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Growth patterns of body size, proportion, and composition were analyzed in 57 male and 56 female Eskimos from St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea, ranging in age from 1.23 through 19.82 years. Age-groups means for whites and blacks of the U.S. Health Examination Survey served as reference data. Relative to HES data, the Eskimo sample were shorter with lower values for leg length, while there were no differences from the reference values for sitting height. The Eskimos also had higher values of Quetelet's Index, the sitting height/height ratio, and the upper arm muscle circumference, while there were no differences in body weight or triceps skinfold thickness. Differences from the reference data were more pronounced in males than in females. The growth patterns for size and body proportion are in conformity with known relationships between morphology and climate.  相似文献   

Thirteen adult male skulls of St. Lawrence Island Eskimos were studied to determine the factor or factors responsible for the development of the supraorbital ridges. Results showed that the determining factor is the ratio of the power arm to the load arm of the mandible. The smaller this ratio, the greater the traction force exerted by the anterior temporalis muscle and the greater the supraorbital ridge. Pearson’s correlation coefficient shows two positive correlations, i.e. between the anterior temporalis muscle and the ridge and between the ridge/sinus and the anterior/whole temporalis muscle. Conversely, there is a negative correlation between the power/load arm and the muscle ratio as well as between the power/load arm ratio and the ridge/sinus ratio.  相似文献   

This study assessed the possibility of using drift and subtidal seaweeds from St Lawrence Island, Alaska (lat. 63°N) for sale by the native population after simple processing. Over 125 km of coastline were surveyed for distribution of both drift and subtidal seaweeds. Drift seaweed wet weight densities ranged from 0.2 to over 9 kg m−2, with an average of over 4 t km−1 in the areas sampled. Attached, benthic seaweed densities ranged from 0.15 to 0.32 kg m−2. Thirty and 35% of the biomass was composed of Agarum cribrosum and species of Laminaria, respectively, both as drift and as benthic seaweed. Data from tagged Laminaria indicated that growth rates were relatively slow for most of the year. The drift seaweed resource on the coasts south and west of the city of Gambell appeared to have good potential for a small-scale commercial harvest. (*author for correspondence)  相似文献   

The Eskimos and Chuckchi of the Chuckotka Peninsula were studied at 13 loci of serum and erythrocyte proteins and enzymes by electrophoresis. Six loci-including albumin, transferrin, carbonic anhydrase I and II, monoamine oxidase, and superoxide dismutase-were monomorphic in the studied populations. The mean frequencies of alleles in nine polymorphic loci of Chuckotka Eskimos and Chuckchi, Eskimos of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, some Mongoloid populations of Siberia, American Indians, and Lapps of circumpolar areas of Western Europe were obtained. The genetic distances between these populations were calculated. The Eskimos of Chuckotka were closest to the Alaskan Eskimos. The relative heterozygosity of Chuckotka Eskimos was calculated and was the highest in Chuckchi. The average heterozygosity in Eskimo populations increased in the following order, from least to greatest: Chuckotka Eskimos, St. Lawrence Island Eskimos, Alaskan Eskimos, Greenland Eskimos, and Canadian Eskimos. The average heterozygosity of the Chuckchi was similar to that of Western Hemisphere Eskimos.  相似文献   

A sample of Aleuts residing in the Pribilof Islands of St. Paul (N = 163) and St. George (N = 62) and Eskimo residents of Kodiak Island (N = 294) have been typed for genetic variation at 31 discrete genetic markers. Of these, 16 were polymorphic and 15 were monomorphic. Several private polymorphisms previously reported in Eskimo or Alaskan Amerindian populations were absent in both the Aleuts and Kodiak Island Eskimos. Genetic distance analysis shows considerable genetic differentiation between Aleuts and Kodiak Island Eskimos.  相似文献   

The analysis of anthropometric data often allows investigation of patterns of genetic structure in historical populations. This paper focuses on interpopulational anthropometric variation in seven populations in Ireland using data collected in the 1890s. The seven populations were located within a 120-km range along the west coast of Ireland and include islands and mainland isolates. Two of the populations (the Aran Islands and Inishbofin) have a known history of English admixture in earlier centuries. Ten anthropometric measures (head length, breadth, and height; nose length and breadth; bizygomatic and bigonial breadth; stature; hand length; and forearm length) on 259 adult Irish males were analyzed following age adjustment. Discriminant and canonical variates analysis were used to determine the degree and pattern of among-group variation. Mahalanobis' distance measure, D2, was computed between each pair of populations and compared to distance measures based on geographic distance and English admixture (a binary measure indicating whether either of a pair of populations had historical indications of admixture). In addition, surname frequencies were used to construct distance measures based on random isonymy. Correlations were computed between distance measures, and their probabilities were derived using the Mantel matrix permutation method. English admixture has the greatest effect on anthropometric variation among these populations, followed by geographic distance. The correlation between anthropometric distance and geographic distance is not significant (r = -0.081, P = .590), but the correlation of admixture and anthropometric distance is significant (r = 0.829, P = .047). When the two admixed populations are removed from the analysis the correlation between geographic and anthropometric distance becomes significant (r = 0.718, P = .025). Isonymy distance shows a significant correlation with geographic distance (r = 0.425, P = .046) but not with admixture distance (r = -0.052, P = .524). The fact that anthropometrics show past patterns of gene flow and surnames do not reflects the greater impact of stochastic processes on surnames, along with the continued extinction of surnames. This study shows that 1) anthropometrics can be extremely useful in assessing population structure and history, 2) differential gene flow into populations can have a major impact on local genetic structure, and 3) microevolutionary processes can have different effects on biological characters and surnames.  相似文献   

1. To determine the influence of macrophyte beds on plankton abundance within fluvial lakes of the St Lawrence River, planktonic components (macrozooplankton, heterotrophic bacteria, and phytoplankton as chlorophyll- a [Chl- a ]) were sampled in Lake St Francis and Lake St Pierre during summer 1998. We tested the hypothesis that the abundance of planktonic components was higher within macrophyte beds in comparison to the more rapidly flushed open water areas of the fluvial lakes.
2. The large cross channel variation in zooplankton biomass was indeed correlated with the presence of dense beds of submerged macrophytes. Total macrozooplankton biomass was nine-fold greater within the beds (mean=180 μg L−1 dry mass) than in either the open water or areas with only sparse vegetation (mean=20 μg L−1 dry mass).
3. Chl- a and heterotrophic bacterial abundance were also higher in the beds, but only slightly so. There was no difference in total phosphorus or dissolved organic carbon concentrations between areas of dense vegetation, sparse vegetation or open water.
4. Macrophyte beds on the margins of the fluvial lakes allow the development of high planktonic abundance relative to the fast flowing central channel. Macrozooplankton biomass was much higher at the outflows of the lakes (∼50 μg L−1 dry mass) in comparison to the inflows (<20 μg L−1 dry mass). The increase is due to the transfer of organisms from submerged macrophyte beds into the central channel in the downstream quarter of the two lakes where the marginal littoral waters enter central channel waters.
5. Along rivers, shallow fluvial lakes appear to act as sources of plankton which is exported downstream during years of extensive littoral macrophyte development.  相似文献   

Pollen and lake-level data are used to reconstruct past climate changes in the St. Lawrence lowlands, southern Québec. Past lake-level changes are assessed from sedimentological, pollen and macrofossil records from a single shallow-water core from Lac Hertel, which lies in the central part of the studied area. Three low lake-level phases are recognised: prior to 8000, 7600-6600 and 4800-3400 cal. BP. The modern analogue method is applied to pollen data from seven well-dated sites from the St. Lawrence lowlands and adjacent mountain areas, constrained and unconstrained by lake-level changes. The reconstructed climate changes are congruent with the pattern of climate changes known from eastern North America: a dry and cold late-glacial episode due to the presence of pro-glacial lakes and seas; a rapid warming between 12?500 and 11?000 cal. BP possibly caused by increasing summer insolation; a dry period from 10?000 to 6500 cal. BP; a brief cooling between 9000 and 8000 cal. BP, possibly related to a summer cooling of Arctic airmasses; a temperature maximum around 8000 cal. BP; and finally, a progressive decrease in summer temperature and an increase in (winter?) precipitation over the 4500 last years. These results show that it is possible to reveal seasonal patterns in climate by combining pollen and lake-level data.  相似文献   

Patterns of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) have been proposed as estimators of genetic diversity among breeding lines and as predictors of heterosis and genetic variance. We evaluated these proposals by using a set of nine elite oat lines crossed in a diallel mating design without reciprocals. RFLP analysis was conducted using HindIII-digested DNA and a total of 107 probes from three different sources: 14 heterologous wheat cDNA clones, 17 oat genomic clones, and 76 oat cDNA clones. Of the 77 probes that produced high-quality autoradiographs, 26 detected polymorphisms among this set of lines, with an average of 2.6 variants per probe. RFLP-based genetic distance (FD) was calculated from these data by using Nei and Li's measure of genetic similarity, and was compared with two other measures of genetic divergence. Genealogical distance (GD *) was obtained from the coefficients of parentage based on known parental pedigrees, and multivariate distance (DI) was calculated by using the first five principal components of the parental correlation matrix for 12 agronomic traits. FD was significantly correlated with GD * (r=0.63, P<0.01), but not with DI (r=-0.05). Cluster analysis based on these three distance estimates did not produce equivalent groupings, but the FD and GD * clusters were more similar to each other than to the DI clusters. These results indicate that: (1) sufficient variation exists for further application of RFLP technologyto oats, (2) RFLPs could provide accurate estimates of genetic divergence among elite oat lines, and (3) it is unlikely that dispersed markers can predict heterosis or population genetic variance in oats. Further investigations will require more parental lines, a larger set of markers, and more information on the linkage relationships between RFLP markers and loci controlling the trait of interest.Journal paper No. J-15302 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA 50011, USA. Project No. 2818 and 2447. Supported by Quaker Oats grant to M. Lee  相似文献   

The variables affecting epiphyton biomass were examined in a sheltered, multispecies macrophyte bed in the St. Lawrence River. Alteration of light penetration, resulting from the presence of dense macrophytes forming a thick subsurface canopy, primarily determined epiphyton biomass. Seasonal decrease of water levels also coincided with major increases in biomass. Plant morphology was the next important variable influencing epiphytic biomass, whereas the contribution of other variables (sampling depth, macrophyte species, relative abundance of macrophytes, and temperature) was low. Groups of lowest epiphyte biomass (0.1–0.6 mg Chla g–1 DW) were defined by the combination of a low percentage of incident light (<13% surface light) and simple macrophyte stem types found below the macrophyte canopy. Highest epiphyte biomass (0.7–1.8 mg Chla g–1 DW) corresponded to samples collected in mid-July and August, under high irradiance (>20% surface light) and supported by ramified stems. Our results suggest that epiphyton sampling should be stratified according to the fraction of surface light intensity, macrophyte architecture, and seasonal water level variations, in decreasing order of influence.  相似文献   

Previous research has revealed extensive genetic variation among villages on Bougainville, in the Solomon Islands. Using previously published gene frequency data for seven loci, the role of isolation by distance in structuring genetic variation on Bougainville was reanalyzed. Newer methods of kinship estimation show that earlier estimates of the isolation by distance parameters were low. The fit of the model is highly significant (R2 = 0.409; P less than 0.001), and the parameter estimates indicate high isolation: a = 0.0538, b = 0.1978, L = -0.0057. Several methods of residual analysis were applied in order to determine factors affecting the fit of the model. Linguistic similarity has a significant effect on genetic variation once the effects of geographic distance are taken into account. Population-specific deviations from the expected model may be explained, in part, in terms of population history. Compared to other human populations, Bougainville Island shows an even greater among-group variation than has been suggested previously.  相似文献   

Run timings of four ubiquitous pelagic fishes in the Gulf of St Lawrence were compared for area and year effects. Run timing of alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson), smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was estimated at index rivers, and time of arrival of herring, Clupea harengus L., on spawning grounds was estimated from gillnet fisheries located around the Gulf, 1978–87. Time of pelagic fish migrations had strong species and area effects, but weak year effects. The species had their own unique migration times and durations, and could be divided into two groups: herring and smelt, which arrived in all areas of the Gulf at the same time; and alewife and salmon, which had significant area effects. Environmental data were not correlated with run timing. There was little annual variation in run timing among early-run species; only alewife had significant year effects. There was annual variation in the timing of late-run species, but it was not correlated with proximate environmental factors. Because run timing is an easily defined stock characteristic, observations over large areas and many years might be useful for understanding the impact of large-scale environmental changes on natural populations.  相似文献   

A morphological and genetic study was undertaken on five Gondi-speaking populations of Central India (Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra States). There has been no systematic biological study on this large Dravidian-speaking tribal group, 4 million in number, amounting to 13% of the total tribal population of India. Data was collected on 16 anthropometric measurements and seven genetic markers (blood groups, hemoglobin, G6PD and plasma protein polymorphisms) on the Raj Gonds, Kolams, Manne, Koyas and Plains Maria Gonds. Various genetic distance measures such as Mahalanobis's D2 and Nei's and Sanghvi's measures and cluster analysis techniques were used to determine the relationship between these groups based on anthropometrics and genetic variables. The statistical analysis revealed the Gonds to be a heterogenous group in both morphology and genetic characteristics. The morphological and genetic distances between these five groups when projected graphically revealed that the spatial distribution of these Gonds generally corresponds to their present geographical distribution. However, the actual relationships among each of the Gond populations show differences when based on these two biological variables, the possible reasons for this being discussed in the paper. The emphasis of this study is on the importance of geographical proximity in producing morphological and genetic similarity between populations, brought about by a short distance as well as similar geographical factors (such as soil, terrain, flora, etc.) drawing these populations together under a common ecocultural umbrella.  相似文献   

Wild carp, Cyprinus carpio, were sampled in January and March 2000 in a section of the Anoia River (NE Spain) known to be polluted by estrogenic compounds. At each sampling time, three groups were distinguished: (1) apparently normal males; (2) apparently normal females; and (3) affected fish. The latter were characterized by the simultaneous development of male and female tissue in their gonads at a macroscopical level (six out of 31 fish sampled at this particular point), or testicular atrophy (three out of 31). Plasmatic and hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) levels and plasma testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) were measured to observe the particular estrogenic response of the affected fish. Moreover, the response in the xenobiotic metabolizing capacity in liver was tested. This involved the analysis of mixed function oxygenase (MFO) system such as: total cytochrome P450 content, NAD(P)H cytochrome c reductases and the associated CYP1A1, EROD activity. Also, glutathione S-transferase (GST) and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) as detoxifying enzymes were measured. Our results showed: (1) a highly variable VTG content in all fish groups; (2) an increase in sex hormones content in March for the female group; and (3) an enhanced xenobiotics metabolism in the affected fish group, measured as total cytochrome P450, EROD activity in the January survey and cytosolic GST in March. The observed increase in VTG, sex hormones and in most of the enzymatic activities from January to March that could also be attributed to higher water temperature.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the importance (number of species, plant cover) of the exotic flora in seven well‐defined sectors of one of the most important transportation waterways in North America. To determine the impact of exotic species on wetland plant diversity and reconstruct the spread of some invasive species. Location St Lawrence River, southern Québec. Methods The exotic flora (vascular plants) of wetlands bordering the St Lawrence River was studied using 713 sampling stations (25 m2) along a 560‐km long corridor. Results Exotic species represent 13.7% of the vascular flora of the St Lawrence wetlands. The relative plant cover occupied by exotic species is high in some of the fluvial sectors (42–44%), but low (6–10%) in the estuarine sectors. Wetlands (marshes) surrounding islands were particularly susceptible to invasion by exotic plants. Historical, abiotic and landscape factors may explain the differences observed between sites. Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) is the most common exotic species of the St Lawrence wetlands, but other species, namely flowering‐rush (Butomus umbellatus L.) and reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) are much more invasive. There is no linear relationship between the exotic species cover and the diversity of wetland plants; low diversity sites can be dominated by either exotic or native plant species. In the other sites, exotic species generally have little impact on plant communities and can contribute to increase diversity. Common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel) and reed canary grass, both considered as exotic species in this study, clearly have a stronger impact on plant diversity than flowering‐rush and purple loosestrife. Main conclusions This study shows that the global impact of an invader cannot be adequately evaluated with only a few highly invaded sites. While nationwide strategies have been developed to control exotic species, large surveys are essential to adapt them to regional particularities.  相似文献   

In the lower St. Lawrence estuary (LSLE, eastern Canada), blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense are a recurrent phenomenon, resulting in paralytic shellfish poisoning outbreaks every summer. A first coupled physical–biological model of A. tamarense blooms was developed for this system in order to explore the interactions between cyst germination, cellular growth and water circulation and to identify the effect of physical processes on bloom development and transport across the estuary. The simulated summer (1998) was characterized by an A. tamarense red tide with concentrations reaching 2.3 × 106 cells L−1 along the south shore of the LSLE. The biological model was built with previously observed A. tamarense cyst distribution, cyst germination rate and timing, and A. tamarense growth limitation by temperature and salinity. The coupled model successfully reproduced the timing of the A. tamarense bloom in 1998, its coincidence with the combined plumes from the Manicouagan and Aux-Outardes (M-O) rivers on the north shore of the estuary, and the temporal variations in the north-south gradients in cell concentrations. The simulation results reveal that the interaction between cyst germination and the estuarine circulation generates a preferential inoculation of the surface waters of the M-O river plume with newly germinated cells which could partly explain the coincidence of the blooms with the freshwater plume. Furthermore, the results suggest that the spatio-temporal evolution of the bloom is dominated by alternating periods of retention and advection of the M-O plume: east or north-east winds favor the retention of the plume close to the north shore while west or north-west winds result in its advection toward the south shore. The response of the simulated freshwater plume to fluctuating wind forcing controls the delivery of the A. tamarense bloom from the northern part of the estuary to the south shore. In addition, our results suggest that a long residence time of the M-O plume and associated A. tamarense population in the LSLE during the summer 1998 contributed to the development of the red tide. We thus hypothesize that the wind-driven dynamics of the M-O plume could partly determine the success of A. tamarense blooms in the LSLE by influencing the residence time of the blooms and water column stability, which in turn affects A. tamarense vertical migrations and growth.  相似文献   

Recently, several studies indicated that species from the Ponto‐Caspian region may be evolutionarily predisposed to become nonindigenous species (NIS); however, origin of NIS established in different regions has rarely been compared to confirm these statements. More importantly, if species from certain area/s are proven to be better colonizers, management strategies to control transport vectors coming from those areas must be more stringent, as prevention of new introductions is a cheaper and more effective strategy than eradication or control of established NIS populations. To determine whether species evolved in certain areas have inherent advantages over other species in colonizing new habitats, we explored NIS established in the North and Baltic Seas and Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River regions—two areas intensively studied in concern to NIS, highly invaded by Ponto‐Caspian species and with different salinity patterns (marine vs. freshwater). We compared observed numbers of NIS in these two regions to expected numbers of NIS from major donor regions. The expected numbers were calculated based on the available species pool from donor regions, frequency of shipping transit, and an environmental match between donor and recipient regions. A total of 281 NIS established in the North and Baltic Seas and 188 in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River. Ponto‐Caspian taxa colonized both types of habitats, saltwater areas of the North and Baltic Seas and freshwater of the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River, in much higher numbers than expected. Propagule pressure (i.e., number of introduced individuals or introduction effort) is of great importance for establishment success of NIS; however in our study, either shipping vector or environmental match between regions did not clarify the high numbers of Ponto‐Caspian taxa in our study areas. Although we cannot exclude the influence of other transport vectors, our findings suggest that the origin of the species plays an important role for the predisposition of successful invaders.  相似文献   

Historical changes (1961–2002) in the distribution of herbaceous wetland plant associations were inferred from the hydrological regime of Lake Saint-Pierre, a 312 km2 broadening of the St. Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada), to assess the cumulative effects of human interventions and climatic variability. Relative abundance index (height × percent cover) of wetland plants in 630 field quadrats sampled at 13 sites (1999–2002) were used to derive a model predicting the occurrence of nine herbaceous plant classes with a 71% (24–84%) accuracy. Wetland types included seasonally dry (meadows), mudflats and wet (low marshes and submerged) assemblages. Over the 1961–2002 period, the total surface area of Lake Saint-Pierre herbaceous wetlands ranged between 11 (in 1972) and 128 (in 2001) km2 and was negatively correlated (Spearman r = –0.86, p < 0.0001) to average water level during the current growing season. Within-season variability and level conditions over the previous season defined 5 marsh assemblages characterized by different species composition, relative abundance and diversity. Significant hydrological variables included quadrat elevation, water depth, number of days flooded and depth variability experienced over the current and/or previous growth seasons. The hydrological model suggests that for a given level, wetland plant assemblages differed markedly whether the multi-year sequence of water levels was rising or falling. Lake Saint-Pierre alternated between three broad-scale wetland configurations, dominated by meadows and open marsh with floating-leaved vegetation (in the 1960s), scattered tall Scirpus marshes (in the 1970s and early 1980s) and closed marsh with aggressive emergents (since 1996). The strong response of Lake Saint-Pierre wetlands to hydrological conditions in the current and previous growth seasons underlines their vulnerability to future water level variations resulting from regulation and climate variability.  相似文献   

Until recently, studies examining the geographical distribution of insects in the Tuscan Archipelago have focused on paleogeography as the primary influence on species distributions. However, for flying insects such as Hymenoptera that may be able to disperse over water, current geographical location is likely to be more important in determining present distributions within the Archipelago. Here we compare mainland and island wasp populations using genetic variation and cuticular hydrocarbon composition of the vespid wasp Polistes dominulus, and species composition of wasps in the family Pompilidae. Both chemical and genetic data result in similar clustering of P. dominulus populations that reflect present geographical location. Moreover, we found current geographical distance to be significantly correlated with P. dominulus population genetic differentiation and Pompilidae faunal composition. These data suggest that dispersal over present sea distances is more important in determining population differentiation and species distribution in the Tuscan Archipelago than paleogeography.  相似文献   

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