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This study evaluates the role of plant foods in the subsistence of hunter-gatherers that inhabited the Central East, Northwest, and Northeast Patagonia (Argentina) during the late Holocene (ca. 3,000-500 years BP). The goal of the present study is to assess the temporal variation of dental caries ratio and wear rate in skeletal samples to ascertain if the biological information supports the dietary shift toward greater consumption of wild plant foods around 1,500 years BP, suggested by other types of evidence. The authors registered caries, antemortem and postmortem tooth loss, and tooth wear from eight samples belonging to hunter-gatherers from Patagonia for which chronological sequences from early late Holocene (ca. 3,000-1,500 years BP) up to final late Holocene (ca. 1,500-500 years BP) are available. The results indicate that caries percentages in Patagonian samples fall within the range established for hunter-gatherers but there are significant geographical differences. In addition, caries ratio does not change significantly through time, so the amount of carbohydrates consumed seems to have remained fairly constant since 3,000 years BP. In contrast, there is a marked temporal trend toward the reduction of wear rates in the three areas, suggesting a faster rate in early late Holocene than in final late Holocene. These results would reflect a change to less hard and/or abrasive diets in the final late Holocene, probably owing to differences in food processing methods employed.  相似文献   

The site of Balma Guilanyà (southeastern Spain) records an extensive human occupation during the beginning of MIS 1, based on a variety of archaeobotanical indicators, although its sequence contains gaps in the record of human occupation. The study of different archaeological proxies recovered from its sequence, especially charcoal, seeds and fruits, allows analysis of the ecological changes that occurred at the southern flanks of the Pyrenees from the Bølling/Allerød amelioration to the Boreal. The analyses also illuminate the strategies developed by hunter-gatherers of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula, and especially of the changes in firewood used at this site over a long time (over 5000 years), which indirectly provide information about the transformation of the plant communities of mountain ecosystems. In parallel, a growing interest in re-collecting wild fruits can be perceived. The results suggest that this activity was widely in use during the early Holocene, although it may go back to the Allerød. These results suggest that despite the limitations of the archaeobotanical record of Balma Guilanyà, we can recognize different patterns in the management of plant resources by the hunter-gatherers that intermittently visited this site.  相似文献   

Palaeontological and palaeoichnological studies were made along the southeastern coast of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Continental Late Pleistocene and continental, transitional and marine Holocene stratigraphic units were identified. The former are represented by fossil mammal bones and ichnites dated from 16,000 to 12,000 y. B.P. Continental Early Holocene beds dated circa 8,100 years B.P. contain fish, rodent and bird remains. Middle Holocene sediments 6,930 to 6,570 years B.P. are recorded by deposits bioturbated by estuarine crabs. During the Late Holocene, between 5,000 and 4,800 B.P., a marine transgression is recorded by a very rich mollusc fauna. The palaeoenvironmental variety recorded along a few tens of kilometers of the coast is a distinctive feature of this part of the Argentine coastal region. At Monte Hermoso beach, in the eastern part of the studied zone, archaeological materials were dated 7,300 years B.P., and human footprints dated 7,125 years B.P. were also recorded. In January 2005 some isolated human footprints were found at Pehuen-Co palaeoichnological site, which are older than those found at Monte Hermoso beach and of the same age as the oldest human archaeological findings in Patagonia, that is about 12,000 yeas B.P.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the parasite fauna present in rodent coprolites collected from Cueva Huenul 1 (CH1), northern Neuquén (Patagonia, Argentina), an archaeological site that provides stratified sequences of archaeological and palaeontological remains dating from the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Transition to the Late Holocene period. Twenty rodent coprolites collected from different sedimentary units from the site, with ages ranging from 13.844 ± 75-1.416 ± 37 years BP, were examined for parasites. Each coprolite was processed as a whole: rehydrated, homogenised, spontaneously sedimented and examined using light microscopy. The coprolites and the eggs of any parasites present were described, measured and photographed. In all, 158 parasite eggs were found in 10 coprolites. The faeces were positive for Viscachataenia quadrata Denegri, Dopchiz, Elissondo & Beveridge and Monoecocestus sp. Beddard (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) and for Heteroxynema (Cavioxyura) viscaciae Sutton & Hugot (Nematoda: Oxyuridae). The coprolites examined were tentatively attributed to Lagidium viscacia Molina (Mammalia, Rodentia, Caviomorpha, Chinchillidae). The life cycles of these parasites are discussed.  相似文献   

The lower Colorado River is considered the geographical boundary between the Argentinean regions of Pampa and Patagonia. The aim of this study is to define the technological patterns of hunter-gatherer groups who inhabited the studied area during the Late Holocene (3000–250 BP). In order to do so, the nature and presentation of raw materials exploited is stated, and the different methods of débitage and economic analysis of the lithic assemblages are identified, within the theoretical and methodological approach of chaîne opératoire. The results allow concluding that during the Late Holocene the basis of technological knowledge is kept constant. The technological changes experienced in behavior toward the final Late Holocene (1000–250 years BP) are due to the choice among methods, materials, and types of instruments known and available, of those with proven efficacy, whose production was intensified in the last 1000 years BP. The behavioral changes linked to lithic technological system are accompanied by – or produced as a result of – reorganization of the social system as a whole.  相似文献   

Despite the ubiquity of terrestrial gastropods in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological record, it is still unknown when and how this type of invertebrate resource was incorporated into human diets. In this paper, we report the oldest evidence of land snail exploitation as a food resource in Europe dated to 31.3-26.9 ka yr cal BP from the recently discovered site of Cova de la Barriada (eastern Iberian Peninsula). Mono-specific accumulations of large Iberus alonensis land snails (Ferussac 1821) were found in three different archaeological levels in association with combustion structures, along with lithic and faunal assemblages. Using a new analytical protocol based on taphonomic, microX-Ray Diffractometer (DXR) and biometric analyses, we investigated the patterns of selection, consumption and accumulation of land snails at the site. The results display a strong mono-specific gathering of adult individuals, most of them older than 55 weeks, which were roasted in ambers of pine and juniper under 375°C. This case study uncovers new patterns of invertebrate exploitation during the Gravettian in southwestern Europe without known precedents in the Middle Palaeolithic nor the Aurignacian. In the Mediterranean context, such an early occurrence contrasts with the neighbouring areas of Morocco, France, Italy and the Balkans, where the systematic nutritional use of land snails appears approximately 10,000 years later during the Iberomaurisian and the Late Epigravettian. The appearance of this new subsistence activity in the eastern and southern regions of Spain was coeval to other demographically driven transformations in the archaeological record, suggesting different chronological patterns of resource intensification and diet broadening along the Upper Palaeolithic in the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

Many researchers assume that until 10–12,000 years ago, humans lived in small, mobile, relatively egalitarian bands. This “nomadic-egalitarian model” suffuses the social sciences. It informs evolutionary explanations of behavior and our understanding of how contemporary societies differ from those of our evolutionary past. Here, we synthesize research challenging this model and articulate an alternative, the diverse histories model, to replace it. We review the limitations of using recent foragers as models of Late Pleistocene societies and the considerable social variation among foragers commonly considered small-scale, mobile, and egalitarian. We review ethnographic and archaeological findings covering 34 world regions showing that non-agricultural peoples often live in groups that are more sedentary, unequal, large, politically stratified, and capable of large-scale cooperation and resource management than is normally assumed. These characteristics are not restricted to extant Holocene hunter-gatherers but, as suggested by archaeological findings from 27 Middle Stone Age sites, likely characterized societies throughout the Late Pleistocene (until c. 130 ka), if not earlier. These findings have implications for how we understand human psychological adaptations and the broad trajectory of human history.  相似文献   

Results of paleoparasitological examination of rodent coprolites collected from archaeological and paleontological sites from Patagonia, Argentina, are present. Each coprolite was processed, rehydrated, homogenized, spontaneously sedimented and examined using light microscope. Coprolites and eggs were described, measured and photographed, and were compared with current faeces of Lagidium viscacia. Eggs with morphological features, attributed to an anoplocephalid cestode were found in samples collected from Cueva Huenul 1 (36°56′45″S, 69°47′32″W, Neuquén Province, Holocene) and Los Altares Profile (43º53′35″S, 68º23′21″W, Chubut Province, Late Holocene). These are the first findings of this anoplocephalid from faecal material from patagonic rodents.  相似文献   

A high-resolution Late Pleistocene and Middle to Late Holocene pollen profile of regional significance is presented. The coring site is located in a mire between two lakes. Ober- and Unter-ückersee, in Brandenburg, north-eastern Germany. The study was carried out in an archaeological context. It provides information about the history of vegetation, climate and human impact in the ücker river valley and the surrounding hills, the Uckerm?rker Hügelland. Hence, it is an important contribution for the reconstruction of the past vegetation of this area of Brandenburg. Seven AMS 14C-dates based on pollen concentrates provide a chronology for the middle Holocene part of the profile. Phases of intensive human activity can be shown from the middle Neolithic times until the Roman Iron Age. Received February 1, 2000 / Accepted January 18, 2001  相似文献   

Pollen data from the Czech Republic was used to detect the early Holocene impact of hunter-gatherers on vegetation based on a selection of 19 early Holocene pollen profiles, complemented with archaeological information regarding the intensity of local and regional Mesolithic human habitation. Archaeological evidence was assigned to simple categories reflecting the intensity of habitation and distance from pollen sites. Multivariate methods (PCA and RDA) were used to determine relationships between sites and possible anthropogenic pollen indicators and to test how these indicators relate to the archaeological evidence. In several profiles the pollen signal was influenced by local Mesolithic settlement. Specific pollen types (e.g. Calluna vulgaris, Plantago lanceolata, Solanum and Pteridium aquilinum) were found to be significantly correlated with human activity. The role of settlement proximity to the investigation site, the statistical significance of pollen indicators of human activity, as well as the early occurrence of Corylus avellana and its possible anthropogenic dispersal, are discussed.  相似文献   

The prehistoric lake settlement tradition is spread far beyond the region of the Alps, and it has been known for a long time that lake settlements are not a characteristic of one particular area. The present paper presents the results of the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary investigations of such types of sites in Lithuania, the two lake settlements at Lake Luokesa (Luokesai e?eras). They were excavated with underwater archaeology techniques between 2000 and 2011. They are Late Bronze to early Iron Age transition (LBA–EIA) in date and were probably built and inhabited during a short period between 625 and 535 cal bc. The excavated archaeological material contains a wealth of well-preserved wooden architectural details and other organic materials. Therefore, the importance and unique character of these sites is beyond question. This paper gives an overview of the history of research on lake settlements in northeastern Europe. In addition, the archaeological material of the LBA–EIA settlements at Lake Luokesa is evaluated in the context of the other lake settlements in the southeastern Baltic region. Existing hypotheses and interpretations of the origins, development and use of the lake settlements of this region are discussed. All the investigations which have been done, including archaeobotany, palynology, dendrochronology and geoarchaeology, provide data for a well-grounded interpretation and reconstruction of the Luokesa lake settlements.  相似文献   

江西沟2号遗址(JXG2)发现于2004年,2012年围绕地层测年及环境研究开展了小面积试掘。本文通过对2012年出土的659件石制品进行的观察和初步研究,并结合其他出土遗物及考古年代学研究的基本结论,对遗址所反映的史前人类行为的变化及其与环境的关系作了初步报告。根据出土文化遗物(主要指石制品和陶片)的差异,遗址可以分为上下两个文化层,上文化层为10~80cm,包含陶片和细石器为主的石制品;下文化层为距地表80cm以下的堆积,该层仅包含石制品,其中除以燧石为原料的细石器产品,同时出土石英砸击产品。光释光和AMS14C年代测定结果表明古人类在该遗址活动的时间主要集中在全新世中期,遗址石制品原料和技术变化的研究初步揭示了该时段区域内史前人类的行为变化和生活方式的转变。  相似文献   

This paper reviews more than 20 years of research about the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene occupations of the Uruguayan plains. The aim of this synthesis is to provide an overview of the available information related to early human peopling of Uruguay. Here, we focus on the main issues discussed over the last two decades: early sites characterization and chronology, human response to climate change, cultural diversity, occupations patterns, mobility and technology. The systematic and continuous efforts made have provided new data and new perspectives regarding the earliest human occupations of the region. We have defined an archaeological complex landscape and ongoing research strategy is based on the three main types of site that compose it: residential camps, cave and rock shelters, and raw material sources. This has allowed us to expand and improve our understanding of the record. The new research and data provided by these sites have led us to propose a settlement model for the region and the period. A cultural diversity has been evidenced through in-depth studies of stratified archaeological sites, cultural sequence, a solid chronological database and lithic technology. Finally, we advance in the characterization of objects of social prestige among hunter-gatherers who occupied the plains during the end of the Pleistocene in Southeastern South America.  相似文献   

Nondietary function is an important concern in the study of the human dentition and its role in adaptation. The purpose of the present investigation is to describe and interpret a pattern of dental wear in the anterior dentition of precontact hunter-gatherers that inhabited the western Great Basin. These data are discussed in light of ethnographic documentation as a means by which the archaeological record is linked with associated behavior of the representative populations. A series of 171 dentitions from a group of archaeological localities was examined. Of 1,931 teeth observed, 16 of these showed narrow (0.4-2.0 mm) transverse grooves located on the midocclusal surfaces of anterior teeth. The grooves were restricted in occurrence to five older adult males. Documentation of prehistoric and historic western Great Basin aboriginal populations indicates an adaptation that involves use of plant materials in the production of a variety of utilitarian objects, such as fish nets, basketry, funerary bags, fowling bags, and rope. In postcontact contexts, the anterior dentition has been shown to play an important role in the preparation of materials used for the production of this equipment. It seems most likely, then, that the grooves observed herein resulted directly from the use of the dentition as part of the tool assemblage for the production of other tools.  相似文献   

The cranial morphology of Early Holocene American human samples is characterized by a long and narrow cranial vault, whereas more recent samples exhibit a shorter and wider cranial vault. Two hypotheses have been proposed to account for the morphological differences between early and late‐American samples: (a) the migratory hypothesis that suggests that the morphological variation between early and late American samples was the result of a variable number of migratory waves; and (b) the local diversification hypothesis, that is, the morphological differences between early and late American samples were mainly generated by local, random (genetic drift), and nonrandom factors (selection and phenotypic plasticity). We present the first craniometric study of three early skulls from the Argentinean Pampas, dated ~8,000 cal. years BP (Arroyo Seco 2, Chocorí, and La Tigra), and one associated with mega‐faunal remains (Fontezuelas skull). In addition, we studied several Late Holocene samples. We show that the skulls from the Argentinean Pampas are morphologically similar to other Early Holocene American skulls (i.e., Lagoa Santa from Brazil, Tequendama, Checua, and Aguazuque from Colombia, Lauricocha from Peru, and early Mexicans) that exhibit long and narrow cranial vaults. These samples differ from the Late Holocene American samples that exhibit a shorter and wider cranial vault. Our results underscore the important differences in cranial morphology between early and late‐American samples. However, we emphasize the need for further studies to discuss alternative hypotheses regarding such differences. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:298–305, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

While it has been suggested that malocclusion is linked with urbanisation, it remains unclear as to whether its high prevalence began 8,000 years earlier concomitant with the transition to agriculture. Here we investigate the extent to which patterns of affinity (i.e., among-population distances), based on mandibular form and dental dimensions, respectively, match across Epipalaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic samples from the Near East/Anatolia and Europe. Analyses were conducted using morphological distance matrices reflecting dental and mandibular form for the same 292 individuals across 21 archaeological populations. Thereafter, statistical analyses were undertaken on four sample aggregates defined on the basis of their subsistence strategy, geography, and chronology to test for potential differences in dental and mandibular form across and within groups. Results show a clear separation based on mandibular morphology between European hunter-gatherers, European farmers, and Near Eastern transitional farmers and semi-sedentary hunter-gatherers. In contrast, the dental dimensions show no such pattern and no clear association between the position of samples and their temporal or geographic attributes. Although later farming groups have, on average, smaller teeth and mandibles, shape analyses show that the mandibles of farmers are not simply size-reduced versions of earlier hunter-gatherer mandibles. Instead, it appears that mandibular form underwent a complex series of shape changes commensurate with the transition to agriculture that are not reflected in affinity patterns based on dental dimensions. In the case of hunter-gatherers there is a correlation between inter-individual mandibular and dental distances, suggesting an equilibrium between these two closely associated morphological units. However, in the case of semi-sedentary hunter-gatherers and farming groups, no such correlation was found, suggesting that the incongruity between dental and mandibular form began with the shift towards sedentism and agricultural subsistence practices in the core region of the Near East and Anatolia.  相似文献   

Little has been described of the Holocene populations of South‐Central Africa, despite the region demonstrating major subsistence shifts relating to dispersals of agriculturalists at least 2,000 years ago. Seven sites with associated human skeletal remains were selected. Hora, Chencherere, Fingura, and Mtuzi represent the Middle Holocene (2,000–5,000 years ago), and Phwadze, Mtemankhokwe, and Nkudzi Bay represent the Late Holocene and the arrival of agriculturalists between 500–2,000 years ago. Focusing on the identity of Hora and Chencherere specimens, two questions were addressed: are the various Holocene Malawians similar to each other, or do they suggest morphological change over time? What modern populations are closest to the prehistoric specimens? The archaeological sample was compared to modern sub‐Saharan Africans from four regions, plus a historic Khoi‐San foraging group. Factor analyses were performed in order to identify complex patterns of variation in metric traits of the skull. According to the results, prehistoric Malawians showed only slight differences between the Late and Middle Holocene, suggesting a population change without any major discontinuity. Later Stone Age skulls did not exclusively show similarities with the Khoi‐San, as they frequently fit well within the variation of modern Bantu‐speaking groups, especially West‐Central Africa. Therefore, we reject the hypothesis that Middle Holocene South‐Central Africans have an exclusively Khoi‐San ancestry, and support an alternative hypothesis that both Middle and Late Holocene groups share a common biological heritage originating in West‐Central Africa in earlier times. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2006. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Rockshelter Baaz in the Damascus region of Syria provided a variety of botanical remains from the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene period. These remains provide new information about the vegetation evolution in this region. The earliest occupational levels correspond with a moisture peak during the Late Pleistocene, between ca. 34–32 kyr b.p., when pine expanded. The next occupations took place during extreme arid conditions, ca. 23–21 kyr b.p., and probably during the Last Glacial Maximum when a steppe vegetation was established. The occupation level of the Younger Dryas, represented by Natufian remains, suggests that the area had been covered by almond-pistachio steppe, similar to later periods of the Early Holocene, and was probably located just outside the range of dense wild cereal stands. There is no drastic impact of the Younger Dryas visible on the vegetation in the botanical remains. The lack of fruits and seeds at Baaz indicates that the site was more likely to have been a temporary hunting post rather than a plant processing site for much of its history. It is ideally suited to this purpose because of its location over the Jaba′deen Pass and the associated springs. However, archaeological remains from the Natufian period, suggest that the site was more permanently occupied during this time. A. Dodonov deceased.  相似文献   

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