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Species loss leads to community closure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global extinction of a species is sadly irreversible. At a local scale, however, extinctions may be followed by re-invasion. We here show that this is not necessarily the case and that an ecological community may close its doors for re-invasion of species lost from it. Previous studies of how communities are assembled have shown that there may be rules for that process and that limitations are set to the order by which species are introduced and put together. Instead of focusing on the assembly process we randomly generated simple competitive model communities that were stable and allowed for two to 10 coexisting species. When a randomly selected single species was removed from the community, the cascading species loss was recorded and frequently the resulting community was more than halved. Cascading extinctions have previously been recorded, but we here show that the relative magnitude of the cascade is dependent on community size (and not only trophic structure) and that the reintroduction of the original species lost often is impossible. Hence, species loss does not simply leave a void potentially refilled, but permanently alters the entire community structure and consequently the adaptive landscape for potential re-invaders.  相似文献   

Coral rubble communities are an important yet often overlooked component of a healthy reef ecosystem. The organisms inhabiting reef rubble are primarily bioeroders that contribute to the breakdown and dissolution of carbonate material. While the effects of ocean acidification on calcifying communities have been well studied, there are few studies investigating the response of bioeroding communities to future changes in pH and calcium carbonate saturation state. Using a flow-through pH-stat system, coral rubble pieces with a naturally occurring suite of organisms, along with bleached control rubble pieces, were subjected to three different levels of acidification over an 8-week period. Rates of net carbonate loss in bleached control rubble doubled in the acidification treatments (0.02 vs. 0.04% CaCO3 d?1 in ambient vs. moderate and high acidification), and living rubble communities experienced significantly increased rates of net carbonate loss from ambient to high acidification conditions (0.06 vs. 0.10% CaCO3 d?1, respectively). Although more experimentation is necessary to understand the long-term response and succession of coral rubble communities under projected conditions, these results suggest that rates of carbonate loss will increase in coral rubble as pH and calcium carbonate saturation states are reduced. This study demonstrates a need to thoroughly investigate the contribution of coral rubble to the overall carbonate budget, reef resilience, recovery, and function under future conditions.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation, a common cardiac arrhythmia, is promoted by atrial dilatation. Acute atrial dilatation may play a role in atrial arrhythmogenesis through mechanoelectric feedback. In experimental studies, conduction slowing and block have been observed in acutely dilated atria. In the present study, the influence of the stretch-activated current (I(sac)) on impulse propagation is investigated by means of computer simulations. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous atrial tissues are modeled by cardiac fibers composed of segments that are electrically and mechanically coupled. Active force is related to free Ca(2+) concentration and sarcomere length. Simulations of homogeneous and inhomogeneous cardiac fibers have been performed to quantify the relation between conduction velocity and I(sac) under stretch. In our model, conduction slowing and block are related to the amount of stretch and are enhanced by contraction of early-activated segments. Conduction block can be unidirectional in an inhomogeneous fiber and is promoted by a shorter stimulation interval. Slowing of conduction is explained by inactivation of Na(+) channels and a lower maximum upstroke velocity due to a depolarized resting membrane potential. Conduction block at shorter stimulation intervals is explained by a longer effective refractory period under stretch. Our observations are in agreement with experimental results and explain the large differences in intra-atrial conduction, as well as the increased inducibility of atrial fibrillation in acutely dilated atria.  相似文献   

Rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide are acidifying the world''s oceans. Surface seawater pH is 0.1 units lower than pre-industrial values and is predicted to decrease by up to 0.4 units by the end of the century. This change in pH may result in changes in the physiology of ocean organisms, in particular, organisms that build their skeletons/shells from calcium carbonate, such as corals. This physiological change may also affect other members of the coral holobiont, for example, the microbial communities associated with the coral, which in turn may affect the coral physiology and health. In the present study, we examined changes in bacterial communities in the coral mucus, tissue and skeleton following exposure of the coral Acropora eurystoma to two different pH conditions: 7.3 and 8.2 (ambient seawater). The microbial community was different at the two pH values, as determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Further analysis of the community in the corals maintained at the lower pH revealed an increase in bacteria associated with diseased and stressed corals, such as Vibrionaceae and Alteromonadaceae. In addition, an increase in the number of potential antibacterial activity was recorded among the bacteria isolated from the coral maintained at pH 7.3. Taken together, our findings highlight the impact that changes in the pH may have on the coral-associated bacterial community and their potential contribution to the coral host.  相似文献   

Human head dynamic response to side impact by finite element modeling   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The dynamic response of the human head to side impact was studied by 2-dimensional finite element modeling. Three models were formulated in this study. Model I is an axisymmetric model. It simulated closed shell impact of the human head, and consisted of a single-layered spherical shell filled wiht an inviscid fluid. The other two models (Model II and III) are plane strain models of a coronal section of the human head. Model II approximated a 50th percentile male head by an outer layer to simulate cranial bone and an inviscid interior core to simulate the intracranial contents. The configuration of Model III is the same as Model II but more detailed anatomical features of the head interior were added, such as, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF); falx cerebri, dura, and tentorium. Linear elastic material properties were assigned to all three models. All three models were loaded by a triangular pulse with a peak pressure of 40 kPa, effectively producing a peak force of 1954 N (440 lb). The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the membranes and that of the mechanical properties of the skull, brain, and membrane on the dynamic response of the brain during side impact, and to compare the pressure distributions from the plane strain model with the axisymmetric model. A parametric study was conducted on Model II to characterize fully its response to impact under various conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objective: Lost dentures can be a frustrating scenario for both patients and clinicians. This study aimed to find out where dentures were being lost and the level of assistance patients received with denture care. Results: The results showed most dentures were lost in the hospital environment, and in many cases patients were not provided with pots in which to store their dentures or offered help or advice on denture care. The provision of new dentures to this patient group is complicated by the fact that in many cases the dentures were over ten years old and many of the patients were over eighty five years old. This makes adaptation to new dentures difficult. Conclusions: It is imperative that protocols are developed and staff trained to minimise the risk of lost dentures and improve the standard of denture care.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) includes large areas of extensive coral reef development but its reefs are still poorly known. Yongle atoll is the biggest typical atoll in the Xisha Islands, central of SCS. Lingyang Reef is an isolated small atoll within the whole big Yongle atoll. A total of 144 and 119 coral species were recorded at big Yongle atoll and small Lingyang Reef, respectively. The real coral richness might be higher because species accumulation curve did not saturate. The coral diversity pattern was similar between big Yongle atoll and small Lingyang Reef. Coral communities fell into three clusters, consistent with their habitats on reef slope, reef flat and lagoon slope. The highest coral diversity was observed on reef slopes and the lowest coral diversity was found on lagoon slope. Genera richness was a better proxy for representing coral species diversity on both the big and small atoll but percent live coral cover was not a robust proxy on the small atoll, which only explained 24% of species diversity. This study demonstrated high coral diversity with consistent pattern along habitat types, as has been shown from many other reefs. While far from exhaustive, the study allows first glimpses on how much biodiversity is contained on SCS coral reefs, and hopes to give an impetus to their conservation. The study also suggests that simplified surveys at a small scale and the use of genera richness as an effective proxy for overall diversity can indeed provide important information to rapidly monitor and evaluate the coral diversity in remote locations.  相似文献   

Storlazzi  C. D.  Elias  E.  Field  M. E.  Presto  M. K. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2011,30(1):83-96
Most climate projections suggest that sea level may rise on the order of 0.5–1.0 m by 2100; it is not clear, however, how fluid flow and sediment dynamics on exposed fringing reefs might change in response to this rapid sea-level rise. Coupled hydrodynamic and sediment-transport numerical modeling is consistent with recent published results that suggest that an increase in water depth on the order of 0.5–1.0 m on a 1–2 m deep exposed fringing reef flat would result in larger significant wave heights and setup, further elevating water depths on the reef flat. Larger waves would generate higher near-bed shear stresses, which, in turn, would result in an increase in both the size and the quantity of sediment that can be resuspended from the seabed or eroded from adjacent coastal plain deposits. Greater wave- and wind-driven currents would develop with increasing water depth, increasing the alongshore and offshore flux of water and sediment from the inner reef flat to the outer reef flat and fore reef where coral growth is typically greatest. Sediment residence time on the fringing reef flat was modeled to decrease exponentially with increasing sea-level rise as the magnitude of sea-level rise approached the mean water depth over the reef flat. The model results presented here suggest that a 0.5–1.0 m rise in sea level will likely increase coastal erosion, mixing and circulation, the amount of sediment resuspended, and the duration of high turbidity on exposed reef flats, resulting in decreased light availability for photosynthesis, increased sediment-induced stress on the reef ecosystem, and potentially affecting a number of other ecological processes.  相似文献   

The influence of bacterivorous nematodes (Diplolaimelloides meyli, Diplolaimelloides oschei, Diplolaimella dievengatensis, Panagrolaimus paetzoldi) on the development of a bacterial community growing on decaying cordgrass detritus was studied in laboratory microcosm experiments. Cordgrass leaves were incubated on a sediment surface with a natural bacterial mixture containing bacteria from sediment, cordgrass detritus and habitat water. The four nematode species were applied separately to the microcosms; controls remained without nematodes. Samples were taken seven times over a 65-day period. The bacterial community structure was analysed by means of DGGE of the 16S rRNA genes. Multi Dimensional Scaling showed grouping of the samples per treatment. Analysis of Similarities indicated that the differences between treatments were significantly larger than differences within treatments. Our results suggest that nematodes can have a significant structuring top-down influence on the 'pool' of bacteria growing on the detritus, even at low densities. Dissimilarities were similar between all treatments. Differences in bacterial community composition within the treatments with monhysterids (D. meyli, D. oschei and D. dievengatensis) can be explained by species-specific food preferences. Panagrolaimus paetzoldi on the other hand feeds unselectively, and thus affects the bacterial community differently. A top-down effect of the nematodes on the diversity of the bacterial community was only evident under high grazing pressure, i.e. in the presence of P. paetzoldi.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing risk that ocean acidification will modify benthic communities, great uncertainty remains about how this impact will affect the lower trophic levels, such as members of the meiofauna. A mesocosm experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of water acidification on a phytal meiofauna community from a coral reef. Community samples collected from the coral reef subtidal zone (Recife de Fora Municipal Marine Park, Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil), using artificial substrate units, were exposed to a control pH (ambient seawater) and to three levels of seawater acidification (pH reductions of 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 units below ambient) and collected after 15 and 30 d. After 30 d of exposure, major changes in the structure of the meiofauna community were observed in response to reduced pH. The major meiofauna groups showed divergent responses to acidification. Harpacticoida and Polychaeta densities did not show significant differences due to pH. Nematoda, Ostracoda, Turbellaria, and Tardigrada exhibited their highest densities in low-pH treatments (especially at the pH reduction of 0.6 units, pH 7.5), while harpacticoid nauplii were strongly negatively affected by low pH. This community-based mesocosm study supports previous suggestions that ocean acidification induces important changes in the structure of marine benthic communities. Considering the importance of meiofauna in the food web of coral reef ecosystems, the results presented here demonstrate that the trophic functioning of coral reefs is seriously threatened by ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the source for the life-long supply of functional cells in peripheral blood while they simultaneously maintain their own reserve pool. However, there is accumulating evidence that HSCs are themselves subject to quantitative and qualitative exhaustion. Although several processes linked to mitotic activity can potentially account for the observed aging phenomena (e.g., DNA damage, telomere shortening, epigenetic modification), a precise understanding of HSC exhaustion is still missing. It is particularly unclear how individual aging processes on the single-cell level translate on the phenotypic level of the overall tissue and whether there is a functional implication of an age-structured HSC population. We address these issues by applying a novel mathematical model of HSC organization in which division-specific, cumulative alterations of stem cell quality determine the phenotypic and functional appearance of the overall cell population. Adapting the model to a number of basic experimental findings, we quantify the level of additional heterogeneity that is introduced by a population of individually aging cells. Based on this model, we are able to conclude that division-dependent processes of cellular aging explain a wide range of phenomena on HSC exhaustion and that HSC aging needs to be considered as a highly heterogeneous process. We furthermore report that functional heterogeneity between young and old HSCs appears closely similar to the phenomena described for long- and short-term repopulating cells. We speculate whether differential, division-coupled stem cell aging introduces an intra-animal variability that also accounts for heterogeneity with respect to the repopulation ability of HSCs.  相似文献   

Fisheries exploitation has caused widespread declines in marine predators. Theory predicts that predator depletion will destabilise lower trophic levels, making natural communities more vulnerable to environmental perturbations. However, empirical evidence has been limited. Using a community matrix model, we empirically assessed trends in the stability of a multispecies coastal fish community over the course of predator depletion. Three indices of community stability (resistance, resilience and reactivity) revealed significantly decreasing stability concurrent with declining predator abundance. The trophically downgraded community exhibited weaker top‐down control, leading to predator‐release processes in lower trophic levels and increased susceptibility to perturbation. At the community level, our results suggest that high predator abundance acts as a stabilising force to the naturally stochastic and highly autocorrelated dynamics in low trophic species. These findings have important implications for the conservation and management of predators in marine ecosystems and provide empirical support for the theory of predatory control.  相似文献   

AIMS: Bromoxynil degradation by soil micro-organisms has been shown to be co-oxidative in character. In this study, we investigate both the impact of the application of increasing bromoxynil concentrations on soil-derived bacterial communities and how these changes are reflected in the degradation of the compound. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that the addition of bromoxynil to a soil-derived bacterial community, and the availability of a readily utilizable carbon source would have an impact on bromoxynil degradation, and that would be reflected in the bacteria present in the soil community. METHODS AND RESULTS: Degradation of bromoxynil was observed in soil-derived communities containing 15 mg l(-1), but not 50 mg l(-1) of the compound, unless glucose was added. This suggests that the addition of carbon stimulates co-oxidative bromoxynil degradation by the members of the bacterial community. Measurable changes in the bacterial community indicated that the addition of bromoxynil led to deterministic selection on the bacterial population, i.e. the communities observed arise through the selection of specific micro-organisms that are best adapted to the conditions in the soil. The addition of bromoxynil was also shown to have a negative impact on the presence of alpha and gamma-proteobacteria in the soil community. CONCLUSION: Bromoxynil degradation is significantly inhibited in bacterial soil communities in the absence of readily accessible carbon. The application of bromoxynil appears to exert deterministic selection on the bacterial community. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study highlights the effects of increasing bromoxynil concentrations on a model bacterial population derived from soil. Soil communities show qualitative and quantitative differences to bromoxynil application depending on the availability of organic carbon. These findings might have implications for the persistence of bromoxynil in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

BackgroundInterpreting and utilizing the findings of nutritional research can be challenging to clinicians, policy makers, and even researchers. To make better decisions about diet, innovative methods that integrate best evidence are needed. We have developed a decision support model that predicts how dietary choices affect life expectancy (LE).Methods and findingsBased on meta-analyses and data from the Global Burden of Disease study (2019), we used life table methodology to estimate how LE changes with sustained changes in the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, refined grains, nuts, legumes, fish, eggs, milk/dairy, red meat, processed meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages. We present estimates (with 95% uncertainty intervals [95% UIs]) for an optimized diet and a feasibility approach diet. An optimal diet had substantially higher intake than a typical diet of whole grains, legumes, fish, fruits, vegetables, and included a handful of nuts, while reducing red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, and refined grains. A feasibility approach diet was a midpoint between an optimal and a typical Western diet. A sustained change from a typical Western diet to the optimal diet from age 20 years would increase LE by more than a decade for women from the United States (10.7 [95% UI 8.4 to 12.3] years) and men (13.0 [95% UI 9.4 to 14.3] years). The largest gains would be made by eating more legumes (females: 2.2 [95% UI 1.1 to 3.4]; males: 2.5 [95% UI 1.1 to 3.9]), whole grains (females: 2.0 [95% UI 1.3 to 2.7]; males: 2.3 [95% UI 1.6 to 3.0]), and nuts (females: 1.7 [95% UI 1.5 to 2.0]; males: 2.0 [95% UI 1.7 to 2.3]), and less red meat (females: 1.6 [95% UI 1.5 to 1.8]; males: 1.9 [95% UI 1.7 to 2.1]) and processed meat (females: 1.6 [95% UI 1.5 to 1.8]; males: 1.9 [95% UI 1.7 to 2.1]). Changing from a typical diet to the optimized diet at age 60 years would increase LE by 8.0 (95% UI 6.2 to 9.3) years for women and 8.8 (95% UI 6.8 to 10.0) years for men, and 80-year-olds would gain 3.4 years (95% UI females: 2.6 to 3.8/males: 2.7 to 3.9). Change from typical to feasibility approach diet would increase LE by 6.2 (95% UI 3.5 to 8.1) years for 20-year-old women from the United States and 7.3 (95% UI 4.7 to 9.5) years for men. Using NutriGrade, the overall quality of evidence was assessed as moderate. The methodology provides population estimates under given assumptions and is not meant as individualized forecasting, with study limitations that include uncertainty for time to achieve full effects, the effect of eggs, white meat, and oils, individual variation in protective and risk factors, uncertainties for future development of medical treatments; and changes in lifestyle.ConclusionsA sustained dietary change may give substantial health gains for people of all ages both for optimized and feasible changes. Gains are predicted to be larger the earlier the dietary changes are initiated in life. The Food4HealthyLife calculator that we provide online could be useful for clinicians, policy makers, and laypeople to understand the health impact of dietary choices.

Lars Fadnes and co-workers estimate the possible benefits to life expectancy from adoption of more healthy diets.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are macrophage-related bone resorbing cells of hematopoietic origin. Factors that regulate osteoclastogenesis are of great interest for investigating the pathology and treatment of bone diseases such as osteoporosis. In mammals, receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (Rankl) is a regulator of osteoclast formation and activation: its misexpression causes osteoclast stimulation and osteoporotic bone loss. Here, we report an osteoporotic phenotype that is induced by overexpression of Rankl in the medaka model. We generated transgenic medaka lines that express GFP under control of the cathepsin K promoter in osteoclasts starting at 12 days post-fertilization (dpf), or Rankl together with CFP under control of a bi-directional heat-shock promoter. Using long-term confocal time-lapse imaging of double and triple transgenic larvae, we monitored in vivo formation and activation of osteoclasts, as well as their interaction with osteoblasts. Upon Rankl induction, GFP-positive osteoclasts are first observed in the intervertebral regions and then quickly migrate to the surface of mineralized neural and haemal arches, as well as to the centra of the vertebral bodies. These osteoclasts are TRAP (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) and cathepsin K positive, mononuclear and highly mobile with dynamically extending protrusions. They are exclusively found in tight contact with mineralized matrix. Rankl-induced osteoclast formation resulted in severe degradation of the mineralized matrix in vertebral bodies and arches. In conclusion, our in vivo imaging approach confirms a conserved role of Rankl in osteoclastogenesis in teleost fish and provides new insight into the cellular interactions during bone resorption in an animal model that is useful for genetic and chemical screening.  相似文献   

Spatial structure has been identified as a major contributor to the maintenance of diversity. Here, we show that the impact of spatial structure on diversity is strongly affected by the ecological mechanisms maintaining diversity. In well-mixed, unstructured environments, microbial populations can diversify by production of metabolites during growth, providing additional resources for novel specialists. By contrast, spatially structured environments potentially limit such facilitation due to reduced metabolite diffusion. Using replicate microcosms containing the bacterium Escherichia coli, we predicted the loss of diversity during an environmental shift from a spatially unstructured environment to spatially structured conditions. Although spatial structure is frequently observed to be a major promoter of diversity, our results indicate that it can also have negative impacts on diversity.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effect of quaternary climate variations on organisms that inhabited carbonate islands of the Pacific Ocean, although it has been suggested that one or several uplifted islands provided shelter for terrestrial birds when sea-level reached its highest. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the history of colonization of the Tuamotu reed-warbler (Acrocephalus atyphus) in southeastern Polynesia, and found high genetic structure between the populations of three elevated carbonate islands. Estimates of time since divergence support the hypothesis that these islands acted as refugia during the last interglacial maximum. These findings are particularly important for defining conservation priorities on atolls that endure the current trend of sea-level rise owing to global warming.  相似文献   

Large carnivore-human coexistence is a challenging issue in wildlife conservation worldwide. An adequate and diverse prey spectrum favours carnivore persistence. Prey depletion and habitat loss elicit conflict with humans and require sound conservation measures. We evaluated the conflict between common leopards and humans in a densely populated Himalayan forest area of Pakistan. In two decades, the local forests decreased at an average rate of 65.5 ha/year (6.6%), with a concomitant increase in areas covered by human settlements (81.5%) and agricultural lands (15.4%). Ranging movements of a GPS/GSM-radiotagged male leopard over 16 months encompassed an area inhabited by c. 124,000 people. Livestock dominated the leopard’s diet (absolute frequency of occurrence: 80%), while wild ungulates were rarely eaten (absolute occurrence: 22%). Domestic goats were the most frequent diet item (61%), followed by domestic dogs (12%) and Bos spp. (6%). Wild prey included canids, small carnivores, rhesus monkeys, small mammals and gallinaceous birds. Socioeconomic implications of human-leopard coexistence were investigated: 18.5% of the households interviewed (N?=?1016) suffered livestock depredation by leopards, with an overall loss of 123 USD/km2/year, in an area of 328 km2. In the first c. 15 years of this century, about 2 attacks to humans/year were recorded, half of which were lethal, whereas c. 6 leopards/year were killed in retaliation. The common leopard is ‘critically endangered’ in Pakistan mainly because of habitat loss and concurrent prey depletion. To increase the long-term survival of leopards and mitigate human-carnivore conflicts, priority should be given to restoration of a diverse natural prey assembly and protection of forest habitats, together with improved livestock management practices and livestock compensation. The latter will require a sustainable financial mechanism.  相似文献   

Ling SD 《Oecologia》2008,156(4):883-894
Global climate change is predicted to have major negative impacts on biodiversity, particularly if important habitat-modifying species undergo range shifts. The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii (Diadematidae) has recently undergone poleward range expansion to relatively cool, macroalgal dominated rocky reefs of eastern Tasmania (southeast Australia). As in its historic environment, C. rodgersii in the extended range is now found in association with a simplified 'barrens' habitat grazed free of macroalgae. The new and important role of this habitat-modifier on reef structure and associated biodiversity was clearly demonstrated by completely removing C. rodgersii from incipient barrens patches at an eastern Tasmanian site and monitoring the macroalgal response relative to unmanipulated barrens patches. In barrens patches from which C. rodgersii was removed, there was a rapid proliferation of canopy-forming macroalgae (Ecklonia radiata and Phyllospora comosa), and within 24 months the algal community structure had converged with that of adjacent macroalgal beds where C. rodgersii grazing was absent. A notable scarcity of limpets on C. rodgersii barrens in eastern Tasmania (relative to the historic range) likely promotes rapid macroalgal recovery upon removal of the sea urchin. In the recovered macroalgal habitat, faunal composition redeveloped similar to that from adjacent intact macroalgal beds in terms of total numbers of taxa, total individuals and Shannon diversity. In contrast, the faunal community of the barrens habitat is overwhelmingly impoverished. Of 296 individual floral/faunal taxa recorded, only 72 were present within incipient barrens, 253 were present in the recovered patches, and 221 were present within intact macroalgal beds. Grazing activity of C. rodgersii results in an estimated minimum net loss of approximately 150 taxa typically associated with Tasmanian macroalgal beds in this region. Such a disproportionate effect by a single range-expanding species demonstrates that climate change may lead to unexpectedly large impacts on marine biodiversity as key habitat-modifying species undergo range modification.  相似文献   

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