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The pathogens Vibrio cholerae and Haemophilus influenzae use tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporters (TRAPs) to scavenge sialic acid from host tissues. They use it as a nutrient or to evade the innate immune system by sialylating surface lipopolysaccharides. An essential component of TRAP transporters is a periplasmic substrate binding protein (SBP). Without substrate, the SBP has been proposed to rest in an open-state, which is not recognised by the transporter. Substrate binding induces a conformational change of the SBP and it is thought that this closed state is recognised by the transporter, triggering substrate translocation. Here we use real time single molecule FRET experiments and crystallography to investigate the open- to closed-state transition of VcSiaP, the SBP of the sialic acid TRAP transporter from V. cholerae. We show that the conformational switching of VcSiaP is strictly substrate induced, confirming an important aspect of the proposed transport mechanism. Two new crystal structures of VcSiaP provide insights into the closing mechanism. While the first structure contains the natural ligand, sialic acid, the second structure contains an artificial peptide in the sialic acid binding site. Together, the two structures suggest that the ligand itself stabilises the closed state and that SBP closure is triggered by physically bridging the gap between the two lobes of the SBP. Finally, we demonstrate that the affinity for the artificial peptide substrate can be substantially increased by varying its amino acid sequence and by this, serve as a starting point for the development of peptide-based inhibitors of TRAP transporters.  相似文献   

Embedded in the plasma membrane of all bacteria, ATP binding cassette (ABC) importers facilitate the uptake of several vital nutrients and cofactors. The ABC transporter, MolBC-A, imports molybdate by passing substrate from the binding protein MolA to a membrane-spanning translocation pathway of MolB. To understand the mechanism of transport in the biological membrane as a whole, the effects of the lipid bilayer on transport needed to be addressed. Continuous wave-electron paramagnetic resonance and in vivo molybdate uptake studies were used to test the impact of the lipid environment on the mechanism and function of MolBC-A. Working with the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae, we found that MolBC-A functions as a low affinity molybdate transporter in its native environment. In periods of high extracellular molybdate concentration, H. influenzae makes use of parallel molybdate transport systems (MolBC-A and ModBC-A) to take up a greater amount of molybdate than a strain with ModBC-A alone. In addition, the movement of the translocation pathway in response to nucleotide binding and hydrolysis in a lipid environment is conserved when compared with in-detergent analysis. However, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy indicates that a lipid environment restricts the flexibility of the MolBC translocation pathway. By combining continuous wave-electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and substrate uptake studies, we reveal details of molybdate transport and the logistics of uptake systems that employ multiple transporters for the same substrate, offering insight into the mechanisms of nutrient uptake in bacteria.  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, TonB-dependent outer-membrane transporters bind large, scarce organometallic substrates with high affinity preceding active transport. The cobalamin transporter BtuB requires the additional binding of two Ca2+ ions before substrate binding can occur, but the underlying molecular mechanism is unknown. Using the crystallographic structures available for different bound states of BtuB, we have carried out extended molecular dynamics simulations of multiple functional states of BtuB to address the role of Ca2+ in substrate recruitment. We find that Ca2+ binding both stabilizes and repositions key extracellular loops of BtuB, optimizing interactions with the substrate. Interestingly, replacement by Mg2+ abolishes this effect, in accordance with experiments. Using a set of new force-field parameters developed for cyanocobalamin, we also simulated the substrate-bound form of BtuB, where we observed interactions not seen in the crystal structure between the substrate and loops previously found to be important for binding and transport. Based on our results, we suggest that the large size of cobalamin compared to other TonB-dependent transporter substrates explains the requirement of Ca2+ binding for high-affinity substrate recruitment in BtuB.  相似文献   

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) have been used for decades, but their orientation within and molecular interactions with their primary target is yet unsettled. The recent finding of a TCA binding site in the extracellular vestibule of the bacterial leucine transporter 11 Å above the central site has prompted debate about whether this vestibular site in the bacterial transporter is applicable to binding of antidepressants to their relevant physiological target, the human serotonin transporter (hSERT). We present an experimentally validated structural model of imipramine and analogous TCAs in the central substrate binding site of hSERT. Two possible binding modes were observed from induced fit docking calculations. We experimentally validated a single binding mode by combining mutagenesis of hSERT with uptake inhibition studies of different TCA analogs according to the paired mutation ligand analog complementation paradigm. Using this experimental method, we identify a salt bridge between the tertiary aliphatic amine and Asp98. Furthermore, the 7-position of the imipramine ring is found vicinal to Phe335, and the pocket lined by Ala173 and Thr439 is utilized by 3-substituents. These protein-ligand contact points unambiguously orient the TCA within the central binding site and reveal differences between substrate binding and inhibitor binding, giving important clues to the inhibition mechanism. Consonant with the well established competitive inhibition of uptake by TCAs, the resulting binding site for TCAs in hSERT is fully overlapping with the serotonin binding site in hSERT and dissimilar to the low affinity noncompetitive TCA site reported in the leucine transporter (LeuT).  相似文献   

Organic cation transporters are membrane potential-dependent facilitative diffusion systems. Functional studies, extensive mutagenesis, and homology modeling indicate the following mechanism. A transporter conformation with a large outward-open cleft binds extracellular substrate, passes a state in which the substrate is occluded, turns to a conformation with an inward-open cleft, releases substrate, and subsequently turns back to the outward-open state. In the rat organic cation transporter (rOct1), voltage- and ligand-dependent movements of fluorescence-labeled cysteines were measured by voltage clamp fluorometry. For fluorescence detection, cysteine residues were introduced in extracellular parts of cleft-forming transmembrane α-helices (TMHs) 5, 8, and 11. Following expression of the mutants in Xenopus laevis oocytes, cysteines were labeled with tetramethylrhodamine-6-maleimide, and voltage-dependent conformational changes were monitored by voltage clamp fluorometry. One cysteine was introduced in the central domain of TMH 11 replacing glycine 478. This domain contains two amino acids that are involved in substrate binding and two glycine residues (Gly-477 and Gly-478) allowing for helix bending. Cys-478 could be modified with the transported substrate analog [2-(trimethylammonium)-ethyl]methanethiosulfonate but was inaccessible to tetramethylrhodamine-6-maleimide. Voltage-dependent movements at the indicator positions of TMHs 5, 8, and 11 were altered by substrate applications indicating large conformational changes during transport. The G478C exchange decreased transporter turnover and blocked voltage-dependent movements of TMHs 5 and 11. [2-(Trimethylammonium)-ethyl]methanethiosulfonate modification of Cys-478 blocked substrate binding, transport activity, and movement of TMH 8. The data suggest that Gly-478 is located within a mechanistically important hinge domain of TMH 11 in which substrate binding induces transport-related structural changes.  相似文献   

Nucleoside Transporter of Cerebral Micro vessels and Choroid Plexus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nucleoside transporter of cerebral microvessels and choroid plexus was identified and characterized using [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR) as a specific probe. [3H]NBMPR bound reversibly and with high affinity to a single specific site in particulate fractions of cerebral microvessels, choroid plexus, and cerebral cortex of the rat and the pig. The dissociation constants (KD 0.1-0.7 nM) were similar in the various tissue preparations from each species, but the maximal binding capacities (Bmax) were about fivefold higher in cerebral microvessels and choroid plexus than in the cerebral cortex. Nitrobenzylthioguanosine and dipyridamole were the most potent competitors for [3H]NBMPR binding. Several naturally occurring nucleosides displaced specific [3H]NBMPR binding to cerebral microvessels in vitro, in a rank order that correlated well with their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier in vivo. Adenosine analogues and theophylline were less effective in displacing [3H]NBMPR binding than in displacing adenosine receptor ligands. Photoactivation of cerebral microvessels and choroid plexus bound with [3H]NBMPR followed by solubilization and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis labeled a protein(s) with a molecular weight of approximately 60,000. These results indicate that cerebral microvessels and choroid plexus have a much higher density of the nucleoside transporter moiety than the cerebral cortex and that this nucleoside transporter has pharmacological properties and a molecular weight similar to those of erythrocytes and other mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

Serotonergic neurotransmission is modulated by the membrane-embedded serotonin transporter (SERT). SERT mediates the reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neurons. Conformational changes in SERT occur upon binding of ions and substrate and are crucial for translocation of serotonin across the membrane. Our understanding of these conformational changes is mainly based on crystal structures of a bacterial homolog in various conformations, derived homology models of eukaryotic neurotransmitter transporters, and substituted cysteine accessibility method of SERT. However, the dynamic changes that occur in the human SERT upon binding of ions, the translocation of substrate, and the role of cholesterol in this interplay are not fully elucidated. Here we show that serotonin induces a dualistic conformational response in SERT. We exploited the substituted cysteine scanning method under conditions that were sensitized to detect a more outward-facing conformation of SERT. We found a novel high affinity outward-facing conformational state of the human SERT induced by serotonin. The ionic requirements for this new conformational response to serotonin mirror the ionic requirements for translocation. Furthermore, we found that membrane cholesterol plays a role in the dualistic conformational response in SERT induced by serotonin. Our results indicate the existence of a subpopulation of SERT responding differently to serotonin binding than hitherto believed and that membrane cholesterol plays a role in this subpopulation of SERT.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (SERT) terminates serotonergic neurotransmission by performing reuptake of released serotonin, and SERT is the primary target for antidepressants. SERT mediates the reuptake of serotonin through an alternating access mechanism, implying that a central substrate site is connected to both sides of the membrane by permeation pathways, of which only one is accessible at a time. The coordinated conformational changes in SERT associated with substrate translocation are not fully understood. Here, we have identified a Leu to Glu mutation at position 406 (L406E) in the extracellular loop 4 (EL4) of human SERT, which induced a remarkable gain-of-potency (up to >40-fold) for a range of SERT inhibitors. The effects were highly specific for L406E relative to six other mutations in the same position, including the closely related L406D mutation, showing that the effects induced by L406E are not simply charge-related effects. Leu406 is located >10 Å from the central inhibitor binding site indicating that the mutation affects inhibitor binding in an indirect manner. We found that L406E decreased accessibility to a residue in the cytoplasmic pathway. The shift in equilibrium to favor a more outward-facing conformation of SERT can explain the reduced turnover rate and increased association rate of inhibitor binding we found for L406E. Together, our findings show that EL4 allosterically can modulate inhibitor binding within the central binding site, and substantiates that EL4 has an important role in controlling the conformational equilibrium of human SERT.  相似文献   

Engineering specific interactions between proteins and small molecules is extremely useful for biological studies, as these interactions are essential for molecular recognition. Furthermore, many biotechnological applications are made possible by such an engineering approach, ranging from biosensors to the design of custom enzyme catalysts. Here, we present a novel method for the computational design of protein-small ligand binding named PocketOptimizer. The program can be used to modify protein binding pocket residues to improve or establish binding of a small molecule. It is a modular pipeline based on a number of customizable molecular modeling tools to predict mutations that alter the affinity of a target protein to its ligand. At its heart it uses a receptor-ligand scoring function to estimate the binding free energy between protein and ligand. We compiled a benchmark set that we used to systematically assess the performance of our method. It consists of proteins for which mutational variants with different binding affinities for their ligands and experimentally determined structures exist. Within this test set PocketOptimizer correctly predicts the mutant with the higher affinity in about 69% of the cases. A detailed analysis of the results reveals that the strengths of PocketOptimizer lie in the correct introduction of stabilizing hydrogen bonds to the ligand, as well as in the improved geometric complemetarity between ligand and binding pocket. Apart from the novel method for binding pocket design we also introduce a much needed benchmark data set for the comparison of affinities of mutant binding pockets, and that we use to asses programs for in silico design of ligand binding.  相似文献   

Two serine residues in the beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) have been proposed to form hydrogen bonds with the catechol moiety of the ligand and contribute to the activation of the receptor. These conserved serine residues in the dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine transporters (DAT and NET, respectively) have also been shown to affect substrate transport in the rat DAT. In the present work, hydrogen bonding interactions between the corresponding serine residues in the human NET (hNET), 354 and 357, and the hydroxyl groups on the substrate were systematically evaluated by examining the transport and binding properties of DA and several single hydroxyl analogues of DA at wild-type and serine-to-alanine-substituted transporters. A comparison of [3H]nisoxetine binding at the serine 354 mutant, in which K(D) increased 70-fold from the wild-type value, with the binding of DA, m-tyramine (m-TYR), and p-tyramine (p-TYR) at mutant 354, where the increase in Ki was less dramatic, revealed that serine 354 is more influential in inhibitor than substrate binding. The binding of m-TYR and p-TYR at the serine 354 and serine 357 mutants did not show a direct interaction between one serine and one substrate catechol hydroxyl group. DA, m-TYR, and p-TYR binding affinity did not deviate from the wild-type value at the serine 357 and double mutant transporters. At these two transporters, however, the Km of DA uptake increased, suggesting that the roles of serine 357 and serine 354 in substrate transport are different from their roles in binding. The K'm for induced efflux of DA decreased at the serine 357 mutant compared with the wild-type, whereas the K'm at the serine 354 mutant was the same as that of the wild-type. Further investigation of the role of substrate hydroxyls in the transport process revealed no difference between the transport of m-TYR or p-TYR, as measured indirectly through their induced efflux of DA, at any of the mutants. Although these serines are influential in inhibitor and substrate binding to the transporter and substrate uptake and efflux, they do not appear to be involved in a direct hydrogen bond interaction with substrate, suggesting that the pattern of distinct hydrogen bonding interactions at the beta-AR does not exist at the hNET.  相似文献   

The human ATP-binding cassette family C member 6 (ABCC6) gene encodes an ABC transporter protein (ABCC6), primarily expressed in liver and kidney. Mutations in the ABCC6 gene cause pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), an autosomal recessive connective tissue disease characterized by ectopic mineralization of the elastic fibers. The pathophysiology underlying PXE is incompletely understood, which can at least partly be explained by the undetermined nature of the ABCC6 substrates as well as the unknown substrate recognition and binding sites. Several compounds, including anionic glutathione conjugates (N-ethylmaleimide; NEM-GS) and leukotriene C4 (LTC4) were shown to be modestly transported in vitro; conversely, vitamin K3 (VK3) was demonstrated not to be transported by ABCC6. To predict the possible substrate binding pockets of the ABCC6 transporter, we generated a 3D homology model of ABCC6 in both open and closed conformation, qualified for molecular docking and virtual screening approaches. By docking 10 reported in vitro substrates in our ABCC6 3D homology models, we were able to predict the substrate binding residues of ABCC6. Further, virtual screening of 4651 metabolites from the Human Serum Metabolome Database against our open conformation model disclosed possible substrates for ABCC6, which are mostly lipid and biliary secretion compounds, some of which are found to be involved in mineralization. Docking of these possible substrates in the closed conformation model also showed high affinity. Virtual screening expands this possibility to explore more compounds that can interact with ABCC6, and may aid in understanding the mechanisms leading to PXE.  相似文献   

We describe a computational protocol, called DDMI, for redesigning scaffold proteins to bind to a specified region on a target protein. The DDMI protocol is implemented within the Rosetta molecular modeling program and uses rigid-body docking, sequence design, and gradient-based minimization of backbone and side-chain torsion angles to design low-energy interfaces between the scaffold and target protein. Iterative rounds of sequence design and conformational optimization were needed to produce models that have calculated binding energies that are similar to binding energies calculated for native complexes. We also show that additional conformation sampling with molecular dynamics can be iterated with sequence design to further lower the computed energy of the designed complexes. To experimentally test the DDMI protocol, we redesigned the human hyperplastic discs protein to bind to the kinase domain of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1). Six designs were experimentally characterized. Two of the designs aggregated and were not characterized further. Of the remaining four designs, three bound to the PAK1 with affinities tighter than 350 μM. The tightest binding design, named Spider Roll, bound with an affinity of 100 μM. NMR-based structure prediction of Spider Roll based on backbone and 13Cβ chemical shifts using the program CS-ROSETTA indicated that the architecture of human hyperplastic discs protein is preserved. Mutagenesis studies confirmed that Spider Roll binds the target patch on PAK1. Additionally, Spider Roll binds to full-length PAK1 in its activated state but does not bind PAK1 when it forms an auto-inhibited conformation that blocks the Spider Roll target site. Subsequent NMR characterization of the binding of Spider Roll to PAK1 revealed a comparably small binding ‘on-rate’ constant (? 105 M− 1 s− 1). The ability to rationally design the site of novel protein-protein interactions is an important step towards creating new proteins that are useful as therapeutics or molecular probes.  相似文献   

Galactofuranose (Galf) residues are present in cell wall glycoconjugates of numerous pathogenic microbes. Uridine 5'-diphosphate (UDP) Galf, the biosynthetic precursor of Galf-containing glycoconjugates, is produced from UDP-galactopyranose (UDP-Galp) by the flavoenzyme UDP-galactopyranose mutase (UGM). The gene encoding UGM (glf) is essential for the viability of pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and this finding underscores the need to understand how UGM functions. Considerable effort has been devoted to elucidating the catalytic mechanism of UGM, but progress has been hindered by a lack of structural data for an enzyme-substrate complex. Such data could reveal not only substrate binding interactions but how UGM can act preferentially on two very different substrates, UDP-Galp and UDP-Galf, yet avoid other structurally related UDP sugars present in the cell. Herein, we describe the first structure of a UGM-ligand complex, which provides insight into the catalytic mechanism and molecular basis for substrate selectivity. The structure of UGM from Klebsiella pneumoniae bound to the substrate analog UDP-glucose (UDP-Glc) was solved by X-ray crystallographic methods and refined to 2.5 Å resolution. The ligand is proximal to the cofactor, a finding that is consistent with a proposed mechanism in which the reduced flavin engages in covalent catalysis. Despite this proximity, the glucose ring of the substrate analog is positioned such that it disfavors covalent catalysis. This orientation is consistent with data indicating that UDP-Glc is not a substrate for UGM. The relative binding orientations of UDP-Galp and UDP-Glc were compared using saturation transfer difference NMR. The results indicate that the uridine moiety occupies a similar location in both ligand complexes, and this relevant binding mode is defined by our structural data. In contrast, the orientations of the glucose and galactose sugar moieties differ. To understand the consequences of these differences, we derived a model for the productive UGM-substrate complex that highlights interactions that can contribute to catalysis and substrate discrimination.  相似文献   

Abstract: Experiments were conducted to determine how (−)-cocaine and S (+)-amphetamine binding sites relate to each other and to the catechol substrate site on the striatal dopamine transporter (sDAT). In controls, m -tyramine and S (+)-amphetamine caused release of dopamine from intracellular stores at concentrations ≥12-fold those observed to inhibit inwardly directed sDAT activity for dopamine. In preparations from animals pretreated with reserpine, m -tyramine and S (+)-amphetamine caused release of preloaded dopamine at concentrations similar to those that inhibit inwardly directed sDAT activity. S (+)-Amphetamine and m -tyramine inhibited sDAT activity for dopamine by competing for a common binding site with dopamine and each other, suggesting that phenethylamines are substrate analogues at the plasmalemmal sDAT. (−)-Cocaine inhibited sDAT at a site separate from that for substrate analogues. This site is mutually interactive with the substrate site ( K int = 583 n M ). Mazindol competitively inhibited sDAT at the substrate analogue binding site. The results with (−)-cocaine suggest that the (−)-cocaine binding site on sDAT is distinct from that of hydroxyphenethylamine substrates, reinforcing the notion that an antagonist for (−)-cocaine binding may be developed to block (−)-cocaine binding with minimal effects on dopamine transporter activity. However, a strategy of how to antagonize drugs of abuse acting as substrate analogues is still elusive.  相似文献   


Substrate/inhibitor properties of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), isolated from human lung and kidney tumour tissues, have been characterised and compared with those of the enzyme from the corresponding normal organs.  相似文献   

A meta-cleavage pathway for the aerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons is catalyzed by extradiol dioxygenases via a two-step mechanism: catechol substrate binding and dioxygen incorporation. The binding of substrate triggers the release of water, thereby opening a coordination site for molecular oxygen. The crystal structures of AkbC, a type I extradiol dioxygenase, and the enzyme substrate (3-methylcatechol) complex revealed the substrate binding process of extradiol dioxygenase. AkbC is composed of an N-domain and an active C-domain, which contains iron coordinated by a 2-His-1-carboxylate facial triad motif. The C-domain includes a β-hairpin structure and a C-terminal tail. In substrate-bound AkbC, 3-methylcatechol interacts with the iron via a single hydroxyl group, which represents an intermediate stage in the substrate binding process. Structure-based mutagenesis revealed that the C-terminal tail and β-hairpin form part of the substrate binding pocket that is responsible for substrate specificity by blocking substrate entry. Once a substrate enters the active site, these structural elements also play a role in the correct positioning of the substrate. Based on the results presented here, a putative substrate binding mechanism is proposed.  相似文献   

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