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The chronology of tooth emergence is often used to examine the growth and development of individuals and to compare life histories across species. Emergence patterns are also used to age animals and to infer life history influences for extinct species. However, comparative studies of primates are hindered by a lack of dental development data for many species. Here we describe the sequences and timing of tooth emergence for a large sample of semi-free-ranging mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) and compare this with other life history variables for this species. Deciduous dentition emerged in the sequence i1 i2 c p3 p4. The augmented sequence (including information about variability in emergence sequence) was i1 i2 [c p3] p4 for the female maxilla and the male mandible, and i1 i2 c p3 p4 for the female mandible and the male maxilla. Deciduous dentition was complete by 5.0 months in females and 6.4 months in males. The permanent dentition began to emerge at 26 months, and complete adult dentition had emerged by 68 months for males and 85 months for females. Sex differences occurred in the augmented eruption sequences: females M1 I1 I2 [M2 C] P3 P4 M3, males M1 I1 [I2 M2] [P4 = P3 = C] M3. The order of tooth eruption and the occurrence of sequence polymorphisms were very similar to those observed for baboons and macaques. Comparison with life history variables showed that mandrills have complete deciduous dentition at weaning, females possess both adult incisors and M1 when they first reproduce, but still have deciduous canines and premolars, and that both sexes have full adult dentition before they attain their full adult stature and mass.  相似文献   

本文记述的是在云南禄丰石灰坝古猿化石产地与古猿共生的一种中国兔猴化石。这类化石以下颌骨和牙齿较纤细,牙齿的颊侧齿带较发育,牙齿狭长,齿尖锐利和臼齿咬合面的三角凹较大,下次小尖向后延伸而使下内尖和下次小尖之间有较大间隔;上臼齿的颊舌径较小等特征区别于中国兔猴厚齿种(Sinoadapis carnosus Wu and Pan.)根据以上的形态特征,作者把它订为中国兔猴一新种:中国兔猴石灰坝种Sinoadapis shihuibaensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   

This article uses data on the dental eruption pattern and life history of Tarsius to test the utility of Schultz's rule. Schultz's rule claims a relationship between the relative pattern of eruption and the absolute pace of dental development and life history and may be useful in reconstructing life histories in extinct primates. Here, we document an unusual eruption pattern in Tarsius combining early eruption (relative to molars) of anterior replacement teeth (P2 and incisors) and relatively late eruption of the posterior replacement teeth (C, P3, and P4). This eruption pattern does not accurately predict the "slow" pace of life documented for Tarsius [Roberts: Int J Primatol 15 (1994) 1-28], nor aspects of life history directly associated with dental development as would be expected using Schultz's rule. In Tarsius, the anterior teeth and M1 erupt at an early age and therefore are not only fast in a relative sense but also fast in an absolute sense. This seems to be related to a developmental anomaly in the deciduous precursor teeth, which are essentially skipped. This decoupling among dental eruption pattern, dental eruption pace, and life history pace in Tarsius undermines the assumptions that life histories can accurately be described as "fast" or "slow" and that dental eruption pattern alone can be used to infer overall life history pace. The relatively and absolutely early eruption of the anterior dentition may be due to the utility of these front teeth in early food acquisition rather than with the pace of life history.  相似文献   

Schwartz ('74) proposed revised homologies of the deciduous and permanent anterior teeth in living lemuriform primates of the family Indriidae. Gingerich ('77) described a juvenile specimen of Avahi and emphasized the importance of functional integrity in controlling the pattern of dental reduction in primates, neither of which supports Schwartz's interpretation. Schwartz ('78) recently reiterated his position without adequately discussing the Avahi evidence and the functional basis that probably controls dental reduction. Avahi has a deciduous dentition intermediate in morphology between that of Lemuridae and Indriidae, and similar to both. Thus the lower deciduous dental formula of Indriidae is probably 2.1.3, which is the typical and maximum deciduous complement known in living and fossil lemuriform primates. The formula of the lower permanent dentition in Indriidae is thus  相似文献   

Jaw movement and tooth use in recent and fossil primates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Masticatory movements and molar wear facets in species of Tupaia, Galago, Saimiri, and Ateles have been examined using cinefluorography and occlusal analysis. The molars have been compared with those of a fossil series: Palenochtha, Pelycodus and Aegyptopithecus. The extant primates are almost identical in their feeding behaviour, the movements and timing of the masticatory cycle. Food is first puncture-crushed where the cycle is elongated, the power stroke attenuated and abrasion facets are produced on the molars. Chewing follows, the movements are more complex, the power stroke has two distinct parts and attrition facets are produced. In the primitive forms (Tupaia, Palenochtha), shearing blades, arranged in series (en echelon) were used to cut the food during the first part (Phase I) of the power stroke as the lower teeth move into centric occlusion. This mechanism has been progressively replaced by a system of blade-ringed compression chambers which cut and compartmentalise the food in Phase I. This is followed by an anteromedially and inferiorly directed movement away from centric occlusion (Phase II) in which the food is ground. In both extant and fossil series there has been a clear trend towards the elongation of Phase II with a corresponding reduction in Phase I. These results suggest that the observed changes in the morphology of the jaw apparatus have probably occurred within the limits set by a pre-existing behavioral pattern.  相似文献   

Two mandibular fragments with associated milk teeth assigned to the late Miocene hominoid primate Ouranopithecus macedoniensis are analyzed. The fossils, which belong to a single individual, were found in the Vallesian locality of "Ravin de la Pluie" of the Axios Valley (Macedonia, Greece). The material is described here and compared with extant and extinct hominoids, allowing assessment of the evolutionary trends in the deciduous lower dentition within the Hominoidea. Hylobatids represent the more primitive pattern. Gorilla is slightly more derived than hylobatids, but less derived than Pongo and Pan, the latter being the most derived. With relatively smaller deciduous canines and more molarized deciduous premolars, Ouranopithecus is more derived than both Pan and Gorilla. Among the fossil hominoids, Proconsul, representing the primitive condition, has a very simple dp(3)and a dp(4)that has a trigonid that is taller than the talonid and which lacks a hypoconulid. Griphopithecus is more derived than Proconsul in having a dp(4) with a lower trigonid, a hypoconulid, and a less oblique cristid obliqua. Australopithecus and Paranthropus possess a similar morphology to that of Homo, while Ardipithecus appears to be more primitive than the latter genera. Ouranopithecus has a more derived lower milk dentition than Proconsul and Griphopithecus, but less derived than Australopithecus and Paranthropus. The comparison of the lower milk dentition of Ouranopithecus confirms our previous conclusions suggesting that this fossil hominoid shares derived characters with Australopithecus and Homo.  相似文献   

The nearly ubiquitous presence of a continuous crest connecting the protoconid and metaconid of the lower molars (often referred to as the middle trigonid crest), is one of several dental traits that distinguish Homo neanderthalensis from Homo sapiens. This study examined variation in trigonid crest patterns on the enamel and dentine surfaces to (1) evaluate the concordance between the morphology of trigonid crests at the inner dentine and the outer enamel surfaces; (2) examine their developmental origin(s); and (3) examine trait polarity through comparison with Australopithecus africanus and Pan. The sample included 73 H. neanderthalensis, 67 contemporary H. sapiens, 5 A. africanus, and 24 Pan lower molars. Results indicate general agreement in the morphology observed on the dentine and enamel surfaces. All but one H. neanderthalensis molar shows some trigonid crest development, whereas trigonid crests occur in low frequency in contemporary humans. Pan and A. africanus both also show high frequencies of a continuous trigonid crest. However, the origin of the trigonid crest differs among groups. H. neanderthalensis uniquely possesses a 'middle' trigonid crest that originates from the mesial accessory ridge of one or both cusps. Based on our results we suggest that presence of a continuous middle trigonid crest at the dentine surface is primitive and the lack of any trigonid crest is derived. Genetic drift may explain the high frequency of trigonid crests in H.neanderthalensis. However, H. neanderthalensis still appears to be derived relative to Pan and A. africanus in its high frequency of the mesial-mesial trigonid crestconfiguration.  相似文献   

山东早始新世五图组曾发现原始獏类,Homogalax wutunensis,最近又采到一批化石。这里仅记述其中的一种食虫类,可归入鼩形亚目的昌乐鼩(Changlelestes dissetiformis gen. et sp.nov.)。昌乐鼩与亚洲早第三纪食虫类(Ernosorex.Ictopidium和Tupaiodon)可能有较为密切的亲缘关系,本文将它们归入新科——Changlelestidae fam.nov.。昌乐鼩科与Plesiosoricidae和Soricidae有一些相同的进步特征,这些科与Nyctitheriidae有共同的差别。  相似文献   

The synthesis of both ontogenetic and phylogenetic data should provide the ideal explanation of morphologic variation, but for the primate dentition, this has not yet occurred. Information concerning growth and development of primate teeth is lacking, in part because of the paucity of specimens. We have therefore examined the deciduous second molars (dm2) and tooth buds of the permanent first molar (M1) of 12 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), aged 6.5 months of gestation to 4 postnatal months. The ordering of cusp calcification was identical to that of other primates. By regression analysis, correlations of mesial and distal widths with buccal, lingual, and mesiodistal lengths were low, most probably because of decreased rates of change (slopes) and the relatively small sample size. Correlations were, however, greater for mandibular than for maxillary dentition and higher for age than for body weight; for both the dm2 and M1, distal moieties increased faster and were more highly correlated with other dental variables and age than were mesial ones. Comparison with data from humans revealed both differences and similarities in the absolute size and growth rate of dental moieties during the perinatal period. As the reasons for ontogenetic variation become understood for individuals, species, and higher taxa, the phylogenetic implications of differential growth should become clearer as well.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Schwartz ('74) proposes revised homologies of the deciduous and permanent teeth in living lemuriform primates of the family Indriidae. However, new evidence provided by the deciduous dentition ofAvahi suggests that the traditional interpretations are correct, specifically: (1) the lateral teeth in the dental scraper of Indriidae are homologous with the incisors of Lemuridae and Lorisidae, not the canines; (2) the dental formula for the lower deciduous teeth of indriids is 2.1.3; (3) the dental formula for the lower permanent teeth of indriids is; and (4) decrease in number of incisors during primate evolution was usually in the sequence I3, then I2, then I1. It appears that dental reduction during primate evolution occurred at the ends of integrated incisor and cheek tooth units to minimize disruption of their functional integrity.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the gross morphology of mustelid and viverrid postcanine dentitions corresponds with differences in diet. For each species, the predominant foods ingested are used to form predictions of dental form and measurements of the carnassial and molar teeth determine the extent of shearing and crushing surfaces on the postcanine teeth. Principal components analysis distinguishes species according to morphological differences in the dentition and these differences are compared with predictions of dental form based on diet. Dietarily specialized species are more likely to be correspondingly specialized in the dentition and species with varied food sources are more likely to possess dental characteristics that are generalized in function. Consumers of foods with high fracture resistance, such as vertebrate tissue and hard-surfaced invertebrates, possess specialized shearing or crushing postcanine teeth. On the other hand, species that consume foods of lesser fracture resistance, such as fruit and soft invertebrates, differ greatly in dental form and are more generalized in dental function. A few species possess postcanine dentitions that do not correspond with diet; the absence of dental-dietary correlation in these species suggests that other factors, such as phylogeny, are important in determining dental form.  相似文献   

Four species of Indriidae are extant in Madagascar. We have studied large samples of each of these to characterize dental and cranial variation, and to estimate the degree of sexual dimorphism in the dentition and cranium. Two dental fields are apparent, characterized by reduced variability: (1) a canine field centered on the upper canine and occluding caniniform lower premolar, and (2) a cheek tooth field centered on the second molars. No consistent pattern of sexual dimorphism was found in dental or cranial dimensions, and we conclude that none of the four species is sexually dimorphic. This lack of dental and cranial dimorphism is unusual in primates, and probably reflects the relatively limited aggressive behavior and the lack of male dominance in Indriidae.  相似文献   

Propliopithecus ankeli is described as a new species of hominoid from the early Oligocene of Egypt. The new species occurs at a stratigraphic level 80 m below quarries yielding P. chirobates and Aegyptopithecus zeuxis. P. ankeli differs from other species of the genus in its large size, relatively robust canines, larger and proportionally broader premolars, and M1 that has as great or greater mesiodistal length than M2. Thus, P. ankeli is characterized by increased relative size and robustness of the antemolar dentition, which contrasts with the pattern observed in the Fayum's other large hominoid, A. zeuxis. P. ankeli probably represents a lineage not ancestral to other Fayum hominoids. Discovery of this new species emphasizes the diversity of anthropoid primates that had already evolved by the early Oligocene.  相似文献   

Age of dental eruption and epiphyseal fusion is estimated for the permanent dentition and long bone epiphyses of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), with 299 skeletons of individuals with known age of death, from the Cayo Santiago skeletal collection. Epiphyses at a given joint tend to fuse at the same time. While males and females tend to have the same pattern of epiphyseal fusion, females' epiphyses fuse earlier than those of males, espeically at the elbow and knee joints. The order of epiphyseal fusion in rhesus macaques follows the general primate pattern. Times of dental eruption for males and females are generally the same, except for the relatively late eruption of the canine in the males. The order of eruption follows a common primate pattern (dm2?M1?I1?I2?M2?(P3,P4)?C?M3). Multiple regressions were calculated in order to allow determination of developmental state, or predictions of chronological age, from epiphyseal fusion and/or dental eruption scores in juvenile rhesus macaques. Standard deviations of residuals from these regressions indicate considerable variation in developmental state among aminals of the same chronological age. The lack of correlation between residuals from the separate skeletal and dental regressions, indicates that skeletal and dental development are largely independent.  相似文献   

Four fragmentary mandibles from the Stonesfield Slate facies, Taynton Limestone Formation, Middle Bathonian (Middle Jurassic), England, represent two species of Amphitherium A. prevostii A. rixoni sp. nov. Both species had five lower premolariform teeth. The composite formula for the lower dentition of Amphitherium appears to have been I/4, C/1, P/5, M/6–7. The seventh molar is not present in the presumably oldest individual, and its presence is regarded as probably an individual variation.   The mosaic evolution of patterns of differentiation of the postcanine dentition from nonmammalian cynodonts to modern therian mammals is reviewed. It is concluded that Amphitherium probably had reached the grade of modern therians in the division between diphyodont premolars and monophyodont molars. The common ancestor of Amphitherium and zatheres probably had lost the primitive pattern of posterior shift of the postcanine dentition, which appears to have consisted of five premolars and four or possibly five molars. In Amphitherium the number of molars probably was secondarily increased.  相似文献   

A shearing quotient (SQ) is a way of quantitatively representing the Phase I shearing edges on a molar tooth. Ordinary or phylogenetic least squares regression is fit to data on log molar length (independent variable) and log sum of measured shearing crests (dependent variable). The derived linear equation is used to generate an ‘expected’ shearing crest length from molar length of included individuals or taxa. Following conversion of all variables to real space, the expected value is subtracted from the observed value for each individual or taxon. The result is then divided by the expected value and multiplied by 100. SQs have long been the metric of choice for assessing dietary adaptations in fossil primates. Not all studies using SQ have used the same tooth position or crests, nor have all computed regression equations using the same approach. Here we focus on re‐analyzing the data of one recent study to investigate the magnitude of effects of variation in 1) shearing crest inclusion, and 2) details of the regression setup. We assess the significance of these effects by the degree to which they improve or degrade the association between computed SQs and diet categories. Though altering regression parameters for SQ calculation has a visible effect on plots, numerous iterations of statistical analyses vary surprisingly little in the success of the resulting variables for assigning taxa to dietary preference. This is promising for the comparability of patterns (if not casewise values) in SQ between studies. We suggest that differences in apparent dietary fidelity of recent studies are attributable principally to tooth position examined. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:166–178, 2015 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Barberapithecus huerzeleri gen. et sp. nov. (Primates, Pliopithecidae) is erected on the basis of material from Castell de Barberà (Middle to Late Miocene, ca. 11.2-10.5 Ma), in the Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia, Spain), including: 15 teeth (representing most of the permanent dentition) from a single female individual (holotype); an isolated P/3 (paratype); and a male C1/ (referred to the hypodigm). Previously, this material had been only partially figured and described, being attributed to Pliopithecus or to a new taxon with possible crouzeliine affinities. The erection of a new genus is justified by several autapomorphic features, such as markedly buccolingually compressed and mesiodistally elongated C1/, extremely buccolingually compressed, and mesiodistally oriented C/1 main cusp, P/4 with a large trigonid subequal to the talonid, very large distal foveae on the M/1 and especially the M/2, and lower molars with a quadrangular central fovea and a mesially situated entoconid. These features are associated with a set of crouzeliine synapomorphies, such as buccolingually compressed and peripheralized cusps, well-developed crests, large and well-defined occlusal foveae, upper molars with long preprotocrista, short hypoparacrista, somewhat distally situated protocone and short distal fovea, distinct P/3 metaconid, well-developed P/4 premetacristid, and relatively narrow lower molars with a reduced entoconid. Although more primitive, Barberapithecus resembles Anapithecus in some derived features. Both taxa are included into a new tribe (Anapithecini), together with other crouzeliines except Plesiopliopithecus (tribe Crouzeliini). The retention of primitive, pliopithecine-like features in Barberapithecus suggests that anapithecins might have evolved from a Pliopithecus ancestor, so that as currently conceived the Crouzeliinae might be polyphyletic.  相似文献   

We add to the knowledge of the dentition and lower jaw of the primitive marsupial or near marsupial, Kokopellia juddi, based on newly collected materials from the medial Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian) of central Utah. The dental formula, i4 c1 p3 m4, is primitive for (or with respect to) Marsupialia, as are a number of features of the dentary and dentition: presence of a labial mandibular foramen, ?an inflected angle, ?and a trace of the meckelian groove; lack of “staggering” of the lower incisor series; lack of “twinning” between entoconid and hypoconulid on lower molars; incompletely lingual position of lower molar paraconid; upper molar protocone relatively small and mesiodistally narrow; and conules placed about halfway between the protocone and the paracone–metacone. Other than the stylocone, cusps are lacking from the stylar shelf; we argue that this represents the primitive marsupial condition based on the economy of character change and the stratigraphic record of marsupials in the Cretaceous of North America. Recent discoveries of early marsupials, eutherians, and therians of metatherian–eutherian grade provide data indicating that some derived features of the dentary and dentition (e.g., loss of coronoid, meckelian groove, and labial mandibular foramen; acquisition of strong, “winged” conules, double rank postvallum/prevallid shearing, and stylar cusp D) probably arose independently, in some cases more than once, among the major groups of tribosphenic mammals. In turn, this suggests that a common ancestor for marsupials and placentals was more primitive than has generally been appreciated.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of medium-sized fossil primate, Myanmarpithecus yarshensis, is described from the lastest middle Eocene sediments of Pondaung, central Myanmar (Burma). The specimens consist of right maxillary fragments with P(4)-M(3)and a left mandibular corpus with C-P(3)and M(2-3). To date, three purported anthropoids have been discovered from the Pondaung Formation: Pondaungia and Amphipithecus (Amphipithecidae) and Bahinia (Eosimiidae). Myanmarpithecus differs from these other Pondaung primates in having cingular hypocones on upper molars and in lacking paraconids on M(2-3). Although Myanmarpithecus resembles some utahiin omomyines in superficial aspects of the morphology of M(2-3)(i.e., mesiodistally compressed molar trigonid and enamel crenulation), the morphological analysis of upper molars and lower premolars indicates that it is neither an omomyoid nor an adapoid but is more derived than fossil prosimians (such as adapoids, omomyoids, and tarsiers) and more anthropoid-like. On the other hand, it is more primitive (prosimian-like) than early anthropoids from the late Eocene/early Oligocene of the Fayum, Egypt. Myanmarpithecus is likely to be an early, primitive anthropoid ("protoanthropoid").  相似文献   

To determine dental eruption sequences of extant platyrrhines, 367 mandibles and maxillae of informative juvenile specimens from all 16 genera were scored for presence of permanent teeth including three intermediate eruption stages following Harvati (Am J Phys Anthropol 112 (2000) 69-85). The timing of molar eruption relative to that of the anterior dentition is variable in platyrrhines. Aotus is precocious, with all molars erupting in succession before replacement of any deciduous teeth, while Cebus is delayed in M2-3 eruption relative to I1-2. Callitrichines have a distinct tendency toward delayed canine and premolar development. Platyrrhine eruption sequences presented here show some evidence of conformity to Schultz's Rule, with relatively early replacement of deciduous dentition in "slower"-growing animals. The relationship of dental eruption sequences to degree of folivory, body mass, brain mass, and dietary quality is also examined. The early eruption of molars relative to anterior teeth in Pithecia, Chiropotes, and Cacajao, in comparison to genera such as Ateles, Lagothrix, and Alouatta, showing relatively later eruption of the molars, appears to be consistent with current phylogenetic hypotheses. Schultz (Am J Phys Anthropol 19 (1935) 489-581) postulated early relative molar eruption as the primitive dental eruption schedule for primates. The extremely early molar eruption of Aotus versus Callicebus (where both incisors erupt before M2 and M3, with M3 usually last) may lend support to the status of Aotus as a basal taxon. The early relative molar eruption of the fossil platyrrhine species Branisella boliviana is also consistent with this hypothesis (Takai et al.: Am J Phys Anthropol 111 (2000) 263-281).  相似文献   

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