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We have previously identified and characterized the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase of Streptococcus mutans, which consists of two components, Nox-1 and AhpC. Deletion of both nox-1 and ahpC had no effect on the sensitivity of S. mutans to cumene hydroperoxide or H(2)O(2), implying that the existence of another antioxidant system(s) independent of the Nox-1-AhpC system compensates for the deficiency. Here, a new antioxidant gene (dpr for Dps-like peroxide resistance gene) was isolated from the S. mutans chromosome by its ability to complement an ahpCF deletion mutant of Escherichia coli with a tert-butyl hydroperoxide-hypersensitive phenotype. The dpr gene complemented the defect in peroxidase activity caused by the deletion of nox-1 and ahpC in S. mutans. Under aerobic conditions, the dpr disruption mutant carrying a spectinomycin resistance gene (dpr::Spc(r) mutant) grew as well as wild-type S. mutans in liquid medium. However, the dpr::Spc(r) mutant could not form colonies on an agar plate under air. In addition, neither the dpr::Spc(r) ahpC::Em(r)::nox-1 triple mutant nor the dpr::Spc(r) sod::Em(r) double mutant was able to grow aerobically in liquid medium. The 20-kDa dpr gene product Dpr is an iron-binding protein. Synthesis of Dpr was induced by exposure of S. mutans cells to air. We propose a mechanism by which Dpr confers aerotolerance on S. mutans.  相似文献   

We had isolated three genes (rmlA, rmlB, and rmlC) involved in dTDP-rhamnose synthesis in Streptococcus mutans and found that three genes were insufficient for dTDP-rhamnose synthesis (Y. Tsukioka, Y. Yamashita, T. Oho, Y. Nakano, and T. Koga, J. Bacteriol. 179:1126-1134, 1997). The rmlD gene of S. mutans, encoding the enzyme which catalyzes the last step of dTDP-rhamnose synthesis, has been cloned and sequenced. The cell extract of Escherichia coli expressing the rmlD gene of S. mutans exhibited enzymatic activity corresponding to its counterpart in Shigella flexneri, a gram-negative bacterium. Rhamnose was not detected in the cell wall preparation purified from the mutant in which the cloned gene was insertionally inactivated. Rabbit antiserum against S. mutans serotype c-specific antigen did not react with autoclaved extracts from the mutant. The rmlD gene product of S. mutans compensated for the incompleteness of dTDP-rhamnose synthesis by the three previously isolated genes. These results indicate that the rmlD gene product is indispensable for the dTDP-rhamnose pathway and subsequently for the synthesis of serotype-specific antigen in S. mutans. Furthermore, conservation of the rmlD gene in Streptococcus species was demonstrated by Southern blot analysis.  相似文献   

A previously unidentified protein with an apparent molecular mass of 120 kDa was detected in some Streptococcus mutans strains including the natural isolate strain Z1. This protein was likely involved in the cold-agglutination of the strain, since a correlation between this phenotype and expression of the 120 kDa protein was found. We have applied random mutagenesis by in vitro transposition with the Himar1 minitransposon and isolated three cold-agglutination-negative mutants of this strain from approximately 2,000 mutants screened. A 2.5 kb chromosomal fragment flanking the minitransposon in one of the three mutants was amplified by PCR-based chromosome walking and the minitransposon insertion in the other two mutants occurred also within the same region. Nucleotide sequencing of the region revealed a 1617 nt open reading frame specifying a putative protein of 538 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 57,192. The deduced eight amino acid sequence following a putative signal sequence completely coincided with the N-terminal octapeptide sequence of the 120 kDa protein determined by the Edman degradation. Therefore, the 1617 nt gene unexpectedly encoded the 120 kDa protein from S. mutans. Interestingly, this gene encoded a collagen adhesin homologue. In vitro mutagenesis using the Himar1 minitransposon was successfully applied to S. mutans.  相似文献   

Dpr is an iron-binding protein required for oxygen tolerance in Streptococcus mutans. We previously proposed that Dpr could confer oxygen tolerance to the bacterium by sequestering intracellular free iron ions that catalyze generation of highly toxic radicals (Y. Yamamoto, M. Higuchi, L. B. Poole, and Y. Kamio, J. Bacteriol. 182:3740-3747, 2000; Y. Yamamoto, L. B. Poole, R. R. Hantgan, and Y. Kamio, J. Bacteriol. 184:2931-2939, 2002). Here, we examined the intracellular free iron status of wild-type (WT) and dpr mutant strains of S. mutans, before and after exposure to air, by using electron spin resonance spectrometry. Under anaerobic conditions, free iron ion concentrations of WT and dpr strains were 225.9 +/- 2.6 and 333.0 +/- 61.3 microM, respectively. Exposure of WT cells to air for 1 h induced Dpr expression and reduced intracellular free iron ion concentrations to 22.5 +/- 5.3 microM; under these conditions, dpr mutant cells maintained intracellular iron concentration at 230.3 +/- 28.8 microM. A decrease in cell viability and genomic DNA degradation was observed in the dpr mutant exposed to air. These data indicate that regulation of the intracellular free iron pool by Dpr is required for oxygen tolerance in S. mutans.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The S. mutans LrgA/B holin-like proteins have been shown to affect biofilm formation and oxidative stress tolerance, and are regulated by oxygenation, glucose levels, and by the LytST two-component system. In this study, we sought to determine if LytST was involved in regulating lrgAB expression in response to glucose and oxygenation in S. mutans. RESULTS: Real-time PCR revealed that growth phase-dependent regulation of lrgAB expression in response to glucose metabolism is mediated by LytST under low-oxygen conditions. However, the effect of LytST on lrgAB expression was less pronounced when cells were grown with aeration. RNA expression profiles in the wild-type and lytS mutant strains were compared using microarrays in early exponential and late exponential phase cells. The expression of 40 and 136 genes in early-exponential and late exponential phase, respectively, was altered in the lytS mutant. Although expression of comYB, encoding a DNA binding-uptake protein, was substantially increased in the lytS mutant, this did not translate to an effect on competence. However, a lrgA mutant displayed a substantial decrease in transformation efficiency, suggestive of a previously-unknown link between LrgA and S. mutans competence development. Finally, increased expression of genes encoding antioxidant and DNA recombination/repair enzymes was observed in the lytS mutant, suggesting that the mutant may be subjected to increased oxidative stress during normal growth. Although the intracellular levels of reaction oxygen species (ROS) appeared similar between wild-type and lytS mutant strains after overnight growth, challenge of these strains with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) resulted in increased intracellular ROS in the lytS mutant. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these results: (1) Reinforce the importance of LytST in governing lrgAB expression in response to glucose and oxygen, (2) Define a new role for LytST in global gene regulation and resistance to H2O2, and (3) Uncover a potential link between LrgAB and competence development in S. mutans.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans, a member of the dental plaque community, has been shown to be involved in the carious process. Cells of S. mutans induce an acid tolerance response (ATR) when exposed to sublethal pH values that enhances their survival at a lower pH. Mature biofilm cells are more resistant to acid stress than planktonic cells. We were interested in studying the acid tolerance and ATR-inducing ability of newly adhered biofilm cells of S. mutans. All experiments were carried out using flow-cell systems, with acid tolerance tested by exposing 3-h biofilm cells to pH 3.0 for 2 h and counting the number of survivors by plating on blood agar. Acid adaptability experiments were conducted by exposing biofilm cells to pH 5.5 for 3 h and then lowering the pH to 3.5 for 30 min. The viability of the cells was assessed by staining the cells with LIVE/DEAD BacLight viability stain. Three-hour biofilm cells of three different strains of S. mutans were between 820- and 70,000-fold more acid tolerant than corresponding planktonic cells. These strains also induced an ATR that enhanced the viability at pH 3.5. The presence of fluoride (0.5 M) inhibited the induction of an ATR, with 77% fewer viable cells at pH 3.5 as a consequence. Our data suggest that adhesion to a surface is an important step in the development of acid tolerance in biofilm cells and that different strains of S. mutans possess different degrees of acid tolerance and ability to induce an ATR.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is an important pathogen in coronal caries and is implicated in dental root decay by its ability to bind collagen from various sources. In the present study, electron microscopic analysis demonstrated the ability of S. mutans to bind and to disrupt collagen fibrils of the amniotic membrane. The synthetic peptide FALGPA, which is similar in structure to collagen, was degraded by S. mutans, with a lower level of FALGPA hydrolytic activity observed in sucrose-grown cells compared with cells grown in the absence of sucrose. Inhibition studies of FALGPA hydrolytic activity showed a pattern characteristic of collagenase activity, with inhibition by 1,10-phenanthroline and EDTA, but not by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). Additionally, immunological cross-reactivity was observed between proteins from disrupted cells of S. mutans and antiserum to collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum. Gelatinolytic activity was demonstrated by gelatin zymogram analysis. These findings suggest that collagenolytic activity by S. mutans may be an important virulence factor in dental root decay. Received: 8 April 1996 / Accepted: 10 July 1996  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans, a major etiological agent of dental caries, is a component of the dental plaque biofilm and functions during caries progression in acidic lesions that may be at or below pH 4. In this study, we were interested in determining the acid tolerance of 1-7-day chemostat-grown biofilm cells of S. mutans BM71 growing in a semi-defined medium at a rate consistent with that of cells in dental plaque (dilution rate=0.1 h(-1)), as well as, assessing the capacity of 2- and 5-day biofilms to induce an acid tolerance response that would enhance survival at a killing pH (3.5). As expected, biofilm cell growth increased (2.5-fold) from day 1 to day 7 (10.6-25.7 x 10(6) cells cm(-)(2)) with the percentage live cells over that period averaging 79.4%, slightly higher than that of planktonic cells (77.4%). Biofilms were highly resistant to acid killing at pH 3.5 for 2 h with survival ranging from 41.8 (1 day) to 63.9% (7 day), while the percentage of live cells averaged 43.4%. Planktonic and dispersed biofilm cells were very acid-sensitive with only 0.0009%- and 0.0002-0.2% survivors, respectively. Unlike the planktonic cells, the incubation of 2- and 5-day biofilms at pH 5.5 for periods of up to 6 h induced strong acid tolerance responses that enhanced survival during a subsequent exposure to acid killing at pH 3.5.  相似文献   

The structural gene for a glucan-binding protein (GBP) of Streptococcus mutans has been inserted into a bacteriophage lambda vector and expressed in Escherichia coli K12. Lysates of E. coli infected with the recombinant phage contain an antigenic protein of the same size as S. mutans GBP. The GBP synthesized in E. coli can be affinity-purified on immobilized glucan and antiserum raised against it has been shown to precipitate fructosyltransferase activity from S. mutans.  相似文献   

The gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus mutans is the primary causative agent in the formation of dental caries in humans. The ability of S. mutans to adapt and to thrive in the hostile environment of the oral cavity suggests that this cariogenic pathogen is capable of sensing and responding to different environmental stimuli. This prompted us to investigate the role of two-component signal transduction systems (TCS), particularly the sensor kinases, in response to environmental stresses. Analysis of the annotated genome sequence of S. mutans indicates the presence of 13 putative TCS. Further bioinformatics analysis in our laboratory has identified an additional TCS in the genome of S. mutans. We verified the presence of the 14 sensor kinases by using PCR and Southern hybridization in 13 different S. mutans strains and found that not all of the sensor kinases are encoded by each strain. To determine the potential role of each TCS in the stress tolerance of S. mutans UA159, insertion mutations were introduced into the genes encoding the individual sensor kinases. We were successful in inactivating all of the sensor kinases, indicating that none of the TCS are essential for the viability of S. mutans. The mutant S. mutans strains were assessed for their ability to withstand various stresses, including osmotic, thermal, oxidative, and antibiotic stress, as well as the capacity to produce mutacin. We identified three sensor kinases, Smu486, Smu1128, and Smu1516, which play significant roles in stress tolerance of S. mutans strain UA159.  相似文献   

Phage-host interactions remain poorly understood in lactic acid bacteria and essentially in all Gram-positive bacteria. The aim of this study was to identify the phage genetic determinant (anti-receptor) involved in the recognition of Streptococcus thermophilus hosts. The complete genomic sequence of the lytic S. thermophilus phage DT1 was determined previously, and bioinformatic analysis indicated that orf18 might be the anti-receptor gene. The orf18 of six additional S. thermophilus phages was determined (DT2, DT4, MD1, MD2, MD4 and Q5) and compared with the orf18 of DT1. The deduced ORF18 was divided into three domains. The first domain, which contains the N-terminal part of the protein, was conserved in all seven phages. The second domain was detected in only two phages and flanked by a motif called collagen-like repeats. The second domain also contained a variable region (VR1). All seven phages had a third domain that consisted of the C-terminal section of the protein as well as another variable region (VR2). Chimeric DT1 phages were constructed by recombination; a portion of its orf18 was replaced by the corresponding section in orf18 of the phage MD4. All DT1 chimeric phages acquired the host range of phage MD4. Analysis of the orf18 in the chimeric phages revealed that host specificity in phages DT1 and MD4 resulted from VR2. This is the first report on the identification and characterization of a phage gene involved in the host recognition process of Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

An 11-kilobase gene region of Streptococcus mutans has been identified which contains eight contiguous genes involved with the uptake and metabolism of multiple sugars (the msm system). Sequence analysis of this region indicates that several of these genes specify proteins with strong homology to components of periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport systems of Gram-negative bacteria. Additionally, this operon is controlled by a regulatory gene (msmR) that acts as a positive effector. The proteins specified by the structural genes of the msm operon include alpha-galactosidase (aga), a "periplasmic-like" sugar-binding protein (msmE), two membrane proteins (msmF, msmG), sucrose phosphorylase (gtfA), an ATP-binding protein (msmK), and dextran glucosidase (dexB). Insertional inactivation of each of these genes along with uptake data indicate that this system is responsible for the uptake of melibiose, raffinose, and isomaltotriose and the metabolism of melibiose, sucrose, and isomaltosaccharides.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA from Streptococcus mutans strain UAB90 (serotype c) was cloned into Escherichia coli K-12. The clone bank was screened for any sucrose-hydrolyzing activity by selection for growth on raffinose in the presence of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside. A clone expressing an S. mutans glucosyltransferase was identified. The S. mutans DNA encoding this enzyme is a 1.73-kilobase fragment cloned into the HindIII site of plasmid pBR322. We designated the gene gtfA. The plasmid-encoded gtfA enzyme, a 55,000-molecular-weight protein, is synthesized at 40% the level of pBR322-encoded beta-lactamase in E. coli minicells. Using sucrose as substrate, the gtfA enzyme catalyzes the formation of fructose and a glucan with an apparent molecular weight of 1,500. We detected the gtfA protein in S. mutans cells with antibody raised against the cloned gtfA enzyme. Immunologically identical gtfA protein appears to be present in S. mutans cells of serotypes c, e, and f, and a cross-reacting protein was made by serotype b cells. Proteins from serotype a, g, and d S. mutans cells did not react with antibody to gtfA enzyme. The gtfA activity was present in the periplasmic space of E. coli clones, since 15% of the total gtfA activity was released by cold osmotic shock and the clones were able to grow on sucrose as sole carbon source.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) on S. mutans using diacetylcurcumin (DAC) and verified DAC toxicity. In vitro, S. mutans biofilms were exposed to curcumin (CUR) and DAC and were light-irradiated. Biofilms were collected, plated and incubated for colony counts. DAC and CUR toxicity assays were conducted with Human Gingival Fibroblast cells (HGF). In vivo, G. mellonella larvae were injected with S. mutans and treated with DAC, CUR and aPDT. The hemolymph was plated and incubated for colony counts. Significant reductions were observed when DAC and CUR alone were used and when aPDT was applied. HGF assays demonstrated no differences in cell viability for most groups. DAC and CUR reduced the S. mutans load in G. mellonella larvae both alone and with aPDT. Systematic toxicity assays on G. mellonella demonstrated no effect of DAC and CUR or aPDT on the survival curve.  相似文献   

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