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活细胞成像又叫作生物成像或者录像显微镜。其特征在于研究手段和测定对象。手段是显微镜或者照相机等成像器材,对象是活细胞的活动。根据测定对象的不同,或者是器官中(in vivo),或者是培养细胞,或者是细胞中部分的细胞器、蛋白质.分别叫作生物体水平、细胞水平、分子水平。  相似文献   

工业微生物底盘细胞的开发将为工业生物技术的发展提供优良的细胞工厂,有利于实现环境保护及经济可持续发展.基于合成生物学"设计-构建-测试-学习"(Design-Build-Test-Learn,DBTL)策略,对底盘细胞进行多维度的理性或半理性改造是实现"建物致知"以及"建物致用"目标的重要手段.文中简述了合成生物学DB...  相似文献   

近日,PerkinElmer公司在美国召开的第37届神经科学大会上推出新一代活细胞显微成像分析系统一Ulta VIEW VoX。  相似文献   

南极微生物膜流动性的调节机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稳定的膜流动性是南极微生物在低温下生存的关键。南极微生物在低温下通过增加不饱和脂肪酸和支链脂肪酸来增加膜的流动性;同时,作为平衡和辅助调节,通过改变细胞质膜中类胡萝卜素的组成来调节膜流动性,从而维持膜的最适流动性。极性类胡萝卜素能降低膜的流动性,而非极性类胡萝卜素增加膜的流动性。因此,通过类胡萝卜素类型(极性/非极性)的转变,细菌可以调节膜的流动性。类胡萝卜素对南极微生物细胞质膜流动性的调节作用及其机制是目前细胞质膜流动性领域新的发现和研究方向。  相似文献   

RNA是生命“中心法则”的主要成员,广泛参与细胞内各种生命活动. RNA在活细胞内的区室定位和动态过程与RNA功能息息相关.因此,需要开发活细胞内RNA成像技术,追踪RNA时空动态过程,原位阐明RNA活性和功能,进一步解析RNA相关生命过程和疾病的关系.本文系统阐述两大活细胞RNA成像体系:(i)RNA发夹:荧光蛋白体系;(ii)荧光响应RNA适配体:小分子探针体系.并介绍其他可用于动态示踪RNA的技术,概述不同技术在追踪活细胞RNA方面的特点和问题,讨论RNA动态成像技术未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

微生物活菌分为繁殖能力的活菌和有代谢活动但没有繁殖能力的活菌。传统的平板计数方法无法对有代谢活动但没有繁殖能力的活菌进行准确定量分析。本文综述了微生物活细胞检测新技术的研究进展,包括以PCR为基础的新技术和荧光活化细胞分选术与流式细胞术结合的新技术。  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜可用于固定样品和活细胞样品的成像,近年来得到了广泛的应用。本文介绍了激光扫描共聚焦显微镜的基本原理及其在活细胞成像中的应用,并以FV10-ASW Viewer4.2软件为例,从扫描速度、分辨率、降噪、光电倍增调节、多参数协同优化、成像质量评估、图像后期处理等多个角度总结了激光扫描共聚焦活细胞成像系统的方法优化和推荐参数设置。本文的工作可以为活细胞实验提供一定参考。  相似文献   

细胞作为生命体基本的结构和功能单元,在生物、医学等领域有着非常重要的研究意义。随着现代科学和技术的发展,科学家们借助电镜对细胞以及细胞器的空间结构已经有非常清晰的认识,但是对它们的功能以及细胞之间的相互作用却了解得非常少,而这恰恰又是疾病治疗和药物开发亟需了解的信息,因此对离体活细胞(简称活细胞)和活体生物组织细胞(简称活体细胞)中亚细胞器的研究变得非常重要。然而细胞中许多细胞器的结构在纳米量级,传统的光学成像技术由于受到光学衍射极限的限制是无法观察到纳米量级的生物结构,因此光学超分辨成像技术是目前研究亚细胞器结构和功能的有效工具。在所有光学超分辨显微技术中,受激发射损耗显微术(stimulated emission depletionmicroscopy,STED)由于具有实时成像、三维超分辨和断层成像的能力,非常适合用于纳米尺度的活细胞和活体细胞成像研究,而且STED超分辨成像技术经过近几十年的发展,已经广泛用于活细胞甚至活体小鼠细胞的超分辨动态观测。本文总结了近年来活细胞和活体小鼠神经元细胞等领域STED超分辨成像的研究进展,介绍了用于活细胞和活体细胞STED超分辨成像的荧光染料...  相似文献   

双倍体酵母细胞D7经单核能为11.4MeV/u的An和U离子辐照后,测定了细胞随剂量的存活率和突变率。获得细胞对Au和U离子的失活截面分别为2.54μm2和1.92μm2。在存活率为37%的条件下,Au、U离子的RBE分别为0.28和0.19。在突变实验中,研究了DNA断链后的重组与倒位,它们对Au和U离子的截面为:8.3×10-2μm2[σm-rec(Au)],9.5×10-5μm2[σm-rec(U)]和6.1×10-4μm2[σm-rev(Au)]和3.8×10-5μm2[σm-rev(U)].最后,对所获结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

捕捉细胞内分子活动发生的动态过程,从细胞分裂到囊泡运输再到胞内钙离子浓度变化等大量快速发生和发展的生理过程是很多科研工作者的需要。这个过程不仅要求较高的时间分辨率,还要求较低的激发光强度以使样品的淬灭和光损伤达到最小。因此,相机的高灵敏度图像传感器起到了决定作用。鉴于近几年图像传感器发展迅速,本文对其进行了系统的阐述,综述了相机的图像传感器技术上的最新突破和改进。进而,总结了其在活细胞成像中的应用,对比了两种主流传感器并展望了未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Palmitoylation represents a common motif for anchorage of cytosolic proteins to the plasma membrane. Being reversible, it allows for controlled exchange between cytosolic and plasma membrane-bound subpopulations. In this study, we present a live cell single molecule approach for quantifying the exchange kinetics of plasma membrane and cytosolic populations of fluorescently labeled Lck, the key Src family kinase involved in early T cell signaling. Total internal reflection (TIR) fluorescence microscopy was employed for confining the analysis to membrane-proximal molecules. Upon photobleaching Lck-YFP in TIR configuration, fluorescence recovery proceeds first via the cytosol outside of the evanescent field, so that in the early phase fluorescence signal arises predominantly from membrane-proximal cytosolic Lck. The diffusion constant of each molecule allowed us to distinguish whether the molecule has already associated with the plasma membrane or was still freely diffusing in the cytosol. From the number of molecules that inserted during the recovery time we quantified the insertion kinetics: on average, membrane-proximal molecules within the evanescent field needed ∼400 ms to be inserted. The average lifetime of Lck in the plasma membrane was estimated at 50 s; together with the mobility of 0.26 μm2/s this provides sufficient time to explore the surface of the whole T cell before dissociation into the cytosol. Experiments on palmitoylation-deficient Lck mutants yielded similar on-rates, but substantially increased off-rates. We discuss our findings based on a model for the plasma membrane association and dissociation kinetics of Lck, which accounts for reversible palmitoylation on cysteine 3 and 5.  相似文献   

Despite the broad literature on embryonic stem cells (ESCs), their derivation process remains enigmatic. This may be because of the lack of experimental systems that can monitor this prolonged cellular process. Here we applied a live-cell imaging technique to monitor the process of ESC derivation over 10 days from morula to outgrowth phase using an Oct4/eGFP reporter system. Our imaging reflects the ‘natural’ state of ESC derivation, as the ESCs established after the imaging were both competent in chimeric mice formation and germ-line transmission. Using this technique, ESC derivation in conventional conditions was imaged. After the blastocoel was formed, the intensity of Oct4 signals attenuated in the trophoblast cells but was maintained in the inner cell mass (ICM). Thereafter, the Oct4-positive cells scattered and their number decreased along with apoptosis of the other Oct4-nagative cells likely corresponds to trophoblast and hypoblast cells, and then only the surviving Oct4-positive cells proliferated and formed the colony. All embryos without exception passed through this cell death phase. Importantly, the addition of caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK to the medium dramatically suppressed the loss of Oct4-positive cells and also other embryo-derived cells, suggesting that the cell deaths was induced by a caspase-dependent apoptotic pathway. Next we imaged the ESC derivation in 3i medium, which consists of chemical compounds that can suppress differentiation. The most significant difference between the conventional and 3i methods was that there was no obvious cell death in 3i, so that the colony formation was rapid and all of the Oct4-positive cells contributed to the formation of the outgrown colony. These data indicate that the prevention of cell death in epiblast cells is one of the important events for the successful establishment of ESCs. Thus, our imaging technique can advance the understanding of the time-dependent cellular changes during ESC derivation.  相似文献   

Abstract Almost all aphids harbor prokaryotic intracellular symbionts in the cytoplasm of mycetocytes, huge cells in the abdomen specialized for this purpose. The aphids and their intracellular symbionts are in close mutualistic association and unable to live without their partner. The intracellular symbionts of various aphids are of a single origin; they are descendants of a prokaryote that was acquired by the common ancestor of the present aphids. The date of establishment of the symbiotic association is estimated to be 160–280 million years ago using 16S rRNA molecular clock calibrated by aphid fossils. Molecular phylogeny indicates that the intracellular symbiont belongs to a group of gut bacteria, suggesting the possibility that it was derived from a gut microbe of aphids. While the in-tracellular symbionts are universal and highly conserved amongst aphids, other types of symbiotic microorganisms are also present. In various aphids, bacterial “secondary” intracellular symbionts are found in addition to the standard symbionts. They are thought to be acquired many times in various lineages independently. Some Cerataphidini aphids do not have intracellular symbiotic system but harbor yeast-like extracellular symbionts in the hemocoel. In a lineage of this group, symbiont replacement from intracellular prokaryote to extracellular yeast must have occurred. The diversity of the endosymbiotic system of aphids illuminates a dynamic aspect of endosymbiotic evolution.  相似文献   

The ability to study biomolecules in vivo is crucial for understanding their function in a biological context. One powerful approach involves fusing molecules of interest to fluorescent proteins such as GFP to study their expression, localization and function. However, GFP and its derivatives are significantly larger and less photostable than organic fluorophores generally used for in vitro experiments, and this can limit the scope of investigation. We recently introduced a straightforward, versatile and high-throughput method based on electroporation, allowing the internalization of biomolecules labeled with organic fluorophores into living microorganisms. Here we describe how to use electroporation to internalize labeled DNA fragments or proteins into Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiæ, how to quantify the number of internalized molecules using fluorescence microscopy, and how to quantify the viability of electroporated cells. Data can be acquired at the single-cell or single-molecule level using fluorescence or FRET. The possibility of internalizing non-labeled molecules that trigger a physiological observable response in vivo is also presented. Finally, strategies of optimization of the protocol for specific biological systems are discussed.  相似文献   

膜色谱技术及其在生化快速分离分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物技术为人类提供越来越多的具有特殊疗效的生化药品,如干扰素、白细胞介素、细胞集落刺激因子等等。在科研及生产过程中,存在着大量的蛋白质、多肽和核酸等生物大分子的分析、分离和纯化工作,迫切需要高效、快速的分析、分离和制备方法,特别是用于临床的生化药品,不仅要达到很高的纯度,而且还要在分离过程中最大限度地保持其生物活性。据统计,生物工程产品的分离纯化成本占其全部成本的60-80%。国外在这方面正...  相似文献   

探讨适用于双向电泳的昆虫离体细胞总膜蛋白提取技术及适于双向电泳染色的高灵敏度蛋白质银染技术。以粉纹夜蛾细胞系BT1-TN-5B1-4为材料,比较了传统的Kwa法和Sigma公司的ProteoProp^TMMEMBRANE EXTRACTION KIT提取BT1-TN-5B1。离体细胞总膜蛋白,SDS—PAGE及双向电泳结果表明Sigma公司试剂盒提取的总膜蛋白效果较好,并且适用于双向电泳分析;比较了两种蛋白银染方法,确定并优化了一种灵敏度较高适于双向电泳的银染方法,得到了理想的膜蛋白2-DE图谱。  相似文献   

The endomembrane system of a cell is a highly dynamic, ephemeral structure that is difficult to visualize. Reconstructions from sections of fixed material can provide high-resolution information on intercellular membrane architecture, but such techniques are fraught with artifacts and are of little help in understanding the dynamics of intracellular membrane traffic. Recently, the availability of fluorescent membrane probes and the development of techniques for optically sectioning intact specimens have allowed glimpses of membrane dynamics to be visualized in living tissue. In this review we discuss the potential of a new optical sectioning technique, multiphoton imaging, for visualizing membrane dynamics in living cells. Multiphoton microscopy offers an unparalleled ability to obtain images from deep within specimens while minimizing the effects of phototoxicity.  相似文献   

Thermal stability of plasma membrane Ca2+ pump was systematically studied in three micellar systems of different composition, and related with the interactions amphiphile-protein measured by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Thermal denaturation was characterized as an irreversible process that is well described by a first order kinetic with an activation energy of 222 ± 12 kJ/mol in the range 33–45°C. Upon increasing the mole fraction of phospholipid in the mixed micelles where the Ca2+ pump was reconstituted, the kinetic coefficient for the inactivation process diminished until it reached a constant value, different for each phospholipid species. We propose a model in which thermal stability of the pump depends on the composition of the amphiphile monolayer directly in contact with the transmembrane protein surface. Application of this model shows that the maximal pump stability is attained when 80% of this surface is covered by phospholipids. This analysis provides an indirect measure of the relative affinity phospholipid/detergent for the hydrophobic transmembrane surface of the protein (K LD ) showing that those phospholipids with higher affinity provide greater stability to the Ca2+ pump. We developed a method for directly measure K LD by using fluorescence resonance energy transfer from the membrane protein tryptophan residues to a pyrene-labeled phospholipid. K LD values obtained by this procedure agree with those obtained from the model, providing a strong evidence to support its validity. Received: 5 August 1999/Revised: 20 October 1999  相似文献   

广东南江工业园对其生态环境的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南江工业园地处北江江边,内设有电镀、五金加工企业,为查明工业园所在区域的环境状况,确定本项目对周边生态环境的影响,对南江工业园的陆地生态环境和水生生态环境进行了调查,结果表明工业园对其陆地生态环境造成一定的影响,约333hm2土地受到占用及将受到破坏,其中挖方、填方造成的水土流失量分别为110t·km-2·a-1、225t·km-2·a-1,而采取水土保护措施后,挖方、填方造成的水土流失量分别为58t·km-2·a-1、45t·km-2·a-1。在水生态方面亦对水生生物造成了一定的直接影响。  相似文献   

SARS冠状病毒M蛋白的生物信息学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对GenBank上发布的来自不同国家地区的39条SARSCoV推测M蛋白,采用生物信息学软件分析其核酸和氨基酸序列,获得其分子生物学特征,确定突变位点,预测功能结构区、Motif及抗原决定簇,比较基因突变对这些功能结构的影响.结果表明:在39个病毒株M蛋白的666 bp中,共有18个病毒株在7个位点上发生了25次变异.在M蛋白序列上预测获得3个跨膜螺旋序列和一个可能的信号肽序列.氨基酸序列的变异主要发生在其跨膜和胞外区域,胞内区域相对较少.预测发现12个Motif和7个抗原决定簇.提示突变对M蛋白的结构功能区的影响不大,也未造成M蛋白的Motif的数量和构成发生改变.对抗原决定簇的影响也主要体现在序列成分构成的改变上,在设计疫苗时,应考虑由其导致的抗原特性改变.  相似文献   

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