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细叶云南松(Pinus yunnanensis var. tenuifolia)是分布于滇、黔、桂交界处的一个云南松变种, 其自然生境独特, 属典型的干热河谷气候, 具有重要的生态、经济价值。该研究以分布于南盘江-红水河流域沿线的8个细叶云南松天然种群为材料, 采用描述性统计及巢式方差分析比较种群间及种群内种实性状差异, 运用Pearson相关及典型相关分析探究种实性状与地理气象因子间的相关性, 最后对种群进行主成分聚类和Mantel检验, 揭示其种实性状地理变异模式。结果显示: 细叶云南松11个种实性状在种群间和种群内都存在极显著差异(p < 0.001), 变异丰富。种实性状以种群内变异为主(平均表型分化系数VST = 18.65%), 球果性状种群间分化(24.22%-39.88%)高于种子及种翅性状(4.14%-13.80%), 表明球果性状受到更强的环境选择。尽管部分相关系数未达显著水平, 但整体上种实性状与经纬度、年平均气温呈正相关关系, 与相对湿度、年降水量呈负相关关系, 表明细叶云南松种实性状受到地理隔离、湿度和温度的协同选择作用, 使其能较好适应干热环境。主成分聚类将参试种群划分为3类, 位于东部的罗甸伍家坟(WJ)、罗甸大亭(DT)种群聚为一类, 其种实形态较大, 位于西南部的兴义坝汪(BW)种群单独一类, 其种实形态较小, 其他种群聚为一类, 种实形态介于前两类之间。总体上, 种实性状值有自西向东递增的趋势。Mantel检验表明, 参试种群存在明显的空间结构, 主要体现为渐变群模式。  相似文献   

以云南省思茅松(Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis)天然分布区的11个种群的16个种实性状为研究对象, 采用巢式方差分析、变异系数、相关分析和非加权配对算术平均法(UPGMA)等多种分析方法, 探讨思茅松种群间和种群内的表型变异。结果表明: 思茅松种实表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在着较丰富的差异, 种群内的变异(54.76%)大于种群间的变异(10.44%), 种群间平均分化系数为11.95%, 分化程度相对较小。球果总种子数的平均变异系数最高(35.51%), 其次是球果质量(35.1%), 种子大小的平均变异系数最小(8.86%), 成为最稳定的种实性状; 景谷县的表型多样性最丰富, 景洪市则最小。球果和种子大部分表型性状之间存在显著或极显著相关, 其中球果长和球果质量越大, 种鳞长、种子长、种翅长、千粒重、球果总种鳞数和球果总种子数就越大。生态因子中, 年平均气温对表型性状影响最大, 其次是1月平均气温和>5 ℃积温。利用种群间聚类分析可以把思茅松的11个种群分为2类4个亚类, 表型性状依据地理距离进行聚类, 聚类结果与年降水量和>5 ℃积温相关性显著。  相似文献   

Pinus yunnanensis Franch. and P. yunnanensis Franch. var. pygmaea (Hsüeh) Hsüeh were cultivated at the same area and in the same year. It was found that P. yunnanensis var. pygmaea maintains its dwarfism even growing in a suitable habitat. The wood structures of this dwarf pine exhibit several characters similar to those of the phenotypic dwarf pine, such as that the length of tracheids is shortened; the diameter becomes narrowed; resin canals increase and more or less concentrate in the late wood; the boundary between early wood and late wood is indistinct, etc. However, it is rather difficult to find the twisted tracheids which is commonly seen in the phenotypic dwarf pine.  相似文献   

树木是森林生态系统的基本组成, 其生长受气象因子的影响, 基于此, 该研究通过监测樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)的径向生长, 研究樟子松生长日动态规律、季节动态规律及其与气象因子的关系, 探讨河北塞罕坝地区樟子松森林生态系统对气候变化的响应机制。此外, 以往研究树木生长大多数基于树轮年代学, 缺少短期树木径向生长动态的研究。该研究利用径向生长记录仪监测河北塞罕坝机械林场内樟子松连续3年(2016-2018)的树干径向动态变化。结果表明: 由于树干的水分吸收与蒸腾作用, 樟子松树干径向昼夜变化呈现季节性规律, 可划分为4个阶段: 春季萌动期、夏季生长期、秋冬交替期和冬季休眠期。塞罕坝樟子松树干径向生长开始于每年4月初; 4月初至5月中旬为水分恢复阶段; 5月中旬至7月中旬为快速生长阶段; 7月中旬至10月中旬为缓慢生长阶段; 10月中、下旬生长趋于停止, 并有树干径向收缩现象。以一天为时间尺度, 在快速生长阶段(5月初至7月中旬)樟子松径向生长主要受空气温度的影响; 缓慢生长阶段(7月中旬至10月下旬)降水量、空气温度均影响樟子松径向生长。以15天为时间尺度, 温度对樟子松径向生长的影响显著。结果显示樟子松的生长动态规律及其影响因子, 为未来樟子松生理研究提供参考时间节点, 同时在极端低温与干旱的情况下, 为半干旱地区樟子松的生长状态提供参考依据。  相似文献   

该研究以广西低海拔盆地向云贵高原过渡的连续地理区域内江南油杉(Keteleeria fortunei var. cyclolepis)林为对象,采用方差分析、多重比较、相关分析、逐步回归分析等方法,对4省(区)9个江南油杉天然种群的16个种实表型性状进行比较研究,探讨种群间种实表型性状多样性及其与地理环境因子的关系。结果表明:江南油杉种实表型性状在种群间存在丰富变异,16个种实性状在种群间均达到显著或极显著差异;9个种群中望谟种群变异最大(2.54%),16个种实表型性状中种子宽变异最大(9.04%),种群间种子性状的变异高于球果的变异,说明球果性状变异稳定性高;种实部分表型性状间呈显著或极显著相关,其中种子宽、种子厚、种子长宽比、种鳞长宽比、苞鳞长宽比是较为关键的性状,能在一定程度上反映种实质量;种子性状受地理环境因子的影响比球果大,表现为西部种源种子更趋于圆形,饱满,种翅较长,较宽;地理环境因子中,海拔与多数种实性状间呈显著相关性,是种实表型性状变异的主要来源,因此,海拔是影响种实表型性状变异的主要因素。该研究结果对进一步保护、利用江南油杉种质资源具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

对福建五一林场马尾松(PinusmasonianaLamb.)种子园20个无性系的种子品质及单株球果产量进行了统计分析,结果表明:无性系间在种子品质上存在着极显著差异,而无性系内除种子千粒重差异不显著外,其他性状(果径、果长、单果重和单果出籽数)差异极显著。20个无性系的单株球果产量大多逐年上升。同时对不同年份无性系结实的稳定性进行分析,划分出较稳定的无性系和较不稳定的无性系,评选出了种子高产品质优良的无性系。  相似文献   

Aims Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica is one of the main afforestation tree species in North China. It is important to study the characters of growth and carbon (C) sequestration, which can provide scientific basis for the sustainable management. Therefore, our study aims at quantifying the growth characters and C sequestration in these middle-aged plantations, and to investigate the effect of diameter at breast height (DBH) on those dynamics. Methods We selected a middle-aged P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantation as our permanent experimental plot, which is located in Saihanba, Hebei Province, China. DBH and height of all stands in this plot were measured in 2006 and 2016. Based on the anatomical trees and allometric equation, we calculated C density and sequestration from 2006 to 2016. We also analyzed C sequestration in different DBH groups in the study area. Important findings Our results showed that the carbon sink of those middle-age (age between 28 and 38 years old) plantation would be enhanced in future, and there were differences in characters of growth and C sequestration among DBH groups. The decadal increment rate of DBH and height were 4.19% and 1.97%, and the increment rate was the lowest in the 0-10 cm DBH class. The mortality rate of the plantation was 8.39%, with 7.82% mortality occurred in 0-10 cm tree size class. The forest stands biomass carbon stocks in 2006 and 2016 were 59.04 and 109.64 t?hm-2, respectively, and almost 87.1% of the carbon stocks were in the middle DBH-class, even though the number of trees only accounted for nearly 59.2%. The small class’s number of trees accounted for 39.1%, while the carbon stocks accounted for 8.3%. Our results also demonstrate that forests in Saihanba would continue to act as a carbon sink in the coming years. The variations among DBH groups highlights that the diameter class should be taken into consideration while assess the ecological efficiency and carbon sequestration capacity in a certain area.  相似文献   

该研究以广西低海拔盆地向云贵高原过渡的连续地理区域内江南油杉(Keteleeria fortunei var.cyclolepis)林为对象,采用方差分析、多重比较、相关分析、逐步回归分析等方法,对4省(区)9个江南油杉天然种群的16个种实表型性状进行比较研究,探讨种群间种实表型性状多样性及其与地理环境因子的关系。结果表明:江南油杉种实表型性状在种群间存在丰富变异,16个种实性状在种群间均达到显著或极显著差异;9个种群中望谟种群变异最大(2.54%),16个种实表型性状中种子宽变异最大(9.04%),种群间种子性状的变异高于球果的变异,说明球果性状变异稳定性高;种实部分表型性状间呈显著或极显著相关,其中种子宽、种子厚、种子长宽比、种鳞长宽比、苞鳞长宽比是较为关键的性状,能在一定程度上反映种实质量;种子性状受地理环境因子的影响比球果大,表现为西部种源种子更趋于圆形,饱满,种翅较长,较宽;地理环境因子中,海拔与多数种实性状间呈显著相关性,是种实表型性状变异的主要来源,因此,海拔是影响种实表型性状变异的主要因素。该研究结果对进一步保护、利用江南油杉种质资源具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

云南松及其近缘种的遗传变异与亲缘关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

云南松及其近缘种的遗传变异与亲缘关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The authors investigated the genetic diversity of 29 natural populations representing Pinus yunnanensis Franch. and its two close relatives, P. densata Mast. and P. kesiya Royle ex Gordn. var. langbianensis (A Chey.) Gaussen. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was performed for macrogametophytes collected from populations in Yunnan, Sichuan and Guangxi. Allozyme data for 33 loci of 14 enzymes demonstrated high levels of genetic variation at both population and species levels in comparison with other conifers, with the mean values for populations being P=0.694, A=2.0 and He=0.145 for P. yunnanensis; P=0.714, A=2.0 and He=0.174 for P. densata; and P=0.758, A=2.1 and He=0.184 for P. kesiya var. langbianensis. Based on Wright's F-statistics, the fixation index of P. yunnanensis, P. densata and P. kesiya var.langbianensis were 0.101, 0.054 and 0.143, respectively, indicating that the populations were largely under random mating. Based on Nei's genetic distance, the genetic differentiation was not obvious among the three species (i.e. the genetic distance was less than 0.075). Because of the wider distribution of P. yunnanensis with greater variety of habitats, it was shown that the genetic differentiation among the P. yunnanensis populations was larger than that of the populations of the other two species. According to morphological, geographic and allozymic evidences, the authors suggested that the three species be better treated as varieties under a single species. In addition, the extensive gene flow among the three pine species resulted in great genetic diversity and evolutionary potential. Also, high level of genetic variation of P. yunnanensis provides important basis for its genetic improvement and breeding in future.  相似文献   

戈壁针茅(Stipa tianschanica var. gobica)草原主要分布于荒漠草原区的石质丘陵或石质山坡, 向东可以分布在典型草原区的石质丘陵或山地, 向西也可以分布在荒漠区的石质山坡上。该研究调查了中国戈壁针茅草原的主要植被类型, 通过对115个样地的样方数据分析, 量化描述了这一草原类型的主要植物群落特征。结果表明, 中国戈壁针茅草原共有维管植物272种, 隶属于38科127属; 其中裸子植物3种, 隶属于1科1属; 被子植物269种, 隶属于37科126属, 物种数大于等于10种的科为: 菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、百合科、藜科、石竹科; 戈壁针茅草原植物区系的生活型谱以地面芽植物为主, 共178种植物, 占总种数的65.44%; 水分生态类型以旱生植物为主, 共120种, 占总种数的44.12%; 植物区系地理成分上以东古北极分布种和亚洲中部分布种(含其变型)最多, 分别为82种和80种, 占总种数的30.14%和29.41%; 盖度等级划分上以0.1%-1.0%的盖度最多, 共174种, 占总种数的63.97%; 恒有度等级划分上以I级(0-20%)的物种数最多, 共258种植物, 占所有植物种数的94.85%。基于群落调查数据, 按照群落-外貌分类原则, 将戈壁针茅群系划分为8个群丛组106个群丛。  相似文献   

为选育高产、优质的樟子松种质资源,本研究以吉林省白城市林木种子园的304个樟子松无性系为材料,对其生长性状(树高、地径、胸径、3 m处直径、冠幅、分枝角度和侧枝粗度)和结实性状(2015、2016和2017年的结实量)进行调查分析。方差分析结果表明除冠幅外无性系间各性状差异均达极显著水平(P<0.01);各指标表型变异系数的变化范围为3.79%~65.22%,重复力变化范围为0.24~0.70;相关性分析结果表明除侧枝粗度与3 m处直径相关未达到显著水平外,树高、胸径、地径、冠幅与侧枝粗度间相关均达极显著水平,不同树龄的结实量与大部分生长性状相关未达显著水平。依据生长性状,以5%的入选率对无性系进行综合评价,15个无性系入选,入选无性系在树高、地径、胸径、3 m处直径、分枝角度和侧枝粗度等指标的遗传增益分别为5.47%、4.48%、15.18%、11.78%、2.38%和6.66%;依据3年结实量,以5%的入选率对无性系进行综合评价,15个无性系入选,入选无性系在2015年、2016年和2017年的平均结实量的遗传增益分别为2.89%、46.32%和13.88%。该研究为樟子松种子园优良无性系的选择提供材料,也为吉林西部樟子松良种选育提供基础。  相似文献   

为探究不同产地暴马丁香﹝Syringa reticulata subsp. amurensis ( Rupr.) P. S. Green et M. C. Chang〕种子和幼苗的表型性状变异规律及其与地理-气候因子的关系,以来源于黑龙江、河北、北京、内蒙古、青海和山西的10个种源(包括6个野生种源和4个栽培种源)的种子和幼苗为实验材料,对种子长和宽、种翅长和宽、百粒质量、发芽率、叶长和宽、叶长与叶宽的比值、叶柄长、株高和地径12个表型性状进行测量;在此基础上,进行了方差分析、变异系数分析、主成分分析、聚类分析及相关性分析。结果显示:暴马丁香不同种源间种子和幼苗的表型性状均有极显著差异(P=0.01),差异较大的表型性状为发芽率、百粒质量、种翅长和种翅宽。种源内和种源间各表型性状的变异系数(CV)均差异较大,种源内CV值为1.39%~45.56%,种源间CV值为6.45%~42.76%;其中,种源内种翅长和种翅宽的CV平均值较大,发芽率和百粒质量的CV平均值均较小,而种源间发芽率和百粒质量的CV值则较大。主成分分析结果表明:暴马丁香表型性状间的差异主要体现在种子长、种子宽和叶长,其次为株高、发芽率、地径、叶宽和种翅宽。根据聚类分析结果,供试的10个种源被划分为4类,其中,来源于北京和内蒙古及3个来源于河北的种源聚为Ⅰ类,来源于黑龙江哈尔滨的2个种源聚为Ⅱ类,来源于山西的2个种源聚为Ⅲ类,来源于青海的1个种源单独聚为Ⅳ类,聚类结果与各种源的地理分布有关。相关性分析结果表明:各表型性状间及表型性状与地理-气候因子间均存在不同的相关性,其中,种子发芽率与种子的其他5个表型性状均无显著相关性;经度和纬度与各表型性状均无显著相关性,而海拔、年均温和无霜期则是影响表型性状变异的主要因子。综合分析结果显示:暴马丁香各种源间存在明显的地理遗传分化,地理隔离和生态因子的大幅变化导致其种子和幼苗的表型性状变异丰富。根据研究结果,对暴马丁香的保护和利用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis is one of the original plants used to make the traditional medicine Paridis Rhizoma. Wild individuals have been excessively collected in recent decades, and thus, it has become increasingly endangered. Cultivation is a major method for the conservation and sustainable utilization of its wild resources. In this study, amplified fragment length polymorphism markers were used in the genetic analysis of 15 wild and 17 cultivated populations of P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis. This study revealed that cultivated populations possessed higher genetic diversity than wild ones at the species level (H = 0.2636 vs. 0.2616, respectively). However, most of the genetic variation was found within populations for both of these groups (ΦST = 18.83% vs. 19.39%). In the dendrogram produced using UPGMA, the 32 populations were divided into three groups (I, II, and III). In group II, both wild and cultivated populations were included, but remained in distinct clusters within this group, which showed the significant separation between the cultivated and wild populations. Furthermore, wild populations were also clustered into three subgroups (W‐I, W‐II, and W‐III), with an obvious geographic structure. In contrast, although cultivated populations were similarly placed in three subgroups (C‐I, C‐II, and C‐III), the latter two of these were not separated based on geography. Finally, the wild populations in Guizhou, China (W‐I), possessed higher genetic diversity than those in Yunnan (W‐II and W‐III). As P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis is an endangered medicinal plant, the fact that it showed richer genetic diversity in its wild populations in Guizhou means that these should be regarded as priority areas for protection and used for provenance selection. Moreover, cultivated populations also showed high genetic variation, which might be attributed to them having originated from mixed provenances, indicating that screening for superior provenances should be carried out as soon as possible.  相似文献   

通过比较不同自然降水年份(极端干旱和极端湿润)19年生疏林草地樟子松的针叶δ13C、比叶面积和干物质含量,结合土壤含水量和地下水埋深,探讨了极端降水对樟子松水分利用的影响.结果表明:干旱年份(2009)樟子松林土壤含水量显著低于湿润年份(2010),但樟子松当年生针叶的δ13C在两年间没有显著差异,且两年相同月份间亦无显著差异;干旱年份当年生针叶的比叶面积显著低于湿润年份,而不同年份间干物质含量的差异不显著.在两种极端降水条件下,樟子松的水分利用效率没有明显变化,主要通过改变当年生针叶的比叶面积来适应降水量的变化.对于地下水埋深高于3.0m的疏林草地樟子松人工林生态系统,极端干旱不会严重影响樟子松的存活和生长.  相似文献   

刘明慧  柳叶  任悦  高广磊  丁国栋  张英  赵珮杉  刘轩 《生态学报》2023,43(23):9912-9924
为揭示科尔沁沙地樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)人工林土壤真菌间相互作用,以不同林龄(中龄、近熟和成熟)、不同土层(0—10和10—20 cm)樟子松人工林土壤为研究对象,以未造林地为对照样地,采用分子生态网络分析法,基于随机矩阵理比较分析樟子松人工林土壤真菌网络特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)中龄林到近熟林阶段,科尔沁沙地樟子松人工林土壤真菌网络平均连通度增大,平均路径长减小,网络愈加复杂,而近熟林到成熟林阶段则相反,网络愈加简单;不同土层间,10—20 cm土层土壤真菌平均路径长度小于0—10 cm土层,平均连通度和聚类系数大于0—10 cm土层,10—20 cm较0—10 cm土壤真菌间相互联系更为密切;与樟子松人工林相比,未造林地土壤真菌网络中的平均连通度略低于近熟林,平均路径长低于樟子松人工林,未造林地土壤真菌群落更不稳定。(2)中龄、近熟和成熟樟子松人工林土壤真菌关键菌种分别为Guehomyces sp.、Oidiodendron sp.和Pseudeurotium sp.,未造林地关键菌种为Alphamyces sp.。在0—1...  相似文献   

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