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The estimation of statistical parameters for local alignment score distributions 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10

The distribution of optimal local alignment scores of random sequences plays a vital role in evaluating the statistical significance of sequence alignments. These scores can be well described by an extreme-value distribution. The distribution’s parameters depend upon the scoring system employed and the random letter frequencies; in general they cannot be derived analytically, but must be estimated by curve fitting. For obtaining accurate parameter estimates, a form of the recently described ‘island’ method has several advantages. We describe this method in detail, and use it to investigate the functional dependence of these parameters on finite-length edge effects. 相似文献
MOTIVATION: The BLAST program for comparing two sequences assumes independent sequences in its random model. The resulting random alignment matrices have correlations across their diagonals. Analytic formulas for the BLAST p-value essentially neglect these correlations and are equivalent to a random model with independent diagonals. Progress on the independent diagonals model has been surprisingly rapid, but the practical magnitude of the correlations it neglects remains unknown. In addition, BLAST uses a finite-size correction that is particularly important when either of the sequences being compared is short. Several formulas for the finite-size correction have now been given, but the corresponding errors in the BLAST p-values have not been quantified. As the lengths of compared sequences tend to infinity, it is also theoretically unknown whether the neglected correlations vanish faster than the finite-size correction. RESULTS: Because we required certain analytic formulas, our study restricted its computer experiments to ungapped sequence alignment. We expect some of our conclusions to extend qualitatively to gapped sequence alignment, however. With this caveat, the finite-size correction appeared to vanish faster than the neglected correlations. Although the finite-size correction underestimated the BLAST p-value, it improved the approximation substantially for all but very short sequences. In practice, the Altschul-Gish finite-size correction was superior to Spouge's. The independent diagonals model was always within a factor of 2 of the true BLAST p-value, although fitting p-value parameters from it probably is unwise. CONTACT: spouge@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 相似文献
MOTIVATION: Background distribution statistics for profile-based sequence alignment algorithms cannot be calculated analytically, and hence such algorithms must resort to measuring the significance of an alignment score by assessing its location among a distribution of background alignment scores. The Gumbel parameters that describe this background distribution are usually pre-computed for a limited number of scoring systems, gap schemes, and sequence lengths and compositions. The use of such look-ups is known to introduce errors, which compromise the significance assessment of a remote homology relationship. One solution is to estimate the background distribution for each pair of interest by generating a large number of sequence shuffles and use the distribution of their scores to approximate the parameters of the underlying extreme value distribution. This is computationally very expensive, as a large number of shuffles are needed to precisely estimate the score statistics. RESULTS: Convergent Island Statistics (CIS) is a computationally efficient solution to the problem of calculating the Gumbel distribution parameters for an arbitrary pair of sequences and an arbitrary set of gap and scoring schemes. The basic idea behind our method is to recognize the lack of similarity for any pair of sequences early in the shuffling process and thus save on the search time. The method is particularly useful in the context of profile-profile alignment algorithms where the normalization of alignment scores has traditionally been a challenging task. CONTACT: aleksandar@eidogen.com SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.eidogen-sertanty.com/Documents/convergent_island_stats_sup.pdf. 相似文献
The hit criterion is a key component of heuristic local alignment algorithms. It specifies a class of patterns assumed to witness a potential similarity, and this choice is decisive for the selectivity and sensitivity of the whole method. 相似文献5.
The checkerboard score and species distributions 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Summary There has been an ongoing controversy over how to decide whether the distribution of species is random — i.e., whether it is not greatly different from what it would be if species did not interact. We recently showed (Roberts and Stone (1990)) that in the case of the Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) avifauna, the number of islands shared by species pairs was incompatible with a random null hypothesis. However, it was difficult to determine the causes or direction of the community's exceptionality. In this paper, the latter problem is examined further. We use Diamond's (1975) notion of checkerboard distributions (originally developed as an indicator of competition) and construct a C-score statistic which quantifies checkerboardedness. This statistic is based on the way two species might colonise a pair of islands; whenever each species colonises a different island this adds 1 to the C-score. Following Connor and Simberloff (1979) we generate a control group of random colonisation patterns (matrices), and use the C-score to determine their checkerboard characteristics. As an alternative mode of enquiry, we make slight alterations to the observed data, repeating this process many times so as to obtain another control group. In both cases, when we compare the observed data for the Vanuatu avifauna and the Antillean bat communities with that given by their respective control group, we find that these communities have significantly large checkerboard distributions, making implausible the hypothesis that their species distributions are a product of random colonisation. 相似文献
BALSA: Bayesian algorithm for local sequence alignment 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
The Smith–Waterman algorithm yields a single alignment, which, albeit optimal, can be strongly affected by the choice of the scoring matrix and the gap penalties. Additionally, the scores obtained are dependent upon the lengths of the aligned sequences, requiring a post-analysis conversion. To overcome some of these shortcomings, we developed a Bayesian algorithm for local sequence alignment (BALSA), that takes into account the uncertainty associated with all unknown variables by incorporating in its forward sums a series of scoring matrices, gap parameters and all possible alignments. The algorithm can return both the joint and the marginal optimal alignments, samples of alignments drawn from the posterior distribution and the posterior probabilities of gap penalties and scoring matrices. Furthermore, it automatically adjusts for variations in sequence lengths. BALSA was compared with SSEARCH, to date the best performing dynamic programming algorithm in the detection of structural neighbors. Using the SCOP databases PDB40D-B and PDB90D-B, BALSA detected 19.8 and 41.3% of remote homologs whereas SSEARCH detected 18.4 and 38% at an error rate of 1% errors per query over the databases, respectively. 相似文献
Basic local alignment search tool 总被引:1594,自引:0,他引:1594
A new approach to rapid sequence comparison, basic local alignment search tool (BLAST), directly approximates alignments that optimize a measure of local similarity, the maximal segment pair (MSP) score. Recent mathematical results on the stochastic properties of MSP scores allow an analysis of the performance of this method as well as the statistical significance of alignments it generates. The basic algorithm is simple and robust; it can be implemented in a number of ways and applied in a variety of contexts including straightforward DNA and protein sequence database searches, motif searches, gene identification searches, and in the analysis of multiple regions of similarity in long DNA sequences. In addition to its flexibility and tractability to mathematical analysis, BLAST is an order of magnitude faster than existing sequence comparison tools of comparable sensitivity. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: When a researcher uses a program to align two proteins and gets a score, one of her main concerns is how often the program gives a similar score to pairs that are or are not in the same fold. This issue was analysed in detail recently for the program TM-align with its associated TM-score. It was shown that because the TM-score is length independent, it allows a P-value and a hit probability to be defined depending only on the score. Also, it was found that the TM-scores of gapless alignments closely follow an Extreme Value Distribution (EVD). The program ProtDeform for structural protein alignment was developed recently and is characterised by the ability to propose different transformations of different protein regions. Our goal is to analyse its associated score to allow a researcher to have objective reasons to prefer one aligner over another, and carry out a better interpretation of the output. RESULTS: The study on the ProtDeform score reveals that it is length independent in a wider score range than TM-scores and that PD-scores of gapless (random) alignments also approximately follow an EVD. On the CASP8 predictions, PD-scores and TM-scores, with respect to native structures, are highly correlated (0.95), and show that around a fifth of the predictions have a quality as low as 99.5% of the random scores. Using the Gold Standard benchmark, ProtDeform has lower probabilities of error than TM-align both at a similar speed. The analysis is extended to homology discrimination showing that, again, ProtDeform offers higher hit probabilities than TM-align. Finally, we suggest using three different P-values according to the three different contexts: Gapless alignments, optimised alignments for fold discrimination and that for superfamily discrimination. In conclusion, PD-scores are at the very least as valuable for prediction scoring as TM-scores, and on the protein classification problem, even more reliable. 相似文献
MOTIVATION: Homology search is one of the most fundamental tools in Bioinformatics. Typical alignment algorithms use substitution matrices and gap costs. Thus, the improvement of substitution matrices increases accuracy of homology searches. Generally, substitution matrices are derived from aligned sequences whose relationships are known, and gap costs are determined by trial and error. To discriminate relationships more clearly, we are encouraged to optimize the substitution matrices from statistical viewpoints using both positive and negative examples utilizing Bayesian decision theory. RESULTS: Using Cluster of Orthologous Group (COG) database, we optimized substitution matrices. The classification accuracy of the obtained matrix is better than that of conventional substitution matrices to COG database. It also achieves good performance in classifying with other databases. 相似文献
A local algorithm for DNA sequence alignment with inversions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A dynamic programming algorithm to find all optimal alignments of DNA subsequences is described. The alignments use not only substitutions, insertions and deletions of nucleotides but also inversions (reversed complements) of substrings of the sequences. The inversion alignments themselves contain substitutions, insertions and deletions of nucleotides. We study the problem of alignment with non-intersecting inversions. To provide a computationally efficient algorithm we restrict candidate inversions to theK highest scoring inversions. An algorithm to find theJ best non-intersecting alignments with inversions is also described. The new algorithm is applied to the regions of mitochondrial DNA ofDrosophila yakuba and mouse coding for URF6 and cytochrome b and the inversion of the URF6 gene is found. The open problem of intersecting inversions is discussed. 相似文献
Motivations: Biclustering is a clustering method that simultaneously clusters both the domain and range of a relation. A challenge in multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is that the alignment of sequences is often intended to reveal groups of conserved functional subsequences. Simultaneously, the grouping of the sequences can impact the alignment; precisely the kind of dual situation biclustering is intended to address. RESULTS: We define a representation of the MSA problem enabling the application of biclustering algorithms. We develop a computer program for local MSA, BlockMSA, that combines biclustering with divide-and-conquer. BlockMSA simultaneously finds groups of similar sequences and locally aligns subsequences within them. Further alignment is accomplished by dividing both the set of sequences and their contents. The net result is both a multiple sequence alignment and a hierarchical clustering of the sequences. BlockMSA was tested on the subsets of the BRAliBase 2.1 benchmark suite that display high variability and on an extension to that suite to larger problem sizes. Also, alignments were evaluated of two large datasets of current biological interest, T box sequences and Group IC1 Introns. The results were compared with alignments computed by ClustalW, MAFFT, MUCLE and PROBCONS alignment programs using Sum of Pairs (SPS) and Consensus Count. Results for the benchmark suite are sensitive to problem size. On problems of 15 or greater sequences, BlockMSA is consistently the best. On none of the problems in the test suite are there appreciable differences in scores among BlockMSA, MAFFT and PROBCONS. On the T box sequences, BlockMSA does the most faithful job of reproducing known annotations. MAFFT and PROBCONS do not. On the Intron sequences, BlockMSA, MAFFT and MUSCLE are comparable at identifying conserved regions. AVAILABILITY: BlockMSA is implemented in Java. Source code and supplementary datasets are available at http://aug.csres.utexas.edu/msa/ 相似文献
Sequence similarity searching is an important and challenging task in molecular biology and next-generation sequencing should further strengthen the need for faster algorithms to process such vast amounts of data. At the same time, the internal architecture of current microprocessors is tending towards more parallelism, leading to the use of chips with two, four and more cores integrated on the same die. The main purpose of this work was to design an effective algorithm to fit with the parallel capabilities of modern microprocessors. 相似文献14.
We introduce a metric for local sequence alignments that has utility for accelerating optimal alignment searches without loss of sensitivity. The metric's triangle inequality property permits identification of redundant database entries guaranteed to have optimal alignments to the query sequence that fall below a specified score threshold, thereby permitting comparisons to these entries to be skipped. We prove the existence of the metric for a variety of scoring systems, including the most commonly used ones, and show that a triangle inequality can be established as well for nucleotide-to-protein sequence comparisons. We discuss a database clustering and search strategy that takes advantage of the triangle inequality. The strategy permits moderate but significant acceleration of searches against the widely used "nr" protein database. It also provides a theoretically based method for database clustering in general and provides a standard against which to compare heuristic clustering strategies. 相似文献
The Gumbel pre-factor k for gapped local alignment can be estimated from simulations of global alignment

The optimal gapped local alignment score of two random sequences follows a Gumbel distribution. The Gumbel distribution has two parameters, the scale parameter λ and the pre-factor k. Presently, the basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) programs (BLASTP (BLAST for proteins), PSI-BLAST, etc.) use all time-consuming computer simulations to determine the Gumbel parameters. Because the simulations must be done offline, BLAST users are restricted in their choice of alignment scoring schemes. The ultimate aim of this paper is to speed the simulations, to determine the Gumbel parameters online, and to remove the corresponding restrictions on BLAST users. Simulations for the scale parameter λ can be as much as five times faster, if they use global instead of local alignment [R. Bundschuh (2002) J. Comput. Biol., 9, 243–260]. Unfortunately, the acceleration does not extend in determining the Gumbel pre-factor k, because k has no known mathematical relationship to global alignment. This paper relates k to global alignment and exploits the relationship to show that for the BLASTP defaults, 10000 realizations with sequences of average length 140 suffice to estimate both Gumbel parameters λ and k within the errors required (λ, 0.8%; k, 10%). For the BLASTP defaults, simulations for both Gumbel parameters now take less than 30 s on a 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 processor. 相似文献
MOTIVATION: Recent experimental studies on compressed indexes (BWT, CSA, FM-index) have confirmed their practicality for indexing very long strings such as the human genome in the main memory. For example, a BWT index for the human genome (with about 3 billion characters) occupies just around 1 G bytes. However, these indexes are designed for exact pattern matching, which is too stringent for biological applications. The demand is often on finding local alignments (pairs of similar substrings with gaps allowed). Without indexing, one can use dynamic programming to find all the local alignments between a text T and a pattern P in O(|T||P|) time, but this would be too slow when the text is of genome scale (e.g. aligning a gene with the human genome would take tens to hundreds of hours). In practice, biologists use heuristic-based software such as BLAST, which is very efficient but does not guarantee to find all local alignments. RESULTS: In this article, we show how to build a software called BWT-SW that exploits a BWT index of a text T to speed up the dynamic programming for finding all local alignments. Experiments reveal that BWT-SW is very efficient (e.g. aligning a pattern of length 3 000 with the human genome takes less than a minute). We have also analyzed BWT-SW mathematically for a simpler similarity model (with gaps disallowed), and we show that the expected running time is O(/T/(0.628)/P/) for random strings. As far as we know, BWT-SW is the first practical tool that can find all local alignments. Yet BWT-SW is not meant to be a replacement of BLAST, as BLAST is still several times faster than BWT-SW for long patterns and BLAST is indeed accurate enough in most cases (we have used BWT-SW to check against the accuracy of BLAST and found that only rarely BLAST would miss some significant alignments). AVAILABILITY: www.cs.hku.hk/~ckwong3/bwtsw CONTACT: twlam@cs.hku.hk. 相似文献
Finding functional sequence elements by multiple local alignment 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13
The use of sequence alignments to understand protein families is ubiquitous in molecular biology. High quality alignments are difficult to build and protein alignment remains one of the largest open problems in computational biology. Misalignments can lead to inferential errors about protein structure, folding, function, phylogeny, and residue importance. Identifying alignment errors is difficult because alignments are built and validated on the same primary criteria: sequence conservation. Local covariation identifies systematic misalignments and is independent of conservation. We demonstrate an alignment curation tool, LoCo, that integrates local covariation scores with the Jalview alignment editor. Using LoCo, we illustrate how local covariation is capable of identifying alignment errors due to the reduction of positional independence in the region of misalignment. We highlight three alignments from the benchmark database, BAliBASE 3, that contain regions of high local covariation, and investigate the causes to illustrate these types of scenarios. Two alignments contain sequential and structural shifts that cause elevated local covariation. Realignment of these misaligned segments reduces local covariation; these alternative alignments are supported with structural evidence. We also show that local covariation identifies active site residues in a validated alignment of paralogous structures. Loco is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/locoprotein/files/. 相似文献