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Wiesel A Spix C Mergenthaler A Queisser-Luft A 《Radiation and environmental biophysics》2011,50(2):325-328
So far, only a few studies investigated occupational exposure to ionizing radiation in pregnancy to cause birth defects (BDs).
No association between BDs and ionizing radiation, although described for high-dose exposure, could ever be confirmed for
employees, or specific job titles. Here, an explorative analysis of a prospective population-based birth cohort used to quantify
the prevalence of BDs in infants between 1/2007 and 2/2008 is presented. An active examination of all livebirths by specially
trained paediatricians in two defined areas was performed. Additionally, a study-specific questionnaire distributed among
all becoming mothers in the surveyed regions included questions on maternal occupational exposure to ionizing radiation within
the first trimester of pregnancy. In 3,816 births (including 165 infants with BDs; 4.3%), maternal answers concerning possible
exposures to medical and occupational ionizing radiation were available. Relative risk (RR) estimates in mothers surveyed
for occupational exposure to ionizing radiation (wearing a radiation dosimeter) and BDs in the offspring were calculated exploratively.
A higher prevalence of infants with BDs (n = 4; 13.8%) was documented in newborns of the 29 surveyed mothers compared to that in 3,787 births from unexposed mothers
(n = 161; 4.3%), corresponding to a RR of 3.2 (1.2–8.7). Excluding deformations, the RR increased to 4.0 (1.5–10.7). Adjustment
for possible confounders did not change the results substantially. 相似文献
A. V. Akleyev 《Biophysics》2010,55(1):128-141
Reviewed are radiobiological data on the emergence of tissue reactions that may determine the course and outcome of human chronic irradiation. The main mechanisms of the reaction of hemopoietic, immune, reproductive, endocrine, respiratory systems and skin to long-term and fractionated exposure to ionizing radiation are considered. The problem of developing a new approach to threshold dose estimation for chronic exposure effects is discussed. 相似文献
Repin MV Repina LA 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2011,51(4):411-418
The probability of losses of different chromosome aberrations during the dicentric chromosome assay of metaphase cells with incomplete sets of chromosome centromeres was estimated using a mathematical model for low doses of ionizing radiation. A dicentric assay of human blood lymphocytes without determination of the total amount of chromosome centromeres in cells without chromosome aberrations (rapid dicentric assay) has been proposed. The rapid dicentric analysis allows to register chromosome aberrations in full compliance with the conventional classification. The experimental data have shown no statistically significant difference between the frequencies of dicentric chromosomes detected by rapid and classical dicentric chromosome assays of human lymphocytes exposed to 0.5 Gy of 60Co gamma-rays. The rate of the rapid dicentric assay was almost twice as high as that of the classical dicentric assay. 相似文献
Komarova LN Petin VG Tkhabisimova MD 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2002,42(1):54-59
Quantitative regularities of recovery of wild-type diploid yeast cells irradiated with gamma-rays (60Co) simultaneously with exposure to high temperatures were studied. It was shown that in conditions of such a combined action the constant of recovery did not depend on the temperature at which the irradiation was carried out. However, with an increase of acting temperature an augmentation in the portion of irreversible component was registered. The analysis of cell inactivation revealed that the augmentation of the irreversible component was accompanied by a continuous increase of cell killing without any postirradiation division after which cells are incapable of recovery. The reproductive death was mainly exerted after ionizing radiation applied alone while in conditions of simultaneous thermoradiation action the interphase killing (cell death without division) predominated. It is concluded on this base that the mechanism of synergistic interaction of ionizing radiation and hyperthermia may be related with cardinal change in mechanisms of cell killing. 相似文献
N I Sorokina I V Miroshnichenko M F Nikonova R Kh Aknazarova M G Mikhna 《Radiobiologiia》1987,27(5):581-585
Irradiation of a mouse thymocyte fraction enriched by T-lymphocyte precursors changes the antigenic phenotype of cells toward the increase of their highly differentiated forms. Similar changes in membrane marker antigens are produced by chemical inductors of differentiation and thymotropin. The changes in the cell phenotype induced by the above agents are associated with both membrane and intragenome rearrangements. The results of the experiments on preventing the expression of some antigens by puromycin and the data on the level of spontaneous genome lesions in thymocyte fractions have prompted an assumption that destabilization of the genome upon irradiation increases DNA injury above some critical level which may serve a stimulus for "sorting out" the most radiosensitive thymocyte fraction. 相似文献
Studies of radiation-associated risks among workers chronically exposed to low doses of radiation are important, both to estimate risks directly and to assess the adequacy of extrapolations of risk estimates from high-dose studies. This paper presents results based on a cohort of 45,468 nuclear power industry workers from the Canadian National Dose Registry monitored for more than 1 year for chronic low-dose whole-body ionizing radiation exposures sometime between 1957 and 1994 (mean duration of monitoring = 7.4 years, mean cumulative equivalent dose = 13.5 mSv). The excess relative risks for leukemia [excluding chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)] and for all solid cancers were 52.5 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.205, 291] and 2.80 (95% CI: -0.038, 7.13) per sievert, respectively, both associations having P values close to 0.05. Relative risks by dose categories increased monotonically for leukemia excluding CLL but were less consistent for all solid cancers combined. Although the point estimates are higher than those found in other studies of whole-body irradiation, the difference could well be due to chance. Further follow-up of this cohort or the combination of results from multiple worker studies will produce more stable estimates and thus complement the risk estimates from higher-dose studies. 相似文献
Acute changes in the gene expression profile in mouse brain after exposure to ionizing radiation were studied using microarray analysis. RNA was isolated at 0.25, 1, 5 and 24 h after exposure to 20 Gy and at 5 h after exposure of the whole brain of adult mice to 2 or 10 Gy. RNA was hybridized onto 15K cDNA microarrays, and data were analyzed using GeneSpring and Significant Analysis of Microarray. Radiation modulated the expression of 128, 334, 325 and 155 genes and ESTs at 0.25, 1, 5 and 24 h after 20 Gy and 60 and 168 at 5 h after 2 and 10 Gy, respectively. The expression profiles showed dose- and time-dependent changes in both expression levels and numbers of differentially modulated genes and ESTs. Seventy-eight genes were modulated at two or more times. Differentially modulated genes were associated with 12 different classes of molecular function and 24 different biological pathways and showed time- and dose-dependent changes. The change in expression of four genes (Jak3, Dffb, Nsep1 and Terf1) after irradiation was validated using quantitative real-time PCR. Up-regulation of Jak3 was observed in another mouse strain. In mouse brain, there was an increase of Jak3 immunoreactivity after irradiation. In conclusion, changes in the gene profile in the brain after irradiation are complex and are dependent on time and dose, and genes with diverse functions and pathways are modulated. 相似文献
Several authors have suggested that there is an excess risk of hyperparathyroidism, adenomas or hyperplasia after exposure to ionizing radiation. There is still, however, some uncertainty about this association, because these diseases are often asymptomatic and escape clinical detection if not specially searched for. This study is based on a pooled Swedish cohort of 27,925 persons with skin hemangiomas. The majority received radiation treatment in infancy between 1920 and 1965 in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The mean age at treatment was 6 months and the median thyroid dose was 0.20 Gy (range 0-28.5 Gy). Record linkage with the Swedish Cancer Register for the period 1958-1997 gave 43 cases of parathyroid adenoma in the cohort. Analyses of excess relative risk (ERR) models were performed using Poisson regression methods. Clinical records were scrutinized to determine if the childhood radiation exposure was known (biased cases) at the time of diagnosis. Seven of the cases of parathyroid adenoma were classified as biased cases. The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) was 2.10 (95% confidence interval 1.52-2.82) when all cases were included and 1.76 (95% CI 1.23-2.43) with the biased cases excluded. A linear dose-response model with stratification for sex fitted the data best. The ERR per gray was 3.84 (95% CI 1.56-8.99) with all cases and 1.56 (95% CI 0.36-4.45) with the biased cases excluded. There was a significant difference in the ERR per gray between the two subcohorts, probably because of different diagnostic activity in the regions. Our findings confirm that there is a dose-response relationship for radiation-induced parathyroid adenomas. 相似文献
B Balsalobre 《Revista Espanola de Fisiología》1991,47(3):147-150
The short- and long-term effects of whole body irradiation by a single dose (4Gy) on some immunological parameters in mice have been studied. The results showed a transitory but significant impairment of classical activity of complement, high incidence of anti nuclear, anti gastric parietal cells and anti smooth muscle autoantibodies, and circulating immunocomplexes in sera on irradiated mice. These immunological changes could be related to complications developed as late manifestations of radiation effects. 相似文献
Belousova TV Ushakova GA 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2003,43(1):44-48
In experiment on white rats it was shown that fractionated exposure to 1 sGy/day during 25 days is followed by the directed change in the total heparin-binding activity of proteins in the rat brain (both in males and in females) with maximum deviation from control by the 7th day after accumulation of a total dose of 25 sGy. The diverse in hemisphere cortex and hippocampus were different from those in brain trunk regions and cerebellum. It is supposed that a thin overturning of the intercellular and "cell-matrix" interactions in CNS modulates compensation and adaptation processes under chronic X-ray irradiation with a small dose of low intensity due to regulation of the free/bound heparansulphate correlation. 相似文献
Beblo K Douki T Schmalz G Rachel R Wirth R Huber H Reitz G Rettberg P 《Archives of microbiology》2011,193(11):797-809
In this study, we investigated the ability of several (hyper-) thermophilic Archaea and phylogenetically deep-branching thermophilic
Bacteria to survive high fluences of monochromatic UV-C (254 nm) and high doses of ionizing radiation, respectively. Nine
out of fourteen tested microorganisms showed a surprisingly high tolerance against ionizing radiation, and two species (Aquifex pyrophilus and Ignicoccus hospitalis) were even able to survive 20 kGy. Therefore, these species had a comparable survivability after exposure to ionizing radiation
such as Deinococcus radiodurans. In contrast, there was nearly no difference in survival of the tested strains after exposure to UV-C under anoxic conditions.
If the cells had been dried in advance of UV-C irradiation, they were more sensitive to UV-C radiation compared with cells
irradiated in liquid suspension; this effect could be reversed by the addition of protective material like sulfidic ores before
irradiation. By exposure to UV-C, photoproducts were formed in the DNA of irradiated Archaea and Bacteria. The distribution
of the main photoproducts was species specific, but the amount of the photoproducts was only partly dependent on the applied
fluence. Overall, our results show that tolerance to radiation seems to be a common phenomenon among thermophilic and hyperthermophilic
microorganisms. 相似文献