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硫解高效液相色谱法快速检测原花青素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开发一种苄硫醇分解-高效液相色谱检测原花青素的新方法,本研究制备并纯化了苄硫醚-表儿茶素和苄硫醚-表儿茶素没食子酸酯,并与没食子酸、儿茶素、表儿茶素和表儿茶素没食子酸酯为对照品,在新的色谱条件下6种硫解产物可在11 min之内完成分离,外标法定量分析RSD均小于1.86%(n=5),最低检出限为0.5~1.5 ng,在1 ng~960 ng之间线性关系良好(r≥0.9996),平均回收率77.8%~94.6%。这种方法可用于植物及其提取物中原花青素含量及平均聚合度的快速分析。  相似文献   

酶辅助提取莲房原花青素工艺及其抗氧化活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要用纤维素酶和果胶酶对莲房组织进行酶解,以提高莲房原花青素提取率。采用四因素三水平正交实验对酶解时间、加酶量和酶解温度等提取工艺参数进行优化,获得了最佳工艺参数为纤维素酶添加量为0.7%,果胶酶添加量0.1%,酶解温度55℃,酶解时间2.5h,优化后的提取工艺与直接醇提法相比,能将莲房原花青素的提取率提高约48%。在此基础上采用DPPH法进行了抗氧化性的对比,结果表明酶辅助提取和醇提法提取的原花青素有着相同的抗氧化性。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术,以葡萄风信子‘拉特夫拉姆’(Muscari latifolium)为材料,建立葡萄风信子花青素苷分析方法,研究了流动相配置、有机相初始及最高比例、流速等对葡萄风信子花青素苷洗脱效果的影响,并对该优化体系进行了可行性验证;采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用(HPLC-MS)技术进一步对其成分进行结构鉴定。结果显示:(1)以0.1%甲酸水溶液-80%乙腈为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速0.8mL/min,Tosoh C18色谱柱柱温35℃为条件,可获得良好的洗脱效果。(2)在质量浓度为0.001~1mg/mL范围内线性良好,相关系数0.999 8;采用该技术方法对标准品矢车菊素的最低检出限为0.1μg/mL,加样回收率在94.4%~99.8%之间,相对标准偏差1.42%。(3)葡萄风信子花瓣中共鉴定出6种花青素苷,分别是飞燕草素-3-O-葡萄糖苷、矮牵牛素-3-O-葡萄糖苷、锦葵素-3-O-葡萄糖苷、天竺葵素-3-O-咖啡酰槐糖苷-5-O-阿拉伯糖苷、矢车菊素、矢车菊素-3-O-对香豆酰葡萄糖苷-5-O-丙二酰葡萄糖苷。  相似文献   

原花青素防癌抗癌作用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了原花青素对各种癌症的预防或治疗作用。  相似文献   

苹果不同品种果实原花青素含量及其动态变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用香草醛-盐酸法测定了苹果(Malus domestica Mill.)5个品种的幼果和成熟果原花青素含量,并对品种‘富士'和‘新红星'果实发育期间原花青素含量的变化动态进行了研究.结果表明,苹果幼果富含原花青素,5个品种含量在8.46~13.90 mg*g-1(FW)之间,以品种‘金冠'最高,‘乔纳金'次之.苹果成熟果实原花青素主要存在于果皮中,含量达4.232~7.307 mg*g-1(FW),果肉中含量为0.525~1.034 mg*g-1(FW),以品种‘新红星'和‘富士'最高.‘富士'和‘新红星'果实发育期间原花青素含量变化动态基本一致,发育早期果皮原花青素含量呈增加趋势,5月底达最高值,之后下降,7月中旬以后基本稳定;果肉原花青素含量一直呈下降趋势,8月中旬以后基本保持稳定.  相似文献   

作为葡萄加工的副产物,葡萄籽中富含葡萄籽油和低聚原花青素。作者利用超临界二氧化碳萃取葡萄籽后所得的残渣为原料,以含有0.8%醋酸的乙醇溶液为提取剂来提取其中的原花青素,在55℃条件下进行两次重复提取,葡萄籽残渣与提取液的比例控制在1∶8(W/V),每次提取60 min,原料中原花青素的提取率可以达到98.2%;为提高产品的贮藏稳定性,还对以阿拉伯胶与麦芽糊精组合作为原花青素微胶囊壁材来进行微胶囊化的工艺进行研究,结果表明在阿拉伯胶占壁材40%、芯壁材比为3∶7,混合液中固形物含量为20%的条件下,经喷雾干燥后所得原花青素的产率为88.84%,微胶囊化效率达到99.2%。检测结果表明,原花青素紫外吸收光谱在微胶囊化前后没有变化,而其贮藏稳定性得到提高。  相似文献   

采用反相高效液相色谱法和电喷雾质谱法对我国野生笃斯越橘中花青素组分进行了分离和分析.制备野生越橘花青素的粗提物,经大孔树脂柱层析得到花青素样品,其得率为0.72%.用香草醛法测得其总黄烷醇含量为95%.采用Alltima C18反相色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),以2 %甲酸水溶液(A)和2 %甲酸/甲醇溶液(B)作为流动相,分2个梯度对花青素组分进行洗脱,将其主要洗脱峰在电喷雾正离子模式下进行分析,根据质谱的准分子离子[M+H](m/z)检测其聚合度.结果表明,我国野生越橘花青素的提取物被展开成8个主要的洗脱峰,以峰面积计算,主要洗脱峰总含量达85%.经质谱分析,判断为2个单体,3个二聚体,1个三聚体,2个四聚体.结果表明,我国野生笃斯越橘中含有较丰富的花青素,低聚体是其中的主要成分.本文首次报道了我国大兴安岭野生笃斯越橘花青素的组成情况,对于开展其后续的结构、功能、质量检测以及生产开发研究都具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

建立了水果中飞燕草色素、矢车菊色素、矮牵牛色素、天竺葵色素、芍药素和锦葵色素等6种花青素含量的高效液相色谱测定方法,并对该方法的线性、精密度、回收率、稳定性进行了方法学验证。利用本方法测定了10种水果中6种花青素含量,结果表明:强酸溶液提取并水解得到花青素的处理方式稳定好、精密度高、回收率好,液相条件分离效果好,定量准确度高。10种水果测定结果表明,不同种类水果中花青素含量差异显著,花青素总量高的水果中6种花青素单体的含量差异显著,且不同种类水果中优势花青素单体不同。  相似文献   

该研究以7个品种铁筷子(Helleborus thibetanus Franch.)为试验材料,借助目视测色、RHSCC比色卡、色差仪进行花色表型的测定,采用高效液相色谱法-光电二极管阵列检测方法(HPLC-DAD)及高效液相色谱-电喷雾离子化-质谱联用技术(HPLC-ESI-MS)测定分析铁筷子花瓣中花青素苷成分及含量,以探究不同品种铁筷子的花色与花青素苷成分及含量之间的关系。结果显示:(1)紫色系品种花瓣的a*值最高b*值最低,黄色系品种花瓣的b*值最高a*值最低,不同品种的铁筷子花色越深L*值越低。(2)从5个有花青素苷积累的铁筷子品种中检测出11种花青素苷成分,分别为6种矢车菊素苷,4种飞燕草素苷,1种矮牵牛素苷;供试的铁筷子材料中红色系2个品种的花青素苷含量最高,紫色系品种次之;矢车菊素苷与飞燕草素苷为影响铁筷子花瓣呈色的主要色素物质。(3)不同种类的花青素和修饰基团的差异,导致铁筷子花瓣呈现不同的色彩,含有多种酰基化修饰的飞燕草素苷使铁筷子花色蓝移进而使花色加深。(4)相关分析表明,铁筷子花瓣的L*值与a*值呈显著负相关关系,与b*值呈显著的正相关关系;L*值与总花青素苷含量呈显著负相关关系,且随着花青素苷含量的累积a*值增加,花色红移。研究表明,花青素苷的成分及含量是导致铁筷子花瓣呈现不同颜色的主要原因,矢车菊素苷和飞燕草素苷的互作以及酰基化的修饰使铁筷子呈现不同程度的紫色,花青素苷的不同累积量影响了花瓣颜色的明暗变化,从而使铁筷子花瓣颜色丰富。  相似文献   

抑郁症是目前给社会造成最多负担的疾病之一。目前治疗抑郁症的药物存在多种副作用,近年来,伴随对植物化学物功能的深入研究,原花青素所发挥出的抗抑郁作用逐渐引起人们的关注。本文综述原花青素的抗抑郁作用及其相关机制。  相似文献   

Forty-six polygonaceous plants were examined regarding the nature and amount of anthocyanidins which were obtained as the HCl-hydrolyzate of leaf proanthocyanidins. All of the plants examined contained cyanidin in common in their hydrolyzed leafextracts. From this survey, at least three groups of plants may be distinguished; the first containing only cyanidin, the second delphinidin in addition to cyanidin and the third an unknown anthocyanidin (called PA-X) and cyanidin. Of the plants examined,Polygonum cuspidatum leaves yielded cyanidin in the largest amounf. There were no geographical and seasondl variations of the distribution pattern of pigments in the plants, and also no variation of anthocyanidin-types was observed in young and mature leaves. A further survey of anthocyanins in the plants revealed that delphinidin glycosides are present in the sepals ofPolygonum nepalense andP. thunbergii.  相似文献   

A survey for cyanogenesis in ferns and gymnosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
298 species of ferns and 48 species of gymnosperms were tested for cyanogenic activity. 5% of the fern species examined gave positive results, but these showed no correlation with taxonomic groupings. None of the gymnosperms surveyed gave a positive result. The limitations of a survey of this type for detecting cyanogenesis in plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Procyanidin A from Aesculus hippocastanum differs from the B type procyanidin in that it is difficultly soluble in water, gives a higher yield of cyanidin when heated in butanolic HCl and the production of cyanidin continues beyond the 2 hr period sufficient for maximum production in the case of B type procyanidin. Anthocyanidin production and tannic acid equivalent (TAE) of extracts of species in which A and D type procyanidins have been reported to occur have been studied. Evidence of their presence was also found in Ribes laurifolium. Preparations of prodelphinidin from leaves of red currant and sainfoin had approximately twice the anthocyanidin production and the astringency of procyanidin B. Sources especially rich in prodelphinidin were a number of Ribes spp., Salix cinerea and Platanus acerifolia, from all of which the tannin was easily extracted. Some other species such as Pilea cadieri, although rich in prodelphinidin, are not suitable as sources because of the inextractability of the tannin.  相似文献   

After becoming nearly extinct during the Permian, the ferns began a slow recovery during the Triassic as the climate of the earth moderated. As a result, a considerable number and variety were present and widely distributed during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. However, with the rapid expansion of the angiosperms during the Late Cretaceous, the ferns once again became reduced in variety and greatly restricted in distribution. Some of the Mesozoic ferns are rather primitive and obviously are closely related descendants of Paleozoic taxa. Such ferns are assigned mostly to the Marattiaceae, Guaireaceae, Osmundaceae, and Gleicheniaceae. The majority of the Mesozoic ferns, however, are distinctive and appear to have originated during that era. These fossil ferns generally fit into modern orders and families such as the Matoniaceae or the Dipteridaceae. In some cases, it is difficult to clearly distinguish some of the Mesozoic ferns from living genera. A portion was presented as an invited paper to the symposium: Evolution of pteridophytes and gymnosperms at the XV International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan (1993).  相似文献   

Ferns and gymnosperms are two of the most important traditionally recognized groups of vascular plants, but both are unnatural when viewed in terms of phylogenetic systematics. That is to say that neither consists of a monophyletic group. Nevertheless, both continue to be recognized as informal groupings of plants because representatives of each have similar grades of structural and reproductive features, and because many aspects of their natural relationships remain equivocal. Monophylesis for some traditionally recognized groups of pteridophytes and gymnosperms is fairly well established, but is unresolved or highly suspect for others. The latter include fernssensu lato, filicalean ferns, seed ferns and coniferophytes. Some recent studies also question whether conifers represent an unnatural assemblage. However, a taxon that includes the Marsileales and Salviniales recently has been interpreted to be monophyletic. Comparisons of results from phylogenetic analyses using either morphological or molecular characters provide a basis for assessing the strengths of systematic hypotheses and suggest fruitful avenues for future study. It is clear from all approaches that the greatest impediment to resolution of phylogenetic relationships in the inadequate rate at which new data are being developed.  相似文献   

Ferns and lycophytes have remarkably large genomes. However, little is known about how their genome size evolved in fern lineages. To explore the origins and evolution of chromosome numbers and genome size in ferns, we used flow cytometry to measure the genomes of 240 species (255 samples) of extant ferns and lycophytes comprising 27 families and 72 genera, of which 228 species (242 samples) represent new reports. We analyzed correlations among genome size, spore size, chromosomal features, phylogeny, and habitat type preference within a phylogenetic framework. We also applied ANOVA and multinomial logistic regression analysis to preference of habitat type and genome size. Using the phylogeny, we conducted ancestral character reconstruction for habitat types and tested whether genome size changes simultaneously with shifts in habitat preference. We found that 2C values had weak phylogenetic signal, whereas the base number of chromosomes (x) had a strong phylogenetic signal. Furthermore, our analyses revealed a positive correlation between genome size and chromosome traits, indicating that the base number of chromosomes (x), chromosome size, and polyploidization may be primary contributors to genome expansion in ferns and lycophytes. Genome sizes in different habitat types varied significantly and were significantly correlated with habitat types; specifically, multinomial logistic regression indicated that species with larger 2C values were more likely to be epiphytes. Terrestrial habitat is inferred to be ancestral for both extant ferns and lycophytes, whereas transitions to other habitat types occurred as the major clades emerged. Shifts in habitat types appear be followed by periods of genomic stability. Based on these results, we inferred that habitat type changes and multiple whole-genome duplications have contributed to the formation of large genomes of ferns and their allies during their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

【目的】研究葡萄酒发酵过程中原花色素对酿酒酵母氧化状态的影响。【方法】以一株商业酵母和一株实验室筛选酵母为研究对象, 向模拟葡萄汁培养基中添加0.1、1.0 g/L原花色素, 考察发酵末期酵母活菌数和存活率, 以及不同时期酵母超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性和丙二醛(MDA)的含量。【结果】原花色素可以提高发酵末期活菌的数量及存活率, 同时会提高胞内SOD和CAT的活性, 降低胞内MDA的含量, 而且原花色素含量越高作用越明显。【结论】在发酵过程中原花色素可以清除细胞内活性氧, 对细胞产生保护作用, 进而保证发酵顺利进行。  相似文献   

Prior RL  Gu L 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(18):2264-2280
Dietary intake of proanthocyanidins (PAs) has been largely unknown because of the lack of reliable values for their content in foods. Recent development of an analytical method for PAs has allowed the quantification of individual oligomers and polymers. This method has been employed to analyze food samples collected under the USDA National Food and Nutrition Analysis Program. A database of the PA content in common foods and also infant foods has been established. It has been shown that PAs account for a major fraction of flavonoids ingested in the US diet and infants and children appear to ingest more PAs than adults on the basis of body weight. These data will provide an opportunity to examine the association between PA intake and health and disease outcomes in epidemiological studies. PA analysis and the significance of PAs in nutrition and diet are reviewed.  相似文献   

以68种蕨类植物和2种石松类植物的rps12基因为对象,在系统发育背景下,结合最大似然法,使用HyPhy和PAML软件对该基因进行进化速率和适应性进化研究。结果显示:位于IR区的外显子2~3,其替换率明显降低,rps12基因编码序列的替换率也随之降低,且rps12基因密码子第3位的GC含量明显升高;在蕨类植物的进化过程中,3′-rps12更倾向定位于IR区,以保持较低的替换率;rps12基因编码的123个氨基酸位点中,共检测到4个正选择位点和116个负选择位点。研究结果表明基因序列进入到IR区后,显示出降低的替换率;强烈的负选择压力表明RPS12蛋白的高度保守性以及rps12基因的功能和结构已经趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Composition and seasonal patterns of the fern spore bank were compared to the surface vegetation of grasslands on dolomite rock in Hungary. Viability and potential dormancy of spores were tested through storage experiments. Although Asplenium ruta-muraria L. was the only species found at the study sites, five others, probably originating from air-borne spores from nearby areas, emerged from the soil samples. Considerable seasonal variability was detected in the number of prothallia emerging from soil samples from different sampling dates, with a peak after spore dispersal. The increased number of emerging prothallia after 1 year of storage suggests that a part of the spores stored in the soil samples were presumably dormant. Investigations on the dormancy of fern spores might be of great interest, especially in species adapted to seasonally unfavourable habitats.  相似文献   

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