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A new locally produced P-inactivation agent, Z2G1, was tested on sediment cores from Lake Okaro, New Zealand, for phosphorus (P) removal efficacy and any non-target side effects prior to a whole lake trial to manage internal P loading. Z2G1 is a granular product which settles rapidly, and was designed as a sediment capping material. It is a modified zeolite which acts as a carrier for the aluminium (Al)-based P-binding agent. It was found to have a high affinity for P and did not release Al into the water column. Continuous-flow incubation study results showed that a thin layer of Z2G1 (~2 mm) could completely block the release of P from the sediment under aerobic and anoxic conditions, and remove P from the overlying water in contact with the capping layer. The Z2G1 capping layer neither released metals itself nor did it induce the release of metals from the sediments, and the zeolite substrate absorbed arsenic and mercury from the geothermally influenced Lake Okaro sediments. In general, zeolites are strong cation absorbers and the zeolite substrate of Z2G1 absorbed ammoniacal nitrogen, making it the only sediment capping material to actively remove both P and N. There were, however, indications of a suppression effect on microbial denitrification by the Z2G1 capping layer under aerobic conditions. Overall, the Z2G1 sediment capping material is a highly effective P-inactivation agent which might be a useful material for managing internal P loads in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Benthic flux measurements of O2, TCO2 and inorganic nutrients were made at three stations (seagrass beds, shallow bare sand and deep mud) in Lake Illawarra (Australia) to compare the characteristics of diagenesis and benthic biogeochemical processes for different primary producers (seagrass or microphytobenthos, (MPB)) and/or sediment types (sand or mud).Seagrass beds exhibited the highest gross primary productivity while the lowest rates occurred at the deep mud station. At the shallow bare sand station only, the gross primary production (GPP) and respiration (R) were balanced, while at the other two stations, R exceeded GPP by as much as 2 fold, indicating more organic carbon was decomposed than produced at the time of sampling. In general, nutrient fluxes displayed typical diurnal variation.Organic carbon oxidation scenarios, evaluated by either calcium carbonate dissolution or sulfate reduction models, indicated that both models can represent organic matter mineralization. The difference of estimated total carbon oxidized in this lake using the two models was small, ranging from 0.2% at deep mud station to maximum of 21% at seagrass station. In addition, N2 flux rates (net denitrification), estimated using carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry, were of similar magnitude as the rates estimated using LOICZ budget modeling or measured using the N2/Ar technique.Finally, a comparison of calculated diffusive fluxes and measured fluxes using incubation cores indicated that the results were of similar magnitude at the deep mud station, but the incubation cores fluxes were much higher than the calculated diffusive fluxes at the other two stations. This may have been caused by bioturbation or bioirrigation.  相似文献   

Selig  Uwe 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):107-118
Phosphate binding and P-release in the sediment of the eutrophic shallow Lake Bützow are described based on sediment profiles, particle size fractions and incubation experiments. Total phosphorus was about 15% higher in the upper 0.5 cm layer than in the 0.5–1 cm layer. Phosphorus binding varied with sediment depth. Hot PNaOH and PHCl were the dominant fractions in all sediment horizons down to 10 cm depth, with values ranging from 20 to 30%. The PH2O, PBD, o-PNaOH and nr-PNaOH decreased with depth. The PBD contributed 21% to Tot-P in the horizon 0–0.5 cm and decreased by half in 1–2 cm. The greatest proportion of particles (35%) was found in the 100–200 m fraction. This size fraction also accumulated most of the phosphate. Moreover, P-forms were differently distributed in the various particle sizes of the sediment. Sediment particles <40 m can be resuspended by a wind velocity of 2 m s–1, whereby 17% of the Tot-P from the topmost sediment were transported into the water column. The proportions of released labile phosphate, organic phosphate and hydrolysable phosphate were higher, with values of 24, 33 and 26%, respectively. Dissolved P was released under oxic and anoxic incubation, but anoxic release was higher. Comparison of the results shows that the P-release under anoxic conditions was equal to the P-release by resuspension, but under anoxic conditions the release of bioavailable P was higher.  相似文献   

Fluxes of CO2 and o-P across the sediment-water interfacewere measured adding different amounts of sulfatein order to quantify the influence in these processes againsta control, and using chloramphenicol as an inhibitor ofbacterial activity. These experiments were performed underoxic and anoxic conditions. Results show that the additionof sulfate stimulated the fluxes of CO2 and o-P, whilethe use of chloramphenicol decreased these fluxes. Theratio of o-P release to Org-C release ranged from 1 to 5 underoxic conditions and from 18 to 42 under anoxicconditions.  相似文献   

Redox transitions induced by seasonal changes in water column O2 concentration can have important effects on solutes exchange across the sediment–water interface in systems polluted with acid mine drainage (AMD), thus influencing natural attenuation and bioremediation processes. The effect of such transitions was studied in a mesocosm experiment with water and sediment cores from an acidic reservoir (El Sancho, SW Spain). Rates of aerobic organic matter mineralization and oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds increased under oxic conditions (OX). Anaerobic process, like Fe(III) and sulfate reduction, also increased due to higher O2 availability and penetration depth in the sediment, resulting in higher regeneration rates of their corresponding anaerobic e? acceptors. The contribution of the different processes to oxygen uptake changed considerably over time. pH decreased due to the precipitation of schwertmannite and the release of H+ from the sediment, favouring the dissolution of Al-hydroxides and hydroxysulfates at the sediment surface. The increase in dissolved Al was the main contributor to water column acidity during OX. Changes in organic matter degradation rates and co-precipitation and dissolution of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen with redox-sensitive Fe(III) compounds affected considerably C and N cycling at the sediment–water interface during redox transitions. The release of NO2? and NO3? during the hypoxic period could be attributed to ammonium oxidation coupled to ferric iron reduction (Feammox). Considering the multiple effects of redox transitions at the sediment–water interface is critical for the successful outcome of natural attenuation and bioremediation of AMD impacted aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Gelda  Rakesh K.  Effler  Steven W. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,487(1):243-254
Patterns of estimates of oxygen flux (J) across the air–water interface of hypereutrophic Onondaga Lake, NY, U.S.A., are characterized for time scales ranging from diel to seasonal for an 8-month period. The analysis is supported by a high frequency (most often hourly) monitoring program, conducted with a robotic buoy, that included measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and fluorometric chlorophyll a in the lake's surface waters, vertical profiles of DO through the epilimnion, and wind speed and solar radiance. The magnitude and direction of J is demonstrated to vary dramatically at diel, day-to-day, and seasonal time scales. Thus, large errors in estimates of J may result from extrapolating flux calculations made from short-term data to longer time periods. The variations in J were driven by variations in metabolic activity and meteorology, and were mediated by departures from equilibrium DO concentrations and wind-driven turbulence. Extended periods of high J values are shown to coincide with intervals of large departures from equilibrium DO concentrations, but day-to-day differences are driven mostly by variations in wind. A distinct diel pattern of J estimates is manifested for average conditions, with substantially higher J values during daylight hours. This pattern reflects the common diel patterns of the drivers of both higher DO oversaturation and wind speed over those hours. It is demonstrated that the magnitude of J is substantial relative to net changes in the epilimnetic DO pool, and thus must be accommodated accurately in estimates of primary production and community respiration that are to be based on diel monitoring of DO in the water columns of productive lakes.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution and community composition of denitrifying bacteria in the stratified water column and at the sediment–water interface in lakes Plußsee and Schöhsee, and a near-shore site in the Baltic Sea in Germany. Although environmental changes induced by the stratification of the water column in marine environments are known to affect specific populations of denitrifying bacteria, little information is available for stratified freshwater lakes and brackish water. The aim of the present study was to fill this gap and to demonstrate specific distribution patterns of denitrifying bacteria in specific aquatic habitats using two functional markers for the nitrite reductase (nirK and nirS genes) as a proxy for the communities. The leading question to be answered was whether communities containing the genes nirK and nirS have similar, identical, or different distribution patterns, and occupy the same or different ecological niches. The genes nirK and nirS were analyzed by PCR amplification with specific primers followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and by cloning and sequence analysis. Overall, nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse than nirK-denitrifiers. Denitrifying communities in sediments were clearly different from those in the water column in all aquatic systems, regardless of the gene analyzed. A differential distribution of denitrifying assemblages was observed for each particular site. In the Baltic Sea and Lake Plußsee, nirK-denitrifiers were more diverse throughout the water column, while nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse in the sediment. In Lake Schöhsee, nirS-denitrifiers showed high diversity across the whole water body. Habitat-specific clusters of nirS sequences were observed for the freshwater lakes, while nirK sequences from both freshwater lakes and the Baltic Sea were found in common phylogenetic clusters. These results demonstrated differences in the distribution of bacteria containing nirS and those containing nirK indicating that both types of denitrifiers apparently occupy different ecological niches.  相似文献   

An overview of the biogeography of the benthic marine algae of the North Atlantic Ocean is presented. General and specific distribution patterns are discussed in the light of current knowledge of extant species, and of known events in the evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean. The close relationships between the Arctic, NW and NE Atlantic floras suggest their possible origin as a single flora in the early Oligocene Arctic Ocean, when it was isolated by the Bering Land Bridge and the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. Migration of the flora into the North Atlantic Ocean could have occurred with the subsidence of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. The present day distribution patterns are the main clue to unravelling the past, and study of vicariant amphi-Atlantic taxa using a variety of experimental techniques will yield the most valuable information in attempts to interpret major biogeographical events in the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Redox potential is a significant factor in aquatic systems to regulate the availability of nutrients and some metals. To assess the driving variables regulating redox potential, background parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, chlorophyll-a, soluble reactive and total phosphorus content of water, coverage and height of submerged macrophytes) and redox potential profiles around the sediment–water interface (SWI) were measured in simulated shallow lake ecosystems. There were two nutrient regimes (enriched and non-enriched) and three temperature scenarios (unheated; +3.5°C; +5°C) installed in the experimental setups, which were constructed to study the effects of global climate change. Temperature did not have any detectable effect on redox potentials, and we presume that nutrient addition had only indirect positive effects through triggering phytoplankton dominance which causes macrophyte absence. When submerged macrophytes were present in high density (80–100% coverage), redox potentials at the SWI varied between 60–215 mV and the mean redox potential was 133 ± 34 mV (mean ± 1 SD). In contrast to this, when phytoplankton dominance was coupled to low macrophyte density (0–20% coverage), the range of redox potentials at the SWI was 160–290 mV and the mean redox potential was 218 ± 34 mV. The results revealed the primary importance of submersed macrophytes; macrophyte coverage determined alone the redox potential of the sediment–water interface by 81%. This study suggests that possible positive effects of macrophytes on redox potential can be suppressed by their negative effects in case of 80–100% coverage and total inhabitation of the water column.  相似文献   

The capacity of a lake to remove reactive nitrogen (N) through denitrification has important implications both for the lake and for downstream ecosystems. In large oligotropic lakes such as Lake Superior, where nitrate (NO3 ?) concentrations have increased steadily over the past century, deep oxygen penetration into sediments may limit the denitrification rates. We tested the hypothesis that the position of the redox gradient in lake sediments affects denitrification by measuring net N-fluxes across the sediment–water interface for intact sediment cores collected across a range of sediment oxycline values from nearshore and offshore sites in Lake Superior, as well as sites in Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Across this redox gradient, as the thickness of the oxygenated sediment layer increased from Lake Erie to Lake Superior, fluxes of NH4 + and N2 out of the sediment decreased, and sediments shifted from a net sink to a net source of NO3 ?. Denitrification of NO3 ? from overlying water decreased with thickness of the oxygenated sediment layer. Our results indicate that, unlike sediments from Lake Erie and Lake Huron, Lake Superior sediments do not remove significant amounts of water column NO3 ? through denitrification, likely as a result of the thick oxygenated sediment layer.  相似文献   

Effects of chironomids on sediment–water exchange of nutrients and their impact on the efficiency of Phoslock® (a lanthanum (La) modified clay for phosphorus (P) removal in freshwater systems) were tested during a 35 days incubation experiment with sediment cores from a Danish eutrophic Lake. Four different sediment treatments with increased or natural densities of chironomids in combination with Phoslock® were used: (1) Control + (2) Chironomids + (3) Phoslock + (4) Chironomids & Phoslock. Nutrients in the overlying water were followed during the incubation period. The treatments with Phoslock reduced P in the overlying water significantly compared to the control treatment. In addition, the chironomids significantly increased sediment nitrate uptake as well as sediment ammonium release. After the incubation period, a sequential extraction of P and La was conducted. The Phoslock treatment led to a reduction of the iron-bound P pool in the sediment and a higher HCl-extractable P pool. Also, most La was recovered in the HCl extract, indicating that P became strongly bound to La in the Phoslock matrix. Sequential extraction of pure Phoslock demonstrated that the bentonite matrix of Phoslock contained redox sensitive iron, and that ammonium might be released from Phoslock, when dispersed in water.  相似文献   

Benthic-pelagic exchange processes are recognised as important nutrient sources in coastal areas, however, the relative impact of diffusion, resuspension and other processes such as bioturbation and bioirrigation are still relatively poorly understood. Experimental ship-based data are presented showing the effects of diffusion and resuspension on cohesive sediments at a temperate shelf location in the North Sea. Measurements of diffusive fluxes in both spring (1.76, 0.51, ?0.91, 17.6 μmol/m2/h) and late summer (8.53, ?0.03, ?1.12, 35.0 μmol/m2/h) for nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and dissolved silicon respectively, provided comparisons for measured resuspension fluxes. Increases in diffusive fluxes of nitrate and dissolved silicon to the water column in late summer coincided with decreases in bottom water oxygen concentrations and increases in temperature. Resuspension experiments using a ship board annular flume and intact box core allowed simultaneous measurement of suspended particulate matter, water velocity and sampling of nutrients in the water column during a step wise increase in bed shear velocity. The resuspension of benthic fluff led to small but significant releases of phosphate and nitrate to the water column with chamber concentration increasing from 0.70–0.76 and 1.84–2.22 μmol/L respectively. Resuspension of the sediment bed increased water column concentrations of dissolved silicon by as much as 125% (7.10–15.9 μmol/L) and nitrate and phosphate concentrations by up to 67% (1.84–3.08 μmol/L) and 66% (0.70–1.15 μmol/L) respectively. Mass balance calculations indicate that processes such as microbial activity or adsorption/desorption other than simple release of pore water nutrients must occur during resuspension to account for the increase. This study shows that resuspension is potentially an important pathway for resupplying the water column with nutrients before and during phytoplankton blooms and should therefore be considered along with diffusive fluxes in future ecosystem models.  相似文献   

In soft-bottom sediments, consumers may influence ecosystem function more via engineering that alters abiotic resources than through trophic influences. Understanding the influence of bioturbation on physical, chemical, and biological processes of the water–sediment interface requires investigating top-down (consumer) and bottom-up (resource) forces. The objective of the present study was to determine how consumer bioturbation mode and sediment properties interact to dictate the hydrologic function of experimental filtration systems clogged by the deposition of fine sediments. Three fine-grained sediments characterized by different organic matter (OM) and pollutant content were used to assess the influence of resource type: sediment of urban origin highly loaded with OM and pollutants, river sediments rich in OM, and river sediments poor in OM content. The effects of consumer bioturbation (chironomid larvae vs. tubificid worms) on sediment reworking, changes in hydraulic head and hydraulic conductivity, and water fluxes through the water–sediment interface were measured. Invertebrate influences in reducing the clogging process depended not only on the mode of bioturbation (construction of biogenic structures, burrowing and feeding activities, etc.) but also on the interaction between the bioturbation process and the sediments of the clogging layer. We present a conceptual model that highlights the importance of sediment influences on bioturbation and argues for the integration of bottom-up influence on consumer engineering activities. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The air–water interface (AWI) tends to adsorb proteins and frequently causes preferred orientation problems in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Here, we examined cryo-EM data from protein samples frozen with different detergents and found that both anionic and cationic detergents promoted binding of proteins to the AWI. By contrast, some of the nonionic and zwitterionic detergents tended to prevent proteins from attaching to the AWI. The protein orientation distributions with different anionic detergents were similar and resembled that obtained without detergent. By contrast, cationic detergents gave distinct orientation distributions. Our results indicate that proteins adsorb to charged interface and the negative charge of the AWI plays an important role in adsorbing proteins in the conventional cryo-EM sample preparation. According to these findings, a new method was developed by adding anionic detergent at a concentration between 0.002% and 0.005%. Using this method, the protein particles exhibited a more evenly distributed orientations and still adsorbed to the AWI enabling them embedding in a thin layer of ice with high concentration, which will benefit the cryo-EM structural determination.  相似文献   

Danovaro  Roberto  Della Croce  Norberto  Fabiano  Mauro 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):241-251
The seagrass Posidonia oceanica is the most productive system of theMediterranean Sea. In order to gather information on the temporal andspatial variability of the suspended particulate matter in relation tobacterial dynamics, water samples were collected at 10 cm above thesediments over a period of 13 months in the Prelo Bay (Ligurian Sea, NWMediterranean). Measurements of seston concentration, as well as theelemental (POC and PON) and biochemical composition (lipids, proteins,carbohydrates and nucleic acids) of particulate matter were carried out toassess the origin, composition and bacterial contribution to the foodpotentially available in the seagrass system to consumers. Lipids andproteins were the main biochemical classes of organic compounds, followed bycarbohydrates. Despite the highly refractory composition of the seagrassleaves, particulate organic matter was mostly composed of labile compounds(69.9% of POC). POM temporal patterns were controlled by currentspeed at the sediment–water interface that resuspended only smallparticles largely colonised by bacteria after an intensive process offractionation and aging. In the seagrass system, the POM appears to bedominated by bacteria (density ranging from 0.7 to 2.5×109 cells l™1, representing more than48.3% of POC and 68.7% of the biopolymeric carbon, as the sumof lipid, protein and carbohydrate carbon). This feature was characteristicof the seagrass system since much lower bacterial densities were foundoutside the Posidonia meadow. Bacteria were negatively correlated with theconcentration of nitrite and nitrate suggesting a selective utilisation ofinorganic nutrients to support their growth. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Myall Lakes has experienced algal blooms in recent years which threaten water quality. Biomarkers, benthic fluxes measured with chambers, and pore water metabolites were used to identify the nature and reactivity of organic matter (OM) in the sediments of Bombah Broadwater (BB), and the processes controlling sediment-nutrient release into the overlying waters. The OM in the sediments was principally from algal sources although terrestrial OM was found near the Myall River. Terrestrial faecal matter was identified in muddy sediments and was probably sourced via runoff from farm lands. The reactive OM which released nutrients into the overlying waters was from diatoms, dinoflagellates and probably cyanobacteria. Microcystis filaments were observed in surface sediments. OM degradation rates varied between 5.3 and 47.1 mmol m?2 day?1 (64–565 mg m?2 day?1), were highest in the muddy sediments and sulphate reduction rates accounted for 20–40% of the OM degraded. Diatoms, being heavy sink rapidly, and are an important vector to transport catchment N and P to sites of denitrification and P-trapping in the sediments. Denitrification rates (mean ~4 mmol N m?2 day?1), up to 7 mmol N m?2 day?1 (105 mg N m?2 day?1) were measured, and denitrification efficiencies were highest (mean = 86 ± 4%) in the sandy sediments (~20% of the area of BB), but lower in the muddy sediments (mean = 63 ± 15%). These differences probably result from higher OM loads and anaerobic respiration in muddy sediments. Most DIP (>70%) from OM degradation was not released into overlying waters but remained trapped in surface sediments. Biophysical (advective) processes were responsible for the measured metabolite (O2, CO2, DSi, DIN and DIP) fluxes across the sediment–water interface.  相似文献   

The assemblage of littoral oligochaetes in six crater lakes in Central Mexico, was studied throughout a yearly cycle. To establish species composition, richness, density and biomass, 14 localities were sampled in the lakes. A total of eight species belonging to the families Naididae (five species), Tubificidae (two species), and Enchytraeidae (one species) were found. The dominant species, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, contributed with up to 99% in both abundance and biomass. Sediment organic matter is the most important environmental variable explaining the differences in density and biomass. Seasonal (dry and rainy seasons) changes were not significant for density and biomass. Higher density and lower biomass values characterized these lakes in contrast to other tropical and subtropical lakes worldwide. The small size of the dominant species L. hoffmeisteri was recorded in all lakes and explained the low biomass recorded in the area of study. The correlation between L. hoffmeisteri and four other species (Dero (Dero) nivea, D. (D.) digitata, Nais variabilis and Tubifex tubifex) was negative. The naidid species were positively correlated (>0.5) to each other.  相似文献   

To investigate the effective depth from the surface sediment, and phosphorus fractions related to phosphorus release under short-term anoxic conditions, varying lengths of sediment cores taken from Lake Kasumigaura, a large shallow polymictic lake in Japan, were incubated for a few weeks and then analyzed. Results showed few differences in total phosphorus (TP) amount per unit area in overlying waters irrespective of the core thickness, and sums of TP in both overlying water and 0- to 2-cm sediment layers were nearly equal before and after the experiment, indicating that phosphorus was released mainly from the 0- to 2-cm layer by dissolution. In contrast, phosphorus was decreased in pore water below a 2-cm depth, probably through sorption to sediment solids. The citrate-dithionite-bicarbonate total phosphorus (CBD-TP) and non-reactive phosphorus extracted by NaOH (NaOH-NRP) in sediment solids in the 0- to 2-cm layer decreased during the experiment. The decreases of CBD-TP were 10 times higher than those of NaOH-NRP, suggesting that the released phosphorus came mainly from the fraction bound to iron in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   

Hondzo  Miki  Steinberger  Nancy 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):63-68
Relying on the fundamental principles of mass transport in a turbulent flow, we have developed a semi-analytical model for a mass transfer coefficient in a sediment water interface over a smooth bed. The governing equations with boundary conditions reflect a mechanism of shear dispersion in a turbulent flow. The model is formulated in terms of the Sherwood-Reynolds-Schmidt functional dependence. Unlike previous regression-type models, the mass transfer coefficient at the sediment-water interface is parameterized by the friction coefficient. Flow conditions over a smooth bed ranging in Reynolds number from 1800 to 7000 were used to verify the model. The predicted mass transfer coefficients are in very good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Tuan A. Ho 《Molecular simulation》2014,40(14):1190-1200
In this work, different water models (i.e. SPC/E, TIP3P, TIP4P/2005, TIP5P, SPC/Fw, TIP4P/2005f and SWM4_DP) are implemented to simulate water on neutral, negatively charged and positively charged graphene. In all cases ambient conditions are considered. Structural and dynamical properties for water are calculated to quantify the differences among various water models. The results show that SPC/E, TIP4P/2005, SPC/Fw, TIP4P/2005f and SWM4_DP water models yield a similar structure for interfacial water on graphene, whether it is neutral, negatively charged or positively charged. TIP5P is the model whose predictions for the structure of the interface deviate the most from those of the other models. Although qualitatively the results are for the most part similar, a large quantitative variation is observed among the dynamical properties predicted when various water models are implemented. Although experimental data are not available to discriminate the most/least accurate of the model predictions, our results could be useful for comparing results for interfacial water obtained implementing different models. Such critical comparison will benefit practical applications such as the development of energy-storage and water-desalination devices (e.g. electric double-layer capacitors), among others.  相似文献   

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