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Oscillations are ubiquitous phenomena in the animal and human brain. Among them, the alpha rhythm in human EEG is one of the most prominent examples. However, its precise mechanisms of generation are still poorly understood. It was mainly this lack of knowledge that motivated a number of simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) – functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. This approach revealed how oscillatory neuronal signatures such as the alpha rhythm are paralleled by changes of the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal. Several such studies revealed a negative correlation between the alpha rhythm and the hemodynamic BOLD signal in visual cortex and a positive correlation in the thalamus. In this study we explore the potential generative mechanisms that lead to those observations. We use a bursting capable Stefanescu-Jirsa 3D (SJ3D) neural-mass model that reproduces a wide repertoire of prominent features of local neuronal-population dynamics. We construct a thalamo-cortical network of coupled SJ3D nodes considering excitatory and inhibitory directed connections. The model suggests that an inverse correlation between cortical multi-unit activity, i.e. the firing of neuronal populations, and narrow band local field potential oscillations in the alpha band underlies the empirically observed negative correlation between alpha-rhythm power and fMRI signal in visual cortex. Furthermore the model suggests that the interplay between tonic and bursting mode in thalamus and cortex is critical for this relation. This demonstrates how biophysically meaningful modelling can generate precise and testable hypotheses about the underpinnings of large-scale neuroimaging signals.  相似文献   

Intrinsic and network rhythmogenesis in a reduced traub model for CA3 neurons   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We have developed a two-compartment, eight-variable model of a CA3 pyramidal cell as a reduction of a complex 19-compartment cable model [Traub et al, 1991]. Our reduced model segregates the fast currents for sodium spiking into a proximal, soma-like, compartment and the slower calcium and calcium-mediated currents into a dendrite-like compartment. In each model periodic bursting gives way to repetitive soma spiking as somatic injected current increases. Steady dendritic stimulation can produce periodic bursting of significantly higher frequency (8–20 Hz) than can steady somatic input (<8 Hz). Bursting in our model occurs only for an intermediate range of electronic coupling conductance. It depends on the segregation of channel types and on the coupling current that flows back-and-forth between compartments. When the soma and dendrite are tightly coupled electrically, our model reduces to a single compartment and does not burst. Network simulations with our model using excitatory AMPA and NMDA synapses (without inhibition) give results similar to those obtained with the complex cable model [Traub et al, 1991; Traub et al, 1992]. Brief stimulation of a single cell in a resting network produces multiple synchronized population bursts, with fast AMPA synapses providing the dominant synchronizing mechanism. The number of bursts increases with the level of maximal NMDA conductance. For high enough maximal NMDA conductance synchronized bursting repeats indefinitely. We find that two factors can cause the cells to desynchronize when AMPA synapses are blocked: heterogeneity of properties amongst cells and intrinsically chaotic burst dynamics. But even when cells are identical, they may synchronize only approximately rather than exactly. Since our model has a limited number of parameters and variables, we have studied its cellular and network dynamics computationally with relative ease and over wide parameter ranges. Thereby, we identify some qualitative features that parallel or are distinguished from those of other neuronal systems; e.g., we discuss how bursting here differs from that in some classical models.  相似文献   

One of the most specific and exhibited features in the electrical activity of dissociated cultured neural networks (NNs) is the phenomenon of synchronized bursts, whose profiles vary widely in shape, width and firing rate. On the way to understanding the organization and behavior of biological NNs, we reproduced those features with random connectivity network models with 5,000 neurons. While the common approach to induce bursting behavior in neuronal network models is noise injection, there is experimental evidence suggesting the existence of pacemaker-like neurons. In our simulations noise did evoke bursts, but with an unrealistically gentle rising slope. We show that a small subset of ‘pacemaker’ neurons can trigger bursts with a more realistic profile. We found that adding pacemaker-like neurons as well as adaptive synapses yield burst features (shape, width, and height of the main phase) in the same ranges as obtained experimentally. Finally, we demonstrate how changes in network connectivity, transmission delays, and excitatory fraction influence network burst features quantitatively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the characterization of 'Hi-Spot' cultures formed by the re-aggregation of dissociated postnatal CNS tissue grown at an air-liquid interface. This produces a self-organised, dense, organotypic cellular network. Western blot, immunohistochemical, viral transfection and electron microscopy analyses reveal neuronal and glial populations, and the development of a synaptic network. Multi-electrode array recordings show synaptically driven network activity that develops through time from single unit spiking activity to global network bursting events. This activity is blocked by tetanus toxin and modified by antagonists of glutamatergic and GABAergic receptors suggesting tonic activity of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic signaling. The tissue-like properties of these cultures has been further demonstrated by their relative insensitivity to glutamate toxicity. Exposure to millimolar concentrations of glutamate for hours is necessary to produce significant excitotoxic neuronal death, as in vivo. We conclude that 'Hi-Spots' are biological analogues of CNS tissue at a level of complexity that allows for detailed functional analyses of emergent neuronal network properties.  相似文献   

Cytosolic calcium is involved in the regulation of many intracellular processes. Intracellular calcium may therefore potentially affect the behavior of both single neurons and synaptically connected neuronal assemblies. In computer model studies, we investigated calcium dynamics in spherical neurons during periods of recurrent neuronal bursting that were simulated in a disinhibited neuronal network. The model takes into account calcium influx via voltage-gated calcium channels, extrusion through the cell membrane, and binding to two different buffers representing fixed and mobile endogenous calcium buffers. Throughout the duration of the simulated recurrent neuronal bursting, the concentration of free fixed buffers shows a hyperbolic decrease in time at a rate that is not uniform inside a neuron. Recurrent calcium influxes associated with bursting lead to the formation of gradients in the concentration of the fixed buffer in the radial direction, and are accompanied by the redistribution of mobile buffers acting to compensate for these gradients. Simulated intracellular calcium transients have a slow component characterized by a gradual increase in the calcium baseline level that reaches a plateau 120-200 s after the onset of recurrent bursting. Using this model, we demonstrate what we believe is a novel mechanism of regulation of network excitability that occurs in conditions of prolonged and recurrent neuronal bursting in disinhibited networks. This mechanism is expressed via interaction of calcium clearance systems inside neurons with calcium-dependent potassium regulation of neuronal excitability in membranes. This is a network phenomenon because it arises largely by synaptic interactions. Therefore, it can serve as a network safety mechanism to prevent excessive and uncontrolled neuronal firing resulting from the lack of inhibition or after acute suppression of the inhibitory drive.  相似文献   

Epileptic seizure dynamics span multiple scales in space and time. Understanding seizure mechanisms requires identifying the relations between seizure components within and across these scales, together with the analysis of their dynamical repertoire. Mathematical models have been developed to reproduce seizure dynamics across scales ranging from the single neuron to the neural population. In this study, we develop a network model of spiking neurons and systematically investigate the conditions, under which the network displays the emergent dynamic behaviors known from the Epileptor, which is a well-investigated abstract model of epileptic neural activity. This approach allows us to study the biophysical parameters and variables leading to epileptiform discharges at cellular and network levels. Our network model is composed of two neuronal populations, characterized by fast excitatory bursting neurons and regular spiking inhibitory neurons, embedded in a common extracellular environment represented by a slow variable. By systematically analyzing the parameter landscape offered by the simulation framework, we reproduce typical sequences of neural activity observed during status epilepticus. We find that exogenous fluctuations from extracellular environment and electro-tonic couplings play a major role in the progression of the seizure, which supports previous studies and further validates our model. We also investigate the influence of chemical synaptic coupling in the generation of spontaneous seizure-like events. Our results argue towards a temporal shift of typical spike waves with fast discharges as synaptic strengths are varied. We demonstrate that spike waves, including interictal spikes, are generated primarily by inhibitory neurons, whereas fast discharges during the wave part are due to excitatory neurons. Simulated traces are compared with in vivo experimental data from rodents at different stages of the disorder. We draw the conclusion that slow variations of global excitability, due to exogenous fluctuations from extracellular environment, and gap junction communication push the system into paroxysmal regimes. We discuss potential mechanisms underlying such machinery and the relevance of our approach, supporting previous detailed modeling studies and reflecting on the limitations of our methodology.  相似文献   

Bursting oscillations are common in neurons and endocrine cells. One type of bursting model with two slow variables has been called ‘phantom bursting’ since the burst period is a blend of the time constants of the slow variables. A phantom bursting model can produce bursting with a wide range of periods: fast (short period), medium, and slow (long period). We describe a measure, which we call the ‘dominance factor’, of the relative contributions of the two slow variables to the bursting produced by a simple phantom bursting model. Using this tool, we demonstrate how the control of different phases of the burst can be shifted from one slow variable to another by changing a model parameter. We then show that the dominance curves obtained as a parameter is varied can be useful in making predictions about the resetting properties of the model cells. Finally, we demonstrate two mechanisms by which phase-independent resetting of a burst can be achieved, as has been shown to occur in the electrical activity of pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

We describe a simple conductance-based model neuron that includes intra- and extracellular ion concentration dynamics and show that this model exhibits periodic bursting. The bursting arises as the fast-spiking behavior of the neuron is modulated by the slow oscillatory behavior in the ion concentration variables and vice versa. By separating these time scales and studying the bifurcation structure of the neuron, we catalog several qualitatively different bursting profiles that are strikingly similar to those seen in experimental preparations. Our work suggests that ion concentration dynamics may play an important role in modulating neuronal excitability in real biological systems.  相似文献   

When young suckle, they are rewarded intermittently with a let-down of milk that results from reflex secretion of the hormone oxytocin; without oxytocin, newly born young will die unless they are fostered. Oxytocin is made by magnocellular hypothalamic neurons, and is secreted from their nerve endings in the pituitary in response to action potentials (spikes) that are generated in the cell bodies and which are propagated down their axons to the nerve endings. Normally, oxytocin cells discharge asynchronously at 1–3 spikes/s, but during suckling, every 5 min or so, each discharges a brief, intense burst of spikes that release a pulse of oxytocin into the circulation. This reflex was the first, and is perhaps the best, example of a physiological role for peptide-mediated communication within the brain: it is coordinated by the release of oxytocin from the dendrites of oxytocin cells; it can be facilitated by injection of tiny amounts of oxytocin into the hypothalamus, and it can be blocked by injection of tiny amounts of oxytocin antagonist. Here we show how synchronized bursting can arise in a neuronal network model that incorporates basic observations of the physiology of oxytocin cells. In our model, bursting is an emergent behaviour of a complex system, involving both positive and negative feedbacks, between many sparsely connected cells. The oxytocin cells are regulated by independent afferent inputs, but they interact by local release of oxytocin and endocannabinoids. Oxytocin released from the dendrites of these cells has a positive-feedback effect, while endocannabinoids have an inhibitory effect by suppressing the afferent input to the cells.  相似文献   

Understanding the origins and impacts of novel traits has been a perennial interest in many realms of ecology and evolutionary biology. Here, we build on previous evolutionary and philosophical treatments of this subject to encompass novelties across biological scales and eco-evolutionary perspectives. By defining novelties as new features at one biological scale that have emergent effects at other biological scales, we incorporate many forms of novelty that have previously been treated in isolation (such as novelty from genetic mutations, new developmental pathways, new morphological features, and new species). Our perspective is based on the fundamental idea that the emergence of a novelty, at any biological scale, depends on its environmental and genetic context. Through this lens, we outline a broad array of generative mechanisms underlying novelty and highlight how genomic tools are transforming our understanding of the origins of novelty. Lastly, we present several case studies to illustrate how novelties across biological scales and systems can be understood based on common mechanisms of change and their environmental and genetic contexts. Specifically, we highlight how gene duplication contributes to the evolution of new complex structures in visual systems; how genetic exchange in symbiosis alters functions of both host and symbiont, resulting in a novel organism; and how hybridisation between species can generate new species with new niches.  相似文献   

Experimental results in rodent medullary slices containing the pre-Bötzinger complex (pre-BötC) have identified multiple bursting mechanisms based on persistent sodium current (I NaP) and intracellular Ca2+. The classic two-timescale approach to the analysis of pre-BötC bursting treats the inactivation of I NaP, the calcium concentration, as well as the Ca2+-dependent inactivation of IP 3 as slow variables and considers other evolving quantities as fast variables. Based on its time course, however, it appears that a novel mixed bursting (MB) solution, observed both in recordings and in model pre-BötC neurons, involves at least three timescales. In this work, we consider a single-compartment model of a pre-BötC inspiratory neuron that can exhibit both I NaP and Ca2+ oscillations and has the ability to produce MB solutions. We use methods of dynamical systems theory, such as phase plane analysis, fast-slow decomposition, and bifurcation analysis, to better understand the mechanisms underlying the MB solution pattern. Rather surprisingly, we discover that a third timescale is not actually required to generate mixed bursting solutions. Through our analysis of timescales, we also elucidate how the pre-BötC neuron model can be tuned to improve the robustness of the MB solution.  相似文献   

neuroConstruct: a tool for modeling networks of neurons in 3D space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gleeson P  Steuber V  Silver RA 《Neuron》2007,54(2):219-235
Conductance-based neuronal network models can help us understand how synaptic and cellular mechanisms underlie brain function. However, these complex models are difficult to develop and are inaccessible to most neuroscientists. Moreover, even the most biologically realistic network models disregard many 3D anatomical features of the brain. Here, we describe a new software application, neuroConstruct, that facilitates the creation, visualization, and analysis of networks of multicompartmental neurons in 3D space. A graphical user interface allows model generation and modification without programming. Models within neuroConstruct are based on new simulator-independent NeuroML standards, allowing automatic generation of code for NEURON or GENESIS simulators. neuroConstruct was tested by reproducing published models and its simulator independence verified by comparing the same model on two simulators. We show how more anatomically realistic network models can be created and their properties compared with experimental measurements by extending a published 1D cerebellar granule cell layer model to 3D.  相似文献   

Neuronal networks can generate complex patterns of activity that depend on membrane properties of individual neurons as well as on functional synapses. To decipher the impact of synaptic properties and connectivity on neuronal network behavior, we investigate the responses of neuronal ensembles from small (5–30 cells in a restricted sphere) and large (acute hippocampal slice) networks to single electrical stimulation: in both cases, a single stimulus generated a synchronous long-lasting bursting activity. While an initial spike triggered a reverberating network activity that lasted 2–5 seconds for small networks, we found here that it lasted only up to 300 milliseconds in slices. To explain this phenomena present at different scales, we generalize the depression-facilitation model and extracted the network time constants. The model predicts that the reverberation time has a bell shaped relation with the synaptic density, revealing that the bursting time cannot exceed a maximum value. Furthermore, before reaching its maximum, the reverberation time increases sub-linearly with the synaptic density of the network. We conclude that synaptic dynamics and connectivity shape the mean burst duration, a property present at various scales of the networks. Thus bursting reverberation is a property of sufficiently connected neural networks, and can be generated by collective depression and facilitation of underlying functional synapses.  相似文献   

Burst firings are functionally important behaviors displayed by neural circuits, which plays a primary role in reliable transmission of electrical signals for neuronal communication. However, with respect to the computational capability of neural networks, most of relevant studies are based on the spiking dynamics of individual neurons, while burst firing is seldom considered. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive study to compare the performance of spiking and bursting dynamics on the capability of liquid computing, which is an effective approach for intelligent computation of neural networks. The results show that neural networks with bursting dynamic have much better computational performance than those with spiking dynamics, especially for complex computational tasks. Further analysis demonstrate that the fast firing pattern of bursting dynamics can obviously enhance the efficiency of synaptic integration from pre-neurons both temporally and spatially. This indicates that bursting dynamic can significantly enhance the complexity of network activity, implying its high efficiency in information processing.  相似文献   

Calcium imaging has been used as a promising technique to monitor the dynamic activity of neuronal populations. However, the calcium trace is temporally smeared which restricts the extraction of quantities of interest such as spike trains of individual neurons. To address this issue, spike reconstruction algorithms have been introduced. One limitation of such reconstructions is that the underlying models are not informed about the biophysics of spike and burst generations. Such existing prior knowledge might be useful for constraining the possible solutions of spikes. Here we describe, in a novel Bayesian approach, how principled knowledge about neuronal dynamics can be employed to infer biophysical variables and parameters from fluorescence traces. By using both synthetic and in vitro recorded fluorescence traces, we demonstrate that the new approach is able to reconstruct different repetitive spiking and/or bursting patterns with accurate single spike resolution. Furthermore, we show that the high inference precision of the new approach is preserved even if the fluorescence trace is rather noisy or if the fluorescence transients show slow rise kinetics lasting several hundred milliseconds, and inhomogeneous rise and decay times. In addition, we discuss the use of the new approach for inferring parameter changes, e.g. due to a pharmacological intervention, as well as for inferring complex characteristics of immature neuronal circuits.  相似文献   

In view of ever-changing conditions both in the external world and in intrinsic brain states, maintaining the robustness of computations poses a challenge, adequate solutions to which we are only beginning to understand. At the level of cell-intrinsic properties, biophysical models of neurons permit one to identify relevant physiological substrates that can serve as regulators of neuronal excitability and to test how feedback loops can stabilize crucial variables such as long-term calcium levels and firing rates. Mathematical theory has also revealed a rich set of complementary computational properties arising from distinct cellular dynamics and even shaping processing at the network level. Here, we provide an overview over recently explored homeostatic mechanisms derived from biophysical models and hypothesize how multiple dynamical characteristics of cells, including their intrinsic neuronal excitability classes, can be stably controlled.  相似文献   

This paper presents work on parameter estimation methods for bursting neural models. In our approach we use both geometrical features specific to bursting, as well as general features such as periodic orbits and their bifurcations. We use the geometry underlying bursting to introduce defining equations for burst initiation and termination, and restrict the estimation algorithms to the space of bursting periodic orbits when trying to fit periodic burst data. These geometrical ideas are combined with automatic differentiation to accurately compute parameter sensitivities for the burst timing and period. In addition to being of inherent interest, these sensitivities are used in standard gradient-based optimization algorithms to fit model burst duration and period to data. As an application, we fit Butera et al.'s (Journal of Neurophysiology 81, 382-397, 1999) model of preB?tzinger complex neurons to empirical data both in control conditions and when the neuromodulator norepinephrine is added (Viemari and Ramirez, Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 2070-2082, 2006). The results suggest possible modulatory mechanisms in the preB?tzinger complex, including modulation of the persistent sodium current.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that spontaneous synchronous neuronal activity is an essential step in the formation of functional networks in the central nervous system. The key features of this type of activity consist of bursts of action potentials with associated spikes of elevated cytoplasmic calcium. These features are also observed in networks of rat cortical neurons that have been formed in culture. Experimental studies of these cultured networks have led to several hypotheses for the mechanisms underlying the observed synchronized oscillations. In this paper, bursting integrate-and-fire type mathematical models for regular spiking (RS) and intrinsic bursting (IB) neurons are introduced and incorporated through a small-world connection scheme into a two-dimensional excitatory network similar to those in the cultured network. This computer model exhibits spontaneous synchronous activity through mechanisms similar to those hypothesized for the cultured experimental networks. Traces of the membrane potential and cytoplasmic calcium from the model closely match those obtained from experiments. We also consider the impact on network behavior of the IB neurons, the geometry and the small world connection scheme. Action Editor: David Golomb  相似文献   

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