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  1. The functional response to, and preference for, the host density in a parasite were examined experimentally using an icheumon wasp, Exidechthis canescens, and its host Cadra cautella under controlled conditions.
  2. Wasps were more active in host-searching at higher than lower host densities. Percent parasitism increased rapidly with initial increments in host density and then tended to increase more slowly at higher host densities. A sigmoid functional response curve is indicated, which implies that the parasite is able to control its host even at low densities.
  3. Wasps actively selected areas of high host density in which to concentrate host-searching behavior.
  4. Host-searching by E. canescens is stimulated by the odor of the host when present, and by food in which hosts have developed but have been removed.
  5. Both the functional response and the host-density preference of the parasite are mediated by its host-searching behavior. This relationship is discussed in the context of population regulation.

The functional response of the egg parasitoid Uscana lariophaga Steffan (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was tested under three different host distributions (even, clumped and random) within clusters of Callosobruchus maculatus Fab. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) eggs. A Holling Type II functional response was found for all three distributions. Over low host densities, less than 50% of the host clusters was parasitized. At low host densities, U. lariophaga females parasitized significantly fewer eggs in random egg clusters with many beans than in clusters with fewer beans and an even or clumped egg distribution. At higher egg densities, plateau levels of maximum number of hosts parasitized were the same for all three egg distributions. Uscana lariophaga appears to be adapted to search for even or clustered egg distributions, as can be found in the field and under storage conditions.  相似文献   

The functional response of Pseudogonatopus flavifemur E & H (Hym., Dryinidae) was investigated by offering hosts (brown planthopper) at densities ranging from 8 to 160 per cage. The response curve was found to be sigmoid, i. e.Holling 's (1959) Type III curve. In experiments involving 310 hosts per cage distributed unevenly in 5 densities (10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 per hill), and a different female parasite density each time (viz. 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 per cage), the behavioral response was described well by the “random predator equation” ofRoyama (1971) andRoger (1972), which is a convex exponential curve. The area of discovery (a) decreased with an increase in female parasite density (P), and the relationship was described by the equation: log a=−1.0099−0.3638 log P. There was an apparent increase in handling time per host as the number of female parasites increased. Superparasitism, a rare phenomenon under natural conditions, was often observed in the laboratory. The potential of P. flavifemur as a biocontrol agent of the brown planthopper is discussed.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour of Encarsia formosa was analyzed using a stochastic simulation model of the parasitoid's behaviour. Parasitoids were allowed to search during a day on a tomato plant infested with immatures of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. The model simulates searching, host selection, host handling and patch leaving behaviour, and the physiological state of the parasitoid. The outputs of the model are the number of visited leaflets and the number of hosts encountered, parasitized or killed by host feeding. The simulation results agreed well with observations of parasitoids foraging on tomato plants. The number of encounters and ovipositions on the plant increased with host density according to a type II functional response. At a clustered host distribution over leaflets and low host densities, the most important parameters affecting the number of ovipositions were the leaf area, the parasitoid's walking speed and walking activity, the probability of oviposition after encountering a host, the initial egg load and the ratio of search times on both leaf sides. At high densities, the maximum egg load and the giving-up time on a leaflet since latest host encounter were the most essential parameters.  相似文献   

Foraging ofEncarsia formosa was analyzed using a stochastic simulation model of the parasitoid's behavior. Parasitoids were allowed to search during a fixed time in an experimental arena with immatures of the greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum. The model simulates host searching, selection, and handling behavior and the physiological state (egg load) of the parasitoid. The simulated number of hosts encountered, parasitized, or killed by host feeding agreed well with observations on leaf disks. The hypothesis of random host encounter seems to be correct. The number of ovipositions on the leaf at low host densities was strongly affected by the parasitoid's walking speed and walking activity, the probability of oviposition after encountering a host, and the initial egg load. At high densities, the initial and maximum egg load were most important. A strong temperature effect was found at 18°C or below. The number of encounters, ovipositions, and host feedings increased with host density to a maximum of 25, 6.5, and 1.5, respectively, during 2 h at 25°C. The shape of the curves resembled a Holling Type II, which may be the result of the experimental procedure, where a parasitoid was confined to a patch during a fixed time.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Despite considerable recent debate on the suitability of ratio dependence as a more general form for the functional response in consumer–victim relationships, there have been few detailed studies to experimentally determine the response of insect parasitoids to host and parasitoid density at a local scale.
2. The experimental host, Ephestia kuehniella , was used to test for host dependence and ratio dependence in the functional response of the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma minutum , a species widely used in inundative biological control. The functional response was examined through four series of experiments in which either host density, parasitoid density, or the ratio of previously parasitised to healthy hosts was manipulated.
3. The response to host density was type I for both single and simultaneously foraging parasitoids, indicating a lack of host dependence in the functional response. The upper limit to the response was estimated as 39 hosts attacked in a 24-h period, with an estimated per capita search rate of 1.32 for individual females and 0.37 for three simultaneously searching females.
4. The response to parasitoid density provided an interference constant of unity, indicating an equal sharing of hosts and thus ratio dependence in the functional response. Female parasitoids responded to the presence of conspecifically parasitised eggs with a significant increase in search rate (1.75), but with no change to the form or upper limit of the response.
5. It is suggested that ratio dependence may be more common among insect parasitoids than previously supposed, and that a type I functional response, or the absence of host dependence, may be an emergent property of phylogenetic constraint within the monophyletic grouping of Cales , Eretmocerus , and Trichogramma .  相似文献   

The basic components of the predation of Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot feeding upon eggs of Tetranychus urticaeKoch were studied in an open system where the predator could disperse freely. The type of the functional response of the predator to the density of its prey was the same as that studied so far in a closed system, i.e.,Holling's Type 2. The search rate of the predator, however, was much lower in comparison with the result from a closed system. The oviposition of the predator per day was only weakly related to prey densities higher than 10 per leaf disc. But the emigration rate was inversely dependent upon the initial prey density up to 60 per leaf disc. The searching behaviour of the predator was influenced by both the web density spun by T. urticae and the density of the prey: the predator searched for its prey intensively only after it had contact with web. Mutual interference was observed in prey consumption, but not in the emigration rate. The emigration rate was largely dependent upon the prey density available per predator.  相似文献   

AsMatsumoto andHuffaker (1973) concluded that their initial universe size was too small for the proper separation of the effects of host density and dispersion on parasite performance, a larger universe of 38 1/2″ (length) ×38 1/2″ (width) ×3″ (height) was used. When individual parasites were exposed to fixed densities and dispersion patterns of host, they displayed an overall decrease in the parasitization rate when compared to the small universe. In all cases aHolling -type response resulted. When a group of 10 parasites per test was employed a Nicholsonian type of response resulted. In an experimentally confined space, the parasites displayed a mutual behavioral interference resulting in emigration which accelerated as the parasite density increased.  相似文献   

Field-measured grazing rates (ml/animal/d) of cladocerans (mostly daphniids) and diaptomids were assembled from various published studies and plotted as a function of corresponding phytoplankton concentration (μg l−1 f.w.). Filtering rates of both zooplankton groups initially increased with seston concentration until maximal grazing rates were observed at approximately 4 × 102 and 1 × 102 μg l−1 for cladocerans and copepods, respectively; at higher algal concentrations, filtering rates of both declined as a function of food concentration. The shape of these curves are most consistent with Holling's (1966) Type 3 functional response. We found little support for the Type 3 functional response in published laboratory studies of Daphnia; most investigators report either a Type 1 or Type 2 response. The one study in which the Type 3 response was observed involved experiments where animals were acclimated at low food concentrations for 24 h, whereas those studies associated with response Types 1 or 2 had acclimation periods of only 1 to 3 h. We therefore assembled relevant data from the literature to examine the effect of acclimation period on the feeding rates of Daphnia at low food concentrations. In the absence of any acclimation, animals filtered at extremely low rates. After 2 h of acclimation, however, filtering rates increased 4 to 5-fold but declined again with longer durations; after > 70 h of pre-conditioning, filtering rates were almost as low as they had been with no acclimation. We also found little support for the Type 3 functional response in published studies of copepods. The only study associated with a Type 3 response involved a marine copepod that had been subjected to a starvation period of 48 h; however, an analysis of the effects of acclimation period did not yield conclusive evidence that filtering rates of freshwater copepods (Diaptomus and Eudiaptomus) decrease significantly with acclimation duration. The low filtering rates associated with long acclimation periods in laboratory experiments appears to be a direct result of animals becoming emaciated from prolonged exposure to low food concentrations, a situation which renders them incapable of high filtering rates. This may explain the Type 3 functional response for field cladocerans, since zooplankton in food-limiting situations are constantly exposed to low food concentrations, and would therefore have low body carbon and consequently less energy to filter-feed. We cannot, however, use this to explain the Type 3 response for field diaptomids, since copepods in the laboratory did not appear to lose body carbon even after 72 h of feeding at very low food levels, and there was inconclusive evidence that either Diaptomus or Eudiaptomus decrease their filtering rates with acclimation period. Although Incipient Limiting Concentrations (ILC) for Daphnia ranged from 1 to 8.5 × 103 μg 1−1, more than half of these fell between 1 and 3 × 103 μg l−1, bracketing the value of 2.7 × 102 μg l−1 for field cladocerans. There was, however, a great deal of variation in reported maximum ingestion rates (MIR), maximum filtering rates (MFR) and ILC values for Daphnia magna. ILC values from the few laboratory studies of freshwater copepods ranged between 0.5 to 2.8 × 103 μg 1−1, and was higher than the ILC value of approximately 0.2 × 103 μg l−1 calculated for field populations of D. minutus. Generally, there was considerable agreement among laboratory studies regarding the shape of grazing-rate and ingestion-rate curves when data were converted to similar units and presented on standardized scales.  相似文献   

The functional response is the relationship between the feeding rate of an animal and its food density. It is reliant on two basic parameters; the volume searched for prey per unit time (searching rate) and the time taken to consume each prey item (handling time). As fish functional responses can be difficult to determine directly, it may be more feasible to measure their underlying behavioural parameters in controlled conditions and use these to predict the functional response. Here, we tested how accurately a Type II functional response model predicted the observed functional response of roach Rutilus rutilus, a visually foraging fish, and compared it with Type I functional response. Foraging experiments were performed by exposing fish in tank aquaria to a range of food densities, with their response captured using a two‐camera videography system. This system was validated and was able to accurately measure fish behaviour in the aquaria, and enabled estimates of fish reaction distance, swimming speed (from which searching rate was calculated) and handling time to be measured. The parameterised Type II functional response model accurately predicted the observed functional response and was superior to the Type I model. These outputs suggest it will be possible to accurately measure behavioural parameters in other animal species and use these to predict the functional response in situations where it cannot be observed directly.  相似文献   

1. The number of hosts attacked as a function of host density is considered to be an important characteristic of parasitoid behaviour and is used to estimate key parameters such as handling time and ‘instantaneous rate of discovery’. However, little has been done to validate functional response models by direct observation of parasitoid oviposition behaviour. 2. Tamarixia radiata is the most promising parasitoid for biological control attacking Diaphorina citri. Mass rearing and augmentative release seen as a potential strategy for suppression of D. citri has been documented in abandoned citrus, residential areas, and organic groves. Nevertheless, parasitism rates in culture and in the field are only moderate, leading to questions about oviposition behaviour in response to host density. 3. Behaviours of gravid T. radiata females presented with susceptible host instars were categorised and documented by direct observation for 30 min and by camera recordings made over 12 h. Frequency of searching and antennating increased with host density during the 30 min. Probing rejection rates and search duration increased significantly with host density over 12 h. These factors resulted in significantly lower fecundity than expected, possibly due to host mark‐mediated deterrence within the small searching area. Females took approximately 3.6–4.2 min to probe and parasitise a host regardless of host density and exposure duration. These results were markedly different from the 52.2 min estimated from the functional response equation. 4. Further experiments are required to assess the range and persistence of the putative host‐marking pheromone, and to better understand the relationship between functional response parameters and actual behaviour.  相似文献   

The functional response of the egg parasitoid Uscana lariophaga Steffan (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to eggs of its host Callosobruchus maculatus Fab. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) was investigated in storage containers filled with a cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) seed mass. Foraging time was limited to 4 or 24 h. These indirect experiments were supplemented by direct observations of the parasitoid's handling time, egg-laying capacity and initial egg load. The foraging process of U. lariophaga can be divided into two distinct stages: the process leading to detection of host clusters and, after arrival within a host cluster, the response of the parasitoid to the host density within the cluster. The chance that a cluster is found by U. lariophaga appeared independent of the number of host eggs per cluster, but was influenced by the available foraging time. Within a host cluster, U. lariophaga demonstrated a Holling II type functional response. Parasitoids were strongly arrested in host clusters, leading to high levels of parasitism. Direct observations proved that handling time was not a limiting factor, but that U. lariophaga's initial egg load and egg maturation rate limited the plateau level of her functional response. As such, direct observations were essential for a correct interpretation of the mechanisms underlying the shape of the functional response.  相似文献   

In the Type I receptive fields (RFs) changes of the luminance leads to a shift of the curve relating the response and the stimulus area along the abscissa, in the Type II RFs the maximum of a response does not shift with changes of the luminance (Types I and II on classification by Glezer et al., 1971, 1972). The transient responses were observed in the Type I RFs and sustained responses in the Type II RFs. In the Type I RFs variation of the stimulus area and intensity brings about the change in the temporal and spatial frequency characteristics. This is produced by functional reorganization of the RF. In the Type II RFs there is no functional reorganization. The data obtained indicate that the Type I RFs are non-linear. By contrast, the Type II RFs are linear systems. The analysis of the model has shown that the distinctions in the dynamic characteristics of the responses of RFs belonging to different types is mainly due to different time constants for excitation and inhibition as well as inhibition coefficients. Distinctions in the mode of dependence of the RF response on stimulus parameters have been found to result from different relationship between delay time and stimulus parameters as well as different forms of the spatial weighting functions. It is shown that the Type I RFs transmit higher frequency components of the image spectrum, i.e. they emphasise the temporal and spatial contrasts. The Type II RFs transmit low frequency components of the spectrum including information about the intensity of an input stimulus.  相似文献   

Platygaster demades Walker (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) is the only hymenopteran parasitoid of apple leaf-curling midge, Dasineura mali Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), in New Zealand. Prior to the present study the mechanisms behind the parasitoid–host density interactions were poorly understood. In this study we carried out both laboratory and field experiments to determine the response of P. demades to D. mali density. In the laboratory, when only a single parasitoid was allowed to forage D. mali eggs of a given density, P. demades displayed a Type II functional response leading to an inverse density-dependent parasitism. However, P. demades showed a Type III functional response in the field where females were able to freely search and disperse between apple shoots infested with D. mali eggs of different densities. As a result, the Type III response reflects a more realistic nature of P. demades in response to D. mali density. Our results also indicate that the numeric response and mutual interference in P. demades significantly contributed to the stability of the parasitoid–host system. The density-dependent parasitism in a host range of 50–300 D. mali eggs per apple shoot suggests that P. demades is highly efficient in controlling D. mali populations of the first, third and fourth generations and when necessary, argumentation measures may be taken before the onset of the second generation.  相似文献   

Functional responses play a central role in the nature and stability of predator-prey population dynamics. Here we investigate how induced defenses affect predator functional responses. In experimental communities, prey (Paramecium) expressed two previously undocumented inducible defenses--a speed reduction and a width increase--in response to nonlethal exposure to predatory Stenostomum. Nonlethal exposure also changed the shape of the predator's functional response from Type II to Type III, consistent with changes in the density dependence of attack rates. Handling times were also affected by prey defenses, increasing at least sixfold. These changes show that induced changes in prey have a real defensive function. At low prey densities, induction led to lower attack success; at high prey densities, attack rates were actually higher for induced prey. However, induction increased handling times sufficiently that consumption rates of defended prey were lower than those of undefended prey. Modification of attack rate and handling time has important potential consequences for population dynamics; Type III functional responses can increase the stability of population dynamics and persistence because predation on small populations is low, allowing a relict population to survive. Simulations of a predator-prey population dynamic model revealed the stabilizing potential of the Type III response.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of different host: parasitoid ratios on the efficacy of the parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus attacking the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii. When host density was held constant (100 second instars) and parasitoid density was decreased from 15 to 1 females, the percentage of total host mortality was significantly lower at low parasitoid densities. The number of host nymphs killed, and the number of female parasitoid progeny per female, increased 3.6 and 20.4 times, respectively. The emergence rate, sex ratio, longevity, and body lengths of progeny were significantly larger at the lowest parasitoid density while developmental time was significantly shorter. When the number of hosts was increased from 5 to 250 and parasitoid density was held constant (5 females), the percentage of nymphal mortality decreased 1.6 times. The percentage of desiccated nymphs was significantly highest (65.7%) at the lowest host density, while percentage parasitism (34.3%) was significantly lowest at the lowest host density. The data could be described using a Type I functional response curve. We propose a generalized index of efficacy (GIE) to summarize and compare the total effects of parasitoid--host ratios. This index showed that the most efficient ratio was one parasitoid female per ten second instar host nymphs.  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium and zinc mixtures at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10,000 microg l(-1) on the life-span of decaudized cercarial bodies (cercariae that have shed their tails) of Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae) was investigated. Cercariae were exposed to metal mixtures of equal and unequal concentrations, and a low-dose pre-treatment followed by a high-dose exposure mixtures. Metal mixtures demonstrated variable effects on decaudized cercariae either by increasing or reducing their life-span compared to single metal exposures dependent on concentration and the type of mixed metal treatment. Prolonged exposure to equal metal mixtures at low concentrations (0.1-100 microg l(-1)) resulted in a reduction in the life-span of decaudized cercariae at 0.1 and 100 microg l(-1) in those individuals decaudized during the initial 24 h exposure period compared with those decaudized during the final 24 h period of cercarial survival, whilst in controls there was no significant life-span change between the two time periods. Decaudized cercariae which were exposed to low concentrations (0.1-100 microg l(-1)) of equal metal mixtures were also evaluated for their role as an indicator of larval 'fitness' for migrating through the tissues of their target fish host for those individuals decaudized during the initial 24 h exposure period, and demonstrated only a limited change in their life-span compared to control and single metal exposures. The importance of metal mixtures in parasite establishment in the fish host is discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to measure selected life history traits and the functional response of the parasitoid Pseudapanteles dignus (Muesebeck), a major enemy of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in tomato crops in South America. Newly mated P. dignus females were individually exposed to 10 host larvae in mines for 24 h. We determined developmental time from egg to pupal formation and pupal stage duration, female adult life span, fecundity, reproductive period, daily parasitism rate, and sex ratio of offspring. For the functional response experiment, treatments consisted of six host densities: 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, or 30 larvae. The number and proportion of parasitized hosts were calculated for each density. The shape of the functional response curve was analyzed by logistic regression. P. dignus females attacked hosts daily, exhibiting modest lifetime fecundity (approximately 32 parasitized hosts per female) and a female-biased offspring sex ratio. Female adult life span was 36 d. P. dignus showed a type I functional response within the range of host densities tested. We observed that females detect and parasitize the host within a wide range of densities, including low densities. The functional response curve reached an asymptote at a mean density of six hosts per day and seemed not to be egg-limited. Percent parasitism was approximately 30%. The ecological implications of the results in relation to the potential of P. dignus for the biological control of T. absoluta in tomato are discussed.  相似文献   

赤眼蜂部分蜂种或品系受Wolbachia侵染营孤雌产雌生殖。 通过室内试验分析了在4个恒温(20, 25, 30和35℃)下松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolimi两性生殖品系和孤雌产雌品系对米蛾Corcyra cephalonica卵的寄生功能反应, 旨在比较不同温度两品系的寄生功能反应差异, 评价孤雌产雌品系在生物防治中的应用潜力。 结果表明: 松毛虫赤眼蜂两个品系对米蛾卵寄生作用均随寄主密度的增加而增大;随温度的升高松毛虫赤眼蜂两品系的功能反应类型由Ⅲ型改变为Ⅱ型。孤雌产雌品系以30℃的处置时间最短(0.0207 d), 最大日寄生量为48.31粒卵, 其次是25℃, 35℃最小;两性生殖品系以25℃的处置时间最短(0.0188 d), 最大日寄生量为53.08粒卵, 其次是30℃, 20℃最小; 松毛虫赤眼蜂两品系的寄生功能反应存在显著差异, 30℃下孤雌产雌品系为Ⅱ型功能反应而两性生殖品系为Ⅲ型。 从处置时间来看, 20℃时两品系无显著性差异(P≥0.05), 在25℃和35℃孤雌产雌品系寄生米蛾卵时花费的时间显著长于两性生殖品系(P<0.05), 而30℃却相反。 可见, 寄主密度、 温度和Wolbachia影响松毛虫赤眼蜂功能反应。  相似文献   

The predator satiation hypothesis poses that synchronous and variable seed production during masting events increases seed escape through seed predator satiation. The success of this strategy depends upon the type of consumer functional response, in this case defined as the change in seed consumption rate by a predator as a function of change in seed density. Type II (where the proportion of seed consumed is highest at low levels of seed availability) and type III (where the proportion of seed consumed is highest at some intermediate level of seed availability and then declines towards zero) functional responses describe negative density‐dependence and indicate predator satiation. The type of function response should be contingent upon herbivore traits: type II responses are predicted for dietary specialist predators with low mobility, and type III responses are predicted for highly mobile, dietary generalist predators. Surprisingly, most studies have not evaluated whether functional responses vary among seed predator guilds. Here we describe the functional responses at population and individual tree level of highly mobile generalist (birds and rodents) and less mobile specialist (insects) pre‐dispersal seed predators attacking acorns of two sympatric oaks (Quercus suber and Q. canariensis) over a 10‐year period. Our results showed that in most cases specialist seed predators exhibited the predicted type II functional response at both the individual tree and population level for both oak species. However, generalist seed predators did not exhibit the predicted type III response; instead, they also exhibited a type II response at the individual tree and population level for both oak species. By independently assessing the effects of multiple seed predators associated with the same host tree species, our work highlights the influence of herbivore traits on the outcome of plant–seed predator interactions in masting species, and thus furthers our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms underlying masting behaviour.  相似文献   

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