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Some general properties of the solution of the diffusion equation are deduced for the steady-state, spherically symmetric system. On the basis of these developments some results of N. Rashevsky (Bull. Math. Biophysics,11, 15, 1949) are discussed and the results of a previous investigation (Hearon,Bull. Math. Biophysics,12, 135, 1950b) are extended to more general conditions. In particular these extensions apply to the flow of a soluteagainst its concentration gradient, the nonzero gradient of an inert metabolite, and theaccumulation or exclusion of an inert metabolite in a metabolic system. A portion of this work was performed while the author was a research participant, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, assigned to the Mathematics Panel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  相似文献   

The principle of biotopological mapping (Rashevsky, 1954,Bull. Math. Biophysics,16, 317–48) is given a generalized formulation, as the principle of relational epimorphism in biology. The connection between this principle and Robert Rosen’s representation of organisms by means of categories (1958,Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 317–41) is studied. Rosen’s theory of (M,R)-systems, (1958,Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 245–60) is generalized by dropping the assumption that only terminalM i components are sending inputs into theR i components. It is shown that, if the primordial organism is an (M,R)-system, then the higher organisms, obtained by a construction well discussed previously (1958,Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 71–93), are also (M,R)-systems. Several theorems about such derived (M,R)-systems are demonstrated. It is shown that Rosen’s concept of an organism as a set of mappings throws light on phenomena of synesthesia and also leads to the conclusion that Gestalt phenomena must occur not only in the fields of visual and auditory perception but in perceptions of any modality.  相似文献   

In combining the author's theories of organismic sets (Rashevsky,Bull. Math. Biophysics,31, 159–198, 1969a) and Robert Rosen's theory of (M, R)-systems (Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 245–265, 1958), a conclusion is reached that the number of either normal or pathological phenomena in organismic sets may occur. Those phenomena are characterized by occurring spontaneously once in a while but are not exactly periodic. Some epilepsies are an example of such pathological phenomena in the brain.  相似文献   

The field equation derived in Part I (Griffith,Bull. Math. Biophysics,25, 111–120, 1963a) is examined further. The stability of critical solutions is investigated and it is shown that, at least in certain cases, general solutions tend toward critical solutions. The relationship between the present field theory and a conventional matrix formulation is derived.  相似文献   

The derivation of H. D. Landahl’s learning curve (1941,Bull. Math. Biophysics,3, 71–77) from a single information-theoretical assumption obtained previously (Rapoport, 1956,Bull. Math. Biophysics,18, 317–21) is extended to obtain the entire family of such curves with the number of stimuliM (to each of which one ofN responses is to be associated) as a parameter. No additional assumptions are required. The entire family thus appears as a function of a single free parameter,k, all other parameters being experimentally determined. The theory is compared with a set of experiments involving the learning of artificial languages. An alternative quasi-neurological model leading to the same equation is offered.  相似文献   

A previous study (Bull. Math. Biophysics,31, 417–427, 1969) on the definitions of stability of equilibria in organismic sets determined byQ relations is continued. An attempt is made to bring this definition into a form as similar as possible to that used in physical systems determined byF-relations. With examples taken from physics, biology and sociology, it is shown that a definition of equilibria forQ-relational systems similar to the definitions used in physics can be obtained, provided the concept of stable or unstable structures of a system determined byQ-relations is considered in a probabilistic manner. This offers an illustration of “fuzzy categories,” a notion introduced by I. Bąianu and M. Marinescu (Bull. Math. Biophysics,30, 625–635, 1968), in their paper on organismic supercategories, which is designed to provide a mathematical formalism for Rashevsky's theory of Organismic Sets (Bull. Math. Biophysics,29, 389–393, 1967;30, 163–174, 1968;31, 159–198, 1969). A suggestion is made for a method of mapping the abstract discrete space ofQ-relations on a continuum of variables ofF-relations. Problems of polymorphism and metamorphosis, both in biological and social organisms, are discussed in the light of the theory.  相似文献   

This paper continues a comparison of the Taylor series and spherical harmonic forms of multipole representations initiated by Yeh (Bull. Math. Biophysics,24, 197–207, 1962). It is shown that while transformations from Taylor series form into spherical harmonic form is always possible, the inverse cannot be accomplished as suggested by Yeh; corrected transformation equations are given. It is also shown that direct measurement of Taylor coefficients, as outlined in Yeh, Martinek, and de Beaumont (Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 203–216, 1958), is actually not possible. Accordingly, only the spherical harmonic coefficients can be determined by measurement of surface potentials, as in electrocardiography.  相似文献   

An error appearing in the proof of Theorem 4 of a previous paper of the author’s (1959,Bull. Math. Biophysics,21, 289–97) is pointed out, and a new proof of the theorem is supplied. We also obtain a corollary from Theorem 3 ofloc. cit. which reveals the existence of a hitherto unrecognized class of codes.  相似文献   

Some probability distributions connected with distinct hits on targets, using two different firing schemes, are developed. It is assumed that any shot has a probabilityp, not necessarily unity, of hitting the target at which it was aimed. The development uses a well-known expression for the probability that exactlyt ofN possible events occur simultaneously. Some of the formulae developed here include as special cases the probabilities derived separately and by more complicated arguments in papers by N. Rashevsky. (Bull. Math. Biophysics,17, 45–50, 1955) and A. Rapoport (Bull. Math. Biophysics,13, 133–38, 1951).  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to express current concepts on the relationship between the rates of secretion of thyroxin and of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by a set of linear differential equations (two attempts have been made previously in this direction; cf. Roston,Bull. Math. Biophysics,21, 271–282, 1959; Danziger and Elmergreen,Bull. Math. Biophysics,16, 15–21, 1954), and to show that the solutions to these equations fulfill two criteria: that they correctly express the previously observed behavior of thyroxin and TSH, and that they allow certain predictions to be made which are amenable to experimental verification or disproval by currently existing techniques. This mathematical model is necessarily only an approximation of reality.  相似文献   

Previous papers by F. M. Snell (Jour. Theor. Biol.,8, 469–479, 1965) and M. A. Fox and H. D. Landahl (Bull. Math. Biophysics,27, Spec. Issue, 183–190, 1965) have found that the formulation by previous authors for the oxygen flow rates through hemoglobin solution as a function of pressure determined by E. Hemmingsen and P. F. Scholander (Science,132, 1379–1381, 1960) did not give a satisfactory quantitative fit of the curve for constant pressure difference. The suggestion of Fox and Landahl that the Bohr effect involving the shift in acidity accompanying the oxidation of Hb should give rise to voltage and pH differences in oxyhemoglobin transport is examined in more detail. In this paper, the previous expressions for the total oxygen flow rate in terms of the end point concentrations are extended to include the effects of the electrical field. Estimates of the potential difference shows it to be negligible. A derivation of a voltage-pH relation shows that the Nernst relation does not apply and a negligible voltage difference does not preclude a pH shift which is the more probable explanation of the discrepancies observed. Several other predictions suitable for experimental testing are made.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for learning of a conditioned avoidance behavior is presented. An identification of the net excitation of a neural model (Rashevsky, N., 1960.Mathematical Biophysics. Vol. II. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.) with the instantaneous probability of response is introduced and its usefulness in discussing block-trial learning performances in the conditioned avoidance situation is outlined for normal and brain-operated animals, using experimental data collected by the author. Later, the model is applied to consecutive trial learning and connection is made with the approach of H. D. Landahl (1964. “An Avoidance Learning Situation. A Neural Net Model.”Bull. Math. Biophysics,26, 83–89; and 1965, “A Neural Net Model for Escape Learning.”Bull. Math. Biophysics,27, Special Edition, 317–328) wherein lie further data with which the model can be compared.  相似文献   

It is suggested how nonoriented graphs may be used to representn-ary relations in organisms and to study the changes in variousn-ary relations under the transformation proposed in a previous paper (Bull. Math. Biophysics,16, 317–348, 1954).  相似文献   

Previous studies of L. Danziger and G. Elmergreen (Bull. Math. Biophysics,16, 15–21, 1954;18, 1–13, 1956) of possible biochemical periodicities in organisms assumed non-linear biochemical interaction between different metabolites, because linear systems do not lead to undamped ocsillations. They treated homogeneous systems. Later N. Rashevsky generalized their results to a more realistic case where the non-homogeneity due to the histological structure is considered. (Some Medical Aspects of Mathematical Biology, Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 1964;Bull. Math. Biophysics,29, 389–393, 1967.) As long as the histological structure remains constant, the existence of sustained periodicities requires the assumption of non-linearity of biochemical interactions. If, however, the secretions of an endocrine gland affect the histological structure of the target organ, notably as in the menstrual cycle, and if there is a feed-back, the equations become non-linear and may admit sustained periodic solutions even if the purely biochemical interactions are linear.  相似文献   

Some theoretical results obtained in a previous publication (Bull. Math. Biophysics,28: 25–50, 1966) are studied from the numerical point of view. Possible medical interpretations are suggested.  相似文献   

After giving a brief review of the theory of organismic sets (Bull. Math. Biophysics,29, 139–152, 1967;31, 159–198, 1969), in which the concept of relational forces, introduced earlier (Bull. Math. Biophysics,28, 283–308, 1966a) plays a fundamental role, the author discusses examples of possible different structures produced by relational forces. For biological organisms the different structures found theoretically are in general agreement with observation. For societies, which are also organismic sets as discussed in the above references, the structures can be described only in an abstract space, the nature of which is discussed. Different isomorphisms between anatomical structures, as described in ordinary Euclidean space, and the sociological structures described in an abstract space are noted, as should be expected from the theory of organismic sets.  相似文献   

A learning curve derived by H. D. Landahl (Bull. Math. Biophysics,3, 71–77, 1941) from postulated neurological structures is shown to be derivable from simplified assumptions by introducing the information measure of the uncertainty of response. The possible significance of this approach to learning theory is discussed.  相似文献   

The notion of relations between sets, defined in a previous publication (Bull. Math. Biophysics,23, 233–235, 1961) is generalized and some biological examples are given. A generalization ton-ary relation is suggested.  相似文献   

A generalization of Landahl's approximation method (H. D. Landahl,Bull. Math. Biophysics,15, 49–61, 1953) for non-linear diffusion problems is suggested. The method is applied to sorption, desorption, and free diffusion problems involving concentration-dependent diffusion coefficients. With some limitations, the results compare favorably with those obtained by numerical methods.  相似文献   

The discussions of a previous paper (Bull. Math. Biophysics,21, 299–308, 1959) are generalized by considering that the angular direction error made by the driver, as well as the driver's reaction time are not constant but are randomly distributed. Instead of a critical speed, at which the car will jump off the road, we now find that for every speed there is a probability of the car to jump off the road but that this probability is vanishingly small for sufficiently low speeds, yet increases rapidly for high speeds. Thus a more realistic picture of the process of driving is obtained. When the standard deviation of the distribution functions for the angle and the reaction time are very small, the expression obtained here reduces to the expression obtained previously.  相似文献   

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