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Using high pressure flash photolysis, we revealed that the side chain of Leu(29) controls the reaction volume of the ligand migration process in myoglobin, which is the primary factor for the unusual activation volume of ligand binding in some Leu(29) mutants. As we previously reported (Adachi, S., Sunohara, N., Ishimori, K., and Morishima, I. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 12614-12621), CO bimolecular rebinding in the L29A mutant was unexpectedly decelerated by pressurization, suggesting that the rate-determining step is switched to ligand migration. However, very slow CO bimolecular rebinding of the mutants implies that bond formation is still the rate-determining step. To gain further insights into effects of the side chain on ligand binding, we prepared some new Leu(29) mutants to measure the CO and O(2) rebinding reaction rates under high hydrostatic pressure. CO bimolecular rebinding in the mutants bearing Gly or Ser at position 29 was also decelerated upon pressurization, resulting in apparent positive activation volumes (DeltaV), as observed for O(2) binding. Based on the three-state model, we concluded that the increased space available to ligands in these mutants enhances the volume difference between the geminate and deoxy states (DeltaV(32)), which shifts the apparent activation volume to the positive side, and that the apparent positive activation volume is not due to contribution of the ligand migration process to the rate-determining step.  相似文献   

We monitored the occupancy of a functionally important non-coordinated water molecule in the distal heme pocket of sperm whale myoglobin over the pH range 4.3-9.4. Water occupancy was assessed by using time-resolved spectroscopy to detect the perturbation of the heme visible band absorption spectrum caused by water entry after CO photodissociation ( Goldbeck, R. A., Bhaskaran, S., Ortega, C., Mendoza, J. L., Olson, J. S., Soman, J., Kliger, D. S., and Esquerra, R. M. (2006) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 103, 1254-1259 ). We found that the water occupancy observed during the time interval between ligand photolysis and diffusive recombination decreased by nearly 20% as the pH was lowered below 6. This decrease accounted for most of the concomitant increase in the observed CO bimolecular recombination rate constant, as the lower water occupancy presented a smaller kinetic barrier to CO entry into the pocket at lower pH. These results were consistent with a model in which the distal histidine, which stabilizes the water molecule within the distal pocket by accepting a hydrogen bond, tends to swing out of the pocket upon protonation and destabilize the water occupancy at low pH. Extrapolation of this model to lower pH suggests that the additional increase in ligand association rate constant observed previously in stopped-flow studies at pH 3 may also be due in part to reduced distal water occupancy concomitant with further His64 protonation and coupled protein conformational change.  相似文献   

Time courses for NO, O2, CO, methyl and ethyl isocyanide rebinding to native and mutant sperm whale myoglobins were measured at 20 degrees C following 17-ns and 35-ps laser excitation pulses. His64 (E7) was replaced with Gly, Val, Leu, Phe, and Gln, and Val68 (E11) was replaced with Ala, Ile, and Phe. For both NO and O2, the effective picosecond quantum yield of unliganded geminate intermediates was roughly 0.2 and independent of the amino acids at positions 64 and 68. Geminate recombination of NO was very rapid; 90% rebinding occurred within 0.5-1.0 ns for all of the myoglobins examined; and except for the Gly64 and Ile68 mutants, the fitted recombination rate parameters were little influenced by the size and polarity of the amino acid at position 64 and the size of the residue at position 68. The rates of NO recombination and ligand movement away from the iron atom in the Gly64 mutant increased 3-4-fold relative to native myoglobin. For Ile68 myoglobin, the first geminate rate constant for NO rebinding decreased approximately 6-fold, from 2.3 x 10(10) s-1 for native myoglobin to 3.8 x 10(9) s-1 for the mutant. No picosecond rebinding processes were observed for O2, CO, and isocyanide rebinding to native and mutant myoglobins; all of the observed geminate rate constants were less than or equal to 3 x 10(8) s-1. The rebinding time courses for these ligands were analyzed in terms of a two-step consecutive reaction scheme, with an outer kinetic barrier representing ligand movement into and out of the protein and an inner barrier representing binding to the heme iron atom by ligand occupying the distal portion of the heme pocket. Substitution of apolar amino acids for His64 decreased the absolute free energies of the outer and inner kinetic barriers and the well for non-covalently bound O2 and CO by 1 to 1.5 kcal/mol, regardless of size. In contrast, the His64 to Gln mutation caused little change in the barrier heights for all ligands, showing that the polar nature of His64 inhibits both the bimolecular rate of ligand entry into myoglobin and the unimolecular rate of binding to the iron atom from within the protein. Increasing the size of the position 68(E11) residue in the series Ala to Val (native) to Ile caused little change in the rate of O2 migration into myoglobin or the equilibrium constant for noncovalent binding but did decrease the unimolecular rate for iron-O2 bond formation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide binding to myoglobin was characterized using the photothermal beam deflection method. The volume and enthalpy changes coupled to CO dissociation were found to be 9.3+/-0.8 mL x mol(-1) and 7.4+/-2.8 kcal x mol(-1), respectively. The corresponding values observed for CO rebinding have the same magnitude but opposite sign: Delta V=-8.6+/-0.9 mL x mol(-1) and Delta H=-5.8+/-2.9 kcal x mol(-1). Ligand rebinding occurs as a single conformational step with a rate constant of 5 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1) and with activation enthalpy of 7.1+/-0.8 kcal x mol(-1) and activation entropy of -22.4+/-2.8 cal x mol(-1) K(-1). Activation parameters for the ligand binding correspond to the activation parameters previously obtained using the transient absorption methods. Hence, at room temperature the CO binding to Mb can be described as a two-state model and the observed volume contraction occurs during CO-Fe bond formation. Comparing these results with CO dissociation reactions, for which two discrete intermediates were characterized, indicates differences in mechanism by which the protein modulates ligand association and dissociation.  相似文献   

The geminate recombination kinetics of CO-myoglobin strongly deviates from single exponential behavior in contrast to what is expected for unimolecular reactions (1). At low temperatures, this result was attributed to slowly exchanging conformational states which differ substantially in barrier height for ligand binding. Above 160 K the kinetics apparently slow down with temperature increase. Agmon and Hopfield (2) explain this result in terms of structural relaxation perpendicular to the reaction coordinate, which enhances the activation energy. In their model, structural relaxation homogenizes the kinetic response. Recently, Steinbach et al. (3) proposed a relaxation model which conserves the kinetic inhomogeneity. Below we test these conjectures by single and multiple excitation experiments. This method allows for discrimination between parallel (inhomogeneous) and sequential (homogeneous) kinetic schemes. The kinetic anomaly above 160 K is shown to result from a homogeneous, structurally relaxed intermediate. However a second anomaly is found above 210 K concerning the inhomogeneous phase which may indicate either a shift in activation energy or entropy.  相似文献   

The bivalent ligand N,N'-bis[[epsilon-[(2,4- dinitrophenyl)amino]caproyl]-L-tyrosyl]cystine [(DCT)2-Cys] binds and cross-links anti-dinitrophenyl (DNP) immunoglobulin E (IgE)-receptor complexes on the cell surface of rat basophilic leukemia cells. The rate of dissociation of this bound ligand was monitored by using a fluorescence method under two different conditions. In one case the monovalent ligand DCT was added in large excess to prevent the dissociating ligand from rebinding to unoccupied antibody combining sites. Under these conditions, dissociation of the bivalent ligand from IgE-sensitized cells proceeds to completion with kinetics that are well described by two rate constants that are independent of the time of preincubation of the bivalent ligand with the cells. In the second case, dissociation of (DCT)2-Cys from cell-bound anti-DNP IgE was monitored in the presence of a large excess of anti-DNP IgE in solution that acts as a sink to absorb the dissociated ligand. Under these conditions, the bivalent ligand becomes more resistant to dissociation as the preincubation time of the bivalent ligand with the cells is increased. An increasing fraction of the bound ligand does not dissociate on a measurable time scale in the presence of this sink. The results indicate that cell-associated IgE-receptor complexes undergo a time-dependent change that facilitates the reformation of the cross-linked state when one end of the ligand dissociates to break up the existing cross-link. The possible physical basis and functional implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

A ligand binding pocket has been created on the proximal side of the heme in porcine myoglobin by site-directed mutagenesis. Our starting point was the H64V/V68H double mutant which has been shown to have bis-histidine (His68 and His93) heme coordination [Dou, Y., Admiraal, S. J., Ikeda-Saito, M., Krzywda, S., Wilkinson, A. J., Li, T., Olson, J. S., Prince, R. C., Pickering, I. J., George, G. N. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 15993-16001]. The replacement of the proximal His93 ligand by noncoordinating Ala (H64V/V68H/H93A) or Gly (H64V/V68H/H93G) residues resulted unexpectedly in a six-coordinate low-spin species in both ferric and ferrous states. To test the hypothesis that the sixth coordinating ligand in the triple mutants was the imidazole of His97, this residue was mutated to Phe, in the quadruple mutants, H64V/V68H/H93A/H97F and H64V/V68H/H93G/H97F. The ferric quadruple mutants show a clear water/hydroxide alkaline transition and high cyanide and CO affinities, characteristics similar to those of wild-type myoglobin. The nu(Fe-CO) and nu(C-O) stretching frequencies in the ferrous-CO state of the quadruple mutants indicate that the "proximal" ligand binding heme pocket is less polar than the distal pocket in the wild-type protein. Thus, we conclude that the proximal heme pocket in the quadruple mutants has a similar affinity for exogenous ligands to the distal pocket of wild-type myoglobin but that the two pockets have different polarities. The quadruple mutants open up new approaches for developing heme chemistry on the myoglobin scaffold.  相似文献   

The study of the thermal evolution of the Soret band in heme proteins has proved to be a useful tool to understand their stereodynamic properties; moreover, it enables one to relate protein matrix fluctuations and functional behavior when carried out in combination with kinetic experiments on carbon monoxide rebinding after flash photolysis. In this work, we report the thermal evolution of the Soret band of deoxy, carbonmonoxy, and nitric oxide derivatives of the cooperative homodimeric Scapharca inaequivalvis hemoglobin in the temperature range 10-300 K and the carbon monoxide rebinding kinetics after flash photolysis in the temperature range 60-200 K. The two sets of results indicate that Scapharca hemoglobin has a very rigid protein structure compared with other hemeproteins. This feature is brought out i) by the absence of nonharmonic contributions to the soft modes coupled to the Soret band in the liganded derivatives, and ii) by the almost "in plane" position of the iron atom in the photoproduct obtained approximately 10(-8) s after dissociating the bound carbon monoxide molecule at 15 K.  相似文献   

The formation of a duplex between two nucleic acid strands is restricted if one of the strands forms an intra- or intermolecular secondary structure. The formation of the new duplex requires the dissociation and replacement of the initial structure. To understand the mechanism of this type of kinetics we studied the replacement of a labeled DNA oligonucleotide probe bound to a complementary DNA target with an unlabeled probe of the same sequence. The replacement kinetics were measured using a gel-shift assay for 12, 14 and 16-nucleotide probes as a function of temperature and concentration of the unlabeled probe. The results demonstrate that the overall replacement rate is a combination of two kinetic pathways: dissociative and sequential displacement. The dissociative pathway occurs by the spontaneous dissociation of the initial duplex followed by association of the target and unlabeled probe. The sequential displacement pathway requires only the partial melting of the initial duplex to allow for the formation of a branched nucleation complex with the unlabeled probe, followed by the complete displacement of the labeled probe by migration of the branch point. The contribution from the dissociative pathway is predominant at temperatures close to the melting point of the labeled probe, whereas the contribution from the displacement pathway prevails at lower temperatures and when the concentration of the replacing unlabeled probe is high. The results show that at physiological conditions, duplex formation between a single-stranded oligonucleotide probe and a structured region of a target molecule occurs mainly by the sequential-displacement mechanism.  相似文献   

Park J  Kim J  Lee T  Lim M 《Biophysical journal》2008,94(11):L84-L86
Femtosecond vibrational spectroscopy was used to probe a functionally important dynamics and residual structure of myoglobin unfolded by 4 M guanidine HCl. The spectra of the dissociated CO indicated that the residual structure of unfolded myoglobin (Mb) forms a few hydrophobic cavities that could accommodate the dissociated ligand. Geminate rebinding (GR) of CO to the unfolded Mb is three-orders-of-magnitude faster and more efficient than the native Mb but similar to a model heme in a viscous solvent, suggesting that the GR of CO to heme is accelerated by the longer retention of the dissociated ligand near the Fe atom by the poorly-structured protein matrix of the unfolded Mb or viscous solvent. The inefficient GR of CO in native Mb, while dissociated CO is trapped in the primary heme pocket located near the active binding site, indicates that the tertiary structure of the pocket in native Mb plays a functionally significant role.  相似文献   

The milli-, micro-, and nanosecond rebinding kinetics of oxygen and carbon monoxide with myoglobin (Mb) from sperm whale, horse, and dog were studied as a function of pressure up to 2 kbar by means of a high pressure laser photolysis apparatus. The results were analyzed quantitatively in terms of a three-step reaction scheme, and activation volumes (delta V not equal to) for each step were determined from the pressure dependence of the rate constants. In the case of CO binding to Mb, the overall reaction volume delta V not equal to was negative, resulting from the rate-determining bond formation step. Activation volumes for O2 to the iron binding step as well as for the O2 diffusion step within the protein matrix were quite different among three Mb species, and it was suggested that activation volumes are very sensitive to the amino acid constituents around the ligand path channel.  相似文献   

Dynamics of ligand binding to myoglobin.   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
Myoglobin rebinding of carbon monoxide and dioxygen after photodissociation has been observed in the temperature range between 40 and 350 K. A system was constructed that records the change in optical absorption at 436 nm smoothly and without break between 2 musec and 1 ksec. Four different rebinding processes have been found. Between 40 and 160 K, a single process is observed. It is not exponential in time, but approximately given by N(t) = (1 + t/to)-n, where to and n are temperature-dependent, ligand-concentration independent, parameters. At about 170 K, a second and at 200 K, a third concentration-independent process emerge. At 210 K, a concentration-dependent process sets in. If myoglobin is embedded in a solid, only the first three can be seen, and they are all nonexponential. In a liquid glycerol-water solvent, rebinding is exponential. To interpret the data, a model is proposed in which the ligand molecule, on its way from the solvent to the binding site at the ferrous heme iron, encounters four barriers in succession. The barriers are tentatively identified with known features of myoglobin. By computer-solving the differential equation for the motion of a ligand molecule over four barriers, the rates for all important steps are obtained. The temperature dependences of the rates yield enthalpy, entropy, and free-energy changes at all barriers. The free-energy barriers at 310 K indicate how myoglobin achieves specificity and order. For carbon monoxide, the heights of these barriers increase toward the inside; carbon monoxide consequently is partially rejected at each of the four barriers. Dioxygen, in contrast, sees barriers of about equal height and moves smoothly toward the binding site. The entropy increases over the first two barriers, indicating a rupturing of bonds or displacement of residues, and then smoothly decreases, reaching a minimum at the binding site. The magnitude of the decrease over the innermost barrier implies participation of heme and/or protein. The nonexponential rebinding observed at low temperatures and in solid samples implies that the innermost barrier has a spectrum of activation energies. The shape of the spectrum has been determined; its existence can be explained by assuming the presence of many conformational states for myoglobin. In a liquid at temperatures above about 230 K, relaxation among conformational states occurs and rebinding becomes exponential.  相似文献   

Hb Chico is an unusual human hemoglobin variant that has lowered oxygen affinity, but unaltered cooperativity and anion sensitivity. Previous studies showed these features to be associated with distal-side heme pocket alterations that confer increased structural rigidity on the molecule and that increase water content in the beta-chain heme pocket. We report here that the extent of nanosecond geminate rebinding of oxygen to the variant and its isolated beta-chains is appreciably decreased. Structural alterations in this variant decrease its oxygen recombination rates without significantly altering rates of migration out of the heme pocket. Data analysis indicates that one or more barriers that impede rebinding of oxygen from docking sites in the heme pocket are increased, with less consequence for CO rebinding. Resonance Raman spectra show no significant alterations in spectral regions sensitive to interactions between the heme iron and the proximal histidine residue, confirming that the functional differences in the variant are due to distal-side heme pocket alterations. These effects are discussed in the context of a schematic representation of heme pocket wells and barriers that could aid the design of novel hemoglobins with altered ligand affinity without loss of the normal allosteric responses that facilitate unloading of oxygen to respiring tissues.  相似文献   

A quadruple mutant of sperm whale myoglobin was constructed to mimic the structure found in Ascaris suum hemoglobin. The replacements include His(E7)-->Gln, Leu(B10)-->Tyr, Thr(E10)--> Arg, and Ile(G8)-->Phe. Single, double, and triple mutants were characterized to dissect out the effects of the individual substitutions. The crystal structures of the deoxy and oxy forms of the quadruple mutant were determined and compared with that of native Ascaris hemoglobin. Tyr(B10) myoglobin displays low O(2) affinity, high dissociation rate constants, and heterogeneous kinetic behavior, suggesting unfavorable steric interactions between the B10 phenol side chain and His(E7). In contrast, all mutants containing the Tyr(B10)/Gln(E7) pair show high O(2) affinity, low dissociation rate constants, and simple, monophasic kinetic behavior. Replacement of Ile(107) with Phe enhances nanosecond geminate recombination singly and in combination with the Tyr(B10)/Gln(E7)/Arg(E10) mutation by limiting access to the Xe4 site. These kinetic results and comparisons with native Ascaris hemoglobin demonstrate the importance of distal pocket cavities in governing the kinetics of ligand binding. The approximately 150-fold higher O(2) affinity of Ascaris hemoglobin compared with that for Tyr(B10)/Gln(E7)-containing myoglobin mutants appears to be the result of favorable proximal effects in the Ascaris protein, due to a staggered orientation of His(F8), the lack of a hydrogen bonding lattice between the F4, F7, and F8 residues, and the presence of a large polar Trp(G5) residue in the interior portion of the proximal heme pocket.  相似文献   

Type 1 nonsymbiotic hemoglobin from Arabidopsis thaliana (AHb1) shows a partial bis-histidyl hexacoordination but can reversibly bind diatomic ligands. The physiological function is still unclear, but the high oxygen affinity rules out a function related to O2 sensing, carrying, or storing. To gain insight into its possible functional roles, we have investigated its O2 and NO rebinding kinetics after laser flash photolysis. The rate constants of the rebinding from the primary docking site for both O2 and NO are higher than CO, with lower photolysis yields. Moreover, the amplitude of the geminate phase increases and, as for CO, the numerical analysis of the experimental curves suggests the existence of an internal pathway leading, with high rate, to an additional docking site. However, the accessibility to this site seems to be strongly ligand-dependent, being lower for O2 and higher for NO.  相似文献   

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