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Epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) function is regulated by the intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i) through a process known as Na+ feedback inhibition. Although this process is known to decrease the expression of proteolytically processed active channels on the cell surface, it is unknown how [Na+]i alters ENaC cleavage. We show here that [Na+]i regulates the posttranslational processing of ENaC subunits during channel biogenesis. At times when [Na+]i is low, ENaC subunits develop mature N-glycans and are processed by proteases. Conversely, glycan maturation and sensitivity to proteolysis are reduced when [Na+]i is relatively high. Surface channels with immature N-glycans were not processed by endogenous channel activating proteases, nor were they sensitive to cleavage by exogenous trypsin. Biotin chase experiments revealed that the immature surface channels were not converted into mature cleaved channels following a reduction in [Na+]i. The hypothesis that [Na+]i regulates ENaC maturation within the biosynthetic pathways is further supported by the finding that Brefeldin A prevented the accumulation of processed surface channels following a reduction in [Na+]i. Therefore, increased [Na+]i interferes with ENaC N-glycan maturation and prevents the channel from entering a state that allows proteolytic processing.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of αβγ rat epithelial Na+ channel (rENaC) to osmotically or mechanically induced changes of membrane tension was investigated in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, using both dual electrode voltage clamp and cell-attached patch clamp methodologies. ENaC whole-cell currents were insensitive to mechanical cell swelling caused by direct injection of 90 or 180 nl of 100-mM KCl. Similarly, ENaC whole-cell currents were insensitive to osmotic cell swelling caused by a 33% decrease of bathing solution osmolarity. The lack of an effect of cell swelling on ENaC was independent of the status of the actin cytoskeleton, as ENaC remained insensitive to osmotic and mechanical cell swelling in oocytes pretreated with cytochalasin B for 2–5 h. This apparent insensitivity of ENaC to increased cell volume and changes of membrane tension was also observed at the single channel level in membrane patches subjected to negative or positive pressures of 5 or 10 in. of water. However, and contrary to the lack of an effect of cell swelling, ENaC currents were inhibited by cell shrinking. A 45-min incubation in a 260-mosmol solution (a 25% increase of solution osmolarity) caused a decrease of ENaC currents (at −100 mV) from −3.42 ± 0.34 to −2.02 ± 0.23 μA (n = 6). This decrease of current with cell shrinking was completely blocked by pretreatment of oocytes with cytochalasin B, indicating that these changes of current are not likely related to a direct effect of cell shrinking. We conclude that αβγ rENaC is not directly mechanosensitive when expressed in a system that can produce a channel with identical properties to those found in native epithelia.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that the extracellular domain of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) functions as a sensor that fine tunes channel activity in response to changes in the extracellular environment. We previously found that acidic pH increases the activity of human ENaC, which results from a decrease in Na+ self-inhibition. In the current work, we identified extracellular domain residues responsible for this regulation. We found that rat ENaC is less sensitive to pH than human ENaC, an effect mediated in part by the γ subunit. We identified a group of seven residues in the extracellular domain of γENaC (Asp-164, Gln-165, Asp-166, Glu-292, Asp-335, His-439, and Glu-455) that, when individually mutated to Ala, decreased proton activation of ENaC. γE455 is conserved in βENaC (Glu-446); mutation of this residue to neutral amino acids (Ala, Cys) reduced ENaC stimulation by acidic pH, whereas reintroduction of a negative charge (by MTSES modification of Cys) restored pH regulation. Combination of the seven γENaC mutations with βE446A generated a channel that was not activated by acidic pH, but inhibition by alkaline pH was intact. Moreover, these mutations reduced the effect of pH on Na+ self-inhibition. Together, the data identify eight extracellular domain residues in human β- and γENaC that are required for regulation by acidic pH.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is activated upon endoproteolytic cleavage of specific segments in the extracellular domains of the α- and γ-subunits. Cleavage is accomplished by intracellular proteases prior to membrane insertion and by surface-expressed or extracellular soluble proteases once ENaC resides at the cell surface. These cleavage events are partially regulated by intracellular signaling through an unknown allosteric mechanism. Here, using a combination of computational and experimental techniques, we show that the intracellular N terminus of γ-ENaC undergoes secondary structural transitions upon interaction with phosphoinositides. From ab initio folding simulations of the N termini in the presence and absence of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), we found that PIP2 increases α-helical propensity in the N terminus of γ-ENaC. Electrophysiology and mutation experiments revealed that a highly conserved cluster of lysines in the γ-ENaC N terminus regulates accessibility of extracellular cleavage sites in γ-ENaC. We also show that conditions that decrease PIP2 or enhance ubiquitination sharply limit access of the γ-ENaC extracellular domain to proteases. Further, the efficiency of allosteric control of ENaC proteolysis is dependent on Tyr370 in γ-ENaC. Our findings provide an allosteric mechanism for ENaC activation regulated by the N termini and sheds light on a potential general mechanism of channel and receptor activation.  相似文献   

Janus kinase-2 (JAK2), a signaling molecule mediating effects of various hormones including leptin and growth hormone, has previously been shown to modify the activity of several channels and carriers. Leptin is known to inhibit and growth hormone to stimulate epithelial Na+ transport, effects at least partially involving regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel ENaC. However, no published evidence is available regarding an influence of JAK2 on the activity of the epithelial Na+ channel ENaC. In order to test whether JAK2 participates in the regulation of ENaC, cRNA encoding ENaC was injected into Xenopus oocytes with or without additional injection of cRNA encoding wild type JAK2, gain-of-function V617FJAK2 or inactive K882EJAK2. Moreover, ENaC was expressed with or without the ENaC regulating ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 with or without JAK2, V617FJAK2 or K882EJAK2. ENaC was determined from amiloride (50 μM)-sensitive current (I amil) in dual electrode voltage clamp. Moreover, I amil was determined in colonic tissue utilizing Ussing chambers. As a result, the I amil in ENaC-expressing oocytes was significantly decreased following coexpression of JAK2 or V617FJAK2, but not by coexpression of K882EJAK2. Coexpression of JAK2 and Nedd4-2 decreased I amil in ENaC-expressing oocytes to a larger extent than coexpression of Nedd4-2 alone. Exposure of ENaC- and JAK2-expressing oocytes to JAK2 inhibitor AG490 (40 μM) significantly increased I amil. In colonic epithelium, I amil was significantly enhanced by AG490 pretreatment (40 μM, 1 h). In conclusion, JAK2 is a powerful inhibitor of ENaC.  相似文献   



The Epithelial Na+ Channel (ENaC) plays a central role in control of epithelial surface hydration and vascular volume. Similar to other ion channels, ENaC activity is regulated, in part, by cortical cytoskeleton. Besides, the cytoskeleton is an established target for small G proteins signaling. Here we studied whether ENaC activity is modulated by changes in the state of the cytoskeleton and whether cytoskeletal elements are involved in small G protein mediated increase of ENaC activity.

Methods and Findings

First, the functional importance of the cytoskeleton was established with whole-cell patch clamp experiments recording ENaC reconstituted in CHO cells. Pretreatment with Cytochalasin D (CytD; 10 µg/ml; 1–2 h) or colchicine (500 µM; 1–3 h) to disassembly F-actin and destroy microtubules, respectively, significantly decreased amiloride sensitive current. However, acute application of CytD induced rapid increase in macroscopic current. Single channel measurements under cell-attached conditions revealed similar observations. CytD rapidly increased ENaC activity in freshly isolated rat collecting duct, polarized epithelial mouse mpkCCDc14 cells and HEK293 cells transiently transfected with ENaC subunits. In contrast, colchicine did not have an acute effect on ENaC activity. Small G proteins RhoA, Rac1 and Rab11a markedly increase ENaC activity. 1–2 h treatment with colchicine or CytD abolished effects of these GTPases. Interestingly, when cells were coexpressed with ENaC and RhoA, short-term treatment with CytD decreased ENaC activity.


We conclude that cytoskeleton is involved in regulation of ENaC and is necessary for small G protein mediated increase of ENaC activity.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) has a key role in the regulation of extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure. ENaC belongs to a family of ion channels that sense the external environment. These channels have large extracellular regions that are thought to interact with environmental cues, such as Na+, Cl, protons, proteases, and shear stress, which modulate gating behavior. We sought to determine the molecular mechanism by which ENaC senses high external Na+ concentrations, resulting in an inhibition of channel activity. Both our structural model of an ENaC α subunit and the resolved structure of an acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC1) have conserved acidic pockets in the periphery of the extracellular region of the channel. We hypothesized that these acidic pockets host inhibitory allosteric Na+ binding sites. Through site-directed mutagenesis targeting the acidic pocket, we modified the inhibitory response to external Na+. Mutations at selected sites altered the cation inhibitory preference to favor Li+ or K+ rather than Na+. Channel activity was reduced in response to restraining movement within this region by cross-linking structures across the acidic pocket. Our results suggest that residues within the acidic pocket form an allosteric effector binding site for Na+. Our study supports the hypothesis that an acidic cleft is a key ligand binding locus for ENaC and perhaps other members of the ENaC/degenerin family.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel complexes immunopurified from bovine renal papillary collecting tubules contain, as their core conduction component, an ENaC subunit, was tested by functional and immunological criteria. Disulfide bond reduction with dithiothreitol (DTT) of renal Na+ channels incorporated into planar lipid bilayers caused a reduction of single channel conductance from 40 pS to 13 pS, and uncoupled PKA regulation of this channel. The cation permeability sequence, as assessed from bi-ionic reversal potential measurements, and apparent amiloride equilibrium dissociation constant (K amil i ) of the Na+ channels were unaltered by DTT treatment. Like ENaC, the DTT treated renal channel became mechanosensitive, and displayed a substantial decrease in K amil i following stretch (0.44 ± 0.12 μm versus 6.9 ± 1.0 μm). Moreover, stretch activation induced a loss in the channel's ability to discriminate between monovalent cations, and even allowed Ca2+ to permeate. Polyclonal antibodies generated against a fusion protein of αbENaC recognized a 70 kDa polypeptide component of the renal Na+ channel complex. These data suggest that ENaC is present in the immunopurified renal Na+ channel protein complex, and that PKA sensitivity is conferred by other associated proteins. Received: 5 June 1995/Revised: 29 September 1995  相似文献   

It is currently believed that a nonselective cation (NSC) channel, which responds to arginine vasotocin (an antidiuretic hormone) and stretch, regulates Na+ absorption in the distal nephron. However, the mechanisms of regulation of this channel remain incompletely characterized. To study the mechanisms of regulation of this channel, we used renal epithelial cells (A6) cultured on permeable supports. The apical membrane of confluent monolayers of A6 cells expressed a 29-pS channel, which was activated by stretch or by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase. This channel had an identical selectivity for Na+, K+, Li+, and Cs+, but little selectivity for Ca2+ (PCa/PNa < 0.005) or Cl (PCl/PNa < 0.01), identifying it as an NSC channel. Stretch had no additional effects on the open probability (P o) of the IBMX-activated channel. This channel had one open (“O”) and two closed (short “C S” and long “C L”) states under basal, stretch-, or IBMX-stimulated conditions. Both stretch and IBMX increased the P o of the channel without any detectable changes in the mean open or closed times. These observations led us to the conclusion that a kinetic model “C L C S O” was the most suitable among three possible linear models. According to this model, IBMX or stretch would decrease the leaving rate of the channel for C L from C S, resulting in an increase in P o. Cytochalasin D pretreatment abolished the response to stretch or IBMX without altering the basal activity. H89 (an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase) completely abolished the response to both stretch and IBMX, but, unlike cytochalasin D, also diminished the basal activity. We conclude that: (a) the functional properties of the cAMP-activated NSC channel are similar to those of the stretch-activated one, (b) the actin cytoskeleton plays a crucial role in the activation of the NSC channel induced by stretch and cAMP, and (c) the basal activity of the NSC channel is maintained by PKA-dependent phosphorylation but is not dependent on actin microfilaments.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activation is a unique feature of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). However, the underlying molecular mechanisms and the physiologically relevant proteases remain to be identified. The serine protease trypsin I can activate ENaC in vitro but is unlikely to be the physiologically relevant activating protease in ENaC-expressing tissues in vivo. Herein, we investigated whether human trypsin IV, a form of trypsin that is co-expressed in several extrapancreatic epithelial cells with ENaC, can activate human ENaC. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, we monitored proteolytic activation of ENaC currents and the appearance of γENaC cleavage products at the cell surface. We demonstrated that trypsin IV and trypsin I can stimulate ENaC heterologously expressed in oocytes. ENaC cleavage and activation by trypsin IV but not by trypsin I required a critical cleavage site (Lys-189) in the extracellular domain of the γ-subunit. In contrast, channel activation by trypsin I was prevented by mutating three putative cleavage sites (Lys-168, Lys-170, and Arg-172) in addition to mutating previously described prostasin (RKRK178), plasmin (Lys-189), and neutrophil elastase (Val-182 and Val-193) sites. Moreover, we found that trypsin IV is expressed in human renal epithelial cells and can increase ENaC-mediated sodium transport in cultured human airway epithelial cells. Thus, trypsin IV may regulate ENaC function in epithelial tissues. Our results show, for the first time, that trypsin IV can stimulate ENaC and that trypsin IV and trypsin I activate ENaC by cleavage at distinct sites. The presence of distinct cleavage sites may be important for ENaC regulation by tissue-specific proteases.  相似文献   

Extracellular Zn2+ activates the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) by relieving Na+ self-inhibition. However, a biphasic Zn2+ dose response was observed, suggesting that Zn2+ has dual effects on the channel (i.e. activating and inhibitory). To investigate the structural basis for this biphasic effect of Zn2+, we examined the effects of mutating the 10 extracellular His residues of mouse γENaC. Four mutations within the finger subdomain (γH193A, γH200A, γH202A, and γH239A) significantly reduced the maximal Zn2+ activation of the channel. Whereas γH193A, γH200A, and γH202A reduced the apparent affinity of the Zn2+ activating site, γH239A diminished Na+ self-inhibition and thus concealed the activating effects of Zn2+. Mutation of a His residue within the palm subdomain (γH88A) abolished the low-affinity Zn2+ inhibitory effect. Based on structural homology with acid-sensing ion channel 1, γAsp516 was predicted to be in close proximity to γHis88. Ala substitution of the residue (γD516A) blunted the inhibitory effect of Zn2+. Our results suggest that external Zn2+ regulates ENaC activity by binding to multiple extracellular sites within the γ-subunit, including (i) a high-affinity stimulatory site within the finger subdomain involving His193, His200, and His202 and (ii) a low-affinity Zn2+ inhibitory site within the palm subdomain that includes His88 and Asp516.  相似文献   

The described methods can be used to investigate the effect of proteases on ion channels, receptors, and other plasma membrane proteins heterologously expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. In combination with site-directed mutagenesis, this approach provides a powerful tool to identify functionally relevant cleavage sites. Proteolytic activation is a characteristic feature of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). The final activating step involves cleavage of the channel’s γ-subunit in a critical region potentially targeted by several proteases including chymotrypsin and plasmin. To determine the stimulatory effect of these serine proteases on ENaC, the amiloride-sensitive whole-cell current (ΔIami) was measured twice in the same oocyte before and after exposure to the protease using the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. In parallel to the electrophysiological experiments, a biotinylation approach was used to monitor the appearance of γENaC cleavage fragments at the cell surface. Using the methods described, it was demonstrated that the time course of proteolytic activation of ENaC-mediated whole-cell currents correlates with the appearance of a γENaC cleavage product at the cell surface. These results suggest a causal link between channel cleavage and channel activation. Moreover, they confirm the concept that a cleavage event in γENaC is required as a final step in proteolytic channel activation. The methods described here may well be applicable to address similar questions for other types of ion channels or membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the role of small G-proteins of the Ras family in the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-activated cellular signalling pathway that downregulates activity of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). We found that H-Ras is a key component of this EGF-activated cellular signalling mechanism in M1 mouse collecting duct cells. Expression of a constitutively active H-Ras mutant inhibited the amiloride-sensitive current. The H-Ras-mediated signalling pathway that inhibits activity of ENaC involves c-Raf, and that the inhibitory effect of H-Ras on ENaC is abolished by the MEK1/2 inhibitor, PD98059. The inhibitory effect of H-Ras is not mediated by Nedd4-2, a ubiquitin protein ligase that regulates the abundance of ENaC at the cell surface membrane, or by a negative effect of H-Ras on proteolytic activation of the channel. The inhibitory effects of EGF and H-Ras on ENaC, however, were not observed in cells in which expression of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) had been knocked down by siRNA. These findings suggest that the inhibitory effect of EGF on ENaC-dependent Na+ absorption is mediated via the H-Ras/c-Raf, MEK/ERK signalling pathway, and that Cav-1 is an essential component of this EGF-activated signalling mechanism. Taken together with reports that mice expressing a constitutive mutant of H-Ras develop renal cysts, our findings suggest that H-Ras may play a key role in the regulation of renal ion transport and renal development.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN) is under tonic inhibition by a local purinergic signaling system responding to changes in dietary sodium intake. Normal BKCa channel function is required for flow-sensitive ATP secretion in the ASDN. We tested here whether ATP secreted through connexin channels in a coupled manner with K+ efflux through BKCa channels is required for inhibitory purinergic regulation of ENaC in response to increases in sodium intake. Inhibition of connexin channels relieves purinergic inhibition of ENaC. Deletion of the BK-β4 regulatory subunit, which is required for normal BKCa channel function and flow-sensitive ATP secretion in the ASDN, suppresses increases in urinary ATP in response to increases in sodium intake. As a consequence, ENaC activity, particularly in the presence of high sodium intake, is inappropriately elevated in BK-β4 null mice. ENaC in BK-β4 null mice, however, responds normally to exogenous ATP, indicating that increases in activity do not result from end-organ resistance but rather from lowered urinary ATP. Consistent with this, disruption of purinergic regulation increases ENaC activity in wild type but not BK-β4 null mice. Consequently, sodium excretion is impaired in BK-β4 null mice. These results demonstrate that the ATP secreted in the ASDN in a BKCa channel-dependent manner is physiologically available for purinergic inhibition of ENaC in response to changes in sodium homeostasis. Impaired sodium excretion resulting form loss of normal purinergic regulation of ENaC in BK-β4 null mice likely contributes to their elevated blood pressure.  相似文献   

Epithelial Na+ absorption is regulated by Nedd4-2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that reduces expression of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) at the cell surface. Defects in this regulation cause Liddle syndrome, an inherited form of hypertension. Previous work found that Nedd4-2 functions through two distinct effects on trafficking, enhancing both ENaC endocytosis and ENaC degradation in lysosomes. To investigate the mechanism by which Nedd4-2 targets ENaC to lysosomes, we tested the role of hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs), a component of the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT)-0 complex. We found that α-, β-, and γENaC each interact with Hrs. These interactions were enhanced by Nedd4-2 and were dependent on the catalytic function of Nedd4-2 as well as its WW domains. Mutation of ENaC PY motifs, responsible for inherited hypertension (Liddle syndrome), decreased Hrs binding to ENaC. Moreover, binding of ENaC to Hrs was reduced by dexamethasone/serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase and cAMP, which are signaling pathways that inhibit Nedd4-2. Nedd4-2 bound to Hrs and catalyzed Hrs ubiquitination but did not alter Hrs protein levels. Expression of a dominant negative Hrs lacking its ubiquitin-interacting motif (Hrs-ΔUIM) increased ENaC surface expression and current. This occurred through reduced degradation of the cell surface pool of proteolytically activated ENaC, which enhanced its recycling to the cell surface. In contrast, Hrs-ΔUIM had no effect on degradation of uncleaved inactive channels. The data support a model in which Nedd4-2 induces binding of ENaC to Hrs, which mediates the sorting decision between ENaC degradation and recycling.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) that prevent its proper folding and trafficking to the apical membrane of epithelial cells. Absence of cAMP-mediated Cl secretion in CF airways causes poorly hydrated airway surfaces in CF patients, and this condition is exacerbated by excessive Na+ absorption. The mechanistic link between missing CFTR and increased Na+ absorption in airway epithelia has remained elusive, although substantial evidence implicates hyperactivity of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). ENaC is known to be activated by selective endoproteolysis of the extracellular domains of its α- and γ-subunits, and it was recently reported that ENaC and CFTR physically associate in mammalian cells. We confirmed this interaction in oocytes by co-immunoprecipitation and found that ENaC associated with wild-type CFTR was protected from proteolytic cleavage and stimulation of open probability. In contrast, ΔF508 CFTR, the most common mutant protein in CF patients, failed to protect ENaC from proteolytic cleavage and stimulation. In normal airway epithelial cells, ENaC was contained in the anti-CFTR immunoprecipitate. In CF airway epithelial cultures, the proportion of full-length to total α-ENaC protein signal was consistently reduced compared with normal cultures. Our results identify limiting proteolytic cleavage of ENaC as a mechanism by which CFTR down-regulates Na+ absorption.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), composed of three subunits (α, β, and γ), is expressed in several epithelia and plays a critical role in salt and water balance and in the regulation of blood pressure. Little is known, however, about the electrophysiological properties of this cloned channel when expressed in epithelial cells. Using whole-cell and single channel current recording techniques, we have now characterized the rat αβγENaC (rENaC) stably transfected and expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Under whole-cell patch-clamp configuration, the αβγrENaC-expressing MDCK cells exhibited greater whole cell Na+ current at −143 mV (−1,466.2 ± 297.5 pA) than did untransfected cells (−47.6 ± 10.7 pA). This conductance was completely and reversibly inhibited by 10 μM amiloride, with a Ki of 20 nM at a membrane potential of −103 mV; the amiloride inhibition was slightly voltage dependent. Amiloride-sensitive whole-cell current of MDCK cells expressing αβ or αγ subunits alone was −115.2 ± 41.4 pA and −52.1 ± 24.5 pA at −143 mV, respectively, similar to the whole-cell Na+ current of untransfected cells. Relaxation analysis of the amiloride-sensitive current after voltage steps suggested that the channels were activated by membrane hyperpolarization. Ion selectivity sequence of the Na+ conductance was Li+ > Na+ >> K+ = N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMDG+). Using excised outside-out patches, amiloride-sensitive single channel conductance, likely responsible for the macroscopic Na+ channel current, was found to be ∼5 and 8 pS when Na+ and Li+ were used as a charge carrier, respectively. K+ conductance through the channel was undetectable. The channel activity, defined as a product of the number of active channel (n) and open probability (P o), was increased by membrane hyperpolarization. Both whole-cell Na+ current and conductance were saturated with increased extracellular Na+ concentrations, which likely resulted from saturation of the single channel conductance. The channel activity (nP o) was significantly decreased when cytosolic Na+ concentration was increased from 0 to 50 mM in inside-out patches. Whole-cell Na+ conductance (with Li+ as a charge carrier) was inhibited by the addition of ionomycin (1 μM) and Ca2+ (1 mM) to the bath. Dialysis of the cells with a pipette solution containing 1 μM Ca2+ caused a biphasic inhibition, with time constants of 1.7 ± 0.3 min (n = 3) and 128.4 ± 33.4 min (n = 3). An increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration from <1 nM to 1 μM was accompanied by a decrease in channel activity. Increasing cytosolic Ca2+ to 10 μM exhibited a pronounced inhibitory effect. Single channel conductance, however, was unchanged by increasing free Ca2+ concentrations from <1 nM to 10 μM. Collectively, these results provide the first characterization of rENaC heterologously expressed in a mammalian epithelial cell line, and provide evidence for channel regulation by cytosolic Na+ and Ca2+.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination plays a key role in trafficking of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). Previous work indicated that ubiquitination enhances ENaC endocytosis and sorting to lysosomes for degradation. Moreover, a defect in ubiquitination causes Liddle syndrome, an inherited form of hypertension. In this work, we identified a role for USP8 in the control of ENaC ubiquitination and trafficking. USP8 increased ENaC current in Xenopus oocytes and collecting duct epithelia and enhanced ENaC abundance at the cell surface in HEK 293 cells. This resulted from altered endocytic sorting; USP8 abolished ENaC degradation in the endocytic pathway, but it had no effect on ENaC endocytosis. USP8 interacted with ENaC, as detected by co-immunoprecipitation, and it deubiquitinated ENaC. Consistent with a functional role for deubiquitination, mutation of the cytoplasmic lysines of ENaC reduced the effect of USP8 on ENaC cell surface abundance. In contrast to USP8, USP2-45 increased ENaC surface abundance by reducing endocytosis but not degradation. Thus, USP8 and USP2-45 selectively modulate ENaC trafficking at different steps in the endocytic pathway. Together with previous work, the data indicate that the ubiquitination state of ENaC is critical for the regulation of epithelial Na+ absorption.  相似文献   

Ion channels, including the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC), are intrinsic membrane proteins comprised of component subunits. Proper subunit assembly and stoichiometry are essential for normal physiological function of the channel protein. ENaC comprises three subunits, alpha, beta, and gamma, that have common tertiary structures and much amino acid sequence identity. For maximal ENaC activity, each subunit is required. The subunit stoichiometry of functional ENaC within the membrane remains uncertain. We combined a biophysical approach, fluorescence intensity ratio analysis, used to assess relative subunit stoichiometry with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, which enables isolation of plasma membrane fluorescence signals, to determine the limiting subunit stoichiometry of ENaC within the plasma membrane. Our results demonstrate that membrane ENaC contains equal numbers of each type of subunit and that at steady state, subunit stoichiometry is fixed. Moreover, we find that when all three ENaC subunits are coexpressed, heteromeric channel formation is favored over homomeric channels. Electrophysiological results testing effects of ENaC subunit dose on channel activity were consistent with total internal reflection fluorescence/fluorescence intensity ratio findings and confirmed preferential formation of heteromeric channels containing equal numbers of each subunit.  相似文献   

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