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The maturation of human immunodeficiency type-1 virions is accomplished through the proteolytic processing of Gag and GagPol precursor proteins by the viral protease (PR). Since virions must be assembled at the cell surface from uncleaved precursor molecules, intracellular activation of PR must be inhibited. We have previously developed a system where the intracellular activity of PR, associated with GagPol, was inhibited by the expression of Gagin trans. The disproportionate synthesis of Gag inhibits the activation of PR in the cytoplasm. Sequences capable of mediating this inhibition were localized to capsid. In this communication, the region of HIV-1 capsid capable of mediating inhibition was further defined and shown to require the major homology region of capsid within Gag.  相似文献   

The yeast Nbp2p SH3 and Bem1p SH3b domains bind certain target peptides with similar high affinities, yet display vastly different affinities for other targets. To investigate this unusual behavior, we have solved the structure of the Nbp2p SH3-Ste20 peptide complex and compared it with the previously determined structure of the Bem1p SH3b bound to the same peptide. Although the Ste20 peptide interacts with both domains in a structurally similar manner, extensive in vitro studies with domain and peptide mutants revealed large variations in interaction strength across the binding interface of the two complexes. Whereas the Nbp2p SH3 made stronger contacts with the peptide core RXXPXXP motif, the Bem1p SH3b domain made stronger contacts with residues flanking the core motif. Remarkably, this modulation of local binding energetics can explain the distinct and highly nuanced binding specificities of these two domains.  相似文献   

Actin is one of the most conserved proteins in nature. Its assembly and disassembly are regulated by many proteins, including the family of actin‐depolymerizing factor homology (ADF‐H) domains. ADF‐H domains can be divided into five classes: ADF/cofilin, glia maturation factor (GMF), coactosin, twinfilin, and Abp1/drebrin. The best‐characterized class is ADF/cofilin. The other four classes have drawn much less attention and very few structures have been reported. This study presents the solution NMR structure of the ADF‐H domain of human HIP‐55‐drebrin‐like protein, the first published structure of a drebrin‐like domain (mammalian), and the first published structure of GMF β (mouse). We also determined the structures of mouse GMF γ, the mouse coactosin‐like domain and the C‐terminal ADF‐H domain of mouse twinfilin 1. Although the overall fold of the five domains is similar, some significant differences provide valuable insights into filamentous actin (F‐actin) and globular actin (G‐actin) binding, including the identification of binding residues on the long central helix. This long helix is stabilized by three or four residues. Notably, the F‐actin binding sites of mouse GMF β and GMF γ contain two additional β‐strands not seen in other ADF‐H structures. The G‐actin binding site of the ADF‐H domain of human HIP‐55‐drebrin‐like protein is absent and distorted in mouse GMF β and GMF γ.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone binding protein transthyretin (TTR) forms a macromolecular complex with the retinol-specific carrier retinol binding protein (RBP) in the blood of higher vertebrates. Piscine TTR is shown here to exhibit high binding affinity for L-thyroxine and negligible affinity for RBP. The 1.56 A resolution X-ray structure of sea bream TTR, compared with that of human TTR, reveals a high degree of conservation of the thyroid hormone binding sites. In contrast, some amino acid differences in discrete regions of sea bream TTR appear to be responsible for the lack of protein-protein recognition, providing evidence for the crucial role played by a limited number of residues in the interaction between RBP and TTR. Overall, this study makes it possible to draw conclusions on evolutionary relationships for RBPs and TTRs of phylogenetically distant vertebrates.  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequence of the rbs repressor, RbsR, of Escherichia coli is homologous over its C-terminal 272 residues to the entire sequence of the periplasmic ribose binding protein. RbsR is also homologous to a family of bacterial repressor proteins including LacI. This implies that the structure of the repressor consists of a two-domain binding protein portion attached to a DNA-binding domain having the four-helix structure of the LacI headpiece. The implications of these relationships to the mechanism of this class of repressors are discussed.  相似文献   

Glycolipids participate in many important cellular processes and they are bound and transferred with high specificity by glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP). We have solved three different X-ray structures of bovine GLTP at 1.4 angstroms, 1.6 angstroms and 1.8 angstroms resolution, all with a bound fatty acid or glycolipid. The 1.4 angstroms structure resembles the recently characterized apo-form of the human GLTP but the other two structures represent an intermediate conformation of the apo-GLTPs and the human lactosylceramide-bound GLTP structure. These novel structures give insight into the mechanism of lipid binding and how GLTP may conformationally adapt to different lipids. Furthermore, based on the structural comparison of the GLTP structures and the three-dimensional models of the related Podospora anserina HET-C2 and Arabidopsis thaliana accelerated cell death protein, ACD11, we give structural explanations for their specific lipid binding properties.  相似文献   

Chorismate lyase (CL) removes the pyruvyl group from chorismate to provide 4-hydroxybenzoate (4HB) for the ubiquinone pathway. We previously reported the crystal structure at 1.4A resolution of the Escherichia coli CL with bound 4HB product, showing that the product is bound in an internal cavity behind two flaps. To provide a more complete basis for understanding CL's unusual ligand-binding properties and mechanism of action, we now report four crystal structures of CL mutants and inhibitor complexes, together with binding and activity measurements and molecular dynamics simulations. First, an ultrahigh resolution (1.0A) crystal structure of the CL*product complex reveals details of a substrate-sized internal cavity, also behind the flaps, near the product site. Second, a 2.4A structure of CL complexed with the inhibitor vanillate shows the flaps partly opened relative to their product-bound positions. Third, a 2.0A structure of the G90A mutant with bound product reveals the basis for tighter product binding and kinetic effects of this active site mutation. Fourth, the combination of the G90A mutation with the vanillate inhibitor produces a 1.9A structure containing two inhibitor molecules, one in the product site and the other in the adjacent cavity. The two sites are connected by a short tunnel that is partly open at each end, suggesting that CL may operate via a 2-site or tunnel mechanism.  相似文献   

In an attempt to systematically dissect the ligand binding properties of human serum albumin (HSA), the gene segments encoding each of its three domains were defined based on their conserved homologous structural motifs and separately cloned into a secretion vector for Pichia pastoris. We were able to establish a generally applicable purification protocol based on Cibacron Blue affinity chromatography, suggesting that each of the three domains carries a binding site specific for this ligand. Proteins were characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, gel filtration, N-terminal sequencing, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, as well as near- and far-UV CD. In addition to the affinity chromatography ligand Cibacron Blue, binding properties toward hemin, warfarin, and diazepam, each of which represents a standard ligand for HSA, respectively, were investigated by the measurement of induced circular dichroism. Clear experimental evidence is provided here for the location of the primary hemin binding site to be on domain I of HSA, and for the primary diazepam binding site to be on domain III. Further, secondary binding sites were found for hemin to be located on domains II and III, and for diazepam on domain I. The warfarin binding site was located primarily on domain II, while on domain I, a secondary binding site and/or parts of the primary binding site were found.  相似文献   

This review describes the main characteristics of odorant‐binding proteins (OBPs) for homology modelling and presents a summary of structure prediction studies on insect OBPs, along with the steps involved and some limitations and improvements. The technique involves a computing approach to model protein structures and is based on a comparison between a target (unknown structure) and one or more templates (experimentally determined structures). As targets for structure prediction, OBPs are considered to play a functional role for recognition, desorption, scavenging, protection and transportation of hydrophobic molecules (odourants) across an aqueous environment (lymph) to olfactory receptor neurones (ORNs) located in sensilla, the main olfactory units of insect antennae. Lepidopteran pheromone‐binding proteins, a subgroup of OBPs, are characterized by remarkable structural features, in which high sequence identities (approximately 30%) among these OBPs and a large number of available templates can facilitate the prediction of precise homology models. Approximately 30 studies have been performed on insect OBPs using homology modelling as a tool to predict their structures. Although some of the studies have assessed ligand‐binding affinity using structural information and biochemical measurements, few have performed docking and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations as a virtual method to predict best ligands. Docking and MD simulations are discussed in the context of discovery of novel semiochemicals (super‐ligands) using homology modelling to conceive further strategies in insect management.  相似文献   

Structural basis of human cytoglobin for ligand binding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cytoglobin (Cgb), a newly discovered member of the vertebrate globin family, binds O(2) reversibly via its heme, as is the case for other mammalian globins (hemoglobin (Hb), myoglobin (Mb) and neuroglobin (Ngb)). While Cgb is expressed in various tissues, its physiological role is not clearly understood. Here, the X-ray crystal structure of wild type human Cgb in the ferric state at 2.4A resolution is reported. In the crystal structure, ferric Cgb is dimerized through two intermolecular disulfide bonds between Cys38(B2) and Cys83(E9), and the dimerization interface is similar to that of lamprey Hb and Ngb. The overall backbone structure of the Cgb monomer exhibits a traditional globin fold with a three-over-three alpha-helical sandwich, in which the arrangement of helices is basically the same among all globins studied to date. A detailed comparison reveals that the backbone structure of the CD corner to D helix region, the N terminus of the E-helix and the F-helix of Cgb resembles more closely those of pentacoordinated globins (Mb, lamprey Hb), rather than hexacoordinated globins (Ngb, rice Hb). However, the His81(E7) imidazole group coordinates directly to the heme iron as a sixth axial ligand to form a hexcoordinated heme, like Ngb and rice Hb. The position and orientation of the highly conserved residues in the heme pocket (Phe(CD1), Val(E11), distal His(E7) and proximal His(F8)) are similar to those of other globin proteins. Two alternative conformations of the Arg84(E10) guanidium group were observed, suggesting that it participates in ligand binding to Cgb, as is the case for Arg(E10) of Aplysia Mb and Lys(E10) of Ngb. The structural diversities and similarities among globin proteins are discussed with relevance to molecular evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

Several binding scaffolds that are not based on immunoglobulins have been designed as alternatives to traditional monoclonal antibodies. Many of them have been developed to bind to folded proteins, yet cellular networks for signaling and protein trafficking often depend on binding to unfolded regions of proteins. This type of binding can thus be well described as a peptide–protein interaction. In this review, we compare different peptide-binding scaffolds, highlighting that armadillo repeat proteins (ArmRP) offer an attractive modular system, as they bind a stretch of extended peptide in a repeat-wise manner. Instead of generating each new binding molecule by an independent selection, preselected repeats – each complementary to a piece of the target peptide – could be designed and assembled on demand into a new protein, which then binds the prescribed complete peptide. Stacked armadillo repeats (ArmR), each typically consisting of 42 amino acids arranged in three α-helices, build an elongated superhelical structure which enables binding of peptides in extended conformation. A consensus-based design approach, complemented with molecular dynamics simulations and rational engineering, resulted in well-expressed monomeric proteins with high stability. Peptide binders were selected and several structures were determined, forming the basis for the future development of modular peptide-binding scaffolds.  相似文献   

Considering the large number of putative Ras effector proteins, it is highly desirable to develop computational methods to be able to identify true Ras binding molecules. Based on a limited sequence homology among members of the Ras association (RA) and Ras binding (RB) sub-domain families of the ubiquitin super-family, we have built structural homology models of Ras proteins in complex with different RA and RB domains, using the FOLD-X software. A critical step in our approach is to use different templates of Ras complexes, in order to account for the structural variation among the RA and RB domains. The homology models are validated by predicting the effect of mutating hot spot residues in the interface, and residues important for the specificity of interaction with different Ras proteins. The FOLD-X calculated energies of the best-modelled complexes are in good agreement with previously published experimental data and with new data reported here. Based on these results, we can establish energy thresholds above, or below which, we can predict with 96% confidence that a RA/RB domain will or will not interact with Ras. This study shows the importance of in depth structural analysis, high quality force-fields and modelling for correct prediction. Our work opens the possibility of genome-wide prediction for this protein family and for others, where there is enough structural information.  相似文献   

Membrane bound guanylyl cyclases are single chain transmembrane receptors that produce the second messenger cGMP by either intra- or extracellular stimuli. This class of type I receptors contain an intracellular catalytic guanylyl cyclase domain, an adjacent kinase-like domain and an extracellular ligand binding domain though some receptors have their ligands yet to be identified. The most studied member is the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) receptor, which is involved in blood pressure regulation. Extracellular ANP binding induces a conformational change thereby activating the pre-oligomerized receptor leading to the production of cGMP. The recent crystal structure of the dimerized hormone binding domain of the ANP receptor provides a first three-dimensional view of this domain and can serve as a basis to structurally analyze mutagenesis, cross-linking, and genetic studies of this class of receptors as well as a non-catalytic homolog, the clearance receptor. The fold of the ligand binding domain is that of a bilobal periplasmic binding protein (PBP) very similar to that of the Leu/Ile/Val binding protein, AmiC, multi-domain transmembrane metabotropic glutamate receptors, and several DNA binding proteins such as the lactose repressor. Unlike these structural homologs, the guanylyl cyclase receptors bind much larger molecules at a site seemingly remote from the usual small molecule binding site in periplasmic binding protein folds. Detailed comparisons with these structural homologs offer insights into mechanisms of signal transduction and allosteric regulation, and into the remarkable usage of the periplasmic binding protein fold in multi-domain receptors/proteins.  相似文献   

PonA2 is one of the two class A penicillin binding proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiologic agent of tuberculosis. It plays a complex role in mycobacterial physiology and is spotted as a promising target for inhibitors. PonA2 is involved in adaptation of M. tuberculosis to dormancy, an ability which has been attributed to the presence in its sequence of a C‐terminal PASTA domain. Since PASTA modules are typically considered as β‐lactam antibiotic binding domains, we determined the solution structure of the PASTA domain from PonA2 and analyzed its binding properties versus a plethora of potential binders, including the β‐lactam antibiotics, two typical muropeptide mimics, and polymeric peptidoglycan. We show that, despite a high structural similarity with other PASTA domains, the PASTA domain of PonA2 displays different binding properties, as it is not able to bind muropeptides, or β‐lactams, or polymeric peptidoglycan. These results indicate that the role of PASTA domains cannot be generalized, as their specific binding properties strongly depend on surface residues, which are widely variable. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 712–719, 2014.  相似文献   

X Zha  Q Xia  Y Adam Yuan 《FEBS letters》2012,586(19):3200-3207
The RISC-associated Argonaute (Ago) proteins play the catalytic role for RISC-mediated gene regulation by selecting small RNAs and subsequent targeting and cleavage of complementary mRNAs. Ago Mid domains are proposed to play essential roles in small RNA sorting. Here, we report the crystal structures of Arabidopsis Ago1 Mid domain and its chimera mutant with part of Ago1 replaced by Ago4. The structures demonstrate that a single amino insertion in the nucleotide specificity loop of AtAgo1 will change the nucleotide binding preference of AtAgo1 from “5′-U” to “5′-A”. Moreover, we identify a long positively charged groove located along the “5′-end-nucleotide specificity loop” and occupied by several sulfate ions with the distance of 9-11 Å distance, indicating a putative mRNA target binding groove.  相似文献   

We present NMR structural and dynamics analysis of the putative ligand binding region of human Notch-1, comprising EGF-like domains 11-13. Functional integrity of an unglycosylated, recombinant fragment was confirmed by calcium-dependent binding of tetrameric complexes to ligand-expressing cells. EGF modules 11 and 12 adopt a well-defined, rod-like orientation rigidified by calcium. The interdomain tilt is similar to that found in previously studied calcium binding EGF pairs, but the angle of twist is significantly different. This leads to an extended double-stranded beta sheet structure, spanning the two EGF modules. Based on the conservation of residues involved in interdomain hydrophobic packing, we propose this arrangement to be prototypical of a distinct class of EGF linkages. On this premise, we have constructed a model of the 36 EGF modules of the Notch extracellular domain that enables predictions to be made about the general role of calcium binding to this region.  相似文献   

Yadav SC  Kumari A  Yadav R 《Peptides》2011,32(1):173-187
The targeted delivery of therapeutic peptide by nanocarriers systems requires the knowledge of interactions of nanomaterials with the biological environment, peptide release, and stability of therapeutic peptides. Therapeutic application of nanoencapsulated peptides are increasing exponentially and >1000 peptides in nanoencapsulated form are in different clinical/trial phase. This review covers current scenario of therapeutic protein and peptides encapsulation on polymer to metallic nanocarriers including methods of protein encapsulation, peptide bioconjugation on nanoparticles, stability enhancement of encapsulated proteins and its biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is a plasma protein associated mainly with HDL. ApoM is suggested to be important for the formation of prebeta-HDL, but its mechanism of action is unknown. Homology modeling has suggested apoM to be a lipocalin. Lipocalins share a structurally conserved beta-barrel, which in many lipocalins bind hydrophobic ligands. The aim of this study was to test the ability of apoM to bind different hydrophobic substances. ApoM was produced both in Escherichia coli and in HEK 293 cells. Characterization of both variants with electrophoretic and immunological methods suggested apoM from E. coli to be correctly folded. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of both apoM variants revealed that retinol, all-trans-retinoic acid, and 9-cis-retinoic acid bound (dissociation constant = 2-3 microM), whereas other tested substances (e.g., cholesterol, vitamin K, and arachidonic acid) did not. The intrinsic fluorescence of two apoM mutants carrying single tryptophans was quenched by retinol and retinoic acid to the same extent as wild-type apoM, indicating that the environment of both tryptophans was affected by the binding. In conclusion, the binding of retinol and retinoic acid supports the hypothesis that apoM is a lipocalin. The physiological relevance of this binding has yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   

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