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报道了中国莎草科薹草属一新记录种:对马薹草(Carex tsushimensis (Ohwi) Ohwi)。该种现知分布于日本九州的对马岛和中国浙江省遂昌县的九龙山国家级自然保护区,生长于林下水沟边。根据小坚果先端具僧帽状膨大的环盘特征,对马薹草属于灰帽薹草组(sect. Mitratae),形态接近中华薹草(C. chinensis)、伴生薹草(C. sociata)和龙奇薹草(C. longkiensis)。对马薹草与伴生薹草最为近缘,区别主要在于前者叶片宽2~4 mm,小穗较少,4或5个,顶生雄小穗与其下的侧生小穗稍疏远,雌花鳞片先端延伸成长约3 mm的粗糙长芒。  相似文献   

报道了浙江薹草属一新种,即近头状薹草Carex subcapitata X.F.Jin,C.Z.Zheng&B.Y.Ding。新种以秆侧生,叶片狭,小穗1-2个生于各节及小穗雄雌顺序,而与大舌薹草C.grandiligulata K kenth.相近,区别在于苞鞘无毛,小穗宽卵形,近头状,长5-7mm,具4-7 朵雌花,雌花鳞片近卵形,果囊的喙长1.5-2mm。  相似文献   

中国薹草属二柱薹草亚属(莎草科)增补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了发现于新疆布尔津的一个中国新记录种——卵形薹草Carex leporina L.,提供了其形态描述和线描图。该种因具有雌雄顺序的小穗和鳞片状的苞片而与卵果薹草C. maackii Maxim.近缘,但花序较短、小穗较少而与后者不同。这两种植物隶属于薹草属二柱薹草亚属卵形薹草组subgen. Vignea sect. Ovales。  相似文献   

报道了中国莎草科(Cyperaceae)薹草属一新记录种——菊芳薹草(Carex trongii K.K.Nguyen)。该种分布于我国广西与越南交界地区的石灰岩地区。菊芳薹草与宽叶薹草组(Carex sect.Siderostictae Ohwi)的种类在形态上近似,但以秆中生和果囊密被糙毛而易于区别。提供了菊芳薹草的形态描述和线条图。  相似文献   

隐匿薹草组(Carex sect.Infossae)为最近建立的薹草属(Carex)的组,当时报导分布于我国安徽和江苏,有2种和1变种,即隐匿薹草(C.infossa)、显穗薹草(变种)(C.infossa var.extensa)和矮秆薹草(C.minuticulmis)。根据描述,另有15种和2变种应归属本组,这些分类群具有较为一致的特征:果囊椭圆球状卵球形或卵球形,通常疏被短毛或近无毛,先端渐狭成中等长的喙,喙口具2小齿;瘦果卵球形,先端钝或微凹。通过文献考证、标本查阅、野外采集,并结合果囊和瘦果的扫描电镜观察,对隐匿薹草组所涉及的种(含种下类群)进行了分类修订。该组仅有2种:百里薹草(C.blinii)和尖叶薹草(C.oxyphylla)。将Carex elmeri、C.granifera、矮秆薹草(C.minuticulmis)、上海薹草(C.shanghaiensis C.blinii subsp.shanghaiensis)、C.sublateralis、C.taihokuensis和锐果薹草(C.tatsutakensis)并入百里薹草;将沟囊薹草(C.canaliculata)、樟木薹草(C.changmuensis)、C.distantiflora、隐匿薹草(C.infossa)、显穗薹草(C.infossa var.extensa)、C.lateralis、C.loheri、无芒长嘴薹草(C.longerostrata var.exaristata)、城湾薹草(C.longerostrata var.hoi)、C.lyi、和平菱果薹草(C.macrandrolepis)和C.sharyotensis并入尖叶薹草。  相似文献   

摘要描述及图解了浙江薹草属Carex 5新种和1新变种,它们是:灰帽薹草组sect. Mitratae Kükenth.的天目山薹草Carex tianmushanica C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和拟三穗薹草C. pseudotristachya X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng;匏囊薹草组sect. Lageniformes (Ohwi) Nelmes的密毛薹草C. densipilosa C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;菱形果薹草组sect. Rhomboidales Kükenth.的浙南薹草C. austrozhejiangensis C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin和朝芳薹草C. chaofangii C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin;疏花薹草组sect. Laxiflorae Kunth的无芒长嘴薹草C. longerostrata C. A. Mey. var. exaristata X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对少花薹草组(Carex sect. Paniceae)27种及4变种(东亚14种4变种,北美13种)小坚果形态与微形态特征进行比较观察。结果表明(:1)所有材料小坚果的形状为倒卵球形和钝三棱状,组内很一致,长度为1.53~3.59 mm,同种不同居群个体差异不显著(P>0.05)。(2)表皮细胞一般为五至七边形,偶有四边形或八边形,丝柄薹草(C. rouyana)不同个体间有变异;垂周璧式样直或微波状;硅质台平,偶有凹或略凸,具1个中心体,C. filipes var. kuzakaiensis和C. filipes var. tremula中偶见2个中心体,无卫星体,这些性状种内稳定。(3)利用表皮细胞形状、硅质台凹凸情况和中心体个数对于区分近似种具有价值,如白马薹草(C. baimaensis)和线柄薹草(C. filipes),且可以区分一些种下等级,如线柄薹草及其变种var. kuzakaiensis、var. oligostachys和var. tremula。(4)sect. Paniceae s.s.和sect. Laxiflorae小坚果形态和微形态...  相似文献   

曲畅游  王聪聪  辛晓伟 《广西植物》2018,38(10):1399-1403
该文报道了中国莎草属(Cyperus)一新记录种——箱根莎草(C. hakonensis Franch.Sav.),丰富了该种形态特征的中文描述并补充了该种的植物解剖图。该种的主要特征是小穗淡绿色,宽约2 mm。鳞片先端具外弯的短尖,中间具龙骨状突起,淡绿色,两侧边缘膜质透明,果实表面光滑。凭证标本存于山东药品食品职业学院标本馆(SDFH)中。  相似文献   

描述了我国广西大苗山莎草科Cyperaceae一新种——大苗山薹草Carex damiaoshanensis X. F. Jin & C. Z. Zheng。本种形态上与花葶薹草C. scaposa C. B. Clarke接近, 区别主要在秆、秆生叶和支花序轴均无毛, 支花序数较少, 小穗疏生雌花。对秆、支花序梗、秆生叶和小坚果扫描电镜观察也显示了这二者的区别。  相似文献   

平卧棘豆Oxrytropis prostrata(Pall.)DC主要分布于蒙古和俄罗斯,最近发现在中国的呼伦贝尔草原区也有分布,属于中国新记录种。该种主要特征为茎基部多分枝,托叶大部分与叶柄合生,密被白色柔毛,小叶先端钝圆或微凹,龙骨瓣先端喙长约2mm,子房和荚果光滑无毛。  相似文献   

Chirita luochengensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. linearifolia in leaf shape, but can be distinguished by the apex of leaf blade obtuse to round, corolla purplish, 3–4.2 cm long, corolla tube 2–2.5 cm long, 10–15 mm diameter at the mouth, staminodes 3, disc ca. 2.5 mm in height, pistil 2.5–3 cm long, stigma obtrapeziform, 4 mm long, and apex shallowly 2-lobed.  相似文献   

Carex tenuirostrata, a new species of C. sect. Confertiflorae, is described from Pingyang and Putuo counties of Zhejiang province, China. It is morphologically similar to C. pseudodispalata, but differs in its androgynous lateral spikes; distended perigynia attenuately contracted into a short beak at the apex; ellipsoid-obovoid achenes contracted into a slender beak at the apex; and long-sheathed lower bracts. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs of the achenes of the new species and C. pseudodispalata are provided for comparison.  相似文献   

Sparganium fushunense Geng is described as new from the Jijuntun Formation (Middle to Late Eocene) of Fushun region in Liaoning Province, China. The preserved fertile branches bear fruiting heads. A morphological comparison of the fruit heads is made between the specimens studied here with those of the living species and other fossil species. The results show that the new species is distinguishable mainly by the shape of the tepals and the size of the fruits. Sparganium fushunense Geng, sp. nov. Head-bearing axis at least 14.5 cm long, about 1.0 mm wide, with longitudinal striae more or less parallel on its surface. Axes with 4~6 lateral fruit heads, interval between heads 0.5~2.0 cm. Fruiting head sessile, globose, about 5 mm in diameter, made up of tightly packed tepals and fruits radiating from a small receptacle. Tepals narrowly obovate, apically rounded, about 1.8 mm long, 0.2~0.7 mm wide. Fruits elliptic, sessile, with smooth surface, 1.16~1.25 mm long, at apex with a beak 1.5~2.0 mm long. Seed elliptic, long axis 0.48~0.75 mm long, short axis 0.23~0.45 mm long. Seed coat cells irregularly polygonal , 4.1~19 vn in diameter, with smaller ones in both the apical and basalparts,the larger ones in the middle part and a papillate process at the apex.  相似文献   

描述了中国石豆兰属Bulbophyllum一新种——天贵卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum tianguii K.Y.Lang & D.Luo),并提供墨线图。该种产于广西乐业县,与富宁卷瓣兰B.funingense Z.H.Tsi & S.C.Chen外貌颇相似,但中萼片先端渐尖并具3 mm长的芒,侧萼片宽4~4.5 mm,花瓣先端渐尖并具1.5 mm长的芒,唇盘具2条肉质、具缘毛的纵脊,可与后者明显区别。  相似文献   

Aspidistra longgangensis C. R. Lin, Y. S. Huang & Yan Liu, a new species of Asparagaceae from the limestone areas in Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to A. guangxiensis S. C. Tang & Yan Liu in the shape of the flower, but differs by leaf blade pachyphyllous and bigger; the perianth lobes with appendages at base, appendage oblong, 3–5 mm long, apex incurved; stigma upper surface white, with 4(3) radial, bifurcate lines in the center. The new species is currently known only from Longgang National Natural Reserve, situated in southwestern Guangxi, China, near the border with northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

Chionographis shiwandashanensis a new species from southern Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to C. koidzumiana Ohwi and C. chinensis Krause in habit, but distinguished by oblong‐elliptic to oblong bractlike leaves and 6, filiform, regular tepals.  相似文献   

榧属(红豆杉科)一新种——四川榧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易同培  杨林  隆廷伦 《植物研究》2006,26(5):513-515
本新种在种子形态上与云南榧Torreya yunnanensis Cheng et L.K. Fu 相似,不同在于体态为小乔木,高4~5 m,直径10~15 cm;叶较小,长(1.2)1.5~2 cm,宽2.2~3 mm,先端具短尖头,基部圆形或圆楔形,上面仅下部有2条不明显的纵槽,下面2条灰白色气孔带较宽,其宽度与中脉和绿色边带近相等;带假种皮种子倒卵球形或稀近圆球形,较小,直径1.6~2 cm(云南榧2~2.5 cm),易于区别。  相似文献   

描述了福建省中北部山区鸢尾科(Iridaceae)鸢尾属(Iris)一新种:君子峰鸢尾(I. junzifengensis S. P. Chen, X. Y. Chen&L.Ma),新种与蝴蝶花(I. japonica Thunb.)、台湾鸢尾(I. formosana Ohwi)相近。与蝴蝶花不同之处在于叶片宽大,叶脉明显,表面粗糙;花为顶生稀疏总状聚伞花序,分枝2~6;花大,直径5.0~7.0 cm,花被裂片边缘波状皱褶,全缘,顶端稍有凹缺;蒴果三棱状圆柱形。与台湾鸢尾不同之处在于花小,花被裂片边缘波状皱褶,全缘,顶端稍有凹缺;蒴果三棱状圆柱形。形态特征比较及分子系统发育分析均支持该新种的成立。  相似文献   


A new Inner Mongolian endemic species, Bryoerythrophyllum neimonggolicum X.-L.Bai & C.Feng is described and illustrated from China. It is characterized by lingulate to broad-lanceolate leaves with obtuse or rounded apex, leaf margins broadly recurved to revolute to near the apex, bulging laminal cells, basal cells with thickened walls and the absence of lax and enlarged basal cells. This species is compared with closely related species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

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