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Hand raised nightingales were alternatively confronted with different series of songs which permitted labeling of particular learning situations and allowed detection of specific consequences of diverse learning conditions. We found that visual contact with a tutor affected both quality and quantity of acquired patterns. Without visual contact the birds acquired only song sections consisting of repeated vocal units', which proved to be relevant for species recognition. With visual contact the birds learnt every presented song type completely (→ song type sharing between tutor and learner). Furthermore, the birds developed additional song types individually: by distinct parameter variation, or by recombination of particular tutor song units (Fig. 1; Table 1). Functional aspects of this type of song acquisition and development are discussed.  相似文献   

Song learning in oscine birds is often defined solely as a process of song imitation; nonetheless, not all songs produced by laboratory‐tutored birds are imitations of the model songs. If song learning were strictly a process of imitation, these non‐imitated songs (inventions) would be expected to contain no learned attributes. To determine whether species‐typical song attributes can be learned in the absence of imitation, we compared the imitations and inventions of laboratory‐tutored nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos B.) with the songs of wild nightingales and the songs of laboratory‐reared, untutored nightingales. The species‐typical song attribute measured was stereotypy. We quantified stereotypy by four variables: (1) percentage of notes shared between two renditions of the same song type (2) difference in repetition rates of the same trill in two renditions of the same song type (3) acoustic similarity of the same note in two renditions of the same song type, and (4) acoustic similarity of the same note repeated within a trill. Wild songs and imitated songs were significantly more stereotypical than the songs of untutored birds for all measures. For the percentage of notes shared (1), and the acoustic similarity of notes in two renditions of the same song type (3), invented songs did not differ from the songs of untutored birds, suggesting that imitation is necessary for the acquisition of these song characteristics. However, invented songs were significantly more stereotypical than the songs of untutored birds for measures of stereotypy related to trills (2 and 4), and neither imitated nor invented songs differed significantly from the songs of wild birds in terms of trill rate stereotypy (2). Thus, it appears that the process of learning to produce trills may differ from the process of learning non‐repetitive song components: increased stereotypy in trills occurs even when the trills themselves are not copied from song models. Strict imitation does not fully account for the acquisition of some learned song attributes.  相似文献   

Bourski  O. V. 《Biology Bulletin》2018,45(8):812-830
Biology Bulletin - Abstract—Foraging techniques influence the morphological peculiarities and ecological specialization of species, also determining their organization in a community. The...  相似文献   

Bird migration requires high energy expenditure, and long-distance migrants accumulate fat for use as fuel during stopovers throughout their journey. Recent studies have shown that long-distance migratory birds, besides accumulating fat for use as fuel, also show adaptive phenotypic flexibility in several organs during migration. The migratory routes of many songbirds include stretches of sea and desert where fuelling is not possible. Large fuel loads increase flight costs and predation risk, therefore extensive fuelling should occur only immediately prior to crossing inhospitable zones. However, despite their crucial importance for the survival of migratory birds, both strategic refuelling decisions and variation in phenotypic flexibility during migration are not well understood. First-year thrush nightingales (Luscinia luscinia) caught in the early phase of the onset of autumn migration in southeast Sweden and exposed to a magnetic treatment simulating a migratory flight to northern Egypt increased more in fuel load than control birds. By contrast, birds trapped during the late phase of the onset of autumn migration accumulated a high fuel load irrespective of magnetic treatment. Furthermore, early birds increased less in flight-muscle size than birds trapped later in autumn. We suggest that the relative importance of endogenous and environmental factors in individual birds is affected by the time of season and by geographical area. When approaching a barrier, environmental cues may act irrespective of the endogenous time programme.  相似文献   

Based on the assumptions that birdsong indicates male quality and that quality is related to age, one might expect older birds to signal their age. That is, in addition to actual body condition, at least some song features should vary with age, presumably towards more complexity. We investigated this issue by comparing repertoire sizes of free‐ranging common nightingale males in their first breeding season with those of older males. Nightingales are a good model species as they are open‐ended learners, where song acquisition is not confined to an early sensitive period of learning. Moreover, nightingales develop an extraordinarily large song‐type repertoire (approx. 180 different song types per male), and differences in repertoire size among males are pronounced. We analysed repertoire characteristics of the nocturnal song of nine nightingales in their first breeding season and compared them with the songs of nine older males. The repertoire size of older males was on average 53% larger than that of yearlings. When analysing two song categories of nightingales, whistle and non‐whistle songs separately, we found similar results. Our findings show marked differences in repertoire size between age categories, suggesting that this song feature may reflect a male's age. We discuss those mechanisms that may constrain the development of larger repertoires in first‐year males. Whether repertoire sizes are crucial for female mate choice or in vocal interactions among conspecific males remains open to further investigations.  相似文献   

Sequential organization (or syntax) is widely recognized as one of the most intriguing traits of avian song. We examined the singing of thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia) with emphasis on the clustering and sequencing of different song types. The individual repertoire size averaged 12.2 ± 3.7 song types (range 7–23 song types). The song types most common in the population were mutually associated within individual repertoires in non-random combinations. The vast majority of transitions between these song types were predominantly unidirectional. During singing, different song types were mutually associated in the fixed vocal programmes. Each programme was composed of 2–6 song types, which were usually delivered in a relatively fixed order. The compositions of some programmes were found to be identical across the whole of Moscow and even far outside it. We suggest that, during song learning, thrush nightingales memorize the programme not as a set of separate song types but as a unitary vocal pattern. Most frequently, the performance of the programs started from the very beginning. The number of complete and incomplete renditions that began from initial song types exceeded considerably the number of renditions that began from any intermediate song types. In the conclusion, we discuss some differences and similarities between song systems of the thrush and common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos).  相似文献   

In many bird species the sex ratio of adults is male-biased, which is likely to have consequences for the ecology as well as for the conservation of a species. For example, when some males remain unpaired in a population, there should be strong selection on behavioural traits that enhance pairing success. A surplus of males is also likely to have important implications for the interpretation of breeding bird survey data. In our study population of Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos , about half of the males stayed unpaired, suggesting that the number of males encountered singing was greater than the number of breeding pairs. Furthermore, the detectability (the probability of encountering a male singing) of mated males was only two-thirds that of unmated males when censused in the morning or late in the breeding season. The relative detectability was more similar early in the season and during the twilight periods before sunrise and after sunset. Males that arrived earlier on the breeding grounds were more successful in attracting a mate than males arriving later. Some of the unmated males deserted their territories and prospected areas up to 4000 m distant, whereas others settled on the study site only late in the season and may actually have changed territories. We suggest that adult sex ratios and the time of the census should be taken into account when interpreting the results of breeding bird surveys.  相似文献   

江西发现宝兴歌鸫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年4月2日在江西官山发现宝兴歌鸫。  相似文献   

Changes in preference for a specific song-learning context, characterized by close proximity of a tutor, were investigated in the nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos. Two groups of males were tutored with conspecific song for two periods, days 42 to 56, and days 57 to 71. Song types were either presented from tape alone (group A) or were played in the presence of a familiar tutor, i.e. the person who hand-raised the birds (group B). Acquisition success did not differ between the groups for period 2. However, while males of group B acquired songs during both tutoring periods, males of group A learned only during period 2. This indicates that in nightingales the preference for a specific song-learning context decreases during development. A comparison with an earlier study suggests that this shift is not age dependent but primarily due to auditory experience with the song patterns to be learned. Such a mechanism has also been described for the termination of sensitive phases for song learning. Because song acquisition in adult nightingales does not depend any more on close spatial proximity of a familiar tutor, a male in his first spring and later on can learn from a number of singing territorial neighbours, and by this means acquire the large song-type repertoire typical for the species.  相似文献   

正2013年3月31日,在江苏省南京市老山九峰寺附近(118°89'21"E,31°32'75"N)发现1只在林间地面活动的鸫类,并拍摄照片(图1a)。所拍摄的个体上体灰褐色,眉纹、颈侧、喉及胸为红褐色,腹部和尾下覆羽为白色,根据相关资料(约翰·马敬能等2000)鉴定为赤颈鸫(Turdus ruficollis)雄性个体。2015年11月11日再次于南京老山发现赤颈鸫。  相似文献   

A. M. WILSON  R. J. FULLER  C. DAY  & G. SMITH 《Ibis》2005,147(3):498-511
The southeast corner of the East Anglian Fens supports a large concentration of Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos territories. A total of 382 territories were located in extensive surveys in 1999 and 2000, probably representing over 5% of the English population. Transect counts revealed that the Fenland population is restricted in distribution and is associated with localized thickets of scrub. The highest densities are found on humus‐rich soils, suggesting that soil type, in addition to habitat availability, may have a strong influence on the Nightingale's distribution in this region. This paper provides the first assessment of habitat requirements of the Nightingale in scrub, which now forms a principal habitat for the species in England. Detailed studies of the attributes of over 100 Nightingale territories revealed subtle differences in the vegetation structure of these thickets when compared with paired, unoccupied, but apparently similar thickets. The Nightingale territories tended to have a higher proportion of bare ground or short vegetation in the field layer under the canopy, whereas paired sites were more likely to have low field layer vegetation beneath the canopy. The bare ground within the thickets is a feature of shading beneath very dense foliage cover. Within Nightingale territories, low field layer volume and shrub twig volume at the thicket edges was higher than in unoccupied thickets. The differences detected in vegetation structure suggest that a dense and continuous canopy forming a shell over bare ground but with dense low foliage at thicket edges provides the ideal vegetation structure for Nightingales in scrub habitats. Our study suggests that Nightingales occupy scrub of a very specific structure, and specific stage in vegetation succession. This structure probably provides an optimal combination of foraging habitat, microclimate and cover from predators. It is suggested that humus‐rich soils may be preferred because they may support a particularly rich source of invertebrate food, but this remains to be tested empirically.  相似文献   

In many species of songbirds, males sometimes produce songs at distinctly lower amplitude than in normal singing. Depending on the species, these 'soft songs' may be sung in the context of female courtship, male–male aggression, or both. In song sparrows, males produce soft songs during aggressive interactions with other males, and the amount of soft song produced is the only singing behavior that can be used to reliably predict a subsequent attack by the singer. Although soft song is clearly an important signal in this species, little is known about the acoustic structure of soft song or about how that structure compares to the structure of normal 'broadcast song'. We recorded a large sample of soft songs and broadcast songs from 10 male song sparrows, and measured song amplitudes in the field while controlling the subject's distance to a calibrated microphone. We show that song sparrow males produce songs over a wide range of amplitudes, with soft songs in the range of 55–77 dB sound pressure level and broadcast songs in the range of 78–85 dB. We present evidence for two types of soft song: 'crystallized' soft songs that are broadcast repertoire song types sung at low amplitude, and 'warbled' soft songs that are not found in the broadcast repertoire. Although highly variable, warbled soft songs produced by individual birds could be grouped into song types based on spectrographic similarity. To our knowledge, a distinct repertoire of soft song types has not been previously reported for any songbird.  相似文献   

Summary To examine the properties of avian song memorization, handraised nightingales (Lusdnia megarhynchos) were exposed to three strings composed of 21 or 12 different song types (Fig. 1) which they heard only during the tutoring programs. The analysis of the birds' singing performed several months later revealed a kind of song memorization and production which, hitherto, had not been studied in song birds and is called package formation.Each package was a temporally consistent group of acquired song types which could be traced back to a coherent succession of, usually, three to five (max. seven) model song types. Model song types which a bird failed to acquire were located outside those sequences of model song types that had been acquired and later formed the packages. In contrast to the order of the tutored strings, packages were sung in a variable order. In parallel, neither the frequency of occurrence of the packages nor the performance length was related to the size of the package.We infer from these results that package formation reflects basic properties of the nightingales' song-type memories, which — through segmentation of serially presented learning stimuli — may facilitate the acquisition of large signal repertoires.  相似文献   

Subspecies complexes may provide valuable insights into the early stages of the speciation process. The bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) consists of many morphologically distinct subspecies that differ most strikingly in the ornamental colour pattern of the male throat. We investigated the genetic and phenotypic differentiation in this subspecies complex, using (i) microsatellite genotyping (11 loci) of a sample of 364 individuals from bluethroat populations in Europe and Asia, and (ii) spectrometric and morphological measurements of a sample of 131 museum skin specimens. Population genetic analyses, based on microsatellite allele frequency variation, revealed a slight but significant overall population differentiation (F(ST) = 0.042). There was a well-differentiated southern group of subspecies with white or no throat spots and a less-differentiated northern group of chestnut-spotted populations. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the southern all-blue and white-spotted forms are ancestral to the chestnut-spotted subspecies. In addition to the qualitative variation in throat plumage pattern already described in the literature, we found significant quantitative variation among subspecies in hue, chroma and brightness of the ultraviolet (UV)/blue throat coloration, and this variation seemed to be unrelated to the phylogenetic distance between subspecies.  相似文献   

正在对湖南八大公山国家级自然保护区野生动物科学考察的过程中,我们采用了红外相机(Ltl-6210MC,Ltl Acorn,珠海市猎科电子有限公司)陷阱法。其中,安放在天平山保护站的第676号相机(位点坐标:29°46′46.11″N,110°5′44.63″E,海拔1 463 m)分别于2015年11月26日、11月28日和12月19日拍摄到1种鸫科鸟类(图1)。其主要形态特征为:上体呈单一  相似文献   

正2015年9月30日利用Ltl6210型红外相机(深圳猎科电子有限公司)在贵州省宽阔水国家级自然保护区松林垭口处(28°12′N,107°09′E,海拔1 497m)拍摄到鸫科(Muscicapidae)鸟类1种。照片中的鸟中等体型,具白眉和标志性白色下眼圈,上体、腰及尾上覆羽棕褐色,颏至腹部灰白色,两胁灰色,与白眉鸫(Turdus obscurus)相似,但其胸及两胁灰色而非黄褐色,白色眉纹稍短,经查阅《中  相似文献   

正2017年2月27日,在位于江西省宜春市靖安县的九岭山国家级自然保护区利用红外相机(猎科Ltl-6210MC)监测到了灰头鸫(Turdus rubrocanus),经作者查阅文献(黄族豪等2010,邵明勤等2010,郑光美2011,黄慧琴等2016,涂飞云等2016),确定这是江西首次记录到该鸟种。发现地坐标为115°16′37.89″N,29°0′23.91″E,海拔  相似文献   

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