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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are trimeric cation-selective proton-gated ion channels expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The pore-forming transmembrane helices in these channels are linked by short loops to the palm domain in the extracellular region. Here, we explore the contribution to proton gating and desensitization of Glu-79 and Glu-416 in the palm domain of ASIC1a. Engineered Cys, Lys, and Gln substitutions at these positions shifted apparent proton affinity toward more acidic values. Double mutant cycle analysis indicated that Glu-79 and Glu-416 cooperatively facilitated pore opening in response to extracellular acidification. Channels bearing Cys at position 79 or 416 were irreversibly modified by thiol-reactive reagents in a state-dependent manner. Glu-79 and Glu-416 are located in β-strands 1 and 12, respectively. The covalent modification by (2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl) methanethiosulfonate bromide of Cys at position 79 impacted conformational changes associated with pore closing during desensitization, whereas the modification of Cys at position 416 affected conformational changes associated with proton gating. These results suggest that β-strands 1 and 12 contribute antagonistically to activation and desensitization of ASIC1a. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicated that the lower palm domain contracts in response to extracellular acidification. Taken together, our studies suggest that the lower palm domain mediates conformational movements that drive pore opening and closing events.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) is a proton-gated cation channel that contributes to fear and pain as well as neuronal damage following persistent cerebral acidosis. Neuropeptides can affect acid-induced neuronal injury by altering ASIC1a inactivation and/or steady-state desensitization. Yet, exactly how ASIC1a inactivation and desensitization occur or are modulated by peptides is not completely understood. We found that regions of the extracellular palm domain and the β11-12 linker are important for inactivation and steady-state desensitization of ASIC1a. The single amino acid substitutions L280C and L415C dramatically enhanced the rate of inactivation and altered the pH-dependence of steady-state desensitization. Further, the use of methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents suggests that the lower palm region (L280C) undergoes a conformational change when ASIC1a transitions from closed to desensitized. We determined that L280C also displays an altered response to the RFamide peptide, FRRFamide. Further, the presence of FRRFamide limited MTS modification of L280C. Together, these results indicate a potential role of the lower palm domain in peptide modulation and suggest RFamide-related peptides promote conformational changes within this region. These data provide empirical support for the idea that L280, and likely this region of the central vestibule, is intimately involved in channel inactivation and desensitization.  相似文献   

Ion conduction across the cellular membrane requires the simultaneous opening of activation and inactivation gates of the K+ channel pore. The bacterial KcsA channel has served as a powerful system for dissecting the structural changes that are related to four major functional states associated with K+ gating. Yet, the direct observation of the full gating cycle of KcsA has remained structurally elusive, and crystal structures mimicking these gating events require mutations in or stabilization of functionally relevant channel segments. Here, we found that changes in lipid composition strongly increased the KcsA open probability. This enabled us to probe all four major gating states in native-like membranes by combining electrophysiological and solid-state NMR experiments. In contrast to previous crystallographic views, we found that the selectivity filter and turret region, coupled to the surrounding bilayer, were actively involved in channel gating. The increase in overall steady-state open probability was accompanied by a reduction in activation-gate opening, underscoring the important role of the surrounding lipid bilayer in the delicate conformational coupling of the inactivation and activation gates.  相似文献   

Although gating of mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channels has been successfully described by assuming that one channel is associated with a tip link in the hair bundle, recent reports indicate that a single tip link is associated with more than one channel. To address the consistency of the model with the observations, gating of MET channels is described here by assuming that each tip link is associated with two identical MET channels, which are connected either in series or in parallel. We found that series connection does not lead to a single minimum of stiffness with respect to hair bundle displacement unless the minimum is above a certain positive value. Thus, negative stiffness must appear in pairs in the displacement axis. In contrast, parallel connection of the two channels predicts gating compliance similar to that predicted by the one-channel-per-tip-link model of channel gating, within the physiological range of parameters. Parallel connection of MET channels is, therefore, a reasonable assumption to explain most experimental observations. However, the compatibility with series connection cannot be ruled out for experimental data on turtle hair cells.  相似文献   



Postprandial hyperlipemia, characterized by increased circulating very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and circulating lipopolysaccharide (LPS), has been proposed as a mechanism of vascular injury. Our goal was to examine the interactions between postprandial lipoproteins, LPS, and apoE3 and apoE4 on monocyte activation.

Methods and Results

We showed that apoE3 complexed to phospholipid vesicles attenuates LPS-induced THP-1 monocyte cytokine expression, while apoE4 increases expression. ELISA revealed that apoE3 binds to LPS with higher affinity than apoE4. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of site-directed spin labels placed on specific amino acids of apoE3 showed that LPS interferes with conformational changes normally associated with lipid binding. Specifically, compared to apoE4, apoE bearing the E3-like R112→Ser mutation displays increased self association when exposed to LPS, consistent with a stronger apoE3-LPS interaction. Additionally, lipolysis of fasting VLDL from normal human donors attenuated LPS-induced TNFα secretion from monocytes to a greater extent than postprandial VLDL, an effect partially reversed by blocking apoE. This effect was reproduced using fasting VLDL lipolysis products from e3/e3 donors, but not from e4/e4 subjects, suggesting that apoE3 on fasting VLDL prevents LPS-induced inflammation more readily than apoE4.


Postprandial apoE isoform and conformational changes associated with VLDL dramatically modulate vascular inflammation.  相似文献   

AK Lewis  CC Valley  JN Sachs 《Biochemistry》2012,51(33):6545-6555
The widely accepted model for tumor necrosis factor 1 (TNFR1) signaling is that ligand binding causes receptor trimerization, which triggers a reorganization of cytosolic domains and thus initiates intracellular signaling. This model of stoichiometrically driven receptor activation does not account for the occurrence of ligand independent signaling in overexpressed systems, nor does it explain the constitutive activity of the R92Q mutant associated with TRAPS. More recently, ligand binding has been shown to result in the formation of high molecular weight, oligomeric networks. Although the dimer, shown to be the preligand structure, is thought to remain present within ligand-receptor networks, it is unknown whether network formation or ligand-induced structural change to the dimer itself is the trigger for TNFR1 signaling. In the present study, we investigate the available crystal structures of TNFR1 to explore backbone dynamics and infer conformational transitions associated with ligand binding. Using normal-mode analysis, we characterize the dynamic coupling between the TNFR1 ligand binding and membrane proximal domains and suggest a mechanism for ligand-induced activation. Furthermore, our data are supported experimentally by FRET showing that the constitutively active R92Q mutant adopts an altered conformation compared to wild-type. Collectively, our results suggest that the signaling competent architecture is the receptor dimer and that ligand binding modifies domain mobilities intrinsic to the receptor structure, allowing it to sample a separate, active conformation mediated by network formation.  相似文献   



In contrast to man the majority of higher plants use sucrose as mobile carbohydrate. Accordingly proton-driven sucrose transporters are crucial for cell-to-cell and long-distance distribution within the plant body. Generally very negative plant membrane potentials and the ability to accumulate sucrose quantities of more than 1 M document that plants must have evolved transporters with unique structural and functional features.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To unravel the functional properties of one specific high capacity plasma membrane sucrose transporter in detail, we expressed the sucrose/H+ co-transporter from maize ZmSUT1 in Xenopus oocytes. Application of sucrose in an acidic pH environment elicited inward proton currents. Interestingly the sucrose-dependent H+ transport was associated with a decrease in membrane capacitance (Cm). In addition to sucrose Cm was modulated by the membrane potential and external protons. In order to explore the molecular mechanism underlying these Cm changes, presteady-state currents (Ipre) of ZmSUT1 transport were analyzed. Decay of Ipre could be best fitted by double exponentials. When plotted against the voltage the charge Q, associated to Ipre, was dependent on sucrose and protons. The mathematical derivative of the charge Q versus voltage was well in line with the observed Cm changes. Based on these parameters a turnover rate of 500 molecules sucrose/s was calculated. In contrast to gating currents of voltage dependent-potassium channels the analysis of ZmSUT1-derived presteady-state currents in the absence of sucrose (I = Q/τ) was sufficient to predict ZmSUT1 transport-associated currents.


Taken together our results indicate that in the absence of sucrose, ‘trapped’ protons move back and forth between an outer and an inner site within the transmembrane domains of ZmSUT1. This movement of protons in the electric field of the membrane gives rise to the presteady-state currents and in turn to Cm changes. Upon application of external sucrose, protons can pass the membrane turning presteady-state into transport currents.  相似文献   

Three observations have suggested that acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) might be mammalian cutaneous mechanoreceptors; they are structurally related to Caenorhabditis elegans mechanoreceptors, they are localized in specialized cutaneous mechanosensory structures, and mechanical displacement generates an ASIC-dependent depolarization in some neurons. However, previous studies of mice bearing a single disrupted ASIC gene showed only subtle or no alterations in cutaneous mechanosensitivity. Because functional redundancy of ASIC subunits might explain limited phenotypic alterations, we hypothesized that disrupting multiple ASIC genes would markedly impair cutaneous mechanosensation. We found the opposite. In behavioral studies, mice with simultaneous disruptions of ASIC1a, -2 and -3 genes (triple-knockouts, TKOs) showed increased paw withdrawal frequencies when mechanically stimulated with von Frey filaments. Moreover, in single-fiber nerve recordings of cutaneous afferents, mechanical stimulation generated enhanced activity in A-mechanonociceptors of ASIC TKOs compared to wild-type mice. Responses of all other fiber types did not differ between the two genotypes. These data indicate that ASIC subunits influence cutaneous mechanosensitivity. However, it is unlikely that ASICs directly transduce mechanical stimuli. We speculate that physical and/or functional association of ASICs with other components of the mechanosensory transduction apparatus contributes to normal cutaneous mechanosensation.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of structural rearrangements of an electrogenic secondary-active cotransporter during its transport cycle, two measures of conformational change (pre-steady-state current relaxations and intensity of fluorescence emitted from reporter fluorophores) were investigated as a function of membrane potential and external substrate. Cysteines were substituted at three believed-new sites in the type IIb Na+-coupled inorganic phosphate cotransporter (SLC34A2 flounder isoform) that were predicted to be involved in conformational changes. Labeling at one site resulted in substantial suppression of transport activity, whereas for the other sites, function remained comparable to the wild-type. For these mutants, the properties of the pre-steady-state charge relaxations were similar for each, whereas fluorescence intensity changes differed significantly. Fluorescence changes could be accounted for by simulations using a five-state model with a unique set of apparent fluorescence intensities assigned to each state according to the site of labeling. Fluorescence reported from one site was associated with inward and outward conformations, whereas for the other sites, including four previously indentified sites, emissions were associated principally with one or the other orientation of the transporter. The same membrane potential change induced complementary changes in fluorescence at some sites, which suggested that the microenvironments of the respective fluorophores experience concomitant changes in polarity. In response to step changes in voltage, the pre-steady-state current relaxation and the time course of change in fluorescence intensity were described by single exponentials. For one mutant the time constants matched well with and without external Na+, providing direct evidence that this label reports conformational changes accompanying intrinsic charge movement and cation interactions.  相似文献   

Alamethicin, a 20 residue-long peptaibol remains a favorite high voltage-dependent channel-forming peptide. However, the structural significance of its abundant noncoded residues (α-methylalanine or Aib) for its ion channel activity remains unknown, although a previous study showed that replacement of all Aib residues with leucines preserved the essential channel behavior except for much faster single-channel events. To correlate these functional properties with structural data, here we compare the secondary structures of an alamethicin derivative where all the eight Aibs were replaced by leucines and the native alamethicin. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of these peptides were recorded in methanol and in aqueous phospholipid membranes. Results obtained show a significant conformational change in alamethicin upon substitution of its Aib residues with Leu. The amide I band occurs at a lower frequency for the Leu-derivative indicating that its α-helices are involved in stronger hydrogen-bonding. In addition, the structure of the Leu-derivative is quite sensitive to membrane fluidity changes. The amide I band shifts to higher frequencies when the lipids are in the fluid phase. This indicates either a decreased solvation due to a more complete peptide insertion or a peptide stretching to match the full thickness of the bilayer. These results contribute to explain the fast single-channel kinetics displayed by the Leu-derivative.  相似文献   

Store-operated CRAC channels regulate a wide range of cellular functions including gene expression, chemotaxis, and proliferation. CRAC channels consist of two components: the Orai proteins (Orai1-3), which form the ion-selective pore, and STIM proteins (STIM1-2), which form the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ sensors. Activation of CRAC channels is initiated by the migration of STIM1 to the ER-plasma membrane (PM) junctions, where it directly interacts with Orai1 to open the Ca2+-selective pores of the CRAC channels. The recent elucidation of the Drosophila Orai structure revealed a hexameric channel wherein the C-terminal helices of adjacent Orai subunits associate in an anti-parallel orientation. This association is maintained by hydrophobic interactions between the Drosophila equivalents of human Orai1 residues L273 and L276. Here, we used mutagenesis and chemical cross-linking to assess the nature and extent of conformational changes in the self-associated Orai1 C-termini during STIM1 binding. We find that linking the anti-parallel coiled-coils of the adjacent Orai1 C-termini through disulfide cross-links diminishes STIM1-Orai1 interaction, as assessed by FRET. Conversely, prior binding of STIM1 to the Orai1 C-terminus impairs cross-linking of the Orai1 C-termini. Mutational analysis indicated that a bend of the Orai1 helix located upstream of the self-associated coils (formed by the amino acid sequence SHK) establishes an appropriate orientation of the Orai1 C-termini that is required for STIM1 binding. Together, our results support a model wherein the self-associated Orai1 C-termini rearrange modestly to accommodate STIM1 binding.  相似文献   

Proteins are key components in many processes in living cells, and physical interactions with other proteins and nucleic acids often form key parts of their functions. In many cases, large flexibility of proteins as they interact is key to their function. To understand the mechanisms of these processes, it is necessary to consider the 3D structures of such protein complexes. When such structures are not yet experimentally determined, protein docking has long been present to computationally generate useful structure models. However, protein docking has long had the limitation that the consideration of flexibility is usually limited to very small movements or very small structures. Methods have been developed which handle minor flexibility via normal mode or other structure sampling, but new methods are required to model ordered proteins which undergo large-scale conformational changes to elucidate their function at the molecular level. Here, we present Flex-LZerD, a framework for docking such complexes. Via partial assembly multidomain docking and an iterative normal mode analysis admitting curvilinear motions, we demonstrate the ability to model the assembly of a variety of protein–protein and protein-nucleic acid complexes.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are modulated by various classes of ligands, including the recently described hydrophobic monoamines, which inhibit and potentiate ASICs in a subunit-specific manner. In particular, memantine inhibits ASIC1a and potentiates ASIC2a homomers. The aim of the present work was to characterize action mechanism of memantine on recombinant ASIC1a expressed in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells. We have demonstrated that effect of memantine on ASIC1a strongly depends on membrane voltage, conditioning pH value and application protocol. When applied simultaneously with activating acidification at hyperpolarized voltages, memantine caused the strongest inhibition. Surprisingly, application of memantine between ASIC1a activations at zero voltage caused significant potentiation. Analysis of the data suggests that memantine produces two separate effects, voltage-dependent open-channel block and shift of steady-state desensitization curve to more acidic values. Putative binding sites are discussed based on the computer docking of memantine to the acidic pocket and the pore region.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of structural rearrangements of an electrogenic secondary-active cotransporter during its transport cycle, two measures of conformational change (pre-steady-state current relaxations and intensity of fluorescence emitted from reporter fluorophores) were investigated as a function of membrane potential and external substrate. Cysteines were substituted at three believed-new sites in the type IIb Na+-coupled inorganic phosphate cotransporter (SLC34A2 flounder isoform) that were predicted to be involved in conformational changes. Labeling at one site resulted in substantial suppression of transport activity, whereas for the other sites, function remained comparable to the wild-type. For these mutants, the properties of the pre-steady-state charge relaxations were similar for each, whereas fluorescence intensity changes differed significantly. Fluorescence changes could be accounted for by simulations using a five-state model with a unique set of apparent fluorescence intensities assigned to each state according to the site of labeling. Fluorescence reported from one site was associated with inward and outward conformations, whereas for the other sites, including four previously indentified sites, emissions were associated principally with one or the other orientation of the transporter. The same membrane potential change induced complementary changes in fluorescence at some sites, which suggested that the microenvironments of the respective fluorophores experience concomitant changes in polarity. In response to step changes in voltage, the pre-steady-state current relaxation and the time course of change in fluorescence intensity were described by single exponentials. For one mutant the time constants matched well with and without external Na+, providing direct evidence that this label reports conformational changes accompanying intrinsic charge movement and cation interactions.  相似文献   

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