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The aim of our paper was to investigate whether single olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus functionally express more than one type of receptor, examine the consequences of this on coding of mixtures, and compare principles of odorant mixture coding by spiny lobsters with that by the channel catfish, which has been studied extensively using the same experimental and analytical procedures (Caprio et al. 1989; Kang and Caprio 1991). We examined responses of individual taurine-sensitive ORNs to binary mixtures of excitatory compounds, either competitive agonists (taurine, β-alanine, hypotaurine) or non-competitive agonists (taurine, l-glutamate, ammonium chloride, adenosine-5′-monophosphate). Responses to mixtures were compared to two indices: mixture discrimination index (MDI) and independent component index (ICI). Binary mixtures of competitive agonists had MDI values close to 1.0, as expected for competitors. Mixtures of non-competitive agonists had ICI values averaging 0.83, indicating the effects of the components are not independent. We conclude that individual olfactory cells of spiny lobsters can express more than one type of receptor mediating excitation, one of which typically has a much higher density or affinity, and that spiny lobster and catfish olfactory cells encode mixtures of two excitatory agonists using similar rules. Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

Responses of olfactory receptor neurons of spiny lobsters Panulirus argus to two-component mixtures can be shaped by inhibitory events such as odor-activated hyperpolarizations and inhibition of odor-receptor binding (Daniel et al. 1996). In the current study, we extend this analysis to complex mixtures by examining responses of spiny lobster olfactory receptor neurons to mixtures containing up to seven odorants, consisting of adenosine-5′-monophosphate, ammonium, betaine, l-cysteine, l-glutamate, dl-succinate, and taurine. The response to a mixture was often less than the response to its most excitatory component. The effect of adding an excitatory odorant to a mixture depended on olfactory receptor neuron type, composition of the mixture, and which compound was added. In some cases the added excitatory compound had no effect or even decreased the mixture's response intensity, thus demonstrating nonlinear contributions of the components. Response intensities predicted by a noncompetitive model, which is most representative of these olfactory receptor neurons, were improved when the model included a term for empirical measurements of inhibitory binding interactions, suggesting that inhibitory binding interactions are one mechanism contributing to mixture suppression. This model's predictions were accurate for binary mixtures but not for larger mixtures, suggesting that additional inhibitory mechanisms are needed to account for mixture interactions in complex mixtures. Accepted: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

Recordings were made from single sensilla placodea of the worker honeybee (Apis mellifera). The sensilla were stimulated with one of two sets of four compounds and their binary mixtures, at two dosage levels. Aromatic compounds comprised one set, and saturated n-octane derivatives comprised the other set. Correlation, principal component, and cluster analyses indicate that responses to binary mixtures are not linear combinations of responses to the component compounds. The first principal component indicated that neuronal units had either more excitatory or more inhibitory responses to all odorants than would be expected from a model where inhibitory and excitatory responses are randomly distributed among the neuronal units. When compared to the responses to the component odorants, synergistic responses to binary odors occurred more often than would be expected by chance. Clear inhibitory responses to binary odors were less prevalent. This study agrees with an earlier study employing aromatic odorants in that most of the aromatic odorants each had groups of receptor neurons that were relatively selective for it, and each odorant had a distinctly different number of receptor neurons selective for it. Among the octane derivatives, receptor neurons were selective for the level of oxidation of the functional group or its site of attachment, rather than specific compounds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate quality coding of blend ratios of binary mixtures by olfactory receptor cells in the spiny lobster. Three odorants (adenosine-5′-monophosphate, l-glutamate, and taurine) at 0.1–100 μmol · l−1 and seven blend ratios of each of their binary mixtures at a total concentration of 100 μmol · l−1 were used. The olfactory cells recorded (n = 48) evoked across-neuron patterns for single odorants that were well separated from each other. Across-neuron patterns varied with stimulus concentration but less than with stimulus type. Blend ratios of the three mixtures evoked across-neuron patterns that were orderly placed within a continuum between those elicited by the components. Mixture interactions, defined as a lack of independent effects by a mixture's components, occurred in 25, 24 and 37% of responses to blend ratios of glutamate/taurine, adenosine-5′-monophosphate/taurine, and glutamate/adenosine-5′-monophosphate, respectively. These mixture interactions did not have a large enough effect on the across-neuron patterns for the mixtures such they would be novel relative to those of the single components. These results suggest that despite mixture interactions the quality of individual compounds is not lost when mixed. This corroborates behavioral studies showing that spiny lobsters have the ability to elementally process odor mixtures. Accepted: 23 August 1996  相似文献   

In dorsal root ganglia (DRG) intraganglionic communication takes place both among neurons and between neurons and satellite cells. One diffusible substance involved in this signalling is nitric oxide (NO), and acetylcholine (ACh) is a candidate for the stimulation of intraganglionic NO synthesis. DRG neurons react to ACh-receptor stimulation with NO-dependent cGMP production. Here, we investigated the role of the 7-subunit containing Ca2+-permeable nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChR) in this process. The 7-nAChR mRNA and the protein were expressed in virtually all lumbar DRG neurons as evidenced by laser-assisted cell picking and oligo cell RT-PCR, in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry. Strong 7-nAChR immunoreactivity was present in vanilloid receptor 1-immunoreactive, i.e. nociceptive, neurons. A neuronal production of NO in response to nicotine could be demonstrated in DRG slice preparations utilising the NO-sensitive fluorescent indicator diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2DA). This stimulation of NO production was sensitive to inhibition of 7-nAChR by mecamylamine and -bungarotoxin, to inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) with L-NAME and L-NMMA, and to the blockade of voltage-operated Ca2+ channels by verapamil. The results show the presence of the 7-nAChR subunit in nociceptive rat DRG neurons and provide evidence for its coupling to NOS activation, indicating a role of this pathway in the intraganglionic communication in sensory ganglia.  相似文献   

Several serine proteases and protease inhibitors have been identified in the crustacean olfactory organ, which is comprised of the lateral flagellum of the antennule and its aesthetascs sensilla that house olfactory receptor neurons and their supporting cells. The function of these proteases in the olfactory organ is unknown, but may include a role in perireception (e.g., odor activation or inactivation) or in the development or survival of olfactory receptor neurons. To examine directly the function of proteases in the olfactory organ of the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus, we used different tissue fractions from the lateral flagellum in an enzyme activity assay with a variety of protease substrates and inhibitors. Trypsin‐like serine protease activity occurs throughout the lateral flagellum but is enriched in the cell membranes from aesthetascs. Cysteine‐ and metalloprotease activities also occur in olfactory tissue, but are more abundant in tissue fractions other than aesthetascs. To assess the contribution of one of the olfactory serine proteases—CUB‐serine protease (Csp)—Csp was immunoprecipitated using an antibody; results with the remaining fraction suggest that Csp accounts for at least 40% of the total serine protease activity in the olfactory organ. The amount of total serine protease activity follows a developmental axis in the lateral flagellum. Total protease activity is lowest in the proximal zone, which lacks aesthetascs, and the proliferation zone, where olfactory receptor neurons and associated cells are born, and highest in aesthetascs of the distally‐located senescence zone, which has the oldest olfactory tissue. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2004  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of sparsely-connected networks of integrate-and-fire neurons for ultra-short term information processing. We exploit the fact that the population activity of networks with balanced excitation and inhibition can switch from an oscillatory firing regime to a state of asynchronous irregular firing or quiescence depending on the rate of external background spikes. We find that in terms of information buffering the network performs best for a moderate, non-zero, amount of noise. Analogous to the phenomenon of stochastic resonance the performance decreases for higher and lower noise levels. The optimal amount of noise corresponds to the transition zone between a quiescent state and a regime of stochastic dynamics. This provides a potential explanation of the role of non-oscillatory population activity in a simplified model of cortical micro-circuits.  相似文献   

Insect thoracic ganglia contain efferent octopaminergic unpaired median neurons (UM neurons) located in the midline, projecting bilaterally and modulating neuromuscular transmission, muscle contraction kinetics, sensory sensitivity and muscle metabolism. In locusts, these neurons are located dorsally or ventrally (DUM- or VUM-neurons) and divided into functionally different sub-populations activated during different motor tasks. This study addresses the responsiveness of locust thoracic DUM neurons to various sensory stimuli. Two classes of sense organs, cuticular exteroreceptor mechanosensilla (tactile hairs and campaniform sensilla), and photoreceptors (compound eyes and ocelli) elicited excitatory reflex responses. Chordotonal organ joint receptors caused no responses. The tympanal organ (Müller's organ) elicited weak excitatory responses most likely via generally increased network activity due to increased arousal. Vibratory stimuli to the hind leg subgenual organ never elicited responses. Whereas DUM neurons innervating wing muscles are not very responsive to sensory stimulation, those innervating leg and other muscles are very responsive to stimulation of exteroreceptors and hardly responsive to stimulation of proprioceptors. After cutting both cervical connectives all mechanosensory excitation is lost, even for sensory inputs from the abdomen. This suggests that, in contrast to motor neurons, the sensory inputs to octopaminergic efferent neuromodulatory cells are pre-processed in the suboesophageal ganglion.  相似文献   

The neurophysiology and antennal lobe projections of olfactory receptor neurons housed within short trichoid sensilla of female Heliothis virescens F. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) were investigated using a combination of cut-sensillum recording and cobalt-lysine staining techniques. Behaviorally relevant odorants, including intra- and inter-sexual pheromonal compounds, plant and floral volatiles were selected for testing sensillar responses. A total of 184 sensilla were categorized into 25 possible sensillar types based on odor responses and sensitivity. Sensilla exhibited both narrow (responding to few odors) and broad (responding to many odors) response spectra. Sixty-six percent of the sensilla identified were stimulated by conspecific odors; in particular, major components of the male H. virescens hairpencil pheromone (hexadecanyl acetate and octadecanyl acetate) and a minor component of the female sex pheromone, (Z)-9-tetradecenal. Following characterization of the responses, olfactory receptor neurons within individual sensilla were stained with cobalt lysine (N=39) and traced to individual glomeruli in the antennal lobe. Olfactory receptor neurons with specific responses to (Z)-9-tetradecenal, a female H. virescens sex pheromone component, projected to the female-specific central large female glomerulus (cLFG) and other glomeruli. Terminal arborizations from sensillar types containing olfactory receptor neurons sensitive to male hairpencil components and plant volatiles were also localized to distinct glomerular locations. This information provides insight into the representation of behaviorally relevant odorants in the female moth olfactory system. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Antennal olfactory receptor neurons located in a limited number of two types of sensilla auricillica, the rabbit-eared shoehorn and the regular shoehorn, located on the 5-30 flagellomere of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, antenna were screened for selectivity to 11 plant compounds, the major sex pheromone component, three minor pheromone components and one behavioural antagonist. Both types of sensilla housed at least three neurons characterised by different action potential amplitudes. Neurons in both males and females responded to the plant compounds, ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate, (+/-)-linalool, (E)-ss-farnesene, hexanol, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, 4,8-dimethyl-1,3,(E)7-nonatriene, nonanol, the major pheromone component codlemone [(E,E)-8,10-dodecadienol] and the minor pheromone component tetradecanol. Additionally, (E,E)-alpha-farnesene and (Z)-3-hexenol elicited responses specifically in female neurons, whereas (E,E)-farnesol elicited a specific response in a male neuron. Neurons responded to 1-3 odorants, with sometimes overlapping response spectra. A scanning electron microscopic study of the antennae of both sexes supported an earlier study, apart from that long s. trichodea were present in a wreath at the proximal margin of the flagellomere and in addition evenly distributed over the remaining surface, and a previously non-described sensillum type with external basiconic features was revealed, distributed on the proximal and medial region of the flagellomeres.  相似文献   

The vertebrate olfactory system has fascinated neurobiologists over the last six decades because of its ability to replace its neurons and synaptic connections continuously throughout adult life, under both physiological and pathological conditions. Among the factors that are proposed to be involved in this regenerative potential, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a candidate for having an important role in the neuronal turnover in the olfactory epithelium (OE) because of its well-documented neurogenic and trophic effects throughout the nervous system. The aim of the present study was to generate a suitable model to study the participation of BDNF in the recovery of the OE after injury in vivo. We developed an experimental design in which the OE of Rhinella arenarum tadpoles could be easily and selectively damaged by immersing the animals in ZnSO4 solutions of various concentrations for differing time periods. Image analysis of histological sections showed that different combinations of each of these conditions produced statistically different degrees of injury to the olfactory tissue. We also observed that the morphology of the OE was restored within a few days of recovery after ZnSO4 treatment. Immunohistochemical analysis of BDNF was performed with an antiserum whose specificity was confirmed by Western blotting, and which showed drastic changes in the abundance and distribution pattern of this neurotrophin in the damaged olfactory system. Our results thus suggest that BDNF is involved in the regeneration of the OE of amphibian larvae, and that our approach is suitable for further investigations of this topic. This work was supported by grants from CONICET (PIP 5842), Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBACYT X131) and ANPCYT (PICT 32219).  相似文献   

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