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Dermestes maculatus DeGeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) is both a pest of dried stored products and, through its colonization of carrion, a forensically important species. However, little is known about the consequences of female oviposition site preferences on larval growth and development. To examine this, non‐virgin female beetles were offered a choice of food resources that had been aged to various extents to explore the adaptive nature of female oviposition preferences. Dermestes maculatus females consistently preferred to oviposit on muscle in contrast to either fat or bone marrow. Constraining larvae onto one of the three resource types confirmed that larvae grew faster and eclosed into larger adults when fed on muscle than when fed on either fat or bone marrow. In addition, the degree of sexual dimorphism was also related to food resource, with the greatest extent of size dimorphism (females larger than males) being evident on the preferred muscle resource. This conforms to the view that intraspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism is driven by intersexual differences in phenotypic plasticity, with females being able to reach greater size than males when conditions are good. The results indicate that D. maculatus female oviposition preferences are adaptive in that adult oviposition choice can enhance offspring fitness and so broadly conforms to the oviposition preference‐larval performance hypothesis as noted in a number of phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

  • 1 Previous work has shown that female Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) can accurately assess the number of eggs on a seed and use this information to produce a near uniform distribution of egg-loads, so minimizing larval competition within hosts.
  • 2 The decision to lay on a particular seed may be based on one of two possible rules: (i) a‘relative’rule, which compares the number of eggs on the present seed with that on previously encountered seeds; and (ii) an‘absolute’rule, which takes into account the current egg-load alone.
  • 3 This paper describes an experimental study of oviposition behaviour which concludes that an absolute measure of egg-load probably determines egg-laying decisions. The implications of this result are discussed.

Foraging herbivores must satisfy their nutrient requirements in a world of toxic plants while also avoiding predators. Plant toxins and perceived predation risk at food patches should both reduce patch residency time, but the relative strengths of these factors on feeding decisions has rarely been quantified. Using an arboreal generalist herbivore, the common brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula, we tested the effects on food intake of the plant toxin, cineole, and regurgitated pellets from one of its predators, the powerful owl Ninox strenua at the small spatial scale of the food patch. We used the giving-up density (GUD) framework, with animals harvesting food items (sultanas) in an inedible matrix (small pebbles). We ran two consecutive field experiments in a eucalypt woodland in eastern Australia, 1 month apart in the same location. In experiment 1, there was a significant interaction between cineole [at 17% of dry matter (DM)] and owl pellets. The GUD was lowest in the absence of both cineole and owl pellet, intermediate in the presence of owl pellet; and highest with cineole ± owl pellet. The effect of owl pellet diminished over time. In experiment 2, only cineole (at 10% DM) increased the GUD significantly. The difference in effect of owl pellet was probably due to both habituation and freshness of the cue. Our study demonstrates the importance of synthesising predator–prey and plant–herbivore ecology to better understand the complex set of constraints influencing foraging herbivores. The greater effect of toxin than fear on possums is likely to be due to its high, but ecologically relevant concentration. This highlights the need to explore the relative and net impacts of a range of concentrations of plant toxins and predation risks.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The evolution of foraging in Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) is studied using outbred populations that had been differentiated using laboratory selection. The foraging behaviour of Drosophila larvae is measured using the foraging path length of 72-h-old larvae. The foraging path length is the distance travelled by foraging larvae over 5 min. Populations of Drosophila selected for rapid development show significantly greater path lengths than their controls. Populations of Drosophila selected for resistance to ammonia and urea in their larval food have shorter path lengths than their controls. Individuals in the ammonia-resistant populations are smaller than those in the control populations, but the size-adjusted metabolic rates are not significantly different. A simple model is proposed suggesting that changes in larval foraging behaviour may be a means for Drosophila larvae to adapt to new environments that require additional maintenance energy. In the ammonia-selected populations, crucial tests of these ideas will have to be conducted in environments with ammonia.  相似文献   

Context-dependent foraging decisions in rufous hummingbirds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A core assumption implicit in economic models of animal choice is that subjects assign absolute utilities to options that are independent of the type and number of alternatives available. Humans sometimes appear to violate this assumption and employ relative, as opposed to absolute, currencies when making choices. Recent evidence suggests that animals too might sometimes employ relative choice mechanisms. We tested this idea by measuring the foraging preferences of rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) faced with choices analogous to those in which human use of relative currencies is evident. The birds experienced three treatments: a binary choice between two artificial flower types designated concentration (20 microl, 40% sucrose solution) and volume (40 microl, 20%), and two trinary treatments in which a third decoy option (either concentration decoy: 10 microl, 30% or volume decoy: 30 microl, 10%) was added to the set. The birds' preferences differed significantly across the three treatments. In the trinary treatments, the effect of the decoy options was to increase the preference for the option that dominated the decoy. These results are similar to those reported in the human choice literature, and are compatible with the hummingbirds using a relative evaluation mechanism in decision making.  相似文献   

I analyzed the interaction of different types of costs in determiningoptimal behavior using mathematical models. The analysis concentrateson foraging behavior and asks (1) whether the cost factor thathas the greatest effect on fitness generally has the greatesteffect on optimal trait values and (2) whether increasing thesize of one type of cost makes the optimal behavior absolutelyor relatively more sensitive to that cost. The foraging costsconsidered are energy expenditure, predation risk, and othermortality factors. It is shown that increasing the magnitudeof one cost often decreases the relative and absolute sensitivityof the optimal foraging strategy to that cost. The relativefitness effects of different costs generally differ from therelative sensitivities of the optimal strategies to the costfactors. Researchers should therefore measure the shapes ofcost curves rather than their average magnitudes to determinewhich of several costs can be ignored in cost-benefit analyses.  相似文献   

Theoretical analyses have reported that in most circumstances where natural selection favours reliance on social learning, conformity (positive frequency-dependent social learning) is also favoured. These findings suggest that much animal social learning should involve a copy-the-majority strategy, yet there is currently surprisingly little evidence for conformist learning among animals. Here, we investigate this possibility in the nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) by manipulating the number of demonstrator fish at two feeders, one rich and one poor, during a demonstration phase and evaluating how this affects the likelihood that the focal fish copy the demonstrators'' apparent choices. As predicted, we observed a significantly increased level of copying with increasing numbers of demonstrators at the richer of the two feeders, with copying increasing disproportionately, rather than linearly, with the proportion of demonstrators at the rich foraging patch. Control conditions with non-feeding demonstrators showed that this was not simply the result of a preference for shoaling with larger groups, implying that nine-spined sticklebacks copy in a conformist manner.  相似文献   

Larvae of the sibling species Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana have rates of locomotor and feeding activity that are closely similar. Comparisons of the trait means for intra- and interspecific hybrids show that significant epistatic interactions affect both characters when the genomes of the two species are combined. The phenotypic variances of progenies obtained by backcrossing the interspecific hybrids to their respective parent species show that appreciable genetic turnover affecting foraging behaviour has occurred since their two phylogenetic lines diverged.  相似文献   

Physiology and behavior have historically been treated as separate subjects in the study of Drosophila. The latter is mentioned mainly in the context of neurobiology, while the former has been considered to take in studies of metabolism, cell biology and anatomy, among others. Of late, the line distinguishing physiology and behavior has become thinner, and this is exceptionally apparent in recent studies of nutrient signaling and of the regulation of feeding. This review represents a brief examination of the nexus between these intersecting fields of research in Drosophila. Other recently published reviews1,2 serve as complements to this one.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of cellular metabolism are publicly available for a variety of different microorganisms and some mammalian genomes. To date, these reconstructions are “genome-scale” and strive to include all reactions implied by the genome annotation, as well as those with direct experimental evidence. Clearly, many of the reactions in a genome-scale reconstruction will not be active under particular conditions or in a particular cell type. Methods to tailor these comprehensive genome-scale reconstructions into context-specific networks will aid predictive in silico modeling for a particular situation. We present a method called Gene Inactivity Moderated by Metabolism and Expression (GIMME) to achieve this goal. The GIMME algorithm uses quantitative gene expression data and one or more presupposed metabolic objectives to produce the context-specific reconstruction that is most consistent with the available data. Furthermore, the algorithm provides a quantitative inconsistency score indicating how consistent a set of gene expression data is with a particular metabolic objective. We show that this algorithm produces results consistent with biological experiments and intuition for adaptive evolution of bacteria, rational design of metabolic engineering strains, and human skeletal muscle cells. This work represents progress towards producing constraint-based models of metabolism that are specific to the conditions where the expression profiling data is available.  相似文献   

The foraging ecology of larval and juvenile fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of the foraging ecology of fishes is fundamental both to understanding the processes that function at the individual, population and community levels, and for the management and conservation of their populations and habitats. Furthermore, the factors that influence the acquisition and assimilation of food can have significant consequences for the condition, growth, survival and recruitment of fishes. The majority of marine and freshwater fish species are planktivorous at the onset of exogenous nutrition and have a limited ability to detect, capture, ingest and digest prey. Improvements in vision, development of fins and associated improvements in swimming performance, increases in gape size and development of the alimentary tract during ontogeny often lead to shifts in diet composition. Prey size, morphology, behaviour and abundance can all influence the prey selection of larval and juvenile fishes. Differences in feeding behaviour between fish species, individuals or during ontogeny can also be important, as can inter- and intraspecific interactions (competition, predation risk). Temporal (diel, seasonal, annual) and spatial (microhabitat, mesohabitat, macrohabitat, regional) variations in prey availability can have important implications for the prey selection, diet composition, growth, survival, condition and, ultimately, recruitment success of fishes. For fish populations to persist, habitat must be available in sufficient quality and quantity for the range of activities undertaken during all periods of development. Habitats that enhance the diversity, size ranges and abundance of zooplankton should ensure that sufficient food resources are available to larval and juvenile fishes.  相似文献   

Carotenoid-based plumage coloration of birds has been hypothesized to honestly reflect individual quality, either because carotenoids are difficult to acquire via food or because of a trade-off in allocation of carotenoids between maintenance and signaling functions. We tested whether differential foraging ability is a necessary precondition for maintaining individual differences in carotenoid-based plumage coloration in male greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Wild-caught birds were brought into captivity, where half of them were supplemented with carotenoids while the other half was maintained on a carotenoid-poor diet. Color of the yellow parts of tail feathers, grown under natural conditions, was compared with that of the replacement feathers, grown in captivity. Carotenoid supplementation increased feather chroma (saturation). Color of wild-grown feathers significantly correlated with the color of lab-grown feathers. This result demonstrates the existence of a significant component of variation in carotenoid coloration, which reflects physiological qualities or genetic differences among individuals independent of foraging ability. Among both experimental groups, plasma carotenoid concentration during feather growth strongly correlated with chroma of the feathers grown in captivity. This indicates that carotenoid-based plumage coloration can reveal circulating carotenoid levels over a very wide range of concentrations, suggesting the ample signaling potential of such a mechanism.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis provides an ideal context for studying varied developmental processes since the ovary is relatively simple in architecture, is well-characterized, and is amenable to genetic analysis. Each egg chamber consists of germ-line cells surrounded by a single epithelial layer of somatic follicle cells. Subsets of follicle cells undergo differentiation during specific stages to become several different cell types. Standard techniques primarily allow for a lateral view of egg chambers, and therefore a limited view of follicle cell organization and identity. The upright imaging protocol describes a mounting technique that enables a novel, vertical view of egg chambers with a standard confocal microscope. Samples are first mounted between two layers of glycerin jelly in a lateral (horizontal) position on a glass microscope slide. The jelly with encased egg chambers is then cut into blocks, transferred to a coverslip, and flipped to position egg chambers upright. Mounted egg chambers can be imaged on either an upright or an inverted confocal microscope. This technique enables the study of follicle cell specification, organization, molecular markers, and egg development with new detail and from a new perspective.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to assess the suitability of two artificial diets for egg laying and development of Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner, Trichogrammatoidea annulata De Santis, and Trichogramma bruni Nagaraja (all Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Additionally, the quality of wasps reared in vitro was compared with those reared in vivo. The ‘standard’ diet consisted of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) pupal holotissues (65%), chicken egg yolk (18%), fetal bovine serum (8.5%), lactalbumin hydrolysate (8.5%), and anticontaminants (0.3%). The ‘modified’ diet differed from the standard one only in the D. saccharalis pupal holotissues, that were replaced with Heliothis virescens (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ones. Females of the three trichogrammatid species laid eggs in artificial eggs containing any artificial medium, but the modified one received more eggs. Although the standard diet was accepted for oviposition by the three wasp species, no development occurred. On the modified diet, only T. atopovirilia was able to develop to adult emergence. Adult F1 were of a quality that was similar to insects reared in vivo.  相似文献   

Egg size and larval development in Central Amazonian fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between larval development and egg size was studied in 14 species of Central Amazonian fish (seven characiforms, five cichlids and two siluriforms). Egg size was measured as yolk dry weight at activation (egg minus chorion). Larval development was measured as larva] dry weight and age (h from activation) at the developmental stages. Egg size explained most of the variability of larval body weight and total larval weight at hatching, pectoral bud formation, eye pigmentation, jaw formation, swimbladder inflation, onset of swimming, first feeding and maximum weight attained with exclusively endogenous feeding. Larval ages at these developmental stages were poorly related to egg size. Other variables, such as the weight-specific yolk caloric content of the eggs (cal mg−1), spawning site (river or lake) and phyletic relationships had no effect on the remaining variance. These results suggest that the developmental stages considered were conservative among the species examined and that a sequence of stages occurs in the larval development of Amazonian larval fish. The resistance of the larvae to starvation was not related to egg size.  相似文献   

How are functional neural circuits formed during development? Despite recent advances in our understanding of the development of individual neurons, little is known about how complex circuits are assembled to generate specific behaviors. Here, we describe the ways in which Drosophila motor circuits serve as an excellent model system to tackle this problem. We first summarize what has been learned during the past decades on the connectivity and development of component neurons, in particular motor neurons and sensory feedback neurons. We then review recent progress in our understanding of the development of the circuits as well as studies that apply optogenetics and other innovative techniques to dissect the circuit diagram. New approaches using Drosophila as a model system are now making it possible to search for developmental rules that regulate the construction of neural circuits.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Optimal progeny size models assume that the more eggs a female produces, the lower the amount of resource allocated per egg. As egg size generally correlates with the fitness of the emerging immature, this trade‐off can be expressed as a choice between the production of numerous low quality or fewer high quality progeny. 2. The first‐instar larvae of the coleopteran parasitoid Aleochara bilineata have to search for and parasitise dipteran pupae. The present study found a positive correlation between egg size and larval weight, but not between egg size and development time. Larger first‐instar larvae survived longer, were more active, and found and parasitised their host more rapidly. 3. Female A. bilineata may invest smaller larvae in conditions of high host density and low intraspecific competition, but investing fewer, larger larvae would bring them more fitness when hosts are scarce and competition high.  相似文献   

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