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Proteinase inhibitors have been proposed to function as plant defence agents against herbivorous pests. We have introduced the barley trypsin inhibitor CMe (BTI-CMe) into wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by biolistic bombardment of cultured immature embryos. Of the 30 independent transgenic wheat lines selected, 16 expressed BTI-CMe. BTI-CMe was properly transcribed and translated as indicated by northern and western blot, with a level of expression in transgenic wheat seeds up to 1.1% of total extracted protein. No expression was detected in untransformed wheat seeds. Functional integrity of BTI-CMe was confirmed by trypsin inhibitor activity assay. The significant reduction of the survival rate of the Angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella, Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), reared on transgenic wheat seeds expressing the trypsin inhibitor BTI-CMe, compared to the untransformed control confirmed the potential of BTI-CMe for the increase of insect resistance. However, only early-instar larvae were inhibited in transgenic seeds and expression of BTI-CMe protein in transgenic leaves did not have a significant protective effect against leaf-feeding insects.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the potential of proteinase inhibitors to controlChrysomela tremulae, a beetle that causes severe damage in young plantations and in short-rotation intensive culture (SRIC) of poplar. As a first step, cysteine proteinases were determined to be the major digestive proteinases ofC. tremulae and oryzacystatin OCI, a cysteine proteinase inhibitor, was shown to inhibit this activityin vitro. The gene encoding OCI was introduced into poplar (Populus tremula ×P. tremuloides) and transgenic plants expressing OCI at a high level were selected. Feeding tests on these transgenic plants demonstrate the toxicity of OCI-producing poplar leaves againstC. tremulae larvae.J.C. Leplé and M. Bonadé-Bottino contributed equally to the research presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The gene encoding a cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTI), which confers insect resistance in trangenic tobacco, was introduced into rice. Expression of the CpTi gene driven by the constitutively active promoter of the rice actin 1 gene (Act1) leads to high-level accumulation of the CpTI protein in transgenic rice plants. Protein extracts from transgenic rice plants exhibit a strong inhibitory activity against bovine trypsin, suggesting that the proteinase inhibitor produced in transgenic rice is functionally active. Small-scale field tests showed that the transgenic rice plants expressing the CpTi gene had significantly increased resistance to two species of rice stem borers, which are major rice insect pests. Our results suggest that the cowpea trypsin inhibitor may be useful for the control of rice insect pests.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants expressing a cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene have enhanced levels of insect resistance to a variety of insect pests. Furthermore, insect bioassay has shown the cowpea trypsin inhibitor to have anti-metabolic activity to insect pests of the orders Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Orthoptera. The advantages and disadvantages of this approach to developing insect resistant crops is discussed in relationship to other methods, including conventional plant breeding and chemical control. Eventually it is hoped that African farmers will benefit from this industrially sponsored research.  相似文献   

Transgenic white poplar (Populus alba L.) plants expressing a novel Arabidopsis thaliana cysteine proteinase inhibitor (Atcys) gene have been produced using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer. Internodal stem segments of cv. Villafranca were co-cultivated with the EHA105 pBI-Atcys A. tumefaciens strain. Sixteen putative transgenic plant lines were regenerated from different calli with a transformation efficiency of 11%. The integration and expression of the cysteine proteinase inhibitor (Atcys) gene into the plant genome was confirmed by Southern and northern blot analyses. Papain inhibitory activity was detected in poplar transgenic tissues by means of a specific in vitro assay. Such activity was sufficient to inhibit most of the digestive proteinase activity of chrysomelid beetle (Chrysomela populi L.) and confer resistance to C. populi larvae on selected transgenic plants. A close correspondence between the inhibition of papain and resistance to poplar leaf beetle was observed in all tested transgenic lines. Our results indicate that Atcys could be succesfully employed in breeding programmes aimed at the selection of new poplar genotypes resistant to major insect pests.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene, mwti1b, coding for a winged bean trypsin inhibitor WTI-1B, has been introduced and expressed in rice plants, Oryza sativa. Protein extracts from transgenic rice plants expressing the trypsin inhibitor inhibited the gut proteases of larvae of the serious insect pest, the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in vitro. The growth of larvae reared on transgenic rice plants expressing WTI-1B at more than 1 ng/10 g total protein was significantly retarded compared to that on non-transgenic control plants.  相似文献   

A member of the potato proteinase inhibitor II (PPI II) gene family that encodes for a chymotrypsin iso-inhibitor has been introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) usingAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated T-DNA transfer. Analysis of the primary transgenic plants (designated R0) confirmed that the introduced gene is being expressed and the inhibitor accumulates as an intact and fully functional protein. For insect feeding trials, progeny from the self-fertilization of R0 plants (designated R1) were used. Leaf tissue, either from transgenic or from control (non-transgenic) plants, was fed to larvae ofChrysodeixis eriosoma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, green looper),Spodoptera litura (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) andThysanoplusia orichalcea (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and insect weight gain (increase in fresh weight) measured. Consistently,C. eriosoma larvae fed leaf tissue from transgenic plants expressing thePPI II gene grew slower than insects fed leaf tissue from non-transgenic plants or transgenic plants with no detectablePPI II protein accumulation. However, larvae of bothS. litura andT. orichalcea consistently demonstrated similar or faster growth when fed leaf tissue from transgenic plants compared with those fed non-transgenic plants. In agreement with the feeding trials, the chymotrypsin iso-inhibitor extracted from transgenic tobacco effectively retarded chymotrypsin-like activity measured inC. eriosoma digestive tract extracts, but not in extracts fromS. litura. We conclude, therefore, that for certain insects the use of chymotrypsin inhibitors should now be evaluated as an effective strategy to provide field resistance against insect pests in transgenic plants, but further, that a single proteinase inhibitor gene may not be universally effective against a range of insect pests. The significance of these observations is discussed with respect to the inclusion of chymotrypsin inhibitors in the composite of insect pest resistance factors that have been proposed for introduction into crop plants.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was used to introduce a trypsin inhibitor gene into Taiwan cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) cultivars. The TI gene was isolated from a well-adapted Taiwan sweet potato cultivar and was expected to be especially effective in combating local pests. In vitro regeneration studies indicated that 4-day-old cauliflower seedling hypocotyl segments, pretreated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for 3 days and incubated on a silver-ion-containing shoot induction medium, gave regeneration rates greater than 95%. Optimum transformation conditions were determined. G418 selection at 15 mg/l was initiated 1 week after cocultivation, and the dose was doubled 1 week later. Over 100 putative transgenic plants were produced. Transgenic status was confirmed by in vitro TI activity, and Southern and Western hybridization assays. The transgenic plants demonstrated in planta resistance to local insects to which the control plants were vulnerable. Received: 21 July 1997 / Revision received: 27 February 1998 / Accepted: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitors are among the most promising candidates for expression by transgenic plants and consequent protection against insect predation. However, some insects can respond to the threat of the proteinase inhibitor by the production of enzymes insensitive to inhibition. Inhibitors combining more than one favorable activity are therefore strongly favored. Recently, a known small Kunitz trypsin inhibitor from Prosopis juliflora (PTPKI) has been shown to possess unexpected potent cysteine proteinase inhibitory activity. Here we show, by enzyme assay and gel filtration, that, unlike other Kunitz inhibitors with dual activities, this inhibitor is incapable of simultaneous inhibition of trypsin and papain. These data are most readily interpreted by proposing overlapping binding sites for the two enzymes. Molecular modeling and docking experiments favor an interaction mode in which the same inhibitor loop that interacts in a canonical fashion with trypsin can also bind into the papain catalytic site cleft. Unusual residue substitutions at the proposed interface can explain the relative rarity of twin trypsin/papain inhibition. Other changes seem responsible for the relative low affinity of PTPKI for trypsin. The predicted coincidence of trypsin and papain binding sites, once confirmed, would facilitate the search, by phage display for example, for mutants highly active against both proteinases.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitors have been used to increase resistance to insect pests in transgenic plants. A cDNA clone encoding a multi-domain proteinase inhibitor precursor from Nicotiana alata (Na-PI) was transferred into tobacco and peas under the control of a promoter from a ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit gene. The Na-PI precursor was cleaved in the leaves of transgenic tobacco and peas, and Mr 6000 polypeptides accumulated to levels of 0.3% and 0.1%, respectively, of the total soluble protein. The Na-PI cDNA segregated as a dominant Mendelian trait and was stably transmitted for at least two generations of both species. Helicoverpa armigera larvae that ingested tobacco or pea leaves containing Na-PI exhibited higher mortality or were delayed in growth and development relative to control larvae.  相似文献   

Cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTI) gene, an insecticidal gene, was introduced into poplar ( Populus tomentosa Carr. ) by gene transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefac/ens (Smith et Townsend) Conn. The influences on regeneration and transformation frequency of poplar by the concentration and addition of kanamycin were compared. Kanamycin resistant (Kmr) plantlets were obtained by 3 -4 cycles screening in selective condition. The ability of leaf regeneration and shoot subculture and rooting from the transformed and non-transformed plants in the presence of 50 mg/L kanamycin was examined. The presence of CpTI gene in the transgenic plants were confirmed by PCR and PCR-Southern blot. Assay on proteinase inhibition activity demonstrated that leaf protein extracts of the transgenic poplar showed higher inhibition activity against trypsin than that of control plants.  相似文献   

The maize proteinase inhibitor (mpi) gene was introduced into two elite japonica rice varieties. Both constitutive expression of the mpi gene driven by the maize ubiquitin 1 promoter and wound-inducible expression of the mpi gene driven by its own promoter resulted in the accumulation of MPI protein in the transgenic plants. No effect on plant phenotype was observed in mpi-expressing lines. The stability of transgene expression through successive generations of mpi rice lines (up to the T(4) generation) and the production of functional MPI protein were confirmed. Expression of the mpi gene in rice enhanced resistance to the striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis), one of the most important pests of rice. In addition, transgenic mpi plants were evaluated in terms of their effects on the growth of C. suppressalis larvae and the insect digestive proteolytic system. An important dose-dependent reduction of larval weight of C. suppressalis larvae fed on mpi rice, compared with larvae fed on untransformed rice plants, was observed. Analysis of the digestive proteolytic activity from the gut of C. suppressalis demonstrated that larvae adapted to mpi transgene expression by increasing the complement of digestive proteolytic activity: the serine and cysteine endoproteinases as well as the exopeptidases leucine aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidases A and B. However, the induction of such proteolytic activity did not prevent the deleterious effects of MPI on larval growth. The introduction of the mpi gene into rice plants can thus be considered as a promising strategy to protect rice plants against striped stem borer.  相似文献   

Recombinant protease inhibitors represent useful tools for the development of insect‐resistant transgenic crops, but questions have been raised in recent years about the impact of these proteins on endogenous proteases and chemical composition of derived food products. In this study, we performed a detailed compositional analysis of tubers from potato lines expressing the broad‐spectrum inhibitor of Ser and Asp proteases, tomato cathepsin D inhibitor (SlCDI), to detect possible unintended effects on tuber composition. A compositional analysis of key nutrients and toxic chemicals was carried out with tubers of SlCDI‐expressing and control (comparator) lines, followed by a two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis (2‐DE) proteomic profiling of total and allergenic proteins to detect eventual effects at the proteome level. No significant differences were observed among control and SlCDI‐expressing lines for most chemicals assayed, in line with the very low abundance of SlCDI in tubers. Likewise, proteins detected after 2‐DE showed no quantitative variation among the lines, except for a few proteins in some control and test lines, independent of slcdi transgene expression. Components of the patatin storage protein complex and Kunitz protease inhibitors immunodetected after 2‐DE showed unaltered deposition patterns in SlCDI‐expressing lines, clearly suggesting a null impact of slcdi on the intrinsic allergenic potential of potato tubers. These data suggest, overall, a null impact of slcdi expression on tuber composition and substantial equivalence between comparator and SlCDI‐expressing tubers despite reported effects on leaf protein catabolism. They also illustrate the usefulness of proteomics as a tool to assess the authenticity of foods derived from novel‐generation transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Genes representative of three gene classes encoding proteinase inhibitor proteins, with distinct spatial expression patterns, were isolated and characterized from Pisum.Under standard plant growth conditions, one class is expressed exclusively in seeds, whereas the other two make minor contributions to seed inhibitor proteins but are also expressed in other organs, predominantly in root endodermal and floral reproductive tissues. Two of the gene classes contain few genes and are genetically linked at the Tri locus, whereas the third class displays complex hybridization patterns to genomic DNA and maps to diverse genetic loci. Expression analysis of this last class suggests that only a small number of these genes are expressed. The quantitative effect of the Tri locus on root and floral inhibitor gene expression was examined in near-isogenic lines of pea. The proteins encoded by the three classes are all members of the same family (Bowman-Birk) of enzyme inhibitors but are distinct in terms of overall sequence, active site sequences and inhibitor function.  相似文献   

A giant taro proteinase inhibitor (GTPI) cDNA was expressed in transgenic tobacco using three different gene constructs. The highest expression level obtained was ca. 0.3% of total soluble protein when the cDNA was driven by the Arabidopsis rbcS ats1 promoter. Repeated feeding trials with Helicoverpa armigera larvae fed on clonally derived T0 and T1 plants expressing GTPI demonstrated that, relative to those fed on control plants, some growth inhibition (22–40%) occurs, but there was no increase in larval mortality. Proteinase activities of larvae fed on GTPI-expressing tobacco or GTPI-containing diet were examined to monitor the spectrum of digestive proteinases in the midgut. Total proteinase activity was reduced by 13%, but GTPI-insensitive proteinase activity was increased by up to 17%. Trypsin was inhibited by 58%, but chymotrypsin and elastase were increased by 26% and 16% respectively. These results point to an adaptive mechanism in this insect that elevates the levels of other classes of proteinases to compensate for the trypsin activity inhibited by dietary proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

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