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The current model of hepatitis C virus (HCV) production involves the assembly of virions on or near the surface of lipid droplets, envelopment at the ER in association with components of VLDL synthesis, and egress via the secretory pathway. However, the cellular requirements for and a mechanistic understanding of HCV secretion are incomplete at best. We combined an RNA interference (RNAi) analysis of host factors for infectious HCV secretion with the development of live cell imaging of HCV core trafficking to gain a detailed understanding of HCV egress. RNAi studies identified multiple components of the secretory pathway, including ER to Golgi trafficking, lipid and protein kinases that regulate budding from the trans-Golgi network (TGN), VAMP1 vesicles and adaptor proteins, and the recycling endosome. Our results support a model wherein HCV is infectious upon envelopment at the ER and exits the cell via the secretory pathway. We next constructed infectious HCV with a tetracysteine (TC) tag insertion in core (TC-core) to monitor the dynamics of HCV core trafficking in association with its cellular cofactors. In order to isolate core protein movements associated with infectious HCV secretion, only trafficking events that required the essential HCV assembly factor NS2 were quantified. TC-core traffics to the cell periphery along microtubules and this movement can be inhibited by nocodazole. Sub-populations of TC-core localize to the Golgi and co-traffic with components of the recycling endosome. Silencing of the recycling endosome component Rab11a results in the accumulation of HCV core at the Golgi. The majority of dynamic core traffics in association with apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and VAMP1 vesicles. This study identifies many new host cofactors of HCV egress, while presenting dynamic studies of HCV core trafficking in infected cells.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) F protein is encoded by the +1 reading frame of the viral genome. It overlaps with the core protein coding sequence, and multiple mechanisms for its expression have been proposed. The full-length F protein that is synthesized by translational ribosomal frameshift at codons 9 to 11 of the core protein sequence is a labile protein. By using a combination of genetic, biochemical, and cell biological approaches, we demonstrate that this HCV F protein can bind to the proteasome subunit protein α3, which reduces the F-protein level in cells in a dose-dependent manner. Deletion-mapping analysis identified amino acids 40 to 60 of the F protein as the α3-binding domain. This α3-binding domain of the F protein together with its upstream sequence could significantly destabilize the green fluorescent protein, an otherwise stable protein. Further analyses using an F-protein mutant lacking lysine and a cell line that contained a temperature-sensitive E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme indicated that the degradation of the F protein was ubiquitin independent. Based on these observations as well as the observation that the F protein could be degraded directly by the 20S proteasome in vitro, we propose that the full-length HCV F protein as well as the F protein initiating from codon 26 is degraded by an ubiquitin-independent pathway that is mediated by the proteasome subunit α3. The ability of the F protein to bind to α3 raises the possibility that the HCV F protein may regulate protein degradation in cells.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein is directed to the surface of lipid droplets (LD), a step that is essential for infectious virus production. However, the process by which core is recruited from LD into nascent virus particles is not well understood. To investigate the kinetics of core trafficking, we developed methods to image functional core protein in live, virus-producing cells. During the peak of virus assembly, core formed polarized caps on large, immotile LDs, adjacent to putative sites of assembly. In addition, LD-independent, motile puncta of core were found to traffic along microtubules. Importantly, core was recruited from LDs into these puncta, and interaction between the viral NS2 and NS3-4A proteins was essential for this recruitment process. These data reveal new aspects of core trafficking and identify a novel role for viral nonstructural proteins in virus particle assembly.  相似文献   

HCV (hepatitis C virus) represents a major global health problem. A consistent body of evidence has been accumulating, suggesting a peculiar overlap between the HCV life cycle and lipid metabolism. This association becomes evident both for the clinical symptoms of HCV infection and the molecular mechanisms underlying the morphogenesis and entry process of this virus. The HCV core–lipid droplets association seems to be central to the HCV morphogenesis process. Moreover, the biogenesis pathway of very‐low‐density lipoproteins has been shown to be involved in HCV morphogenesis with MTP (microsomal triacylglycerol transfer protein), ApoB (apolipoprotein B) and ApoE (apolipoprotein E) as essential elements in the production of infectious HCV particles. HCV infectivity also correlates with the lipidation status of the particles. Furthermore, some HCV cellular receptors and the regulation of the entry process are also connected to lipoproteins and lipid metabolism. Specifically, lipoproteins modulate the entry process and the cholesterol transporter SR‐BI (scavenger receptor class B type I) is a cellular entry factor for HCV. The present review aims to summarize the advances in our understanding of the HCV–lipid metabolism association, which may open new therapeutic avenues.  相似文献   

Cellular binding and entry of hepatitis C virus (HCV) are the first steps of viral infection and represent a major target for antiviral antibodies and novel therapeutic strategies. We have recently demonstrated that heparan sulfate (HS) plays a key role in the binding of HCV envelope glycoprotein E2 to target cells (Barth et al., J. Biol. Chem. 278:41003-41012, 2003). In this study, we characterized the HCV-HS interaction and analyzed its inhibition by antiviral host immune responses. Using recombinant envelope glycoproteins, virus-like particles, and HCV pseudoparticles as model systems for the early steps of viral infection, we mapped viral and cellular determinants of HCV-HS interaction. HCV-HS binding required a specific HS structure that included N-sulfo groups and a minimum of 10 to 14 saccharide subunits. HCV envelope binding to HS was mediated by four viral epitopes overlapping the E2 hypervariable region 1 and E2-CD81 binding domains. In functional studies using HCV pseudoparticles, we demonstrate that HCV binding and entry are specifically inhibited by highly sulfated HS. Finally, HCV-HS binding was markedly inhibited by antiviral antibodies derived from HCV-infected individuals. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that binding of the viral envelope to a specific HS configuration represents an important step for the initiation of viral infection and is a target of antiviral host immune responses in vivo. Mapping of viral and cellular determinants of HCV-HS interaction sets the stage for the development of novel HS-based antiviral strategies targeting viral attachment and entry.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein is a putative nucleocapsid protein with a number of regulatory functions. In tissue culture cells, HCV core protein is mainly located at the endoplasmic reticulum as well as mitochondria and lipid droplets within the cytoplasm. However, it is also detected in the nucleus in some cells. To elucidate the mechanisms by which cellular trafficking of the protein is controlled, we performed subcellular fractionation experiments and used confocal microscopy to examine the distribution of heterologously expressed fusion proteins involving various deletions and point mutations of the HCV core combined with green fluorescent proteins. We demonstrated that a region spanning amino acids 112 to 152 can mediate association of the core protein not only with the ER but also with the mitochondrial outer membrane. This region contains an 18-amino-acid motif which is predicted to form an amphipathic alpha-helix structure. With regard to the nuclear targeting of the core protein, we identified a novel bipartite nuclear localization signal, which requires two out of three basic-residue clusters for efficient nuclear translocation, possibly by occupying binding sites on importin-alpha. Differences in the cellular trafficking of HCV core protein, achieved and maintained by multiple targeting functions as mentioned above, may in part regulate the diverse range of biological roles of the core protein.  相似文献   

Various domains of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) are essential for the assembly and secretion of hepatitis D virus (HDV). This study investigated the influences of the levels and sequences of HBsAg of naturally occurring HBV variants on the assembly and secretion of HDV. Six hepatitis B virus (HBV)-producing plasmids (three genotype B and three genotype C) and six HBsAg expression plasmids that expressed various HBsAg levels were constructed from the sera of HDV-infected patients. These plasmids were cotransfected with six expression plasmids of HDV of genotype 1, 2, or 4 into the Huh-7 hepatoma cell line. Serum HBsAg and HBV DNA levels were correlated with HDV RNA levels and outcomes of chronic hepatitis D (CHD) patients. The secretion of genotype 1, 2, or 4 HDV generally correlated with HBsAg levels but not with HBV genotypes or HBV DNA levels. Swapping and residue mutagenesis experiments of HBsAg-coding sequences revealed that the residue Pro-62 in the cytosolic domain-I affects the assembly and secretion of genotype 2 and 4 HDV and not those of genotype 1. The pre-S2 N-terminal deletion HBV mutant adversely affects secretion of the three HDV genotypes. In patients, serum HDV RNA levels correlated with HBsAg levels but not with HBV DNA levels. Viremia of HDV or HBV correlated with poor outcomes. In conclusion, the assembly and secretion of HDV were influenced by the amounts and sequences of HBsAg. For an effective treatment of CHD, reduction of HBsAg production in addition to the suppression of HBV and HDV replication might be crucial.  相似文献   

Analysis of the properties for individual hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins makes it possible to establish their molecular structure and conformation, to localize antigenic and immunogenic determinants, to identify protective epitopes, and to solve applied problems (e.g., design of diagnostic tests, vaccines, and drugs). Linear and conformational epitopes of HCV proteins were localized using the phage display technique, and the peptides exposed on the phages selected with monoclonal antibodies against HCV proteins were tested for immunogenicity. Of the 11 epitopes revealed, three were strongly linear; two depended on the secondary; and one on the tertiary structure of the corresponding protein (conformational epitopes). Amino acid sequences involved in the other epitopes were established. The results can be used to improve the diagnosis of hepatitis C, to study the effect of amino acid substitutions on the antigenic properties of HCV proteins, and to analyze the immune response in patients infected with genotypically different HCV. It was shown with the example of the NS5A epitope that phage particles with epitope-mimicking peptides (mimotopes) induce production of antibodies against the corresponding HCV proteins.  相似文献   

Studies on the replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been facilitated by the development of selectable subgenomic replicons replicating in the human hepatoma cell line Huh-7 at a surprisingly high level. Analysis of the replicon population in selected cells revealed the occurrence of cell culture-adaptive mutations that enhance RNA replication substantially. To gain a better understanding of HCV cell culture adaptation, we characterized conserved mutations identified by sequence analysis of 26 independent replicon cell clones for their effect on RNA replication. Mutations enhancing replication were found in nearly every nonstructural (NS) protein, and they could be subdivided into at least two groups by their effect on replication efficiency and cooperativity: (i). mutations in NS3 with a low impact on replication but that enhanced replication cooperatively when combined with highly adaptive mutations and (ii). mutations in NS4B, -5A, and -5B, causing a strong increase in replication but being incompatible with each other. In addition to adaptive mutations, we found that the host cell plays an equally important role for efficient RNA replication. We tested several passages of the same Huh-7 cell line and found up to 100-fold differences in their ability to support replicon amplification. These differences were not due to variations in internal ribosome entry site-dependent translation or RNA degradation. In a search for cellular factor(s) that might be responsible for the different levels of permissiveness of Huh-7 cells, we found that replication efficiency decreased with increasing amounts of transfected replicon RNA, indicating that viral RNA or proteins are cytopathic or that host cell factors in Huh-7 cells limit RNA amplification. In summary, these data show that the efficiency of HCV replication in cell culture is determined both by adaptation of the viral sequence and by the host cell itself.  相似文献   

Growing experimental evidence indicates that, in addition to the physical virion components, the non-structural proteins of hepatitis C virus (HCV) are intimately involved in orchestrating morphogenesis. Since it is dispensable for HCV RNA replication, the non-structural viral protein NS2 is suggested to play a central role in HCV particle assembly. However, despite genetic evidences, we have almost no understanding about NS2 protein-protein interactions and their role in the production of infectious particles. Here, we used co-immunoprecipitation and/or fluorescence resonance energy transfer with fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy analyses to study the interactions between NS2 and the viroporin p7 and the HCV glycoprotein E2. In addition, we used alanine scanning insertion mutagenesis as well as other mutations in the context of an infectious virus to investigate the functional role of NS2 in HCV assembly. Finally, the subcellular localization of NS2 and several mutants was analyzed by confocal microscopy. Our data demonstrate molecular interactions between NS2 and p7 and E2. Furthermore, we show that, in the context of an infectious virus, NS2 accumulates over time in endoplasmic reticulum-derived dotted structures and colocalizes with both the envelope glycoproteins and components of the replication complex in close proximity to the HCV core protein and lipid droplets, a location that has been shown to be essential for virus assembly. We show that NS2 transmembrane region is crucial for both E2 interaction and subcellular localization. Moreover, specific mutations in core, envelope proteins, p7 and NS5A reported to abolish viral assembly changed the subcellular localization of NS2 protein. Together, these observations indicate that NS2 protein attracts the envelope proteins at the assembly site and it crosstalks with non-structural proteins for virus assembly.  相似文献   

Study of individual hepatitis C (HCV) proteins could help to find a molecular structure and conformation, localization of antigenic and immunogenic determinants, to reveal of protective epitopes. It is necessary for practical medicine - development of diagnostic test-systems, vaccines and therapeutics. Linear and conformation dependent epitopes of HCV proteins was localized in this work and immunogenic properties of phage displayed peptides screened on monoclonal antibodies to HCV proteins have been investigated. Eleven epitopes of four HCV proteins have been studied. Three epitopes was found as linear, two epitopes were dependent on secondary structure of proteins and one epitope was dependent on tertiary structure of NS3 protein. Aminoacid sequences of other determinants have been determined and the distinct localization of these determinants will be continued after discovering of tertiary structure of HCV proteins. It was shown, that phage mimotope 3f4 is immunogenic and could induce specific hu- moral immune response to NS5A HCV protein. The data obtained could be useful for improving of HCV diagnostic test-systems, studying of amino acid substitutions and its influence on antigenic properties of the HCV proteins. The results could help to study an immune response in patients infected with different genotypes of HCV. Phage displayed peptides mimicking the antigenic epitopes of HCV proteins could be applied to development of HCV vaccine.  相似文献   

A large number of researches focused on glycoproteins E1 and E2 of hepatitis C virus (HCV) aimed at the development of anti-HCV vaccines and inhibitors. Enhancement of E1/E2 expression and secretion is critical for the characterization of these glycoproteins and thus for subunit vaccine development. In this study, we designed and synthesized three signal peptide sequences based on online programs SignalP, TargetP, and PSORT, then removed and replaced the signal peptide preceding E1/E2 by overlapping the polymerase chain reaction method. We assessed the effect of this alteration on E1/E2 expression and secretion in mammalian cells, using western blot analysis, dot blot, and Galanthus nivalis agglutinin lectin capture enzyme immunoassay. Replacing the peptides preceding E1 and E2 with the signal peptides of the tissue plasminogen activator and Gaussia luciferase resulted in maximum enhancement of E1/E2 expression and secretion of E1 in mammalian cells, without altering glycosylation. Such an advance would help to facilitate both the research of E1/E2 biology and the development of an effective HCV subunit vaccine. The strategy used in this study could be applied to the expression and production of other glycoproteins in mammalian cell line-based systems.  相似文献   

Occult hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a type of recently identified chronic infection that is evidenced only by detection of HCV RNA in liver; patients consistently test negative for antibodies to HCV and HCV RNA in serum. Using ex vivo and in vitro measures of T-cell responses, we have identified functional virus-specific memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in the peripheral blood of patients with occult HCV infection. The features of the virus-specific T cells were consistent with immune surveillance functions, supporting previous exposure to HCV. In addition, the magnitudes of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses were in parallel and correlated inversely with the extent of liver HCV infection. The detection of HCV-specific T cells in individuals in whom HCV RNA can persist in the liver despite the absence of viremia and antibodies indicates that HCV replication is prolonged in the face of virus-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses. These findings demonstrate that HCV-specific cellular immune responses are markers not only of previous exposure to and recovery from HCV but also of ongoing occult HCV infection.  相似文献   

More than 500 million people worldwide are persistently infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or hepatitis C virus (HCV) and are at risk of developing chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Despite many common features in the pathogenesis of HBV- and HCV-related liver disease, these viruses markedly differ in their virological properties and in their immune escape and survival strategies. This review assesses recent advances in our understanding of viral hepatitis, contrasts mechanisms of virus-host interaction in acute hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and outlines areas for future studies.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus core protein is targeted to lipid droplets, which serve as intracellular storage organelles, by its C-terminal domain, termed D2. From circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses, we demonstrate that the major structural elements within D2 consist of two amphipathic alpha-helices (Helix I and Helix II) separated by a hydrophobic loop. Both helices require a hydrophobic environment for folding, indicating that lipid interactions contribute to their structural integrity. Mutational studies revealed that a combination of Helix I, the hydrophobic loop, and Helix II is essential for efficient lipid droplet association and pointed to an in-plane membrane interaction of the two helices at the phospholipid layer interface. Aside from lipid droplet association, membrane interaction of D2 is necessary for folding and stability of core following maturation at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane by signal peptide peptidase. These studies identify critical determinants within a targeting domain that enable trafficking and attachment of a viral protein to lipid droplets. They also serve as a unique model for elucidating the specificity of protein-lipid interactions between two membrane-bound organelles.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus NS3-4A is a membrane-bound enzyme complex that exhibits serine protease, RNA helicase, and RNA-stimulated ATPase activities. This enzyme complex is essential for viral genome replication and has been recently implicated in virus particle assembly. To help clarify the role of NS4A in these processes, we conducted alanine scanning mutagenesis on the C-terminal acidic domain of NS4A in the context of a chimeric genotype 2a reporter virus. Of 13 mutants tested, two (Y45A and F48A) had severe defects in replication, while seven (K41A, L44A, D49A, E50A, M51A, E52A, and E53A) efficiently replicated but had severe defects in virus particle assembly. Multiple strategies were used to identify second-site mutations that suppressed these NS4A defects. The replication defect of NS4A F48A was partially suppressed by mutation of NS4B I7F, indicating that a genetic interaction between NS4A and NS4B contributes to RNA replication. Furthermore, the virus assembly defect of NS4A K41A was suppressed by NS3 Q221L, a mutation previously implicated in overcoming other virus assembly defects. We therefore examined the known enzymatic activities of wild-type or mutant forms of NS3-4A but did not detect specific defects in the mutants. Taken together, our data reveal interactions between NS4A and NS4B that control genome replication and between NS3 and NS4A that control virus assembly.  相似文献   

Ma Y  Yates J  Liang Y  Lemon SM  Yi M 《Journal of virology》2008,82(15):7624-7639
A mutation within subdomain 1 of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 helicase (NS3-Q221L) (M. Yi, Y. Ma, J. Yates, and S. M. Lemon, J. Virol. 81:629-638, 2007) rescues a defect in production of infectious virus by an intergenotypic chimeric RNA (HJ3). Although NS3-Gln-221 is highly conserved across HCV genotypes, the Leu-221 substitution had no effect on RNA replication or NS3-associated enzymatic activities. However, while transfection of unmodified HJ3 RNA failed to produce either extracellular or intracellular infectious virus, transfection of HJ3 RNA containing the Q221L substitution (HJ3/QL) resulted in rapid accumulation of intracellular infectious particles with release into extracellular fluids. In the absence of the Q221L mutation, both NS5A and NS3 were recruited to core protein on the surface of lipid droplets, but there was no assembly of core into high-density, rapidly sedimenting particles. Further analysis demonstrated that a Q221N mutation minimally rescued virus production and led to a second-site I399V mutation in subdomain 2 of the helicase. Similarly, I399V alone allowed only low-level virus production and led to selection of an I286V mutation in subdomain 1 of the helicase which fully restored virus production, confirming the involvement of both major helicase subdomains in the assembly process. Thus, multiple mutations in the helicase rescue a defect in an early-intermediate step in virus assembly that follows the recruitment of NS5A to lipid droplets and precedes the formation of dense intracellular viral particles. These data reveal a previously unsuspected role for the NS3 helicase in early virion morphogenesis and provide a new perspective on HCV assembly.  相似文献   

A potent neutralizing antibody to a conserved hepatitis C virus (HCV) epitope might overcome its extreme variability, allowing immunotherapy. The human monoclonal antibody HC-1 recognizes a conformational epitope on the HCV E2 glycoprotein. Previous studies showed that HC-1 neutralizes most HCV genotypes but has modest potency. To improve neutralization, we affinity-matured HC-1 by constructing a library of yeast-displayed HC-1 single chain Fv (scFv) mutants, using for selection an E2 antigen from one of the poorly neutralized HCVpp. We developed an approach by parallel mutagenesis of the heavy chain variable (VH) and κ-chain variable (Vk) genes separately, then combining the optimized VH and Vk mutants. This resulted in the generation of HC-1-related scFv variants exhibiting improved affinities. The best scFv variant had a 92-fold improved affinity. After conversion to IgG1, some of the antibodies exhibited a 30-fold improvement in neutralization activity. Both surface plasmon resonance and solution kinetic exclusion analysis showed that the increase in affinity was largely due to a lowering of the dissociation rate constant, Koff. Neutralization against a panel of HCV pseudoparticles and infectious 2a HCV virus improved with the affinity-matured IgG1 antibodies. Interestingly, some of these antibodies neutralized a viral isolate that was not neutralized by wild-type HC-1. Moreover, propagating 2a HCVcc under the selective pressure of WT HC-1 or affinity-matured HC-1 antibodies yielded no viral escape mutants and, with the affinity-matured IgG1, needed 100-fold less antibody to achieve complete virus elimination. Taken together, these findings suggest that affinity-matured HC-1 antibodies are excellent candidates for therapeutic development.  相似文献   

The assembly of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is poorly understood, largely due to the lack of mammalian cell culture systems that are easily manipulated and produce high titers of virus. This problem is highlighted by the inability of the recently established HCV replicon systems to support HCV capsid assembly despite high levels of structural protein synthesis. Here we demonstrate that up to 80% of HCV core protein synthesized de novo in cell-free systems containing rabbit reticulocyte lysate or wheat germ extracts assembles into HCV capsids. This contrasts with standard primate cell culture systems, in which almost no core assembles into capsids. Cell-free HCV capsids, which have a sedimentation value of approximately 100S, have a buoyant density (1.28 g/ml) on cesium chloride similar to that of HCV capsids from other systems. Capsids produced in cell-free systems are also indistinguishable from capsids isolated from HCV-infected patient serum when analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Using these cell-free systems, we show that HCV capsid assembly is independent of signal sequence cleavage, is dependent on the N terminus but not the C terminus of HCV core, proceeds at very low nascent chain concentrations, is independent of intact membrane surfaces, and is partially inhibited by cultured liver cell lysates. By allowing reproducible and quantitative assessment of viral and cellular requirements for capsid formation, these cell-free systems make a mechanistic dissection of HCV capsid assembly possible.  相似文献   

Viral infections frequently cause endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in host cells leading to stimulation of the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway, which subsequently targets unassembled glycoproteins for ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation. However, the role of the ERAD pathway in the viral life cycle is poorly defined. In this paper, we demonstrate that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection activates the ERAD pathway, which in turn controls the fate of viral glycoproteins and modulates virus production. ERAD proteins, such as EDEM1 and EDEM3, were found to increase ubiquitylation of HCV envelope proteins via direct physical interaction. Knocking down of EDEM1 and EDEM3 increased the half-life of HCV E2, as well as virus production, whereas exogenous expression of these proteins reduced the production of infectious virus particles. Further investigation revealed that only EDEM1 and EDEM3 bind with SEL1L, an ER membrane adaptor protein involved in translocation of ERAD substrates from the ER to the cytoplasm. When HCV-infected cells were treated with kifunensine, a potent inhibitor of the ERAD pathway, the half-life of HCV E2 increased and so did virus production. Kifunensine inhibited the binding of EDEM1 and EDEM3 with SEL1L, thus blocking the ubiquitylation of HCV E2 protein. Chemical inhibition of the ERAD pathway neither affected production of the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) nor stability of the JEV envelope protein. A co-immunoprecipitation assay showed that EDEM orthologs do not bind with JEV envelope protein. These findings highlight the crucial role of the ERAD pathway in the life cycle of specific viruses.  相似文献   

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