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Suzanne S. Chan 《FEBS letters》2010,584(17):3773-6077
The linear nature of eukaryotic chromosomes leaves natural DNA ends susceptible to triggering DNA damage responses. Telomeres are specialized nucleoprotein structures that comprise the “end zone” of chromosomes. Besides having specialized sequences and structures, there are six resident proteins at telomeres that play prominent roles in protecting chromosome ends. In this review, we discuss this team of proteins, termed shelterin, and how it is involved in regulating DNA damage signaling, repair and replication at telomeres.  相似文献   

The MRN complex in double-strand break repair and telomere maintenance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomes are subject to constant threat by damaging agents that generate DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The ends of linear chromosomes need to be protected from DNA damage recognition and end-joining, and this is achieved through protein-DNA complexes known as telomeres. The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex plays important roles in detection and signaling of DSBs, as well as the repair pathways of homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). In addition, MRN associates with telomeres and contributes to their maintenance. Here, we provide an overview of MRN functions at DSBs, and examine its roles in telomere maintenance and dysfunction.  相似文献   

Telomeres are nucleoprotein complexes that cap the ends of all linear chromosomes and function to prevent aberrant repair and end-to-end chromosome fusions. In somatic cells, telomere shortening is a natural part of the aging process as it occurs with each round of cell division. In germ and stem cells, however, the enzyme telomerase synthesizes telomere DNA to counter-balance telomere shortening and help maintain cellular proliferation. Of the primary telomere end-binding proteins, TPP1 has recently emerged as a primary contributor in protecting telomere DNA and in recruiting telomerase to the telomere ends. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge regarding the role of TPP1 in telomere maintenance.  相似文献   

端粒位于真核细胞线性染色体末端,正常的端粒长度与结构对于细胞基因组稳定的维持有重要作用.端粒DNA序列的高度重复性使其容易形成一些特殊的二级结构,相比染色体其他位置更难复制.结合在端粒上的Shelterin蛋白复合体由六个端粒结合蛋白组成,该复合体可以通过抑制端粒处异常DNA损伤修复途径的激活维持端粒的稳定.此外,近几...  相似文献   

Eros Lazzerini Denchi   《DNA Repair》2009,8(9):1118-1126
Linear organization of the genome requires mechanisms to protect and replicate chromosome ends. To this end eukaryotic cells evolved telomeres, specialized nucleoproteic complexes, and telomerase, the enzyme that maintains the telomeric DNA. Telomeres allow cells to distinguish chromosome ends from sites of DNA damage. In mammalian cells this is accomplished by a protein complex, termed shelterin, that binds to telomeric DNA and is able to shield chromosome ends from the DNA damage machinery. In recent years, we have seen major advances in our understanding of how this protein complex works due to the generation of mouse models carrying mutations of individual shelterin components. This review will focus on our current understanding of how the shelterin complex is able to suppress the DNA damage response pathways, and on the cellular and organismal outcomes of telomere dysfunction.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer is among the most lethal gynecologic malignancies with a poor survival prognosis. The current therapeutic strategies involve surgery and chemotherapy. Research is now focused on novel agents especially those targeting DNA damage response (DDR) pathways. Understanding the DDR process in ovarian cancer necessitates having a detailed knowledge on a series of signaling mediators at the cellular and molecular levels. The complexity of the DDR process in ovarian cancer and how this process works in metastatic conditions is comprehensively reviewed. For evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic agents targeting DNA damage in ovarian cancer, we will discuss the components of this system including DDR sensors, DDR transducers, DDR mediators, and DDR effectors. The constituent pathways include DNA repair machinery, cell cycle checkpoints, and apoptotic pathways. We also will assess the potential of active mediators involved in the DDR process such as therapeutic and prognostic candidates that may facilitate future studies.  相似文献   

The identification of cancer stem cells(CSCs) that are responsible for tumor initiation, growth, metastasis, and therapeutic resistance might lead to a new thinking on cancer treatments. Similar to stem cells,CSCs also display high resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy with genotoxic agents. Thus, conventional therapy may shrink the tumor volume but cannot eliminate cancer. Eradiation of CSCs represents a novel therapeutic strategy. CSCs possess a highly efficient DNA damage response(DDR) system, which is considered as a contributor to the resistance of these cells from exposures to DNA damaging agents. Targeting of enhanced DDR in CSCs is thus proposed to facilitate the eradication of CSCs by conventional therapeutics. To achieve this aim, a better understanding of the cellular responses to DNA damage in CSCs is needed. In addition to the protein kinases and enzymes that are involved in DDR, other processes that affect the DDR including chromatin remodeling should also be explored.  相似文献   

Cairney CJ  Keith WN 《Biochimie》2008,90(1):13-23
Telomerase activity is dependent on the expression of 2 main core component genes, hTERT, which encodes the catalytic component and hTR (also called TERC), which encodes the RNA component. The correlation between telomerase activity and carcinogenesis has made this molecule of great interest in cancer research, however in order to fully understand the regulation of telomerase the mechanisms controlling both telomerase genes need to be studied. Some of these mechanisms of regulation have begun to emerge, however many more remain to be deciphered. For many years hTERT has been regarded as the limiting component of telomerase and much of the research in this field has focussed on its regulation, however it was clear from an early stage that hTR expression was also tightly regulated in normal cells and disease. More recently evidence from biochemistry, promoter studies and mouse models has been steadily increasing for a role for hTR as a limiting and essential component for telomerase activity and telomere maintenance. Perhaps the time has come to redefine our view of telomerase regulation. Knowledge of the mechanisms controlling both telomerase genes in normal systems and cancer may aid our understanding of the role of telomerase in carcinogenesis or highlight potential areas for therapeutic intervention. Here we review the essential requirement of hTR for telomere maintenance and telomerase activity in normal tissues and disease and focus on recent advances in our understanding of hTR regulation in relation to hTERT.  相似文献   

Telomeres protect the ends of linear chromosomes from activities that cause sequence losses or challenge chromosome integrity. Furthermore, these ends must be hidden from detection by the DNA damage recognition and response pathways. In particular, they must not fuse with each other. These fundamental and very first functions attributed to telomeres are also summarized with the term ‘chromosome capping’. However, telomeres can become uncapped and the foremost cellular responses to such events aim to restore genome stability in the most conservative fashion possible. I will provide an outline of cellular responses to uncapping in budding yeast and briefly discuss the reverse, namely avoidance mechanisms that prevent telomere formation at inappropriate places.  相似文献   

The infinite proliferative capability of most immortalized cells is dependent upon the presence of the enzyme telomerase and its ability to maintain telomere length and structure. However, telomerase may be involved in a greater system than telomere length regulation, as recent evidence has shown it capable of increasing wound healing in vivo, and improving cellular proliferation rate and survival from apoptosis in vitro. Here, we describe the global gene expression response to ectopic telomerase expression in an in vitro bovine adrenocortical cell model. Telomerase-immortalized cells showed an increased ability for proliferation and survival in minimal essential medium above cells transgenic for GFP. cDNA microarray analyses revealed an altered cell state indicative of increased adrenocortical cell proliferation regulated by the IGF2 pathway and alterations in members of the TGF-B family. As well, we identified alterations in genes associated with development and wound healing that support a model that high telomerase expression induces a highly adaptable, progenitor-like state.  相似文献   

Identifying and characterizing novel genetic risk factors for BRCA1/2 negative breast cancers is highly relevant for early diagnosis and development of a management plan. Mutations in a number of DNA repair genes have been associated with genomic instability and development of breast and various other cancers. Whole exome sequencing efforts by 2 groups have led to the discovery in distinct populations of multiple breast cancer susceptibility mutations in RECQL, a gene that encodes a DNA helicase involved in homologous recombination repair and response to replication stress. RECQL pathogenic mutations were identified that truncated or disrupted the RECQL protein or introduced missense mutations in its helicase domain. RECQL mutations may serve as a useful biomarker for breast cancer. Targeting RECQL associated tumors with novel DNA repair inhibitors may provide a new strategy for anti-cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Telomeres constitute the nucleoprotein ends of eukaryotic chromosomes which are essential for their proper function. Telomere end binding protein (TEBP) from Oxytricha nova was among the first telomeric proteins, which were well characterized biologically. TEBP consists of two protein subunits (alpha, beta) and forms a ternary complex with single stranded telomeric DNA containing tandem repeats TTTTGGGG. This work presents the characterization of the thermodynamic and electrostatic properties of this complex by computational chemistry methods (continuum Poisson-Boltzmann and solvent accessible surface calculations). Our calculations give a new insight into molecular properties of studied system. Based on the thermodynamic analysis we provide a rationale for the experimental observation that alpha and ssDNA forms a binary complex and the beta subunit joins alpha:ssDNA complex only after the latter is formed. Calculations of distribution of the molecular electrostatic potential for protein subunits alone and for all possible binary complexes revealed the important role of the "guiding funnel" potential generated by alpha:ssDNA complex. This potential may help the beta subunit to dock to the already formed alpha:DNA intermediate in highly steric and electrostatic favorable manner. Our pK(a) calculations of TEBP are able to explain the experimental mobility shifts of the complex in electrophoretic non-denaturating gels.  相似文献   

Inactivating mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2 cause gross chromosomal rearrangements. Chromosome structural instability in the absence of BRCA2 is thought to result from defective homology-directed DNA repair. Here, we show that BRCA2 links the fidelity of telomere maintenance with genetic integrity. Absence of BRCA2 resulted in signs of dysfunctional telomeres, such as telomere shortening, erosions, and end fusions in proliferating mouse fibroblasts. BRCA2 localized to the telomeres in S phase in an ATR-dependent manner, and its absence resulted in the accumulation of common fragile sites, particularly at the G-rich lagging strand, and increased the telomere sister chromatid exchange in unchallenged cells. The incidence of common fragile sites and telomere sister chromatid exchange increased markedly after treatment with replication inhibitors. Congruently, telomere-induced foci were frequently observed in the absence of Brca2, denoting activation of the DNA damage response and abnormal chromosome end joining. These telomere end fusions constituted a significant portion of chromosome aberrations in Brca2-deficient cells. Our results suggest that BRCA2 is required for telomere homeostasis and may be particularly important for the replication of G-rich telomeric lagging strands.  相似文献   

Chemoresistance is a complicated process developed by most cancers and accounts for the majority of relapse and metastasis in cancer. The main mechanisms of chemoresistance phenotype include increased expression and/or activated drug efflux pumps, altered DNA repair, altered metabolism of therapeutics as well as impaired apoptotic signaling pathways. Aberrant sphingolipid signaling has also recently received considerable attention in chemoresistance. Sphingolipid metabolites regulate main biological processes such as apoptosis, cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Two sphingosine kinases, SphK1 and SphK2, convert sphingosine to sphingosine-1-phosphate, an antiapoptotic bioactive lipid mediator. Numerous evidence has revealed the involvement of activated SphK1 in tumorigenesis and resistance, however, contradictory results have been found for the role of SphK2 in these functions. In some studies, overexpression of SphK2 suppressed cell growth and induced apoptosis. In contrast, some others have shown cell proliferation and tumor promotion effect for SphK2. Our understanding of the role of SphK2 in cancer does not have a sufficient integrity. The main focus of this review will be on the re-evaluation of the role of SphK2 in cell death and chemoresistance in light of our new understanding of molecular targeted therapy. We will also highlight the connections between SphK2 and the DNA damage response. Finally, we will provide our insight into the regulatory mechanisms of SphKs by two main categories, micro and long, noncoding RNAs as the novel players of cancer chemoresistance.  相似文献   

The ends of human chromosomes are protected by DNA–protein complexes termed telomeres, which prevent the chromosomes from fusing with each other and from being recognized as a double-strand break by DNA repair proteins. Due to the incomplete replication of linear chromosomes by DNA polymerase, telomeric DNA shortens with repeated cell divisions until the telomeres reach a critical length, at which point the cells enter senescence. Telomere length is an indicator of biological aging, and dysfunction of telomeres is linked to age-related pathologies like cardiovascular disease, Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease and cancer. Telomere length has been shown to be positively associated with nutritional status in human and animal studies. Various nutrients influence telomere length potentially through mechanisms that reflect their role in cellular functions including inflammation, oxidative stress, DNA integrity, DNA methylation and activity of telomerase, the enzyme that adds the telomeric repeats to the ends of the newly synthesized DNA.  相似文献   

The protein kinases ataxia‐telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM‐Rad3 related (ATR) are activated in response to DNA damage, genotoxic stress and virus infections. Here we show that during infection with wild‐type adenovirus, ATR and its cofactors RPA32, ATRIP and TopBP1 accumulate at viral replication centres, but there is minimal ATR activation. We show that the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 (MRN) complex is recruited to viral centres only during infection with adenoviruses lacking the early region E4 and ATR signaling is activated. This suggests a novel requirement for the MRN complex in ATR activation during virus infection, which is independent of Mre11 nuclease activity and recruitment of RPA/ATR/ATRIP/TopBP1. Unlike other damage scenarios, we found that ATM and ATR signaling are not dependent on each other during infection. We identify a region of the viral E4orf3 protein responsible for immobilization of the MRN complex and show that this prevents ATR signaling during adenovirus infection. We propose that immobilization of the MRN damage sensor by E4orf3 protein prevents recognition of viral genomes and blocks detrimental aspects of checkpoint signaling during virus infection.  相似文献   

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