evidence for this, despite many studies on emotional-face processing [8-10](see Supplemental Background). With fMRI, we addressed differential hemispheric processing of fearful versus neutral faces by presenting subjects with faces bilaterally [11-13]and orthogonally manipulating whether each hemifield showed a fearful or neutral expression prior to presentation of a checkerboard target. Target discrimination in the left visual field was more accurate after a fearful face was presented there. Event-related fMRI showed right-lateralized brain activations for fearful minus neutral left-hemifield faces in right visual areas, as well as more activity in the right than in the left amygdala. These activations occurred regardless of the type of right-hemifield face shown concurrently, concordant with the behavioral effect. No analogous behavioral or fMRI effects were observed for fearful faces in the right visual field (left hemisphere). The amygdala showed enhanced functional coupling with right-middle and anterior-fusiform areas in the context of a left-hemifield fearful face. These data provide behavioral and fMRI evidence for right-lateralized emotional processing during bilateral stimulation involving enhanced coupling of the amygdala and right-hemispheric extrastriate cortex.  相似文献   

Four dogs were trained to perform a conditioned alimentary response to a sound stimulus. The EEG was recorded from six pairs of chronically implanted neocortical electrodes. The EEG spectra and coherence functions between the neighboring derivations of each of the hemispheres were analyzed in the theta, alpha, beta 1 and beta 2 frequency ranges. At the first stages of conditioning, the percent of cases increased when the highest mean values of EEG frequency were localized in the left hemisphere. Later on the percent of cases, when the mean coherence values in the left hemisphere were higher than in the right hemisphere, also increased. At the stage of conditioned response stabilization, this asymmetry either disappeared or the right hemisphere became more active than the left one. The spatial localization of the maximal values of the EEG frequency was different for different frequency ranges. The highest values in the beta 1 range were more frequently registered in the posterior cortical regions and in the beta 2 range they were revealed, predominantly, in the anterior areas. The maximal values of coherence dominated in the anterior regions and their spatial distribution was similar for different frequencies. Thus, the initial stages of conditioning are accompanied by activation of the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

The applicability and efficiency of the electroencephalogram (EEG)-based method of biofeedback (BFB) training in correcting functional disorders in pregnancy have been evaluated in an obstetric/gynecological clinic in 65 pregnant women. Each of them took part in 2–12 examinations, which differed in voluntarily regulated EEG rhythm (a decrease in the θ, an increase in the α, or a decrease in the β rhythm), left-or right-hemispheric location of the EEG derivations, and the duration of the delay (3 or 30 s) of auditory feedback stimuli. As compared to the baseline, the most distinct and significant changes were observed in the α and θ rhythms during medical procedures, testifying to a general relaxing effect of the EEG BFB. The greatest number of successful trials (83.3 ± 4.4%) was observed for the BFB sessions aimed at decreasing the θ activity, and the lowest number (32.0 ± 6.7%), for the attempts at decreasing the EEG β rhythm. Voluntary control of the α rhythm of the EEG yielded a moderate number of successful trials (63.7 ± 5.3%), but it was characterized by the lowest efficiency (demonstrating minimal differences in positive changes in the functional state between successful and unsuccessful trials). The comparatively low effectiveness of voluntary BFB control of the α rhythm may have been determined by its high heterogeneity and suggests the necessity of using more narrowband EEG components in BFB sessions.  相似文献   

A method for quantifying the visual distortion of the Poggendorff figure (Jastrow modification) was proposed. Complex relationships of the relative distortion with the gender and the type of hemispheric asymmetry were determined. Females had a more pronounced tendency to be under the illusion than males. However, when the total sample was divided with respect to the pattern of hemispheric asymmetry, this difference was found only in subjects with left-hemispheric dominance in the visuomotor asymmetry, i.e., in right-handers. No difference was found between males and females with right-hemispheric dominance.  相似文献   

Complex children examination with alalia was based the analysis by the role of subcortical brain structures for the formation of speech was investigated. Alalia is systemic speech underdevelopment in children, which violated all the components of speech. Evaluation of the functional state of brain structures on the EEG has allowed to distinguish the two groups, which depend on the nature of changes in bioelectric activity (BEA). The first group is one with the changes of alpha rhythm and/or local changes in BEA predominantly in the left hemisphere, the second group with violations ofbrainstem origin, mainly generalized EEG changes. A comprehensive analysis of clinical data has allowed to suggest the basis of the formation alalia lies subcortical structures lesion of the left hemisphere of the brain and stem departments of one. The analysis of perinatal risk factors has allowed to hypothesize about the connection of subcortical structures lesion with antenatal complications in the first half of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Spectrum and coherent EEG analysis has been made at 109 pregnant women during 35-36 weeks of gestation. It has been shown, that functional interhemispherical asymmetry of the brain is the sensible parameter of normal and complicated gestation. It has been found out that as for normal pregnancy prevailing activation in central and temple areas of the brain contralateral to the side of placenta placement in uterus is characteristic. The development of gestation complications accompanied by the inversion of interhemispherical asymmetry of EEG activation. It was pointed out that correlative relations of bioelectrical activity of the brain in women with normal gestation are the indicator of dominating of nervous centers of left hemisphere in the integrational process.  相似文献   

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