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Hammes SR  Coughlin SR 《Biochemistry》1999,38(8):2486-2493
The thrombin receptor PAR1 is activated when thrombin cleaves the receptor's amino-terminal exodomain to reveal the new N-terminal sequence SFLLRN which then acts as a tethered peptide ligand. Free SFLLRN activates PAR1 independent of receptor cleavage and has been used to probe PAR1 function in various cells and tissues. PAR1-expressing cells desensitized to thrombin retain responsiveness to SFLLRN. Toward determining the mechanism of such responses, we utilized fibroblasts derived from a PAR1-deficient mouse. These cells were unresponsive to thrombin and SFLLRN and became sensitive to both ligands after transfection with human PAR1 cDNA. Moreover, PAR1-transfected cells responded to SFLLRN after thrombin-desensitization, indicating that signaling of thrombin-desensitized cells to SFLLRN was mediated by PAR1 itself. SFLLRN caused signaling in thrombin-desensitized cells when no uncleaved PAR1 was detectable on the cell surface; however, cleaved PAR1 was present. To determine whether the cleaved receptors could still signal, fibroblasts were transfected with a PAR1 mutant containing a trypsin site/SFLLRN sequence carboxyl terminal to the native thrombin site. These cells retained responsiveness to trypsin after thrombin-desensitization. Conversely, fibroblasts expressing a PAR1 mutant with the trypsin site/SFLLRN sequence amino terminal to the native thrombin site retained responsiveness to thrombin after trypsin-desensitization. This suggests that a population of thrombin-cleaved PAR1 can respond both to exogenous SFLLRN and to a second tethered ligand. In this population, the tethered ligand unmasked by thrombin cleavage must not be functional, suggesting the possibility of a novel mechanism of receptor shutoff involving sequestration or modification of the tethered ligand to prevent or terminate its function.  相似文献   

The effects of the pleiotropic serine protease thrombin on tumor cells are commonly thought to be mediated by the thrombin receptor protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1). We demonstrate here that PAR1 activation has a role in experimental metastasis using the anti-PAR1 antibodies ATAP2 and WEDE15, which block PAR1 cleavage and activation. Thrombin also stimulates chemokinesis of human melanoma cells toward fibroblast conditioned media and soluble matrix proteins. Thrombin-enhanced migration is abolished by anti-PAR1 antibodies, demonstrating that PAR1 cleavage and activation are required. The PAR1-specific agonist peptide TFLLRNPNDK, however, does not stimulate migration, indicating that PAR1 activation is not sufficient. In contrast, a combination of TFLLRNPNDK and the PAR2 agonist peptide SLIGRL mimics the thrombin effect on migration, whereas PAR2 agonist alone has no effect. Agonist peptides for the thrombin receptors PAR3 and PAR4 used alone or with PAR1 agonist also have no effect. Similarly, activation of PAR1 and PAR2 also enhances chemokinesis of prostate cancer cells. Desensitization with PAR2 agonist abolishes thrombin-enhanced cell motility, demonstrating that thrombin acts through PAR2. PAR2 is cleaved by proteases with trypsin-like specificity but not by thrombin. Thrombin enhances migration in the presence of a cleavage-blocking anti-PAR2 antibody, suggesting that thrombin activates PAR2 indirectly and independent of receptor cleavage. Treatment of melanoma cells with trypsin or PAR2 agonist peptide enhances experimental metastasis. Together, these data confirm a role for PAR1 in migration and metastasis and demonstrate an unexpected role for PAR2 in thrombin-dependent tumor cell migration and in metastasis.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms ensuring directionality of endocytic membrane trafficking between transport vesicles and target organelles still remain poorly characterized. We have been investigating the function of the small GTPase Rab5 in early endocytic transport. In vitro studies have demonstrated a role of Rab5 in two membrane fusion events: the heterotypic fusion between plasma membrane-derived clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) and early endosomes and in the homotypic fusion between early endosomes. Several Rab5 effectors are required in homotypic endosome fusion, including EEA1, which mediates endosome membrane docking, as well as Rabaptin-5 x Rabex-5 complex and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase hVPS34. In this study we have examined the localization and function of Rab5 and its effectors in heterotypic fusion in vitro. We report that the presence of active Rab5 is necessary on both CCVs and early endosomes for a heterotypic fusion event to occur. This process requires EEA1 in addition to the Rabaptin-5 complex. However, whereas Rab5 and Rabaptin-5 are symmetrically distributed between CCVs and early endosomes, EEA1 is recruited selectively onto the membrane of early endosomes. Our results suggest that EEA1 is a tethering molecule that provides directionality to vesicular transport from the plasma membrane to the early endosomes.  相似文献   

Characterization of a novel IRF-1-deficient mutant cell line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The actin cytoskeleton has been implicated in endocytosis, yet few molecules that link these systems have been identified. Here, we have cloned and characterized mHip1R, a protein that is closely related to huntingtin interacting protein 1 (Hip1). These two proteins are mammalian homologues of Sla2p, an actin binding protein important for actin organization and endocytosis in yeast. Sequence alignments and secondary structure predictions verified that mHip1R belongs to the Sla2 protein family. Thus, mHip1R contains an NH(2)-terminal domain homologous to that implicated in Sla2p's endocytic function, three predicted coiled-coils, a leucine zipper, and a talin-like actin-binding domain at the COOH terminus. The talin-like domain of mHip1R binds to F-actin in vitro and colocalizes with F-actin in vivo, indicating that this activity has been conserved from yeast to mammals. mHip1R shows a punctate immunolocalization and is enriched at the cell cortex and in the perinuclear region. We concluded that the cortical localization represents endocytic compartments, because mHip1R colocalizes with clathrin, AP-2, and endocytosed transferrin, and because mHip1R fractionates biochemically with clathrin-coated vesicles. Time-lapse video microscopy of mHip1R-green fluorescence protein (GFP) revealed a blinking behavior similar to that reported for GFP-clathrin, and an actin-dependent inward movement of punctate structures from the cell periphery. These data show that mHip1R is a component of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles and suggest that it might link the endocytic machinery to the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells exhibit regulated exocytosis in response to inflammatory mediators such as thrombin and histamine. The exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs) containing von Willebrand factor, P-selectin, and interleukin-8 within minutes after stimulation is important for vascular homeostasis. SNARE proteins are key components of the exocytic machinery in neurons and some secretory cells, but their role in regulating exocytosis in endothelial cells is not well understood. We examined the function of SNARE proteins in mediating exocytosis of WPBs in endothelial cells. We identified the presence of syntaxin 4, syntaxin 3, and the high affinity syntaxin 4-regulatory protein Munc18c in human lung microvascular endothelial cells. Small interfering RNA-induced knockdown of syntaxin 4 (but not of syntaxin 3) inhibited exocytosis of WPBs as detected by the reduction in thrombin-induced cell surface P-selectin expression. Thrombin ligation of protease-activated receptor-1 activated the phosphorylation of syntaxin 4 and Munc18c, which, in turn, disrupted the interaction between syntaxin 4 and Munc18. Protein kinase Calpha activation was required for the phosphorylation of syntaxin 4 and Munc18c as well as the cell surface expression of P-selectin. We also observed that syntaxin 4 knockdown inhibited the adhesion of neutrophils to thrombin-activated endothelial cells, demonstrating the functional role of syntaxin 4 in promoting endothelial adhesivity. Thus, protease-activated receptor-1-induced protein kinase Calpha activation and phosphorylation of syntaxin 4 and Munc18c are required for the cell surface expression of P-selectin and the consequent binding of neutrophils to endothelial cells.  相似文献   

CD4, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is not only expressed in T4 helper lymphocytes but also in myeloid cells. Receptor-mediated endocytosis plays a crucial role in the regulation of surface expression of adhesion molecules such as CD4. In T lymphocytes p56lck, a CD4-associated tyrosine kinase, prevents CD4 internalization, but in myeloid cells p56lck is not expressed and CD4 is constitutively internalized. In this study, we have investigated the role of cyclic AMP (cAMP) in the regulation of CD4 endocytosis in the myeloid cell line HL-60. Elevations of cellular cAMP were elicited by 1) cholera toxin, 2) pertussis toxin, 3) forskolin and IBMX, 4) NaF, or 5) the physiological receptor agonist prostaglandin E1. All five interventions led to an inhibition of CD4 internalization. Increased cAMP levels did not inhibit endocytosis per se, because internalization of insulin receptors and transferrin receptors and fluid phase endocytosis were either unchanged or slightly enhanced. The mechanism of cAMP inhibition was further analyzed at the ultrastructural level. CD4 internalization, followed either by quantitative electron microscopy autoradiography or by immunogold labeling, showed a rapid and temperature-dependent association of CD4 with clathrin-coated pits in control cells. This association was markedly inhibited in cells with elevated cAMP levels. Thus these findings suggest a second-messenger regulation of CD4 internalization through an inhibition of CD4 association with clathrin-coated pits in p56lck-negative cells.  相似文献   

A ganglioside-stimulated ecto-type protein phosphorylation system (ecto-Gg-kinase) was detected on the cell surface of a human neuroblastoma cell line (GOTO). When intact cells were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP, at least 28 cell surface proteins were phosphorylated, as evident on SDS-PAGE (4-20%) analysis. Exogenously added gangliosides specifically stimulated the phosphorylation of at least three cell surface associated proteins of Mr = 64,000, 60,000, and 54,000. Phosphorylation was directed toward Thr and Ser residues, respectively, as revealed on acid hydrolysis followed by electrophoresis. GQ1b, at 5 nM, was the most potent among the several gangliosides tested and was more effective when added to cells before [gamma-32P]ATP administration. The simultaneous addition of an excess amount of the saccharide portion of GQ1b (oligo-GQ1b) inhibited the GQ1b-stimulated phosphorylation, indicating the necessity of the sialosaccharide moiety. These results strongly suggest that phosphorylation of the three proteins may be closely associated with the highly specific neuritogenic effect of GQ1b previously reported.  相似文献   

Thrombin activates mast cells to release inflammatory mediators through a mechanism involving protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1). We hypothesized that PAR-1 activation would induce mast cell adhesion to fibronectin (FN). Fluorescent adhesion assay was performed in 96-well plates coated with FN (20 microg/ml). Murine bone marrow cultured mast cells (BMCMC) were used after 3-5 wk of culture (>98% mast cells by flow cytometry for c-Kit expression). Thrombin induced beta-hexosaminidase, IL-6, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 release from BMCMC. Thrombin and the PAR-1-activating peptide AparafluoroFRCyclohexylACitY-NH(2) (cit) induced BMCMC adhesion to FN in a dose-dependent fashion, while the PAR-1-inactive peptide FSLLRY-NH(2) had no effect. Thrombin and cit induced also BMCMC adhesion to laminin. Thrombin-mediated adhesion to FN was inhibited by anti-alpha(5) integrin Ab (51.1 +/- 6.7%; n = 5). The combination of anti-alpha(5) and anti-alpha(4) Abs induced higher inhibition (65.7 +/- 7.1%; n = 5). Unlike what is known for FcepsilonRI-mediated adhesion, PAR-1-mediated adhesion to FN did not increase mediator release. We then explored the signaling pathways involved in PAR-1-mediated mast cell adhesion. Thrombin and cit induced p44/42 and p38 phosphorylation. Pertussis toxin inhibited PAR-1-mediated BMCMC adhesion by 57.3 +/- 7.3% (n = 4), indicating that G(i) proteins are involved. Wortmannin and calphostin almost completely inhibited PAR-1-mediated mast cell adhesion, indicating that PI-3 kinase and protein kinase C are involved. Adhesion was partially inhibited by the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 inhibitor U0126 (24.5 +/- 3.3%; n = 3) and the p38 inhibitor SB203580 (25.1 +/- 10.4%; n = 3). The two inhibitors had additive effects. Therefore, thrombin mediates mast cell adhesion through the activation of G(i) proteins, phosphoinositol 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways.  相似文献   

Addition of new membrane to the cell surface by membrane trafficking is necessary for cell growth. In this paper, we report that blocking membrane traffic causes a mitotic checkpoint arrest via Wee1-dependent inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdk1. Checkpoint signals are relayed by the Rho1 GTPase, protein kinase C (Pkc1), and a specific form of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A(Cdc55)). Signaling via this pathway is dependent on membrane traffic and appears to increase gradually during polar bud growth. We hypothesize that delivery of vesicles to the site of bud growth generates a signal that is proportional to the extent of polarized membrane growth and that the strength of the signal is read by downstream components to determine when sufficient growth has occurred for initiation of mitosis. Growth-dependent signaling could explain how membrane growth is integrated with cell cycle progression. It could also control both cell size and morphogenesis, thereby reconciling divergent models for mitotic checkpoint function.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Yang H  Ma W  He S 《Cytokine》2011,56(2):231-238
PD-L1 (CD274) is a critical membrane-bound costimulatory molecule that inhibits immune responses through its receptor, PD-1. Previous data have showed that this molecule is associated with autoimmune diseases, chronic viral infections and tumor immune escape. However, the existence and role of soluble form of human PD-L1 (sPD-L1) remain unknown. We show here that a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect the sPD-L1 protein. Many culture supernatants of the PD-L1+ cell lines contain high levels of this factor. Interestingly, the sPD-L1 is detectable in human serum and the concentration increases in an age-dependent manner. Human sPD-L1 has a unique protein form in the serum and the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor (MMPI) could suppress sPD-L1 production. Moreover, the sPD-L1 could specially bind to PD-1. Together, these data demonstrate that the existence of circulating sPD-L1 in human serum might play an important role in immunoregulation.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation was studied in L6 cultured muscle cells by incubating cells with Na 32Pi and subsequently exposing them to external agents. L6 cells readily incorporated 32Pi into a number of peptides approaching steady-state incorporation by 2 h. Insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of one peptide of molecular mass 29,000 daltons by 37% with an ED50 of 3 mU/ml. This peptide was located in the high-speed pellet (105,000 g 60 min) which is consistent with an S6 ribosomal protein. Epinephrine (10(-5) M) led to only a modestly stimulated (less than 14%) phosphorylation of three peptides of molecular masses 39,000, 29,000 and 21,000 daltons. Glucose (5-50 mM) stimulated the phosphorylation of one peptide of molecular mass 19,000 daltons by 24%.  相似文献   

The ATR-mediated checkpoint is not only critical for responding to genotoxic stress but also essential for cell proliferation. The RFC-related checkpoint protein Rad17, a phosphorylation substrate of ATR, is critical for ATR-mediated checkpoint signaling and cell survival. Here, we show that phosphorylation of Rad17 by ATR is important for genomic stability and restraint of S phase but is not essential for cell survival. The phosphomutant Rad17AA exhibits distinct defects in hydroxyurea- (HU) and ultraviolet- (UV) induced Chk1 activation, indicating that separate Rad17 functions are required differently in response to different types of replication interference. Although cells expressing Rad17AA can initiate Chk1 phosphorylation after HU treatment, they fail to sustain Chk1 phosphorylation after withdrawal of HU and are profoundly sensitive to HU. Importantly, we found that phosphorylated Rad17 interacts with Claspin and regulates its phosphorylation. These findings reveal a phosphorylation-dependent function of Rad17 in an ATR-Rad17-Claspin-Chk1-signaling cascade that responds to specific replication stress.  相似文献   

The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 plays a major role in the DNA damage response pathway. The lack of well-characterized human BRCA1-null cell lines has limited the investigation of BRCA1 function, particularly with regard to its role in ovarian cancer. We propagated a novel BRCA1-null human ovarian cancer cell line UWB1.289 from a tumor of papillary serous histology, the most common form of ovarian carcinoma. UWB1.289 carries a germline BRCA1 mutation within exon 11 and has a deletion of the wild-type allele. UWB1.289 is estrogen and progesterone receptor negative and has an acquired somatic mutation in p53, similar to the commonly used BRCA1-null breast cancer cell line HCC1937. We used ionizing radiation to induce DNA damage in both UWB1.289 and in a stable UWB1.289 line in which wild-type BRCA1 was restored. We examined several responses to DNA damage in these cell lines, including sensitivity to radiation, cell cycle checkpoint function, and changes in gene expression using microarray analysis. We observed that UWB1.289 is sensitive to ionizing radiation and lacks cell cycle checkpoint functions that are a normal part of the DNA damage response. Restoration of wild-type BRCA1 function in these cells partially restores DNA damage responses. Expression array analysis not only supports this partial functional correction but also reveals interesting new information regarding BRCA1-positive regulation of the expression of claudin 6 and other metastasis-associated genes and negative regulation of multiple IFN-inducible genes.  相似文献   

DNA replication of the enterobacterial plasmid R1 is initiated by RepA protein. We have developed a new procedure for the purification of RepA from inclusion bodies, which involves CHAPS-mediated solubilization. This method has been also used for the thermosensitive mutant protein RepA2623. The nucleoprotein complexes obtained with both proteins and oriR, the origin of replication, are studied in this paper. DNaseI and hydroxyl-radical footprinting suggest the presence in oriR of two sites with different affinity for RepA separated by eight helical turns. The pattern of hypersensitive sites in the footprints indicates that the oriR sequence, when complexed with RepA, is curved. The binding of RepA molecules to oriR is co-operative and this co-operativity is defective in the thermosensitive protein. Band-shift analysis of RepA-oriR complexes revealed the existence of a species with an anomalously high electrophoretic mobility that appears after formation of the first RepA-oriR complex and requires the sequential interaction of RepA with its two distal binding sites. These features lead us to propose that protein-protein interactions between RepA bound to both distal sites could be responsible for oriR looping. This model represents a novel mechanism that results in activation of an origin in a replicon that does not contain iterons.  相似文献   

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